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Over the coming weeks we will be publishing a series of memories of

Lightwoods Park. They were collected at the Park Open Day on 13th
November, 2010 by local resident Sally Taylor and they really are a
fascinating collection. Because the memories were often repeated by
different people, Sally has collated them into a single narrative.
Feel free to add some memories of your own in the comments.

No. 4 I Remember. The Bandstand, Birds, Bowling

& Boating

The bandstand
On any nice day in summer the park would be full, especially if there were
bands playing. Local bands like the Mitchell & Butler band or other
breweries bands like Banks would play. The Salvation Army were often
here as well, especially in the 1960s. Performances would start at 12noon
after church on Sundays. We would bring our chairs from out of our houses
and sit with our picnics enjoying the music.
Ive read that the Birmingham City Police Band played in the 1920s and
1930s and I even have a childhood memory of John Pertwee being here to
open or perform something, in the early 1950s. Id love to find out why he
was here.
The birds
When I was a kid I loved the aviary that was on the right hand side of the
house, the bus station side. I think it was the aviary that made the park
such a good day out really. In the late 1940s I would get so excited about
feeding the birds, even though the park keeper would tell us not to! There

were exotic birds; beautiful budgies and there was a parrot or was it a
cockatoo, Im not sure. It spoke anyway! We would spend ages trying to get
it to say stuff. I remember other small animals too, like rodents and rabbits.
It was such a great day out in the school holidays.
The bowling green
Now, Lightwoods the Bowling Green was quite different. Us kids werent
allowed near it for a start, and for good reason. It was one of the best in the
country. It was immaculate. The mens green was right in front of the house
and there was a womens green on the other side near the band stand. I
remember local elderly people sitting outside the house waiting for their
turn to play Crown Bowls. Only 15 years or so ago I remember the green
being sacred ground for Bert, the keeper.
My mother was a member of the bowling club, it was a really successful
team in the 1970s and 1980s, in the South Birmingham league. They had a
long season, with at least weekly events and competition. There were two
separate club pavilions for the men and for the women. And we mustnt
forget the putting green. That was kept just as pristine, our boys would
always play there after Sunday lunch.
The boats
In 1948 my brothers and I used to come to the pool to sail our wonderful
model yacht. There were lots of children who used to do the same. We used
to paddle in the summer as well the only other option was Bourneville
Lake, which was pretty far away. So it was great to have Lightwoods to play
in because we lived so close. We were here because my grandfather had
been a tram driver on the Hagley Road and he came to live here in 1901
because Bearwood was the terminus. There were always loads of children,
from further afield as well, playing around about the pool. Ive got such fond
My favourite memory of the park is probably paddling, especially on a really
warm summers day. Although you did have to watch out for broken glass. I
fell in one time. I couldnt swim and, just my luck, managed to fall in the
deep end! I was alright though, I was taken to the gardeners hut to dry out
because they had a cast iron stove in there!
We would come for picnics by the pool as well because we were so far from
the seaside. I was a single mum with seven children and I needed a place

like this to bring them. It was like coming to the country from town, being
able to play on the grass and in the water.

No. 3

I Remember. The Shakespeare Gardens

The Shakespeare Garden was a quiet haven. The flowers and plants were all
chosen because they were mentioned in Shakespeares plays and poems, I
always liked that. I especially remember lots of fruit so many peaches!
And plums too. I can see them now, in the corner that we used to call the
walled garden. The peaches looked so good, so delicious. We werent
allowed to pick them, but we wanted to.

There was a pond as well, I think its still there. It was brimming with
goldfish and maybe carp as well, Im not sure. It was wonderful to see all
the fish! There was a proper little iron fence all around it. When we were
little sometimes we would slip into the garden without our parents and I
think the gardener would keep a watchful eye on us if we were near the
The paths and little hedges were great fun for toddlers to play around and
somehow it managed to be such a restful place too, especially for mums
needing some peace and quiet. It was like a safe haven for all different
kinds of people. Parents with young children would come here, and older
people, and courting couples as well although in the old days sometimes
you had to wait your turn with the girl you were courting, for a bench to
become free!

No. 2

I Remember. The House

Lightwoods House Cafe

Do you remember the cafe in the film Brief Encounter? With the wooden
counter and original wood floors? Well thats what our cafe was like. It was
quite romantic really! Wed go for ice-cream usually or sometimes biscuits
and lemonade. They sold tea and coffee too, of course. I remember sticky
buns as well, you could always go and get a sticky bun with your coffee.
I remember having to stretch to reach the high wooden counter. On one end
there was a big glass dome full of cakes and buns. At the back there was a
big copper urn. And there were shelves at the back with Lyons tea
advertised on the mirror. Its the sound of the chairs I remember as well
screeching on the wooden floor.
The cafe was at the bandstand-end of the House, I think the door to the
cafe was on the left hand corner. I never knew what was upstairs though.
And of course the war put the kibosh on it for us; we werent allowed out so
much or so far, in case the air raid sirens went off and we had to get home

Sons of Rest
In the house there was a place where retired men could meet called the
Sons of Rest. From the 1950s I remember they had their own building just
next to Lightwoods House. It was a wooden construction and unfortunately
it burnt down in the early 1990s. But while it was there it was really lovely
for older people. My grandfather and my Dad were both members. The only
rules were that you had to be a man and retired. It was for anyone in this
category, blue or white collar workers, it didnt matter.
It was a place for the men to meet with friends to play snooker, darts, or
whist. There were outings too, which the wives could join, and an annual
meal I think. It got retired men out of the house and away from their wives!
I remember when I was little peering up through the windows and watching
them play dominoes

Rest and play for soldiers

In the First World War the house was used as place for soldiers to
recuperate, including Frank Bodnam who later became a Smethwick
Councillor. Wounded soldiers would come here to rest and be looked after
and there are records of local people being very generous, donating gifts to
the soldiers.

In the Second World War the Americans had a base very near here on a
local factor site. Despite being told, apparently, by a commanding officer,
not to mess with the Ladies, I remember them trying pretty hard to get
dates with our sisters! My older brothers and I used to ask the Americans
for gum or candy and they would give it to us if we agreed to get our sisters
to meet them at the gates of the park later on. We never did that though
we just made sure we went to a different soldier the next day! Some people
must have liked them being here though theres one postcard found that
reads : And this is the Lightwoods. The soldiers have all gone now. Worse
the luck!.

No. 1

I Remember. Park People

Workers Families
We used to come here for a picnic or to hear a band play at the bandstand. I
think people would come to escape the toil, danger and routine of factory
life. They came to re-create ourselves mentally and physically, to

The park seemed more community-based

then, from before WWII up until fairly recently when it started going
downhill. Children came here to grow up. Their childhood was bound up with
the park in many ways. Take Sydney Davies for example. He was a local lad,
only 16 when he signed up to fight in the First World War. He told me the
story of marching towards German machine guns and guess what he
thought about to keep himself going? Lightwoods Park.

Park characters
There were some real characters who used to look after the park as well.
Theyd keep it nice and keep us in check! Keepers or wardens or whatever
they were called, and gardeners too. I remember


chased by the warden many times

when I was naughty, when I was about 8 or 9 years old that would have
been about 1975. I particularly remember Bert, he was almost famous
around here. Everyone knew him because he ran the putting and looked
after the Bowling Green. Right up until the 1980s he looked after it. He
commanded so much respect he had a real authority and us kids would do
what he said! I remember a man called Harry Beard as well. He would cut
the Bowling Green grass on a Saturday morning.

The park was so well kept, I think thats partly why people
would come from all over Hockley, Winson Green, Cape Hill. On a bank
holiday there would literally be hundreds of families playing, eating and

50 preguntas/respuestas bsicas que deberas

in General, Gramtica, Presentaciones October 15, 2012 6 Comments 52101 Views

A continuacin os dejo con un listado de cincuenta preguntas con sus respectivas

respuestas que todo el mundo tiene que conocer. Recomendado sobretodo a
aquellos que estn comenzando a aprender ingls y a los que necesitan un
manual express en caso de irse a un pas extranjero (de habla inglesa).
Las preguntas han sido sacadas de English as a second language.
Solamente le he puesto la traduccin al castellano en la columna de la derecha.
Espero que os sirva de algo
Personal Information

Informacin personal

Whats your name?


Cul es tu nombre?Pedro.

Where are you from? / Where do you come from?

Im from I come from

De dnde eres? / De dnde vienes?Soy de /

Vengo de

Whats your surname / family name?


Cul es tu apellido / nombre de familia?Smith.

Whats your first name?


Cul es tu primer nombre?Tom.

Whats your address?

7865 NW Sweet Street

Cul es tu direccin?786 NW Sweet Street

Where do you live?

I live in San Diego.

Dnde vives?Vivo en San Diego

Whats your (tele)phone number?


Cal es tu nmero de telfono?209-786-9845

How old are you?

Twenty-five. Im twenty-five years old.

Cuntos aos tienes?Veinticinco aos. Tengo 25


When / Where were you born?

I was born in 1961 / Seattle.

Cundo / Dnde naciste?Nac en 1961 / en Seattle.

Are you married? / Whats your marital status?

Im single.

Ests casado? / Cul es tu estado civil?Estoy


What do you do? / Whats your job?

Im a librarian.

A qu te dedicas? / Cul es tu trabajo?Soy


Where did you go?

I went to a friends house.

A dnde fuiste?Fui a casa de un amigo.

What did you do?

We played video games.

Qu hicisteis?Jugamos a los videojuegos.

Where were you?

I was in New York for the weekend.

Dnde estuviste?Estuve en Nueva York durante el fin

de semana.

Have you got a car / job / house / etc.?

Tienes coche / trabajo / casa?Si, tengo un buen

Yes, Ive got a good job.


Have you got any children / friends / books / etc.?

Yes, Ive got three children two boys and a girl.

Tienes algn hijo / amigos / libros?Si, tengo tres hijos.

Dos chicos y una chica.

Can you play tennis / golf / football / etc.?

Yes, I can play golf.

Juegas al tenis / golf / ftbol?Si, juego al golf.

Can you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.?

No, I cant speak Japanese.

Hablas ingls / francs / japons?No, no hablo


Could you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.?

when you were five / two / fifteen / etc. years old?
Yes, I could speak English when I was five years old.

Hablabas ingls / francs / japons cundo tenas

cinco / dos / quince aos?Si, hablaba ingls cuando
tena cinco aos.

Introducing Yourself / Saying Hello

Introducirte / Decir hola

How do you do?

How do you do. Pleased to meet you.

Hola, cmo ests? (Se usa en un ambiente muy

formal)Hola, qu tal? Encantado de conocerle.

How are you?

Fine, thanks. And you?

Qu tal ests?Bien, gracias. Y t?



How can I help you? / May I help you?

Yes. Im looking for a sweater.

Cmo puedo ayudarle? Puedo ayudarle?Si. Estoy

buscando un suter .

Can I try it on?

Sure, the changing rooms are over there.

Puedo probarlo?Claro, all tienes los vestuarios para


How much does it cost? / How much is it?

Its $45.

Cunto cuesta Cunto es?Son 45$

How would you like to pay?

By credit card.

Cmo te gustara pagarlo?Con tarjeta de crdito.

Can I pay by credit card / check / debit card?

Certainly. We accept all major cards.

Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crdito / cheque, taln / o

tarjeta de debito?Desde luego. Aceptamos las
principales tarjetas de crdito.

Have you got something bigger / smaller / lighter / etc.?

Certainly, weve got smaller sizes as well.

Tienes algo ms grande / ms pequeo / ms ligero?

Desde luego, tambin tenemos tallas pequeas.

Asking Something Specific

Preguntar algo especfico

Whats that?
Its a cat!

Qu es eso?Es un gato!

What time is it?

Its three oclock.

Qu hora es?Son las tres en punto.

Can / May I open the window?

Certainly. Its hot in here!

Puedo abrir la ventana?Desde luego. Hace calor


Is there a bank / supermarket / pharmacy / etc. near

Yes. There is a bank on the next corner next to the post

Hay un banco / supermercado / farmacia / etc por

aqu cerca?Si. Hay un banco en la esquina despus de
la oficina de correos.

Where is the nearest bank / supermarket / pharmacy /

The nearest pharmacy is on 15th street.

Dnde est el banco / supermercado / farmacia /

etc ms cercano?La farmacia ms cercana est en
la calle 15.

Who wrote / invented / painted / etc. the ?

Hemingway wrote The Sun Also Rises.

Quin escribi / invent / pint el/la ?Hemingway

escribi Fiesta (as es como se llama la nvela en

Is there any water / sugar / rice / etc.?

Yes, theres a lot of sugar left.

Hay agua / azcar / arroz?Si, todava queda mucho


Are there any apples / sandwiches / books / etc.?

No, there arent any apples left.

Hay manzanas / sndwiches / libros?No, no queda

ninguna manzana.

Is this your / his / her / etc. book / ball / house / etc.?

No, I think its his ball.

Es esto/esta tu/su libro / baln / casa?No. Creo que

es su baln.

Whose is this / that?

Its Jacks.

De quin es esto/eso?Es de Jack.

Questions with Like

Preguntas con Like

What do you like?

I like playing tennis, reading and listening to music.

Qu te gusta?Me gusta jugar al tenis, leer y escuchar


What does he look like?

Hes tall and slim.

Cmo es l?Es alto y esbelto.

What would you like to eat?

Id like to eat a steak and chips.

Qu te gustara comer?Me gustara comer un filete y


What is it like?
Its an interesting country.

Cmo es el pas?Es un pas interesante.

Whats the weather like?

Its raining at the moment.

Cmo est el tiempo?Est lloviendo ahora mismo.

Would you like something to drink / eat?

Thank you. Could I have a cup of tea?

Te gustara beber o comer algo?Gracias. Podra

tomar una taza de te?

Would you like some coffee / tea / food?

Yes, thank you. Id like some coffee.

Te gustara tomar un caf o un te?Si, gracias.

Tomara un caf.

Asking for an Opinion

Preguntar por una opinin

Whats it about?
Its about a young boy who encounters adventures.

De qu va?Es sobre un chico joven que encuentra


What do you think about your job / that book / Tim /

I thought the book was very interesting.

Qu piensas sobre tu trabajo / sobre ese libro / sobre

Tim?Pensaba que el libro sera ms interesante.

How big / far / difficult / easy is it?

The test was very difficult!

Cmo de difcil / fcil fue?El examen fue muy difcil!

How big / far / difficult / easy are they?

The questions were very easy.

Cmo de difcil / fcil fueron?Las preguntas fueron

muy fciles.

How was it?

It was very interesting.

Qu tal estuvo?Estuvo muy interesante.

What are you going to do tomorrow / this evening / next

week / etc.?
Im going to visit some friends next weekend.

Qu vas a hacer maana / esta tarde / la prxima

semana?Voy a visitar a unos amigos el prximo fin de



What shall we do this evening?

Qu deberamos hacer esta tarde?Vayamos a ver

Lets go see a film.

una pelcula

Why dont we go out / play tennis / visit friends / etc.

this evening?
Yes, that sounds like a good idea.

Qu deberamos hacer esta tarde?Vayamos a ver

una pelculaPor qu no vamos fuera / a jugar al tenis /
visitar a los amigos esta tarde?Si, suena como una
gran idea.

Preguntas y respuestas ingls espaol para la

Solicitar informacin de productos y existencias / Product and Stock
(Las palabras variables entre parntesis "day + date", "date" y "time" requieren la
insercin de la fecha y la hora en ingls - ver las pginas: "D +
F" y "Hora" o "Da" para sugerencias y ayuda.)
Temas relacionados: Ofrecer productos, servicios... Contestaciones
negativas... Pedidos y demandas...

Preguntas y respuestas para adaptar:

- Puede usted ofrecer una alternativa?

- Can you offer an alternative?

- Le queda (?sing) en existencias?

- Do you have (?sing) left in stock?

- Tiene usted una gama nueva?

- Do you have a new range?

- Tiene usted (?)?

- Do you have (?)?

- Tiene usted (?) para las fechas


- Do you have (?) for the Christmas period?

- Tiene usted (?)?

- Do you have (?)?

- Le quedan (?plural) en existencias?

- Do you have any (?plural) left in stock?

- Le queda (?no contable) en existencias? - Do you have any (?uncountable) left in


- Conoce usted otros proveedores de (?)? - Do you know any other suppliers of (?)?

- Fabrica usted (?)?

- Do you manufacture (?)?

- Todava fabrica (?)?

- Do you still manufacture (?)?

- Tiene usted en existencias (?)?

- Do you stock (?)?

- Tiene usted en existencias la marca


- Do you stock the brand (NAME)?

- Cuntos (?) tiene usted en existencias?

- How many (?) do you have in stock?

- Cunto (?) tiene usted en existencias?

- How much (?) do you have in stock?

- Qu ms tiene usted?

- What else do you have?

- Cundo puede usted enviarme el


- When can you send me a price quote?

- De qu calidad es (?) que tiene usted en - What quality is (?) that you stock?

- Qu tamao tienen (?) que usted


- What size are (?) that you offer?

- Qu tamao tiene (?) que usted ofrece?

- What size is (?) you offer?

- Qu tipo de (?) tiene usted?

- What type of (?) do you have?

- Cundo salen sus productos para


- When does your Christmas range come


- Cundo estarn disponibles (?plural)?

- When will (?plural) be available by?

- Cundo estar disponible (?sing)?

- When will (?sing) be available by?

- Dnde puedo localizar nuevos

proveedores de (?)?

- Where can I find new suppliers of (?)?

- Dnde puedo localizar otros

proveedores de (?)?

- Where can I find other suppliers of (?)?

- Dnde puedo localizar la marca


- Where can I find the brand (NAME)?

- Por qu no intenta usted el (da y


- Why don't you try on (day + date)?

- La nica alternativa que puedo ofrecer es - The only alternative I can offer is (?). Are
(?). Le interesa a usted?
you interested?

- Tengo (?) en existencias. Cunto quiere


- I have (?) in stock. How much would you


- Tengo (?) en existencias. Cuntos quiere - I have (?) in stock. How many would you

- Adjunto una lista de mis producto.

Aqullos sealados con X estn
actualmente agotados.

- I include a list of my products. Those

marked with an X are currently out of stock.

- Le envo a usted mi nueva gama de


- I'm sending you my new range of


- Le envo a usted mi nueva gama de


- I'm sending you my new range of


- Estudie usted la lista adjunta de products. - Take a look at the attached product list.

- Pida mi lista de precios competitivos.

- Please ask for my competitive price list.

- Si le interesa a usted, le enviar mi lista

de precios.

- If you're interested, I'll send you my price


- Soy el nico proveedor de (?).

- I am the only supplier of (?).

- Soy proveedor de (?).

- I am a supplier of (?).

- Soy fabricante de (?).

- I am a manufacturer of (?).

- Soy el nico fabricante de (?).

- I am the only manufacturer of (?).

- Creo que (NOMBRE) tambin provee (?).

- I think (NAME) also supplies (?).

- Creo que (NOMBRE) tambin fabrica (?).

- I think (NAME) also manufactures (?).

- Llevo suministrando (?) durante 20 aos.

- I have been supplying (?) for 20 years.

- Llevo fabricando (?) durante 10 aos

- I have been manufacturing (?) for 10


- (?) dentro de poco no se encontrar

disponible. Voy a dejar de producir (?) y
cambiar a (?).

- (?) will shortly not be available. I am

phasing (?) out and changing to (?).

- La nueva lista de precios estar

preparada muy pronto.

- A new price list will be ready very soon.

- Se lo enviar cuando lo tenga.

- I'll send it to you when I have it.

- Se los enviar cuando los tenga.

- I'll send them to you when I have them.

- Este producto es de alta calidad con una

larga duracin uso.

- This is a top quality product with a long life


- Ofrezco una garanta de 3 aos en (?).

- I offer a 3 year guarantee on (?).

- Este producto viene con una garanta de

2 aos.

- This product come with a 2 year


- No hay mejor calidad que con el dinero se - The quality is the best money can buy.
puede comprar.

- Viene con toda la parafernalia de


- It comes with all the bells and whistles.

- Vienen con toda la parafernalia de


- It come with all the bells and whistles.

- (?) tiene ms parafernalia de accesorios

que (?).

- (?) has more bells and whistles than (?).

- (?) tienen ms parafernalia de accesorios - (?) have more bells and whistles than (?).
que (?).

- (?) tiene todos los accesorios.

- (?) comes with the complete kit of


- (?) tienen todos los accesorios.

- (?) come with the complete kit of


- (?) viene en piezas. Usted lo arma.

- (?) comes in kit form. You assemble it


- (?) vienen en piezas. Usted los arma.

- (?) come in kit form. You assemble them


- Ruego estipule el tamao que usted


- Please state the size you require.

- Slo ofrezco los tamaos siguientes.

- I only offer the following sizes.

- Dispongo de todos los tipos de (?).

- I have all types of (?).

- Bien. Me pondr en contacto de nuevo en - Fine. I'll get in touch again in (month).

- (NOMBRE) ya no fabrica (?). Es una

lstima pero los tiempos han cambiado.

- (NAME) no longer manufactures (?). It's a

pity but times have changed.

- Ya no fabrico (?). Ya no hay demanda


- I no longer manufacture (?). There just

isn't the demand any more.

- Ya no proveo (?). La gente ya utiliza (?).

- I no longer supply (?). People are now

using (?).

- Del producto que solicita usted no me

queda nada. No espero recibir ms hasta

- I'm completely out of the product you

require. I don't expect to receive any more
until (month).

- No s dnde usted puede localizar uno.

No s quin los vende.

- I don't know where you can find one of

those . I don't know who sells them.

- Mi catlogo de productos para Navidad

todava no est preparado.

- My Christmas product catalogue is not

ready yet.

- Mi catlogo de productos para la

primavera todava no est preparado.

- My spring product catalogue is not ready


- Mi catlogo de productos para el verano

todava no est preparado.

- My summer product catalogue is not ready


- Mi catlogo de productos para el otoo

todava no est preparado.

- My autumn product catalogue is not ready


- No conozco otros proveedores.

- I don't know of any other suppliers.

- No puedo ofrecer una alternativa. Lo


- I can't offer an alternative. Sorry.

- No hay nada ms.

- There's nothing else.

- No estn incluidos los accesorios y se

- Accessories are not included and must be

deben comprar aparte.

purchased separately.

- No tengo ese tamao. El ms prximo

sera (?).

- I don't have that size. The closest would

be (?).

- No tengo esa talla. La ms prxima sera


- I don't have that size. The closest would

be (?).

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