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GeoModeller Training Checklist

1 GeoModeller Workspace.....................................................................................................................2
2 Project..................................................................................................................................................3
3 Sections (including Topography)........................................................................................................4
4 Geology Basics....................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Types of Geology Data.................................................................................................................5
4.2 Create Geology Objects, Stratigraphic Pile and Relationships....................................................5
5 Geology Data.......................................................................................................................................6
5.1 2D (Section) Data and 2D Viewers (Sections).............................................................................6
5.1.1 2D Section Properties............................................................................................................6
5.1.2 Geo-registration of Images on Sections...............................................................................6
5.1.3 Create/Edit Geology Data.....................................................................................................6
5.1.4 Create/Edit Geology Orientation Data..................................................................................7
5.1.5 Points List and Points List Editor (PLE)...............................................................................7
5.1.6 Graphical Editing Tools (2D Mouse Modes)........................................................................7
5.1.7 Managing 2D Data Display see later..................................................................................7
5.1.8 Managing 2D Viewer Display see later.............................................................................7
5.2 3D Data.........................................................................................................................................7
5.3 Drillhole Data...............................................................................................................................8
6 Importing Geology Data......................................................................................................................9
7 Visualising Geology Data.................................................................................................................11
8 Using Geology Data..........................................................................................................................12
9 Deleting Geology Data......................................................................................................................13
10 Export Geology Data.......................................................................................................................14
11 Model Compute...............................................................................................................................14
12 Model Results: Plot in 2D - Lines and Polygons............................................................................14
13 Model Results: Build 3D Shapes.....................................................................................................14
14 Model Results: Exports...................................................................................................................14
15 Full Project Presentation.................................................................................................................14
16 Geophysics: Forward Model...........................................................................................................14
17 Geophysics: Inversion.....................................................................................................................14

1 GeoModeller Workspace
Five main components

Main Menu


Project Explorer tree structure of data and results objects in the Project

2D Viewer showing one or more 2D Sections; associated 2D Toolbar on the left side

3D Viewer showing data and results in 3D; associated 3D Toolbar on the right side

Can re-arrange the layout of the Workspace 2D and 3D Viewers

For display management within the 2D and 3D Viewers see later sections.


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2 Project

Z is up


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3 Sections (including Topography)

2D Sections are a traditional concept in geology, and are important components in GeoModeller.
A section in GeoModeller is some defined surface which intersects the 3D space of a Project

typically a vertical, planar section or a horizontal slice at a specified elevation

may be inclined

can be curved

can be multiple segments A to B to C

the Project topography loaded from a DTM - is a special section

GeoModeller Project: Uses 3D (x, y, z) coordinates

GeoModeller Section: Uses 2D (u, v) coordinates
Every section has a defined 2D (u, v) coordinate framework

vertical section: u is along the section, v is up (and same as z of the 3D x, y, z coordinates)

topography, or horizontal slice section: u is east, v is north

The location of any data point on a Section is defined in terms of the Section (u, v) coordinate.
For every section, a function of (u, v) maps onto the true 3D (x, y, z) coordinate of any point

thus, a Section in GeoModeller is a function: P(x, y, z) = f (u, v)

the special topography (map) Section is a function

Use the Points List Editor (see later) to enter points in a 2D Viewer to define the trace of a Section.
Points can be edited to create a Section between exact coordinates.
Click left-to-right on the Topo-Map 2D Viewer to create a traditional west-to-east vertical Section.
Main Menu | View | Points List Visualisation to set Spline degree to 0 to create a section with
multiple straight-line segments (Otherwise the Section is created along the Points Lists curved
spline line)

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4 Geology Basics
4.1 Types of Geology Data
Two main types of geology data (geology observations) in GeoModeller

Contacts points defining the position of a geology surface (formation top/bottom, or fault)
(x, y, z, formation-or-fault-name)

Orientation Data points defining the attitude of a geology surface i.e. strike & dip
(x, y, z, dip, dip-direction, polarity, formation-or-fault-name)

As noted above, position is typically described in terms of (u, v) on a specified Section, which then
maps onto a corresponding true 3D (x, y, z) coordinate via the Section-position-function.
There are also

Fold Axial Surface Position, Orientation and Hingeline Data

Comment on Orientation Data and Normal/Overturned (Polarity)

Normal dip measured between 0-90deg

Overturned measured between 0-90deg

Field Terminology

How dip is recorded

GeoModeller Dialogs

Normal Dip

0-90 towards specified azimuth



0-90 towards specified azimuth

Reverse (Overturned)



Polarity in Files

Use care with orientation data. In effect, orientation data describe a facing vector to geology
surfaces and your orientation data must properly define that facing direction for geology

For typical, non-overturned, sub-horizontal sedimentary strata, the facing of such strata is
upwards. For this case, orientation data are defined between 0-90 and normal. (Consider
a pole-to-the-geology-surface inclined between 0-90 from vertical)

Where geology surfaces are overturned, orientation data in that vicinity should have the
conventional 0-90 dip traditionally recorded by geologists but with reverse polarity.

When describing the attitude of geology-intrusion-surfaces, typically consider a facing

which is oriented inwards into the intrusion and define your orientation data points
accordingly. ( and set the rock-relationship in the pile to be erode).

Note that a fault may dip one way at some location, and dip in the reverse direction at some
other point; you will need to use the reverse or overturned terminology for some of the faults
orientation data. It does not matter which way you do this the fault can be facing one way
or the other you just need to describe it so that it has a consistent facing.

Create Geology Objects, Stratigraphic Pile and Relationships

Create Formation, Fault, Axial Surface Objects

Stratigraphic Pile Create, Edit

Tops or Bottoms of Formations


Page 5

Onlap/Erode Relationships

Link Series to Faults, Link Faults to Faults (Fault Network)

Define Limited Faults

5 Geology Data
Introduce the various types of geology data

2D Data on 2D Sections extensive editing and display management tools

3D Data import, visualise, use in model-building, delete but no editing

Drillhole data

Introduce the idea of different data structures

each Section is a data structure that contains the data on that Section

3D Data and Drillhole data are stored in different data structures


thus Drillholes dont belong on a Section but can be projected onto a Section

2D (Section) Data and 2D Viewers (Sections)

5.1.1 2D Section Properties

Sections have 2D (u, v) coordinates which map onto true 3D (x, y, z) coordinates

Topography is a Section

Sections are displayed individually in 2D Viewer windows

Where am I? What distance in this Section?

Cursor tracking shows 2D (u, v) and 3D (x, y, z) coordinates

Tape Measure tool (see also Mouse Modes)

5.1.2 Geo-registration of Images on Sections

Geo-registration of images onto Section (u, v) space a source of geology data

5.1.3 Create/Edit Geology Data

Introduce Mouse Modes Create Mode > Create

Auto-selection and right-mouse pop-up menu > Edit

Create/Edit Geology Data dialog (formations, faults)


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Details of the dialog, associated, etc

Can also import geology data to a Section more later

5.1.4 Create/Edit Geology Orientation Data

Create/Edit Geology Orientation Data dialog (formations, faults)

Details of the dialog

Can also import geology orientation data to a Section more later

5.1.5 Points List and Points List Editor (PLE)

Introduce the Points List Start, End, Order, Current Point, Current Segment, Angle

Points List Editor (PLE) Toolbar docked and floating

Floating PLE Table Views, editing data values in the PLE

Manage the display of the Points List (the green spline line, etc) in the 2D Viewers

5.1.6 Graphical Editing Tools (2D Mouse Modes)

Comment on each mode

Note on cursor tracking feed-back while editing

5.1.7 Managing 2D Data Display see later

5.1.8 Managing 2D Viewer Display see later

5.2 3D Data
Sometimes we know the full (x, y, z) position of geology data points - contacts and orientation data
but these data do not belong on a Section we can load these to the 3D Data data structure.

Cannot create 3D data

Can only import 3D Data (see below)

The only way to create data (i.e. digitise, interpret) is on Sections in 2D Viewers

Cannot edit 3D Data

3D Data is the same as 2D Data (stored on Sections). They are

points of geology observation at known (x, y, z) location

for a named geology Formation or Fault

for geology contacts, they must be points that define a top (or bottom) of Formation

for orientation data - dip, dip direction and polarity must be defined


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they are used in Model Compute, just like any other geology data

Delete - Manage via Project Explorer

2D View Show, Hide, Manage display attributes

3D View Show, Hide, Manage display attributes

5.3 Drillhole Data

There are two important differences with Drillhole Data

we need to define the location of the drillhole trace i.e. the collar position, and surveys

we simply specify the drilled geology intervals - not need to interpret tops or bottoms

GeoModeller examines the drilled geology intervals, in the context of the order of formations
defined in the stratigraphic column, and the rock relationships and deduces valid geology contacts.

These drillhole deduced geology contacts are just like any other geology contact

This process is done on-the-fly at the start of a Model-Compute

GeoModeller gets this right even for cases of a drilled interval through overturned geology


GeoModeller gets it wrong when Formation A is juxtaposed to Formation B due to faulting

The solution when assessing and preparing drillhole data files for import, specify the drilled
geology interval data such that there is a small (1cm) gap wherever a fault has brought two
geology formations into juxtaposition.

Drillhole data files

The industry standard ASCII CSV collars, surveys and geology-from-to files are supported,
and the interface allows flexibility to read a wide variation of data files in this general format

Two other formats but these are less flexible at this stage: BRGMs GDM format, and
another simple ASCII format


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6 Importing Geology Data

Type of data BRGM ASCII Format

If I have a data in the special BRGM ASCII
format the same format that is used to dump all
data and plotted geology lines from a 2D Section
then those data have (u, v) coordinates and
belong on a Section (see format description)

Import to 2D Data Sections

Main Menu | Import | Import 2D Data
Opens a simple dialog; browse to the *.data file
in BRGM format; Press [OK]

Type of data contact data in ASCII CSV with (u, v) coordinates

If I have an ASCII CSV file containing columns
for (u, v) location and geology/fault name
these data can be imported provided they belong
on a 2D Section, and that Section exists in the
Project, and the Sections (u, v) coordinate space
correspond with the (u, v) coordinate space of the
data in the file.

Import to 2D Data Sections

You must massage the file into the same format
as the INTERFACES portion of the above
BRGM ASCII format then
Main Menu | Import | Import 2D Data

There is at present no Import for a generalised (In setting up the BRGM format file, do not
ASCII CSV file. First re-format the file
values; those are only valid when dumped out
from a GeoModeller 2D Section)
Type of data orientation data in ASCII CSV with (u, v) coordinates
Data as above but now also with dip (0-90), dip Import to 2D Data Sections
direction and polarity (1=normal, -1=overturned) You must massage the file into the same format
Again there is no generalised ASCII CSV as the FOLIATIONS portion of the above
importer yet
BRGM ASCII format then
Main Menu | Import | Import 2D Data

Type of data - contact data in ASCII CSV with (x, y, z) coordinates

If I have an ASCII CSV file containing columns Import to 3D Data
for (x, y, z) location and geology/fault name Main Menu | Import | Import 3D Data | Import
and these data are variably distributed through 3D Geology Interface Data
3D space
Opens a generalised ASCII import tool, select
which columns you require as X, Y, Z and the
geology/fault code. Allows ft>m conversion of
X, Y & Z. Allows geology codes from file to be
mapped to geology codes in Project.


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If I have the above and I know that data are Import and Project to 2D Sections
closely aligned to a section and the required Main Menu | Import | Import 3D Data | Import
sections exists in the GeoModeller Project
3D Geology Data and Project to Sections
Opens a generalised ASCII import tool as

Type of data orientation data in ASCII CSV with (x, y, z) coordinates

If I have an ASCII CSV file containing columns Import to 3D Data
for (x, y, z) location and geology/fault name
Main Menu | Import | Import 3D Data | Import
but now also with dip (0-90), dip direction and 3D Geology Orientation Data
polarity (1=normal, -1=overturned)
Opens a generalised ASCII import tool, select
which columns you require as X, Y, Z, dip, dipdirection, polarity and the geology/fault code.
Allows ft>m conversion of X, Y & Z. Allows
geology codes from file to be mapped to geology
codes in Project.
Type of data Drillhole data in three files ASCII CSV collars, surveys and geology files
Import to Drillholes data structure
Main Menu | Import | Import Drillhole Data |
Import Collars, Surveys, Geology (3 files)
Opens a dialog that allows you to browse to each
of the three files, and select which columns to
use from each file as the required input fields


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7 Visualising Geology Data

Type of data

Show / Hide on a 2D Section

2D Section Data - contact and orientation.

Y shown by default. To Show/Hide

In 2D Viewer (2DV), Popup Menu | Display
parameters, check on or off

3D contacts

Y Project Data Onto Sections (Ctrl + I)

3D orientation data

Drillhole intervals

Y Project Data Onto Sections (Ctrl + I)

DH deduced contacts

Y Project Data Onto Sections (Ctrl + I)

Type of data

Show / Hide on another Section

2D Section Data - contact (not orientation)

Y Project Data Onto Sections (Ctrl + I)

Type of data

Show / Hide in 3D Viewer

All 2D and 3D contacts data for all Formations

From the Project Explorer Formations object,

Popup Menu | Show 3D Interfaces
(toggles to Hide 3D Interfaces)

All 2D and 3D contacts data for selected Main Menu | View | 3D Viewer | Show interface
data; select formations/faults in the dialog, [OK]
Re-use to Show data for an alternative selection
(and thus Hide data previously Shown).
All 2D and 3D orientation data for selected Main Menu | View | 3D Viewer | Show
orientation data; select formations/faults in the
dialog, press [OK]
Re-use to Show data for an alternative selection
(and thus Hide data previously Shown).
This dialog also controls the size and thickness of
the displayed orientation data disc symbols


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8 Using Geology Data

Geology data are used in GeoModellers Model-Compute process. The compute-process is a cokriging solution which derives the mathematical equations that define interpolated geology surfaces
for each geology formation and fault. The equations are the geology model. All geology plots and
3D surfaces are then derived from that set of equations, taking into account the order defined in the
stratigraphic pile, and the rock relationships, and the links between formations and faults.
At this stage once data are loaded into a Project there is only limited control over whether the
data are used or not in the model-compute process. Most forms of geology data in the Project are
always used.
Type of data

Used in the Model-Compute process?

2D Section Data - contact and Select which Sections are used in the Model-Compute dialog;
all data on the selected Section(s) are used.
3D Data contact and orientation

Always used

Drillhole intervals used to deduce

Drillhole deduced contacts

Always used

For those data which are always used in the Model-Compute process, the only option for not using
such data is to delete them from the Project.


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9 Deleting Geology Data

There is currently NO UNDO!
Type of data

How to delete

2D Section Data - contact and orientation. Delete In 2D Viewer (2DV), in all edit mouse modes,
selected interface points, orientation data, and auto-select, Popup Menu, Delete
objects (grouped interface points)
In 2DV, in all edit mouse modes, auto-select,
press Delete key, confirm Y to delete
In 2DV, Delete objects mouse mode, mouse drag
rectangle to lasso points, confirm Y to delete
In 2DV, Delete points mouse mode, click on
point immediate delete (no confirmation)
2D Section Data contact and orientation

delete all contacts from a Section, OR

delete all orientation data from Section

In 2DV, Popup Menu | Data | Delete | Geology

data, confirm Y to delete all
In 2DV, Popup Menu | Data | Delete | Geology
orientation data, confirm Y to delete all

This Delete dialog is also available from Project

From the Project Explorer Section object, Popup
Explorer Popup Menu on each Section object.
Menu as above
2D Section Data - contact and orientation Navigate from the Project Explorer Formation
various delete combinations, including
object down to either the interface object,
orientation data object or the section objects
Delete all interface data for a geology
below those
formation or fault

Delete all orientation data for a geology

formation or fault

Delete all interface data for a geology

formation or fault on a specified section

Delete all orientation data for a geology

formation or fault on a specified section

Popup Menu, Delete, confirm Y to delete

3D Data - contact and orientation various Navigate from the Project Explorer Formation
delete combinations, including
object down to the 3D Data object

Delete all interface data for a geology Popup Menu, Delete, confirm Y to delete
formation or fault

Delete all orientation data for a geology

formation or fault

2D Section Data and 3D Data - contact and Navigate from the Project Explorer Formation
orientation various delete combinations, object down to a specific geology series or
geology formation or fault object

Delete all 2D and 3D Data for a geology Popup Menu, Delete, confirm Y to delete

Delete all 2D and 3D Data for a fault


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10 Export Geology Data

Types of Data 1: Formation, Fault, Orientation, Axial Surface Data
Types of Data 2: 2D Section Data, 3D Data and Contacts deduced from Drillholes
2D Section Data to ASCII 2D (u, v)
All Data to ASCII 3D (x, y, z)
2D Section Data to GIS

11 Model Compute
12 Model Results: Plot in 2D - Lines and Polygons
Plot Model in 2D sections
2D View Show, Hide, Manage display attributes
3D View of 2D Section Model-Plots

13 Model Results: Build 3D Shapes

Build 3D Shapes
3D View and Project Explorer to Manage Display

14 Model Results: Exports

Lines and polygons as ASCII (2D export; BRGM format)
Lines and polygons as GIS (2D export)
Lines and polygons as 3D vector data (3D export)
Model as Shapes: T-Surf
Model as Shapes: other formats?
Model as Shapes: VRML (see below)
Model as Voxets:

15 Full Project Presentation

VRML Export of data, drillholes and geology/fault shapes in 3D

16 Geophysics: Forward Model

17 Geophysics: Inversion

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