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Office of the Commissioner

445 MiJUlesota Street· Suite 1000 • Saint Paul, MiJUlesota 55101-5100
Phone: 651.201.7160· Fax: 651.297.5728· TTY: 651.282.6555
January 3, 2008

Mrs. Julie Myers, Assistant Secretary

u.s. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
and Gambling 425 I Street NW
Enforcement Washington DC 20536

Bureau of Dear Assistant Secretary Myers:

I am -writing to request participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287 (g) ofthe
Driver Innnigration and Naturalization Act. Given our past relationship IN.ith ICE, this partnership "Will enable
and Vehic le
us to better serve and meet the needs ofthe residents of the State ofMirmesota.

Homeland I have been in connnunication "With representatives of your field offices in the Mirmeapolis/Saint Paul
Security and
Emergency area. Special Agent in Charge (bt( 6 ). (b.)(I XC) and Field Operations Director Scott Baniecke have been
Management very helpful and encouraging. With their advice, I am proposing the following:
State Patrol • Establishment ofIdentification Review Officers (2) at our State Correctional Facility
Office of located in Saint Cloud, MN. This facility will be our central intake for all prisoners
Communications entering the Mirmesota corrections system.
Office of
Justice Programs • Train (3) State Agents assigned to ICE managed Task Forces. Two assigned to the
Office of Document and Benefit Fraud Task Force and One on the Human Trafficking Task
Traffic Safety Force.
State Fire
Marshal and • Training facilities are available at the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension offices in
Pipeline Safety
Saint Paul MN. Instructors can utilize computer training aids, videos, and any other
materials they need in instructing persoIlllel.

This program IN.iil allow us to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that "Will enable us to
participate "With ICE in identifying criminal illegal aliens who pose a risk to the citizens of The State of
MiIlllesota. I look forward to your speedy endorsement ofthis request and moving forward "With this
program for the benefit of all.

Please feel free to call me if I can answer any questions or concerns.


The State of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
287(g) Field Survey Attachment

3. How will 287(g) be utilized within your agency?

The requesting agency has marked that 287(g) will be utili zed by both Task Force
Officers and Jail Enforcement Officers. Since this request is coming from the entire State
of Minnesota. it is unclear whether these positions will be centrally located or spread
throughout the state.

4. Approximately how many aliens per month will be identified, processed, and turned over
to ICE?

The requesting agency listed 10- J 5 aliens per month. This number appears quite small
for the entire state of Minnesota.

6. What are the average monthly booking and releases that are foreign born?

The requesting agency li sted 23. It is unclear whether this number is just out of state
correctional facilities or all detention facilities located in Minnesota.

7. What is the foreign born inmate population?

The requesting agency listed 588 . It is uncl ear whether thi s number is just out of state
correctional facili ties or all detention facili ties located in Minnesota.

21. What hOUSing options are available at the facility for ICE to enter into an Inter
Government Service Agreement IGSAIlGA ?

The requesting agency listed the counties of Ramsey, Hennepin, Carver, and Sherburne
stating that ICE already holds IGSA's with these facilities. The St. Paul DRO office does
not currently hold an IGSA with Hennepin County. Also, this office would like the State
to designate one of their own detention facilities and entertain the idea entering into a
new IG SA with that facility. This way the State could set aside a specifi c number of beds
to cover the 287(g) program.

22. What bed and associated services are provided within the stated pricing?

This would be dependent on the facility designated.

Ojji~ oj/he Assistant Secre{(lry

u.s. Department of Homeland Sfi:llrity

425 r Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

JAN - 4 2008
Me Michael Camp ion
Commi ssi oner
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Comm issioner Campion:

Thank you for January 3, 2008, letter to Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary fo r Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (lC E), regarding your interest in the ICE ACCESS and 28 7(g)
delegation of authority programs.

On January 4, 2007, my office forwarded your request to the ICE Office of Invest igations and
the ICE Office of Detention and Removal Management. Please continue to wo rk wit h Special
Agent in Charge \~X§ ). (ll.xn; and Field Operations Director Scott Baniecke, as you have
been in the past.

We look forwarding to continuing our partnership wi th the Stale of MilUlesota and I will be
persona ll y in contact with you next wee k.


aendergra~p!<h~~'f"Y'~ l __ ~
Sheriff (ret.)
Executive Director
Office of State and Local Coordination

cc: Governor Tim Pawlenty, Washington Office

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