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Economics 302 - Microeconomic Theory II: Strategic Behavior

Instructor: Songzi Du
compiled by Shih En Lu
Simon Fraser University

March 23, 2015

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Most Important Things to Learn

Conditional probability (Bayes rule).

Understand the economic intuition of signaling.

Know how to find signaling equilibria.

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Quick Review of Probabilities

Let P(X ) be the probability of an event X occurring.

Let P(X , Y ) be the probability both events X and Y occurring.
Let P(X | Y ) be the probability of event X occurring given that event
Y has occurred.
Bayes rule:
P(X | Y ) =

P(X , Y )
P(Y )

Law of total probability:

P(X ) = P(Y )P(X | Y ) + P(not Y )P(X | not Y )

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Example 1

Your neighbor has 2 children. You learn that he has a son, Joe. What
is the probability that Joes sibling is a brother?

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Example 2

40% of population is rich, the other 60% poor. Among the rich, 40%
uses iPhone, and 60% uses Samsung Galaxy. Among the poor, 50%
uses iPhone, and 50% uses Samsung Galaxy. Suppose you see
someone uses iPhone, how likely is he/she rich?

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Example 3

Suppose a drug test is 99% sensitive and 99% specific. That is, the
test will produce 99% true positive results for drug users and 99%
true negative results for non-drug users. Suppose that 0.5% of people
are users of the drug. If a randomly selected individual tests positive,
what is the probability he or she is a user?

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Sometimes, part of the informed side of a market wants to reveal

Example: smart job applicants.
How to do so credibly?
Idea: certain tasks are easier for some people than others.
Example: going to school is easier for smarter (in an academic sense)
If such tasks are worthwhile for some people, but not for others, they
can provide information about peoples type.

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Education as a Signal (Spence, 1973)

Two types of workers: skilled (s = 1) and unskilled (s = 0). Both are
Fraction p of the worker pool is skilled.
Education (e = 1 if educated, e = 0 if not) does NOT enhance skills.
It imposes cost c on skilled workers and k > c on unskilled ones.
So skilled workers have utility we ce and unskilled ones have utility
we ke, where w is the wage.

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Education as a Signal (Spence, 1973)

Two types of workers: skilled (s = 1) and unskilled (s = 0). Both are
Fraction p of the worker pool is skilled.
Education (e = 1 if educated, e = 0 if not) does NOT enhance skills.
It imposes cost c on skilled workers and k > c on unskilled ones.
So skilled workers have utility we ce and unskilled ones have utility
we ke, where w is the wage.
The firm observes education (e), but not type (s), pays workers their
expected skill level conditional on education:
w1 = E[s | e = 1] = (s = 1 | e = 1),
w0 = E[s | e = 0] = (s = 1 | e = 0).
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Equilibrium in a Signaling Game

Each type of the informed side (here skilled and unskilled workers)
must act optimally.
The uninformed side (the firm) has beliefs : probabilities on the
types of the informed side, conditional on the observables
(education) . It acts optimally based on those beliefs (i.e., pay wages
based on the conditional beliefs).

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Equilibrium in a Signaling Game

Each type of the informed side (here skilled and unskilled workers)
must act optimally.
The uninformed side (the firm) has beliefs : probabilities on the
types of the informed side, conditional on the observables
(education) . It acts optimally based on those beliefs (i.e., pay wages
based on the conditional beliefs).
Example: Educated workers are skilled with probability 0.7, and
non-educated workers are skilled with probability 0.2
(s = 1 | e = 1) = 0.7, (s = 1 | e = 0) = 0.2.

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Equilibrium in a Signaling Game

Each type of the informed side (here skilled and unskilled workers)
must act optimally.
The uninformed side (the firm) has beliefs : probabilities on the
types of the informed side, conditional on the observables
(education) . It acts optimally based on those beliefs (i.e., pay wages
based on the conditional beliefs).
Example: Educated workers are skilled with probability 0.7, and
non-educated workers are skilled with probability 0.2
(s = 1 | e = 1) = 0.7, (s = 1 | e = 0) = 0.2.
In equilibrium, beliefs must be consistent with what the informed
side is doing (derived from Bayes rule).
Example: If fraction q of the skilled and fraction q 0 of the unskilled
get educated, what must the firms beliefs be?

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Equilibrium in a Signaling Game

Each type of the informed side (here skilled and unskilled workers)
must act optimally.
The uninformed side (the firm) has beliefs : probabilities on the
types of the informed side, conditional on the observables
(education) . It acts optimally based on those beliefs (i.e., pay wages
based on the conditional beliefs).
Example: Educated workers are skilled with probability 0.7, and
non-educated workers are skilled with probability 0.2
(s = 1 | e = 1) = 0.7, (s = 1 | e = 0) = 0.2.
In equilibrium, beliefs must be consistent with what the informed
side is doing (derived from Bayes rule).
Example: If fraction q of the skilled and fraction q 0 of the unskilled
get educated, what must the firms beliefs be?
Note: beliefs after unexpected behaviour can be anything. So if
nobody gets educated, then the firm is free to have any belief if,
hypothetically, it sees an educated person.
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Pooling Equilibrium

Let w0 be the wage of uneducated workers, w1 be the wage of

educated workers.
In a pooling equilibrium, all types do the same thing.

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Pooling Equilibrium

Let w0 be the wage of uneducated workers, w1 be the wage of

educated workers.
In a pooling equilibrium, all types do the same thing.
For example, nobody gets educated, and everyone is paid w0 = p.

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Pooling Equilibrium

Let w0 be the wage of uneducated workers, w1 be the wage of

educated workers.
In a pooling equilibrium, all types do the same thing.
For example, nobody gets educated, and everyone is paid w0 = p.
If everyone gets educated, and everyone is paid w1 = p.

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Pooling Equilibrium I

Suppose no-one gets educated.

This is only sustainable if skilled workers dont find it worthwhile to
be educated. So we must have w1 c w0 = p.

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Pooling Equilibrium I

Suppose no-one gets educated.

This is only sustainable if skilled workers dont find it worthwhile to
be educated. So we must have w1 c w0 = p.
So any profile of the following form is a pooling equilibrium:
Nobody gets educated.
w0 = (s = 1 | e = 0) = p,
w1 = (s = 1 | e = 1) c + p

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Pooling Equilibrium II
Suppose everyone gets educated.
This is only sustainable if unskilled workers find it worthwhile to be
educated. So we must have w0 w1 k = p k.

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Pooling Equilibrium II
Suppose everyone gets educated.
This is only sustainable if unskilled workers find it worthwhile to be
educated. So we must have w0 w1 k = p k.
So any profile of the following form is a pooling equilibrium:
Everyone gets educated.
w1 = (s = 1 | e = 1) = p,
w0 = (s = 1 | e = 0) p k

This equilibrium exists only if k p.

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Separating Equilibrium

In a separating equilibrium, each type does something different.

Here, it must be that the skilled get educated, and the unskilled dont.

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Separating Equilibrium

In a separating equilibrium, each type does something different.

Here, it must be that the skilled get educated, and the unskilled dont.
w0 = (s = 1 | e = 0) = 0,
w1 = (s = 1 | e = 1) = 1.

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Separating Equilibrium

For the separating equilibrium to exist, it must be that:


the skilled find an education worthwhile: c 1; and

the unskilled dont find an education worthwhile: k 1.

Thus, the signaling device must be not too costly for some and costly
enough for others.

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Semi-Separating (or Partially Pooling) Equilibrium

In a semi-separating (also known as partially pooling) equilibrium, one
type plays a mixed strategy.
For example, fraction q of skilled workers get an education.

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Semi-Separating (or Partially Pooling) Equilibrium

In a semi-separating (also known as partially pooling) equilibrium, one
type plays a mixed strategy.
For example, fraction q of skilled workers get an education.
Thus, skilled workers must be indifferent between e = 1 and e = 0, so
w1 c = w0 .
Hence, unskilled workers will strictly prefer being uneducated, so
w1 = (s = 1 | e = 1) = 1.
Thus, w0 = 1 c. Also, we must have
w0 = (s = 1 | e = 0) =
Thus, 1 c =

1pq ,

so q =

p(1 q)
1 pq

cp .

Since 0 < q < 1, this equilibrium exists if and only if 1 p < c < 1.
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Summary of Signaling Equilibrium

We always assume c < k and 0 p 1.

Pooling (no education)
Semi-Separating (skilled mixes)
Pooling (education)
Semi-Separating (unskilled mixes)

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no extra condition
1p <c <1
k p
p<k <1
c 1, k 1

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A Separating Equilibrium

Springbok stotting or pronking, signaling to predators that this is a fit

and fast animal, not worth chasing.
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A Pooling Equilibrium

Mexical Milk Snake (left, non-venomous) and Texas Coral Snake (right,
highly venomous)

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Signaling Summary

Credible mechanism for (potentially) revealing information.

Three categories of equilibria: pooling (no information is transmitted),
separating (type is always revealed) and semi-separating.
Whether (and how many) equilibria exist within each category
depends on model parameters.
Everywhere in life: gifts, how you dress, idiosyncratic application
requirements, etc.

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