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Jnae Saunders
Graphic Design
Level 06




Marcus Songs is a Leeds College of Music musician, who specialises in the pop
and R&B genre. In collaboration with a Leeds based music magazine Deluge, the
artist needed a poster design for a printed ad feature, that would showcase his
new songs.

The concept was derived from the Artists aesthetic wants and the aim is
to create a nostalgic polaroid style poster, with a modern twist. Using warm
colours and applying the promotional information to highlight the artists



To design a promotional poster for musician Marcussongs, to be featured in

Deluge magazine and for local distribution, using the artists press shots. The
poster should aim to promote and highlight the new songs the artist has released
on iTunes. Influenced by the artists style of music and presence.

Promotional poster.
Magazine feature.

Extended Practice


Design Research



A imperative part to the design process was to create a polaroid style poster. for
the clients vision.

Artists Bogdan Ceausescus modernist music poster layouts, was an influential

factor for the modern twists the client wanted for the poster for a contemporary
layout for the poster information.

A variation of applications of polaroid style photography was sourced to consider

the layout of the imagery, filters and layering options for a multitude of images,
which was considered for Marcussongs press shot imagery.

Typography with polaroid style imagery generically uses a hand rendered style to
give a personal and nostalgic tone of voice. Serif and San Seri alternatives where
also considered to maintain a modern aesthetic to the design.





Design Development



A series of typographic arrangements where experimented with to determine

what would work best with the overall aesthetic of the poster. The final resolution
was the most contemporary and works with the juxtaposing imagery for visual

The images where transformed into polaroids to achieve the clients vision,
warm filters were placed over the top to get an authentic look of a freshly taken
polaroid as well as the outter frame.

The san serif type also has editorial magazine qualities that would contextually fit
in with the overall aesthetic and where it will be distributed. The headline uses
Didot with a leading of 5px for fluidity and readability.

'Like That' and 'Don't Look Now

'Like That' and 'Don't Look Now'

available on


Design Development

available on



Influenced by the filters within the pollaroids, colour is introduced to the

backgrounds of the poster variations to make the design stand out and have a
consistent uniform style.

The layout takes on a simple layout, to let the imagery and type take full
coverage. The layout is centred for visual consistency and is a common feature
used for promotional music poster design.

This decision was considered due to the volume of content in a magazine and the
client wanting to highlight their new music, so it is imperative for the poster to
make a statement.

The final poster has a nostalgic presence that is detailed through the polaroid
imagery and warm filter colours. A modern twist is detailed through the
contemporary typography that has an editorial style and a simplistic clean layout.


Final Resolution



A collection of the poster designs set up within Leeds city to promote the
artists music and to show the design in a alternative context and how it can be
distributed apart from the magazine feature.

The design works simultaneously and stands out amongst other artwork and
is highlighted by the warm filters that have been applied to the photography.
The poster is portrait to keep consistency with the way it is presented in the


Final Resolution

Magazine Feature


A proposed design of how the poster would correlate in the Deluge magazine
feature, with a follow up interview about the artist.

The layout for magazine would incorporate the tones from the poster to create a
harmonious double paged spread. Continuing the modern and nostalgic vibe and
to create a vibrant feature. To satisfy the clients wants of highlighting their new

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