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The nodes of a VANET network have a characteristic
mobility which is influenced by aspects such as achieved
route, maintenance a topology, reconstruction of roads, etc.
One can say that in every moment you have a totally different
network with other features in which coexist mobile elements
(vehicles that move through the highways, roads, etc.). And
static elements (antennas provide connectivity to these
vehicles). Considering the above, this type of networks should
have the following characteristics:
Dynamic Topologies: The VANET networks are
constituted by mobile nodes, causing which the network
topology change continuously, building and destroying links
between nodes.
Network Connectivity: The degree of connectivity to
network, depends heavily on the range of wireless connections
and the number of participating vehicles, namely not all
vehicles on the road; could be equipped with wireless
interfaces of communication (OBUs).
Limited bandwidth: The available bandwidth in a wireless
infrastructure is lower than in a wired infrastructure
additionally is underutilized due to attenuation and
interference of electromagnetic signals. However, users will
want to have the same applications available on a wired
Unlimited Power: The drawbacks of power in mobile
devices not constitute a major limitation for vehicular
networks, since the node itself (vehicle); can provide
continuous power to the computer and communication
Greater capacity computational: Indeed, vehicular
networks often require providing greater detection capabilities,
communication and computing, so vehicles and stations
should have very good computer equipment.
Predictable Mobility: Usually vehicles tend to have
movements easy prediction, since they are limited by the
design of the roads. With GPS technology, it is possible to
know the exact position of the vehicle, with this information
and knowing also the trajectory and speed of movement
thereof, can predict its future position.
Scale potentially large: The vehicular networks extend
over the entire road network, thereby increasing the size of the
network; this would involve the participation of a large
number of nodes, which require high power levels to expand
their range of coverage and maintain the communications.
High Mobility: Vehicular networks operate on a highly

dynamic environment. The topology of the network tends to

change of form randomly and rapidly at all times, preventing
the establishment of network connectivity, which must be
maintained stable for which communication services can
operate smoothly. In this case the routing protocol should be
changed or adjusted. Vehicles on the road traveling at very
high speeds (relatively 100 km/h on motorways and 60 km/h
in the city) which leads to predict that the period of intervehicular communication can be short.
The increases of speed occur when the traffic density is low
and when it increases (especially in peak hours), the speed
decreases accordingly.
Network Partition: Due to the dynamic nature of traffic,
the vehicular networks frequently are partitioned. For
example, in scenarios of low population density (rural areas),
traffic can become so scarce and therefore be several clusters
of isolated nodes.
Autonomy: Each terminal is an autonomous node with
capacity of to process and route the information from other
nodes in the same network.
Control Distributed of Network: The control is done at
each node, since there is no infrastructure to do.
Routing: It is necessary that each node by separately and
all together provide a dynamic routing mechanism. The
classical protocols of routing are not applicable to this type of
networks because they are not prepared for the changes of
topology that present the VANETs. Currently, they are
developing routing algorithms to address this problem.

Given these characteristics also have to take into account

some factors when implementing a protocol for VANET
infrastructure with in order to obtain high yields of the
network and try to mitigate the possible adverse obstacles that
can be found in such architectures. Among these factors have:
Security: This type of networks used the wireless medium
of transport, which means that anyone can have access. Should
be maintained the confidentiality of information for that are
not received by third parties not involved. The impersonation
of nodes and DoS (Denial of Service) are some of the simplest
attacks that can suffer the environment in which this
architecture moves.
Position the streets: In a population, existing streets
delimit the paths which can carry the vehicles. This restriction
of mobility implies the relevance of factors such as the spatial
distribution of the nodes and network connectivity. This
spatial distribution of the nodes can lead to scenarios where
exist roads with one or more lanes, with one direction or two
directions, to nodes in parallel streets, etc.


Size of population sectors: The urban areas are made up of

a cluster of buildings, houses, parks of different sizes and
other heterogeneous elements that make up the different urban
areas: towns, cities, etc. The size of these areas will help to
determine the traffic density that may occur in a given time.
Mechanisms traffic control: Road signs intended to
control traffic in an urban area, located at the intersections,
cause intermittent stops on vehicles. And traffic density, the
formation of jams, decreases their mobility and directly affects
the rate of changes in the network topology.



Wireless networks are not based on a fixed infrastructure of

information broadcast. The VANET networks follow the same
principle established that the infrastructure ad-hoc being able
to define three main types of architectures for the broadcast of
messages. These architectures are: architecture with
infrastructure, Architecture without infrastructure, and finally
hybrid architecture between the two previous.
Architecture with infrastructure: Also known by the
name of centralized networks, where there is an access point
(base station), which provides communication between the
different vehicles in the network. The central node has a
coverage range in which vehicles can move freely, provided
you do not get out of this node, because all communications
pass through this access point.
Architecture without infrastructure: Also known as the
distributed network. This architecture consists of vehicles that
can be interconnected arbitrarily, without the existence of any
fixed element in the network topology and can take many
forms. In such networks, communication between two
vehicles can be carried out through other intermediate vehicles
that play the role of routers (routers) and perform the
forwarding of message since the origin node of
communication to the destination node, it can even be
involved in the discovery and maintenance of new routes.
Hybrid Architecture: Combines the functionality of the
architectures described above. Therefore vehicle can establish
communication directly with a base station, or can perform the
same communication through a neighbor vehicle that allows it
to reach the same base station, playing the role router.
The Architecture VANET of reference given by the Car-toCar Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) which is shown in
the figure below; distinguishes three domains of
communication in vehicular networks: Vehicle Domain,
Domain Ad-Hoc, and Domain in Infrastructure .

Reference Architecture for Vehicular Networks C2C-CC

Domain Vehicle: It has to do with a local network in each
vehicle, evidently composed of two types of units as:
On-Board Unit (OBU): An OBU is a device in the vehicle,
which has capabilities of wireless or wired communication.

Board unit (OBU)

AU: A device that is running one or multiple applications;
while using the communication capabilities of the OBU. The
AU can be laptops, PDAs, smartphones, connecting
dynamically to OBU.

Application unit (AU)

Domain Ad-Hoc: It is a communication of vehicle to
vehicle (V2V) unsupported of network of infrastructure. Here
the network is composed of vehicles equipped with OBUs and
RSUs that are set along the road to improve road safety; by
running special applications or sending, receiving and relaying
data to vehicle units.


Vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V).

Domain Infrastructure: as the name implies; is the
vehicular communication, with support of network
infrastructure. Access to it can be through the RSUs and
public, commercial or private Hotspots; or also taking
advantage of the communication capabilities of cellular
networks and radio technologies (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, and
WIMAX) integrated as part of the equipment OBU of the
vehicle units, if the RSUs and Hotspots terminals are

Vehicle communication.



[1] Marcelo R. Mazzaro, Tesis de Post-Grado Modelizacin
de canal RF para las frecuencias de 850 y 1900 MHz.
Instituto Tecnolgico de Buenos Aires. 2005.
[2] Alberto Escudero Pascual, Tutorial Radio Mobile
Inicindose con el Radio Mobile. En lnea. Disponible
[3] Antenas VHF de altas. En lnea. Disponible en:
[4] Radio Mobile. Materiales de apoyo para entrenadores en
redes inalmbricas. En lnea. Disponible en:

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