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Valentina Fernandez S.
Ms. Karen Taylor
English Red
12 February 2015
What Koreans Value the Most?
Folktales have a strong relationship between values and the culture of a given region
or place. They were told and retold from generation to generation; therefore, they are part
of the oral tradition. They relate to the traditions and customs of countries around the world
because values in general are important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the
members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable (Business Koreans are respectful to their elders, as shown through folktales, when
they believe and respect what their grandparents said.


Elements and Characteristics of Folktales

Folktales were stories told by elders around the fire and they were meant to teach a
lesson; basically to educate the youngest in a specific group of people. They have passed
from generation to generation, consequently, many of those stories have unknown authors.
Folktales are created with supernatural characters, animals talking, mythical creatures and
sometimes royalty. They are considered a fiction genre. They were part of the oral tradition
until printing was developed. They are very important in regards to protecting elements of
the culture they referred to. Folktales are typically short, they display a situation or a
problem between a hero and villain, good triumphs and justice properly is served
The Meaning of Values
Values are important to every community; they are the beliefs and rules that guide
society. Values allow members of different groups to live harmoniously among themselves.
If the values did not exist everything will be chaotic. its difficult to promote respect
if teachers, professors, bosses, or parents, when faced with complex situations, defend their
decisions by saying, Here you do what I say or, Things are like that because I say so
(The Significance of Values in an Organization).
In general it can be determined that values shape who the people are and how they
are supposed to interact with other people. Values must be though from childhood to
guarantee better relationships and a peaceful life. Those moral standards should be:
Respect, caring, equality and social justice, integrity, honesty and responsibility.


Traditions in Korea and the Relationship with Folktales

There are themes, signals and images emerging from folktales which immediately
can be related to several cultures and traditions. Interpretation of the culture represented
within the folktale is a must. Folktales were created to educate people according to the
needs and believe of a given culture. Even though they have changed overtime, they are
transferred inside the same society and adapted to their current needs. The values they
embraced are similar among those societies; the difference comes about in the way they are
taken and set into practice. As cited on the paper by Julie Carthy, (Folklore in the Oral
Tradition, Fairytales, Fables and Folk-legend), every culture depends in part on
folklore for the maintenance of its continuity.
The word folk refer to people and the word tale to a short story. As mentioned
above, themes and symbols emerged from folktales. When reading folktales from Korea,
those symbols or signals were noticed; people shared thoughts and believes. The most
relevant value extracted from those folktales is the love and respect Koreans ought to their
family members, especially the elders. In order to understand Korean culture, values and
traditions it is important to bring up some background information about Confucianism:

Chinese philosopher Confucius lived around 551 BC- 479 BC. His philosophy
intended to comprehend and give a solution to the conflicts in his hometown during those
times. He believed in how a person is responsible for his governance. In Confucianism,
respectable behavior towards others is the fundamental element. Even though there was
some opposition in the beginning, Confucians ideas spread all over Asia. Confucianism
principles began with specific responsibilities toward the other people around you and
grounded on the type of relationship you have with them. Confucianism moved to Korea


from China through exchange routes. During the Chosn Dynasty, King Seongjong was
central to the establishment of Confucianism in Korea. Following that, Confucianism was
further solidified as a state policy during the centuries of the Chosn Dynasty ( KOREAN
CULTURE THROUGH FOLK TALES, Terri Rutter). In many Asian cultures respect and
obedience is still practiced today; many Asian children respect and obey their parents and
the elderly.
There is strong evidence in the folktale The Disobedient Frog that the child isnt
complying with his mother request: he never listened to his mother and caused her
much grief and embarrassment. If his mother said go play on the hillside, he went to the
seashore, And they're always kind and respectful. The son refuses to listen to mother
and the son finally does obey mother. Even though she seems not to be an older person, she
is a figure of authority and as a result he is demanded to obey her according to the
principles embedded in the Korean culture and by Confucianism.

To conclude is good to know that values are important in everyones life, I prove by
showing that Koreans value their believes and the way people act and respect each other.
As proved on the thesis statement we can see that in many Korean folktales the Koreans
show respect to their elder.

Stay out of first person, no I or me

Watch grammar throughout paper specially in intro and conclusion

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