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Dimensional Mind Approach: Basic Course Manual

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I. Introduction to Dimensional Mind Approach
II. Gaining The Most Benefit From The DMA Course
Three major dimensions of mind; The self-conscious mind; The breath; The subconscious: key to the
mind's power; Your goal; How to write your goal; The way to visualize; The morning exercise; The
daytime exercise; The nighttime exercise; The power of form; Language and your reality; This week's
Beliefs how to use them; Positive self image; The superconscious; A form in which to approach
superconscious; Your answer; Higher attunement; This week's approach.
Subconscious: condition-response; Deep relaxation; Deep relaxation exercise; Point of most power; The
raising of consciousness; Concepts as direction; Energy fields; Need for focus while raising awareness;
Superconscious non-verbal (The first part, the second part); This week's approach.
Accumulative access to the subconscious; Environment as suggestion; Automatic subconscious
redirection of negative thoughts; The responsive mind; Tuning in to your own true nature and purpose;
Superconscious verbal technique; This week's approach.
The effects of four hours sleep in 20 breaths; The balancing technique; Raising perception; Happiness; A
mental vacation; The goal; Next steps, Superconscious verbal; Unifying mental dimensions; Positive
energy technique; Being your own teacher; This week's approach.

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It seems so strange, once you are able to recognize.; a "working principle," that you did not see what is now so
obvious. Life events, which seem to form around you, have an incredibly direct relationship to what processes
are occurring in the inner resources of your mind.
That "working principle" can he provable and therefore made obvious. The way your reality is effected by mental
interaction may only be known by your own direct experience, however. But this is a relatively simple task.
If you institute changes in your mental processes, and your life experiences change in a corresponding way, you
then have direct experience of the cause and effect relationship of how your mind works with your life. The
direct experience is you becoming the cause in your life!
The frustration many people feel exists because of two important reasons. First, they feel incapable of having
the power to shape their own lives. Therefore they feel powerless to have the quality of reality they consciously
want. They feel, in whole or in part, that they are "victims of circumstance."
Secondly, frustration arises when the true nature of self is resisted. People who are not in the position of
knowing their own true nature often contradict their higher instincts. This may be problematic in that the choices
these people make are not necessarily in their own best interest.
This frustration may create unhappiness, resentment, depression, boredom, and a host of other negative
qualities and effects. In a positive sense the frustration may be motivation in seeking and finding the ways of
overcoming the limitations which create frustration.
By examining the sources of frustration listed above, and by listing their opposites, we come to the realization of
two important needs: the need of personal power, and the need of the power of communication and attuning
with the higher aspects of self (your own true nature).
Power is a loaded word. Many have a love-hate relationship with the concept of power. Personal power is
power over your own life. It is not power to enforce your will or ego on others. (This imposition would tend to be
in violation of your own true nature.) If the structural make-up of the mind helps to form your reality, then power
over your own life may be gained through using the dimensions of mind to affect your reality. By using the mind
in the way that it is naturally structured, the mental power you posses may be focused toward the creation of the
life you want.
Most people would naturally want what is right for them. They would choose health over sickness, happiness
over unhappiness, inner peace over inner strife. The real problem is that many people don't know they have a
choice. If you don't know that you have the power of choice, you don't choose. What happens then is a hit-ormiss situation in which fear, anxiety, guilt, feelings of incapability and unworthiness may be as influential as the
positive choice you would have made. You don't make choices when you feel that it is inconsequential as to
what you choose.
Personal power comes from the mind's ability to make your choices become manifest in your life. The mind may
be trained to become responsive to your conscious decision.
The power of the mind may be developed. As you work with the mind, you can see results in your life. This is
the essence of creating experience. You don't even have to believe the mind has effect on your life. All you
need do is use the mind correctly and observe the occurrences in your life.
The power of choice and the power of higher self-attainment will dramatically create freedom and order of the
most positive quality. Finally you will be able to become your own teacher.

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1) It is most important to do the assigned DMA techniques consistently. This will aid you in gaining real
and tangible experience in your life. It all depends on you! Get into the habit of doing the daily exercises
right from the beginning. Do the DMA techniques in the spirit of objectivity and openness.
2) Take each day at a time. You will make great progress by focusing on each day as it comes. This
will help you live more and more in "present" time. If you live in the past you recreate that past in your
future. If you think too far ahead of yourself, you overwhelm your subconscious and you also re-create
past patterns in your future. Only In the present can you self-consciously shape and create the future
you want.
3) Use the concepts presented in the DMA curriculum as "working premises". You may or may not
agree with these ideas, but it really makes no difference. You can effect direct experience in our life by
doing the DMA exercises and your experience will allow you to know rather than to know about. The
"working premises" help you gain the direct experience. DMA is not a theory of the mind. It is a
practical, step-by-step approach in tapping the mind's power. Do not try to reason whether or not an
idea "ought to work" in theory. See if it does work by instituting action that produces results.
4) Do not drink any alcoholic beverage four hours before each class. This Is because alcohol will dull
your senses and abilities to do the DMA techniques.
5) Do not use drugs during the five weeks of the course. Drugs dull the very mental abilities you are
now in the process of developing. The obvious exception to this rule is drugs prescribed by a doctor.
6) Some weeks include specific assignments for that week only. These assignments have a focused
purpose and they lead to more complicated techniques. These special assignments will help develop
your abilities in a natural and organic way. They are important.
7) Do not talk about the techniques you are using. Much energy is lost by talking about what you are
doing. The energy you would use in talking about doing something Is best spent in doing something.
8) Think you can and you can. Avoid being skeptical about your own abilities. Remember: you create
your abilities partly by what you tell yourself. Create the attitude of success and you will create real
capabilities. Assume success and you will have it!
9) Be consistent; don't contradict yourself. During the five weeks of the course do not even make
considerations of failure. This would contradict your direction to your subconscious. If you discover
yourself contradicting your positive goals, just stop right then and there. Direct your thoughts to what
you want. (Not what you don't want. Not whether or not it is possible. Not how your goals will become
manifest.) You are now in possession of tools which enable you to create your life as you want it. Use

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The first considerations of mind dimension are self-conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. These areas
of the mind are defined by how they function. There is no attempt made here to make a rigid theoretical
definition, but rather a practical working definition based on usable and experiential meaning.
The self-conscious is your rational mind. Your thinking mind. Your reasoning mind. All active decision making is
a function of self-conscious. Self-conscious is that part of mind you use to read these words. The selfconscious mind is capable of making considerations, manipulating thought, and instituting action. The selfconscious is an initiator. It is active, it is capable of giving direction.
A major thrust of this course is gaining accumulative power towards the self-conscious. This is done by unifying
the structural make-up of the mind's dimensions. When each structural dimension functions properly and in
harmony, the result is more power and ability of self-conscious decisions becoming manifest. The great
importance of the self-conscious should never be underestimated. Your choices are the single most essential
way in gaining access to your future.
Access to the other dimensions of mind are a result of self-conscious action. By realizing the function of the selfconscious, the importance of decision making as a creative and energy giving act becomes less arbitrary; it is
the key to your future. As you begin to incorporate the dimensions and workings of the mind into their fulfilled
function, the self-conscious abilities grow in awareness, quality, and focus.
Whatever you give your attention, you give energy and power. An important yet simple exercise is to focus your
attention to different parts of your body. Your "simple" attention creates focus. This focus can produce a
physical sensation in the part of the body on which you are paying attention. More importantly, this exercise
helps develop the general ability of concentration which is useful in all work with the mind. As you will learn on
an increasingly number of levels, concentration is a great tool in giving direction to the other dimension of mind.
Focus has a property of concentrating your attention automatically in the present moment. In these lessons, the
ability to be consciously aware of the present moment is often referred to as perceiving in "present time. "
Present time awareness is the access to your future.
The focusing exercise teaches the mind the ability of concentrating and therefore the ability to live in the present,
and to create energy by that perception which aids you in the power of choice of your future.
The way you breathe may have a profound effect on how you feel. When you breathe you take in air which
feeds the blood oxygen. By correct breathing, more air may be taken in, thereby feeding the blood with
additional amounts of oxygen. This oxygen helps feed the cells of the body. When you yawn, the body (through
the subconscious) automatically and involuntarily takes in additional air. To learn how to breathe properly will
enable you to increase mental and physical energies. Below the lungs is a group of muscles called the
diaphragm. The diaphragm helps draw air into the lower part of the lungs. There is a simple technique which
may be used called Rhythmic Diaphragmatic Breathing.
1) Place hand on stomach. When you have practiced this exercise for a time, you will observe your
stomach muscles helping you inhale and exhale without the aid of your hand.

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2) Exhale all breath and push in stomach.

3) Inhale slowly for 4 slow, even counts and pull out stomach, so as to fill the lowest parts of your lungs
with air. Be sure to keep your shoulders still as you inhale.
4) Hold the air in for 4 more counts.
5) Exhale slowly to 4 more counts. As this is done push in your stomach with your hand.
The breath exercise should be done slowly and evenly for no longer than 2 minutes. If you feel a bit dizzy at first
doing this exercise, it is because you are not used to the additional oxygen feeding the body; this dizziness will
pass as you acclimate yourself to the additional oxygen, but always in this work if you feel dizzy or
uncomfortable, just stop whatever you are doing, and do it at some later time.
Affirmations are valuable and especially in the context of this breath exercise. Make an affirmation of your own
containing the ideas that you are at once relaxing throughout your being and gaining vital energy, increasing
your powers and abilities.
The quality of this rhythmic breathing is useful in developing a key suggestion to the subconscious. By
practicing this exercise in concert with ideas of relaxation and intrinsic energy, the subconscious will "learn"
these conditions, and will automatically respond by creating the desired physical and mental states.
One of the most important activities in the dimensional working with the mind is in establishing and maintaining a
rapport with the subconscious mind. The subconscious is truly the key to the mind's power.
The subconscious is that part of consciousness which is in operation below the normal self-conscious waking
state of awareness.
The mechanism of the subconscious is vast; the power from and through this area of conscious is, quite simply,
fantastic! When you begin to use a fuller potential of subconsciousness, you gain power over your life and
circumstances that heretofore seemed unreachable.
The subconscious power creates results. The life experience you are having at this moment is a result of what
and how you have "programmed" the subconscious mind. You are, at this point in time, the sum of all of the
parts you have been in the past.
Subconscious maintains a clear picture of every event of your life and every thought you have ever possessed.
Subconscious acts on what it deduces from this body of information and is instrumental in bringing into physical
reality what it then logically concludes.
When you learn how to give clear, strong suggestions to subconscious, it will tend to bring about the conditions,
events, and life experiences that are desired.
This mechanism is always in operation. You may ask "Why doesn't my subconscious bring what I want all the
time?" Because you are giving it a number of suggestions, many of them contradictory to your basic desire.
Subconscious takes all thoughts and actions as suggestions. If you want a desired result, and then consider all
the possibilities of failure in the process of gaining this result, the consideration of failure becomes a strong
suggestion to subconscious to either fail or make difficult the manifestation of the reality you seek.
By creating a form for suggestion a communication is established between subconscious and self-conscious.
The form serves a two-fold purpose.
First, to give a strong suggestion to subconscious. Subconscious needs direction. It's structure is based upon
its ability to take suggestion and turn it into reality. To give clear, strong suggestions to subconscious, in the

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proper way, the full extent of the power available to subconscious is allowed to be used, bringing forth the
desired result.
Second, the form used in giving the suggestion is also a rein forging suggestion. The form itself tells
subconscious to give special attention to the suggestion. Subconscious works especially well in a given
framework. This form of framework focuses subconscious on the content of the suggestion, and therefore is
more able to act effectively in putting into operation the process for gaining the result.
The subconscious is in rapport with other dimensions of the mind and especially that aspect called
Superconscious is in unity with all that exists in the Universe. This will be elaborated on later, but for now know
that the dimensions that self-conscious can reach, through subconscious, are in touch with all that is!
In order to teach the subconscious mind to become responsive to your self-conscious decisions, the use of a
goal is of most importance.
The goal becomes a major factor in focusing the intention of your self-conscious direction. The goal allows the
subconscious to summon all dimensional power in interacting naturally.
The goal becomes a practical and immediate mode of allowing the subconscious tangible effect in your life. The
goal also becomes a symbol to subconscious of the form in which the desired result may become manifest. The
morning, daytime, and nighttime exercises are potent tools in teaching the subconscious your goal.
1. Your goal should be something you really want.
2. Your goal should not directly involve any specific other people. (For example, your goal should not be
"I want so & so
to do such & such.") There are two very important reasons why this is so:
A. It is unethical to try mentally to impose your will upon others. This would have the effect of
stopping your growth, and your abilities would diminish.
B. You will not be able to impose your will mentally on others. Everyone has their own will. If
you try to impose your will mentally on others, they will on some level perceive this. They will
tend to resent you for your impositions. They may or may not know why they would be resenting
you, but they would feel the innate impulse to resist your efforts.
3. Your goal may or may not be material, but it should be somewhat specific. If what you want is a long
range goal, choose some first step toward the long range goal.
4. Choose only one goal. Many people want several things at once. If you choose only one of those
things, your chance of getting them all is greater. This is because the focus on the goal creates direction
and focus to the subconscious of generally getting what you want. Without this focus, the mental energy
is dissipated and the chance of your gaining any of the things you want diminishes. Remember: the
choice of a goal means only that you are spending a bit more directed time in teaching this goal to the
subconscious. If you later decide to change your goal, you may. You are not "stuck" with what you have
chosen for ever and ever,
5. Always choose the positive expression of the goal; what you want vs what you don't want. "I want
health," rather than "I don't want to be sick."

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Some important points to keep in mind regarding your goal:

Keep your chosen goal to yourself. Don't talk about it or the process you use to obtain it.

Much energy and focus is lost by talking about your desire.

Silence is more than golden it is power.

Now that you have chosen your goal, the method for teaching the subconscious this goat is in the morning,
daytime, and nighttime exercises. The morning exercise may be done before you get out of bed, or you may
prefer to do this sitting in a straight back chair. (If you choose the chair, sit erect, comfortably, and with your
arms, hands, legs, and feet uncrossed.)
This is a visualization technique. The subconscious is especially responsive to visualized direction. The
visualized image carries with it a wealth of information. It would take almost an infinite number of words to
describe what the simple visualized image can relate.
The visualized image also relates information on other important levels of communication besides verbal. As
you work with your subconscious in this direct way, you teach it to become more and more immediately
responsive to the visualized image. The visualized image is a strong suggestion to the subconscious.
In the back of the head is located posterior lobes of the cerebrum and the cerebellum. The posterior lobe of the
cerebrum contains the sight center. Just below the posterior lobe is a knot of nerve tissue called the medulla
oblongata, uniting the brain to the spinal cord and its branches. Thus the medulla is the connecting link between
the higher centers of sensations, thought, and action located in the head and the subordinate centers located in
the body.
The method for making the strongest impression on the subconscious is visualizing an image at the back of the
head. This image becomes "energized" by the stimulation of the network of nerves which connect to the medulla
The imagination takes on new dimensions of importance when it is realized that the imagination has the direct
ability to make strong impressions upon the subconscious. This act is not daydreaming at all, but giving clear
impressions to subconscious.
Since the subconscious tends to manifest what it concludes, the imagination is the key to the door of what
becomes manifest in your life. As you practice the focusing exercises, your ability to concentrate becomes
greater and progressively more developed.
The energy created by your self-conscious attention helps to increase the magnitude of impression made to
subconscious when this energy is focused toward the visualized image. The morning and nighttime exercises
use this focus on maximizing the power of the visualized images of your goal.
Write three brief descriptions of pictures representing your goal. This is to be used in one of the visualization
exercises. Describe the images as the "goal accomplished."
Time is relative in the subconscious. What is in "the future is always in the future, because the future is never in
present time, but always apart from present time. Describe and visualize your images as if in the present,the
goal as an accomplished fact. Once you posses your goal as a mental fact, it tends to become manifest on the
other levels of reality.
Even goals which are on a non-material level have visual correspondences. The act of deciding images and
writing them down will help you accomplish your goal.

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Now that you have chosen these images, you may begin to practice the morning, daytime and nighttime
The exercises have accumulative effect. If you find it hard at first to fully concentrate on the pictures, don't worry.
This ability grows with practice. Do the exercises without any preconceived ideas of what is "supposed to
The importance of this act will have long range and general beneficial influence on all your life. You may or may
not feel something special while doing the exercises. A common question people ask is, "If I don't feel anything,
am I doing the technique correctly?"
The answer is yes. The subconscious is getting the message. The consistency and focus of your direction is
powerful and potent. A maximum amount of mental focus will result from your consistency.
The first exercise begins with an affirmation. The affirmation you will use in teaching the subconscious your goal
is: "I am focusing all of my power in achieving this goal...(you finish this sentence)."
1) Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax.
2) Use Affirmation ( I am focusing all of my power on achieving this goal ... )
3) Visualize each of your three pictures for approximately 20 seconds each ( at the back of the head).
4) To reinforce this suggestion, visualize each of the three pictures again, for approximately 10 seconds.
5) Take a deep breath, relax your focus, and come back to normal consciousness.
The next exercise is a simple technique for deeply impressing the subconscious with the affirmation of your goal.
The daytime exercise presents a form in which to "plant" this affirmation deeply into the subconscious.
The form is important. The form of giving the suggestion is itself a suggestion to subconscious to pay special
attention to what your suggestion is. This maximizes the power of the suggestion.
The daytime exercise is positive reinforcement of your morning and nighttime techniques. You may do this
exercise anytime during the day. You may do this exercise late morning, afternoon, or early evening. The time
you pick to do this exercise should not be close to the morning or nighttime exercise.
Separate them by at least three hours. It is best to pick tee same time every day, but if this is impractical, it is
quite all right to be flexible with the time it is done.
1) Sit in a straight backed chair.
2) Take a deep breath, relax, and close your eyes.
3) With eyes closed, move them up as if they were looking at a point directly
above your head.
4) Hold this position for just a moment.
5) Begin to lower your eyes. As you do, feel your consciousness lower into your chair. Lower and lower
until your eyes are facing down (your head still "looking ahead").

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6) Begin to feel your dominant hand get lighter and lighter in weight. Feel It want to lift up into an upright
position. Let it lift up, palm facing out.
7) When the arm Is in that upright position, give your subconscious the affirmation of the desired result: "
I am focusing all of my power on achieving this goal: ( state goal as result ). " Imagine the statement as if
it were inscribed on your uplifted palm.
8) Lower arm. As you do feel an even deeper connection with subconscious. Feel and Imagine the
affirmation you have just made (and is in the palm of your hand ) being "implanted" deeply into
subconscious. As your hand lowers, the suggestion is planted deeper.
9) Tell yourself you are about to come out of this deeply relaxed state of mind. When you do, you will
feel much energy very relaxed and a sense of well being; feeling, in fact, wonderful!
10) Take a deep breath, relax your focus and come back to normal consciousness.
The nighttime exercise is a variation of the morning exercise.
1) Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax.
2) Use Affirmation ( I am focusing all of my power on achieving this goal ... )
3) Visualize each of your three pictures for approximately 30 seconds each ( at the back of the head).
4) To reinforce this suggestion, visualize each of the three pictures again, for approximately 15 seconds
5) Take a deep breath, relax your focus, and come back to normal consciousness. Put the goal out of
your self-conscious mind after the exercise after the exercise is over this is an important step. What
you are doing is giving the suggestion to subconscious and then letting subconscious do it's job.
Remember not to consider process but result. Allow the subconscious to be free in Its ability to manifest
your goal.
The subconscious is especially responsive to form. Form is the way something is done. Form is structure. The
creation of form or structure is needed in creating foundation. Foundation will enable you to gain momentum.
By having foundation, each step builds to the next step. The subconscious becomes a powerful tool in
manifesting the fullest potential of your life energy.
For each day of the week a simple method for giving and reinforcing your chosen goal creates a form in which a
maximum amount of power and energy is focused. Because this work is easy, it takes a little "self discipline" to
do it consistently.
Get into the habit right from the beginning. This is an especially good suggestion to subconscious of great
success in all aspects of your life. You will find "things falling into place" from the consistency of doing this good
and healthy activity.
You have now turned toward a new and exciting path in your life. By taking control of your life in an ever
increasing measure. Your life will change for the better, become more and more interesting, vital, and enjoyable,

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The nature of the subconscious, with its ability to take suggestion from the input which filters through the selfconscious mind, makes language an important aspect in directing suggestion.
We tend to think constantly. This is sometimes referred to as the "internal dialogue." Oftentimes this thinking is
about ourselves. If we make assumptions of self-esteem and self-worth in the internal dialogue (thinking), we
gain the subconscious suggestion of self-worth and self-esteem.
The opposite is also true. If you make assumptions of unworthiness, inadequacy, fear, guilt, etc., in your
thinking, the subconscious gets very strong suggestions of these negative attributes.
Rememberthe subconscious takes all input as suggestion and tends to manifest what it concludes. Language
helps you form a strong, clear suggestion to subconscious about your self-image.
Self-image helps to form your reality. What you think about yourself is what you are giving your subconscious
mind to manifest.
The importance of a good self-image should never be underestimated. It is only when you feel fully worthy that
you may most easily bring your goal into reality.
The importance of language reflected both in your thinking about yourself and attitudes in general has a
profound effect on those experiences which are created in your life.
What is needed is to create a situation in which language can work to improve self-image and to aid the
dimensions of mind in working with utmost harmony and cooperation.
This takes self-conscious practice. You must watch your thinking. You must change negative thoughts to
positive thoughts.
This may be done by paying special attention this week to what you tell yourself. This week's work is to help
prepare you for the extremely potent Self-image Technique you will be given next week.
Maintain a positive attitude this week. This positive attitude, which is formed by strong, positive language, will be
a consistent suggestion to subconscious of positive events and experiences to form your life.
You may begin at this very moment! This is done by watching your thoughts. Become conscious of what you
are telling yourself. Create positive thoughts, especially about yourself.
When you find a negative thought occurring to you, this negative thought will give you the opportunity to change
what is negative to what is positive. Do not fear the negative thought, because this gives that thought power.
Simply change the negative thought at that moment to a strong, positive image.
Always ask yourself the question: "Is this thought what i would like to create in my future?" If it is not, think of
what you would like to create and substitute that image.
Thoughts are things. They constitute strong suggestion to subconscious. As you learned from the Focus
exercise, energy is created by conscious attention. Whatever you give your attention to, you give energy. This
week as you prepare for the Positive Self-image Technique, give energy (attention) to the most positive,
constructive, creative and beneficial thoughts about yourself.
Each day this week:

Do the focusing exercise at least once a day. You might find it valuable to do this every morning just

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before the morning exercise.

Do the morning, daytime, and nighttime exercises once each day at the appropriate time.

Do the breath exercise once a day for no longer than two minutes.

Watch your thoughts. Create positive thoughts. Read this lesson over at least once more this week.

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