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Collin Muslim Student Association Constitution


Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Collin College Muslim Student Association (MSA or the
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the Association shall be to provide information to interested Muslims and nonMuslims about Islam; create familiarity at the College about the truth of Islam and Muslims, while also
diminishing myths and rumors; provide an association where Muslims and non-Muslims can gather and
share ideas; promote unity and solidarity amongst Muslims and non-Muslims at Collin College; organize
seminars and functions that educate Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam; and promote community
wellness, especially through community-service events.
Article III - Membership
Section 1.

All Collin students currently enrolled and in good standing, faculty and staff are eligible
for membership in the Association.

Section 2.

Membership dues shall be set at the beginning of each semester by the Executive
Committee and shall not exceed $20 per year.
Article IV - Government

Section 1.

The purpose of the MSA shall be effected through its legislative body and authorized

Section 2.

The general meetings, composed of members of the Association, shall serve as the
legislative body of the organization.

Section 3.

A quorum shall be at least the president, the secretary, and four non-officer members.

Section 4.

The rules contained in The New Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the organization in
all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the
constitution of this organization.
Article V - Officers

Section 1.

Elected officers of the MSA shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a


Section 2.

All officers shall be elected from the Association membership.

Section 3.

The MSA elected officers shall be elected by simple majority of members present at the
time of voting.

Section 4.

The term of office shall begin on the day elected and shall last to the end of the academic
year or until a successor is elected.

Revised October 2011

Collin Muslim Student Association Constitution

Section 5.1

In the event of the death, resignation, or vote of no confidence of any elected officer
other than the President, the Association shall hold a special election to fill the vacancy
from its membership.

Section 5.2

Any vacancy in the presidency shall be filled according to the procedures in Article VI,
Section 2.b.

Section 5.3

In the event the Vice Presidency is vacated upon succession of the Vice President to the
Presidency, the Executive Committee may appoint an interim Vice President.

Section 6.

No officer shall serve more than two successive years in the same office.
Article VI -- Duties of Officers

Section 1.

The President of MSA shall:

a. Represent the Collin MSA within and outside the College.
b. Complete and file all paperwork necessary with Collin Student Life as well as the
c. Consistently communicate with the Association Faculty Adviser(s).
d. Preside at the MSA meetings.
e. Vote in case of a tie at all MSA meetings.
f. Have the power to call special MSA meetings.
g. Develop the agenda for all MSA meetings.
h. Appoint committee members and chairs as required.
i. Appoint a parliamentarian to assist in business meeting procedures.

Section 2.

The Vice-President of MSA shall:

a. Temporarily assume the President's duties in the absence of the President.
b. Permanently assume the President's duties upon the President's death, resignation, or
vote of no confidence.
c. Coordinate the MSA bulletin board display in the SCC hallway.
d. Make arrangements for and prepare rooms for all MSA meetings.
e. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 3.

The Secretary of MSA shall:


Take and record all minutes of the MSA meetings.

Distribute copies of minutes to all MSA members.
Maintain a file of minutes and all other correspondence to and from the MSA.
Be responsible for the permanent records and correspondence of the MSA and the
transmittal of the same to his/her successor.
e. Inform members of the Associations events via e-mail, telephone, bulletin, etc.
f. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 4.

The Treasurer of the MSA shall:

Revised October 2011

Collin Muslim Student Association Constitution

a. Collect and disburse funds and maintain records thereof.

b. Maintain the official membership roster.
c. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 5.

Other officer positions may be created on an as-needed basis, and shall be decided upon
by the Executive Committee. Nominations for the new position will be voted upon during
the next regularly scheduled general body meeting. Committees shall be appointed a
chairperson by the President.
Article VII - Vote of No Confidence

Section 1.

Any officer shall be removed from office upon a vote of no confidence by the
membership. A vote of no confidence shall be initiated by a petition signed by at least
one-fourth of the membership and presented to the Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee shall determine a date for a vote of no confidence to be held within 30 days of
receipt of said petition, but in no event less than 14 days. Upon a vote of no confidence
by two-thirds of the MSA membership, the officer shall be immediately removed from
Article VIII - Committees & Appointments

Section 1.

Standing and special committees shall be established as needed by the MSA


Section 2.

The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee, which shall:
a. Be convened at the discretion of the President.
b. Act on behalf of the membership in emergency circumstances.
c. Establish procedures for regular, special, and no confidence elections.

Article IX - Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1.

Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the President of the MSA by written

petition of any three MSA members at least fourteen (14) days prior to a regular meeting.

Section 2.

When an amendment to the Constitution is proposed, ballots will be distributed to the

MSA membership by the next regular meeting. The amendment shall be adopted by a twothirds vote of ballots received.

Section 1.

Section 2.

Article X - Dissolution
If the Muslim Student Association is inactive for four consecutive years, the group will
be dissolved.
Any remaining organizational funds shall be donated to the Plano Masjid. If that nonprofit organization has dissolved, any remaining organizational funds shall be donated to
the Collin Foundation, Inc. for general scholarship purposes.

Revised October 2011

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