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A Snatch Theft

Yesterday, I __________________ a snatch theft. While ____________for my

parents to pick me up after taking a_______________ at the______________ . I waited
at the ________________ and saw a woman walking to her car which was
______________ on the opposite side of the ____________ .
Suddenly, two men on a ________________ came up from _______________ her
as she was ___________
for her car keys in her handbag. When a pillion rider
____________ her handbag, I stood up in ___________ . The woman _____________ and
so did I. He ____________ her handbag and they ____________ off. However, I got a
good look at their motorcycle. Just then, my parents arrived and I told them what
had happened. We rushed to help the woman and I gave her the registration
number, the colour of the motorcycle and a brief description of the culprits. I even
__________ the ___________ so that she could ____________a report to the police later.
We should be ___________ when we are out alone. We must also be alert and
___________ to see if someone is following or watching our movements. Always have
the car key _____________ before we get to the car so we can _______________get in
the car. Do not let ourselves get distracted by ___________ on the phone or
_______________ while we are walking. This will expose us to be an easy target of
snatch theft.

Based on one of the novels above, write about a character you like best.
The Railway Children
In the novel The Railway Children I like ____________ the best. I like her
because she has many __________ qualities and makes a good __________ . She
makes friends easily with the __________ and finds a good friend in
who helps her family when they have no money to
for their mother and later, helps
prove her father
______________ . She risks her life to stop a train before it meets a
________________________ . She stands on the _________ even when the train is
____________________ because she wants to make sure that the driver _____________
and stops the train. She is very brave and risks _______________ for others. Bobbie is
also helpful and _______________ . For instance, she stays with a boy, who is _________
, in a dark ____________ while her brother and sister get help. For all these reasons, I
like Bobbie the best.

Based on the novel The Railway Children, Write about an event which
changes the life of the main character.
An event which changes the life of the main character in the novel the
railway children is when _________________ reads a newspaper which is wrapped
around the old __________ that Mr. __________ keeps for her and her siblings. The
article in the newspaper is very ______________ as it sheds light on what really
happened to the _________________ . Bobbie is _________ when she reads the
________________ . She discovers what happened to her _______________
when she
reads the whole article. Her father was accused of _________________________________.
Bobbie then seeks the ______________________ help to clear her fathers name. She
writes to him and attaches the _______________ . The old gentleman willingly helps
and is able to ______________ that her father is an ______________ man. In the end,
bobbys discovery leads to a joyful _____________ with her father.
3. The moral value
The moral value I have learnt from the novel The Railway Children by
Edith Nesbit is family love. The story is about ____________________ whose father is
jailed as he is falsely accused of being a spy. They have to leave their comfortable
life in the _______ and move to the __________with their ___________.
Their love for one another gives them __________ to overcome the
difficulties they have to face. Mother protects them from the pain and _________ by
not telling them about their father. The children ________ their father but do not talk
about him because they _________ their mother and do not want to _________ her.

When Peter is caught stealing coal, his sisters __________ him and share the
____________ . The story shows me that family love is important.

Speech on Recycling
Good morning to the members of the environment club of SMK Taman Nusa
Damai. Today, I would like to share with _________ the benefits of recycling. Everyone
talks about recycling but do you know why is it good for the environment?
Recycling saves our ______________________ . When we use _____________
materials to make new items we depend _________ on natural resources. Recycling
old products to make new products requires less _______________ . Do you know that
it takes less energy to make recycled paper than produce new paper? This is
because there are_____________steps in the _____________ of making new paper.
Another benefit of recycling is it helps ______________ the environment. We
cut down on the usage of fuel, trees, or use less water or minerals when we recycle.
We do not have to destroy the ____________ by logging or mining for raw materials
to make recycled products.
Another benefit of recycling is that it helps ____________________ . There will be
less ____________ polluting the earth if we recycle more. If we continue to make
____________ and throw them away, landfills will keep growing bigger and bigger.
Finally recycling helps______________ pollution. Rubbish ________ up in landfills
causes air and land __________ . We pollute the environment when we extract, log or
mine natural resources. Since recycling saves energy, less greenhouse gasses are
____________ into the environment.

Now you know the benefits of recycling. Dear members, I hope you will
recycle and get your friends and relatives to ___________ too. Thank you for lending
me ___________________ .

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