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Instant Challenge

Sounds Mechanical
Challenge: Present a PERFORMANCE in which your team is a mechanical

For the purposes of this challenge, a “mechanical device” is a machine with

different parts that work together to do a task.

Time: You will have up to 3 minutes to use your IMAGINATION to plan your
PERFORMANCE. You then will have up to 1 minute to present your PERFORMANCE.

The Scene: Your team is a mechanical device. What task do you carry out?

• Part One (3 minutes): Create a PERFORMANCE where your team is a mechanical

device. You will be given two copies of a sheet on which to write the task your
mechanical device does. Write this task on both copies of the sheet. You may not
talk to other team members during Part One. Give one copy of the sheet to the
appraisers at the end of part one.

• Part Two (1 minute): Present your PERFORMANCE to the appraisers. You may
not talk to other team members during Part Two. Each team member should
make a repeated sound and do a repeated action that helps to do the task of the
mechanical device.

You will be given two copies of the sheet on which to write the task that your
mechanical device does in Part One. All props should be imaginary. A piece of paper
and a pencil will be available for your team to use as you plan and present your

Scoring: You will receive:

A. 10 points if each team member makes a repeated sound and does a repeated action.
B. Up to 20 points for the creativity of the repeated sounds.
C. Up to 20 points for the creativity of the repeated actions.
D. Up to 10 points for the creativity of the task.
E. Up to 20 points for the creativity of how the mechanical device does the task.
F. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together
Sounds Mechanical

What task does your mechanical

device do?

Sounds Mechanical

What task does your mechanical

device do?

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