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Public Rhetoric | Professional Writing | Qualitative Research | 859.866.1916 |

Miami University of Ohio
Assistant Professor of English Composition and Rhetoric (August 2014)

Purdue University
Ph.D. in English Rhetoric and Composition (May 2014)
University of Cincinnati
M.A. in English and Comparative Literature (June 2010)
Primary Focus Area: Rhetoric and Composition
Thomas More College
B.A. in English, Literature and Creative Writing (May 2008)
Summa cum laude, Sigma Tau Delta honors


Top 3 Finalist, James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award, CCCC, 2015
Miami University Summer Research Grant, Miami, 2015
Janice Lauer Award for Excellence in Dissertation Work, Purdue, 2013
Purdue Research Foundation Summer Grant, Purdue, 2013
Pedagogical Research Travel Award, Purdue University, 2013
1st Place CLA Diversity Action Committee Award, Purdue Literary Awards, 2012
1st Place Kneale Pedagogy Award, Purdue Literary Awards, 2011
Computers and Writing Travel Award, Univ. of Michigan, 2011
1st Place, Graduate Shakespeare Essay Prize, Univ. of Cincinnati, 2010
Pearson Pedagogies Travel Grant, CCCC Virtual Underground, 2010
Honors Fellowship and Cuni Award in English, Thomas More College, 2006-08

Attuned Advocacy: A Methodology of Attunement for Public Rhetorics in Urban Appalachia
Committee: Thomas Rickert (Chair), Patricia Sullivan, Jenny Bay, and Kendall Leon

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

The Impact of Service Learning Pedagogies on Instructor Learning. With Kendall Leon and
Laurie Pinkert. Forthcoming in Spring 2017 issue of Composition Studies.
Literacy Performances of Urban Appalachia: Rhetorical Scenes in Diverse Urban Spaces. ReReading Appalachia: Literacies of Resistance. Eds. Sara Webb-Sunderhaus and Kim
Donehower. 24 mss. pp. Book forthcoming by University Press of Kentucky.
Woodward-Hagg, H., Taylor, K. T., Workman-Germann, J., Bidassie, B., Bar-On, I., Johnson,
S., et al. (2014). Large Systems Transformation within Healthcare Organizations
Utilizing Lean Deployment Strategies. Proceedings of the Industrial and Systems
Engineering Research Conference (ISERC). Montreal, Canada.
Attuning Alterity: An Ethic of Attunement for Activist Research. Special issue of TransScripts: An Interdisciplinary Online Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences
(Spring 2013): 148-168.
Composing With Communities: Digital Collaboration in Community Engagements. With
Stacy Nall. Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service
Learning 12.2 (Spring 2013): 9-26. Print.
Literacy in the Raw: Collecting, Sharing, and Circulating Graduate Literacy Narratives. With
Allison Carr and Hannah Rule. Computers and Composition Online (Winter 2013).
Ghost Legends and Memorates of Urban Northern Kentucky. Contemporary Legend 3.2
(2012): 27-43. Print.
Naming Affrilachia: Toward Rhetorical Ecologies of Identity Performance in Appalachia.
Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture 22 (June 2011). Rpt. in Pluck!: The Journal of
Affrilachian Arts and Culture 8 (Fall 2012): 4-10. Print.
Under Review or Revision
Learning to See Learning: Habits of Mind as Emergences in Programmatic Assessment. With
Kendall Leon and Laurie Pinkert. 18 mss. pp. under revised review
Methods of Ethical Research: Documenting Strategy and Struggle in the Rhetorics of Urban
Appalachia. Appalachia Revisited. Eds. Rebecca Fletcher and William Schumann. Book
abstract accepted by University Press of Kentucky; 20 mss. pp. under review
Deploying an Enterprise-Wide Quality Strategy within VHA: Challenges and Successes. With
Heather Woodward-Hagg and Robin Hemphill. 10 mss. pp. under review

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Will-to-Pedagogy: Post-Process Pedagogy and the Digital Turn. 19 mss. pp. under revision
Works in Progress
Community-Based Research and Web Design in Appalachian Advocacy Organizations. With
Jonathan Bradshaw.
The Impact of Service Learning Pedagogy on First-Year Student Writers. With Kendall Leon
and Laurie Pinkert.
Lean Healthcare Enterprise Deployment: A Realist Review. With Heather Woodward-Hagg,
Jamie Workman-Germann, et al.
Executive and Managerial Perspectives on Enterprise-Level Lean Transformation in Healthcare
Organizations. With Heather Woodward-Hagg, Jamie Workman-Germann, et al.
Scholarly Citations of Published Articles
Naming Affrilachia is cited in the following peer-reviewed journal articles:
Mielke, Tammy L. Using Ambiguity to Resist Stereotypes in the 1930s: Erick Berrys
Penny Whistle and One String Fiddle. The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on
Childrens Literature 17.3 (2014): 1-10.
Shepley, Nathan. Rhetorical-Ecological Links in Composition History. Enculturation
15 (2013).
Shepherd Universitys 2013 Writer in Residence Program website:
Reports for Government Agencies
o Case Studies:
o Hi2 Analytics Project: Editing, revising, and designing
seven case study documents that discuss usability issues
within CPRS; the final Hi2 Analytics Report; and a case
study summary/introduction report.
o White Papers:
o Spreading Lean Thinking (March 2014)
o FBCS Optimization (April 2014)
o Health Systems Engineering (April 2014)
o VA-CASE Guidelines for White Papers (April 2014)
o Veteran Recruitment-Training-Placement (May 2014)
o Veteran Navigation Improvement (May 2014)
o Non-VA Medical Care Coordination (June 2014)

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

o National Initiative to Reduce Missed Opportunities (July 2014)

o Non-VA Medical Care National Standardization (August 2014)
o Reports:
o Surgical Flow Improvement Initiative Final Report (October 2013)
o VA-CASE Annual Report (February 2014)
o National VERC Advisory Committee Report (August 2014)
o VERC Program Overview FY14 Report (August 2014)
o QSV Directive (August 2014)
o VERC FY 09-14 Overview Report (August 2014)
o Lean Enterprise Transformation Deployment within VHA Report (August 2014)
o Utilization Management Final Report (October 2014)
o Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
o Large Systems Transformation within Healthcare Organizations Utilizing Lean
Deployment Strategies. Proceedings of the Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research Conference (ISERC). Montreal, Canada.
o Executive and Managerial Perspectives on Enterprise-Level Lean
Transformation in Healthcare Organizations
o Lean Healthcare Enterprise Deployment: A Realist Review
Project ARCH Integrated Project Team:
Culled data and information from multiple sources to create
arguments about future directions; worked collaboratively with
Project Integration Team; designed documents and reports using
Word, Publisher, and InDesign; created graphs and charts in
Excel; revised and designed multiple documents, including:
o Executive Decision Memo
o Project ARCH Standard Operating Procedures SOPs
o Annual and quarterly reports
o Funding and Program Guidance
o Fact sheets and reference sheets for physicians
o Informational slides
o Meeting facilitation/notes
Clinical Partnerships:
Provided expertise with online database research, various citation styles, and peerreviewed journal formatting and submission expectations; culled and read research
findings from other articles and applied them to manuscripts; revised and edited
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
o VA Experience in Implementing Patient-Centered Medical Home Using a
Breakthrough Collaborative (accepted to JGIM in July 2014):

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

o A Predictive Model of Occupational and Lifestyle Risk Factors for Low

Back Injury in a Wellness Program
o External Facilitators in an Acute Stroke Quality Improvement Collaborative
in the Veterans Health Administration
State Home:
Policy Documents and Procedure Guides:
o Bills for Collection for Non-VA Care Programs
o SVH Per Diem Eligibility

Miami University, Oxford, OH, Assistant Professor, 2014-Current
ENG 223: Rhetorical Strategies for Writers (1 section)
ENG 413: Grant and Proposal Writing (1 section)
ENG 223: Rhetorical Strategies for Writers Online Distance Education (1 section)
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2010-2013
ENGL 106: Introductory Composition (3 sections)
Teaches first-year students to compose and analyze written, visual, and oral texts.
Students in my courses compose in a variety of genres, including online editorials,
community oral histories, pitch letters and public service advertisements. My courses
emphasize writing-in-context by asking students to seek local venues for their work.
ENGL 420: Business Writing (2 sections)
Teaches students the rhetorical principles and writing practices necessary for producing
effective workplace writing. In my courses, students learn about business writing in a
rhetorical key, analyzing professional cultures and negotiating the ethical dimensions of
workplace communications. Students are introduced to document design (Photoshop,
InDesign) and research practices (database research, on-site research).
ENGL 420Y: Business Writing Online Distance Education (5 sections)
Utilizes an online environment to teach students the rhetorical principles and writing
practices necessary for producing effective workplace writing. In my courses, students
analyze the ethical dimensions of online communication and learn digital collaboration
and research tools (Google Docs, Skype, database research, internet pull research).
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2008-10
ENG 101: English Composition I (2 sections)
Teaches students to develop complex written arguments within academic and community
contexts. In my courses, students are introduced to primary and secondary research
methods as they compose rhetorical analyses of popular speeches, synthesis essays on
current topics, and proposed solutions to local community problems.
ENG 102: English Composition II (4 sections)

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Teaches students to reframe academic arguments for community audiences. My course

piloted a cross-university online peer-review system that allowed students to become the
editorial team of an online journal of undergraduate research.
Thomas More College, Crestview Hills, KY, Instructor, 2012-13
ENG 320: Rhetorical Grammar (3 sections)
Teaches students to develop stylistic awareness in their writing and in their teaching of
writing by examining grammatical structures through a rhetorical lens. In my courses,
students compose philosophies of grammar instruction and multimodal grammar lessons.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, 2005-06
GER 101 & 102: German Level I Part I & II (2 sections)
Teaches students the fundamentals of German grammar and conversation. In
collaboration with a German faculty mentor, I developed a syllabus, schedule, and lesson
plans based on immersive language learning, and then I independently taught the course.

Technical Writer, Veterans Administration Center for Applied Systems Engineering and
Purdue Center for Medication Safety Advancement, 2013 Present
Serve as lead technical writer for peer-reviewed journal manuscripts at VA-CASE
Develop policies, reference guides, fact sheets, & standard operating procedures
Served as technical writer for VHA Project ARCH (Access Received Closer to Home)
Wrote an executive decision memo for the ongoing implementation of ARCH
Appointed Member, CCCC Committee on the Status of Graduate Students, 2012-15
Formulated research methodology for assessing graduate student needs in CCCC
Co-designed online survey to measure effectiveness of CCCC in meeting student needs
Co-instituted Mentoring@Cs 2015
Co-Chair of Mentoring & Professional Development, WPA-GO, 2012 2014
Planned mentoring sessions and instituted Breakfast Buddy event at CWPA conferences
Served as liaison and graduate point of contact for the WPA Mentoring Project blog
Director, Internal Drive Technology Camp, Purdue University, 2011 and 2012.
Served lead administrative role for a technology-intensive camp for students aged 8-18
Oversaw program operations, instructor performance, and public relations
Achieved highest student/parent satisfaction ratings of all iD Tech campuses
Taught Web Design (Dreamweaver/Flash) & 2D Game Design (Photoshop/Fusion II)
Vidcast Developer, OWL at Purdue YouTube Channel, 2011-12
Produced vidcasts on White Papers, Rhetoric, Logos/Ethos/Pathos, and Invention
My vidcasts attracted 35,000+ hits.
WPA Mentor, Composition Department, Univ. of Cincinnati, 2009-10
Assisted with orientation and practicum for new graduate teaching assistants

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Co-organized departments first international graduate conference in English Studies

Writing Center Tutor, Department of English, Thomas More College, 2006-08
Served as writing consultant for undergraduate and graduate students

Co-Investigator, Assessing the Impact of Service Learning in First Year Writing, 2012-13
Assessed impact of service learning curricula on student and instructor learning outcomes
in first-year composition courses at Purdue. With Kendall Leon and Laurie Pinkert.
Methods: Participant recruitment, Qualtrics survey and writing prompt creation,
distribution to 350+ students across 18 courses, instructor interviews, analysis.
Co-Investigator, Composing With Communities: Digital Tools in Service Learning, 2011-12
Examined role of digital collaboration software in community-university communication
during service learning in business writing courses. With Stacy Nall.
Methods: Participant recruitment, curriculum design, interviews, analysis.

Learning to See Learning: Assessing the Impacts of Service Learning in Writing Classes.
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, Florida. March 2014.
Methodologies for Advocacy Work in Appalachian Cultural Rhetorics Research. Cultural
Rhetorics. East Lansing, Michigan. October 2014. Accepted. Did not present.
Public Rhetorics in Urban Appalachia. Urban Appalachian Council Research Committee
Meeting. Cincinnati, Ohio. December 2014. Invited Talk.
Community-Based Research and Web Design. Appalachian Studies Association
Conference. Huntington, West Virginia. March 2014.
Transformative Rhetorics of Literacy and Identity in Appalachia. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Indianapolis, Indiana, March 2014.
Measuring the Impact of Service Learning Curriculum: Building a Methodology of
Engagement. Writing Program Administration Conference. Savannah, Georgia, July 2013.
Performing Community: A Multimodal Showcase of Appalachian Community-Building
Efforts. Appalachian Studies Conference. Boone, North Carolina, March 2013.
Identifying as Appalachian: Rhetorical Strategies in Cincinnati. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Research Network Forum. Las Vegas, Nevada, March

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Attuned with/in Alterity: Embodied Ethics and Rhetorical Response-Ability. Networked

Humanities: From Within and Without the University. Lexington, Kentucky, February 2013.
Beyond Reflection: Writing Digitally with Communities in Service Learning. Computers and
Writing. Raleigh, North Carolina, May 2012.
Bodies and Blogs: A Post-Process Pedagogy at the Digital Turn. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. St. Louis, Missouri, March 2012.
Techne Tube: Creating a Video Tutorial Collaborative for Composition. Computers and
Writing. Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2011.
Graduate Student Affect in Digital Collaboration. Composing Spaces: University of
Cincinnati Graduate Conference in English Studies. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 2011.
Collaborative Digital Composition as Post-Process Practice. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Atlanta, Geogria, March 2011.
Oh Listener, My Listener: Students Speak Through Radio Podcasting. Conference on College
Composition and Communication. Louisville, Kentucky, March 2010.
The Ease and Power of Windows Movie Maker. Conference on College Composition and
Communication. Computer Connection. Louisville, Kentucky, March 2010.
Eruption, Explosion: Tracing a Shared Metaphor in the Reader-Response Theories of Roland
Barthes and Wolfgang Iser. Tufts Graduate Student Conference. Boston, Massachusetts,
October 2009.
Digital and Multi-Modal Reflection: Self-Awareness in the Undergraduate and First-Year GTA
Experience. Seventh Annual Ohio First Year Summit. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2009.
Kinfolk Somehow: Urban Appalachian Identities. University of Cincinnati Graduate
English Colloquium. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 2009.
Ghost Legends and Memorates of the Hermes Building. Invited Speaker, Fenians of Northern
Kentucky. Covington, Kentucky, May 2008.
Coming Around the Mountain: A Story of Home-Grown Knowledge & Kinship Pedagogy.
Appalachian Studies Association Conference. Huntington, West Virginia, March 2008.
The Grass We Walk on Wont Stay Down: Ghost Lore of the Vietnam War Era. Sigma Tau
Delta International Convention. Louisville, Kentucky, February 2008. 3rd Place Convention
Winner in Critical Writing.


Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Ph.D. Primary Area in Rhetoric and Composition

Composition Theory (Patricia Sullivan)
Classical Rhetoric (Richard Johnson-Sheehan)
Empirical Research Methods (Patricia Sullivan)
Modern Rhetoric (Patricia Sullivan)
Postmodernism and Issues in Composition Studies (Jenny Bay)
Postmodernism in TESOL (Dwight Atkinson)
Ph.D. Secondary Areas in Public Rhetorics & Rhetoric, Technology, and Digital Writing
Archival Research Methods (Kristina Bross and Susan Curtis)
Computers in Language and Rhetoric (Patricia Sullivan)
Cultural Studies, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy (Thomas Rickert)
Gender, Rhetoric, and the Body (Kendall Leon)
Public Rhetorics (Thomas Rickert)
Writing in Virtual Worlds (Samantha Blackmon)
M.A. in English with specialization in Rhetoric and Composition
Critical Writing in English Studies (Laura Micciche)
History of Writing Instruction (Russel Durst)
Problems in Literary Theory: Reading in Theory (Gary Weissman)
Gender, Race, Culture: Themes of Nationalism and Diaspora (Beth Ash)
Rhetoric of Written Discourse (Mary Elizabeth Debs)
Teaching College Writing (Laura Micciche)
Topics in Composition: Theories of Composing (Laura Micciche)
Teaching Practica
Practicum in Teaching Composition (Purdue, Thomas Rickert)
Practicum in Teaching Professional Writing (Purdue, Michael Salvo)
Practicum in Teaching Composition (Univ. of Cincinnati, Joyce Malek)

University Service
Committee Member, Miami University, Department of English, 2014-15
Composition Committee
Rhetoric and Writing Committee
Academic Job Placement Graduate Committee
Graduate Student Awards Committee
Chair, Travel Awards & Grants, Purdue Graduate English Association, 2011-12
Recorder, National Day of Literacy, U. Cincinnati 2010, Purdue 2011, CCCC 2012-13
Archivist, Purdue NPR station, WBAA Archive, 2011-12
Graduate Representative, Service Learning Advisory Committee, U. Cincinnati, 2009-10
President, English Graduate Organization, U. Cincinnati, 2009-10
National Service

Kathryn Trauth Taylor

Committee Member, CCCC Committee of the Status of Graduate Students, 2012-15

Committee Member, Writing Program Administrators Graduate Organization, 2011-14
Teaching Business Writing Online Professional Writing Practicum, Purdue, 2013
Digital Collaboration in Community Engagement PW Practicum, Purdue, 2011
Wheres Einstein? Nick Mars and Purdue as a Global University. Remembering
Purdue: Purdue Memorials, Commemorations, and Hidden Histories. 2011
Invited Workshops
Literacy Narratives: Reflecting on Theory, Practice, and Research. CCCC, 2015.
Service Learning in Business Writing Purdue Professional Writing Program, 2012
Using Reference Management Software Purdue Professional Writing Program, 2011
Community Engagement
Volunteer G.E.D. Instructor, Urban Appalachian Council. Cincinnati, OH, 2012-14
Historic WBAA Radio Performances, West Lafayette, IN, 2011

Appalachian Studies Association
Conference on College Composition and Communication
Council of Writing Program Administrators
Modern Language Association
National Council of Teachers of English


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