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C2 - The Herald Journal, Logan, Utah, Thursday, July 16, 2009

Apostolic There is also a non-denominational Spanish-lan-

guage Christian church that meets in the Whittier
Center on Sunday afternoons.
Continued from C1
Centro Cristiano Utah
The sermon ends with “Culto de Admiration” at 3 p.m. Sundays
a group praise song, Led by Adalberto Benitez
says Rodrigues’ wife, 435-787-8579
Gladis. People often • Hour-long family oriented sermon
hold hands or walk to • Live music accompanied singing
the front of the room • Non-denominational service
if they feel they need
a special blessing. The
minister will use a small meal to raise money for on their heads because
amount of olive oil on various projects. While the Bible asks women to
his palms and lay them sitting down to a tradi- cover their heads when
on each person’s head in tional meal of breaded they pray. The women
turn while the congrega- steak, tortillas, rice and also shun jewelry and
tion sings, says Gladis. salad, Rodrigues and immodest dancing, she
Velasco says the ritual Clavel explain that they says.
does not mean he has believe the Earth is liv- Asked what he
special powers. It is an ing in the last days and learned in Alma’s class
expression of the con- that Jesus will return today, 9-year-old future
gregation’s prayers for someday soon. Modern- FBI agent Isai Molina
the person who needs day miracles do hap- responds, “We learned
them. Alan Murray/Herald Journal pen, asserts Clavel. She about Jesus Christ; isn’t
Gladis and fellow Gadiel Castro leads the congregation in song during a worship service of the Apostolic remembers that on the that what church is all
congregation member Assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ church at the Whittier Center in Logan Sunday, day of her daughter’s about?”
Maytee Clavel explain June 14. baptism, it rained all Alma says it’s impor-
a significant difference over the Bear Lake area, tant to realize that her
between their church children until they are was immersed com- judge him for waiting, except upon the area church is not a religion,
and Catholicism. Apos- old enough to choose pletely in the water by he says. where the church held but a way of worshiping
tolics believe that God for themselves, whereas the pastor. The deci- “Everyone accepts the service. Christ.
is one being who mani- Catholics baptize soon sion to be baptized you for the way you Youth leader Alma “It’s a life you live,”
fests in different forms; after birth. was made after she are,” he says. “It’s in Velasco dresses prop- explains Isai.
therefore their baptisms When 16-year-old felt it in her heart, she your heart to decide.” erly, her tidy hair The Logan Apostolic
are performed in the Celia Clavel was bap- says. Her older brother Clavel says that more pinned up under the Assembly of the Faith
name of Jesus Christ tized three weeks ago, Mario, 17, hasn’t been than anything else, the lace headdress worn by in Jesus Christ meets
only, rather than in the the whole congregation baptized. He looks for- congregation dreams all the ladies in the con- from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on
name of the Father, attended. Members met ward to it, but says he of finding a permanent gregation. She says the Sundays at the Whittier
the Son and the Holy at Bear Lake for a ser- is waiting for the right home for their church. women of the church Community Center, 290
Ghost. Also, baptisms vice, then walked down time. Meanwhile, the Each week after the ser- dress modestly and wear N. 400 East.
aren’t performed on to the water where she congregation doesn’t vice, the group serves a the black or white lace

Common Ground Out- tournament will be held in Paradise. Everyone is ner-only tickets are $10. music while shopping for mation, contact Norman
door Adventures go hik- July 17 and 18 at The invited. All proceeds will benefit fresh produce and plants, Palmer at 787-1406.
ing through Green and Sports Academy. Cost is the Special Olympics. For handmade crafts, eggs,
Dry canyons at 5 p.m. $15. For more information, The original inhabitants more information, to join bread, cheese and locally The Post-Mormon
Thursday. Volunteers are call 753-7500. of Latin America — from the team or to make a raised meats from more Community is a non-
always welcome. For more Mexico to Chile — is the donation, contact LeAnn at than 75 vendors. For more sectarian organization of
information, visit www. A Love and Logic subject of the next “Sat- 208-760-0717 or Cyndi at information, visit www.gar- individuals and families or call grandparenting class urdays at the Museum” 208-530-0438. who have left Mormon-
713-0288. will be held at 11 a.m. Fri- series event provided by ism. The Cache Valley
day, July 17, at the Logan the Museum of Anthropol- Bandolier will perform Utah State University’s chapter meets for dinner
The Boys & Girls Club Senior Center. Participa- ogy at Utah State Uni- with La Farsa and Nine Alumni Band continues and socializing every
conducts a carwash fund- tion is free. For more infor- versity. Guest Patricio R. Dollar Twin (acoustic) at 8 its series of summer per- Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at a
raiser each Friday from mation, call 755-5171. Ortiz will speak at 1 p.m. p.m. Saturday, July 18, at formances with another local restaurant. Newcom-
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the and activities will be pro- Why Sound, 30 Federal outdoor concert at 7 p.m. ers welcome. For more
Boys & Girls Club, 354 S. The Providence Macey’s vided throughout the day. Ave., Logan. Cover charge Sunday, July 19, on the information, visit www.
Main St. Carwashes are will host a behind-the- The museum is open from is $5. For more informa- Quad just east of Old Main or
$5, and proceeds go to scenes store tour for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more tion, visit www.myspace. at USU. Admission is free call 770-4263.
the teenage center at the ages 4-13 from 2 to 3 information, call 797-7545 com/whysound. and everyone is invited.
organization. For more p.m. Friday, July 17. Kids or visit Nancy Brokaw will host
information, call 752-5448. will get to make a “Flat anthro/museum/. Bridgerland Literacy’s The Sidwell family, a free educational video
Stanley” and will receive a Bookcrossing stops at known throughout the presentation by Dr. Lor-
Stokes Nature Cen- goody bag and photo. For “Ride 4 A Reason” the Cache Valley Garden- valley for their music, will raine Day titled “Cancer
ter will host Parent Tot more information or to sign will take place Saturday, ers’ Market every Satur- entertain the summer Doesn’t Scare Me Any-
Nature Hour from 10 to 11 up, call 753-3301. July 18. Cost is $20 per day morning. Pick up a citizens group at 1 p.m. more” from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
a.m. Friday, July 17. Kids rider and includes a shirt, traveling book to read then Sunday, July 19, on the Wednesday, July 22, in
ages 2 and 3 are invited A new market for fresh Dutch-oven dinner and release it for others to find. lawn adjacent to Old Main Logan. For the location

Kids Camp
to explore animals, plants fruits, vegetables and door prizes. Registration For more information, con- at USU. Bring your lawn and to reserve a seat, call
and nature through music, bakery products will be starts at 10:30 a.m. in the tact Shari at 753-1270. chairs. For more infor- 563-9641.
crafts and games. All tod- open from 4 to 8 p.m. Stokes Market parking
dlers must have a parent Fridays and from 1 to 5 lot in Preston; bikes roll The Cache Valley Gar- Action!
pal present. Cost is $3 p.m. Saturdays in front of at noon. Dinner will be deners’ Market is open
s Ope n
($2.50 for SNC members).
To register or for more
the Historic Cache County
Courthouse in downtown
served at 5 p.m. under the
shelter next to the Robin-
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
every Saturday at Merlin alway
2297 N. Main
information, call 755-3239 Logan. All growers, pro- son Building. Music will be Olsen Park, 200 E. 100
or visit www.logannature.
ducers, bakers and con-
sumers are invited. For
performed by Slate. Din- South, Logan. Enjoy live ALL SEATS ALL TIMES $3.00
more information, contact

The Hyrum Senior Brad R. Christensen at LAND Of THE
Center will serve lunch at
noon and play Bingo at
770-4757 or brcdesign@, or Richard Wag-
4:10, 6:50 & 9:25
Fri & Sat Mat 12:00
LOST (PG-13)
12:30 p.m. Friday. staff at 435-890-0215. STAr TrEk
/&83&-&"4&.07*&4 MONSTErS

Friday Nine Cities Back Community Reading ‚)0633&/5"-D@BG VS ALIENS (PG) 4:20, 7:00, & 9;40
Mon-Sat Mat 12:45
will perform with Speitre, Time With Cats takes 5:00 & 7:30
"--05)&3.07*&4  .07*&4
Mon-Sat Mat 12:30 & 2:45
Killfloor and Xavier (hard-
core/metal) at 8 p.m.
place at 1 p.m. every
Saturday at the Cache  ‚%":3&/5"-D@BG IMAgINE THAT wOLVErINE
Friday, July 17, at Why Humane Society Shel- (PG) 4:45 (PG-13)
@RXNTKHJD 752-4966
Sound, 30 Federal Ave., ter, 2370 W. 200 North, Mon-Sat Mat 12:15 & 2:30 6:45 & 9:30
Logan. Cover charge is Logan. This program is @MCJDDOSGDLNMDVDDJ©NMKXNMDCNKK@QD@BG 1 free game w/ad (ask before bowling)
Summer kids Matinee • July 13 - 16 • 12:00 & 2:00
$5. For more information, designed to get children /NQSG.@HM‚0ODMOL NIM’S ISLAND Exp. 7/29/09
visit excited about reading. For
whysound. more information, contact

A sock hop with Tim

Lynda Esplin at lynda.
cachehumane@hotmail. 3339 N Highway 91, Hyde Park
Holwig will start at 2 p.m. com.
Friday, July 17, at Pioneer South of Light in Hyde Park
Valley Lodge, 2351 N. 400
East, North Logan. Every-
The Western singing
duo Tumbleweeds will
(Behind Carolee’s Creations)
one is invited. perform from 6 p.m. to Mon-Fri: 10-5 Sat 9-4 • Closed Sunday!
closing Saturday, July 18,

Annual Clearance SALE!

A singles raquetball at the Cracker Barrel Cafe

JULY 15 & 16 • HOT LINE 435-753-1900


• Annual Flats - 75% OFF

535 W. 100 N., Providence
M Midnight Shows University Stadium 6
Every Friday & Saturday Only $5.50 Harry Potter *
• 4.5” Specialty Annuals - 75% OFF
1225 N. 200 E., Behind Home Depot 1:00 3:55 6:50 9:45
Public Enemies (R)
• Zonal Geraniums - 75% OFF
10:35 1:20 4;00 6:40 9:20
12:45 3:00 5:15 7:30 9:45
Proposal (PG-13)
10:45 12:55 3:10 5:20 7:30 9:45 Transformers 2 (PG-13)
• Quart Sized Natives - 50% OFF
12:45 3:40 6:35 9:30
Ice Age 3 (Digital 3D) (PG)
10:30 12:30 2:30 4:30 6:30 8:30
Public Enemies (R)
Harry Potter (PG)*
• Gallon Perennials - Buy 2 get 1 FREE
1:20 4:00 6:50 9:50
12:00 3:00 6:00 9:00
Transformers 2 (PG-13) Ice Age 3 (PG)

• All 4” Perennials - Buy 1 Get 1 of

12:00 2:55 6:00 9:00 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00

Ice Age 3 (2D) (PG) Harry Potter (PG) *

10:40 12:40 2:40 4:40 6:40 8:40 12:30 3:25 6:20 9:15
Opening Day 24-Hour HARRY POTTER
Tickets available at University 6 Box Offices
I Love You equal or lesser value FREE. Geraniums
Beth Cooper (PG-13) *
2450 North Main
1:15 3:20 5:25 7:30 9:35

My Sister's Keeper
• Fertilome Fertilizer 15 lbs. - 10% OFF
Harry Potter * STAD ING (PG-13)

(blooming and rooting or geranium, pansy,

4:05 7:0 0 9:55 1:15 4:15 7:05 9:25
Transformers 2 (PG-13)

hanging basket)
4:00 6:55 9:50

Bruno (R)* 795 North Main

4:10 7:05 9:40 All Tickets $5.50 with Student ID
Ice Age 3
6:40 9:0 0
Night At The Annuals
Up (2D)
Museum 2 (PG)

Sale Ends Saturday July 18th

4:15 7:10 9:25 7:00 9:05 • SAT/SUN 4:30
No Passes or discount Tickets
Gift Books and Cards available at:
University Stadium 6 • Stadium 8 • Movies Stadium 5
Buy tickets online at

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