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SOUTH EUCLID MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE CLERK OF COURT Gayle Williams-Byers Annetta L. Fisher May 11, 2015 The Honorable Georgine Welo, Mayor City of South Euclid 1349 South Green Road South Euclid, OH 44121 Re: South Euclid police say they're not enforcing heroin trafficking and use laws to battle addiction, increase in deaths, and increase in addiction-related crimes affecting homes and businesses Mayor Welo: I've been informed by South Euclid law enforcement officers under your daily supervision that the city is experiencing the same heroin trafficking and drug use problem as neighboring Lyndhurst. | was shocked to learn that you, as the city's chief law enforcement officer, have not made enforcement of this drug offense a citywide- priority despite a more than 50 percent increase in charged felony offenses on the Court's docket. Indeed, barely two percent of the offenses have been opiate-related. This shocking truth is particularly disturbing given that last June this Court was invited by Governor John Kasich, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio Maureen O'Connor, and team leader Administrative Judge John Russo to discuss and strategize around this problem as well as highlight the Suburban Drug Court pilot model which began with this court and the Cleveland Municipal Court. In December 2014, this collaborative model received $1 million in renewed federal funding to support this effort for the next three years. Court records show that South Euclid police and prosecutors under your supervision have not referred a single individual to the Suburban Drug Court for service and treatment of heroin addiction. This news is dangerously disappointing because of the Ohio Department of Health's recent report of a 43 percent increase in overdoses due to this lethal opiate drug. South Euclid's law enforcement officers indicate they are unable to make enforcement a priority due to a manpower shortage despite your request to the city's voters and taxpayers to support a $3 million safety levy to maintain police staffing. South Euclid citizens have recently learned that instead of spending the dollars dedicated to this issue on staffing, you have redirected it to the police department's pension budget. 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 Fax (216) 381-1195 Ohio's top state political leaders began an aggressive response to the growing heroin epidemic in 2011 when Governar Kasich signed HB 93 to shut down pain mill clinics. Aiter four years of statewide summits to study the scope of the problem, state, county and municipal partnerships were built to address an opiate epidemic that affects all our communities. With this in mind, | will also note that | have not seen any enforcement of crimes attributed to the manufacturing, distribution and use of “meth.” Last year Ohio Attorney General Michael DeWine launched a Heroin Recognition and Enforcement training program through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy. I'm curious, based on the frighteningly low percentage of cases I've received from your administration, if any South Euclid police officers attended. When | joined the Court in 2012 | was shocked to see the “profit driven criminal justice” system that President Barack Obama's U.S. Department of Justice identified in Ferguson, Missouri firmly in place in South Euclid. Your criminal parking ticket ordinance that focused on collecting close to $100,000 a year from South Euclid residents and visitors, served to deny these individuals access to the courts and was an example of the Ferguson, Missouri profit driven criminal justice system U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said should not exist in America There can be no question that heroin addiction leads to an increase in domestic violence, child abandonment, burglaries, robberies, thefts from cars, thefts from businesses and more that affects the overall desirability of South Euclid as a place to live and work. There is no profit for the administration to engage in heroin addiction enforcement other than the peace of mind it offers all those who elected us to serve their needs. It is my view as a judge that money should not be the primary driving force behind any law enforcement effort and justice, and this court will not support it as a practice Itis my belief that Council should hold public hearings on the concems I've raised in this letter to learn from the city's law enforcement officers, the community and other experts how our city can join the effort to not only save lives, but to diminish the impact of the crimes and personal tragedies associated with heroin addiction. | look forward to sharing my findings with you, the Council and the community in such a forum, | welcome any early response to this letter and an opportunity to meet with you to structure an appropriate strategy to support the overall health and viability of South Euclid. le Gayle Williams Byers, Judge ce: South Euclid City Council Chief of Police Kevin Nietert Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor Governar John Kasich Attorney General Michael DeWine 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 + Fax (216) 381-1195 SOUTH EUCLID MUNICIPAL COURT sitive JUDGE CLERK OF COURT Gayle Williams-Byers Annetta I. Fisher May 11, 2015, ‘The Honorable Dr. David P. Miller, President of Council City of South Euclid 1349 South Green Road South Euclid, OH 44121 Re: South Euclid police say they're not enforcing heroin trafficking and use laws to battle addiction, increase in deaths, and increase in addiction-related crimes affecting homes and businesses President Miller: ‘have attached a copy of a letter | forwarded to Mayor Georgine Welo for Council's review that seeks to learn why South Euclid law enforcement officers are not enforcing heroin and meth manufacturing, distribution and use laws despite the state's growing number of deaths attributable to drug overdoses. Despite @ 50 percent increase in felony prosecutions coming before this court, barely two percent are related to the use of opiates lam requesting City Council to schedule a public hearing to meet with the Mayor, Court and Chief of Police to discuss this very important issue that affects the health, welfare and safety of all our residents and businesses. | need not explain to you the derogatory impact of the crimes associated with our drug-addicted residents and others stealing and robbing lo pay for their daily heroin habit when other options are available to address the problem. lam ready to share all the efforts the Court has taken with Governor John Kasich, Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor and Cuyahoga County Administrative Judge John Russo to prepare itself to support the city's law enforcement effort with treatment and service alternatives Please inform me how Council intends to move forward in addressing this very important matter. City Council The Honorable Georgine Welo, Mayor Chief of Police Kevin Nietert Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor Governor John Kasich Attorney General Michael DeWine 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 * Fax (216) 381-1195 From: gwelo Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:37 PM To:; ‘Ruth Gray’; ‘Mae Romeo’; ‘Ed Icove’;; ‘Marty Gelfand’; ‘David Miller’; ‘Dennis Fiorell; ‘Lee Wiliams’ ‘Lisa Gross’ 'Kevin Nietert’ ce: udge! Subject: RE: Letter from Judge Byers Dear Judge Byers, ‘This isa very serious accusation, | will be asking for an investigation and your full cooperation will be greatly appreciated, Please forward to me the name or names of the officers who stated that they are "not enforcing heroin trafficking and use laws to battle addiction, increase in deaths and increase in atdiction-related crimes affecting homes and business.” | am shocked to hear of this behavior as our officers are highly trained and have the best interest and safety our residents at heart. Of course, | will address any concerns {can at this time - and will have my Assistant Lee Williams set up a time for us to meet, along with Chief Nietert Regarding manpower shortage, the City of South Eucli¢ has hired 3 new officers to replace those who have retired in the Police Department and 2 new officers in the Fire Department. The hiring are in direct result of the resident's voting for a Safety Levy to replace loss revenue by the State of Ohio's legislature cutting of the Local Government Fund, The process to hire an officer is as Follows: ‘The Test is publicized. ‘The Test is administered by the Civil Service Commission, The Test is graded and a list is certified by the Civil Service Commission. ~The List is given to the Chief of the Department. Background investigations, polygraphs, home visits, etc -Final candidate interviews by the department. -Final candidate Interviews by the Mayor. -Officer offered the position on contingency that they pass a physical exam, drug screening, and psychological exam -Officer sworn in as patrolman or patrolwoman. -6 months of training. Please note also that the levy does not bring in $3 million dollars! The Safety levy brings in apx. $1,084,345, if you would like ta verify this information you will find it on page 57 "Special Revenue Fund 410 Safety Forces Levy" in the 2015, Budget book. Ifyou are not aware Cuyahoga County certifies the estimated revenues and by law the city can only use that dollar number when budgeting and cannot exceed a 2015 appropriation of $1,279,010. Also, you are incorrect - the Safety Levy was not intended to maintain police staffing only, it was to maintain all Safety Forces. Could you please give ‘me your source for the incorrect levy amount of $3 million dollars and the person and or persons who informed you that the levy was to be used entirely to fund the police department? | would like to contact your source and give them the correct information. Your statement regarding the dedicated dollars shows the inability to understand government accounting and how It works. Once the safety levy was passed Finance Director James Smith contacted State Auditor Yost's office regarding the levy. The Auditors recommendation was to set up a Safety Levy fund to directly account for the money from the levy. The city ddl just that. The cleanest way to account for the money was to dedicate the dollars to one area that reflected all the Safety Forces and that area is the pension line. Please note also that the 2015 Budget reflects that 603,561 was appropriated for the Police Department and $4,528,101 for the Fire Department. When the Safety Levy was placed on the ballot in 2013 Police expenditures were $5,503,434.89 and Fire expenditures were $4,332,081.91, As you can see the administration has kept its promise to maintain the departments and in fact we are spending more in both areas. Regartling Heroin trafficking and over all drug abuse, as 2 mother, grandmother and Mayor I take it very seriously. In fact Common Please Judge Michael Astrab held a series of public forums to help reise awareness of the heroin epidemic and hosted a "Heroin in the Suburbs" town hall meeting on February 27, 2014 at the Beachwood Library. The panelist included Deborah Naiman from the Prosecutors office, Defense attorney Michael Goldberg, a Doctor from the Cleveland Clinic (cannot remember the name} and our own County Council person Sunny Simon. | attended the forum and took to heart the remarks made by Beachwood graduate Aaron Marks. His words hit home as three of my friends lost their sons to Heroin in 2013. They lived in Lyndhurst, Highland Heights and Gates Mills- proof that Heroin has taken over in the suburbs, but | don’t need to point this out as our local media outlets have been in the fore front of the epidemic along with our county leaders Regarding seeing any enforcement of manufacturing, distribution of any drug, | can tell you that our police department has been called upon to assist other law enforcement agencies in these areas. | am only guessing, but | believe these types of efforts come out of plea deals made at different levels ie. Federal, State, County and local municipalities. Please understand that if the FBI, DEA, United States Marshall, and or Sheriff Department choose not to ask for assistance we are not notified and most often only know that such a "Bust" has occurred when a resident calls 911 and our dispatch is notified. The cases are not brought to aur focal, our local Law Director and or prosecutors, thus our local ‘municipal court would not be the jurisdiction in which the cases would be heard. It goes with out saying that our police department reports, responds and is the driving force at the local level regarding drug manufacturing and distribution. Our city’s law enforcement prides itself on saving lives and ta diminish their commitment is unthinkable. That is why 1 am very carious as to the names of those officers who would choose not to enforce drug trafficking. To be honest, something just does not sound right to me and my gut says this to be untrue. However, one can never say never, | served 8 years as an Administrative Bailiff in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. | saw first hand how all drug addiction led to domestic violence, child abandonment, burglaries, robberies, and thefts from cars, thefts from businesses and could even lead to rape and murder. The county has several programs along with dedicated probation officers, social workers and Metro Hospital to help with the effort. South Euclid is a small community with less than 50,000 people. We rely on our county for these types of services as we do not receive Block Grant money to fund local programs internally. Our county Health and Human Services levy generates the dollars we cannot afford and lam proud to say thal | have both endorsed and worked for the levy along with Metro Hospital's last two ballot issues. | applaud every program and have no idea where you got the feeling of anything differently and to support anything other than what Ihave stated would be morally wrong, Regarding Parking tickets, the City of South Euclid receives numerous calls regarding parking violations. You can find state code regarding Parking Tickets in our Ohio Revised Code -if you need clarification regarding the City of South Euclid, police officers issue tickets and an individual can pay the ticket or they can contest the ticket to a Magistrate. If you would like -I can email you a copy of the legislation in which City Council drafted and passed regarding individuals. access to a City of South Euclid Magistrate and the hiring of the said Magistrate. The hiring and compensation of the Magistrate is legislated by our City Council | personally cannot comment on what process Ferguson Ntissouri uses or what process you the South Euclid Judge, may Use to administer court costs, fines, special project fees and or computer fees as | am a Mayor and not a 2 Judge. But I can tell you that we, the City of South Euclid, do not use a “profit driven criminal justice” system. However, since | became this City's Mayor in 2004, we have always prided ourselves on being creative and innovative - and we have been very successful in responding to the fiscal crisis and foreclose crisis with several programs and initiatives that have been recognized locally and nationally as new best practices for local government, None of these have anything to do with a "profit driven criminal justice" system. We have also embraced regionalism and worked with collaborative partners to be more cost effective in providing public services to the residents we serve. But the reality is our achievements would not be possible without the support of the residents and taxpayers of South Euclid. They work hard to provide for their families, and they expect their government to be fiscally responsible with their tax dollars. As Mayor | take my fiduciary responsibilities very seriously and | believe my record speaks for its self. We have a proven record of being fiscally responsible; for the last 10 years South Euclid has received the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Gavernment Reporting. In addition, South Euclid also received the Ohio Auditor of State Award with Distinction for our most recent financial audit, which found no deficiencies, as has been the case for the last several years. Finally, South Euclid has maintained our excellent bond rating, Our Aa2 credit rating is one of the highest in our region and further proof that we have been both fiscally responsible ancl made the tough choices to promote reinvestment and keep South Euclid stable, {In closing | am not going to respond to your allegations regarding, "my administration profiting from heroin addiction enforcement.” The statement is with out merit and unsubstantiated and does not add to the overall health and viability to the City of South Euclid. As | stated above | will have my Assistant Lee Williams schedule a meeting regarding your letter of concern, | will have the allegations made by officers investigated and in the mean while | will contact our Council Person Sunny Simon to assist in this area as she has been instrumental in our district regarding Heroin and Drug addiction, . Georgine Welo, Mayor -—-Original Message~ From: Lester Holmes [} Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9:30 AM To:; ‘Ruth Gray’; ‘Moe Romeo’; ‘Ed Icove';; 'Marty Gelfand’; ‘David Miller’; ‘Dennis Fiorelli’;; 'Lee Williams’; 'Lisa Gross’; Kevin Nietert Subject: Letter from Judge Byers Greetings, Please refer to the attached document contained in this email, Thanks, SOUTH I D MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE Gayle Williams-Bye' CLERK OF COURT Annetta L. Fisher May 13, 2015 ‘The Honorable Georgine Welo, Mayor 1349 S, Green Road South Euclid, OH 44121 Mayor Welo: ‘Thank you for your prompt response to my letter regarding the low number of heroin-related arrests seen in the South Euclid Municipal Court. Although much of your responses related to the very salient issues raised here were imagined, contrived and manufactured, I nonetheless look forward to an opportunity to work collaboratively with you toward a constructive resolve. To that end, I am hopeful that any discussion on this topic will be both meaningful and productive. Inote that you siated a decision was made between you and the director of finance not to comply with Ohio's tax levy laws found in Ohio Revised Code 5705, but instead followed some other process that was not authorized by state law. You specifically stated that, “Once she safety levy was passed Finance Director James Smith contacted Stare Auditor Yost's office regarding the levy. The Auditors recommendation was to set up a Safety Levy fund to directly account for the money from the levy. The city did just that. The cleanest way to account for the money was to dedicate the dollars to one area that reflected all the Safety Forces and that area is the pension line.” Please check your email to validate that 1 cut and pasted the exact language from your comments. Thank you also for confirming that I correctly stated that “safety levy” funds were applied to the “pension fund” line item. If am to understand you correctly, instead of establishing a “safety levy fund” as the finance director was instructed by the Auditor of State, and in accordance with ORC 5705, you've stated that the money was placed in the safety forces “pension line.” I believe | correctly stated that the “safety forces tax levy" was outlined as a “staffing” levy and not a “pension fund” levy. You confirmed that statement in your letter, and expanded your statment to include “all safety forces.” You specifically wrote the following: * staffing only, it the Safety Levy was not intended to maintain police to maintain all Safety For I will not quibble with you over the $3 million overall “rounded off estimate” versus your more 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 Fax (216) 381-1195 detailed $1,084,345. Indeed, it is not my job to manage the city’s overall budget, or to know its every detail. I will concede that your more detailed “more than $3 million” overall figure is closer to precise. What does concer me, and should aiso concern City Council and the Auditor of State, is your explanation of how “tax levy” funds for “staffing” were appropriated incorrectly to the “pension fund” line item instead of the “safety levy” line item; and what might be a violation of ORC 5705.41. The statute specifically reads: Restriction upon appropriation and expenditure of money - certificate of Aiscal officer. No subdivision or taxing unit shall: (A) Make any ‘appropriation of money except as provided in Chapter 5705. of the Revised Code; provided, that the authorization of a bond issue shall be deemed to be an appropriation of the proceeds af the bond issue for the purpose for which such bonds were issued, but no expenditure shall be made from any bond Jind until first authorized by the taxing authority (B) Make any expenditure ‘of money unless it has been appropriated as provided in such chapter.” You may have discovered a “clean” way to make pension fund payments with tax levy money voters approved for staffing, but I am not certain that your clean way is legal, and I think we need an answer from the Auditor of State. | will offer the court's read of Title 5705's restrictions on how “tax levy” funds were supposed to be used in compliance with the law, and not in some “clean way” that a mayor and finance director appear to have used to circumvent that law. Under ORC 5705.09, “Establishment of funds,” Each subdivision shall establish the following funds: (A) General fund; (B) Sinking fund whenever the subdivision has outstanding bonds other than serial bonds; (C) Bond retirement fund, for the retirement of serial bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness; (D) A special fund for each special levy: ‘Thank you for acknowledging that these were the instructions to the Finance Director by the Auditor of State. ‘The next appropriate section for the purposes of this letter is found in ORC 5705.10(C), “Use of revenues.” (C) Ail revenue derived from a special levy shall be credited to a special fund for the purpose for which the levy was made. believe the language in that section of the law is clear, as well, Mayor Welo. There are some other provisions in ORC 705 that apply to the circumstances you've set forth in your explanation of how staffing funds find themselves in the pension fund line item. It establishes in ORC 5705.45, Liability for wrongful payments from public funds — enforcement,” “Any officer, employee, or other person who issues any order contrary to section 5705.41 of the Revised Code, or who expends or authorizes the expenditure of any public funds, or who 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 + Fax (216) 381-1195 authorizes or executes any contract contrary to sections 5705.01 to 5705.47 of the Revised Code, unless payments thereon are subsequently ordered as provided in section 5705.41 of the Revised Code, or expends or authorizes the expenditure of any public funds on any such void contract, obligation, or order, unless subsequently approved as provided in that section, or issues a certificate under the provisions thereof which contains any false statements, shall be liable to the political subdivision for the full amount paid from the funds of the subdivision on any such order, contract, or obligation. Such officer, employee, or other person shall be jointly and severally liable in person and upon any official bond that he has given to such subdivision, to the extent of any payments of such void claim, The prosecuting attorney of the county, the city director of law, or other chief law officer of the subdivision shall enforce this liability by civil action broughn in any court of appropriate jurisdiction in the name of and on behalf of the municipal corporation, eounty, or subdivision. If the prosecuting attorney, city director of law, or other chief law officer of the subdivision ‘fails upon the written request of any taxpayer, to institute action for the enforcement of the liability, the taxpayer may institute suit in his own name in behalf of the subdivision.” Mayor Welo, your confirmations are serious insofar as it appears as if you've ignored the will of the voters to use special funds earmarked for safety forces staffing and directed them to the pension fund. It would also seem as if this was done in possible violation of ORC 5705.41. This is indeed a matter for the Auditor of State that will be submitted for a review. In the event that the Auditor of State confirms your contention, that no special tax Jevy fund was created, and that tax levy money has been used for another purpose, there are mandatory acts that elected officials and public employees are required to undertake if we are to maintain our commitment to our oaths of office. As this court interprets oaths of office to be a mandatory requirement on all clected and public officials, it will be the position of this court that those officials comply with the statutory duties of the elected and public offices they hold or face the ‘consequences of their own dereliction consistent with South Euclid Codified Ordinance 525.12(e). Thave stated repeatedly that the South Euclid Municipal Court will not be a rubber stamp for official misconduct on the part of any elected or appointed official of the City of South Euclid We were all elected and have duties imposed upon us consistent with the offices we hold. These expectations will be enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio and the United States government. 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 * Fax (216) 381-1195 dge Lester Holmes Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:45 AM FW: Letter to Mayor Welo, City Council and Law Director Fund 410,pdf Original Message—-~ From: gwelo [ Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:13 AM To: Jholmes(; ‘Ruth Gray’; 'Moe Romeo’; ‘Ed Icove’; janegood @jgoodworks.cor ‘David Miller’; ‘Dennis Fiorelli’;; 'Modestino Romeo’ Subject: RE: Letter to Mayor Welo, City Council and Law Director "Marty Gelfand’; Dear Judge Byers, Please note that in my previous response, paragraph 5, second line: "Safety Levy brings in approximately $1,084,345 if you would like to verify this information you will find it on page 57 "Special Revenue Fund 410 Safety Forces Levy" in the 2015 Budget Book. Again. | believe your statement regarding dedicated dollars shows the inability to understand government accounting and how it works, The State of Ohio's Auditors Office each year audits the City of South Euclid and if the City of South Euclid had not set up a fund to directly account for the tax dollars generated from the levy, the state would have found Us in non-compliance, Since itis evident that you did not verify the information prior to sending out your correspondence, | have attached a copy of page 57 of the 2015 Budget, "Special Revenue Fund 410 Safety Forces Levy" ‘The City of South Euclid’s portion of the 2014 Audit is complete and | am looking forward to our Exit Interview! Sincerely, Georgine Welo, Mayor ~---Original Message--—- From: Lester Holmes [maitto:Ihoimes@southeuc! Sent: Wednestlay, May 13, 205 9:32 AM To: guolo(; ‘Ruth Gray’; "Moe Romeo’; ‘Ed Icove Miller’; ‘Dennis Fiorelli’; Subject: Letter to Mayor Welo, City Council and Law Director]; 'Marty Gelfand’; 'David Good Morning, Please refer to the attached document contained in this email Thanks, Lester Holmes System Administrator/Public information Officer/Deputy Clerk South Euclid Municipal Court serreonersiewe /\PeOITURE: LEME SPECIAL REVENUE FUND REVENUE 410 SAFETY FORCES LE ‘NB OTHER SAFETY SERVICES WITHIN THE CIF, |[POUCE AUD FIRE PEHSIONS AND SICK LEAVE PAY OFF Vas mn PagPeney TAG LEW (ous, 2036 AND Foxe) |: HS FUND WAS ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION 60-13 TO PROVIDE FOR GENERAL PROVISIONS OF POLICE ANDFIR | TEAL PROPERTY TA PERSDHAL PROPERTY TAX 105. ROLBACE REI 445 INTEREST - PRC HAIR 2015 APBROPAUATIONS ANE HOT TO EXCEED: YEAR ENO BALANCE oes. 33% za Taso SOUTH EUCLID MUNICIPAL COURT siue, Gh) JUDGE “cme? CLERK OF COURT Gayle Williams-Bye: Annetta L. Fisher See, Cee Tar May 14, 2015 ‘The Honorable Georgine Welo, Mayor 1649 S. Green Road South Euclid, OH 44121 Mayor Welo: ‘Thank you for confirming a second time that you have decided to use “staffing” funds from the special safety levy for “police and fire pensions.” More specifically, according to the document you forwarded to me, the levy dollars are also being used for “sick leave pay off.” You have already confirmed that the special safety levy voters approved was for “staffing. Ihave elected to ignore your emotional, imaginary and irrationally false statements where, among other untrue claims, you accused me of accusing you of profiting off heroin. Those words are not reflected anywhere in my communication to you. I raised one issue in my letter to you. ‘This Court prepared itself to handle heroin trafficking, possession and use cases, and they have not been forthcoming despite the heroin epidemic our state is facing; and despite a heroin problem in border communities that affects the residents and quality of life in South Euclid. The reason for the lack of cases, as 1 understand it, is attributable to “staffing.” It was my understanding that the special safety forces levy voters approved was designed to resolve staffing issues. A copy of our communications have been forwarded to the Auditor of State. That state office will determine if levy money designated for staffing was appropriately used for pension fund and sick leave pay-offs 2s you have line itemed. Since it is unclear if the Auditor of State was asked to address this current issue, it seems doubtful that it will be included in its 2014 “post audit conference.” I do not believe the State Auditor uses the term “exit interview” to describe its final meeting with officials before audits are released. Notwithstanding, it seems only reasonable that we move past the point of a “levy” discussion and focus our attention on the over-arching issue, which is a meaningful strategy to address opiate addiction that has become pervasive in suburban communities throughout Cuyahoga County. I believe in this vein, the court, council and the administration can find common ground 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 ¢ Fax (216) 381-1195 In fact, thank you for your request to meet. I also received a request from council to use the courtroom/council chambers to host the suggested public forum/public hearing. To that end, 1 believe that any meeting held should include those members of council willing to join the strategy session so that we can begin to formulate an approach for this important event. I suggest the following dates and times to meet with the location being the 2™ floor jury room: Friday May 22, 2015 at 1:30 pm Friday May 29, 2015 at 1:30pm Friday June 19, 2015 at 1:30pm Ihave taken the initiative to reach out to area experts in an effort to bring to our city some of the leading thinkers and practitioners on this topic. I will prepare a report for the meeting once a date has been settled between your office, the court and council. I am heartened by the collaborative and partnering effort demonstrated here, Please let me know your availabil I will inquire of council as well ty and Thank you for your prompt responses. 1 look forward to participating with you and council at the event. Respectfully, 1349 South Green Road * South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 381-2880 + Fax (216) 381-1195 Judge From: Georgine Welo Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 130 AM To: Ce: Ruth Gray; Moe Romeo; Ed Icove: ; Marty Gelfand; David Miller; Dennis Fiorelli; Re: Letter to Mayor Welo and City Council Dear Judge Byers, This is my third request, Could you please send me the name and or names of the police officers that yau are referring to in your initial letter, and all facts and evidence that pertain to your accusations. Second, | am requesting that the two of us meet first and | will check the dates you have listed and get back to you. Please understand that | will not be partaking in any type of group meeting until | have the facts needed to do so and | am 100 percent confident that both the Audit and CAFR will be exemplary as we take great pride in our work. The State of Ohio Auditors are the ones that audit our books, and prepare our financial statements. The city's portion of the 2014 Audit is completed and all documents have been submitted for the CAFR. Once the court releases the information to the Auditors to complete your portion: the 2014 Audit will be wrapped up -however since you instructed the Law Director that you will not be supplying the answers for the CAFR there will be areas listed as NA. {ook forward to receiving your information and if needed | will gladly come to the court to pick it up, just give me a call - Georgine Welo Mayor All information in this communication, including its attachments, is strictly confidential and intended solely for the delivery to and authorized use by the addressee(s} identified above, and may contain privileged, confidential, proprietary and/or trade secret information entitled to protection and/or exemption from disclosure under applicable law. if you are not the intended recipient, please take notice that any use, distribution, or copying of this communication cr anyy information contained herein, and/or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon it, is unauthorized and may be unlawful. f you have received this Communication in error, please notify the sender and delete this communication from yaur computer. > On May 14, 2015, at 2:18 PM, Lester Holmes wrote: > Gand Afternoon, > Please reler to the attached document contained in this email. Please respond directly ta Judge Byers at judgeswh a > Respecttully, > Lester Holmes > System Administrator/Public Information Officer/Deputy Clerk Judge From: Georgine Welo Sent Friday, May 15, 2015 2:03 AM To: Ruth Gray ce: ; Moe Romeo; Ed Icove; ; Marty Gelfand; David Miller; Dennis Fiorelli; ; Moe Romeo Subject: Re: Letter to Mayar Wela and City Council Dear City Council, Please note that | have net received any information or facts regarding the Judges allegations, However | have been able to verify that the county wrote a grant for a drug court, not our South Euclid Court. We take all felony cases to the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas directly. The South Euclid Municipal court does not have jurisdiction over felonies, however the court has been used for bail hearings. Neither our police officers nor myself have the legal authority to place anyone in a Drug Court or Drug Program. All Felony Meth/Heroin defendants are arraigned in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas and the County Judge assigned to their case has the authority to meke the above dlecisions, Again Mayors and Police Officers do not have Judicial powers. As a small municipality we rely on the county for all health and human services, we do not have the personnel and or financial resources to run any type of Meth/Herain program. | have visited the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's website regarding these issues and you may want to do the same. Thave reviewed the 2014 South Euclid Police Department Annual Report (you have all received a copy). The Annual Report is a complete reporting of all crime in our city and lastly the city has completed all reporting in regards to both the 2014 Audit and CAFR, Remember itis the State of Ohio who Audits us and prepares our financials, we do not do this ‘ourselves and | have complete confidence that we will again receive an Award Winning Audit In closing, | am eager to receive all supporting documentation, facts and sources from the court as | have nothing to base Judge Byers allegations on. Georgine Welo, Mayor All information in this communication, including its attachments, is strictly confidential and intended solely for the delivery to and authorized use by the addressee(s) identified above, and may contain privileged, confidential, proprietary and/or trade secret information entitled to protection and/or exemption from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please take notice that any use, distribution, or copying of this communication or any information contained herein, and/or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon it, is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you have received this Communication in error, please notify the sender and delete this ‘communication from your computer. > On May 14,2035, a 21:11 PM, Ruth Gray wrote: > ester 7 Please note, that | am requesting possible dates that would be available in the evening hours. > Thank you for your assistance inthis regard > Ruth Gray

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