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On Ever Onward

An electronic newsletter for AUP alumni around the world.

Adventist University of the Philippines

Puting Kahoy, Silang ,Cavite, Philippines
The School that Trains for Service

AUP College of Medicine

Inauguration and Dedication Ceremony
August 7-9, 2015

MAY 4, 2015



WHERE IS GOD? We find ourselves wishing we could find our way back


to God. But it has been so long that we dont even remember the way. How do

Published Quarterly by the alumni of

Adventist University of the Philippines
residing in Canada, United States and Philippines.

we find our way back to God? But the good news is that, no matter how hard
we may find God, we will not be alone in striving, for thou art with me.
Page 3

Copyright 2015
All rights reserved

Charles Fegardido -
Romi Talento
Willie Tortal
Edna Domingo
Romy Barrios
Elmie Lynn Lagajino-
Edwin Araba-

Contributing Writers:
Ray Puen-

Layout and Design

Edwin Araba



[of] Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events
that must soon take place. He sent an angel to present this revelation
to his servant John, 2 who faithfully reported everything he saw. This
is his report of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Page 4


majority of our time, effort, and resources? These are our idols. Anything
that we allow to run our life becomes our god. Friends, there is only One
God we ought to be worshiping -- and He will not have any other god's before Him! Let's crush our idols today. We need to get right with the Lord so
that we may be used mightily for His Kingdom! - Page 11

A NEW EYE THAT CANNOT SEE. Have you ever wondered what
its like to live as a blind person? Have you ever thought about how it would be
if you were blind and suddenly, someone comes along and heals your blindness
and you are able to see again? - Page 12

their cellphones, with men college students spending nearly eight
hours, according to a study on cellphone activity. "As cellphone functions increase, addictions to this seemingly indispensable piece of technology become an increasingly realistic possibility," researchers
noted.. - Page 13
The inauguration of the College of Medicine program and building is fast
approaching. August 7-9, 2015 will be forever etched in the history of the
University as great days of thanksgiving and celebration for what God did to
AUP. It will be the fulfillment of the long cherished dream of our pioneers
and church leaders. - Page 23

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

And this is life eternal , that they may know you, the only
true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent.. John 17:3

By Edwin Araba,


ur human life span is unbelievably short. Seventy five

summers in average, provided you have healthy genes
which can even extend your life to a hundred or more

years. Our society is crazy in adapting healthy lifestyle we

existence? The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved.

The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God
exists. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because
anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that

drink organic fruits juices and barley green , eat raw vegetables

He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.

in the hope of living a longer healthy life. There is absolutely

That does not mean, however, that there is no evidence of Gods

nothing wrong with it. An old adage says, An ounce of preven-

existence. The Bible states, The heavens declare the glory of

tion is better than a pound of cure. Doctors of the future will

God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalm 19:1)

prescribe good nutrition rather than pills. Proper nutrition is the

Looking at the stars, understanding the vastness of the universe,

key to a healthy life along with exercise , water, sunlight, tem-

observing the wonders of nature, seeing the beauty of sunset

perance, fresh air, rest and trust in divine providence.

all these things point to a Creator God. If these were not enough,

If you look to yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, If today

there is also evidence of God in our own hearts. Deep within us

were the last day of your life, what would you do? What if you

is the recognition that there is something beyond this life and

have a year, or fifteen years? Remember the statistic, one out of

someone beyond this world.

one will die. Al of us are going in that direction, whether you

Why is God so hard to find in the modern world? There is a fa-

like it or not, unless if you are still alive when Jesus comes.

mous Hassidic story about the sage who came from church one

One day you wake up feeling pain in your back. One day you

day and found his nine-year-old daughter crying bitterly. He

wake up feeling pain in your hands and joints. There is a reason

behind every sign and symptom . Inside our body an ongoing
process is happening as a result of our dietary and physical lifestyle. Our DNA has the genetic code that reveals our expected

asked her whats wrong, and she told him, between sobs, that she
and her friends were playing hide-and-seek and when it was her
turn to hide, she hid so well that they had given up on finding her
and went off to pay another game. And finally after an hour, had

longevity and the blue print of disease processes that will occur

come out only to find herself all alone.

later in your life. The Bible speaks that our life is short.

As the sage comforted her, he mused to himself, I wonder if this

We have to learn that life is fleetinglike leaves of grass, it

is how God feels. He threatened that if we abandoned His ways,

withers and it fades. Theres a book called One Hundred Places

to Go Before you Die . At the end of lifes road , death is the
final destination. Life is a cycle. Theres a time to be born, a

He would hide His face from us. I wonder if God has managed to
hide from us so successfully that we have given up looking for
Him and have gone off in another direction. And I wonder if God

time to grow, a time to have family, a time to grow old and a

feels lonely and abandoned.

time to die.

Right now the new you is you but someday you

How did we get ourselves into this situation, where we have

will gradually grow old and die. The Bible also speaks about

problemsloneliness, moral confusion, the pointlessness in our

hope after death. There is hope of eternal life. And this life

lives, our fear of deathproblems which religion traditionally

eternal that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus

provide answers.

Christ whom thou has sent. John 17:3. Answers lifes greatest
questions are difficult to find. Where is God? Can we prove his

Continued on page 7


May 4, 2015

Prayer For AUP and AUP Alumni


By Charles Fegarido

Rev. 1:1-3, NLT (All bold letters are for emphasis)

This is a revelation [of] Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show
his servants the events that must soon take place. He sent an angel to
present this revelation to his servant John, 2 who faithfully reported everything he saw. This is his report of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the
church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it
says, for the time is near.

Let's Pray. Eternal Father in heaven,

1. Thank You for Your Holy Word, which all about Your Eternal Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27, NLT). Thank You that because of
His death and sacrifice for our sins, we can come boldly to the throne of
our gracious God, where we will receive His mercy, and we will find
grace to help us when we need it most (Heb. 4:16, NLT). What a privilege we have to come into His presence so He can give us "His righteousness by His faith in us" mortal and sinful beings! We can never be
righteous without Him, and we cannot have His faith unless He gives it
to us. So no matter what good things we do to merit His grace, it will not
amount to anything because it is not from the heart. And our Lord Jesus
wants us to focus our priority - to come into His presence by inviting
Him as Sovereign Lord into our body temple (1 Cor. 6:19-20, NKJV)
and then He will give us everything we need (Matt. 6:33, NLT). Please
give us divine wisdom to commit to memory verses from the Bible in
order to have a ready answer for our faith to share with seeking souls.
Help us as His servant-priests to intercede on behalf of our fellow men
and women showing them His goodness and mercy through our intercessory prayers, compassionate words, and loving acts.
2. Thank You for Your daily blessings of life and health, and for continued spiritual and material blessings for all alumni, AUP members, and
our families. Give us heavenly wisdom to choose right from wrong, truth
over error, and to commit our lives and our all to Your keeping as we
daily accomplish Your will and, by Your grace, obey Your Ten Commandments of love.
3. Please continue to guide and protect all our Alumni, AUP Members,
and our families. Keep us safe from accidents, natural disasters, and
violence in this world until the second coming of our Lord Jesus. Watch
carefully over all our children, grandchildren, and loved ones as they go
daily to school, work, or play. Continue to bless us financially so we
may be able to send our children and grandchildren to Your Christian
schools, where they will learn more of our Lord Jesus life examples of
love, giving, self-sacrifice, humility and remain faithful to Your Church.
4. We pray for our dear AUP alumni, AUP members, and families, who
are grieving the loss of loved ones who recently passed away. You know
these dear families and their emotional and spiritual needs. Please send
them Your Holy Spirit to give comfort, peace, and the blessed hope in
the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who said, I am the resurrection
and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die" (John
11:25-26, NLT). We long to live in His new world, where there will be
no more death, no sickness, no depression, no disappointment, nor ever
be tired or lonely. Please come soon for this sin-sick world is not our
home, and everything in it will vanish away.
5. We pray for all our alumni, who are sick, troubled, sorrowful, and
having difficulties and health problems, whether at home or in hospitals.

4 CYBERLINK / May 4 , 2015

Please ease their loneliness, suffering and pain; and if it is Your will,
provide physical and emotional healing so that our Lord Jesus' name
may be glorified among us. Thank You for answered prayers on
behalf of all alumni and family members who have been healed and
are recovering.
6. Give us divine wisdom to choose healthy habits and lifestyle (as in
"NEWSTART"). Help us to: eat a healthy diet of fruits, nuts, grains,
legumes and vegetables; do healthy walking exercises; be temperate
in the things we do, eat and drink; and partake lots of pure water,
sunshine, air, and rest. Help us to continue avoiding meat, dairy
products, and other substances detrimental to our health so we may
live longer lives for Your honor and glory and be of service in bringing others to our Lord Jesus.
7. Thank You for answering our prayers in establishing the only
Adventist College of Medicine (AUP-COM) in Asia and the Pacific
Islands. As our AUP-COM starts its program this coming school
year, August 2015, please guide and help us all, Alumni, AUP Members, and friends, to boldly move forward united in the financial and
prayerful support of this college. Bless the ongoing construction and
improvement in the Alumni Hall Building, which will house the
COM, MedTech School, and their labs and classrooms. Bless our
AUP administrators, teachers, students, AUP workers in their daily
tasks and activities. We pray in a special way that You will bountifully bless our working students' FARM PROGRAM. We pray for a
peaceful and joyous atmosphere, harmonious working relationships,
and financial prosperity for all departments and occupants in our
8. Instill in us Your principle that our GENEROSITY toward others
is a barometer of our personal relationship with our Lord Jesus (Matt.
25:31-46), and that our giving is an INDICATOR of our thankfulness
and gratitude to Him, Who loves us and provides for our every material, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Touch the hearts of all
our AUP alumni and AUP members to share a portion of His blessings with Your poor and needy children, especially: (a) Reva
Moore's " Help the Needy " Mission for desperately poor children
and adults in the Philippines in need of life-threatening surgeries (see to donate); (b) Reva Moore's
Adopt-a-Minister Project supporting over 400 of our unemployed
SDA ministerial graduates preaching our Lord Jesus' gospel message
of salvation in the Philippines, and baptizing thousands of precious
souls annually for Him (see to donate any amount
or monthly stipend). This ministry is desperately low on funds for
lack of sponsors. Please perform a miracle in the lives of our alumni
and friends to earnestly pray for this ministry to continue winning
souls for our Lord Jesus; and (c) Teresa Quirante's Mission of
Hope's FARM project for and by AUP working students to help
them become self-sustaining and self-supporting by raising farm
crops, vegetables, chickens and eggs, tilapia, various fruit trees, etc.
and help purchase farm work animals and tools (visit to donate). Thank You for a bountiful
harvest of first fruits from their vegetable gardens and corn fields,
We pray for a safe round-trip for our Mission of Hope Team, who
are now visiting AUP and helping our working students.
For Your Eternal Son told us to ask these things in His name
[John 14:13,14]. Amen.

My Friends In the Barrios

By Juan M. Flavier


AKU, PURO UTANG (Oh, its all debt)!

Aling Iska lamented . Then dont sell on
credit, I advised her. That wont do, she
explained. The customer wont like it. They will
say I do not know how to get along with others

wanted to know how one goes about operating a

store against such odds.
In any one month, I sell about three hundred pesos
worth of good credit, Aling Iska explained.
For any one person, five pesos is the absolute limit.
I allow that amount as an expression of pakikisama.
Beyond that, he is already ruining my business and
that means he is the one who lacks pakikisama. At
that point I can already refuse to sell on credit without being branded mukhang pera. He has to pay
first before getting a new credit line.
I will stop buying from you after I exhaust my
credit line, I said.
Then its his look-out in terms of inconvenience
for there are no other store in the barrio, she
Supposed there is another store in the barrio,
I said.

And then they will add that I have the face of

money (mukhang pera). They will also spread the
gossip that I do not trust anybody.
The way she explained it, there was no choice but
to sell on credit and hope that the customers will
eventually pay.
Do you trust them? I asked. No, she answered
without reservation. Then what do you do? I

Ah, hindi rin siya pagbibilhan dahil sa ikakalat ko

na siya ay hindi marunong magbayad ng utang. At
may listahan ako sa pader na testigo ( Ah, they
wont sell to him because I will spread the gossip
that he does not know how to pay his debts. And I
have a list on the wall as proof), she answered
pointing to the wall to a long list of numbers.
The writing on the wall is the social pressure the
statement of accounts in clear unmistakable figures.
CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

By Juan M. Flavier

CRITICIZING OTHERS is a popular pastime in the

barrio. It can be vicious and destructive.
But why do people engaged in it, Tata Poloniong? I
asked. He looked at me in a fatherly way.
Maybe because that is part of their humanity. Or
maybe it is a complex. The only way to put themselves
up is by putting others down.
I stopped to think about Tata Poloniongs remarks.
But isnt that wrong?
Of course it is wrong, he answered simply.
In fact, there is even a proverb which frowns upon
criticisms. Bago ka bumati sa ibang uling, and uling
mo muna ang siyang alisin. (Before you notice somebody elses charcoal marks, first remove your own
smear). He half-smiled.
Some just want to pride themselves on contradicting
anything or being the villain (kontrabida).
6 CYBERLINK / May 4 , 2015

Is criticism all that bad?

Not necessarily, Tata Poloniong hastened to say.
Criticizing can bring out the two sides of an issue;
it can indicate the advantages and disadvantages
when a choice is to be made.
Suddenly, the words of my former boss flashed
through my mind. He was extremely fond of saying by way of encouraging me to disagree and criticize, If we both agreed all the time, one of us is
useless and that one is not me!
Tata Poloniong continued, We also need criticism
to enable us to improve; too much praise,
especially if undeserved, can be destructive.
As someone once said, The trouble with most of
us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than
saved by criticism.

core of our lives, when we are brave enough to ask

...from page 3 , Where is God?

But it never occurs to us to look to religion for
help? Or if we do look, why are we often so disappointed? I think one of the many reasons is that
while the abstract concepts of religion, prayer, and
morality may be of divine origin, the embodiments
of organized religion here on earth are human insti-

questions like, Why am I here? How can I manage

to do something which has been always hard for me?
We find ourselves wishing we could find our way
back to God. But it has been so long that we dont
even remember the way. How do we find our way
back to God?

tutions, created and run by fallible human beings,

But the good news is that, no matter how hard we

and never quite able to avoid flaws of their human

may find God, we will not be alone in striving, for

creators. When someone says to me, I tried to get

thou art with me. Who needs God in a world that

involved in your church, but I found it to be full of

could be so beautiful, and so holy, in a life that could

petty small-minded hypocrites, I can usually resist

be so full of meaning and satisfaction, if we only

the temptation to tell him, Thats all right, theres

opened our eyes and knew where to look. I know I

always room for one more. What I say instead is,

do. And I know we do.

A church that admitted only saints would be like a

It occurs to me to think about having an AUP Obser-

hospital that admitted only healthy people.



Back in college we loved star gazing at

would be a lot easier to run, and a more pleasant

night with our naked eyes. We have Pathfinder hon-

place to be. The people who staff Gods embassies

ors in Starsboth beginner and advanced level. At

on earth are sometimes, but rarely, saints.

Leoni Meadows Retreat Center in Northern Califor-

As in the Hassidic story of the little girl whose hide

nia, they have a fairly good Nature Center which is

-and-seek playmates lost interest in finding her,

adjacent to their mini-dome observatory. It would

God is absent from our lives because we have

be nice to have an Observatory at AUP , possibly

stopped looking for Him.

Sometimes we have

located in the highest peak of the campusnear the

stopped looking for Him because the people who

water tank. This project could amount at an esti-

speak on His behalf are small-minded, bigoted and

mated $5,000$6,000. To start the ball rolling we

crass, because their human flaws and failings are

need donors to support this project. This project

too evident ( and perhaps remind us of our own).

will arouse interest in science and astronomy ;will

Sometimes we have stopped looking for God be-

benefit all - young and old . According to Sir Guyo

cause ( like people who postponing the visit to the

there is an old reflector telescope stored somewhere .

doctor or dentist) we think we know what he will

It was donated by an American science teacher from

say to us and we dont want to hear it. And some-

the old Baesa campus . It was

times we dont look for God because it never oc-

been transferred at Silang. But we

curs to us that we need Him.

need a more updated telescope

But when, in moments of honest reflection, we are

brave enough to confront the emptiness at the very

housed in a mini dome.

believed to have

Let us

pray about it.

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


By Juan M. Flavier
As was his habit, St. Peter sat at the entrance of

He liked to interview each arrival from

earthly life. He was particularly interested in knowing what the person had done for a living. This
would give him an idea of good deeds done as a basis for deciding whether to allow him entrance or to

and why should I accept you into heaven? I was

lawyer and I defended the accused and the condemned. I was a guardian of truth and a champion
of law and order. I guided and counseled people to
settle disputes. I was always at the service of the
people.Proceed to the gate,

the Saint com-

manded. Next, please. What did you do on earth?

Why should I accept you into heaven?

remand him to the lower section where flames

I was an engineer on earth. I constructed houses

burned all day long. The new batch consisted mostly

for people to live in. I built skyscrapers for offices

of professionals. The first man approached St. Peter

and other needs of the people. I spanned rivers by

with confidence.

constructing bridges.

What did you do on earth? And why should I

accept you into heaven? asked St. Peter.
I was a doctor.

I attended to the sick and the

wounded. I also prevented diseases by making peo-

Man has made advances

through my endeavors. I was always an active partner in the progress of the people.
Go past the gates into heaven. Next , please, said
St. Peter.

ple healthy through immunization and other public

And what have you to say for yourself ? I was a

health measures. I always responded to the call of

teacher, and I taught all of them. Enter heaven.

the people.

And , in addition, here is a halo and a pair of wings,

Enter heaven,

St. Peter intoned

solemnly. Next, please. What did you do on earth,

8 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

said St. Peter to the elated teacher.

Leoni Meadows Nature Center,

Northern California, USA

Adventist University
of the Philippines

Observatory Project
Let us help build a

Science center at AUP.

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

AWESNA 2015 Convention Church

September 4-6, 2015 at Doubletree By Hilton Hotel San Jose, California
State Librarian Emeritus Kevin Starr in his new book
"Golden Gate: The Life and Times of America's
Greatest Bridge." The most recognizable bridge in
the world, the Golden Gate remains a bit of an engineering marvel. The longest bridge before its construction was 700 feet shorter, and gapping the 1.7mile stretch of Pacific was called an impossibility at
the time of its conception. An icon represents something different to each of us," he said. "It gives us
hope because it speaks to us as individuals; it speaks
to our hopes and dreams for the future."

This years AWESNA Convention will be held in Northern

California at the heart of the Silicon Valley, San Jose. It flourishes with industry, beauty and culture rich with history. Double Tree by Hilton San Jose places you in the center of it all
less than half-mile from San Jose International Airport, 45 minutes from San Francisco International Airport, and an hour
south of San Francisco and north of Monterey/Carmel.
There are two most iconic bridges in the United
States The Brooklyn Bridge in the east coast
and the Golden Gate Bridge in Northern California. The Brooklyn Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world. It rose out of the
expansive era following Civil War, when
Americans believed all things were possible.
The Golden Gate Bridge--nine thousand feet
long, seven hundred and fifty feet tall, weighing
887,000 tons and coated in millions of gallons
of International Orange paint--links the urbanity of San Francisco with the wild headlands of
Marin County, as if to suggest the paradox of
California and America itself," wrote California

10 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

A bridge can have literal and symbolic in meaning.

Literal in a sense that it brings people from one
place to another. And a symbolic structure a
bridge of hope that unites us as ONE. It has a far
deeper meaning. The greatest bridge for today and
throughout eternity is Christ ,the bridge that opens
the floodgates of humanity to our heavenly Father.
When sin separated us from God it was Christ, the
living bridge that brought us back to Him. Jesus said,
I am the way, the truth ,and the life ; no man cometh
to the father but by me. John 14:6 The only way
man can be reunited with God is through the bridge
of Christ. Theres no other way . Only Him. As we
look forward to this coming convention let us contemplate on the greatest bridge for today and eternity
Christ, the bridge of hope for the fallen humanity.

Kuya Bennys Corner

By Benjamin Banaag ,MD

Friends, Crush, Mutilate , Destroy!

2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the
living God; as God has said, "I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they
shall be My people."
According to ancient Jewish legend, one day Abraham was shown his father, Terah's room of many idols.
Young Abraham, thinking that perhaps he could discover intimacy with them, made some desirable delicacies
and placed them before the idols. When nothing happened, he realized that these idols were nothing more than
clay -- they could do nothing for him or anyone else for that matter. So he proceeded to destroy all the idols,
except for one.
When Terah received word of this, he went to Abraham and said, "Son,
what did you do to my idols?!" "I brought them delicacies," Abraham
replied, "and then the biggest idol became envious of the others, and
destroyed them all." Terah, furious with Abraham, said, "You're lying
to me! How can idols made by my own hands do such things?" "You're
right father." Replied Abraham, "Now tell me, then, why do we worship
idols that can not eat, drink or even move?"
This kind of idol worship may sound far removed from us, but we too,
have our idols. They may not be made of clay but they are very real!
The love of money, possessions, success, leisure, food, sensuality, security and outward beauty -- the love of
tradition and even our friends and
family -- the pursuit of our goals and
dreams are among some just off the
top of my head. Most of these are not
bad things in and of themselves, don't get me wrong. But if we are not careful, they can all easily become idols in our lives!
What is the object of our affections today? What takes up the majority of our
time, effort, and resources? These are our idols. Anything that we allow to
run our life becomes our god.
Friends, there is only One God we ought to be worshiping -- and He will
not have any other god's before Him! Let's crush our idols today. We need to get right with the Lord so that we
may be used mightily for His Kingdom!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
Kuya Benny
CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


Sharing Time
By Reva Lachica Moore

A New Eye That Cannot See

Have you ever wondered what its like to live as a blind person? Have you ever thought about how it
would be if you were blind and suddenly, someone comes along and heals your blindness and you are able to
see again?
In the Bible, there are three separate instances of blind men who were healed by Jesus:
(1) The man who was born blind that Jesus told to go to the Pool of Siloam, after Jesus spit on the
ground, made some mud with his saliva and put it on the mans eyes (John 9:-42).
(2) Blind Bartimaeus who was begging by the roadside
and shouted at Jesus when he heard Jesus was there (Mark
10:46-52). 46 Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind
man, Bartimaeus (which means son of Timaeus), was sitting
by the roadside begging. 47 When he heard that it was Jesus of
Nazareth, he began to shout, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy
on me! 48 Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he
shouted all the more, Son of David, have mercy on me!
(3) And the blind man in Mark 8:22-25: 22 They came to
Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged
Jesus to touch him. 23 He took the blind man by the hand and led
him outside the village. When he had spit on the mans eyes and
put his hands on him, Jesus asked, Do you see anything?
He looked up and said, I see people; they look like trees
walking around. 25 Once more Jesus put his hands on the mans
eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he
saw everything clearly.
Jesus healed many people during the Bible times. Whoever needed help and came to Him received divine
healing. I can only imagine if Jesus walked the streets today. Throngs of sick people will be looking for Him.
Last September 2014, I wrote about Michelle Piquero, 24, a single mother of a 6-year-old, and who
needed our help. Michelle's right eye was enlarged and abnormal. It was diagnosed as glaucoma 4 years ago,
but due to money problems, she did not get the treatment she needed. And her right eye had gotten worse.
When she finally saw an eye doctor, she was advised to have her eye surgically removed before it became malignant and her good eye gets affected.
Michelle did not have money for surgery. She works as a domestic helper, making just enough for daily
needs. She needed $2,000 for her surgery. Michelle was very discouraged and afraid of her future. One day,
she met Pastor Ricky Rosales, who wrote us asking help for Michelle.
Praise God, we were able to raise the funds for Michelle. Last November 12, 2014, Michelle had her surgery. Although she lost her right eye, she is very grateful that she still has her left eye.
Last March 2015, Michelle received her artificial eye. We here at Help the Needy, Inc. are very grateful
to those who sent funds for Michelles surgery and artificial eye. Michelle is sending her thanks to you all.
May God continue to bless you!
If you wish to send help to our patients, please check our Help the Needy website: http:// Thank you so much!
12 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

Health Corner

Edited by Romi Talento,MD
This weeks health article link: http://

Recipe of the week: Sandra Vanhoy, Healthy Recipes to

Live By. (Editors Note: To conclude our discussion on
Addiction, at least three articles will be published regarding addiction. This weeks article will focus on the addicting habit in the use of cell phones!)

Cellphone addiction harming

academic performance is 'an
increasingly realistic possibility
Date:August 28, 2014
Source:Baylor University
Summary:Women college students spend an average of 10 hours a
day on their cellphones, with men college students spending nearly
eight hours, according to a study on cellphone activity. "As cellphone functions increase, addictions to this seemingly indispensable piece of technology become an increasingly realistic possibility," researchers noted.
Women college students spend an average of 10 hours a day on
their cellphones and men college students spend nearly eight, with
excessive use posing potential risks for academic performance,
according to a Baylor University study on cellphone activity published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions.
"That's astounding," said researcher James Roberts, Ph.D., The
Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing in Baylor's Hankamer
School of Business. "As cellphone functions increase, addictions
to this seemingly indispensable piece of technology become an
increasingly realistic possibility." The study notes that approximately 60 percent of college students admit they may be addicted
to their cell phone, and some indicated they get agitated when it is
not in sight, said Roberts, lead author of the article "The Invisible
Addiction: Cellphone Activities and Addiction among Male and
Female College Students."
The study -- based on an online survey of 164 college students -examined 24 cellphone activities and found that time spent on 11
of those activities differed significantly across the sexes. Some
functions -- among them Pinterest and Instagram -- are associated
significantly with cellphone addiction. But others that might logically seem to be addictive -- Internet use and gaming -- were not.
General findings of the study showed that:
Of the top activities, respondents overall reported spending the
most time texting (an average of 94.6 minutes a day), followed by
sending emails (48.5 minutes), checking Facebook (38.6 minutes),
surfing the Internet (34.4 minutes) and listening to their iPods.

(26.9 minutes). Men send about the same number of emails

but spend less time on each. "That may suggest that they're
sending shorter, more utilitarian messages than their female
counterparts," Roberts said. Women spend more time on
their cellphones. While that finding runs somewhat contrary
to the traditional view that men are more invested in technology, "women may be more inclined to use cellphones for
social reasons such as texting or emails to build relationships
and have deeper conversations."
The men in the study, while more occupied with using their
cellphones for utilitarian or entertainment purposes, "are not
immune to the allure of social media," Roberts said. They
spent time visiting such social networking sites as Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter. Among reasons they used Twitter
were to follow sports figures, catch up on the news -- "or, as
one male student explained it, 'waste time,'" Roberts said.
Excessive use of cellphones poses a number of possible risks
for students, he said. "Cellphones may wind up being an escape mechanism from their classrooms. For some, cellphones in class may provide a way to cheat," Roberts said.
Excessive or obsessive cellphone use also can cause conflict
inside and outside the classroom: with professors, employers
and families. And "some people use a cellphone to dodge an
awkward situation. They may pretend to take a call, send a
text or check their phones," Roberts said. Roberts noted that
the current survey is more extensive than previous research
in measuring the number and types of cellphone activities. It
also is the first to investigate which activities are associated
significantly with cellphone addictions and which are not.
Study participants were asked to respond to 11 statements
such as "I get agitated when my cellphone is not in sight"
and "I find that I am spending more and more time on my
cellphone" to measure the intensity of their addiction.
The study noted that modern cellphone use is a paradox in
that it can be "both freeing and enslaving at the same time."
"We need to identify the activities that push cellphone use
from being a helpful tool to one that undermines our wellbeing and that of others," Roberts said.
Cellphone activities examined in the study included calling,
texting, emailing, surfing the Internet, banking, taking photos, playing games, reading books, using a calendar, using a
clock and a number of applications, among them the Bible,
iPod, coupons, Google Maps, eBay, Amazon, Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, iTunes, Pandora and
"other" (news, weather, sports, lifestyle-related applications
and Snapchat.)
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Baylor
University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and
length. /story_source
Journal Reference:
James A. Roberts, Luc Honore Petnji Yaya, Chris Manolis. The invisible addiction: Cell-phone activities and
addiction among male and female college students.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2014; 1 (-1): 1 DOI:

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


Recipe of the Week

(This recipe is the ninth of fifteen recipes on Sweets and Treats, the last

section of Sandra Vanhoys excellent vegetarian cookbook, Healthy Recipes to

Live By.)

Fruit Squares

1 1/2 c rolled oats
1/2 c whole wheat flour
3/4 c unsweetened coconut
1/2 c fruit juice
1 1/2 c all fruit jam

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients together, then add juice. Stir just until moistened. Put slightly more than half of the crumb mixture in an oiled 5" x 7" baking dish and pat
down. Spread fruit jam over this and top with remaining crust. Pat down slightly. Bake for 40

14 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

By Many Fauni ,


agree fully well with Ray that we should find

out false prophets according to 1 John 4:1-2,
and extending it further to verses 3 & 4, that
those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is
God that has come in the flesh, are not only false prophets
but also Anti-Christ (worse).
But this is not the sole test as Isaiah 8:20 says: To the law
and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this
word,, it is because there is no light in them. In other
words, the Bible, as a whole, should be used as the standard of tests.
We also find in Deut. 13:1-4: Deut. 13:1 If there arise
among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth
thee a sign or a wonder, Deut. 13:2 And the sign or the
wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying,
Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and
let us serve them; Deut. 13:3 Thou shalt not hearken unto
the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for
the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love
the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your
soul. Deut. 13:4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God,
and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his
voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. Even
if the supposed signs become a reality, the pretender is
also a false prophet because he is influencing God's people
to worship other gods, such as believing in something that
is not in the Bible, such as the secret rapture, and the
following seven years of Second Chances, that is allowing
those left behind to repent and be changed, a very dangerous teaching that after the second coming, there is still
a chance to change for those left behind. This false
teaching also claims that Jesus will come again after the
seven years of tribulation to establish 1,000 years of bliss
on earth, which is also non-biblical.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew
7:20) Are we just presuming that Harold Campbell and
Hal Lindsey are false prophets as they set several times the
end of the world (secret rapture) which did not happen?
Now, the real test is this If nothing happens in the
United States, within this year, and even up to 2016, such
as: (1) Economic chaos (2)Loss of military power and (3)
Invasion of the U.S., then TBN, Jim Bakker, Jonathan
Cahn, etc. are false prophets. Agreed?

There were those who believed that the world would end
in 2012, according to the newly discovered Mayan
calendar. If it did, nobody told me.
This is the potential danger of picking a sign here and
there and then make a hasty conclusion about it, that on
such and such a year, a month or a day that Jesus will
come. Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no
man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
I took up the challenge of Ray to look up the history of
economic crashes or failures in the U.S. And found out
the following :Beginning from the huge Wall St. Crash
on Oct. 29, 1929, which lasted for 4 years, Recession of
1937-38 lasted for one year. Nothing happened in 1936,
seven years after 1929. So, no sequence here. Nothing
happened in 1980. No sequence either. Oct. 19, 1987,
Black Monday if nothing happened in 1980, therefore
no sequence credit there. Oct. 13, 1989, mini-crash, no
sequence. July, 1990, recession that lasted 8 months no
sequence credit.1994 no record of crash or whatever
no sequence again. Sept. 11, 2001 if nothing happened
in 1994, then no sequence also attack on the U.S. Oct.
9, 2002 downturn in stock prices, not serious. Oct. 11,
2007 Bear market for two years, up to 2009.Sept. 16,
2008 Financial crisis caused by big banks 7 years
from 2001 I don't consider this significant because from
1929 up to 2008, there is only one Shemitah. There is no
preponderance of probability established, therefore the
Shemitah theory collapses. There are no dots to connect.
Much to my desire for my Jesus to come soon, I have to
patiently wait and look for definite signs in the Bible, like
the finishing of the gospel work around the world and the
passage of the National Sunday Law in the United States,
and the United States to remain at the top of the world
politically, militarily and economically, for it to speak
like the dragon and command the world to worship
the beast and its image and to cause the people around
the world to receive the mark of the beast (Revelation
chapter 13)that is, obeying the Sunday legislation. When
these things happen, then I know that He is even at the
door (sa pinto, sa pinto) already. In all of these, it boils
down to one necessity for all of us to be prepared spiritually NOW MORE THAN EVER because when we die,
that is already the Second Coming for us. GOD BLESS.

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015



Submitted by Dr. Conrado Miranda, IV
Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him
but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult
question. Arthur
would have a year to figure out the answer and, if, after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death. The question?...What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it
seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's
He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester. He spoke
with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. Many people advised him to consult the old ugly woman, for only
she would have the answer. But the price would be high; as the woman was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant
prices she charged. The last day of the year arrived and
Arthur had no choice but to talk to the old woman. She
agreed to answer the question, but he would have to
agree to her price first. The old ugly woman wanted to
marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the
Round Table and Arthur's closest friend!
Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and
hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made
obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a
repugnant creature in all his life. He refused to force his
friend to marry her and endure such a terrible
burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke
with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice
compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the
Round Table.
Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the woman answered Arthur's question thus: What a woman really
wants, she to be in charge of her own life.
Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the woman
had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be
spared. And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted
Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the ugly woman
had a wonderful wedding. The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him. The most
beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened. The young beauty
replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared ugly, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half
the time and the beautiful maiden the other half.
Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the day -- or night? Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful
woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old ugly woman? Or, would he prefer having a hideous
woman during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments?
What would YOU do? What Lancelot chose is below. BUT -- make YOUR choice before you scroll down below. OKAY?
Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself. Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life. Now....what is the moral to this story?


CYBERLINK / May 4 , 2015

Recommended reading
By Edwin Araba


his book is written by an experienced Bible scholar and is a must
read for anyone who is interested
in understanding current events in the light
of the Bible. In this book you will be introduced to Gods loving warning about
future events and their impact on the
inhabitants of this world. Not to know
about Satans final deceptions will be to fall
for a lie and lose eternal life. The stakes
could not be higher. Anyone willing to take
the time to read can know for sure what is
planned whats ahead. In this compelling book, Dr. Herbert Douglass summarizes the evidence of just how late it really
isthe rise of natural calamities, the tsunami of New Spirituality sweeping over
most Christian churches, the increasing attention to psychic phenomena and the
growing political and economic unity of
major nations on earth. Ellen White foresaw this religious crisis and nailed its
cause: The vague and fanciful interpretation of Scripture, and the many conflicting
theories concerning religious faith, that are
found in the Christian world, are the work
of our great adversary, to confuse minds so
that they shall not discern the truth. And the
discord and division which exist among the
churches of Christendom are in great measure due to the prevailing custom of wresting the Scriptures to support a favorite
theory. - The Great Controversy, 520.

We are living in the time when Satans ferocity

against God and His loyalists overflows all
previous assaults. Let us keep our minds alert
and our vision focused on the key elements of
the Great Controversy that will soon end.

CYBERLINK / May 4 , 2015


Death is a Challenge
Turned to this brilliant student of mine, a
graduate student but dont let that fool
you. One thing I learned many many years
ago, and thats that education has no effect
whatsoever. Some of the stupidest people I know
have Ph.Ds. I have one. Anyway, I said to this brilliant student of mine, How come? Hes living
there, hes lived there all his life. How come this
leaf chooses to be black and this leaf chooses to be
yellow? He said, I dont know. Thats just the way
it is. I said, It is not just the way it is! Theres a
good reason for it, and I want to know. You take me
to the library and looked it up, and you know, I found
out it is magic. Now I know, and Im not going to
tell you. But knowing the scientific reason for the
change of colors doesnt make it any more or any
less spiritual. Its still magic. Its still wonderful.

To choose life, we must be willing to risk again and

love again. Can you think of anything more important? What do we work for? What do we strive for?
What do we suffer for? What do we hope for? Its
love. Its life. To miss it will always be your greatest

A wonderful thing about Democratic Death is that

nobody knows when its coming. And so its a challenge to you to live every moment as if death were
just sitting saying to you, Im here, Im here, Im
Theres nothing more abhorrent to us in our culture
than a concept of death. I have never seen a people
more afraid of death than in the united States. You
know why?
Because we dont live! If we lived,
we would not fear death.
Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time. I
tells us to grow, it tells us to become! It tells us to
tell each other right now that we love each other.

But if you are willing to risk, to be hurt, to suffer, you

will know love.
Van Gogh said a beautiful thing: Isnt that nice?
The best way to love life is to love many things. If
you want to know what kind of lover you are, listen
to how many times during the day you say, I hate I hate this, Ooo, take that away, I hate it, I
hate those kind of people, I hate these kind of
things rather than, I love. You say youre a
lover how many times do you hear yourself say, I
love it? I love this, I love flowers! I love
children, on and on.
Another thing youve got to be able to to deal with
and select, is death. Weve got to make our peace
with death in order to choose life, because death is
incredibly good friend. It tells us that we dont have
forever. And if you want life, youd better live it
now! Because if you wait, it may not be there.
18 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

Living, Loving & Learning, by Leo Buscaglia, PhD

p. 179-1811.


By Paavo Airola, N.D., Ph.D

vegetarian diet with emphasis on vegetables,
cooked and raw, particularly potatoes (raw and
cooked) and all vegetable greens. Alfalfa, fresh
and tablets, is of specific benefit; also raw potato juice, freshly made. Eat alfalfa seed sprouts daily.
Most beneficial vegetables: alfalfa, wheat grass, watercress, potatoes, yams, celery, parsley, garlic, comfrey,
Most beneficial fruits: bananas, sour cherries, pineapples, sour apples.
Avoid: meat, fish, fowl, cows milk, cheese, bread (even
whole grain), slat, sugar. Use honey for sweetener ;
kelp as a salt substitute. Raw goats milk is excellent in
fresh or soured form, up to quart a day. I have known
patients who cured themselves of arthritis by drinking
one quart of goats milk each day.
Yogurt, homemade cottage cheese and whole grain
bread may be added to the diet when the patient is well
on the way to recovery. Millet and rice are the best
grains. Use sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds sparingly.
For complete details on the diet for arthritis, see my
book, There IS a Cure For Arthritis.

tissues and the joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis.

Ho-and-cold showers, morning and evening (see Direction:7).
Overheating baths (see Direction:7), that heat packs, mustard and castor oil packs regularly (see notes).
Massage and individually adjusted exercises, regularly.
Acupuncture can be effective in relieving pain of arthritis.
Note: For complete details on the biological treatment of
arthritis, see my book, There IS A Cure For Arthritis,
available in bookstores and health food stores, or from
Health Plus Publishers, P.O. Box 2201, Phoenix, Arizona,
Emphasis on raw vegetable juices: carrot, celery, red beets,
parsley, alfalfa, raw potatoes. Citrus juices on sparingly.
Sour cherry juice is specifically effective. Other fruit
juices: fresh pineapple juice, black currant, sour apple juice.
The enzyme in fresh pineapple juice, bromelain, reduces
swelling and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.
Comfrey, alfalfa, parsley, poke berries, black cohosh, chaparral, buckthorn bark, sassafras, peppermint, slippery elm,
ragwort, burdock root.

All rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis,
are particularly responsive to vegetable juice therapy.
Repeated juice fasts (see Directions: 3) of 4 to 6 weeks
fasts. The alkaline action of raw juices and vegetable
broth (see Recipes) dissolves the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues. Green juice
(see direction: 5) mixed with carrot, celery and red beet
juice, and vegetable broth daily, are specific for arthritis
and other rheumatic diseases.
One of the most successful biological treatments for
rheumatic and arthritic conditions is the raw potato juice
therapy, used in folk medicine for centuries. The old
way to make potato juice was as follows: take one medium size potato, wash it, cut it into thin slices (with the
skin on) and place in a large glass. Fill glass with cold
water and let it stand overnight. Drink the water in the
morning on an empty stomach. Potato juice can also be
made in an electric juicer. Make it fresh and drink diluted with water, 50-50, first thing in the morning.
It has been demonstrated that the administration of bromelain (pineapple enzyme), 6-8 tablets a day, helps reduce or eliminate swelling and inflammation in the soft

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


Adventist University of the Philippines Medical Center

College of Medicine (Concept Building).
Through Christ, Healing and Wholeness.

20 CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

Retired microbiologist shares professional

experience with mission hospitals
Ben Siapco, a Loma Linda University graduate and retired
microbiologist, worked at Loma Linda University Health for
26 years. Throughout that time he volunteered his free time
and holidays to serve overseas through the Global Health
Institute and Adventist Health International (AHI). After
retiring from this lengthy career, his life became anything but
boring. Today, he continues to use his skills as a clinical
laboratory instructor and consultant for AHI, a not for profit
organization located in Loma Linda, CA.
In this position Siapco is given the opportunity to travel the
world while working at various mission sites. He has traveled to numerous locations including, Liberia, Haiti, China,
Afghanistan and more. Once on site, he takes on given projects that will help the labs become more organized and efficient. In addition to aiding the labs he is also encompassing
the role of educator by providing hands on and observational
training to the local workers on site.

ing my mom.
After finding this incentive to learn more and educate himself in
science, he was able to work his way through school at Philippines Union College, an Adventist University. This undertaking
was strewn with struggles along the way until one day he was
ready to give up but instead he prayed a prayer that changed his
life forever.
Lord if you can just show me the light at the end of the tunnel I
will serve you wherever you want me to go, Siapco said. And
right after I prayed that, I heard a small voice saying, Ben youre
going to go through.
It is because of this promise that Siapco made to God that he says
he will serve wherever He leads until his dying days. So when
AHI asked me to help with these mission sites, I said yes,
Siapco said. It was exciting, so I said oh yeah, I would love to
do that!
Since then, Siapco has worked at numerous sites where he will
stay for anywhere from two weeks to two months, working as
long as necessary from Sunday to Friday. It is because of people,
like Ben Siapco, that these mission hospitals are continuing to
grow and thrive within their countries.
Im just like the leaves in the autumn, Siapco said when asked
how long he would continue to do this work. Wherever the wind
blows, that is where I am and it is all because I made a promise.
A promise to God, and I cannot go back on my word.

One thing about working at these sites is that you have to be

ready to think outside the box, Siapco says. You have to be
willing to find solutions that are not just quick fixes, but are
sustainable. Otherwise my work is not going to help them.
Siapcos life story is one filled with miracles and evidences
that God has led him to where he is today. Growing up as
one of seven children in the Philippines his family struggled
financially and he was used to having his home flooded from
torrential rainstorms. While this was the life he was accustomed to, the one thing he could not understand was his
mothers illness. She was slowly dying from Tuberculosis
At the age of 10 I learned how to work so that I could help
put money on the table, Siapco said. I can still picture my
mom suffering from TB and that is what made me want to
become a microbiologist. I wanted to find out what was kill-

By Courtney Beck with Haas

Adventist Health International

CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


Invitation for COM Inauguration and Dedication Ceremony

Our Beloved Church and Institution Leaders, Alumni, Donors, and Friends:
Warm greetings from the Adventist University of the Philippines!
The inauguration of the College of Medicine program and building is fast approaching. August 7-9, 2015 will
be forever etched in the history of the University as great days of thanksgiving and celebration for what God
did to AUP. It will be the fulfillment of the long cherished dream of our pioneers and church leaders. It signals
the dawn of a new era for the University as it embarks on a very challenging but fulfilling role of preparing
young people to become missionary doctors of Christ wherever God calls them to serve Him.
As church and institution leaders, alumni, and friends who have been praying for this milestone to happen in
our lifetime and who have supported the University in achieving this goal, the University gladly invites you to
join us in our celebration. The following are the activities and programs which will be held during our days of
August 7

August 8

August 9






5:30 AM 7:00 AM

Trail Run around AUP for COM

7:00 PM 9:00 PM

Vespers Focusing on Celebration of Gods Guidance

10:00 AM -12 NN

Worship Service focusing on the

The Role of Medical Ministry in the Last Days"

2:00 PM5:00 PM

Special Service focusing on Celebration of Gods Provision

8:30 AM 12 NN

Inauguration program

4:00 PM

White Coat Ceremony for Class 2019

As this is a great celebration of AUP and the church as a whole, we expect a big number of visitors in our campus. In view of this, I would like to ask you to please inform us ahead of time if you are coming so that we
could plan on how we could accommodate you in our guestrooms and dormitories. Another option you may
consider and so desire is for us to reserve a room for you in nearby hotels. We look forward to August 7-9,
2015 with great anticipation. It is my hope and prayer that God will grant us health and our needs so that we
could be together during our inauguration program. Attached is our tentative detailed program of our weekend
We praise God for your constant support to our dear AUP. All the best for you and your family!
Respectfully yours,
Max P. Cadalig
CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015


Recommended reading
Dear Friends,
Ray Puen had conducted our Joint AWESNAEASNAC Choirs in the past, and we have appreciated and enjoyed his dedication and talent
for our alumni organization. Some may not
know, but he is also a missionary, who is deeply
committed to spread our Lord Jesus' gospel of
salvation wherever (Philippines, Nepal, SE
Asia, India, Fiji, Mexico, etc.) and whenever the
Lord leads him. He is also the author of several
books/articles on Biblical themes.
I just read his recent book, an eBook entitled, "The Coming
Stock Market Crash of 2015-2016 - How to Profit from These Amazing
Bible Predictions." This eBook is primarily written to reach out to the
post-modern and secular segment of our society (they are Gods children, too), who are the hardest to reach because of their unbelief of the
Bible and Bible prophecies, and their self-sufficiency with their trading
ability with stocks in the stock market. Ray hopes to make this book a
best-seller to pique their interest to read it and learn something about
the Bible and historical facts supporting its relevance to today, and will
lead them to more study of the Bible. We hope this eBook will also
make them aware that something catastrophic is about to happen soon,
and that our Lord's coming is very near. Only our Lord knows how
your help in promoting Ray's eBook was able to save a lost soul for His
kingdom. Ray will not personally benefit from his eBook; all profit is
designated for mission.
I highly recommend this eBook for you to read, as well, to
strengthen your faith in the Bible and Bible prophecies by understanding God's plan in saving people in the last days and how God executes
His plans and His will as found in His Holy Word. At first, I found
some things Ray wrote with raised eyebrows (questionings), because
I thought I was a fairly decent Bible student (pride?). Then Ray pointed
out some things that were missing in my studies of the Bible and historical facts, and now they make sense to me. I still have questions, but
I pray about them all the time. But this eBook has strengthen my
blessed hope that our Lords coming is very near even at the door, and
made me determined to reach as many people as I can to get to know
Him. I hope you will find his explanations as eye-openers and edifying,
as well. You may order his eBook using this website (may have to copy
and paste to a website browser):
I tried to order 5 eBooks to give to friends, but found out that to qualify
under best-seller rules, this website will only take one PRE-ORDER
per email address. If you want, you may ask as many friends to order
using their email addresses and offer to pay for them (this is allowed).
When you pre-order, you won't be able to download the eBook until
May 29, 2015. However, you may contact Ray Puen
( after you have ordered, and he will personally
send you a downloadable copy to read so you can tell your friends
about the eBook.
Ray has asked several of us to help him generate a huge number of pre-orders for his eBook. This is the reason why I'm writing to
you all. We hope to generate 5,000 Pre-orders before May 29, 2015, so
his publisher can send his eBook to the Five Big distributors (Amazon,
Google, Barnes & Noble, etc.). These Big-5 will advertise the eBook to
their millions of readers, and hopefully this eBook will take off like
wildfire and sell hundreds of thousands (millions?) to as many lost
souls out there.
Now, some explanations. What is an eBook? It is the latest
thing in electronic book sales - cheaper than hard-cover books (and no


CYBERLINK / May 4, 2015

shipping fees) by downloading these books using your PC, tablet,

iPhone or Android, and you can read it wherever you go. The price?
Only $5.99 (I had a discount when I ordered through the above website - $4.91 + tax = $5.35), but you have to Pre-order TODAY and
no later than May 29, 2015. Why before May 29? Again, we (Ray and
those of us helping him) need an initial pre-order per email of 5,000
orders/downloads or more, before this date for his distributor to send it
to the Big-5 for their millions of readers.
Other than telling your friends, how else can you help and at the same
time raise money for your CHURCH? Through Facebook. This FB
venue is highly recommended, if you are raising money for Church
building or any Church needs. Ray's publisher has a promotional bonus that will sweeten the pot. For every 50 downloads you generate
from your FB friends, you will be given a foreign exchange certificate
worth $1,000, which you can redeem at a bank to be specified. This
offer is good only until May 29, at which time you can redeem the
said amount. Will you tell your church members to go to FB and try to
generate 50 downloads from their FB friends? Think how many
$1,000 could be generated for your church by your members, while
doing the thing they like most - getting in touch through FB. Most
importantly, they are actively laboring for your church and the Lord in
winning souls for Him. When you or your church members are ready
to generate 50 downloads through Facebook, please let Ray Puen
know (, or me (fegarido@epbfi.comm) and
we will give you details on how to do this. Thank you, and the Holy
Bible tells us our Lord Jesus will provide for you all and your familys
needs when you labor for Him.

Your fellow laborer in Christ,

Charles Fegarido

Coordinated/Edited by Edwin Araba
Next weeks coordinator/editor is Romy Barrios,
Please submit to him all news articles, letters to editors, and announcements at his email address shown above
and below.
Or feel free to get in touch with any of the Cyberlink Moderators:
Edwin Araba,
Romy Barrios,
Myrna Dial,
Edna Domingo,
Charles Fegarido,
Elmie Lynn Lagajino,
Romi Talento,
Willie Tortal,

September 4-6, 2015, Doubletree By Hilton at San Jose, California

Theme: Bridges For Today and Eternity

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