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Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 20 - Controversial Fashion Photography

The Brief


Context & Target Audience


To design and produce a book highlighting controversial

fashion photography/campaigns.

To ensure that this brief is completed to the highest

standard, there are several elements which need to
be considered throughout the design and production

Fashion Photography is ever growing, becoming more

daring and making more statements. This book will
showcase some of the most controversial photoshoots
and campaigns in the Fashion world, highlighting the
fine line between reality and fiction.

This book documents a series of controversial

fashion photoshoots, highlighting the messages and
photographers behind the camera and the photographs
of the Vogue spreads. Many think photographers aim
to be controversial, different or out there, whilst this
series shoots aims to showcase why these are carried
out for more than simply, the shock factor.

Format and Binding

Content - Interests and Areas for Discussion
Sourcing Photography
Grid and Layout
Visual and Verbal Language

The book will be therefore targeted at those, both

male and female, who have an interest in Fashion
and Photography, or have an interest in controversial

Brief Type



This brief was really very enjoyable, even in regards to

researching prior to the lengthy design process. I feel
being passionate and interested in the subject chosen
really allowed for a strong final outcome, whilst showing
throughout the publication itself.


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Contextual Background and Inspiration

I first felt inspired to work on this brief after seeing the
Downtown Divas Russian Prostitutes Photoshoot in i-D
The photographs showcase how at first glance they
have the physique of models, yet the reality is very
different being homeless, drug addicts and in need of
food and clothes. The women were taken in, dressed
up in haute couture and photographed professionally to
get the message across on a global scale with masses

of impact. I found this photoshoot quite powerful and

thought provoking, especially due to my interests in the
media and eating disorders, the COP module and my
dissertation focusing on the media and its relation to
eating disorders and in turn the fashion industry.
Most fashion photography books and collections,
and even most magazines focus on the beauty and
clothing, opposed to the story, the background and
issues being played out in front of the camera.

Brief # 20 - Controversial Fashion Photography

Research: Contextual/Content

Collated Photography

Featured Photographers:

Through extensive research, 11 Controversial Fashion

Photographers and their works were selected and
sourced for use in the publication.

1. Dafy Hagai
2. Louis Banks
3. Steven Meisel
4. Raj Shetye
5. Giampaolo Sgura
6. Terry Richardson
7. Steven Klein
8. Loral Amir & Gigi Ben Atzi
9. Vasil Germanov
10. Guy Bourdin
11. Helmet Newton

Each photographer and subject was chosen due to

being daring, bold, controversial and recognised within
the Fashion and Photography worlds, even if for the
wrong reasons.


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 20 - Controversial Fashion Photography

Layout Design

Colour and Typography

The above examples showcase a variety of simple,

minimal and clean layout designs, yet all are impactful,
bold and eye catching due to the visuals and typography
set within it.

The above example shows much more diversity within

the layout, however, the use of bursts of colour, and
larger, emphasised type adds much more depth and
variation to the publication.

Research: Aesthetics

Minimal type allows for the photography to speak for

itself, as if in a gallery, an exhibition or a photographic


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 20 - Controversial Fashion Photography

Title and Cover Design

Contents Page

The book title is derived from the idea of photography

being an art form, and being subjective to the viewer.
To tie this into the books controversial contents, the
cover features a heavily manipulated picture of Hitler
(by Zerocento), dressed in a happy, pink, love infested
suit with a full face of make-up. This image, seen as
highly controversial instantly sets the scene for the
inner spreads, being mocked at also in a photo frame.

The contents page remains simple and minimal in

aesthetic, highlighting the photographers number,
name, photoshoot title and page number.

The image is taken from the Italian Fashion Line Cambia

Styles S/S Campaign from 2010.

Outcome: Cover Design and Contents Page

A slight infusion of colour has been added to added

in the form of a subtle gradient, adding contrast and
reflecting the tone and contents (i.e. photography).


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 20 - Controversial Fashion Photography



Each photographer features their own section,

showcasing their location and website/portfolio details,
as well as a full series of images, background and
contextual information, and credits of the models.

A variety of layouts have been used throughout,

remaining consistent by using templates and allowing
for a pick and mix depending on the photography at

Each first page for the photographer, relays the section

number corresponding to the contents page, whilst
featuring a coloured gradient background adding
depth to the imagery, setting the mood for the imagery
to follow and breaking the sections in a aesthetically
pleasing manner (seen middle top/bottom photograph).

Adding a different and quirky aesthetic quality to the

minimal and stripped back design, the page number
and photoshoot name have been cut slightly off in the
design process, to give focus on the photography and
background information, whilst becoming a subtle
design feature of their own on the introductory spreads.

Outcome: Layout Design


Danielle Muntyan

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief # 20 - Controversial Fashion Photography

Outcome: Layout Design

Photography Selection
Not all of the photographs collected throughout the
research process were used in the final outcome.
The images used were selected due to being most
impactful, controversial and high-quality, as well as
really emphasising the background information given.
The images chosen also reflect the brief and the
stated solution, embodying the most talked about and
controversial fashion photography of the 20th and 21st

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