Final Strategic Plan

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Running Head: Gods Treasure Final Strategic Plan

Gods Treasures
Final Strategic Plan

Dr. Darryl Costello

1 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

Success is not only measured by monetary values, but also in the implementation of the
values of the company. Values of a company are visible in the mission and vision statements. The
mission and the vision statement are the basis of any strategic plan. The statements outline where
the company is and where it wants to be; the strategic plan explains how the company is going to
obtain its vision. A successful business plan infuses the companys mission, vision, and values
together to provide a strategic design that enhances success (Pearce, 2009).
Mission and Vision Statements
Gods Treasures Adult Day Care is not a profit driven company, but the ultimate goal is to
ease the burden of the caregiver of an aging adult by incorporating the community programs and
resources into the daily life of both the caregiver and the senior. Rejuvenation of the caregiver,
uplifting the physical, social and spiritual needs of each client is the visions of Gods Treasures.
The options for the care of a senior are in-home care or institutionalized care. Gods Treasures
wants to make the in-home care more of an option. The stress of care for a senior adult can
become emotionally and financially exhausting. During the day, the senior will be involved in
programs and activities that will improve coordination and memory and therefore allowing the
senior adult to become or sustain self-reliant.
Mission Statement: Gods Treasures exists to ease the burden to the caregiver by
incorporating special programs and professional care to senior adults that need daytime
supervision and to caregivers that need a stress relief.
Vision Statement: Gods Treasures is guided by a vision that calls for providing adult
care in a gracious manner that uplifts the physical, social and spiritual needs of each client. Gods
Treasures wants to rejuvenate the caregiver so that in-home care is still an option.

2 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

Core Values
Frustration is the key element for a caregiver and a senior adult in the aging process. The senior
adult is frustrated because they cannot do things for themselves that they used to do; frustration
comes to the caregiver in the form of emotional and financial burdens. Clients must be treated
with honesty, understanding and respect. All staff and programs will be uplifting, humble and
faithful to the clients spiritual well-being as well as to our own. All recommendations and
financial information will be confidential and strictly enforced. In order to be successful in the
eyes of the client and of the community, the staff will do everything to maintain trust and respect
that all individuals deserve.
SWOTT Analysis
What are Gods Treasures strengths and weaknesses? How can we use these strengths
and weaknesses to gain opportunities that will benefit the client? In order to answer these
questions, a SWOTT analysis must be conducted. According to Pearce (2009), a SWOTT
analysis helps management determine the advantages, resources, and trends in the market
compared to the competition. In developing the SWOTT analysis, it was difficult to analyze the
trends and the competition because there is not another adult day care in the local vicinity. The
SWOTT analysis in this instance was done more in the prospect of looking at keeping the senior
adult in the in-home environment versus institutionalization.
The biggest strengths of Gods Treasures are the staff and the resources that are available.
These two strengths not only have the ability to carry out the mission and the vision statements
of the company, but will also enhance the visibility in the community. Visibility will turn into an

3 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

opportunity because the surrounding agencies, churches and volunteers will add to the programs
and therefore be more beneficial to the clients well-being.
With the economy, Gods Treasures will strive to be a low-cost option for the caregiver.
Lack of funding for advertising is a weakness for the company. Gods Treasures will have to
depend on word of mouth and the community support for success. Technology and innovations
can be a weakness for the company if the staff does not stay on top of the training requirements
and keep informed of the new technology that can be beneficial to the clients.
Gods Treasures already starts out with a grand opportunity because there is not another
adult day care in the vicinity. The staff will be able to work with local doctors and social
services to provide options for the caregiver and the senior adult. The ultimate goal is to have the
senior adult to be able to stay at home. Opportunities only arise when a management team can
focus on the strengths and weaknesses and turn them into something beneficial to the company
and the customers (clients).
The legal structure of the company can be a threat if it is not set up correctly.
Management will need to decide the benefits of possible setting Gods Treasures up as a limited
liability corporation or a non-profit organization. The care of any individual leaves the company
open to liability issues. The State of NC requires the company to be licensed and insured with
workers compensation and general liability. The benefit of a non-profit organization can be that
all the money that is earned will be turned over back into the companys programs and resources.
Returning the money back into the programs will enhance the services that Gods Treasures will
be able to provide.

4 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

A trend that will and can have an impact on Gods Treasures is the trend of
institutionalization. As the baby boomers grow older, they have become the caregivers of their
parents. Todays hustle and bustle world can leave no room for an aging senior adult in the home.
Competition with the skilled nursing facilities is going to be an issue that can only be overcome
by strategic planning.
Balanced Scorecard
The ultimate goal of Gods Treasure is to enhance the lives of the people that come into
the facility and to provide a legacy of caring and concern for each individual. A scorecard aids
management in connecting the financial, customer value, operations and the learning and growth
perspective to the strategic plan. The major financial strategic objective is to keep the
operational costs at a minimum. This will allow the facility to focus on the programs and services
that are available or can become available. This availability will roll over into the customer
perspective of the scorecard. Providing programs and services that promote home stability for
both the caregiver and senior adult will improve the efficiency of the care that will be provided.
Providing efficient programming is one of the chief operational strategic objectives. In order to
be beneficial to anyone that comes into the facility, whether it is a client or a resource or a
volunteer, the staff needs to operate as a team. Learning and growing together for the benefit of
others is the ultimate focus of Gods Treasures strategic plan.
Strategic Plan
Gods Treasures mission and vision is about the caregiver and the senior adult. Easing
the burden and providing an atmosphere of trust, comfort and uplifting can be challenging. The
management team must work together with the staff to ensure that all opportunities and

5 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

weaknesses are addressed in a timely manner. The strategy of Gods Treasures it to incorporate
existing programs throughout the community and create new ideas from these programs that will
benefit not only the caregiver and senior adult, but also the staff.
Advertising is not an option for Gods Treasures because of the costs. The costs that are
associated with advertisement can be used more efficiently in the services, programs and
training. Gods Treasures will be an active member in the community, work with the local
doctors offices, churches and rely on word of mouth to gain exposure. The goal is to create a
positive image inside and out to tackle the marketing strategy. The only way to do this is by
allowing the positive impact that Gods Treasures not only has on the clients but also the
community speak for itself. This positive impact will open the doors of opportunity as many of
the local resources will want to add their programs to Gods Treasures healing programs and
Our world and economy is ever-changing. Technology changes overnight and processes
become more efficient. Staying on top of the new technology can be a hassle, but with proper
research and scheduling, this hassle can become a benefit to the staff and the clients. Scheduling
training as it becomes available will help the staff be more confident and more effective in the
care of the senior adult. Confidence from staff will make the caregiver and senior adult more
comfortable and they will feel reassured that the staff knows what they are doing or saying. A
senior adult that is comfortable with the programs and services are more apt to do better and put
forth more effort to do better in the program.

6 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

Monitoring the Strategic Plan

Overseeing a strategic plan is a big task that should not be delegated to one individual.
Gods Treasures is a team and fulfilling the mission and vision of the company is an objective for
all members of the team. The ultimate decision on how to oversee the strategic plan will start
with the major stakeholders who will delegate responsibilities to other members of the team
(staff). The major stakeholders in Gods Treasures are the owner, the financial advisor, the
program director and the legal advisor. The communication between management and staff
should be simple and relevant. Employees are more apt to care about the company and the clients
if the message is geared to their daily activities and responsibilities.
Communicate the Objectives
Once the strategic plan has been laid out, the plan has to be communicated from
management to staff in concise words and with a plan of action. When employees become
involved in the plan of action, they begin to own the plan and are more apt to carry out the plan
more effectively. The plan of action should be in connection with the employees role in the
company. Feedback from the employee will indicate if the objectives are being met or if changes
need to be made. All communication will be documented via email or memos that will be posted
in designated areas and accessible to all staff members.
Delegate Responsibilities
To avoid confusion, all staff members will have certain responsibilities or tasks. These
responsibilities will be connected to the implementation of the strategic plan. The delegation of
responsibilities will be done in a formal setting, in writing and periodic updates will be given to
all staff members. As the responsibilities are assigned, the management team will evaluate the

7 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

employee every sixty days to ensure that the responsibilities are being carried out in terms of
meeting the objectives of the company. The management team has an open door policy. If at any
time staff members, clients, or outside resources have the opportunity to express any concerns or
any suggestions on the effectiveness of the programs or of the care provided by staff members.
Coordination of responsibilities eliminates staff members from over extending
themselves and creates a team effort in achieving the goals of the company. Staff members that
are working together create a unification atmosphere that will benefit the clients and the produce
effective programs and services. Unification helps the caregiver feel at ease and that the
company is striving to meet not only the companys goals but also the caregivers goals to keep
the senior adult in the home.
Review Goals
Another step in monitoring and controlling the strategic plan is review. Is the strategic
plan effective? Is the strategic plan still working toward the companys goal of fulfilling the
mission and vision statements? Has the company moved into a direction where a totally new
strategic plan needs to be devised? Or does the current plan need to be updated or revised?
Answers to these questions will have to be evaluated. The data used to evaluate these questions
will be obtained from the feedback from the clients and staff. The management team will also
use employee and program evaluations to answer the questions. A lot of time and money can be
wasted in the uselessness or ineffectiveness of programs or even in assigned tasks. Can the tasks
be combined to be more effective or are the tasks or responsibilities just a redundant in terms of
wasted time? All aspects have to be reviewed in a formal setting at least semi-annually. Daily
reviews should be done by all staff members. A task can be done in several ways, but if a staff

8 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

member sees or notices a way that makes it more effective, then this staff member should utilize
the open door policy. These suggestions are necessary to carry out a strategic plan. Success is not
only good for the company, but also the employee. Taking the initiative to suggest changes
creates confidence. This confidence is in the staff member, but also the staff member gains
confidence in the company. It helps the staff member realize that the company listens and cares.
A forecast meeting will be scheduled semi-annually. This is an opportunity for
management to inform other staff members where the company stands financially and in terms of
meeting the goals and objectives of the strategic plan. It will be look at what the company has
done in the past six months and set new goals and objectives for the next six months. All staff
members will be presenting a personal, professional and financial forecast during this meeting
also. This is important because for several reasons. The company is presenting what it expects
over the next six months. By making a presentation, the company is putting everyone on the
same page in terms of objectives. Requiring staff members to make a presentation allows a
company to see where the staff member is on a more personal level. Management will begin to
ask questions: how can the company assist the employee in achieving his/her goals? How can the
company benefit from helping the employee meet his/her personal goals? This strategy creates
employer concern and accountability for the employee. It creates unification.
Regulatory Issues
Day care facilities carry a high liability with the chances of accidents and mistreatment
issues. Gods Treasures will adhere to all North Carolina guidelines and regulations. The staff
will be trained and certified. All certification requirements will be met in a satisfactory manner. A
semi-annual review of all state statues and any changes to those statues will ensure that all

9 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

regulations and certifications are current. Any default in certification will affect the facilitys
ability to remain open and will cause a financial burden on the company. It will also be
detrimental to the clients who have trusted the center. This type of mistrust can cause clients to
seek other care options.
The company will be set up as a limited liability corporation to protect the owners
personal assets. The company will be licensed and bonded to protect the company, the clients and
the staff. Full coverage will be on all company vehicles. The company will also carry general
liability insurance and workers compensation insurance. This is necessary in case there are any
accidents or lawsuits against Gods Treasures. Our insurance agent will communicate not only by
mail, but by email on any upcoming payment to the office manager. A lapse of coverage will
cause some of outsource suppliers, contractors and resources to halt any relations until the
coverage can be reinstated. This type of lapse could cause the outside resources to cancel any
future dealings with Gods Treasure. Losing outside resources will affect the programs and
services being offered for the clients. Continuous and maintaining a schedule helps the senior
adults cope with the aging process, but also comforts the caregiver in knowing what exactly the
senior adult is doing at the center.
As stated before, success cannot and should not be measured with a monetary value. It
should be measured on how an individual perceive themselves and how they are perceived by
others. It should be measured by the values that an individual and company have. Gods
Treasures success will be measured by the effectiveness and trustworthiness of the staff and of
the programs and services. To succeed, Gods Treasures must reach out and be a positive image

10 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

in the community and in the lives of people that may come in contact with the company. The
strategic plan that is devised for the company will focus on being positive and uplifting. The
caregivers that hire Gods Treasure is entrusting the company to take care of their loved ones just
as if they were our own family.
Success will be dependent not only on the development of the strategic plan, but on the
implementation of the strategic plan. Management staff will focus on assigning responsibilities
and tasks to qualified individuals in the company. For example, it would be more effective for
the program director to evaluate a new outside program than a certified nursing assistant. But, in
order for a strategic plan to be effective, feedback from all members of the staff is necessary.
Feedback from the client will help the management team know what is working and what is not
Periodic reviews and forecast meetings will be necessary to make sure the strategic plan
is updated. Updating the strategic plan may cause the mission and vision statements to be revised
as the company grows. But for now, Gods Treasures is a company that upholds the needs of the
client, community and the staff in the highest regards. The ultimate goal is to keep the senior
adult in an in-home setting and make institutionalization not an option. In all areas of our lives,
we should be humble, honest and caring. As we grow older, we never know when we are going
to need services beyond our capabilities. It would be nice to find a facility that will strive to treat
us the way we deserve to be treated: with respect and dignity. Welcome to Gods Treasures Adult
Day Care.

11 Gods Treasures Final Strategic Plan

Pearce, J. A. II, & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation,
and control (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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