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M ay 1 8, 2 015 at 9 :13:34 PM Pacic Daylight Time


Re: Phone message RE: unbacked bills

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 1:44:35 PM Pacic Daylight Time
John Myers
Boyer, Diane

Ms. Boyer-Vine,
Thank you for your reply. Given that your email oers two responses, Im
hoping that you can oer some clarity:
1. You say the Oce cant readily track the number of unbacked
requests. Does that mean its something that would take Xme to count? Or
do you mean that the Oce has no way of counXng them?
2. If there is no way to disaggregate the data, could you simply provide a
total number of bills draZed by the Oce in the 2013-14 session? Or for
any other two-year session?
3. Im aware of a[orney-client privilege, but could you provide more
informaXon on how our request for aggregate data falls under that rule?
Were not seeking informaXon on the contents of the bills, simply the
total number of requests made. If it helps, were amending our request to
only cover the 2013-14 session, which would seem to eliminate any
privilege issues related to pending legislaXon and/or legislaXve
We're hoping you can answer two addiXonal quesXons, as well:
1. Are there any limits placed on how many unbacked bills that a member
can request your Oce to draZ?
2. Would a[orney-client privilege, in your view, extend to former
Given the nature of your work, we certainly understand the concerns with
condenXality. However, we also believe that aggregate historical data
is of importance to the public. As such, if there are specic laws or
regulaXons that you believe prohibit disclosure, it would be helpful to
know which ones.
Thanks again,
John Myers

JOHN MYERS | Senior Editor

KQED California PoliXcs & Government Desk
916.446.6821 T
916.425.7168 M

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On 4/22/15, 11:06 AM, "Boyer, Diane"

<diane.boyer@legislaXvecounsel.ca.gov> wrote:
Mr. Myers
I apologize for my delayed response. The Oce of LegislaXve Counsel
does not have a system that allows us to readily track the number of
unbacked requests that we may receive during a session. Moreover, any
informaXon related to specic requests by Members of the Legislature is
subject to the a[orney-client privilege.
Diane Boyer-Vine
-----Original Message-----
From: John Myers [mailto:jmyers@KQED.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:48 PM
To: Boyer, Diane
Subject: Phone message RE: unbacked bills
I'm following back up on the phone message I leZ with you on Monday
regarding my interest for informaXon regarding unbacked bills. In the
interest of Xme and clarity, I thought I'd send along an email with some
We're a[empXng to be[er understand the process that exists for
"unbacked bills," namely legislaXon draZed by your oce per a request
from a legislator but not authored by that legislator. It's my
understanding that those requests are in addiXon to the work your oce
does in draZing and vevng bills for introducXon by a member.
Our specic request to begin with: some data on unbacked bills draZed
since the beginning of the 2013-14 legislaXve session, both cumulaXve
totals and totals for each legislator. If you need a more formal request
or addiXonal info, I'm happy to provide it.
Thanks very much,
JOHN MYERS | Senior Editor
KQED California PoliXcs & Government Desk
online<h[p://ww2.kqed.org/news/programs/faultlines> |
radio<h[p://www.californiareport.org/> |
916.446.6821 T
916.425.7168 M

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