FilialFix Tantrums Jan2006 WOMAN TODAY

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FilialFix FilialFix

By Vani Sar aswathi times forgetting to give them praise. TV our children watch, in the world we

Then when our children misbehave we live in children over three are aware of

hen was the last time you go in guns blazing. This leads children things that are going on but sometimes
smirked at a mother strug- to believe that to get the attention they do not understand and we must try and
gling with a child throwing require they have to be naughty to get it. explain this our children in a way they
a tantrum in the middle of the super- Parents these days feel more isolated and understand. It seems that some children

Tantrums and
market aisle? And then turned around there isn’t the family network there used do not have much of a childhood and we
to watch your little angel pulling down to be, they spend a lot of time on their should let them behave like children.
canned food from the shelves? own with their children as families are
When parents can’t handle their kids, not what they used to be. Is the shrinking of extended families

Tormented Parents
what is the solution? One expert child responsible for lack of respect for
psychologist argues that it is the parents, Are parents losing control over their elders?
not the children, who have to change. children? Condoning indiscipline In some cases as there are more divorces
This tough-talking woman – Dr Tanya under the pretext of allowing the child these days and parents may find it hard
Byron – puts her theory to the test to develop and explore? to put issues to one side. The shrinking
with real families and their nightmare Often we treat our children as a lot older of extended families means that there
offspring. Hidden cameras, CCTV, ob- than they are, due to television children’s is not as much support and network as
servational filming and ‘parent cams’ all speech is a lot more progressed at earlier there may have been years ago but by
capture the horror of families with child ages. Therefore we tend to have big being around adults whether family
trouble. The parents are guided through conversations with children under 3 and friends or families children will learn
tough, trying moments by the psycholo- therefore feel as though they should be to respect elders. However I must say
gist, who, using earpieces, microphones less inclined to misbehave as we feel they that there is a lot of good parenting and
and monitors, talks them through new are more developed than they actually happy children out there. The cases that
ways of dealing with their children. But are. Under 3 years olds have limited we look at on TV are the severe cases of
will it work? Will violent five year-old attention and if they misbehave it’s families and upbringing as this is what
Matthew, about to be excluded from sometimes not enough to talk to them, makes television.
school for assaulting his dinner lady, be in these cases actions speak louder than
brought back from the brink? And will words. We should have control over the What kind of responsibility should
the mother of the three Barton brothers, the school/teachers take in a child’s
who never stop fighting, find a new way upbringing? Does the onus lie exclu-
to bring her boys into line? sively on the parent?
Dr Byron, a Consultant Clinical Children spend a lot of time at school so
psychologist, is currently filming the teachers should take some responsibil-
second series of Little Angels for BBC ity. Teachers feel frustrated sometimes
Three, which is available on Showtime in due to restrictions that have been put
the region. in place on the way they manage the
She speaks exclusively to Woman children.
Today on child challenges. Often parents may push responsibility
A still from Little Angels on the teachers but this should not be
Are children becoming more difficult
to handle, or is it just a perception.
Having worked in the fields of health psychology (in areas including AIDS/HIV,
Are they really no different from the drug misuse and sexual health) and women’s mental health, Dr Byron specialised in
parents or grandparents at that age? child and adolescent mental health where she treats young children with behav-
This is a complicated question, children ioural issues, such as problems with aggression, sleeping or eating. More recently
are supposed to be naughty and as our she has worked with adolescents with a variety of emotional and behavioural
job as parents we are there to help them difficulties including depression, self harm, eating disorders, psychiatric problems
communicate and learn the tools they and suicidal behaviour. She has also worked with children who have been sexually,
need for life. These days we live in such a physically and emotionally abused; and for six years was the consultant clinical
psychologist at an in-patient unit for 12- to 16-year-olds.
busy world with a lot of stress and some-
Tanya teaches a variety of psychological subjects to all health staff and, in particu-
times we do not set aside the time our lar, runs a Department of Health ‘beacon’ awarded training course in the manage-
children need. Or we are too tired and ment and de-escalation of violence and aggression. She also writes for consumer
do not have the energy. When children and professional magazines. Tanya is married with two young children and lives in
are behaving we are happy to leave them London.
Dr Tanya Byron with Matt
playing and getting on with it, some-
january 2006 42 january 2006 43
FilialFix FilialFix
the parent, teacher and psychologist and
a lot of disciplines and assessments must
be put in place. If a child is active at
home and then in the classroom is able
to sit still, learn and concentrate then
this is an active child. However if a child
in the classroom where rules and bound-
aries are set and still cannot focus then
this child would have to be investigated
further to see what problems the child
may have and how they can be helped.

At what age does one start disciplin-

ing a child?
From infancy, as they need to form
attachments and understand who there
primary caregivers are. They need to
create bonds through physical reaction. Tanya’s Tips routine. Routine means bath, pyjamas,
When a parent picks up a child every Tantrums a quiet story on the sofa; the bedroom
time they cry this will enable the child Try to prevent tantrums with praise. should be a no drink zone, telly off,
to understand how their behaviour can Imagine you’ve got a bucketful of lights out. A consistent bedtime routine
praise in every room of the house with will greatly benefit your children: they
influence a parent and problems can
a big ladle. Every time your child does get the security of knowing what comes
occur. Disciplines should be gently something wonderful, get that ladle and next – that bedtime is for being tucked
introduced and boundaries set to prepare use it to shower praise. “That is lovely, in and sleeping. If they continue to get
the toddler for when they are introduced thank you darling...” or “Oh look, you’re out of bed, gently help them back with problems persist a stricter routine may
into socials groups. They need to learn playing so nicely.” Just tell them all the no fuss, chat or attention – however have to be enforced.
basics how to share and communicate at things they need to hear to get it into many times it takes - until the message
this early age is vital. their head that they get attention for is clear. They get a gold star and a treat Should you allow friends and extended
being lovely. Tantrums happen to all in the morning if they sleep through. family to discipline or chide your
parents. They do not mean you are a
What do you do with a child throwing child?
bad parent. You can try to prevent them Going out needn’t be a nightmare
tantrums in public? Do you discipline with praise and sticker charts. If that Try engaging your children in what’s If you trust them and they have good
him/her in public? fails you can try to distract the tantrums going on and motivate them to be- friendships then yes! Family and friends
It is important for the child to learn at away. But once started, the best way to have well. If they demand toys or start need to know the rules that you have
the time, it’s hard sometimes as you feel stop them is to ignore them. whingeing, distract them and, if neces- with your children, it’s good to be open
as though you have the eyes of the world Remember: distract, ignore but do not sary, ignore them. If you can overcome and honest. When another adult is look-
on you. However, if you can ignore this punish. the red face, ignoring is a very powerful ing after your child they should be in
then discipline the child at the time. tool but you need nerves of steel! Stay charge and this will allow the child to
Rewards calm, feel in control and you’ll have a
By not letting your child have a treat or have a healthy respect for other adults.
A good way of motivating children and nice day.
watch their favourite TV show when they avoiding tantrums is with stickers. At
return home are good ways of teaching home, a sticker chart is a great way of Structure and stimulation What are the most common com-
your child they cannot throw tantrums. encouraging good behaviour. Each time Children need stimulation and parents plaints you receive from parents?
your child is good, give them a sticker. are the number one playmate – try to The most common complaints are temper
How do you tackle the first child, after Naughty behaviour gets a ‘sad face’. spend some playtime with your children tantrums and this is largely due to the
the birth of the second? Discipline and Points mean prizes – enough stickers every day. Too much TV can lead chil- children not wanting to go to bed and
adjustment issues... get them a treat. Mini sticker charts can dren to become passive recipients, ham- not sleeping. This has a huge impact
also work when you’re out. pering social, emotional and education-
You need to prepare your child for the on the whole family. Another common
Positive example al development. Children want parental
arrival of your new baby. They maybe a It’s straightforward but it works – your attention – by decreasing the amount of problem is children not eating at meal
little cross and feel jealous when the baby children will copy you. Swear and they TV they watch children become more times, refusing to eat.
arrives, so be gentle if they show resent- will swear, smack and they will smack. aware of the world around them and
the case, the primary responsibility lies How do you differentiate between an ment. Give them huge praise when your Lead by example. concentration should improve. Try less How many of the problems parents
with the parents. active child and hyper-active child? child helps with the new baby or shows TV in the daytime, more walks and trips come to you with are imagined?
kindness. This can be a difficult time be Night-time routine to the playground. Play games, sing If parents feel they have problems with
The children are the parent’s responsi- If a child is medically diagnosed as
patient but also let the child know they Sleep is essential for healthy child devel- songs, read stories – but above all enjoy
bility and the upbringing begins in the hyper-active then this is a long assess- their children, then they do and it’s my
opment so establish a regular bedtime your children!
home. ment between a lot of people including cannot get away with things and if any job to help them resolve these problems
january 2006 44 january 2006 45

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