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F for...
Favourite Designer
“Vivienne Westwood. A British
Designer. She is so totally funky, crazy
and stylish. I like her designs and her

Fabric of choice
“I love to work with raw silk; and I love
pink and off-white.”

Favourite Accessory
“Ear rings. For my designs, that was the
only accessory I used. I designed one,
and in different colours to suit each
design. It was in Swarovski crystals.”

Flair for the Abhaya

Despite the designs she spins, Noor
is always clothed in an abhaya. Little
wonder, that she is toying with idea of
an abhaya line.
“I want to try something different.
Play with fabrics and cuts. To experi-
ment. I want to explore possibilities
– at present it is rather impractical.
You get abhayas only in crepe or other

What Dreams
synthetic material. It is so hot in Qatar,
and we are wearing multiple layers...”

Female Designers
Why are male designers so much more

are Dr aped of...

popular? “Probably because people
feel they know how to dress a woman.
But I feel women designers understand
The stunning wedding dress, with a high collar made of Swarovski crystals,
a woman’s body better. They will be
received great response

more adept at dressing other women.”
foray, she participated in her first Euro- The Rome show gave her unprecedent-
By Vani Sar aswathi he is all of 23, and has already Qatar, Noor Al Thani was born into
pean show – the Italian Fashion Week ed exposure. Faux Pas
dressed Haifa Wehbe, Arab affluence, but has sweated and sewn her
2005- 2006 in Rome, a show entitled “Haifa Wehbe liked a dress I showed “I hate to see people not dressing
music’s most popular star. way forward, gaining recognition and appropriately for their age. Youngsters
‘An Oriental Night’ directed by Wafiq there... I had hand painted flowers on
With maturity that belies her making a mark abroad, where her fam- wearing clothes meant for older ones,
Salbeikh. it. And it hangs in her wardrobe now. A
age and modesty that cloaks her achieve- ily name does not automatically extend and vice versa. You can’t blindly follow
“I had chosen Breaking the Ice as my Lebanese team which came for the show
ments, Sheikha Noor Al Thani spreads favours. Last year, she was among the trends, the clothes should suit you.”
theme for the Oriental Night, as in many photographed my creations and showed it
out her sketches on the cafe table. At that winners of the most promising designer
ways that was what I did then. I broke to her. She liked it and her agents got in Food for thought
meeting, four months ago, she says little, award at the Lux Fashion Show in Beirut,
the ice. touch with me. And I was only too happy “A lady came up to me in London
and leaves it to her cousin to fill in about for young designers.
“I am very shy and closed. Most Qatari to gift it to her,” beams Noor. and was telling me I should work on
“Noor is an extremely talented, self- her personality. In August this year, she went once
women are. I expressed myself through “A lot of people from Doha have ap- designs for bigger women. The clothes
motivated person. She is in a position to get We sat down again, on the first day of again to Lebanon for the show Hiqayet
my art. My paintings, my designs. I proached me to do their evening wear available now are so ugly. We went
whatever she wants, yet she works really Ramadan. She has a lot more to display, Musamam (Designer’s Story); the theme to Milan and Rome on an educational
showed 16 pieces in Rome. That show and casual clothes. Response has been
hard, and is willing to do what it takes. She a lot more to say. In four months, she demanded a traditional piece, and she trip from VCU and we saw at Versace
would not have been possible without good from abroad too. After the Rome
has had two more shows – in Beirut and came up with a stunning ‘toubanashel’. that buyers were ordering special sizes
checks every little, minute detail. Usually the support of HH Sheikha Mozah bint fashion show, I received a call from Lon-
Rome. She is different too – still soft She also figured in the Honour’s Book, depending on the market. That is an
designers supervise, but we encourage our Nasser Al Misnad. I was sponsored by don to design a wedding dress, after she interesting concept. You get the same
spoken and mature, but more confident the youngest of 10 designers featured.
students to be more hands-on.” Qatar Foundation, and I owe a lot to saw the one on show. For the show I had beautiful design, but to suit your size.
and forthcoming.
– Sandra Wilkins, Area Chair, Fashion her. Without her, my dreams would have done a wedding dress, with a Swarovski You need to keep you customer in
A graduate of fashion design from While in Rome...
remained so.” crystal collar. I have a person in Leba- mind, put their needs first.”
Design, VCU-Q Virginia Commonwealth University in And just before her second Lebanon
november 2005 26 november 2005 27
entire salary on my creations. It is an
expensive business. I need to travel to
source material – fabrics, accessories,
beads... I go to Dubai, to Lebanon.”
She recently attended an exhibition in
Paris, on new trends in fabrics, yarns,
accessories. “I participated mainly to
educate myself. To get to know what is
new in the market for the future.”

Mixed response
Noor interned at a local boutique briefly,
and realised that while some Qataris
loved to work with a Qatari designer,
many don’t want to wear their designs.
“It is difficult for them to realise that I
am Qatari and a qualified designer and
will do a good job. They feel Western
designers are more aware of trends.
However, western designs also need to
be altered for local need,” she points out.
“Mainly because of the weather and
wearing the abhaya. We have to wear
light fabrics. But the cuts and patterns
are the same. Qatari women are very
aware of fashions and trends. Even the
youngsters are so aware.”
Recounting a family anecdote, she
says, “Though I am designing now,
when I was in school I wore whatever my
mother picked up and gave me. But my
sister who is only seven years old, is so
opinionated – she will not wear a design
she doesn’t approve of. She is so particu-
lar. So when I am buying or designing
a dress for her, I make sure she is totally
involved in it.”
She says that she is not yet completely
The dress that caught the eye of Haifa Wehbe satisfied with her work. “I sometimes
feel something is missing in design.
non who specialises in accessories, so I I am not getting my ‘signature’... but I finalising. I make sure that some part When I showed in Rome, they were all totally different ball game. That I need to go the extra mile. I do get
worked with him and he executed my guess the paintings on my designs is my of every dress I design and execute, I there by my side.” “I have been given a freehand, in that depressed when my designs don’t satisfy
idea,” says Noor. ‘signature’,” she adds as an afterthought. work on with my own hands. I paint on I don’t have to stick to maroons and me. But I have my mentors. My teachers
Last year, Noor participated in her first it, I airbrush. It is not my creation just Dressing up the men whites. But I have been educating myself at VCU. I go to them to clear up stuff,
Seeking a signature big event, in the Lux Fashion Show in because I design. It is not my creation if While she has been zipping around show- too. Looking at anti-bacterial fabric get their comments.”
Noor grew up with colours, patterns Lebanon, winning a promising young I sketch it and someone sews it. I need to ing her creations, Noor has also been for one... I need to show the designs to “My dream is to offer the world a
and designs. She grew up watching her designer award. be involved in it. If I don’t touch it, it is holding down a full time job at the Qatar QNOC bigwigs for approval in two International ‘Ready to Wear’ line,
father, Hamad bin Salman Al Thani – a “For that I had shown two from my not mine,” she emphasises. National Olympic Committee, (QNOC) months. There are two categories of originating from Doha. I am discuss-
renowned artist, paint. “He excels in so Senior Collection at VCU and two done “Painting still continues to be a pas- facing tough assignments and tight kits I need to work on. One is for the ing the idea with fellow designers here,
many different styles, that you won’t be exclusively for the show. This year, it was sion. I escape to my painting when I am deadlines.“Though my job at QNOC is competitions and the other for opening to present an international line, with a
able to connect one work to another. And a totally new collection.The concept itself stressed or angry. It clears my mind.” to design as well, the work is so different ceremony,” she says, barely hiding her local touch. But the immediate task is
somewhere I picked up that trait. My was so removed from what I did last year. Even as her father inspired, her entire from what I do otherwise. I am design- pride. the show to be held in Doha – for the
designs are so different. It is good in one “I work on hundreds of sketches and family encouraged her. “I keep dressing ing clothes for Qatari sportsmen, I am “My family is most supportive. But opening of the refurbished women’s store
way. There is variety. At the same time, play around with my designs before up my cousins, sisters and even my mum. working against a tight deadline. This is a I want to be self-sufficient. I spend my at Salam Studios and Stores.”
november 2005 28 november 2005 29
Worldwidewoman slug name
One small, but strong

Voice against gesture of Rosa Lee

Parks changed the

discrimination course of history.

She refused to give up
her bus seat to a white

Rosa Parks passes man in Alabama, in

1955. And with that, she

inspired an entire race
to stand up for its rights.
The mother of America’s
civil rights movement
died last month, at the
age of 92. WT pays trib-
ute to this truly inspir- Left: Rosa parks being arrested after her act
ing woman. of defiance
Above: The historic bus

throughout southern USA, while racial felt that I had a right to be treated as any Parks Institute for Self Development, of us to continue until all have rights,”
discrimination kept blacks out of many other passenger. We had endured that which she founded in 1987 to develop she said at the June 1999 ceremony for
jobs and neighbourhoods in northern kind of treatment for too long.” young leaders. the latter medal.
USA. She added, “At the time I was arrested She worried that young people take Parks was the subject of the documen-
The seamstress, an active member of I had no idea it would turn into this. It legal equality for granted and said that tary “Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa
the local chapter of the National Associa- was just a day like any other day. The older blacks “have tried to shield young Parks,” which received a 2002 Oscar
tion for the Advancement of Coloured only thing that made it significant was people from what we have suffered. And nomination for the best short documen-
People, was riding on a Montgomery city that the masses of the people joined in.” in so doing, we seem to have a more tary.
bus on Dec 1, 1955, when a white man The 1956 Montgomery bus boycott, complacent attitude.” Parks’ health had been declining for
demanded her seat. which came two years after the Supreme “We must double and redouble our the past 10 years. She was said to be suf-
Parks refused and she was jailed and Court’s landmark declaration that sepa- efforts to try to say to our youth, to try fering from dementia and had stopped
later fined $14. rate schools for blacks and whites were to give them an inspiration, an incentive making public appearances.
But her one-woman act of defiance “inherently unequal,” marked the start of and the will to study our heritage and In one of her last interviews, when
inspired 50,000 blacks in Montgomery the modern civil rights movement. to know what it means to be black in asked what she would want people to
to join in a historic 381-day boycott, It culminated in the 1964 federal Civil America today,” she said. say about her, after her death, she said,
organised by a then little-known Baptist Rights Act, which banned racial dis- “As long as there is unemployment, “I’d like people to say I’m a person who
crimination in public accommodations. war, crime and all things that go to the always wanted to be free and wanted it

minister, Rev Martin Luther King Jr.
So they walked, finally refusing to Still, after taking her public stand for infliction of man’s inhumanity to man, not only for myself; freedom is for all
arks, a mild-mannered daugh-
endure their daily humiliation on the civil rights, Parks had trouble finding regardless – there is much to be done, human beings.”
ter of a teacher and a carpenter,
city’s buses. work in Alabama. Amid threats and and people need to work together,” she She said the love of freedom was
was 42 when she commit-
Parks’ bravery became the catalyst harassment, she and her husband, Ray- once said. instilled in her from childhood by her
ted the act of defiance that
for a movement that broke the back of mond, moved to Detroit in 1957. Even into her 80s, she was active on grandfather – her mother’s father with
changed the course of American history
legalised segregation in the US. She worked as an aide to Rep John the lecture circuit, speaking at civil rights whom she lived when she was growing
and earned her the title of ‘midwife’ or
Speaking in 1992, Rosa said history Conyers from 1965 until retiring in groups and accepting awards, including up. He taught his children and grand-
‘mother’ of the civil rights movement.
too often maintains “that my feet were 1988. Raymond Parks died in 1977. the Presidential Medal of Freedom in children not to put up with mistreat-
At that time, Jim Crow laws in place
hurting and I didn’t know why I refused Parks said upon retiring from her job 1996 and the Congressional Gold Medal ment. “It was passed down almost in our
since the post-Civil War Reconstruction
to stand up when they told me. But the with Conyers that she wanted to devote in 1999. genes,” Parks wrote in her 1992 autobi-
required separation of the races in buses,
real reason of my not standing up was I more time to the Rosa and Raymond “This medal is encouragement for all ography, My Story
restaurants and public accommodations

november 2005 30 november 2005 31

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