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Multi Value Group (MVG)

In a Applet, most of the fields are single value fields but sometime we might find Multi Value
fields for eg: in Account List Applet you can find Industries as one Mvg , in Account form
Applet you can find Address as one Mvg.
Requirement : Establish a MVG for Industry list column in Account List Applet.
Solution Design:
1. Create Account BC and add the required fields
2. Create Industry BC and add the required fields (including the foreign key)
3. Create a Link b/n Account BC and Industry BC (Account BC/Industry BC)
4. In Account BC go to child Object MVL RCNR

Destination BC
Industry BC

Destination Link
Use Primary Join
Account BC/Industry BC

5. In Account BC go to Child Object MVF RCNR

(Here we are trying to Insert Fields in Address BC into Account BC as Multi value fields)
(we can access address BC fields by placing newly created Mvlink under MVLink column)
Industry Name
SIC Code
Sic Code
6. Create an Account List Applet and add required List Columns and Edit web Layout it.
7. Create a Industry MVG applet RCNR
Industry MVG applet

Industry BC

Popup Dim
500 x 400


(+) go to List columns add the following :


Display Name
SIC code

Industry Name
SIC Code
SSA Primary Field (To set Primary and must for all Mvgs)

(Edit web Layout assign it to Pop up Web template)

8. Go to Account List Applet List Column find Industry Field or list column where
u want to see pop up applet and assign
MVG Applet
Industry MVG applet

Run Time

Properties to be discussed while working with MVGs

MVL properties are as follows:
1.Use Primary Join : This property when True , tries to find out records which are
primary records and leaving out the other records associated with child BC.
This will substantially reduce the performance overhead on application, reason
being though fields like Industry and Address are Mvgs , when an applets gets
loaded we would be able to see only one record i.e., Primary records.
If Use Primary Join is set to false, It will first find the Primary records and later
sends secondary queries to fetch child records.
2.Auto Primary : This Property has three Values

Default -- If no record is selected as Primary by default the first record will be

Selected which ever record user selects will be the Primary
None -- No Primary set , it will play havoc with Performance when no
Primary is set.

3.Check No Match : When a multi-value link has been configured with a primary
joinwhich is the typical situationthere are circumstances in which the foreign
key used by this join to identify the primary record is unable to find the primary.
For example, this can happen when the primary record has been deleted from the
multi-value group or the multi-value group is newly created and has no records. In
such cases, the multi-value link can be configured to update the primary foreign
key to a value of NULL, or to a special value of NoMatchRowId, depending on
your requirements. This behavior is configured through the Check No Match
property of the Multi Value Link object type, and has performance consequences.
The purpose of the special NoMatchRowId value is to prevent secondary queries
on foreign key values that are known to have failed, thereby improving
performance, much in the same way that using a primary join improves
The NoMatchRowId generating and testing behavior is activated by setting Check
No Match to FALSE for the MVL. This setting has the following results:
When the application encounters a master record where the primary foreign key is
NULL or invalid, it performs a secondary query to determine if there are detail
records in the multi-value group. If it finds there are no detail records, it sets the
primary ID field to the special value NoMatchRowId.
When the application encounters a master record where the primary foreign key
has the value "NoMatchRowId," this indicates to the system that there are no detail
records in the multi-value group and the secondary query is not performed.

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