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Skylar Murrell

LA Period 5
Literature Critique 5
March 7, 2014
Could you imagine your loving family die before your eyes? In the dark of the night you
are taken to a camp of pure horror. You dont know whats happening people are dying left and
right. Elie Weisel details the terrible events of the holocaust in his memoir Night. Elie Wiesel
writes about his personal nightmare. He portrays Auschwitz as being the nightmare it really is.
Mentally destroyed and alone, does he have the will power to survive? I recommend the novel
Night for the poetic figurative language, the detailed historical treatment in the camps, and for
the torn faith.
One of the main reasons this book is an essential read is because of the picture-perfect
figurative language. We were withered trees in the heart of the desert (37, Wiesel) Elie Wiesel
brings this quote to life by comparing himself and the Jews in Auschwitz to a waterless
shriveled tree having absolutely no chance of surviving. Figurative language is further found in
the scene where Elie and the other Jews are in the death march. On page 103 Wiesel states And
their cries seemed to come from beyond the grave. This short sentence is so influential. It shows
how not only the Holocaust victims were crying from such deep agony the souls of the people
that already passed were crying for them as well. The miraculous figurative language helps the
reader gain a better understanding of the struggles in the Holocaust.
The horrific treatment in the camp was described flawlessly in the remarkable novel
Night it helps the readers have a deeper understanding of the Holocaust. On page 39 Elie Wiesel

illustrates his fathers brutal beating by a guard. He slapped my father with such force that he
feel down and then crawled back on all fours. This quote portrays how the guards treat
innocent Jews like they are filthy animals. The treatment is so perplexing and unforgiving that it
will hurt the reader to read. But the third rope was still moving; the child too light, was still
breathing And so he remained for more than a half an hour, lingering between life and death
writhing for his life. (65, Wiesel) This scene in Night really shows how cruel it was in
Auschwitz and shows how it was similar to living in hell. The people had to watch an innocent
young child be hanged and struggle for life. It was pure evil.
The last reason that people must read the novel Night is for the torn faith that changes
throughout the novel. Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?
(4, Wiesel) This quote really shows the reader that Elie believes in God and that he knows he is
there within him. It shows that without God he wouldnt want to live. Throughout the novel
Elies opinion changes drastically because of what profound pain he goes through in the
Holocaust. Where is Gods mercy? Wheres God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe
in this God of mercy? (76, Wiesel) In this section of the book it shows the reader that he no
longer believes in a God. He cant believe that God could sit here and let these horrific things
happen to him and his beloved family. When Elie Wiesel writes about his faith it gives the reader
a better insight on the Holocaust.
The type of person who would enjoy the magnificent well written novel Night would be a
person who loves deep, life changing, heart throbbing stories. Night is a firsthand encounter of
the Holocaust that gives you a new perspective on the history it. It was packed with action and
passion I thought any reader would instantly fall in love with this nonfiction novel. Night is so

fast pace and doesnt drag which makes it a wonderful read! I recommend this powerful
unfathomable novel that helps you increase your understanding of this tragic event.

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