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Weight and mass are different.

The weight of an object related to the size (mass) and the

distance from the gravitational pull of other bodies, such as the Earth or other large mass in
the universe. Weight is also referred to as the gravitational effect of age of an object. Mass is
constant in the universe, while the weight can be regarded as a force with which gravity
"interesting" objects (A) to the earth, or any other object in the universe that can affect
Epicurus also stated that the atoms are always in constant motion , and to be understood , and
thus deterministic . It would be centuries before the idea of Epicurus ' developed into the
concept of kinetic energy , heat , and thermodynamics . After many trials , the English
chemist John Dalton (1766-1844) published his New System of Chemical Philosophy in
1808. In essence , he said that the atoms of certain elements are exactly the same and have the
same weight ; that atoms of certain elements that are different from any other element atoms ;
and that combination of elements is just a combination of atoms in simple or multiple units .
At this time , Dalton did not know the exact number of atoms can combine to form molecules
. However , through experimentation , he knows the relative weights of the elements that
make up the compound .
It is becoming increasingly clear that the smallest atom, an integral unit of the basic
substance, but it is important to determine the atomic weight (mass) and different atomic
sizes. Because the atoms are too minute to see with a microscope of the nineteenth century, it
was not possible to calculate and weigh them as we do with objects larger. Therefore, the
standard used is the concept of "relative weight" becomes useful. Using the concept of
relative weight makes it possible to determine the mass of individual atoms of one element
relative to the mass of the atoms of different elements. The elements are gas and consists of a
single atom called monatomic elements (Ar, Ne, Xe). Gas molecule consisting of two atoms
of an element called diatomic (O2, H2, Cl2), and three atoms of the same element that gas
can be joined together to form what is known as a triatomic molecule (O3 Ozone). The
combination of three or more atoms of different elements forming polyatomic molecules
(PO4, H2 SO4). Thus, there are several different types of molecules. When atoms combine to
form molecules elements, chemical properties and physical of a new molecule that is
different from the characteristics of the original elements. For example, compounds such as
NaCl no two elements that make up this molecule. Na is sodium, highly reactive metal, and
Cl2 are chlorine, reactive gas, while the NaCl molecule known as table salt.

Atom: The smallest unit of each of the more than 100 known elements and different basic
types of material either in natural or artificial made. All the atoms that make up a particular
element have the same nuclear charge and the same number of electrons and protons. Atoms
of some elements may differ in mass when the number of neutrons in the nucleus are
different (the atoms are called isotopes). Compound: A substance composed of atoms and
molecules formed by the chemical reaction of two or more elements. The molecules of new
compounds have properties very different from the properties of the elements that make up
the compound. An example is when two molecules of diatomic hydrogen (2H2) combines
with one molecule of diatomic oxygen (O2) to form two molecules of water (2H2 O), which
has no native properties of the two substances. Allotropes: An allotrope is formed when the
element or compound that exists in more than one form. Carbon is an example of an element
found in a variety of forms (eg, carbon black, graphite, and diamond). Oxygen has three
allotropes: monatomic or nascent oxygen

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