XP Speed Process

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Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 05:04:14 +0100 (BST)
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Subject: how to make fast xp
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Subject: how to make the sys faster
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:59:06 +0530
From: Anandhan.M <anandhan@dgbmicro.com>
To: raghu@dgbmicro.com, sdeepa@dgbmicro.com,
vinothkumar@dgbmicro.com, Baranidharan <baranidharan@dgbmicro.com>,
Sankaralingam <sankaralingam@sarayusoftech.com>, ayyappa@dgbmicro.com,
lakshmanan <klakshman@dgbmicro.com>
References: <44A45827.5090005@dgbmicro.com>



Indexing Services is a small little program that uses large amounts of

RAM and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system

process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on your
computer. It does this so that when you do a search for something on
your computer, it will search faster by scanning the index lists. If
don't search your computer often, or even if you do search often, this
system service is completely unnecessary. To disable do the following:

1. Go to Start
2. Click Settings

3. Click Control Panel

4. Double-click Add/Remove Programs

5. Click the Add/Remove Window Components

6. Uncheck the Indexing services

7. Click Next


Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste
system resources. To optimise:

1.Go to Start

2. Click Settings

3. Click Control Panel

4. Click System

5. Click Advanced tab

6. In the Performance tab click Settings

7. Leave only the following ticked:

- Show shadows under menus

- Show shadows under mouse pointer

- Show translucent selection rectangle

- Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop

- Use visual styles on windows and buttons


Windows XP has a performance monitor utility which monitors several
areas of your PC's performance. These utilities take up system
so disabling is a good idea.

To disable:

1. download and install the Extensible Performance Counter List

2.Then select each counter in turn in the 'Extensible performance

counters' window and clear the 'performance counters enabled' checkbox
at the bottom.button below.


You may have noticed that everytime you open my computer to browse
folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP
automatically searches for network files and printers everytime you
Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing significantly:

1. Open My Computer

2. Click on Tools menu

3. Click on Folder Options

4. Click on the View tab.

5. Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers

check box

6. Click Apply

7. Click Ok

8. Reboot your computer


Cacheman Improves the performance of your computer by optimizing the

disk cache, memory and a number of other settings.

Once Installed:
1.Go to Show Wizard and select All

2.Run all the wizards by selecting Next or Finished until you are back
to the main menu. Use the defaults unless you know exactly what you are


3.Exit and Save Cacheman

4.Restart Windows


There are lots of ways to do this but by far the easiest is to run
TCP/IP Optimizer.

1. Download and install

2. Click the General Settings tab and select your Connection Speed

3. Click Network Adapter and choose the interface you use to connect to

the Internet

4. Check Optimal Settings then Apply

5. Reboot


If you give your pagefile a fixed size it saves the operating system
from needing to resize the page file.

1. Right click on My Computer and select Properties

2. Select the Advanced tab

3. Under Performance choose the Settings button

4. Select the Advanced tab again and under Virtual Memory select Change

5. Highlight the drive containing your page file and make the initial
Size of the file the same as the Maximum Size of the file.
Windows XP sizes the page file to about 1.5X the amount of actual
physical memory by default. While this is good for systems with smaller

amounts of memory (under 512MB) it is unlikely that a typical XP

system will ever need 1.5 X 512MB or more of virtual memory. If you
less than 512MB of memory, leave the page file at its default size. If
you have 512MB or more, change the ratio to 1:1 page file size to
physical memory size.


BootVis will significantly improve boot times

1. Download and Run

2. Select Trace

3. Select Next Boot and Driver Trace

4. A Trace Repetitions screen will appear, select Ok and Reboot

5. Upon reboot, BootVis will automatically start, analyze and log your
system's boot process. When it's done, in the menu go to Trace and
select Optimize System

6. Reboot.

7. When your machine has rebooted wait until you see the Optimizing
System box appear. Be patient and wait for the process to complete


Your desktop background consumes a fair amount of memory and can slow
the loading time of your system. Removing it will improve performance.


Fonts, especially TrueType fonts, use quite a bit of system resources.

For optimal performance, trim your fonts down to just those that you
need to use on a daily basis and fonts that applications may require.

1. Open Control Panel

2. Open Fonts folder

3. Move fonts you don't need to a temporary directory (e.g.

C:\FONTBKUP?) just in case you need or want to bring a few of them
The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will gain.


Because Windows XP has to be all things to all people it has many

services running that take up system resources that you will never
Below is a list of services that can be disabled on most machines:



Computer Browser

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Fast User Switching

Help and Support - (If you use Windows Help and Support leave this

Human Interface Access Devices

Indexing Service

IPSEC Services


Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)

Portable Media Serial Number

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)

Remote Procedure Call Locator

Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)

Remote Registry Service

Secondary Logon

Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security)


SSDP Discovery Service - (Unplug n' Pray will disable this)



Upload Manager

Universal Plug and Play Device Host

Windows Time

Wireless Zero Configuration (Do not disable if you use a wireless



To disable these services:

Go to Start and then Run and type "services.msc"

Doubleclick on the service you want to change

Change the startup type to 'Disable"


System Restore can be a useful if your computer is having problems,

however storing all the restore points can literally take up Gigabytes
of space on your hard drive. To turn off System Restore:

Open Control Panel

Click on Performance and Maintenance

Click on System

Click on the System Restore tab

Tick 'Turn off System Restore on All Drives'

Click 'Ok'


Keeping your pagefile defragmented can provide a major performance

boost. One of the best ways of doing this is to creat a separate
partition on your hard drive just for your page file, so that it
get impacted by normal disk usage. Another way of keeping your pagefile

defragmented is to run PageDefrag. This cool little app can be used to

defrag your pagefile, and can also be set to defrag the pagefile
everytime your PC starts. To install:

Download and Run PageDefrag

Tick "Defrag at next Reboot",

Click "Ok"



If you have a lot of folders and subdirectories on your computer, when

you access a directory XP wastes a lot of time updating the time stamp
showing the last access time for that directory and for ALL sub
directories. To stop XP doing this you need to edit the registry. If
are uncomfortable doing this then please do not attempt.

Go to Start and then Run and type "regedit"

Click through the file system until you get to

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\FileSystem"
Right-click in a blank area of the window on the right and select

Create a new DWORD Value called 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'

Then Right click on the new value and select 'Modify'

Change the Value Data to '1'

Click 'OK'


Surprisingly, the beeps that your computer makes for various system
sounds can slow it down, particularly at startup and shut-down. To fix
this turn off the system sounds:

Open Control Panel

Click Sounds and Audio Devices

Check Place volume icon in taskbar

Click Sounds Tab

Choose "No Sounds" for the Sound Scheme

Click "No"

Click "Apply"

Click "OK"


A great new feature in m*cro$oft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot

defragment. This places all boot files next to each other on the disk
allow for faster booting. By default this option in enables but on some

builds it is not so below is how to turn it on.

Go to Start Menu and Click Run

Type in "Regedit" then click ok

Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\m*cro$oft\Dfrg\BootOp t

Select "Enable" from the list on the right

Right on it and select "Modify"

Change the value to "Y to enable"



If you have more than 256MB of RAM this tweak will considerably improve

your performance. It basically makes sure that your PC uses every last
drop of memory (faster than swap file) before it starts using the swap

Go to Start then Run

Type "msconfig.exe" then ok

Click on the System.ini tab

Expand the 386enh tab by clicking on the plus sign

Click on new then in the blank box type"ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1"

Click OK

Restart PC

*Remove the slight delay between clicking on a menu and XP displaying

the menu*

This is one of my favourite tweaks as it makes a huge difference to how

fast your machine will 'feel'. What this tweak does is remove the
delay between clicking on a menu and XP displaying the menu.

Go to Start then Run

Type 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'

Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"

Select "MenuShowDelay"

Right click and select "Modify'

Reduce the number to around "100"

This is the delay time before a menu is opened. You can set it to "0"
but it can make windows really hard to use as menus will open if you
just look at them - well move your mouse over them anyway. I tend to go

for anywhere between 50-150 depending on my mood


This little tweak tends to work for most programs. If your program
doesn't load properly just undo the change. For any program:

Right-click on the icon/shortcut you use to launch the program

Select properties

In the 'target' box, add ' /prefetch:1' at the end of the line.

Click "Ok"

Voila - your programs will now load faster.


This tweak reduces the time XP waits before automatically closing any
running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Go to Start then select Run

Type 'Regedit' and click ok

Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'

Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'

Right click and select 'Modify'

Change the value to '1000'

Click 'OK'

Now select 'HungAppTimeout'

Right click and select 'Modify'

Change the value to '1000'

Click 'OK'

Now find 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop'

Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'

Right click and select 'Modify'

Change the value to '1000'

Click 'OK'

Now find 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\'

Select 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'

Right click and select 'Modify'

Change the value to '1000'

Click 'OK'


This tweak works by creating a batch file to clear the temp and history

folders everytime you shutdown so that your PC doesn't waste time

checking these folders the next time it boots. It's quite simple to

1. Open Notepad and create a new file with the following entries:

RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\"UserName without quotes"\Local


RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local


RD /S /q "D:\Temp\" <--"Deletes temp folder, type in the location of

your temp folder"

2. Save the new as anything you like but it has to be a '.bat' file
fastboot.bat or deltemp.bat

3. Click 'Start' then 'Run'

4. Type in 'gpedit.msc' and hit 'ok'

5. Click on 'Computer Configuration' then 'Windows Settings'

6. Double-click on 'Scripts' and then on 'Shutdown'

7. Click 'Add' and find the batch file that you created and then press


When your PC starts it usually looks for any bootable media in any
floppy or cd-rom drives you have installed before it gets around to
loading the Operating System from the HDD. This can waste valuable
To fix this we need to make some changes to the Bios.

1. To enter the bios you usually press 'F2' or 'delete' when your PC

2. Navigate to the 'Boot' menu

3. Select 'Boot Sequence'

4. Then either move your Hard drive to the top position or set it as
'First Device'

5. Press the 'Escape' key to leave the bios. Don't forget to save your
settings before exiting

Note: Once this change has been made, you won't be able to boot from a
floppy disc or a CD-rom. If for some strange reason you need to do this

in the future, just go back into your bios, repeat the steps above and
put your floppy or CD-rom back as the 'First Device'


When your computer boots up it usually has to check with the network to

see what IP addresses are free and then it grabs one of these. By
configuring a manually assigned IP address your boot time will improve.

To do this do the following:

1. Click on 'Start' and then ''Connect To/Show All Connections'

2. Right-click your network adapter card and click 'Properties'.

3. On the 'General' tab, select 'TCP/IP' in the list of services and

click 'Properties'

4.I n the TCP/IP properties, click 'Use the following address' and
an IP address for your PC. If you are using a router this is usually
192.168.0.xx or 192.168.1.xx. If you are not sure what address you
check with your ISP or go to 'Start/run' and type 'cmd' and then
'ipconfig/all'. This will show your current IP settings which you will
need to copy.

5. Enter the correct details for 'Subnet mask', 'Default gateway' and
'DNS Server'. Again if you are not sure what figures to enter use
'ipconfig/all' as in stage 4.


I found this useful app via FixMyXP. ClearMem Is an Excellent Tool for
speeding up your XP Computer (especially if your system has been on for

awhile and you have a lot of applications open). What it does, is it

Forces pages out of physical memory and reduces the size of running
processes if working sets to a minimum. When you run this tool, the
system pauses because of excessive high-priority activity associated
with trimming the working sets. To run this tool, your paging file must

be at least as large as physical memory. To Check your Paging File:

1. Go to your control panel, then click on 'System', then go to the

'Advanced' Tab, and Under 'Performance' click 'Settings' then the
'Advanced' Tab

2. On the Bottom you should see 'Virtual Memory' and a value. This is
the value that must be at least as large as how much memory is in your

3. If the Virtual Memory Value is smaller than your system memory,

Change and change the Min Virtual Memory to a number that is greater
than your total system memory, then click 'Set' and Reboot.

4. Once you have rebooted install ClearMem


XP enables DMA for Hard-Drives and CD-Roms by default on most ATA or

ATAPI (IDE) devices. However, sometimes computers switch to PIO mode
which is slower for data transfer - a typical reason is because of a
virus. To ensure that your machine is using DMA:

1. Open 'Device Manager'

2. Double-click 'IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers'

3. Right-click 'Primary Channel' and select 'Properties' and then

'Advanced Settings'

4. In the 'Current Transfer Mode' drop-down box, select 'DMA if

Available' if the current setting is 'PIO Only'


Some machines suffer from jerky graphics or high CPU usage even when a
machine is idle. A possible solution for this, which, can also can help

network performance is to:

1. RightClick 'My Computer'

2. Select 'Manage'

3. Click on 'Device Manager'

4. DoubleClick your network adaptor under 'Network Adapters'

5. In the new window, select the 'Advanced' tab

6. Select 'Connection Type' and select the correct type for your card
and then Reboot


Although not strictly a performance tweak I love this fix as it makes

machine 'feel' faster. I hate the annoying 'are you sure?' messages
XP displays, especially if I have to use a laptop touchpad to close
them. To remove these messages:

1. Right-click on the 'Recycle Bin' on the desktop and then click


2. Clear the 'Display Delete Confirmation Dialog' check box and click

If you do accidently delete a file don't worry as all is not lost. Just

go to your Recycle Bin and 'Restore' the file.


Prefetch is designed to speed up program launching by preloading

programs into memory - not a good idea is memory is in short supply, as

it can make programs hang. To disable prefetch:

1. Click 'Start' then 'Run'

2. Type in 'Regedit' then click 'Ok'

3. Navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Cont
ol\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\'


Right-click on "EnablePrefetcher" and set the value to '0'



*Speed up your Windows 2000/XP system and save resources at the same

You can improve performance of your Windows 2000/XP and reclaim memory
by simply disabling the services that is also known as "System
you don't need which Windows 2000 or XP automatically provide by

*What Are System Services in the 1st place*

System services are actually small helper programs that provide support

for other larger programs in Windows 2000. Many of the services are set

up to run automatically each time you start Windows 2000. However, if

you're not using the larger programs that these services are designed
support, these services are simply wasting RAM that could be put to
better use by your applications. While the word "Disable" is used here
to describe the idea that you'll remove these services from memory,
you'll really be doing is changing the startup setting from Automatic
Manual. When you do, the services won't automatically start each time
you launch Windows 2000 Professional. However, Windows 2000 will be
to manually start the services if they're needed. That way you won't be

unnecessarily wasting RAM, but you won't be crippling your system

either. Note: If you're running Windows 2000 Professional on a
network, you may not be able to adjust system services. Regardless of
whether you can or not, you should check with your system administrator

before attempting the make these changes.

Changing the startup type of a service from Automatic to Manual is a

relatively simple operation. To begin, open the Control Panel, open the

Administrative Tools folder, and then double click the Services tool.
When you see the Services window, set the View to Detail if it isn't
already. Then click the Startup Type column header to sort the services

by Startup Type. When you do, all the Services that start automatically

will appear at the top of the list.

As you scan through the list of services on your system whose Startup
Type setting is set to Automatic, look for the services in listed in
Table below. These are some of the services are good candidates to be
set to a Manual Startup Type.

Examples of services that can be safely changed to Manual :-

DHCP Client -- You're not connecting to a specific DHCP server on your
local network

Distributed Link Tracking Client -- You're not connected to a Windows

2000 domain

DNS Client -- You're not connecting to a specific DNS server on your

local network

FTP Publishing Service -- You don't need your system to act as an FTP

IIS Admin Service -- You don't need your system to act as an WWW server

IPSEC Policy Agent -- You're not connected to a Windows 2000 domain

Messenger -- You're not connected to a Windows 2000 domain

Remote Registry Service -- You don't remotely access the Registry of

other systems on your local network

RIP Service -- You don't need your system to act as a router

Run As Service -- You don't use any applications that run as an alias

*World Wide Web Publishing Service*

You don't need your system to act as an WWW server
If you find a match and think that your system doesn't need that
particular service, right-click on the service and choose the
command from the shortcut menu. When you see the Properties dialog box
for that service, click the Startup Type drop down list and select
Manual. Then click OK. As you change the Startup Type for any service,
take note of the service's name. That way you'll have a record of which

services you changed and can change them back if you need to, as I'll
explain in a moment.

*Using the Windows Task Manager*

Trick : To determine the amount of RAM you'll regain by disabling
unnecessary system services, use the Windows Task Manager. Here's how:
Before you disable any system services, reboot your system and don't
launch any applications. If you have applications that automatically
load when you start Windows, hold down the [Shift] key to bypass the
Startup folder. Then, right click on the task bar and select Task
Manager from the shortcut menu. When you see the Windows Task Manager
dialog box, select the Performance tab. Now take note of the Available
value in the Physical Memory panel. After you disable those system
services you deem unnecessary, reboot your system in the same manner
compare the Available value in the Physical Memory panel to the one
you noted earlier.

*Final thoughts*
Keep in mind that you may not find all the services listed in the
Table set to Automatic on your system. In fact, you might not
see some of the services listed present on your system. If that's
the case, don't worry about it. Each Windows 2000/XP installation
is unique depending on the system and installed software, and
different sets of services may be installed and set to start
On the other hand, you may find services other than those listed
in Table set to Automatic that you may think are unnecessary. If
so, you can find out what each service does by hovering your
pointer over the service's description. When you do, a tool tip
window will pop up and display the entire description of the
service. You can then better determine if the service is
unnecessary. Remember, by changing the Startup Type to Manual,
Windows 2000 can still start the service if it's needed. If you
decide to experiment with changing the Startup Types of certain
services, you can monitor the services over time by launching the
Services utility and checking the list of running services. If
consistently find one of the services you set to Manual running,
you may decide to change the Startup Type back to Automatic.





*Solve the problem of"Disable Non Geniue Windows Warning Massages:


1.Deleted the C:WINDOWS\Prefetch folder.Which is the


2.Go to:WINDOWS/System 32/System Restore Application

3.Choose a date before you updated your Windows and start the restoring

process.(Just following the instructions)Take couple of minutes and you

are done!

*Disable baloon tips: *


*How to make your Desktop Icons Transparent : *Go to control Panel >
System, > Advanced > Performance area > Settings button Visual Effects
tab "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop"

XP hides some system software you might want to remove, such as Windows

Messenger, but you can tickle it and make it disgorge everything. Using

Notepad or Edit, edit the text file /windows/inf/sysoc.inf, search for

the word 'hide' and remove it. You can then go to the Add or Remove
Programs in the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Windows Components and

there will be your prey, exposed and vulnerable.

You can at last get rid of tasks on the computer from the command line
by using 'taskkill /pid' and the task number, or just 'tskill' and the
process number. Find that out by typing 'tasklist', which will also
you a lot about what's going on in your system.

The Start Menu can be leisurely when it decides to appear, but you can
speed things along by changing the registry entry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/MenuShowDelay from the d
400 to something a little snappier. Like 0.

1: Go into your Control Panel

2: Select Administrative Tools and then click on Services
3: Right click on the file "NVIDIA Driver Helper Service" and then
select STOP.
4: To stop this loading up every time you boot up your PC Right click
again and select properties - then where the option "Startup Type" is
shown - make sure it is set at Manual like we have shown in the image

A very important new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to

do a boot defragment. This basically means that all boot files are
placed next to each other on the disk drive to allow for faster
By default this option is enabled but some upgrade users have reported
that it isn't on their setup.
1. Start Regedit.
2. Navigate to
3. Select Enable from the list on the right.
4. Right on it and select Modify.
5. Change the value to Y to enable and N to disable.
6. Reboot your computer.
*How to make My Computer' open in Explore mode with folder list*
In My Computer click Tools menu, and then click Options.
Click the File Types tab.In the list of file types, highlight "(NONE)
Click Advanced button, In the Actions box, highlight "Explore" Click
"Set Default"

*Speed Up Browsing*

When you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and

forth. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to
IP address, the stuff that TCP/IP really deals with, not words. This is

DNS information and is used so that you will not need to ask for the
site location each and every time you visit the site. Although Windows
XP and Windows XP have a pretty efficient DNS cache, you can increase
its overall performance by increasing its size. You can do this with
registry entries below:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Make a new text file and rename it to dnscache.reg. Then copy and paste

the above into it and save it. Merge it into the registry.



*Speed Up the Systems Shutdown Process

*Every time you shut down your computer, you have to wait a little
for the contents of the paging file to be cleared. However, by opting
not to clear this information, your system shutdowns can be speeded up
dramatically. In order to make use of this, you need to navigate to
Management in the registry and change the value of
ClearPageFileAtShutdown in the right-hand pane to 0.

*Defragment Your Prefetch File for Faster Booting*

Windows XP monitors the programs you use and regularly rearranges files

so that your most frequently used applications can be loaded quickly.

This process is known as prefetching. There are various adjustments
you can make to this by adjusting your system settings or tweaking the
registry, but most are of negligible benefit: the single best thing you

can do is defragmenting the prefetch data, so it will run more

efficiently. Click Start > Run and type “defrag c: -b”. Press [Enter]
and your boot files will be optimised for you.

*Automate the Disk Cleanup Tool and Gain Space*

You can combine the Disk Cleanup tool with the Task Scheduler to
automatically free up hard drive space by deleting unnecessary files.
You need to create a new cleaning profile: click Start > Run and type
“cleanmgr/d c: /sageset:1”. Work through the dialogue box and select
cleanup setting to use before clicking OK. Launch the Task Scheduler by

clicking > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks.

Click File > New > Scheduled Task and name it ‘Clean C drive'.
Right-click this, click Properties and type “cleanmgr/sagerun:1” into
the Run box.

*Clean Out Unwanted Files and Fonts*

Having a large number of fonts installed not only slows down your
computer, but also wastes valuable storage space. The same is true of
having a temporary files folder full to bursting. You can trim down the

fonts you no longer need by double-clicking Fonts within the Control

Panel. If you're not sure whether you're going to need a font again in
the future, copy it to another folder before deleting it, just in case.

Emptying out the c:\Windows\Temp folder has the double benefit of

freeing up space and improving the stability of your system.

*Turn Off the Low Disk Space Warning *

When Windows detects that one of your hard drives has too little free
space, a warning appears offering to run the "Disk Cleanup" utility.
Here's how to turn off this message:

*Windows XP*

Run the


* <http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/registry>
* <http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/registry>





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