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To the Honorable Judge Mandio,

May 20th, 2015

Hello, I pray this letter finds you in good health and spirits. This is
Wendy Ann Greene in re: Case No. SWM1405388. In my last court
appearance I explained to you and the court; that I am a leader in an
International protest agains Child protective services. I have made many
breakthroughs in recent weeks in exposing their criminal behavior. Most
recently I was in Timothy F Freer's courtroom and had no choice but to fire
Charles Casey as my court appointed attorney in that case no. SWJ007292,
due to ineffective counsel, Timothy F Freer really frowned upon that decision,
and did not give me my right to be heard, nor did he allow me to object and
would not allow me to submit some important paperwork in my defense. He
blatantly said that he does not feel there is an abuse risk with our children
going home, but he quoted a text and a phone call that I had between a
foster mother and supervisor at Riverside county DPSS-CPS where I asserted
my rights and asked them to abide by the Constitution and WIC codes.
Timothy F Freer found this to be appalling and will not allow my children to
come home.

In response I have become even more vocal on several radio shows

and have written more articles on the deep seeded corruption of Riverside
county Child protective services. I understand the following information may
be a little hard to believe, but, I assure you I am a woman of truth and
integrity and I am telling the truth, and I will provide you with whatever proof
you require to proove everything I am about to tell you. I am part of a huge
international group that calls themselves "Anonymous" and I have eyes
protecting my well-being due to the key role I have in the expose` of this
systemic corruption. Sunshine Munesue-Tenerelli the supervisor of my social
worker Vu Jimmy Nguyen caught wind that I was exposing the truth about
what she has been doing to my family, and has only gotten worse since I
have been speaking out more. She is taking it out on my children. I will not
back down the truth is the truth and I truly feel that God is guiding me. That
being said; a trusted informant contacted me last night telling me that I need
to leave my current location because I am of no use to my children "DEAD". I
asked him what he meant and he reiterated that I need to leave. I have no
problem sending you all this proof, and proof of all my 18 months of research
and work of CPS corruption not only nationwide, but internationally as well. I

also have no problem telling you where I am safely being housed by a fellow
warrior. God has kept guiding me to the belief that I can in fact trust you.

I have a court date for the trial readiness conference on June 2nd. I
have been feverishly preparing my case in which to reveal the obvious truths
in my case, in which I am confident will exonerate me. In re: the
misdemeanor 148 (A) (1) PC; in all of the paperwork it states Wendy Ann
Greene AKA Tiffany McDermont. This concerned me the first time I saw it
when Miss Santamaria handed me my case file. I inquired about it, and she
said not to worry about it. Frankly, someone I do not know or have any
affiliation with nor have I ever gone by anything other than Wendy Ann
Greene, and this name is on my legal court documents. I have spent an
excessive amount of time researching this issue, and it is not something that
happens very often, and if it does it is not reported in anything I have
conducted research in. The only thing I could find is if your name is spelled
wrong which does not matter. The other thing I found was that career
criminals use numerous AKA's. Since, I am in no way shape or form a career
criminal, I would hate for the jury to be swayed by this AKA. I am thinking
that the report was made erroneously and therefore I would move to dismiss;
or this has been done purposely and maliciously in order to attach criminal
behavior to my name, I am tirelessly working on clearing my good name.
Either way, I believe it is reason to dismiss the 148 (A) (1) PC.

I also would like to point out that the DVD's I was given in my case file
have been fatally compromised. I watched them and they have been
stopped and started and their misconduct and other illegal actions are not on
the videos. I took them to a trusted videographer to do forensics on it, and
sure enough he can with every confidence say that the DVD's have in fact
been fatally compromised. Therefore if the aforementioned misdemeanor is
not dismissed on the AKA sloppy police work; then I would move to suppress
the DVD evidence in this case for being fatally compromised. I have every
confidence that in trial the People of California will embarass themselves on
how they have repeatedly tried to commit fraud against me. I am a woman
of God and would like to save them that embarassment, we are to pray for
our enemies, and help them no matter what, according to scripture.

As for my original conviction, due to the blatant fraud I can prove that
has been committed against myself and my family, I would like to move to
withdraw my guilty plea. Since there is no statute of limitations on fraud due
to the fact the crime is still being committed against me, I would appreciate

the opportunity to prove to you that I was coerced, and under duress and
erroneously counselled by Chuck Kish when I plead guilty to something I most
certainly did not do. My son Justice Greene is 14 and has wanted to testify
under oath that I did not hit him. The family law court will not allow this. I
have every intention to subpeona my son for the jury trial, along with others
to prove the fraud that Riverside county DPSS-CPS and the family law court
has committed against myself and most importantly my children.
I am hereby requesting your email address for further correspondence.
I will have my phone on me at all times. I am in no way a flight risk, I want to
have a fair day in court, but I have every reason to believe that my life is in
fact in danger. My mother and friends and other family have no idea where I
will be and I will not have any contact with them. I will however keep in
contact with you only. I am innocent, and I can prove it, but I am of no use to
anyone if I wind up dead like Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband Bruce
and their producer of their documentary "Kids for Cash" Bill Bowen whom was
in the middle of doing his own expose` documentary on CPS called
"Innocence Destroyed" . I am a key leader in this civil rights movement and
everyone knows it. They do not like exposure. I do not like my children being
legally kidnapped and abused in the system. I am a mother that will go to all
lengths under the law to save my children's lives, I do not care that my life is
at risk but, they are not home yet and I must get them home. I would like to
request to move my June 2nd courtdate to July 5th, 2015 for the trial
readiness conference. I have explained above that I must get to a safe
location. I sincerely pray you believe me. God keeps telling me I can trust
you. My phone # is (949) 205-8189. My email is I
look forward to hearing from you your Honor. Thank you for your time, I know
you are very busy. God be with you.


Wendy Ann Greene
CC: Pastor Wiley Drake; Laura Ayala with National Liberty Alliance;Scott
Carrithers CPS corruption advocate; Mark Wachtler editor for the; Jill Garrett CPS corruption advocate;Patsy Grant Cofounder of Angel Warriors 4 Justice; National Liberty Alliance; Lynda Jones
with Litigation Logistics Inc.; Lidya Radin common law expert and radio
personality; Danny McGowan CPS corruption advocate; International Criminal
Court; Vera Pheddup CPS corruption advocate; Ted Visner CPS corruption
advocate; Families Civil Liberty Union.

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