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Writing Sound Picture

Audience Trailers
Camera angles

Compare RESEARCH Films

Discussions Production logo

Internet Films Evaluation
Some production companies only make
films from only one type of genre for
example; Pixar and Walt Disney
Pictures. Since there target audience
are based from the ages from 4-16,
their logos are much more colourful
and appealing to children. Also the
colours used are very lively as well as
the sound they tend to use rhythmic
and low pitch sound to create a
Even though Working Title films mainly
base their films in the romantic-
comedy genre they have also so made
films such as Shaun of the Dead.
Maybe that’s why they have such
neutral colours in their logo to illustrate
and show that they can make all types
As you can see every different film
has their own unique way of writing,
this also depends on the genre. In the
SE7EN film poster we see all kinds of
fonts this is done to portray all the
different type of difference in the
film. In the film poster of Step Up 2
we see the same font but in different
sizes. Since this is a film related to
dance I personally believe that
because of the different levels of
height movement in dance. Toy Story
has the same font and the same size
all the way through but not the
colours this is done because they
have a different target audience,
they have deliberately done this so
Target Audience
It is very important that a film has the right audience for example; you wouldn’t
make a horror film for an audience from an age group of 5-11. You should also
be very familiar with you target audience to know their likes and dislikes, In
order to promote your product efficiently. The film can’t communicate
effectively or succeed at the box office unless you know the group of people for
whom you are making it for. A target audience is defined primarily by gender and
age range. Additional factors include status, rural or urban, race, family status,
theatre goers or not, and special interests. These interests can include anything
from political leanings to religion or the particular subject matter of the film, such
as running (Saint Ralph), visual art (Pollock) and human rights (Hotel
Rwanda).Typically, age ranges break down as follows:

• Kids 5-11 and moms

• Teen 11-14
• Teen 13-16
• 17-21
• 18-24 and 18-34
• 25-54
• 54+

Sound is one of the most important elements in film. Without any sound our
brains will find it very hard to believe or even relate to the film itself. We
may think that a film is just a visual experience, but sound is the real reason
why some films are better than other others. Sound in films consists of three
things which are:
1) The human voice this allows us to interact mentally with the
characters on screen.
2) Special effects make us believe what happening is real forcing us to
accept it
3) Background music (digetic and non-digetic) brings in emotion and
rhythm to the film creating feelings without being noticed.

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