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National Telecommunications Commission

In Partial Fulfilment of
the Requirements for
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Submitted by:
Jerrewin Mark C. Tullao

Submitted to:
Ms. Fides Celeste Arceo
On-the-Job Training Adviser

April 20, 2015

Table of Contents
Brief History/Background of the Company/Company Profile

Summary of the OJT Experience

Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program

A. New knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired

B. Theories actually seen in practice
C. Feedback that can be given to the company or institution
D. Benefits gained
E. Problems encountered
A. Company brochure and/or pamphlet
B. Copy of the Endorsement Letter
C. Copy of the Training Plan
D. Copy of the signed Waiver Form
E. Daily Time Record
F. Quarterly Performance Appraisal Forms
G. Certificate of Completion

Brief History of the Company

Company Timeline


Act No. 3396 known as the Ship Radio Station Law was enacted. The Radio
Construction and Maintenance Section, the first radio regulatory office
was charged to enforce the said law.


Act No. 3846 known as the Radio Control Law was enacted. The Radio Control
Division in the Bureau of Post was created under the jurisdiction of the then
Secretary of Commerce and Communications.


The Radio Control Division was transferred to the Department of National

Defence which was organized pursuant to Executive Order No. 230.


The Radio Control Division was again transferred to the Department of Commerce
and Industry which was created pursuant to Executive Order No. 230.


Republic Act 1476 was enacted abolishing the Radio Control Board.


Department Order 51 was issued changing the name of the Radio Control
Division to the Radio Control Office.


The Board of Communications (BOC) was created under the Integrated

Reorganization Law. It was the first quasi-judicial body with adjudicatory powers
on matters involving telecommunications services.


The Radio Control Office was renamed the Telecommunications Control Bureau.

By virtue of Executive Order 546, the TCB and the BOC were integrated into a
single entity now known as the National Telecommunications Commission. The
Ministry of Transportation and Communications, which was created under the

same Order has administrative jurisdiction over the NTC.

President Corazon C. Aquino issued Executive Order 125-A making the NTC an
attached agency of the Department of Transportation and Communications.
NTC Region 3


NTC Regional Office III was established in Pampanga on July of 1988 with the help of
then Congressman Emigdio L. Lingad, representing second district of Pampanga. It started its
operation of issuing licenses and permits, occupying a small space, shared by the regional post
office with only a desk and a filing cabinet. Only three (3) personnel manned the office the late
Engr. Leonardo A. Garcia, who was appointed regional director and two technical staff, Mr.
Ramon Valenzuela and Mr. Rodolfo T. Ocampo.
The Regional Office then moved to a rented space at the ground floor of the Cleofer's
Building in Gen. Hizon Street, City of San Fernando, Pampanga on September of the same year,
and saw the arrival of two more personnel. More personnel were added to supplement the Office
Staff in the first months of 1989. In February of this year, with the retirement of Engr. Garcia, the
Regional Office had its second regional director in the person of Engr. Amadeo Y. Yabes. The
Regional Office staff was complemented again with the coming of engineers and other staff who
trained at the Central Office. The site of the Regional Office then was a small to house all its
personnel, now almost complete with its two divislons. There was not enough space to keep its
records., Besides, flood frequented the area, especially on rainy days. This hampered its
operation. Seeing all these problems, Engr. Yabes worked out for the construction of a new
building at the regional government center, On January 26, 1990, the new bualding was
inaugurated, highlighted by a mass. The ribbon cutting was lead by the Hon, Josefina T.,
Lichauco, who was the then Commissaoner of NTC and Congressman Emigdio L. Lingad,
representative of the second district of Pampanga.
The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 191 brought new challenges to the office, The Reqgional
Office participated in manning the Monitoring Command Center at Camp Olivas, together with
other government agencies. In coordination with radio groups and other civic organizations, the
NTC played a significant role in lahar monitoring rescue and relief operations during the post
Pinatubo era.
In 1995, the Regional Office saw a new Director in the person of Engr. Eleutrio P.
Navarro Jr. The construction of quarters where employees could stay overnight on emergencies
was one of the significant marks of Engr. Navarro's management. Another was the construction
of an office that provided space for the records and the legal division.
On the later part of May 2002, the regional office had its fourth Regional Director, Ms.
Delilah F. Deles, who is a neophyte. she brought about changes to the regional office starting
from the improvement of the office's physical appearance to improving employee, work attitudes
and the renewal of their commitment to public service. She innovated new programs, one of
which launching of this website which is interactive, informative and accessible to the individual
users and introduced a program that cater quality service to the public.

Summary of the OJT Experience

Things I have learned working in National Telecommunication Commission company are
mostly licensing, processing permits and other paper works, services regarding blocking of
cellphones, etc that are all about telecommunication and frequencies and inspecting radio
devices, equipments and towers.
The first thing I learned in this company is that the company also monitors FM radio
stations whether if they comply to the standards given by the company like playing four OPM
songs every hour, broadcast commercials every half hour and restriction on broadcasting
sensitive and foul topics. I learned how to monitor the FM radio stations here in Region 3 in
terms of the standards said and give the records created to the company for inspecting if the FM
stations are following the standards else they will give warning and penalty if such incompliance
is not met.
I also learned that the company is also responsible for broadcasting Typhoon activity to
other regions and radio stations. We first experienced these kind of service when Typhoon Ruby
is currently on its way to Region 3. We monitored its activity for almost 14 hours and
communicated to other radio stations regarding it.
I also learned that when you want to block a phone like maybe your phone was stolen, the
company offers that kind of service. They then block the incoming frequency of the phone may it
text or call, etc. definitely denouncing the frequency of that phone to the frequency stream of the
I also learned how to process licenses and permits for the customers of the company.
Actually, anything and anyone that uses radio frequency must go to the company for request of
use even if youre just a single person and has a little radio possession, must be informed to the
company. Usual customers the company has are radio operators that use radio devices such as
security guards, agencies, hospitals, etc. The company also serves the big telecommunication
companies like Globe, Sun and Smart where they call these customers as Carriers. Such
license and permits must also be updated and renewed yearly else penalty will be conducted by
the company to whoever that didnt followed the standards. Examples of licenses are Radio Land
Mobile (RLM), Radio Station License (RSL), Radiotelephone Operator Certificate (ROC), etc
which are for radio operators proof that they can use radio devices and equipments specified on
their application. Permits like Permit to Possess and Permit to Purchase are also needed

applied to the devices that are for telecommunication. Devices must also have a permit before
these are used even if the user is licensed.
I knew also that the company not only do paper works, legal works, etc but also has
services like inspection, validation and verification for companies and places that uses
telecommunication like shipyards, aircrafts, carriers radio towers, etc. I experience it once when
we conduct field inspection of carriers range of service using wifi-sticks to places of Arayat to
Nueva Ecija. Mostly schools of the said places where been inspected to verify if the carriers
service to their customers are right and are being covered by their service.
Above all, the work experience I had in the company is somehow worth even if mostly
our work scope are always in the office and all about papers, sorting, organizing, monitoring
radio stations, etc.

Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program

New knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired

Knowledge about the work in the company

Knowledge and skills about processing RLM, RSL, ROC, Amateur, Carrier papers
Knowledge and skills about radio equipments
Knowledge about the companys services

Theories actually seen in practice

Data Communication
MS Office

Feedback that can be given to the company or institution

The company needs to upgrade their workplace in terms of network and filing

Benefits gained

Knowledge about Work Environment

Problems encountered

Current Network and Database systems

Record Station, overwhelming papers (documents)



Copy of
Endorsement Letter

Copy of
Training Plan

Copy of
Signed Waiver Form

Daily Time Record

Appraisal Form

Certificate of

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