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Cheshire Academies Trust

Newsletter 3
Summer Term 2015

Good Things Grow Here

Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter this term.

Year 6 Statutory Tests
We were extremely proud of our Year 6 children last week as they completed their end of key stage 2
tests. Each child was given an outstanding work award in assembly on Friday to acknowledge their
attitude and conduct during the testing week.
As you may have read in the media this can be a stressful time for the children and I would like to thank all
fourteen staff involved in administering the tests for ensuring that the children were given the best possible
environment and support to complete the tests. Thank you also to Mrs Gray for providing a breakfast club
for those children who wished to come. All the childrens papers have been collected from school and for
the first time will be scanned to be marked electronically by external markers. The childrens results will be
available in school early July.
Cheshire Academies Trust Update
As we enter into our fifth month of working in partnership as Cheshire
Academies Trust we are delighted to be able to share with you an update as
to how the Trust is progressing and the work that is planned or has already
taken place.
As Heads of School we meet regularly to plan cross-Trust initiatives and
provide inter-school support. Such activities have included;

Each school agreed a shared school improvement priority To

collaborate with MAT schools to forge personnel links, developing protocols and procedures to ensure
efficient and effective working practices in all 3 schools (management of the academy status)
School Self Evaluation summaries and School Development Plans have been shared to ensure a
unified approach to school evaluation and improvement
The Cheshire Academies Trust website is currently being designed and will be in operation at the
end of May. The Trust Board have met twice to formulate cross-Trust policy and these policies are
currently on the individual school websites
Cheshire Academies Trust staff have provided school to school support. This includes Mrs
McCrimmon who has supported the appointment process for the Reception teacher at Boughton Heath
The Heads of Schools have met to agree a format for assessing the curriculum without levels
which will be in place in September for all 3 schools
A document outlining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) aligned to the Ofsted framework has been
written by myself to ensure accountability in all schools by local governors and the Trustees

The Heads of each school have met regularly to agree how we can work together to raise standards
across our schools. At the last meeting the following actions were agreed

Each Head of School will undertake a review of lunchtime provision at another CAT school. The
reviews will take place week beginning 01 June 2015. External training for Year 5 to become Junior
Playground Leaders has also been planned for June 2015
Each Head of School will be supporting another CAT schools subject leader in observing the quality
of teaching mathematics in the Autumn term 2015
The Principal at Kelsall School will be working with PE subject leaders to develop inter-CAT sports
tournaments for every year group in 2015-2016
The Principal at Boughton Heath Academy will be working with an external provider to develop public
speaking coaching for pupils at each CAT school with the opportunity for those who wish to sit public

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

speaking exams to do so. We believe public speaking is an important life skill that all pupils should have
access to. We look forward to being able to organise our own debating teams within our school and
inter-CAT debates in 2015-2016
On 9 July the SENCo (Special Educational Needs) from each school will be meeting at Boughton Heath.
The focus of the day will be to review our school policies and practices around SEND and to complete a
CAT Special Educational Needs policy to ensure we are working to the highest possible standards
across all three schools.
As three outstanding schools working closely together we have agreed that moderating across our
CAT schools will be our priority of work within our individual cluster of schools. Our focus in the Autumn
term will be Mathematics and Literacy. Time will be provided for subject leaders to work together.
Heads of School will be responsible for the following subject areas across CAT:
1. Principal Kelsall Primary School Science
2. Principal Boughton Heath Academy English
3. Headteacher Mill View Primary School Mathematics

One staff meeting per term will be dedicated to cross individual year groups across our CAT schools
working together to look at assessment without levels

Working closely with representatives from CAT, Kelsall and Mill View, the Vice Principal at Boughton
Heath Academy, is going to lead our Trust application for the Investors in People Gold Plus Award.
This will allow us to ensure Trust CPD systems are rigorous and provide robust external validation of
our practices. We will be able to engage in collaborative partnerships which will specifically impact on
our CPD plans and to engage with business representatives to get new perspective on staff
development. Most importantly we believe this award will ensure professional development in our Trust
improves the quality of teaching and therefore impacts on outcomes for our children

Finally, for us, our most exciting development is our plans for our first Trust INSET day on 01
September 2015. The main purpose of the day is to develop 11 by 11. 11 by 11 is our list of 11
activities or experiences every child who attends a CAT school will have participated in by the age of 11.
Work on 11 by 11 started on Thursday 07 May when representatives from each schools Student Council
met at Kelsall Primary School to share their ideas for the 11 activities. Later this term we will give
parents/carers the opportunity to contribute their thoughts also. It is our plan to take approximately 60
possible activities/experiences to our INSET day and work together to reduce them down to 20.
Representatives from each school will work together later in September to decide and share our final list of
As you can see much has happened since we converted to Academy. Hopefully parents will notice the
strong emphasis on improving the quality of teaching and learning for children through collaborative
practices between schools and also the clear focus on linking staff together. This demonstrates, I believe,
our fundamental focus on children and getting it right for them on a daily basis!
My thanks go to all the governors and staff for their continued hard work towards our pursuit of excellence
for the children in our care. The work load of a teacher can sometimes be an all-consuming thing, but the
teachers at Mill View Primary School care passionately and without question, want the best for your
Sports Day and National Sports Week (week commencing Monday 22 June)
Mrs Burt-Williams and Miss Pemberton are busy planning exciting sporting
events for National Sports Week and we will keep you informed of these
events in our newsletters. To coincide with National Sports Week our
Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 23 June and the PTA Summer Fun Run
on Friday 26 June 4pm.

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Staffing News
Mrs McCrimmon, Deputy Headteacher, will be starting her maternity leave in early July. During her absence in
July Mrs Wallace and Mrs Hetherington will be teaching the Reception class. It will be very strange without
Mrs McCrimmon as she has been at Mill View for 13 years but I am sure she will be kept very busy during her
time at home. If you wish to contribute towards her leaving gift please do so via the school office.
Miss Pemberton, Year 3 classteacher, will be taking a years sabbatical from teaching at the end of this
academic year. She is planning to travel during this time and is hoping to broaden her experience teaching in
Australia. I am sure you would like to join me in wishing her all the very best.
Mr Jones, Site Maintenance Officer, is retiring in August. Mr Jones has worked at our school for a number of
years and we will miss him greatly!
Parental Consultation - School Visits and Residential Visits
Please look out for a consultation paper in your childs reading bag at the start of next half term. We are very
aware of the increasing costs of school trips and wish to consult with parents about continuing to plan school
visits and residential visits as part of the schools curriculum. A few years ago parents unanimously told us
that they wished to continue the residential visits in Year 2 to Year 6 but we would like to gain current views.
Our school curriculum is enriched with trips and residential visits; however, participation is on the basis of
parental choice and a willingness to meet the costings. As an academy our school policy towards charging for
school activities remains the same as a local authority maintained school we may ask for voluntary
contributions towards the cost of any activity which takes place during school hours; school equipment; and
school funds generally. We do not exclude a child from taking part if a parent refuses or cannot make a
contribution. In the case of residential visits we do not currently ask for contributions towards extra staff
required for the visit as this is based on the goodwill of staff. There is nothing in legislation preventing us in
asking for voluntary contributions for these activities, however, if insufficient voluntary contributions are
received to cover the cost of the visit, or activities, then we may unfortunately have to cancel the
trip/residential visit. This has never been the case at Mill View and we are grateful for parental contributions.
As a school we are also fortunate that the PTA provide additional funding towards some activities to benefit
every child.
E-Safety and Technology Policy
It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels safe. The school e-Safety
policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school community can use ICT
and technology safely both at home and in school. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels
safe and secure including children and teachers.
The primary aim of the e-Safety policy is to educate children and parents on how to use ICT safely and
appropriately. In addition to the Internet, it also includes electronic communications such as mobile phones
and wireless technology. It highlights the need to educate children and young people about the benefits and
risks of using new technology and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control
their online experiences. The schools e-safety policy operates in conjunction with other policies including
those for Pupil Behaviour and anti-bullying.
Parents are reminded also that use of social media to air grievances publically about the school
or specific members of school should not be done in any circumstance. The school has a
complaints procedure which can be seen at any time on the school website.

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Sporting Achievement
Many congratulations to Anna in Year 6 who was second at
the British Orienteering Middle Distance Championships
(held at Naphill and Park Wood, High Wycombe).
If you wish to share your childs sporting achievements
please email

And finally sharing our learning this half term.

Year 4

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Year 5

Year 2

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Year 6

Year 1

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Year 3
Diary Dates
Thursday 21 May Tempest to take Year 6 photographs for leavers books
Thursday 21 May PTA Film Night
Friday 22 May School closes for Whit break
Monday 01 June to Friday 13 June Writing fortnight
Tuesday 02 June Reception visit to Stockley Farm, Northwich
Thursday 04 June - Year 5 to visit the Imperial War Museum
Monday 08 June to Tuesday 09 June Year 3 residential to the Tattenhall Centre
Friday 11 June Year 5 taster morning at Upton High School
Monday 15 June ECO council to visit Marks and Spencer at Collegium
Thursday 18 June Year 5 Science Road Show at St Oswalds CE Primary School
Tuesday 23 June Sports Day and Family Picnic (please note change of date from newsletter 1)
Wednesday 24 June School Choir performing at the Cheshire Show
Thursday 25 June Upton High School Open Evening
Friday 26 June PTA Summer Fun Run 4pm
Tuesday 30 June Year 1 visit to Park Hall Farm, Oswestry
Friday 10 July Year 6 visit to Chester University
Wednesday 15 July & Thursday 16 July Key Stage 2 Musical Olivia at Queens Park High School
Friday 17 July Year 6 Leavers Service 10am
Friday 17 July 3pm School closes for pupils

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

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