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Greetings from Springfield, Massachusetts,

While playing the classic memory game,
Stefano receives a ring!
A special bone ring.
Containing the Design 101s
team members DNA.
Something to wear and
carry with him everywhere
he goes. A real deal
for Stefano!
By the way, how good is your memory?

Who is Stefano?
An architect, a designer, a teacher...
a troubleshooter!
Stefano is the backbone of Design 101
and the teams personal troubleshooter.
He always knows how to anticipate, locate,
or repair any kind of negative symptoms that
can appear along our processes. Stefano is
really all about developing complex systems
and keeping its processes healthy!
When somethings goes wrong, he makes
it operational again. Its like magic!
He knows a lot (and writes a lot) about
design, fashion milan, school, design school,
architecture and also likes
to play games and draw things
on his ipad mini.

Week no.9: Christmas Greetings. Friday

Design 101 MOOC, Abadir for iversity


LETTER no. 61

ign 01

A bone ring?
I love you
Together forever
Til death do us part
Did you know that some 2000 years ago, Romans wore key-rings
on their fingers? Those who wore them were in charge of keeping
the family treasure locked and safe.
By the way, you probably noticed Solomons ring we have printed
on the back of our postcard. Well, it is a magic signet ring
that gave Solomon the power to command demons, genies,
or to speak with animals...
Yes indeed. Today Stefano received a ring.
But not any kind of ring...
As a sign of our love and fidelity,
we are giving him a bone ring grown from
bone cells taken from each of the Design
101s team members jawbones.
A special circular band fitting his left
hands fourth digit finger.
A way to connect to his heart via his vein
of love, or vena amoris.
If you like our present idea, here is the link to know more.
And here, about the design process.

Why Memory?
Because it is a classic game, its quite universal...
In fact, the game is known as Concentration, Pelmanism,
Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso or simply Pairs. A
matching game that appears in many different
shapes and forms.
Here it is on Sesame Street.
The game can be played with any deck of cards,
alone or with friends. It starts with all cards
facing down on a table (or any horizontal

plane). Then, players take turns flipping

two cards one after the other. Once a pair
of matching cards is found, the player picks up
the pair and can play again. The game ends when
all cards have been picked up. The winner
is the player with the most pairs.
The goal is to remember the cards
that have already been flipped.
For this, a level of concentration is required.
Players might think it better to turn over a known card before
going for an unknown. But, in fact, it is strategically
advantageous to first turn over a less certain card,
so that if it is not what was expected, the player
can remember it and know not to turn over a more certain card.
Its stimulating Its brain training improving short-term
memory (aka. working memory). The game can be enjoyed by all.
And as our memory functions increase and decline naturally as
we age, its a challenging game for the young, the old and the
Here you can play all sorts of brain games allowing you to
achieve your full potential. Quite a big claim to live up to.
Go check it out for yourself!

Design 101. A How-To.

We know we have some late-comers, here are a few instructions
on how the whole thing functions...
A typical Design 101 day:
We send you an email around 9 in the morning (Berlin time) with
the link to our daily unit + some news, updates, cool Design
101 things we found etc.etc.
Note: you can find all of our previous emails in the
Announcements section of Design 101 on iversity.
Once you land on the units page, you find our shipment (which
consists of a video-postcard + a letter). You watch the video,
read our letter, get to work and complete the assignment
(or relax if its a weekend day). For even more fun, you can
always refer to the Design 101 encyclopedia, which is updated
every week.
Dont forget to take part in the conversations of the
Discussions forum!
Now, going beyond the iversity platform, we have setup other
places for us to meet and spread things we do.
On Facebook:
the Design 101 page: to follow whats going on (in general terms)
the Design 101 Exercises page: to check out picks
(things that fascinate us the most)
the Design 101 Arena group: to post your pictures, share your
thoughts, emotions, references, lalala
(as a complement to the discussions happening on the platform).
On Twitter,
@design1o1: to follow whats going on + discuss with each other.
#design1o1: to connect us all under a same hashtag.
On YouTube:
the Design 101 channel: to view + share our video postcards
(which is not possible to do from the iversity platform)

On Instagram:
#design1o1: to connect us all under a same hashtag.
Regarding the hashtag, make sure to use #design1o1 with an o
and not a 0...

Uploading your homework to the iversity platform is very
important in terms of archiving. It is the only way we can
collect all the things we do in one same place. Once the course
ends, it might turn out to be reorganized into a wonderful
book and/or exhibition

Todays postcard
Bone ring

Memory cards

J.R.R. Tolkien

Solomon Ring

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