Dark Souls II A

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|System: Multiplatform
|Guide type: FAQ/Walkthrough |
|Guide Version: 1.0
|Written by: Punisher_x2

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The following guide is for the game Dark Souls II. The previous game was
notorious for it's brutal difficulty and unforgiving consequences and this one
is no exception. This guide will help you out in beating this nightmare of a
journey by offering various strategies, item locations, boss lists and more.
A couple of notes before using this guide:
> This guide may not be reproduced, distributed or used without my permission
anywhere except Gamefaqs or Gamesave.me. If you wish to use this guide on your
site, please contact me at the contact section.
> If you see any errors, grammatical or game related, please don't hesitate to
contact me.
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Since buying new games costs a lot (especially in my country) I have decided to
try and see if any of you would like to donate me some small amount so that I
can keep making guides in the future. Remember, this is not mandatory it's just
if you really liked this guide and would like me to make more. The
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Version 1.0 (11.07.14) - Guide updated: Currently contains:
> A complete walkthrough covering every section and
boss fight in the game.
> Complete boss, covenant, merchants, sorcery and
miracles lists (other lists will be updated in
future guide updates)
> Completed achievement/trophy guide.
Version 0.4 (24.06.14) - Guide updated: Currently contains:
> Walkthrough completed up to the Shrine of Amana
> Boss, Rings, Bonfire lists updated. Completed
Covenants list and added complete sorcery and
miracles locations lists.
> Achievement/trophy guide completed up to 60%.
Version 0.3 (02.06.14) - Guide updated: Currently contains:
> Walkthrough completed up to the Doors of Pharros
> Boss, Rings, Bonfire, Covenants lists updated.
Estus Flask Shards, Merchants and Gestures lists

> Achievement/trophy guide completed up to 30%

Version 0.2 (20.05.14) - Guide updated. Currently contains:
> Walkthrough completed up to the Undead Purgator
> Boss, Ring, Bonfire, merchants and gestures
lists updated.
> Achievement/trophy guide completed up to 20%.
Version 0.1 (29.04.14) - Guide uploaded and unfinished. Currently contains:
> Walkthrough completed up to the Heides Tower of
Flame section.
> Incomplete Bonfire, covenant, item, gesture,
merchant locations, boss lists etc.
> Achievement/trophy guide completed up to 10%.

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NOTE: For quicker use of this guide, type in the code for the desired section
by pressing CTRL + F located next to the section's name.

Game Basics
| 1. Creating your character [CYC01]
| 2. Walkthrough [WAL02]
| 2.1 Things Betwixt [THB02]
| 2.2 Majula [MAJ02]
| 2.3 Forest of Fallen Giants [FFG02]
| 2.4 Heides Tower of Flame [HTF02]
| 2.5 No-Man's Wharf [NMW02]
| 2.6 Lost Bastille [LOB02]

| 2.7 Sinners Rise [SIR02]
| 2.8 Belfry Luna [BEL02]
| 2.9 Huntsman Copse [HUC02]
| 2.10 Undead Purgatory [UDP02]
| 2.11 Harvest Valley [HAV02]
| 2.12 Earthen Peak [EAP02]
| 2.13 Iron Keep [IKP02]
| 2.14 Shaded Woods [SHW02]
| 2.15 Doors of Pharros [DOP02]
| 2.16 Brightstone Cove Tseldora [BCT02]
| 2.17 Grave of Saints [GOS02]
| 2.18 The Gutter [GUT02]
| 2.19 The Black Gulch [TBG02]
| 2.20 Shrine of Winter [SOW02]
| 2.21 Drangleic Castle [DRC02]
| 2.22 King's Passage [KIP02]
| 2.23 Shrine of Amana [SOA02]
| 2.24 Undead Crypt [UDC02]
| 2.25 Aldia's Keep [ALK02]
| 2.26 Dragon Aerie [DRA02]
| 2.27 Dragon Shrine [DRS02]
| 2.28 Memories [MEM02]
| 2.29 Throne of Want [TOW02]
|=========================== Boss and Item Lists ============================|
| 3. Lists [LIS03]
| 3.1 Boss list [BOL03]
| 3.2 Human Effigies, Titanite, Bonfire Ascetic and Fragrant Branch of
Yore locations [HTB03]
| 3.3 Rings list [RIL03]

| 3.4 Estus Flask Shard locations [EFL03]

| 3.5 Boss weapons [BWS03]
| 3.6 Bonfire locations [BOL03]
| 3.7 Covenants list [COL03]
| 3.8 Merchants [MER03]
| 3.9 Gesture locations [GEL03]
| 3.10 Sorceries locations [SOL03]
| 3.11 Miracles locations [MIL03]
|=========================== Achievement Guide ============================|
| 4. Achievement/Trophy Guide [ACT04]
|=========================== Contact and info ============================|
| 5. Legal [LEG05]
| 6. Contact info [COI06]
| 7. About us [ABU07]
| 8. Donations [DON08]
| 9. Credits [CRE09]
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The following section will cover the process of creating your character in
Dark Souls II.
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Character Creation in the game takes place in the hut near the beginning of the
Things Betwixt Zone. You have the option to select one of eight different
starting Classes, and may also select a single Gift.
Vigor - Raises HP and petrify resistance.
Endurance - Raises HP, stamina, physical defense and poise
Vitality - Raises HP, equipment load, physical defense and petrify resistance
Adaptability - Raises all resistance, agility, poise and poison bonus damage
Strenght - Raises HP, attack damage and guard
Dexterity - Raises HP, attack damage, poison/bleed bonus and physical defense
Intelligence - Raises HP, magic/fire/dark bonus damage and increase casting
speed. Raises magic/fire/dark defense
Faith - Raises HP, fire/lightning/dark/bleed bonus damage and increases casting
speed. Raises fire/lightning/dark/petrify defense.
Attunement - Increases attunement slots. Raises HP, casting speed and agility

Class list:
------------------Battle-scarred warrior. High strength, dexterity. Skilled with weapons.
Class stats:
Vigor: 7 Endurance: 6 Vitality: 6 Attunement: 5 Strength: 15 Dexterity: 11
Adaptability: 5 Intelligence: 5 Faith: 5
Broken Straight Sword, Iron Parma

Standard Helm, Hard Leather Armor, Hard Leather Gauntlets, Hard Leather Boots
Lifegem (x10)
------------------Traveling knight. High HP and adaptability. Tough to take down.
Class stats:
Vigor: 12 Endurance: 6 Vitality: 7 Attunement: 4 Strength: 11 Dexterity: 8
Adaptability: 9 Intelligence: 3 Faith: 6
Weapons: Broadsword
Armor: Falconer Armor, Falconer Gloves, Falconer Boots
Items: Lifegem (x10)
------------------Finely skilled swordsman. Fights gracefully with strong weapons in both hands.
Class stats:
Vigor: 4 Endurance: 8 Vitality: 4 Attunement: 6 Strength: 9 Dexterity: 16
Adaptability: 6 Intelligence: 7 Faith: 5
Weapons: Scimitar +1, Shortsword +1
Armor: Wanderer Hood, Wanderer Coat, Wanderer Manchettes, Wanderer Boots
Items: Lifegem (x10)

A merciless outlaw. High dexterity, skilled with a bow; Fights well at various
Class stats:
Vigor: 9 Endurance: 7 Vitality: 11 Attunement: 2 Strength: 9 Dexterity: 14
Adaptability: 3 Intelligence: 1 Faith: 8
Weapons: Hand Axe, Short Bow, Wood Arrow (x25)
Armor: Spiked Bandit Helm, Bandit Armor, Bandit Gauntlets, Bandit Boots
Items: Lifegem (x10)
------------------A Cleric on a pilgrimage. High faith and miracles guide the way.
Class stats:
Vigor: 10 Endurance: 3 Vitality: 8 Attunement: 10 Strength: 11 Dexterity: 5
Adaptability: 4 Intelligence: 4 Faith: 12
Weapons: Mace, Cleric's Sacred Chime
Armor: Archdrake Robes
Spells: Heal
Items: Lifegem (x10)
------------------Knowledgeable sorcerer. Casts sorceries with high intelligence and attunement.
Class stats:
Vigor: 5 Endurance: 6 Vitality: 5 Attunement: 12 Strength:3 Dexterity:7
Adaptability:8 Intelligence:14 Faith:4
Weapons: Dagger, Sorcerer's Staff

Armor: Black Hollow Mage Robe, Imported Trousers

Spells: Soul Arrow
Items: Lifegem (x10)
------------------Well-traveled explorer. Not terribly powerful, but has many items.
Class stats:
Vigor: 7 Endurance: 6 Vitality: 9 Attunement: 7 Strength: 6 Dexterity: 6
Adaptability: 12 Intelligence: 5 Faith: 5
Weapons: Dagger, Wood Bolt (x20)
Armour: Travelling Merchant Hat, Travelling Merchant Coat, Travelling Merchant
Gloves, Travelling Merchant Boots, Spell Quartz Ring
Items: Lifegem (x20), Witching Urn (x8), Aromatic Ooze (x4), Prism Stone (x5),
Rusted Coin (x2), Repair Powder, Pharro's Lockstone (x1)
------------------Unclothed, origin unknown. Has nothing to fight with, except life-affirming
flesh. This character, while 'unclothed' actually starts with the Imported Set
within the inventory. This allows you a small measure of defense until you can
find better armor. The Dagger is the first weapon that you will be able to come
across at the start of the game that you can use with the low starting stats of
this character. You are also able to use either the Infantry Axe or the Hand
Axe in two hands without having to upgrade your stats, useful if you're trying
to complete the game at SL1 or you want to focus on other stats first.
Class stats:
Vigor: 6 Endurance: 6 Vitality: 6 Attunement: 6 Strength: 6 Dexterity: 6
Adaptability: 6 Intelligence: 6 Faith: 6
New characters may choose a single Gift during Character Creation at the hut in
Things Betwixt. Available gifts include:

Life Ring - The Life Ring increases your max HP when worn
Human Effigy - Use to restore Humanity
Healing Wares - An assortment of healing items
Homeward Bone - Use this to return to a Bonfire
Seed of a Tree of Giants - Enemies react to invaders from other worlds
Bonfire Ascetic - Use to RAISE the challenge of an area around a Bonfire
Petrified Something - Trade in the nest for Old Whip, Twinkling Titanite, or
another item in Things Betwixt
You can also opt to accept no gift.
Leveling up:
Once created, your character will have the option to Level Up at the Emerald
Herald in Majula using gathered Souls. You'll be able to further customize your
build there.
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The following walkthrough will help you out in beating Dark Souls II by
offering useful strategies, item locations and much more. DO NOT FORGET that
this is a difficult game and you may find yourself helpless even with the aid
of this guide. But don't worry, I'll do my best to help you out even in the
toughest situations.

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Creating your character:

Once the intro cut-scene is over, leave the pedestal and head towards the
light. You'll soon see a crevice to your right side. Duck underneath it and
collect a Rusted coin from the dead body. The Rusted coin is an item that
temporarly increases your character's luck and the frequency of item drops.
Head back through the crevice and continue towards the light. You'll see a
couple of small creatures which you shouldn't bother now since they will
kill you quickly. Continue walking towards the hut. Inside the hut, you'll
be able to customize your character and collect your first Human Effigy.
Once you're done, head up the stairs to find another Human Effigy inside
a chest.
NOTE: There are 3 old ladies in the hut. Killing them will grant you Human
Effigey and NO souls. Also, killing them will eliminate your option to Respec.
*Kill the monster:
*Return to the crevice left of the bridge before the hut. You'll see large
*footprints leading up the hill. Follow them to encounter a huge beast with *
*his back turned against you. Having a ranged character will greatly reduce *
*this fight's difficulty, since you can use your ranged weapon to lure the
*beast back to the crevice. He won't be able to pass through the door and you *
*can easily kill him that way.
*As for close range characters, you may find this fight rather difficult.
*It is advisable to back off for now and try to fight him once you're
*stronger or if you have found a ranged weapon. If you're feeling a bit
*suicidel, you'll need to take this guy down with almost a flawless victory. *
*You're best bet is to roll away from his attacks and whenever you have an
*opportunity, use it to hit him. But still, this battle will be a lot easier *
*if you have better equipment.
*Once he's dead he'll drop a Stone ring. You'll find Gold Pine Resin on the *
*corpse hidden in the weeds nearby. Also, a path will lead you down beneath *
*the waterfall to collect another treasure.
Heading through the woods:
--------------------------------------Once you've done your business in the hut, head for the bridge but before
crossing it, go to the small hidden path beside a rock leading to a ledge
right under the waterfall. Loot a Small Smooth and Silky Stone from the corpse
there. Open the door besides the fireplace and rest by the first Bonfire. After
that, destroy the wagon and grab the torch from the corpse that is resting on
the other side. Head through the tunnel into Things Betwixt.
There will be a misted tunnel to your left that takes you through a small
gauntlet of reanimated corpses. If you time your attacks carefully and get a
hang of their guard, you'll deal with them pretty quickly. Light up the nearby
sconces to illuminate the corridors. They can also be used as sources to light

your torch again. Along the way, you'll notice a few stone tablets which
contain tutorial tips.
Continue along the path that leads uphill. There will be a corpse at the edge
of the cliff. Loot the body in order to get a Dagger. Then continue ahead.
There is an archer in this area. Roll around to avoid his arrows and once you
get close to him, take him down. There is another archer in this same area,
so take him down as well. Move ahead and you'll enter another large area, this
time with an archer and a swordsman. You can lure the swordsman back to the
tunnel and kill him there, or you can first kill the archer so that he doesn't
attack you from a distance. Loot the Lifegem from the nearby corpse then head
towards the misty exit.
There will be a nest in this area. You can use it to exchange Smooth and Silky
Stones for gifts. The item you recieve will be random. Kick down the ladder,
don't climb it, instead drop down to the little ledge beneath you with the
sconce and dead body. Loot the corpse to get a Soul of a Nameless Soldier. This
item grants you over 800+ souls. Now drop down again and enter the mist through
the bottom. There will be more undead ahead of you. Once they are dealth with,
leap across the crevice beyond and back to collect the Amber Herb from the dead
body. On your way back, climb the ladder to the left, drop down, kill the
guards from above using a plunging attack, and loot the room through the closed
door. You'll get a Cracked Red Eye Orb from the nearby body.
Head back and enter the next misted cave. You'll encounter another archer here.
Kick down the tree to reach and kill him. After that, look at the hole below.
The fall will injure you so using a Lifegem may be a wise decision. You can
also try to do a plunging attack to take the guy out. There is also an archer
in this area so try to avoid his arrow. Climb the ladder and kill the archer.
Looping around to the left lets you kick down a tree and return to the main
area of Betwixt.
At the water's edge, you'll see a large cyclops. You can attack him if you
want. Be warned that a second one lurks in a hidden alcove on the path down to
the beach. Ranged characters also have an advantage here (if you have enough
ammo) since you can lure them to the narrow door and kill them with ease.
Melee characters should evade their attacks and strike when the cyclops is
down. Be very cautious when one of the cyclopses are gonna fall, since their
fall can turn you into swiss cheese. Killing them will grant you 1000 souls
from each, so this is a nice reward for earlier in the game.
The coffin beyond has the ability to alter your gender if you decide to rest
inside it. Also, it will respawn the enemies but not the monsters. Once these
areas are clear, head through the gap in the solid rock wall and enter Majula.
NOTE: If you managed to kill all 3 monsters in Things Betwixt, head back to the
hut to collect a Ladle from the scullery maid.

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Majula acts as the hub for Dark Souls II. Here you can level up, buy armor,
upgrade your equipment, improve your Estus Flasks and more. This part of the
walkthrough will give you useful information for the various stuff you can do
while here in Majula.
The Emerald Herald and Bonfire:
--------------------------------------Near the sea cliff, you'll encounter a mysterious woman named the Emerald
Herald. She offers salvation for the cursed. After speaking to her a couple of
times, she'll offer you the chance to level up by giving her souls. She'll also
give you an Estus Flask (for more info on the Estus Flask, see the Estus Flask
locations section). After that, light the bonfire near her.
Any Estus Flask Shards you find in Dark Souls II can be given to her in
exchange for additional Estus Flasks (an early Estus Shard can be found in
Majula in the well next to the mansion, just attack the stone and the
counterweight will drop to reveal a body holding an estus shard). Speak to her
for additional information about the world of Drangleic.
The bonfire near the herald is called the Far Fire. You may burn Sublime Bone
Dust in The Far Far to upgrade their Estus Flask.
*Killing the Emerald Herald will destroy your only option of leveling up and *
*upgrading your Estus Flask. You can revive her by expending souls on her
*grave but your best bet is to restart the game.
--------------------------------------NOTE: For more details on covenants, please see the covenants list section.
Sitting next to the large obelisk that dominates Majula is Saulden. He gives
hints for beginners. He also lets you join the Covenant Way of Blue.
Behind the village of Majula is the Victors stone, a shrine to the company
of champions.
*Joining this covenant will greatly increase the difficulty of the game. This *
*is not clearly stated while joining this group. If you think the game is too *
*easy, or your a masochist, then feel free to join this cult.

--------------------------------------Merchants offer various services and you can buy valuable items from them. They
are scattered throughout the world but are difficult to find and may change
their locations if certain conditions are met. Slightly down from the obelisk
is a small house with a man laying outside it. He is a Blacksmith named
Lenigrast. Before you can use him to repair or improve equipment you need to
find the key to his house. This can be bought from Merchant Hag Melentia for
1000 souls (you can find her near the second bonfire in The Forest of Fallen
The Armorers Shop offers a limited selection of goods which will broaden as you
gain experience. Nearby is The Cat who sells a small number of very useful
goods (including the wonderful Silver Cat Ring, and who also has the power to
remove you from Covenant obligations).
Sweet Shalquoir:
You will find her in one of the houses at the edge of The Pit in Majula. She
is one of the merchants who offers rare items at the start of the game.
If you ever run out of consumables in the game, you can always count on
Shalquoir for that after you have unlocked the door to the Shrine of Winter
as it is a condition that forces her to maintain an infinite supply of
Find the Estus Flask and Human Effigy:
--------------------------------------Once you reach Majula for the first time, keep walking along the path, then
make your way towards the fallen knight on your left to get a Divine Blessing.
Turn around so that you're facing left, and then go through the opening that's
just ahead of you. Make your way along these twisting tunnels, but be sure you
grab the Homeward Bones and Lifegems as you do so - they're both located just
after the knight on your left.
You'll soon come to a set of stairs. Climb them up. On your left is a door, but
be prepared to deal with an enemy lurking on the other side of it. When it's
dead, grab the item nearby to get hold of a handful of Lloyd's Talismans.
Leave this area the way you came in, travelling all the way along the path.
You'll eventually come across a bonfire and the Emerald Herald. Turn around
and head over to the hut on the left. You'll stumble upon a man who's managed
to get himself locked out. Make sure to go to the right side of the hut because
you'll find a Lifegem and a Soul of a Nameless Soldier here. Once you've picked
these up, go over to the far left to find a Lifegem hidden beneath a tent.
To the right of this tent is a doorway. Go through it and take the stairs down.
In the middle of the stairway there will be a coffer. Take the Crimson Parma
from it. Once you reach the next floor down, head into the hallway that's to
your right.
Keep heading downstairs, and walk forward when you reach the bottom until you


to a lever. Pull it, then pass through the doorway that opens up. At the
end of this section you'll be able to pick up a Broken Thief Sword, as
as a Soul of a Lost Undead. Once you've looted them, turn around and go
up the stairs on the right-hand side. Pull the lever when you reach it.

Now make your way back towards the bonfire, then head all the way over to the
right along the cliff edge until you're in a new hallway. Keep following the
corner all the way around and you'll be able to get your hands on a Rusted
Carry on down the hallway until you come to a passage on your left. Head down
it and then activate the lever that's at the end to open up the gate. Keep
going along this path, and then walk over the bridge before bearing left. Walk
over the plank that's just to your left, then open up the chest at the end of
it to get hold of a Human Effigy. Now jump over to the area that's just behind
the chest to get hold of a Soul of a Lost Undead, as well as a Homeward Bone.
Heading to the Forest of Fallen Giants:
--------------------------------------Now that you managed to grab some loot, it's time to visit the game's first
main area, The Forest of The Fallen Giants. Things are going to be a lot
more interesting from here on out. Head towards the coastline to find the
exit to reach the forest. The exit is located beneath a tree with a waving
shred of cloth atop its branches.

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The Forest of Fallen Giants takes a bit of exploring, so start off by going
down the river and grab the Lifegem on your right as you pass by it. The Hollow
guards are easy to kill but can unleash a series of quick attacks which can
stun you. Take them out one at a time and keep your distance between attacks.
You'll also find a small alcove here with a bonfire to light.
Navigating through the forest:
--------------------------------------Near the end of the creek you'll find an archer and a swordsman stationed
close by one another. Do not attack them together. Either kill the archer by
using a ranged weapon or lure the swordsman away from the archer. At the end

of the stream is a corpse that can be looted. Beware of the "dead" axeman lying
near the edge of the river. Loot the body to get another Soul of a Lost Undead.
Up the ridge is a cave with a ladder leading to a glade. The large clearing is
patrolled by three undead, with a fourth playing dead near one of the exits.
Furthermore, there's an archer on the ledge above who can hit you nearly
anywhere in this area. Your best bet is to lure the enemies down the ladder
and pick them of one by one in the cave. Leave the White Knight in this area
for now and collect a Lifegem and Human Effigy from the corpses. Climb the
ladder and make your way up the steps ahead. Kill them and break right at the
top and then drop to the catwalk. Follow the path and carefully go through a
narrow pathway near the edge. You will discover a body which contains a Soul of
a Nameless Soldier. Follow the path and you'll encounter the archer at the
ledge. Put him out and sprint jump across the gap and loot the corpse at the
end of the ledge. You'll recieve a Shortsword and Soul of a Lost Undead. Return
to the White Knight and obtain the Broken Straight Sword from the corpse next
to him.
*Kill the White Knight:
*The White Knight possesses a valuable weapon, the Heide Sword, which at this *
*part of the game is a must get weapon. If you decide to engage him, keep in *
*mind that you should be careful when you attack. His attacks are slow but
*cover a wide range so make sure to evade whenever you see him attacking. Be *
*extra cautious of his charging attack because its unpredictable and may
*catch you by surprise. You can retreat towards the ladder to make him return *
*to his original position and attack him again and vise-versa. Also, if you're*
*a melee character, you can keep your shield up and tightly circle the White *
*Knight, blocking his advances. Remember to pay attention to your stamina.
*After defeating the White Knight, you'll get a lot of souls and the Heide
Head for the mist entrance once you've dealth with the knight. Be wary of the
"corpse" because it will get up and attack you once you pass by.Pass by the
left turn and go straight. You will drop into a room containing two Hollows
ready to ambush you: one in front of you, and one behind. Be carefull to avoid
their first attacks. Once they are dead, destroy the bookcase to reveal a body
behind it. Loot it to get x20 Wood Bolt.
Leave the room and then turn left. You'll be greeted by a hallow equipped with
a two-hand sword. Eliminate him and reach the foot of the stairs, duck into the
alcove to the right halfway up the steps to avoid the archer. Above you to the
left is a Hollow throwing firebombs. A ranged shot will knock him off his
perch, or wait for the archer to loose a shot, then quickly dash up and jump
past him. This will put you out of the range of the firebomber where you can
easily put an end to both the archer and the other enemy before killing the
firebomber. Kill the axeman and loot a corpse nearby containing a Buckler.

On the plaza atop the stairs, head toward the rubble to grab another item off a
corpse, then backtrack to the ladder. Climb the ladder. Walk past the door and
go around the corner to your right. Slay the hollow sitting here and loot its
corpse. Return to the door, and light the Bonfire that resides behind it.
Cardinal Tower:
--------------------------------------Near the Bonfire you'll find the merchant Melentia. She offers various goods,
such as myriad and sundry wares, including 5 Human Effigies for 1500 souls each
and spells. You can also buy the Lenigrast's Key for the blacksmith shop in
Majula from her. If you want, you can fast travel to Majula using the Bonfire
after you've bought the key from her and visit the blacksmith to loot the chest
inside in order to get a short bow.
*The courtyard outside is accessible by dropping onto the catwalk, then
*gradually dropping down levels and finally navigating the large fallen tree *
*on the far end. Be warned: you should wait until you've gained a valuable
*item (which comes a little later) before going this way. You might also want *
*to have a stronger character since the parts below are difficult.
*Go to the ledge of the balcony and jump off and land on the wooden
*scaffolding below. follow the scaffolding along the wall and you'll come
*across a hanging corpse which has a Human Effigy. Head down and you'll see *
*another corpse but this time hanging on a fallen tree. Get a Torch and a Soul*
*of the Lost Undead. It is wise not to fall since you'll be attacked by a
*group of enemies. If you happen to fall, lure them one by one and kill them. *
*After you've cleared the area, pass through the small cave to reach a body. *
*It contains a Hollow Soldier Helm. Afterwards, walk towards the rubble at the*
*end of the courtyard. You'll find a corpse here which contains 3 Lifegems. *
*Return to the burning tower and go through it. You'll be surprised when two *
*swordmen attack you from behind. Once they are dead, along the way you'll
*come across another corpse. Loot it to recieve the Soul of a Proud Knight. *
*Behind the nearby door you'll find a chest which contains the Fire Longsword.*
Now return to the Bonfire in the Cardinal Tower. You can use a Homeward Bone to
avoid having to walk all the way there. If you decide to use this item be
warned that enemies will respawn. You can also upgrade your equipment at the
merchant before heading on.
Climb down the ladder. A soldier will attack you so be careful. Also, kill the
nearby body playing dead before it ambushes you. Locked doors will force you
to a single path leading out onto a balcony. A dead body in the hall will do
his best to surprise you from behind, and the commotion of fighting him may
raise some other corpses as well. Make sure to loot the corpse nearby to get
Soul of a Lost Undead. Both doors on this side and the side where you came
from are locked so backtrack to the bridge and enter the only open doorway

Attack the undead at the stairs and remove the mist. You'll enter another
part of the castle which might prove to be a little frustrating. You'll
probably notice the presence of archers, one on the scaffolding in the middle
and one along the walls. You'll want to head towards the balcony to the right.
Kill the axeman and archerat ground level then climb the ladder. Head towards
the middle scaffolding. Try to lure the pikeman to the roof from where you came
from and kill him off there. Afterwards, kill the archer.
Make your way towards the broken tower that is to the left. Kill the enemy
there and collect the torch from the body. Make your way back to the middle
From here, make your way to the rooftop in the middle and drop off from the
opening on the roof to the floor below you. Jump off again and locate the
wooden pathway leading back to ground level. You should find a corpse beside
the gate containing a Titanite Shard. Follow the wooden walkway again to reach
the ladder you used to climb back up the rooftop.
Follow the wooden walkway again to reach the ladder you used to climb back up
the rooftop. Head to the roof in the middle and sprint jump to the other
platform. Then, jump towards the lower ledge next to the tunnel. Go inside the
tunnel walk slowly, since a boulder will roll down from the slope to the left.
Once the boulder is gone, loot the corpse to get a Human Effigy.
Now turn all the way around and make your way along the corridor on your right.
Near the top is a man called Cale - talk to him until you have the House Key
which you can use in Majula. Look to the left, and make sure you pick up the
Amber Herb that's at the end of the corridor.
Double back, the way you came in through the hole. Climb the ladder and circle
back around, clearing the rest of the courtyard. It would be wise to use the
bonfire near the merchant to return to Majula in order to use the key which
you've just obtained from Cale.
Return to Majula:
--------------------------------------Go to the mansion in Majula and use the key. Loot the corpse on the first floor
to get a Pharros' Lockstone. Head to the second floor and loot the chest in
order to recieve three Torches and three Titanite Shards. Before heading
down the cellar, be cautious since you'll encounter a very fast green skeleton.
Counter attacks and parries are your best bet against this wicked foe. If
you're lucky, the skeleton may drop off a Human Effigy. Get to the bottom of
the house to get an Estus Flask Shard from the skeleton by the wall and a
Soul Vessel from the chest.
Usage of the Soul Vessel:
*Give to the old firekeepers at Things Betwixt and you will have the option to
redistribute your Soul Level Points.

*This item is a Consumable and thus one-time use.

*Does not allow the reallocation of base class stats. Only the points that the
player has themselves allocated can be reallocated.
Next, return to the Cardinal Tower and resume your journey in the Forest of
Fallen Giants.
Back to the tower:
--------------------------------------Return to the Forest via Bonfire near Meletia. Head down and once again
navigate outside and climb the large tree trunk to the top of the wall. Fight
off the halberdmen and continue along the top. Do not climb the small ladder
to your right unless you're willing to take on a boss early, as The Pursuer is
likely waiting at the top. The Pursuer is an optional ecnounter but I suggest
you back off and leave it for later (you'll encounter the Pursuer later on).
Continue to the corner and climb down the ladder. Loot the corpse next to the
stair to collect a Green Blossom. There is an opening on the wall to
the right but don't enter it yet since the ballistas will trigger and fire at
you. Wait for the enemies to chase after you and kill them outside. You might
want to not underastimate these guards since their lunge attacks could prove
lethal. Once they've been dealth with, loot the corpses in front of the
ballista to get a Great Soul Arrow, Blue Wooden Shield and Large Soul of a Lost
Climb down the ladder and kill the enemy below. Before looting the chest, be
warned that once you open it you'll be poisoned by gas, so rolling away as
soon as you open it will be wise. Obtain a Titanite Shard from it. There's also
a Pharros Contraption here that will require a Pharros Lockstone to activate
it. You should have one in your possession so use it to destroy the wall where
the face appears and it will reveal two chests inside containing a Chloranthy
Ring and a Titanite Slab.
Now climb back to the upper floor. Then leave the room and carry on walking
straight ahead. Watch out for the fire-bomber above as you go through the
right-hand door, then kill the enemy in front of you. Go through the next door
along to loot a Large Soul of a Lost Undead behind the tree here. Turn back
around and go up the ladder on your left, then go down the path. Make sure
you grab the Light Crossbow on your right. Now carry on through the door at the
end of the pathway, keep walking down the corridor you find yourself in, then
jump down towards the right when you're able to.
There are three enemies to deal with down here, but there's also a coffer to
open up as well, and you'll be rewarded with an Infantry Helm and a Mail
Breaker for doing so. To get back into the courtyard area, simply drop again
into the area below you. Should you find yourself being attacked by the
turtle-like enemy nearby, either give it a good clobbering one-on-one, or
simply lead it into the crossbow room and watch it take arrows to the face.
Climb the ladder and then jump down into the tatty-looking section of path to
your left. Make your way up the nearby ramp and then smash up the wooden cart.

Go through the window that's at the end of the path, but be ready to tackle a
trio of enemies in the corridor that's just beyond this entrance.
Head below who are waiting at the bottom. Grab the item at the very bottom of
the stairs to get your hands on a handful of Aromatic Oozes. Keep going down
this hallway and take a right through the door you come to. Another pack of
enemies are waiting in the courtyard - kill them and make your way back to
where you came across that turtle-like creature earlier.
Move past the enemy's position - killing it first, if you haven't already done
so - and keep travelling down the hallway beyond it. To your left you'll see
two enemies, while a staircase sits to your right. Kill the enemies first, then
head a little further on to find another enemy. Finish the monster off and then
take the nearby Amber Herbs. Before climbing the stone sword, go up the stairs
in the opposite direction to get a Homeward Bone and a Lifegem.
You'll now be facing a massive stone swords. Make your way up the massive
stone sword and kill the two enemies. The best way to deal with them is to
shove them off the sword. Then grab the Soul of a Nameless Soldier and a
Halberd once you reach the end. Now make your way back down the massive sword,
and keep pushing on through the mist that's ahead of you.
Head into the room on the right. If you enter with your torch equipped, the
bug will run away from you. Put your torch away though, and you'll be able to
kill the creature to get your hands on a Titanite Shard. Then kill the undead
one in this area. Next, head downstairs and pick up a Lifegem and a Large
Leather Shield. Leave this room and make your way all the way down to the
right, where 10 Fire Arrows are lying around, just waiting to be looted. Next,
open up the door ahead of you - it leads to a ladder which will take you right
back to where the bonfire is. Head down and back through the iron door, then
take the lift down. Kill the guard in the hall and step through the mist to
face your first real boss battle in Dark Souls II, The Last Giant.
|It's time to face your real first boss battle in the game. The tactics here |
|may be comparatively simple, but it only takes a few whacks from the boss to |
|end the fight.
|There are six attacks that you should be well aware of. If your at a certain |
|distance from the boss, he'll come crashing towards you and inflict a huge |
|amount of damage if you're standing anywhere nearby. If you approach the
|giant from the front, he'll use his hand to swipe along the ground - and you |
|if your standing in its way. If you decide to tackle the giant from the rear |
|well, he will leap backwards. Be cautious if you are in front of him and very|
|close, since he'll use his fist to crush you like a bug. If you're in close |
|range beneath or behind the giant, it'll try to stomp on you with its nearest|
|foot, or use a series of massive stomps one after another.
|Now let's try to take this giant out. Once the fight begins, run towards The |
|Last Giant as quickly as you can, so that you prevent it from falling
|forwards. Ideally, you want to force it into using that big sweeping hand

|gesture, but it won't be able to complete the move until you've run straight |
|through its legs.
|When you get behind him, try to give his ankles a few bruises. Depending on |
|your weapon and speed, you'll be able to land a few hits before having to
|It's very likely that once you roll away, the giant will perform it's stomp |
|attack. As soon as it finishes, run back into range to force it to sweep
|horizontally, then dart between its legs again and repeat the same tactic as |
|before. Keep this back-and-forth up until the creature's health is at
|approximately 50 percent. Keep in mind that if you try to inflict more damage|
|than the situation would allow you, the giant will most likely strike you and|
|cause massive damage.
|After the giant's health is below 50%, he'll rip off his arm and attack you |
|with it. This may prove worrying since his range is increased. This means for|
|the fight is that you need to move in a little quicker than before so you've |
|got enough time to deal with the sweeping attack. The strategy largely
|remains the same, you just don't want to get too far away and into whalloping|
|range of that arm.
|Once the Giant is no more, you'll recieve the Soul of the Last Giant and a |
|Soldier key.
*Make sure to spend the souls you've collected from the boss because if you *
*die, you'll loose them.
Now that you have the Soldier's key in your possession, you can unlock doors
which were previously locked. The first door is located near the Cardinal tower
Bonfire. Loot the chest inside to recieve a Small Leather Shield and Repair
Powder. Kill the guard sitting on the wall then loot the corpse behind
the wagon to get a Hand Axe and a Radiant Lifegem. Open the door to find
a chest containing an Estus Flask Shard and a Small White Sign Soapstone. From
there, peek through the hole to find a hanging corpse on the tree root. Loot it
to get a Diving Blessing.
Next, head for the door across the burning pit with the salamander, which is
right below the Bonfire. Unlock the door and head straight for the chest.
You'll acquire a Ring of Restoration and three torches. It is advisable to
equip this ring, since it will gradually recover your HP. If you decide to head
outside, you'll stumble upon a big black door which says "produce the symbol of
the King". You don't currently have the needed item to access this door yet so
back off for now and try to remember it's location.
Another locked door is found in the next room under the Cardinal Tower Bonfire,
right before you reach the flooded open area with a tunnel. Go down the stairs
and kill the enemy to your left. Don't rest now since the following corridor
is big and filled with enemies. If you managed to survive, the corridor to the

left lies a body containing three Black Firebombs and a Homeward Bone. Also, at
the end of this corridor you'll find another body which contains another torch.
Open the door which leads to an area outside. Enter the next door and kill
the mauler there. Get up the ladder to encounter more maulers. Take them out
then collect the loot from the corpse nearby to get a Soul of a Nameless
Soldier and three Cracked Red Eye Orbs. Return to the ladder you came from
and climb down. Continue along the corridor. Kill the undead there and grab
the Bastard sword from the corpse. Exit the room and kill the mauler standing
near the gate. Loot the corpse behind him for a Green Blossom and Amber Herb.
Make your way past the ruins and enter the next building. Enter the large
opening and light the Bonfire. Go up the platform to get a hold of a few items.
The items you'll collect are: Large Soul of a Proud Knight, Hunter's Hat,
Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, and Leather Boots. After that, use the Bonfire
to fast travel back to the Cardinal tower.
Once you're back at the Cardinal tower Bonfire, the next locked door that can
be opened by the Soldier Key is located in the same corridor where a giant
stone blade was found. Once there, go to the left past the lift. Open the door
and head upstairs. You'll be facing a shielded spearman and a swordsman. Try to
hit the shielded enemy from behind, but first take out the swordsman. Head
upstairs to face a misty door. Before entering, go right and take the stairs.
Loot the corpse for a Soul of a Nameless Soldier and three Lifegems. Now head
back to the misty door. Once you go through the door, you'll be facing your
next boss, The Pursuer.
|The Pursuer will prove to be a challenging foe, mainly due to his speed. One |
|thing to note is that you should stay away from the Pursuer as far away as |
|Whenever he lifts his shield and charges towards you, simply roll out of the |
|way and perform a counter attack. Don't perform more than 2 swipes (if your |
|weapon allows it). Only counter attack once the Pursuer has dashed towards |
|you, or after the boss has used his glowing blue attack, or his three-hit
|If you've found yourself in a corner, and are struggling to evade the
|incoming damage, the best tactic is to simple dodge the first two-thirds of |
|the three-hit combo, then slip in behind the Pursuer to avoid the final
|attack altogether. If that blue stabbing attack is causing you a problem,
|dodge to the left or the right just before it lands to get out of its range. |
|Patience and restrain are mandatory in this battle. You'll have limited
|opportunities to heal or attack and this battle may prove to be tiresome
|and long. You may have noticed the crossbow in the room which could be
|useful but only if the Pursuer is at the opposite end of the room and if you |
|time your shots perfectly, but otherwise it may not help much.
|Here are a few tips for you to try and hit him with the ballista:

|Parry: Parry the Pursuer's attack, which causes him to be stunned for a bit;|
|then shoot one of the ballista at him. In order to do this you must parry him|
|while he is in line of fire of one of the ballista, then run to activate the |
|ballista, and fire. The ballista does a huge amount of damage and can almost |
|one shot the Pursuer. Be careful though as he can destroy them.
|Co-op: You can use co-op to have a friend help you out. One of the characters|
|(either you or a phantom) may use the ballista on the boss while he is
|disctracted by the other player. Careful, since ballista rounds CAN kill
|friendly phantoms or the host!
|Dodge (evade): Once the fight starts, wait for him to walk towards you. When |
|he is far enough he will pull his sword back andthen do his charge swing.
|Roll to the right, not to the left since he may hit you. Quickly sprint to |
|the ballista on the left, and fire it as soon as you get to it. If you make |
|the shot, he'll he'll be low enough to easily finish off (don't rush it, he |
|will punish you if you try to kill him too fast).

Heading to the Lost Bastille:

--------------------------------------Once you've killed the Pursuer, go through the gap in the rocks just ahead of
you, then go all the way up the stairs on your right. If you interact with the
bird's nest nearby, you'll be packed off to the Lost Bastille. Light the
Bonfire, and then make your way along the path, using the broken stone to get
over the ledge. If you go around to the other side of this structure, you'll
be able to loot a Large Titanite Shard and a Radiant Lifegem.
Go back around once you've finished looting and use the broken stone to get
over to the balcony. Kill the enemy ahead of you, then go through the door.
There's a crossbow-wielding enemy and a dog below you - take 'em out from range
if you can. If you're getting all up in their faces instead, be careful of
those explosive barrels nearby. Once all of the enemies are dead, go through
the door and loot the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring and the Antiquated Key from
the coffer.
Go back into the other room and then climb the ladder that's ahead of you and
to your left. Leave the room, and then get onto the main path on the left.
Carry on down this path until you come to some barrels and boxes. Roll through
all of them to smash them to pieces and expose a new door in the process.
Open up that door and talk to Lucatiel on the other side of it for a Human
Effigy. At this point you face a choice. You can carry on through the door and
kill all the enemies you encounter - tough, but definitely doable.
Alternatively, you can use one of your Homeward Bones to get back to the
previous Bonfire and travel to Majula. From here you can take the route that
goes through Heide's Tower of Flame and No-Man's Wharf.
_ _
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(_) | |
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| | _____

_____ _ __

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You can enter this area from Majula by entering the cave beside the house of
the talking-cat (which you gain access to by acquiring a key in the Forest of
Fallen Giants). Descend the stairways and come to a room with a gate. The chain
lever to open the gate is located right in front of you when you enter this
room (by the torch). Continue your way through some more tunnels and you'll
find yourself in Heide's Tower of Flame.
Don't forget to loot the chest containing a Crimson Parma and the corpse
containing a Soul of a Lost Undead and a Broken Thief Sword along the way.
The tower area:
--------------------------------------You'll now have to face a few slow, but powerful Old Knights. These immense
enemies attack with strong swings. The sword-and-shield wielding types attack
in three of four stroke combos, while the single-blade wielders tend to launch
a single super-powerful sweep or downward pile driver. For both types, the best
tactic is to circle them closely with your shield up, being sure to keep behind
them. Their attacks can be easily evaded. If you can lure them towards the edge
of the pathway, they are very prone to fall off.
After defeating the first knight look for a staircase that goes down and behind
the giant eagle statue; there is a Bonfire located here (you can see it on your
right when you are walking towards the first knight).
Defeat the second Old Knight to recieve a Sublime Bone Dust. This item is very
useful since it permanently upgrades your Estus Flask when burned in the Far
Fire back in Majula. Located behind the second Old Knight is a corpse hanging
by a balcony. Loot it to collect a Soul of a Nameless Soldier and a Human
Effigy. You'll encounter the third Old Knight once you go up the stairs. Once
he's dead, a lever will raise behind him. Pull it down to raise the other
platform in the tower ahead. Doing this will help you out later in this
section. Get behind the heavy door to get a Lloyd's Talisman from the corpse.
Make your way towards the next tower. Three more Old Knight will be waiting for
you there. This fight might be difficult for your current condition, but there
is still a way for you to get rid of these old bags. Be extra cautious of the
knight in the middle since he's equipped with a massive weapon that deals lots
of damage. You should try to lure him somewhere with more space (where you
fought the second knight for example) and pick him off there. Once all three of
them are dead, another lever will appear near the broken pillars that face the

tower. Pull it also to raise a platform that will help you out in the upcoming
boss battle.
You'll be facing two paths now; The one to the left leads to the Cathedral of
Blue where the Old Dragonslayer resides. To the right, leads to a derelict
tower beyond a misty door which leads to the Old Dragonrider. It is advisable
that you first head right since killing the Dragonrider will give you access to
the Tower of Flame bonfire, the cleric Licia, and the path leading to No-Man's
Wharf. It is also advisable to kill both bosses since they'll give you a lot
of souls which will be useful for upgrading your character. Once you head for
the Dragonrider tower, you'll stumble upon a chest on a platform. Open it to
recieve three Green Blossoms.
\ BOSS: Dragonrider
|The area in which the Dragonrider is fought is very narrow, and falling off |
|means death. If you listened earlier about pulling the levers located around |
|the tower area, the arena will be expanded and you'll have more room to fight|
|this guy in. If you haven't pulled the levers, be warned that his attacks
|have a decent push so if you eitherget hit by one of his attacks, or even
|block near the edge, you'll fall to your doom.
|The Dragonrider wields a Halberd and Greatshield. He's not very fast and has |
|a predictable attack pattern. Circling around to his back will keep you safe |
|from his sweep attacks and leaves him open for attack. He will attempt to
|knock you into the pit with a series of stabbing, hacking, and slashing
|attacks. Leaping right will evade the stabs and downward hacks. The
|double-slashes are more difficult to dodge, and are best avoided by keeping |
|distance during the wind-up and rolling away.
|You can try some of these other strategies:
|After the third knight (the third Old Knight being the one who guards the
|lever for the extra ring to fight on), there is an open stone walkway that |
|leads into a big rotunda. About half way across, you can see the boss in his|
|tower. From the edge of the path, you can shoot arrows at him. After about |
|100 wooden arrows, he will put his shield up, preventing you from hitting him|
|with more. Once you enter the mist, his health will be almost completely
|depleted, allowing for a one hit kill on the boss.
|It is also possible to lure the Dragonrider off of the pit. For this to
|happen you must not activate any levers for the extra space in the boss
|arena. Once the fight begins, stand on the edge of the arena and wait for him|
|to do his Thrust attack,when he thrust forward towards you move out of the |
|way and he should fall in, also make sure he is close to you so that he fully|
|thrusts into the water.
|The Dragonrider can be poisoned, even in New Game+. He's also highly
|resistant to Thrust attacks (Spears or Rapiers).
Tower of Flame:

--------------------------------------Head upstairs and light the second Bonfire in Heides Tower of Flame. You'll
encounter a praying merchant, called Licia of Lindeldt. You can purchase
various Faith based miracles. She will prove very helpful if you're playing as
a Cleric. She moves to the contraption that does not move between Majula and
Heide's Tower of Flame after exhausting her dialogue. This contraption is in
Majula at the stone stairway right next to the path up to the Victor's Stone.
Talk to her in Heide's Tower until she says she needs to move on and she will
reappear in Majula. You must sacrifice 2000 souls to move it.
Clear the alternative path and loot the corpse along the way to get Rogue
Water. Continue through the straighforward path and you'll encounter an NPC
sitting on a chair. He won't be of importance now so continue and you'll find
a Bonfire. Don't enter the Huntsman's Copse section yet, instead return back
to the Tower of Flame Bonfire. Return to the central hall where there are three
Old Knights waiting for you. You may kill them if you want then take the path
to the left. You'll face two more Old Knights. After you've dealth with them,
loot the corpse hanging by the broken staircase to the left. You'll get a
Divine Blessing for looting it.
Now make your way up the stairs. Kill the Old Knight that you encounter. A
lever will be revealed that can lower the drawbridge. Head to the drawbridge.
Loot the chest and corpse to the left side to obtain an Old Radiant Lifegem,
a Ring of Binding and five Human Effigies. Equip the Ring of Binding since it
reduces the HP reduction effects of Hollowing. Once you enter the mist, you'll
encounter yet another boss, The Old Dragonslayer.
Cathedral Of Blue:
\ BOSS: Old Dragonslayer /
|The Old Dragonslayer is weak against Lightning and Magic and he can easily |
|be poisoned.
|The Old Dragonslayer is an aggressive opponent, but he has a glaring weak
|point that becomes quite obvious only moments into the fight. The left side |
|of his body is left open during and after most of his attacks. This is
|because he uses a lance, and his attacks are primarily focused on thrusting |
|and lunging. Simply have a shield up at all times and constantly circle
|around his left side and you will avoid most of his attacks with ease, giving|
|you a lot of opportunites to strike. He does have the odd sweeping attack, |
|but this will be absorbed by your shield.
|Be careful since this guy can use magic. When you see a dark purple cloud
|forming, make sure to roll back away quickly because the Old Dragonslayer is |
|about to rise from the ground and then slam back down, sending a potent blast|
|of magic in a ring outwards. Even with your shield up, this magic is going to|
|hit you hard. He also has an attack that sends numerous small magic homing |
|missles towards you. These need to be evaded.
|Casters and archers will have a tough time with this guy as he will quickly |

|close any gaps you try to form between you two. For this reason it's
|suggested you use the same basic strategy as the melee characters. Get in
|close and circle around his left side so that most of his attacks will miss. |
|This will allow you to easily avoid most of his attacks and still give you |
|openings to fire your spells at near point blank range. Keeping the Old
|Dragonslayer at a distance is possible, just be prepared to dodge quite a
|bit, or have a high block rate shield to absorb the incoming lunge attacks. |
After he's dead, you can loot 20 000 souls, Old Dragonslayer Soul and Old Leo
Ring from the Old Dragonslayer. Head through the next door and loot the two
chests. You'll recieve three Cracked Blue Orbs, Heide Knight Iron Mask and Tower
You'll also meet Targray of the Blue Sentinels. If you bring him a Token of
Fidelity, he'll allow you to join his covenant. To obtain a Token of Fidelity,
you'll need to help another player defeat a boss as a phantom.
Now lets reach the Cathedral of Blue Bonfire. Locate the staircase where
Targray is standing. Head down the stairs and light the Bonfire.
Heading to No-Man's Wharf:
--------------------------------------Use the Bonfire to fast travel to the the Tower of Flame bonfire, then continue
ahead and go down the spiral staircase. After reaching the base of the stairs,
search the corpse behind it to find a Monastery Charm. Kill the two Old Knights
you encounter and follow the path straight ahead to find three corpses. Loot
them to obtain a Human Effigy, Dark Troches, Soul of a Proud Knight, and Old
Knight Halberd.
Go through the doorway in the middle then go down the stairs. Kill the two
Old Knights that you'll face. Follow the path until you see a lift. Use it to
go down to the flooded tunnel.
After a while you'll find an Old Knight guarding a doorway. Take him out and go
upstairs. To your right you'll discover a chest in an alcove at the end. Open
it to get a Knight Armor Set. This includes: Helm, Armor, Gauntlets and
Make your way back to the flooded tunnel. Continue along the main path until
you reach another tunnel leading to a cavern. Following the path will lead you
to the No-Man's Wharf Bonfire. You'll also meet up with Lucatiel. If you
exhaust your dialogues with her, she'll offer you assistance by allowing you to
summon her on specific areas of the game. (Sinner's Rise, Iron Keep, No-man's
Wharf, Black Gulch).
You'll soon reach No-Man's Wharf. It is advisable that you possess at least one
Pharros Lockstone before entering this section.

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No-Man's Wharf is an area populated by pirates, brigands, and
spider-monkey-like insectoid primates.
Navigating through No-Man's Wharf:
--------------------------------------Begin by walking to the left. Be warned that the area ahead is very dark and
you may fall to your death if not careful. Notice the gunpowder bombers. If you
get hit by a fire arrow, know that its a one shot kill. If you are struck with
gunpowder, roll in the water to get if off. You'll soon stumble upon a house.
Kill the undead on the first floor then head for the second. On the second
floor you'll find a chest containing a Titanite Shard. Also, loot the corpse on
the balcony since it has a Soul of a Proud Knight.
Make your way to the walkway. You'll encounter a swordsman. Once you've dealth
with him, kill the archer next. Next, go down to the shallow water and loot the
Large Soul of a Lost Undead and a Lifegem from the corpse. Walk slowly towards
to the ruined houses and pick off the lurking enemies one by one. Be wary of
the stone house since there is a beast lurking about which you might one to
avoid getting hit by since it causes bleeding. Enter the first house to the
left. You'll find a corpse inside containing three Pine Resin. Before heading
to the stone house, make sure to light up your torch since the enemies are
afraid of the light from the torch. This will give you a combat advantage.
Once you enter the stone house you'll find a corpse that has ten Iron Arrows.
Now, climb the stairs and head right. Kill the undead enemies and hound.
There are also a few archers on top of the building. Before entering the
building, pick off the undead skirmishers one by one. Once it's clear, head
inside the building and loot the chest to recieve the Bandit Axe and Brigand
armor set which includes: Brigand Hood, Armor, Gauntlets and Trousers.
Head up the stairs and get rid of the archers and the berserker. Head over to
the chest to get a Titanite Shard and Repair Powder. Leave the building.
Operate the Pharros Contraption in front of it. This will light up a large
chandelier that will illuminate the area. From there, move forward a bit
and make your way to the roof of the house earlier to find a corpse containing
a Large Soul of a Proud Knight and three Small Smooths and Silky Stone.
Get back to the stairs and climb them. Defeat the two enemies here and continue
along the path. Inside the house to the left you'll encounter an undead hound
and a skirmisher. Once they are dead, continue along the path and climb up the
next stairs.
Lonesome Gavlan:

You'll soon stumble across another building filled with pesky primate beasts.
If you managed to activate the Pharros Contraption from earlier, the light will
keep the beasts at a distance and you'll get a chance to kill the from a far.
By the edge of the cliff, you'll discover a corpse that holds the Emit Force
and Large Soul of a Lost Undead. Kill the incoming enemies and open the next
room in the building.
Fall back since there are three more of those beasts inside and they can
destroy the whole wall itself. After they've been dealth with, enter the room
again and you'll have to kill another beast but on the second floor. Open the
next door. In this room you'll find two chests, but One of them is trapped so
quickly leave the room to avoid getting killed. You'll get two Silver Talismans
from the trapped chest, and the Greatsword from the other one.
You'll meet Gavlan. He is the only person in the game to buy items from you.
Make sure to sell all your unwanted belongings to him now, since after talking
to him he'll change his location. You can also buy various poison and
anti-poison items from him.
Summoning the ship:
--------------------------------------Leave the building and make your way to the next set of houses. There's an
enemy awaiting for you on the first and second floors. Once you're upstairs,
pull the lever to dock the ship. Next, jump off the nearby ledge and get the
two Lifegems and a Homeward Bone from the corpse. Drop off another ledge and
enter the house.
Get the ten Fire Arrows from the corpse on the stairs. Engage the beasts on
the lower floor. Continue to the lower ground and make sure to enter the house
beside the tavern and go to the third floor. There's a switch here that you can
pull to open the iron gate beside the tavern. This will serve as a shortcut in
case something unfortunate happens.
There's also a house near the ledge facing the docks that have two undead
soldiers inside. There are also poison vials inside. Try to kill them from
a distance then enter and loot the chest to get an Estus Flask Shard. The
corpse behind the large rurns since it contains a Flame Butterfly and seven
Throwing Knives.
Boarding the ship:
--------------------------------------Use the stairs which lead to the docks. You'll find a broken building which
houses more of those pesky creatures. You may avoid them since the house
doesn't feature any loot. Near the shallow water you'll find a corpse which
has a Human Effigy and Lifegem. Continue along the walkway.
This walkway is divided into two paths. One leads to the ship, the other to
Carhillion of the Fold. You might want to stop by him since he's a merchant.

*Carhillion sells equipment for sorcerers. If your natural intelligence is
*below 8, he won't speak to you. Bonuses from equipment and rings will not
After that head to the ship. Make sure to be careful, since Archers and
swordsmen will try to stop you. Your best bet is to lure the swordsmen away
from the archers and pick them off at a safer distance. Once the swordsmen
are dead, kill the archers next. Now, go downstairs and go through the misty
door to fight the Flexible Sentry.
\ BOSS: Flexible Sentry
|There are a few important things to keep in mind during this fight. First, |
|stick to ranged attacks whenever possible, as it's a much safer way of
|dishing out damage. If your combat speciality doesn't lie with ranged
|weapons, use spells instead - anything that means you don't have to get too |
|close to the action basically. Secondly, make use of the mast that's located |
|in the centre of the room to stop the Flexile Sentry from getting up close |
|and in your face by using its deadly jump attacks.
|Note: This guy is weak against lightning. Summoning Lucatiel of Mirrah will |
|make the fight significantly easier if you use her to distract the boss.
|The third piece of advice is perhaps the most important. It's imperative that|
|you take down the Flexile Sentry as quickly as possible, as the water in this|
|room gradually rises as the fight wears on. The higher the level of the water|
|gets, the tougher it is to get about, making it harder and harder to avoid |
|the Sentry's devastating attacks. It's as good an enrage timer as any,
|really, because the fight is essentially impossible to win after a certain |
|As for the Sentry's actual attacks, there are two in particular to watch out |
|for, and the one that's used depends on the direction the boss is facing you |
|from. He'll attack you with two spiky clubs from one side, and use a pair of |
|swords from the other. While both attack types are pretty similar, you'll
|find it easier to deal with the club swings, as attacks from this long-range |
|aren't quite as frequent. If at all possible, control your positioning so
|that you're dealing with the meaty clubs at all times.
|The mast in the middle of the room serves as a very handy shield you can use |
|to prevent the Sentry coming at you with massive leaping attacks from range. |
|For the most part though, you're going to have to deal with a horizontal
|slicing attack, or a pair of vertical slicing attacks. Note that the enemy |
|may also end any series of attacks using a pair of club whacks.
|That latter attack is second only to the leaping attack when it comes to
|range, so be very careful about falling within its grasp. When you see it
|coming, counter as fast as you can with at least two of your own attacks - |
|more if you're got the kind of zippy weaponry required.
|While you should always keep moving around the mast, don't forget that a
|watery clock is ticking, and so you must allow the Sentry to get near enough |
|to you that you can actually attack it. The boss rarely uses a single attack,|

|so just wait until it's swung twice before launching your own counter-attack.|
|Just keep in mind that if you're too close to your opponent, it's possible to|
|find yourself on the receiving end of a third battering.
Heading to the Lost Bastille:
--------------------------------------As soon as you've killed the Sentry, make your way through the door and then up
the ladder you come to at the end of the passage. Make sure you grab the
Fireball and Pyromancy Flame from the coffer that's in the corner of the room.
If you take a closer look at the round object in the very furthest corner from
you, you'll be shown a cut-scene. Once it's finished, make your way down the
pier and towards the left, before heading through the corridor, and then on
into the next room ahead of you.
Use the lift here to get to the next floor up, then grab the Radiant Lifegem
and the Soul of a Proud Knight from the middle cell to your left. Now go
through the door and walk up the stairs to gain entry to the Lost Bastille.
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The Lost Bastille can be entered by two ways:
1. Taking the ship from No-man's Wharf to the The Lost Bastille. You must
defeat the Flexible Sentry before using the ship.
2. After defeating The Pursuer and then being carried to The Lost Bastille by
a giant eagle after examining the nest found after the doorway behind the
If you've been following this guide, you'll already have visited the Lost
Bastille via air and probably collected a few items.
Arrival via The Eagle:
--------------------------------------Once you've landed light the Bonfire. Head through the path and go to the
narrow ledge on the left. Continue along the ledge until you find a corpse
containing a Large Titanite Shard and Radiant Lifegem. Enter the room through
the windows on the right and kill the arrow man. You'll also be greeted by
lots of hounds down below. There are a couple of fire barrels located below
you which might prove useful in cleaning up the area. You can also drop a
gunpowder barrel from the ledge to kill all enemies caught up with the
explosion below. Make sure to fall back away from the edge so you won't get
caught in the explosion.

Go down and open the door. Loot the chest which contains an Antiquated Key and
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring. This ring will let you recieve more souls from
defeated enemies. If you have the Antiquated Key and Pharros Lockstone, you can
skip the upcoming boss encounter and come back once you're stronger.
Head for the tower with the black door. Blow up the barrel and open it. This
door can only be unlocked from this side and connects you to the docks from
where you can arrive via the ship from No-Mans Wharf. Now climb back up and
enter the tower from the door you opened. You'll find Lucatiel and you can
talk to her and exhaust her dialogue next to the No-Man's Wharf Bonfire.
You can use her as a summon later before the Lost Sinner boss. You now have
to cross the broken pillar to the left and enter the door there. The following
path leads to the Ruin Sentinels boss battle. Skip to the "Continuing On to the
Ruin Sentinals" section below.
Arrival via the Ship:
--------------------------------------Make your way through the dock and enter the bastion. Use the elevator thats in
the room. After riding the elevator, go inside the cell beside the lever to
find a corpse containing a Soul of a Proud Knight and Radiant Lifegem. Make
your way along the stairs and enter the open prison cell on your right to loot
two common fruits. Next, enter the next open prison cell to your left to light
the Bonfire.
Now head to the walkway. You'll encounter a white knight sitting along the
path. He's not hostile and will only attack if you do. You can try killing
him to get a hold of his weapon, the Hiedle Spear.
*Kill the White Knight:
*This fight will be similiar to your previous encounter with a White Knight. *
*Only this time the space will be pretty narrow and you'll probably have a
*hard time attacking him. Make sure to keep your distance since his spear has *
*both range and a wide reach.
Once you get passed the White Knight, take the ladder down and prepare to
encounter some hounds in the courtyard. After that, destroy the scaffolding
nearby to make the corpse fall down and loot an Alluring Skull from it. Break
down the wooden barricade and kill the enemy behind it. The door in this room
is locked and can only be unlocked if you acquired the Antiquated Key. See the
"Arrival via the Eagle" section above for it's exact location. There is a
lootable corpse inside the small room; beware of the two undead inside. You'll
get two Flame Butterflies.
Exit the room and continue along the next path. There's a narrow path beside
the wall that's blocked by a wooden scaffolding. Get rid of it and and follow

the path to reach a chest containing a Estus Flask Shard and a Large Titanite
Return to the main path and continue until you reach a large gate. Open it by
using the device on the right. Kill the two hounds that attack you and make
your way to the stairs. Be careful of the enemy on top of the stairs since
he'll kick a fire barrel towards you. Fall back once he does this, the kill
him and move on.
Kill the next hounds that you face. Loot the corpse at the right dead end.
You'll get a Gold Pine Resin from it. Next, you'll have to deal with a hound
and an enemy using a scythe. Lure the dog towards you and kill it, then go
for the scythe enemy. Continue to the tower and if you have talked to Lucatiel
next to the Bonfire leading to No-Man's Wharf, you'll find her inside the
tower. Speak to her to recieve a Human Effigy. Exhaust her dialogue too.
Head outside the tower there is a broken part of the path which you can walk on
and reach the ladder. Climb up the ladder to loot a corpse containing a Large
Titanite Shard.
Continuing on to the Ruin Sentinals:
*There is a way to skip the battle with the Ruin Sentinals. If you managed to *
*get the Antiquated Key (read the arrival via the Eagle section) you can use *
*this key to open a door past the boarded doorway in the first courtyard,
*right after the white knight's location. You'll traverse this area when you *
*arrive via ship.
There's a broken pillar outside the tower which will allow you to access the
heavy black door ahead. Be WARNED that the area ahead has five royal guards
inside. Fighting them both at the same time is very dangerous. Ranged
characters have an advantage here and are advised to pick the guards one by
one. Melee fighters can run around by jumping around the ledge and crossing
the pillar again to separate the enemies and engage them one at a time.
Once they are dead, go downstairs and take the ladder to the bottom floor and
loot the corpse beside it to get a Soul of a Proud Knight and a Human Effigy.
Better not open the iron door at the base of the stairs since you'll fall to
your death. Climb back up the stairs and enter the cell to the right. There's
a skeleton here containing two Radiant Lifegems. Beyond the mist you'll have
to deal with the Ruin Sentinels. In the same room with the skeleton there is
a summon sign where you can get the help of a phantom. Take note that you can
only see this while you're human.
\ BOSS: Sentinels of Ruin: Alessia, Ricce, and Yahim/

|The fight starts on a platform with one of the sentinels; the sentinel will |
|immediately attack with an overhead attack, so rolling or running sideways |
|(risky due to hitbox) is ideal to avoid the attack and punish the sentinel. |
|Fighting him requires patience, and baiting his overhead smash is the safest |
|method to dodge and attack.Be wary of the camera and side way attacks. Then |
|the second one will try to approach the platform; standing on the ledge will |
|bait him into doing his jumping attack, and the player can back off to the |
|wall behind to avoid it and punish it. It is highly suggested that players |
|immediately capitalize on that and try to chip him before the other one
|attacks. After hitting the second sentinel twice, the player should jump off |
|to avoid fighting them on the same ledge. The following part is the most
|challenging: fighting two at the same time.
|The key to fighting two opponents, generally, is staying in front of them and|
|forcing them to not use dangerous long ranged attacks, and to make them
|attack and stay in recovery frames so that the player can punish them safely |
|without getting hit, had the other one tried to attack the player while
|attacking the first opponent.
|Easiest Way: Just prior to the grey mist, there is a spirit to summon in one |
|of the cells containing a skeleton, which makes this fight significantly
|easier, as he casts Greater Soul Arrow repeatedly. After your destroy the
|first one, jump down and have one person tank the second one while 2 people |
|attack the third one. If you can use lightning spells/weapons/weapon
|enhancements, use them because they are weak to lightning. Or simply kite the|
|remaining two around while the spirit chips away at them, as with enough room|
|and warning, avoiding the sentinels attacks is straightforward.
|-Their lunging air attack leaves them quite open, however, dodging them early|
| the moment they jump is advisable.
|-Use a fast weapon with small recovery e.g dagger, short sword, long sword, |
| scimitar...etc.
|-Falling off the platform while fighting the first sentinel will cause all |
| three of them to attack you, which will make this fight very brutal.
|-Another strategy is to enchant a fast weapon with poison and get in some
| hits until the poison sets in. Since they have low health individually, you |
| can play the defensive until the poison does its work.
|Greatshield Strategy:
| If you acquired the Tower Greatshield from Cathedral of Blue a useful
| strategy for anyone with at least 15 STR is to 2-hand the shield and let
| the summonable NPC fight the Sentinels while you tank all of their hits.
| Since they only deal in physical attacks as long as you manage your stamina |
| well you should be able to go the whole fight without taking damage as the |
| shield has 100% physical block and high stability. If you lose aggro on any |
| of the sentinels simply hit them with the shield until their focus turns to |
| you.
Pharros' Treasure Room:

Before leaving the room, look for bricked walls. Once you are near them, press
the action button to reveal a hidden door. There are three doors like this
in this room. Use them to gather some loot.
Return and take the stairs. Enter the narrow corridor to the right. Loot the
Soul of a Nameless Soldier from the skeleton to your right. In the last cell
to the left, there is an exploding undead which may catch you off guard. After
that light the Bonfire you come across. Use the ladder to go down then kill
the hound.
There is a corpse and a chest in the corner. Loot the corpse to get a
Club and the chest recieve a Priest's Chime. In this room you'll come
a Pharros Contraption. Use a lockstone on it and break the wall where
appears to reveal the pathway leading to Belfry Luna. It is advisable
don't visit this area yet.

the face
that you

Exit the room then kill the enemy on the walkway. Enter the tower and take out
another sentry waiting outside the next pathway to the left. Go to the rooftops
and loot the corpse to get three Flame Butterflies. Hounds patrol the lower
grounds so be cautious when falling down. Range characters again have an
advantage here. As for melee characters, use a shield to block their bites to
avoid bleeding. Be careful NOT to hit the stone by the well since it will pull
up a cage with three undead prisoners. They deal lots of damage when they slam
their bodies on the ground. They have low health but are difficult due to their
high damage and numbers. Good thing to know is that they don't respawn.
There is a locked door which you'll need the Antiquated Key to unlock it. The
other door near the well has three enemies inside, including two undead
crossbowmen. Climb the ladder in the narrow alley instead and take out the
crossbowman near the window and then the other. The remaining royal guard
will go to your position using the ladder, enabling you to ambush it.
Climb the ladder to get a Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier and Green Blossom
from the corpse near the grate. Go through the narrow corridor and lure one of
the royal guards to your left. There's also another Pharros Contraption here
that you can operate if you have a Lockstone with you.
Defeat the royal guard and loot the chests to get a Bone Staff, Parrying Dagger
and Twinblade. If you used a Pharros Lockstone to activate the contraption,
destroying the walls with face symbols will reveal chests contaning a Wilted
Dusk Herb and a Soul Vessel.
Make your way back to the Servants' Quarters bonfire.
Heading for Sinner's Rise:
--------------------------------------After entering the tower, go upstairs. You'll face a prisoner like the ones I
mentioned before (if you managed to hit the stone near the well). The door
doesn't lead anywhere so skip it. Pull the switch but be careful; expect three
of those undead prisoners again to rush towards you. When you see them diving

towards you, quickly roll out of the way to avoid getting damaged.
Before you enter the next room, make sure to evade since an undead prisoner
will leap to you from above. Once he's dead continue. The concrete containers
here contain more prisoners; they will break free as soon as you go upstairs.
Going upstairs is a bad idea since there are more waiting there. The easiest
way is to return to the hallway and lure them to pick them off there.
Now, head upstairs and pull the switch to lift the gate. You come across a
misty doorway. Open the door under the stairs to get a Skeptic's Spice. The
corpse on the ledge below has a Bonfire Ascetic; however, you won't have
any way of climbing back. The ledge below leads to the rooms that can be
revealed by a Pharros Contraption, which was mentioned earlier. It's a pretty
long drop and even with the Silvercat Ring equipped, you won't survive it
unless you have a lot of HP (which you probably don't have at this part of the
game). Instead, use a Homeward Bone to return to the last Bonfire.
Return to the misty door. Be warned that there are more undead prisoners on
the third floor. There's a bonfire there but a statue is blocking the way in.
Leave it for now.
Check your right to face a royal guard guarding a corpse. The corpse has eight
Lifegems on it, so kill the guard and loot it. Sprint through the walkway
while avoiding the arrows from the crossbowmen. Enter the mist to reach Sinners
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The Saltfort:
--------------------------------------Kill all the guards that drop down on you as soon as you enter Sinner's Rise,
then make your way through the door nearby. Just over to your right is a ladder
which leads to a handy Bonfire. If you're feeling a little feisty, run up the
stairs and kill those archers straight away. If you'd rather take a more
cautious approach, light the bonfire first, then come back and kill those
arrow-firing foes. Note that next to the Bonfire three undead will spawn.
Turn your head around the doorway on your right (just before you get to the
bonfire), and grab the Large Soul of a Lost Undead. Be careful not to take
the fall of your life while grabing this soul. Go back down the ladder, take
the path all around the corner, and grab the Human Effigy that's just past the
room where the archers are. Once the room of archers is clear, get on the
lift and ride it all the way to the bottom. Just before you reach ground level,
you can actually jump off to grab a handful of very useful Lacerating Knives.

The next room will be flooded and your movements will be slower. Beware the
monster inside the left room. Once it sees you, return to the room with the
lift and take it out there. To kill it, go near it and roll back once it
attacks. When it stops, swing your weapon once and fall back. If you are in
danger, use the lift to get away and heal. There are two more monsters beyond.
Use the same strategy.
Over on your far right, just past the spot where the first monster was
standing on, is a Sublime Bone Dust. Inside one of the rooms with the monster
is a Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier.
There are
enemy and
doors are
Luna. The

a few holding cells ahead. You'll encounter more of those pesky

with the exploding bellies. Before moving on, kill the nearby
then kill the ones on the pathways past the stairs. Sadly, the
locked and require a key which can be obtained when going to Belfry
cells here are empty, so don't bother looking.

Head down the stairs towards the water and keep making your way along this
waterway. You'll eventually come to a cell on your right that houses an
enemy, while the left-hand cell contains a pair of ne'er-do-wells. I
recommend teasing the creature out of the right-hand cell and pulling it
back a little first, so you don't accidentally pull the other two enemies
as you fight it.
Once the first opponent is dead, creep very lightly into the other cell, just
far enough to attract the attention of one of the remaining enemies. Get this
right and you should be able to pull it back into open space, then wipe it out
before the final creature can get anywhere near you.
Kill this last monster, then go into the last cell on the left and loot the
Pharros' Lockstone and the Soul of a Proud Knight. Pull the lever in here to
open up the gate at the end of the path. There's a patch of mist coming up, but
before you walk through it and into the Lost Sinner fight, make sure you pop
upstairs to grab the Radiant Lifegem.
*The room in which you fight the Lost Sinner will be poorly lit. Giving the *
*nature of the boss, she is very aggressive and due to the absence of light *
*if she's too far away from you, you won't be able to lock on her and loose *
*track. There is a way to light the room but you'll need the Bastille key in *
*Belfry Luna to open the doors after the two sets of stairs before the Lost *
*Sinner fight and light the oil inside. This will light up the room and make *
*the battle a bit easier.

|There's one very important tip for removing a huge amount of the danger in |
|this fight: pack a shield that's capable of absorbing 100% of the damage it |
|blocks. One prime example of this kind of shield is the Drangleic Shield, and|
|you'll be able to loot it after killing the Pursuer.
|The item can be found in the area just beyond where you fight the Pursuer, |
|down a hole in the floor. When you get to the bottom of this pit, you'll find|
|a body that contains all the pieces of the Drangleic item set - including
|this all-important shield.
|The reason for equipping such a gloriously powerful shield is pretty simple |
|really. The Lost Sinner attacks hard, attacks fast, and darts around you like|
|a slippery weasel. It's imperative that you block as much of the enemy's
|incoming damage as possible, and this won't be a quick fight either. You'll |
|only be able to throw a couple of your own whacks at a time, before heading |
|straight back into defensive mode.
|When the fight itself begins, expect the Lost Sinner to come racing towards |
|you. The best way of dealing with this opening assault is to simply evade or |
|block what's coming your way. After that, make sure you stick like glue to |
|your target.
|Watch out for the pair of attacks that come one after another, swiping a
|circular area ahead of the boss. This is occasionally followed up by a heavy,|
|straight-aimed attack that you can dodge away from to the left or right.
|There's a piercing, lunging stab to watch out for too, and the cheeky
|blighter will even jump over your head and attack from behind from time to |
|As long as you delicately dance around these attacks, and stay as close as |
|possible to the Sinner so you can chip away with your own damage, you
|shouldn't have too much trouble finishing the fight. Just whatever you do, |
|make sure you keep a little stamina in the bank at all times - if you
|suddenly find that you can't block an attack with your shield, you're in
|serious trouble.
|So don't attack so hard that you can't defend, and make sure you stay close |
|to your target. If you keep circling around the Sinner, it'll work through |
|its repertoire of moves, and you'll have an opportunity to throw a hit the |
|boss's way between each one. Just keep in mind that your window of
|opportunity is a little smaller following the stabbing attack.
|It is possible to use Lucatiel of Mirrah to help with this fight, although |
|she doesn't provide much damage to the boss. She is useful mainly as a
|distraction. Clear the watery path to boss first by killing the Water Giants |
|and Exploding Mummies. Open the gate, then head back to the chain lift and |
|touch her summon sign while human.
Once the battle is over, open the door and loot the Fragrant Branch of Yore and
an Elizabeth Mushroom from the chest after the stairs. You'll encounter the
primal Bonfire here, which will take you straight to the Far Fire in Majula.
Rescuing Straid:

A Fragrant Branch of Yore is used to Unpetrify the player or NPCs. The first
example of a petrified character is Straid, who is blocking a Bonfire in a
cell in the Lost Bastille or Rosabeth of Melfia in Majula's path to the Shaded
Woods. First, we'll unpetrify Straid of Olaphis.
From the Saltfort Bonfire, descend the ladder next to the bonfire, then go
across the bridge until you are in the room with two mummies. Kill them, then
go up the ramp. There will be a swarm of several exploding mummies, one of
which is a petrification mummy. After you kill them, go to the cell on the
far left and you will find the petrified Straid. Use the Fragrant Branch of
Yore to unpetrify him.
Once you free him, there is a Bonfire right behind him. You can trade boss
souls with him for Boss Soul Weapons. He also sells spells.
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To enter Belfry Luna, you'll need a Pharros Lockstone. If you've been following
this guide, you'll already have picked one in the cells at Sinner's Rise.
Head back to the bonfire in the Servants' Quarters of the Lost Bastille, then
climb down the ladder located just over in the corner of the room. You'll need
to kill the dog prowling around down there, before using your Pharros'
Lockstone in the middle of the wall. Whack the image that appears on the
wall nearby, then walk through the newly-revealed corridor to gain access to
Belfry Luna.
Exploring Belfry Luna:
--------------------------------------After entering, you'll encounter a dwarf on your right. He's not hostile. He'll
offer you to join the Bell Keeper covenant, which will grant you the the Bell
Keeper's Seal ring as a reward. Make your way upstairs, paying close attention
to the dangerous gaps in the floor, then kill the Dark Spirit Bell Keeper at
the top. There guys pack a punch, and have high defense.
Once the enemies are dead, go and grab the item in the corner to get your hands
on a Skeptic's Spice. Now jump down through the gap in the floor in the centre
of the room - you'll take a little damage from falling down here, but it's
Now have a rummage around in the coffer over by the wall to get your hands on a
Blue Tearstone Ring. In the corner of this room is an alcove. Head on over
there and pick up the Skeptic's Spice, then make your way upstairs to the
third floor.

There are two more Dark Spirit Bell Keepers waiting to ruin your day up here.
Not only that, there's the danger of the nearby explosive barrels to worry
about as well. Try and keep moving around this area - being very careful
not to whack the barrels - so that you split the two enemies up a little
bit. Don't get too far away from this pair of miscreants though, as they'll
start chucking fire bombs at you if you position yourself too far away.
Don't enter the mist just yet, instead climb up the ladder. When you get to
the top, you'll need to kill three Dark Spirit Bell Keepers, one of which is
the leader of the pack and dressed in red. If at all possible, try and trick
them into taking a tumble into the room beneath you. If that doesn't work, you
can still fight them on their floor, but make sure you stick to the centre of
the room, move around a little, and take them on one at a time.
Once you've dealth with every keeper in the area, loot another Skeptic's Spice
as you look around. There is also a chest in a corner. You'll recieve two
Radiant Lifegems and Twilight Herbs. Now, head for the nearby lever and pull
it. This will draw up the gate that was blocking the mist on the floor below.
|The most important thing to remember about the fight against the Belfry
|Gargoyle is that the longer it lasts, the tougher it becomes. The reason for |
|this is pretty simple - you start off fighting against two Gargoyles, but a |
|total of six will turn up as the battle wears on. Not good. The creatures
|also share a single health bar, so it pays to beat this boss as quickly as |
|possible, before the incoming damage becomes too much to handle.
|As far as that damage goes, you can expect to deal with four different types |
|of assault. For a start, they can breathe fire into the air or onto the
|ground. When fired into the air, the breath takes the form of a conal attack,|
|while the ground fire can be delivered in either a linear path or as a
|circular assault. The best way of dealing with this damage is to simply avoid|
|it when it's about to land - if a Gargoyle starts pivoting its head, that
|means it's about to send a blast your way.
|Then there's the swooping attack which can really ruin your day. Watch out |
|for when the creatures jump up and into the air, as that's the starting
|position for this attack. Be ready to attack the Gargoyle in question as soon|
|as it lands on the ground. If it leaps to the side of you, or over the top of|
|your head, you must turn to face it again immediately, and get ready to block|
|the next attack that's coming your way. Dodge left or right to avoid it if |
|The remaining two attacks are delivered at close range. There's a sweeping, |
|melee attack that's delivered from the creature's front, then followed up by |
|a massive overhead melee swipe - this latter attack can be fairly easily
|dodged by moving left or right. If they pause for a moment, get ready to take|
|a lightning storm to the face if you're standing within its area of effect. |
|Here are a few tips:
|-Boss is weak to lightning and magic attacks, Using miracles and sorceries |

| will result in heavy damage.

|-Focus damage on (preferably) one gargoyle at a time. The fewer gargoyles to |
| deal with the better.
|-Two hand your weapon for increased damage and dodge away from the gargoyles |
| attempting to flank. (Watch out for tail sweeps!)
|-A shield with high fire defense is recommended.
Getting the Bastille key:
--------------------------------------After the fight, get the Soul of a Proud Knight on the edge of the roof. Go to
the next tower and go downstairs. Loot the Southern Ritual Band from the chest
then light up the Bonfire.
Before going down the ladder, be warned that there will be an invader and a few
hounds waiting for you below. Ranged characters can snipe the enemies from the
top of the ladder. As for melee, you'll need to have a strong shield to avoid
the dogs bittes, altough it won't prevent bleeding. After that, loot the corpse
from the ground to get a Bastille Key and the corpse on the top of the ledge
to get an Enchanted Falchion.
You can use the Bastille key to open the door leading to Steady Hand McDuff in
Lost Bastille. The door is leading to him is located at the base of the stairs
where the enemy rolls a barrel towards you. Enter his shop, light up the
Bonfire and loot the chests. You'll recieve two Large Titanite Shards, five
Titanite Shards, ten Iron Arrows and ten Heavy Bolts. McDuff is a merchant but,
before he opens his shop, you need to give him a Dull Ember. This item is found
in the Iron Keep.
As mentioned before, the bastille key is used to open the locked cells in
Sinner's Rise. Loot every item you find in these cells. Also, before the
Lost Sinner fight, you can use the key to open the two doors which will give
you the opportunity to light the oil inside to make the boss area brighter. A
Small Smooth and Silky Stone is located in one of the rooms.

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Reaching Huntsman Copse:


In order to reach Huntsman Copse, you'll need to exhaust Licia's dialogues so

that she can move to Majula. If you haven't talked to her yet, she's located
near the Tower of Flame Bonfire in Heide's Tower of Flame.
Get back to Majula and then enter the chapel-like building you used to access
Heide's Tower of Flame. Have a chat with her once she's in town, and then get
her to open up the path ahead in exchange for 2,000 souls. Keep walking down
this newly-revealed path to get hold of a Rouge Water.
Continue along the narrow path. You'll soon come across a man sitting down on
your right. He's Felkin the Outcast. Continue on and before moving up the hill,
light the Bonfire.
Exploring Huntsman Copse:
--------------------------------------Kill the enemy you come across, then enter the cave. Just watch out for the
deadly green poison that falls down as you walk through the area. It is caused
by the moths in this area, if you have a ranged weapon, you can kill them so
that they won't poison you. You'll eventually come across another enemy in the
next tunnel along. Kill it, and then carry on all the way down the path
before going up the staircase on your right.
Go through the door you eventually come to, kill the enemy just nearby, and
then keep travelling down the path. Watch out for the ranged attackers
littering this area. If you look down as you move along, you'll see where the
enemies below you are situated. Drop down towards the left part of this section
and kill the enemies. Grab the Bandit's Knife from the corner here, then kill
the two enemies who are lurking upstairs.
Now go down the stairs on the opposite side to get to the next floor down, and
grab the Soul of a Nameless Soldier and Lifegem from just by the hole. Go
back up the stairs and climb the ladder that's on your right. You'll be
attacked by two Bandits who'll have to be killed, before you jump down to the
lower floor ahead of you and loot the Lifegem and Poison Moss.
Jump down onto the next area below you, although be warned that you're going
to lose a little bit of health to fall damage by doing so. Now make your way
up the hill and get back inside the structure you left a moment ago.
Head to the left once more, but this time walk to the end of the path, pass
through the door you come to, then kill the enemy you encounter. Now carry on
making your way to the left. There's an opening just to your right, but ignore
it for now, and instead concentrate on killing the enemy who pounces as you
round the corner, before grabbing the Cracked Red Eye Orb.
Go through the opening you passed by a moment ago, and then climb all the way
down the ladder you find at the end. Keep going around the corner to your
left (just opposite the tree), then light the bonfire tucked away in a gap in
the wall. Go back outside and whack the tree on your left to create a
connection between this area of the region, and the very start of it.

Do a 180 and then make your way around the corner again. Keep walking down this
path, but be ready to fight a pair of enemies as you make your way along it.
Carry on towards the left of the bridge, but be ready to tackle the Bandit who
attacks as you get close to the item lying on the ground. Loot it after the
enemy's dead to get hold of a Large Soul of a Lost Undead and a Small Orange
Make your way to the other side of the bridge, kill the enemy who attacks you,
and then jump down into the new area over to your left. Keep a very close eye
on that red object at the top of the trees here, as poison flows from it and
onto your head! Grab the item beneath the first poisonous tree you come across
to loot a Lifegem. Quietly get up towards the enemy, kill it, and then grab
the Aromatic Ooze behind him. Then, loot the last corpse to get a Lifegem.
Don't forget about the moth above you spraying poison.
Continue to the next bridge but prepare for a couple of rogues hiding in the
trees and an archer ahead. Don't hesitate to fall back and take them on one by
one. You need to pull a lever to lower the bridge and it is found inside a
room to the left. Be careful since a rogue will drop from from above and
ambush you.
Before crossing the bridge, peek over to the ledge facing the first bridge. You
should see an opening on top of a closed room. Go inside and loot the Soul
Spear, two Poison Moss and Green Blossom from the bodies inside. Follow the
tunnel leading outside and backtrack. There's a stone bridge nearby that
will lead you to the Undead Purgatory.
Heading towards Undead Purgatory:
*Undead Purgatory will lead you towars a boss area, so if you want you can
*head towards Undead Purgatory and fight the boss then return to Huntsman
*Copse. If you don't want to enter this area yet, then skip towards the Undead*
*Valley section.
Don't be in a hurry when crossing the bridge. Be careful of the tall enemy
along with the undead. The tall guy causes bleeding and extensive damage, so
it's best to kill the undead as quickly as you can and take the tall guy out.
Once he's dead, continue uphill and loot the corpse hanging by the cliff to get
a Notched Whip.
Now continue along the narrow path. The next area will feature a bunch of thes
tall guys from before, so walk very SLOWLY, and trigger there appearance one
by one because fighting them all at the same time is a pain.

that, carefully cross the bridge by minding the gaps on it. Before the
door, you'll have to face an invader. This guy is pretty aggressive and
a punch. You can try luring him on the bridge and try to push him over.
he's dead, loot the corpse sitting by the wall beside the bridge to get

a Sublime Bone Dust and Fire Seed.

If you're ready, enter the mist to encounter Executioner's Chariot.
Undead Valley:
--------------------------------------Return to the big iron bridge you lowered earlier. After crossing it, you'll
find a Bonfire locked away in a room. You don't have the key for it yet. Go
inside the cave to the right. You'll be fighting skeletons that are being
revived by a necromancer. Loot the first corpse to get a Magic Mace and
Titanite Shard. Head inside and find the necromancer to prevent the skeletons
from being revived again.
You'll soon stumble upon a gate you won't be able to open from that side.
Go outside the way you came and cross the bridge by killing the rogue. Be
cautious not to fall of this narrow road. There should be an uphill path to
the left. Follow it and you'll find a corpse in the middle. Kill the rogues
before attempting to loot it. Loot the ten Poison throwing knives from the
corpse then carefully peek over the edge to find a small ledge you can drop
on with a lootable corpse. Get three Poison Moss from it then drop to the
main path below.
You'll soon come across a room with a corpse inside to your left. Be warned
that rogues guard it. You'll loot the Undead Lockaway Key from it which is
required to unlock the third Bonfire which is located before crossing the
bridge leading to this narrow path. Inside you'll meet Creighton. Talk to
him and learn his gesture.
Continue following the narrow path. Be warned that a dark spirit invader will
soon come after you. It's attacks are painful, you can try pushing it off the
road or take it straight on. You should find more space before taking it on.
Once you've reached the ruins, take the path by the waterfall and you'll find
a misty door. Don't enter it yet; inside, follow the other path that leads to
a cave filled with skeletons.
The necromancer is located on a platform which you need to jump on. Kill the
skeletons first, and jump on the necromancer's platform while he ressurects
them. Take the path to the right and loot the corpse on the ledge you see.
You'll get a Combustion spell and three Titanite from it. Continue forth and
take out one last skeleton. Loot the corpse behind it to get three Flame
Butterflies. Pull the nearby lever to create a shortcut near the third Bonfire.
Once you're ready, head through the misty door to face the Skeleton Lords.
|Upon entering the room you will see three Skeleton Lords. They all share the |
|same life bar.

|The Skeleton Lord on the right and the one on the left carry scythes while |
|the Skeleton Lord in the middle has a large bone staff and casts pyromancies.|
|Upon getting into melee range with this Skeleton Lord, he will try to bash |
|you with the staff.
|Once you enter the boss room, run at the Skeleton Lord of your choosing and |
|get as many hits in as possible before they reach the ground. If you are
|unable to kill your target before it touches the gound, kite all the Lords |
|around the room and make sure you aren't surrounded. Use the pillars around |
|the room to your advantage as they can completely stop the middle Skeleton |
|Lord's pyromancy. Don't get caught by both of the scythe-wielding Lords as |
|they can stunlock and inflict massive damage.
|Once one of the lords is dead, they will spawn skeleton minions which are
|easy to kill. These minions also share the same life bar along with the
|All of the skeletons in the room, Skeleton Lords and the smaller skeletons |
|that spawn upon their respective Lord's death, are weak to fire. Bringing a |
|Fire weapon and/or Pyromancies will make the fight much easier.
After the battle, continue along the path and pull the lever to lower the
bridge. Following this path will lead you towards Harvest Valley. If you
haven't visited Undead Purgatory yet, now is the time to do it.

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If you don't know how to reach Undead Purgatory, check out the "Heading towards
Undead Purgatory" section in the Huntsman Copse walkthrough.
This area is mostly a boss battle, with little exploration afterwards.
\BOSS: Executioner's Chariot /

|There are two phases to this fight: The Chariot phase and the Horse phase. |
|As you enter the fog door phase one begins. The goal is to run around the
|entire circle and pull a lever to close a gate. The first phase is the
|hardest part of the fight. As you are running around you will have to take |
|cover from the chariot by hiding in these side slits in the walls. Skeletons |
|will also be spawning and will not stay dead until you kill the necromancers.|
|There are two necromancers that must die for this fight and they are hidden |
|in the safe spots. Once both of the necromancers are dead the chariot should |
|make quick work of the skeletons. Once you reach the end of the circle there |
|will be a lever to pull. Once this lever is pulled you must wait for the
|chariot to come around again to start phase two.
|Phase two begins when the chariot bashes into the gate. The horse will be
|free as the chariot is completely destroyed and the charioteer is killed.
|The horse is very easy to fight and is much like fight a Fang Boar from the |
|first Dark Souls. The horse has a charge where it bashes you with its head, |
|this move is unblockable and does damage through your shield. If you linger |
|behind the horse for too long it will kick at you with its hind legs. If you |
|are in front of it for too long it will stand up on its hind legs and bash |
|downwards on you. If you are medium distance away the horse will spew a black|
|fog that is unblockable and does damage through your shield.
|Phase 1: The key here is to rush towards each of the two necromancers and
|take them out before the skeletons can catch up, avoiding the Chariot by
|hiding in alcoves as you go along. Bring a high stability shield if you
|can't run directly from one necromancer to the other. Once the second
|necromancer is killed, take out the skeletons. Let the Chariot kill them
|if you wish. After the necromancers and the skeletons have been taken out, |
|run to the lever and pull it.
|(NOTE: If you have the spell "Yearn" this fight becomes almost trivial. Cast |
|Yearn as soon as you enter the fog and the skeletons will just ignore you, |
|getting maimed by the Chariot. Find the first necromancer and kill him
|quickly. Dispose of any of the 3 initial skeletons left. Start running
|towards the lever. When you see the first skeleton, re-cast Yearn and move |
|to the second Necromancer. After he and all the remaining skeletons are
|dead, pull the lever for a very easy boss fight.)
|Phase 2: At the start of phase two, the horse will fall over. This is the
|perfect time to use magic or pyromancy that has a long cast time for big
|damage. You don't want the horse to hit you as it does heavy damage and
|can deal damage through shields.
|Circle around the horse and don't get too far away from it or it might use |
|its breath attack which deals a lot of damage but is easily dodged. Do not |
|stay in front of the horse. Instead, stay behind it and try to bait it into |
|kicking with its hind legs. Once it kicks and you successfully avoid it, move|
|in quickly and hit the horse one or two times. The horse will then turn
|towards you and you should circle around it once again. You may also try to |
|bait it into doing its front stomp attack or dodging its breath attack and |
|then getting a few blows in. You don't want it to charge you as it is more |
|difficult to dodge and can deal serious damage.
Once the boss is dead, loot the corpse located around the room. You can get
four Fading Souls from the corpses littered along the path and a Soul of a
Brave Warrior from the corpse hanging on the edge of the hole past the gate.

Go through the doorway and light the Bonfire. If you have a Token of Spike,
you can get the nearby NPC to let you join the Covenant of Blood. To get a
Token of Spike, you'll need to kill another player by invading their game.
If you're playing offline, you can find one in a chest in the Grave of Saints.
If you join the covenant, you'll get a Crest of Blood. He will also sell a
Great Scythe, Priest Chime, Bone King armor set, Delicate String, Hexing Urn,
Silver Talisman, Red Sign Soapstone and pyromancies like Firestorm, Great
Combustion, and Fire Whip.
Now it's time to head for Harvest Valley. Check out the Huntsman Copse section
in order to locate Harvest Valley.
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*Before entering this area, prepare a supply of Poison Moss to dispel the
*poison which you will most likely be afflicted by.
*You can farm Poison Moss from the giant moths spewing poison mist in Huntsman*
*Copse. Kill them with spells or ranged weapons. Poison Moss is also sold by *
*Gavlan for 1500 souls each.
Now, once the area begins, make your way into the cave over on your right, then
light the Bonfire when you find it inside. Be careful of the toxic pool near
the cave's entrance. Once you've lit the Bonfire, talk to Chloanne up ahead of
you and exhaust her dialouge to make her move to Majula. You can purchase
Bonfire Ascetic, Titanite Shards, Soul Appease and Dead Again.
Follow the path onward until you reach an area polluted with a poison mist, and
you should see many items which can be picked up however this will be made
difficult due to the poison. There are also a couple mounds of dirt which will
elevate you out of the poison mist. The giant enemy that stands in the middle
of the mist can be quite a nuisance as he doesn't seem to come fully out of the
poison but instead throws large, slow moving dark orbs at you which pack quite
a punch so be careful.
As soon as you come to the poisonous mist, take a left, kill the skeleton you
encounter, then take the Lifegem.
Now jump down onto the mound of soil to your right, then run quickly through
the poisonous mist and grab the Titanite Shard and the Fading Soul from the
other side of the area. Now make your way up the rocky ramp nice and fast. If
you're followed by an enemy, kill it after you've moved out of the poisonous
Grab the Torch when you reach the top, then carry on down the path ahead of
you. Go up the ramp when you come to it, then climb the ladder to get your

hands on 10 Hexing Urns. Make your way back down to the bottom, then kill the
enemies you come to at the end of the path. Strafe your way around the larger
enemies to avoid their dark projectile attacks, then dish out your own damage
when the attack fails.
Make your way back up the ramp in the central section, then climb up the ladder
you come to. Kill the two enemies ahead of you, then activate the lever at the
end of the path. This raises a gate below. Go through that gate, then take
the tunnel over on your right until you come to a new Bonfire. Light it up,
then carry on down the main tunnel until you come to a new area.
You need to clear the poisonous mist in this section before you can loot the
chest that's at the end of the path on your left. For now, take the right-hand
path, then go over the bridge. If you want to avoid the enemies here, head
along the right-hand side instead. Kill the smaller enemy you encounter, then
go up the wooden path in the direction of the windmill.
Heirs of the Sun covenant:
--------------------------------------When you reach the top of the path, keep an eye out for an enemy in the room
just ahead. If you get too close for comfort, it'll attack you. Rather than
entering that room, instead take the path to your left and enter the cave on
the right when you reach the end of it.
Kill the enemy lurking in the next room ahead, but just be prepared for a
slightly tougher fight than the ones you've faced so far in this region. Make
sure you block all of the creature's attacks, then follow up with just a
couple of your own, before getting ready to block again.
When it's dead, simply take the stairs all the way up, then learn the Praise
the Sun gesture by kneeling in front of the armour. If you wish to join the
related Covenant, now's the time to do it.
Reaching Earthen Peak:
--------------------------------------Go back to the room you passed by earlier, and if you haven't already beaten
the lunging creature, wait for it to come out before attacking. Be very careful
of the pots here - if you smash them, you'll be poisoned.
If they're getting in the way, head back outside and take a left, then carry on
into the tunnel. There are two more enemies here, along with more poisonous
pots, so kill them carefully then climb the ladder on your left. This will
take you into the room you were in a moment ago, albeit on the other side of
those deadly pots.
Go through the next door to get to Earthen Peak.
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Going right will lead you to a

room. Once again don't hit the
the ladder and just ignore the
entrance which leads to a boss

couple of hammer-wielding maulers inside the

urns to avoid getting poisoned. You can climb up
mauler there and continue towards the misty

BOSS: Covetous Demon
|The Covetous Demon's attacks are either easy to avoid, predictable or both. |
|Most are short ranged, although the jumping attacks can cover a lot of
|ground. It also gives the player ample time to counterattack after some of |
|its attacks are performed, making for a rather easy boss.
|Additionally, one can shoot the pots hanging from the ceiling in the room
|(wood and magic arrows don't seem to work) and a lesser hollow will fall to |
|the ground, attracting the attention of the Covetous Demon. They are used as |
|cannon fodder and the Demon temporarily won't be focused on the player.
|Melee builds could face more problems than range for getting close to him in |
|any spot could be perilous, especially be wary of his sides and rolling. If |
|he hits you with his rollover he will likely follow up with it once more so |
|steer clear. Be very careful of being in front of him in melee range as he |
|could eat you and destroy all equipment, which isn't good because finding
|time to switch weapons and such mid fight is added danger. If there's too
|much trouble for melee then bring any kind of throwing weapon or bow. Keep a |
|safe distance from him at all times and chip away at small range attacks.
|Just keep an eye for his forward jump ability aka belly flop.
After you've dealth with the boss, let's head back to the room before the
boss battle to collect some loot. There's a chest inside with a mauler and
some poisonous mushroom insects. The chest contains a torch but it's trapped
with poison so be careful when attempting to loot it.
The next room is more tricky to get to. You can sprint jump over the swamp
below you and land in the room ahead. You'll encounter a few headless enemies
which are no push-over. Make sure to block their attacks and quickly move in to
counter attack. Once they are dead, be careful of the plates on the ground.
Stepping on them will cause the wall to shoot an arrow towards you. Before
going for the chest, kill the enemy on the alcove to the left before he
ambushes you. Now loot the corpse in the next alcove and get three Titanite
Shards and Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Loot the chest to get a Heavy
Crossbow +3 and fifteen Heavy Bolts. Now you can return to the Bonfire using
a Homeward Bone.
Now head for the boss room and head upstairs. Here you'll find the Lower
Earthen Peak Bonfire. If you've talked to Lucatiel before, you'll find her
here and if you talk to her, she'll give you a Ring of Steel Protection +1.
Now go into the next room along, then head up the stairway over to your left.
Kill the three enemies here, then grab the Radiant Lifegem from the far corner.
Burning the Windmill:
--------------------------------------Keep going through the next door along, then head over the bridge. Stop when

you come to the massive gear, then use it to dodge the archers' arrows while
you kill the mage knight. When your opponent's dead, go into the next room
along where you'll find a ladder to your left, and a hallway to your right.
Enter the hallway on your right and pull the lever. Now go downstairs and kill
the enemy that's lurking over to your right. As soon as you get to the next
room along, take a left to loot a Pike from a chest. Once you've picked it up,
go back into the room you left a moment ago and head towards the ladder. Two
enemies will attack you as you approach it, so kill them before climbing up.
When you get to the top of the ladder, you'll have to kill an enemy. Now pass
through the misty door and light the bonfire on the other side. Next, light up
one of your torches, go back through the door, then head up the ramp on your
right towards the windmill.
Be very careful here so that you don't fall off, then set fire to the windmill
with your torch as soon as you get close to it. Doing so drains all of the
poison out of this area, and makes the next boss fight much easier as a result.
Make your way up the next set of stairs and take the Black Firebombs, but watch
out for the nearby lever. If you step on it, you'll take a lot of damage
from the darts that fly towards you. Ignore the ladder in the middle of this
area, as well as the outside balcony for now, and instead go to the other side
of the area. Here'll you find another enemy, as well as a Manikin Mask. Once
you've killed the former and looted the latter, get out onto the balcony.
Also, burning the windmill will remove the poison in Harvest Valley which will
make loot collecting A LOT easier.
Laddersmith Gillian:
--------------------------------------Kill the enemy on the balcony, then smash the railing by the entrance and
shimmy your way along the ledge on your left. Talk to Laddersmith Gilligan
at the end of that ledge, and buy the ladder off him for 2,000 souls. That'll
give you access to an area below that contains a Twinkling Titanite and a
Pharros' Lockstone. You'll be able to find Gillian in Majula from now on,
and he'll give you a ladder for the Majula pit if you've not explored that
area yet.
Heading for Mytha, the Baneful Queen:
--------------------------------------Make your way back to the balcony, then go all the way along to the end,
beyond the wood railing. Cut it down and grab the nearby item to get a
Simpleton's Spice. Pull the lever to raise a platform on your right, then
take the newly-exposed Divine Blessing and a Soul of a Proud Knight. Just
keep in mind that the platform won't stay elevated for long!
There's another bit of loot you can get using this platform too. Once you've
pulled it and grabbed the two items, run out of the room before the platform
comes back down. Pull the lever once more and get onto the platform before it
can move again. This will take you up to a coffer. Loot it and you'll receive
a Mirrah Shield.
Jump down and then climb up the ladder that's by the platform. Now make your
way along the hallway towards the right. Talk to the man who's in the room
beneath you, then go back up to the main hallway and kill the mage knight

further along. Again, watch out for the poison pots nearby.
Carry on up the stairs to your left, then kill the pair of pyromancers and
the mage knight when you reach the top. There's a coffer full of poison here,
but it also contains a Pharros' Lockstone, so loot it and repair the damage
before moving on.
Go back downstairs and then carry straight on ahead until you come to another
pyromancer. Kill it using a ranged attack, then get ready to make a pretty
challenging leap over to the other part of the platform. Just make sure you
jump across at the very last moment, and aim for a landing spot on the lefthand side.
Grab the item at the end of this platform to add a Radiant Lifegem to your
stash, then take a Crimson Water and a Soul of a Brave Warrior from the coffer.
Before you head back, there's another item waiting for you on the bridge
beneath you.
Fall straight down from the position where the last item was located. Grab the
new item to add a Human Effigy and a Poison Broadsword to your inventory. Now
jump over to the platform by the wall, head left, then go upstairs to get back
to the floor you were on a few moments ago.
Go back to the room that leads to the balcony, then climb up the ladder. Go
into the hallway on your left, then carry on up the stairs. Kill the mage
knight and the pyromancers at the top of the stairs, but watch out for the
poisonous pots by the pyromancers. Once they're all dead, make your way around
the corner, then go upstairs and kill the next pyromancer you come to.
There are two mage knights guarding a door on the other side of this next room.
They're blocking your path to the next boss, but ignore them for now and
instead take the stairs near the middle of the room. Smash up the pots on
your right, but do so at maximum range so you're not infected with the poison
they contain.
Just behind those broken pots is a pack of poisonous bugs. Kill them before
they can attack you as a collective, otherwise you'll suffer a great deal of
damage from their poisonous gas attacks. Grab the Smooth & Silky Stone from
the corner, then attack - not open - the chest to get a Work Hook and a set
of Dark Gauntlets.
Don't use a Pharros' Lockstone on the face up the stairs - just leave the
room. Now go up the next set of stairs along to kill the Invader, and loot
Brigand Gauntlets +5 for doing so. When you get to the end of the next hallway
along, interact with the wall on your right. Don't worry about not seeing any
on-screen indicators, just interact with it as though there was an item to
Doing so will reveal a hidden wall. Behind it is a bonfire you can light. Now
go to the other side of the room and again interact with the wall. Go behind
the next hidden wall and you'll be able to loot a Petrified Something from
the chest.
When you've finished looting everything, make your way back downstairs and
kill the two mage knights who are guarding the path to the boss. Grab the
Poison Stone from the corner, then go upstairs and pass through the misty door
to start the fight against Mytha, the Baneful Queen, the Baneful Queen.

*In order to reduce the difficulty of this fight, it is advisable to burn the *
*windmill so that the poison in the area is only at the edge. If you think
*your hardcore, or have high poison defense, you can try to kill her without *
*burning the windmill and pay dearly for your arrogance. Also, the poison will*
*regenarate her health.
\ BOSS: Mytha, the Baneful Queen /
|Be very wary of the poison that circles the battlefield throughout this
|fight. If you torched the windmill earlier on, you shouldn't see poison
|anywhere else. If you do, and you die during the fight against Mytha,
|back-track and burn the windmill down to make things much easier.
|Stay near to Mytha unless she gets too close to that poison. You can expect |
|her to use a three-hit combo against you with her spear, in addition to a
|swirling, up-close body spin. The good news is that you can block all of
|these attacks without losing too much stamina. The bad news is that there
|isn't a great deal of downtime between her attacking patterns. You'll only |
|be able to get a couple of whacks in between her flurries as a result.
|If at any point she creates a little range between you both, get ready for |
|one of a pair of attacks. She might choose to come dashing at you with the |
|pointy end of her spear, a move you can either block outright or dart left |
|or right to avoid. Alternatively, if you see her head begin to glow, get
|ready to dash to the left or right and dodge the magical missiles she's
|about to fire. You won't have very long to get out of the way of this second |
|attack, so stay alert.
|As long as you try to minimize the distance between you and Mytha at all
|times, you should be able to severely limit her attacking options. If you
|avoid the perimeter poison, catch up any distance she creates quickly, and |
|patiently whittle her health down, you shouldn't have too much difficulty
|finishing off this boss.
As soon as Mytha's dead, make your way through the poison, go through the door
ahead of you, and then take the stairs up. Go into the lift, then walk through
the door on your right when it stops to gain access to the Iron Keep.
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*As you'll notice during your journey in Iron Keep, you'll discover multiple *
*items located on lava rocks which will be difficult to collect since the
*burning rocks will kill you. I suggest you kill the Iron King first and check*
*out the "Collecting the items in Iron Keep" section once the boss is dead. *
After emerging into the Iron Keep area, head down the stairs on your left until
you come to a Bonfire. Light it, and then head back upstairs and make your way
over the bridge. Kill the pair of enemies waiting for you on the other side you can kite them one at a time by edging closer and then retreating onto the
bridge - then go through the massive doors ahead of you.
There's a
kite them
the right

small set of stairs here leading up to a round area with a statue

fire. There are two enemies in the immediate vicinity and you can
one by one as well. Do the guy facing you first, then the guy on
who is facing away from where you enter.

Now carry on up the next stairs along and

As one of the enemies is a little further
recommend luring them back downstairs and
you will have noted by now, their attacks
respond to.

kill the trio of enemies at the top.

off and firing arrows at you, we
picking them off one at a time. As
are quite easy to read, block and

Once all three are dead, go back upstairs to where the archer originally was.
Interact with the wall here to expose a hidden door, then go inside to loot 20
Fire Arrows from a spot just behind the catapult.
Walk through the door in this hidden room, then interact with the right-hand
wall to activate another hidden doorway. Kill the enemy lurking on the other
side of it, then grab the Pharros' Lockstone from its spot in the corner.
Smash up the pots in here and you'll be granted some fire resistance. Equip
any other fire-resistant gear you have in your inventory, then jump down to
the floor below and grab the Iron Key that's just by the fire spout. Even if
you've got decent fire gear on you, don't take too long doing this as you'll
still take quite some damage. If you don't want to risk it, you can skip this
key and wait untill you reach the last Bonfire in Iron Keep, which has a
nearby switch which can turn off all the fire breathing statues located in
this area.
Take the stairs all the way down to get to a hallway on your left. Travel down
it and you'll come to a merchant called Magerold when you reach the end. Have
a chat with him and check out what he's selling. It's well worth grabbing a
Fragrant Branch of Yore now if you don't have any on you.
Now go back down the hallway to where you originally entered the keep and head
back up the stairs where you killed the various enemies. Walk through the door
into the open area with lava pulsing far below and follow the path ahead of
you all the way around to your left. Kill the next enemy along, but watch out
for the archers who are positioned to your front and rear. With careful
positioning you can fight on this pathway while their arrows clang harmlessly
into nearby pillars.
Carry on down the stairs on your right, then kill the next enemy along and
activate the lever to drop a bridge. Ignore the nearby room for now, as it's
full of flames and practically impenetrable at this moment in time.
Go back upstairs and then carry on walking towards your left to cross the
bridge you just lowered. When you get to the end, drop down onto the path,

go right and head to the end of the platform you're on - jumping a small
gap - to loot the mighty Zweihander Sword from a coffer.
Now head towards the opposite end of the path, kill the enemy you encounter,
then walk through the mist to begin the fight against the Smelter Demon.
*Since the Smelter Demon is one of the more tougher bosses in the game, it is *
*advisable that you should skip him if you aren't prepared. Read ahead and see*
*for yourself if you're ready to take on this opponent.
BOSS: Smelter Demon
|The most important thing you can do to prepare for the fight with the Smelter|
|Demon is equip a shield that's capable of absorbing 100 percent damage. Next,|
|equip as much light armour as you can, so that you can strafe around the
|Demon nice and nimbly. The attacks used by the Demon aren't particularly
|complicated, but you do need to be able to move quickly to avoid the worst of|
|the monster's damage. As long as you can keep out of harm's way, this is
|actually a pretty easy fight.
|When the fight starts, the Demon only has a light coating of fire. If you
|stand right next to the creature, you'll take a little bit of fire damage, |
|but it's nothing to be concerned about at this stage. Just be aware that
|after you've dealt a certain amount of damage against your opponent, it will |
|pause and take the opportunity to ramp up the flames spread all over its
|Maintain your position when this happens, even though the flames will dish |
|out more damage and do so across a wider radius too. Keep whittling the
|health of the Demon down until it reaches around 50 percent, at which point |
|it'll plunge its weapon into its body to set it alight.
|What about the enemy's attacks? Throughout this boss encounter, the Demon
|will make use of a small arsenal of attacks. There's a triple-hit combo
|that's made out of two horizontal swipes, following by a vertical one that's |
|either grounded or comes after a jump. The jumping version's tougher to
|avoid, and the boss may even launch a burst of flames after the jump.
|That jump attack can also be used independently of the combo, and the flames |
|won't always appear after it's used. It's best to assume that it always will |
|though, so you're suitably prepared. If you're standing too near to the Demon|
|when the flame burst comes, you're going to take a lot of damage. When the |
|body flame gets more intense, so does the flame burst range. You need to be |
|approximately halfway across the battle area to dodge it entirely.
|If you maintain a moderate amount of distance between you and the Demon,
|it'll use a straight attack that breaks your guard. It doesn't follow up with|
|any more damage though, so you've got enough time to recharge stamina. Once |
|the boss has lit that sword, it'll fire flames straight towards you. You can |
|avoid it by staying very close to the Demon, or darting left or right with |
|sharp timing.

|As for your own attacks, stay close to the Demon and circle around it
|quickly. If you're fast enough on your feet you can actually block the first |
|swipe of the triple-hit combo, the second part of it will miss, and the
|third attack will sometimes not even happen at all. When the Demon pauses for|
|a moment, get two or three of your own attacks in, depending on your
|attacking speed.
|You'll get a decent chunk of damage in using this strategy, but also take a |
|fair bit of damage yourself. It's a worthwhile balance, however. If you're |
|worried about your health at any point, consider using your next attacking |
|opportunity to quaff a potion instead. The bottom line is that as long as you|
|successfully dodge the Demon's attacks, it'll die before you do.
Once you've killed the Smelter Demon, make your way through the opening ahead
and then go upstairs. Light the bonfire when you come to it. If you fancy
another tough fight, pop downstairs again to the Smelter Demon area and your
old friend The Pursuer will re-emerge as a regular enemy. He should be a lot
easier to kill this time.
To move forward, though, from the bonfire make your way outside and kill the
next enemy you come to, then go through the doorway that was on your right as
you exited the bonfire room.
Go over the bridge and kill the big shelled enemy you encounter halfway along,
then carry on to the over side, but watch out because his friend is busy
bashing a hole in the platform and if he succeeds you will need to leap over
it. This will also make it tougher to deal with him as he can back you up
towards the gap. If you're able to finish the first guy quickly and interrupt
his hole-bashing, things will be easier.
Either way, proceed beyond the gap and hopefully two dead enemies. If your
fight does extend into the narrow corridor beyond, though, be very cautious
as you may find your swipes are deflected off the walls.
Kill the archer you find in the next room along, then interact with the
lever and make your way up the stairs. Watch your footing here because each
platform has a pressure switch nearby that dumps it into the lava. Kill the
archers on the platform that you can see, and consider dropping down off the
far left platform to take out the archer below. Make your way over the left
from here to loot a Radiant Lifegem and a Large Soul of a Proud Knight.
Next, make your way back upstairs and get onto the platforms again. When the
flame traps die down, move onto the platform with a ladder. Make your way up
the ladder. There's a coffer here but it's a mimic enemy, so whack it, deal
with the enemy and then obtain the Dark Armor and a Lightning Winged Spear.
Go upstairs now, then head along the path on your right to get 10 Destructive
Greatarrows from the chest that's right at the end of it.
Climb up the ladder that's to the right of the chest - ignoring the Pharros'
Lockstone face - then go through the door that's ahead of you and take the
stairs up. Kill the trio of archers in the next zone, then grab the item
tucked away in the corner to add a Simpleton's Spice to your inventory. Now
go and open the coffer over on the opposite side of the room to get a Black
Knight Greataxe.
Jump down onto the platform below you, then keep making your way towards the
bottom of this area - you can use the platforms here like stepping stones to

make your way down. When you get to the third platform, grab the nearby item to
loot a Torch and a Cracked Red Eye Orb.
When you reach the fifth platform, keep an eye out for the item that's next to
the cauldron beneath you. Very carefully drop down onto the lip of that
cauldron - don't fall in! - and grab the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring.
Kill the enemy that's hovering by the right-hand section of the platform,
then jump down next to the door below you. Don't go through the patch of mist
just yet. Take the stairs on your left all the way down, then walk through the
next door you come to. Keep on walking down this corridor, kill the enemy
(again, watching out for attacks that are deflected off the walls), then
interact with the lever to clear an object that's blocking the route ahead.
Kill the next enemy along, then keep heading forwards - just be ready for the
flame trap in the next room. Head towards the stairs when you enter this room,
and kill the next enemy you encounter. Make your way to the bottom, then use
the stairs to get to a path that leads across the lava and towards a misty
door. The Old Iron King awaits you on the other side of it!
|The King's combo attack is composed of a fist slam that travels vertically |
|into the ground, and a swiping attack that runs across the horizontal plane. |
|You can expect to encounter these two attacks in random arrangements, and so |
|you might face two of the fist slams in succession, one of each attack, or |
|two horizontal swipes.
|You can dodge left or right to avoid either of these attack types, but if the|
|second attack is a fist smash, make sure you get straight back into range to |
|hit the fist as fast as you can. If you have a decent attacking speed on your|
|weapon, you should be able to get three good whacks in before danger rears |
|its head again.
|There are a couple of exceptions to this two-attack rule, however. If the
|King sets fire to his fist before hitting vertically, there'll typically be |
|just the one attack coming your way, instead of two. If this happens, you
|must wait for the fire to be extinguished before running in to do your
|Should the King lean back at all, you need to be prepared for the flaming
|attack to come at you horizontally. Hang around in the middle of the area
|and then move to the right when the attack is launched to avoid the very
|worst of the damage.
|Time your dodges well, stay alert, and you really shouldn't take too much
|damage at all during this boss fight. If you've got a decent weapon in your |
|hand, you should be able to finish the King off in pretty short order.
As soon as the boss is dead, go through the door and then into the next
structure which contains a coffer. Loot it to get hold of Sublime Bone Dust.
Carry on down the stairs here until you come to a primal Bonfire.
Now we'll explore the next area, Belfry Sol, which is located just above Iron

Belfry Sol:
--------------------------------------This area is accessible through Iron keep via a Pharros Lockstone Hidden Wall.
You can enter this area by going to the Belfry Sol Approach Bonfire and unlock
the Pharros contraption near it.
The Bell guardian leader will be sitting there and a fog gate next to him. Talk
to him if you want to join the Bell keepers Covenant. Through the fog is
Belfry Sol. If the bell keeper is dead, there will be a gravestone next to the
fog gate asking for an offering of 4,500 souls.
Immediately after entering through the fog you will be attacked by two puppets
and a normal sized Black Phantom. Further ahead to is a Greatshield Phantom.
Head straight towards the ballista and make a left and run towards the towers
on the far wall. In the small tower to the right is the lever to ring the bell.
In the left tower is a ladder to the rooftops. Behind the left tower is a
corpse with a Simpleton's Spice. A phantom wielding double repeating crossbows
is here. Defeat him and head along the roof to reach a corpse holding one
Simpleton's Spice. To the left is a doorway blocked by gated walls when you
were on ground level. From here head down to take out the Greatshield Phantom
and the puppets. To the right of the door is a corpse holding another
Simpleton's Spice.
Through the door is a chest containing the Immolation Pyromancy Spell. Head
down the stairs and turn around at the bottom to find a corpse holding a
Human Effigy and Triclops Snake Troches. Go through the doorway to return
to Iron Keep via a small ledge. On this ledge on the right wall is an Illusory
Wall which opens up to a room holding two chests containing Black Knight
Greatsword, Protective Chime Grand and Spirit Tree Shield.
How to get the items in Iron Keep:
--------------------------------------Fellow GameFaqs user Macroman has made an awesome guide on how to obtain every
item in Iron Keep that is located on the lava rocks. Check out the thread for
more details:
Moving on:
--------------------------------------After snatching every item, killed every boss, explored Belfry Sol and gotten
a nasty burn mark, it's time to say goodbye to Iron Keep. There still plenty
ahead, and you can take multiple routes, but it's advisable that we explore
the Shaded Woods next.
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How to get to the Shaded Woods:
--------------------------------------Back in Majula, There's a path just to the right of the one that leads to the
Forest of Fallen Giants. Start walking down it, and then talk to the man called
Benhart at the very end of it. He'll tell you all about the statue located in
the structure ahead. Go into it, and then use a Fragrant Branch of Yore to
reinvigorate the statue.
Now talk to Rosabeth to get hold of a Prism Stone. If you carry on talking to
her, she'll even open a pyromancy store you can use. Have a rummage through
your inventory for any unnecessary armour that you can trade with her to make
the store appear permanently in Majula.
Now pull the lever that she was blocking earlier on. When you do so, you'll
be attacked by a swarm of enemies from the rear, so be ready to kill them all
as quickly as you can.
Once all of your opponents are dead, talk to Benhart to learn the joy gesture,
and then pass through the doors that have just opened up. Go into the room,
and then open the door over on the far right. Open the coffer inside to get
hold of an Estus Flask Shard. Now go through the door over on the opposite
side of the room to light a bonfire.
After you've lit the bonfire, make your way upstairs, then leap over to the
left-hand side to find an enemy. Once it's dead, take the Human Effigy and
the Soul of a Proud Knight by the second door. Now jump to the other side to
find yet another opponent, as well as an enemy by the Broadsword at the
second door.
Interact with the lever by the entrance at the bottom of the stairs to get
both doors open, then go up the stairs and through the door. Keep heading
along this path, and you'll eventually find yourself in the Shaded Woods.
Exploring the Shaded Woods:
--------------------------------------As soon as you enter the Shaded Woods, you'll have to deal with a pair of
enemies. Kill them both and take the Falchion weapon. Now keep walking
along the path and kill the next set of enemies. You'll also have to contend
with two enemies who attack from above. Once they're all dead, keep walking
forwards, then go up the hill and kill another pack of opponents. You'll be
able to grab a Pharros' Lockstone after doing so.
Walk down the path, kill the trio of enemies waiting for you in the clearing
up ahead, then carry on along the path to your left. Kill the next enemy you
come to, then light the bonfire. The room you're now in has staircases to the
left and to the right, as well as several exits: one to the right, one
straight ahead, and the last one on the left. For now, take the stairs on your
right, talk to the man at the very top, then go through the door and into the
dense fog.
The fog:

Sadly, your torch won't help you see through the fog much, so just make sure
you creep through this area with your shield up and ready for battle at all
times. We recommend sticking to the left wall. When you reach a little
clearing, go all around the perimeter of the area to get a Fire Seed, then
continue hugging the wall until you reach a staircase that leads you down and
out of the fog.
If you try to tough out the fog itself, just be aware that you'll be attacked
by some tricky enemies that are very hard to see, let alone fight. They will
circle around you and attack from the rear with a critical strike, or even fire
arrows at you from range. Difficult though these battles are, the enemies can
be defeated if you're determined to clear out the area.
Keep an eye out for the very faint white shadows that appear, and try and do at
least a small amount of damage to them when you can - that'll force their
health bar to show up, which makes them much easier to track. You'll need to
enable this setting in the options if you've turned it off previously.
It's worth clearing out the fog if you can, as there are quite a few useful
items littered throughout - Lifegems, souls and the like. If you can find your
way to a little circular clearing, you can also speak to the head of a deceased
mercenary who has some interesting things to say. Do watch out for the cliff
edge elsewhere in this area, though, as there's not really much you can do
about pinning down its position in the fog!
Collecting loot:
--------------------------------------When you've finished picking up as much loot as you dare, go up the stairs over
on the far left-hand side of the fog, which brings you up to a moss-covered old
ruin that barely looks like a building any more. Enter it, then go up the ramp
you find. Carry on up the next ramp you come to until you reach a platform.
Walk to the end of that platform to loot a Radiant Lifegem. Make your way back
down the previous ramp and light the bonfire near where you entered.
Carry on towards the end of the platform, and then drop down onto the path
below when you come to a gap on your right. Try and time your jump here so
that you roll right through the window and into the dark room. Take the path
to your left, then go into the room on your right when you reach the end.
Finish off the enemies lurking around inside - one of whom will attack from the
rear - then grab the item to get hold of a Twinkling Twilight.
Now go through the door at the end of this tiny room to loot a handful of
Firebombs and a Soul of a Brave Warrior. Now make your way back outside and
head over the bridge until you get back onto the main platform.
From here, drop down onto the same path as before but don't go through the
window. Instead turn right and go up the hill until you reach a petrified
enemy. If you still have a Fragrant Branch of Yore left, reverse the
petrification and kill the enemy to claim a key that will come in useful later.
Now head back to the bonfire platform and go to the very end of it, hugging
the wall to your left as you pass beneath the chest.
Manscorpion Tark:
--------------------------------------Slip through the opening on your left, and then turn to the left straight away.

You need to be very careful when it comes to the jars in this new area. If
you stick too close to them, they'll curse you. Fortunately, you can smash
them to pieces to stop this happening.
Kill the trio of enemies here, but leave the frog alone. When fighting these
enemies, you'll need to evade or block their attacks quite often as they're
very hard to stun. When it comes to your counter-attacks, stick to a single
swipe before getting ready for the enemy's response. If you try to get any
more hits in than this, you'll likely set yourself up for taking some serious
Make your way into the structure over to your right, then head down the ramp
you come to when you get inside. Smash open all of the barrels down here to
get hold of a Pharros' Lockstone and a Soul of a Brave Warrior. Now make your
way through the opening and head to the left until you come to a coffer.
You'll be able to take a Dark Scythe from inside it.
Now look for a small ledge in this area. Jump over it, then make your way
around until you're positioned over the mighty scorpion if you want to kill
it. Alternatively - if you have the Ring of Whispers, you can talk to him.
You can buy this ring from Sweet Shalquoir for 5800 souls. If you decide to
kill Tark, he'll drop this ring. After exhausting his dialogue, he'll give
you a request to kill Scorpioness Najka. Once you do, you'll be awarded a
Fragrant Branc of Yore for your troubles once you talk to him after she's
Freeing Ornifex:
--------------------------------------It's now time to kill the big frog up ahead of you. If you're a sword-and-board
type of fighter, get in front of it and wait until it gets ready to spit some
nasty gas in your face. When it does so, get over to the side of the creature
and throw a few whacks its way - don't be greedy though, as you need to be
ready with your shield for the next attack. The damage the frog can put out
is pretty impressive, but blocking those attacks won't drain your stamina too
When the frog's dead, loot a Petrified Dragon Bone from
on beyond where the frog was located and kill the enemy
on all the way around the corner to your far left, then
the Soul of a Brave Warrior and the Pharros' Lockstone.
around, make your way back into the open area, and then

the corpse. Now carry

you come across. Carry
go upstairs and take
Turn all the way
take a left.

Kill the enemy ahead of you, then grab the item from the corner to get a
Lifegem. Watch out for the fragile wood here, because if you mistakenly step
on it you will plummet into the room below and be ambushed by a pack of
vicious enemies. But you do actually want to go down there, so carefully
dislodge the fragile wood and then prepare yourself for a fight.
Drop down when you're set and take care of the enemies that emerge from the
caves around you. Watch your footing here as there's acid all over the place
that erodes your equipment, which could very soon send you back to Majula
for expensive repairs. Once you've cleaned out the area, go for the door
near where you dropped down. You'll find the key from earlier unlocks it.
Inside, there's a very strange-looking bird woman whose name is Ornifex. She
rewards you for helping her by leaving and setting up a useful blacksmith
shop in an area you'll come to later on.

It should be easy enough to navigate out of these dark areas back to the
Bonfire, so do that, then head back up to where you killed the big frog,
follow the path round past the hole you dropped down and over to the ruins
on to your left, killing the hairy axe-wielding enemies as you go, then go
up the nearby staircase. As soon as you get to the top of it, go to the very
end of the new section to loot a Skeptic's Spice and a Soul of a Brave Warrior.
Now go back downstairs, leave via the doorway, and then take the next door on
your right. If you carry on down this path, you'll eventually come to a new
misty door that leads to the next boss fight against Scorpioness Najka.
|Don't hang about when you enter the lair of the Scorpioness. Run straight
|towards her and start whacking away at her while she's caught up in the sand.|
|That's not the only reason to get stuck into this fight right away either: if|
|you stay too far back, she'll start shooting ranged attacks at you, and these|
|are very tricky to avoid. Once you've got a few solid whacks in, start
|backing up as she emerges from the sand. If you're too close to Najka when |
|this happens, you'll take a fair bit of damage.
|You shouldn't find it too tricky to block or evade the enemy's handful of
|attacks. If you're good at dodging out of the way of magical damage, hang
|back at maximum range and evade the projectiles she flings your way. If she |
|ever gets too close to you using this strategy, simply back up to create more|
|If your skills lie more with melee weapons, try to keep just outside of her |
|own melee attack range. She'll make use of a triple-hit combo at times, and |
|it consists of two mandible bites, followed up by a spear lunge. Just block |
|those first two attacks when they come, then evade the spear before getting |
|stuck into her with your own counter-attacks.
|Keep an eye out for when she shakes her tails a little, and make sure you
|back up quickly to avoid the incoming damage - they can drain a significant |
|amount of health from you. Once both tails have been planted into the ground,|
|throw a fair bit of damage her way, as she's very vulnerable at this point. |
|Should she burrow underground, make sure you're standing on any of the stone |
|sections that are spread around the sandy area. There's a particularly large |
|piece in one of the corners, but you can use the smaller pieces if they're a |
|bit closer. If you don't manage to get to safe ground in time, she'll burst |
|back up through the sand, and hit you for a pretty nasty chunk of damage.
|You can expect this pattern of attacks to continue all the way throughout the|
|fight, but note that you can cut those tails off if you want to eliminate the|
|attack she uses them for. Just keep in mind that his will force her to use |
|more of her magical attacks instead. If you struggle to deal with that kind |
|of damage, focus on hitting her back at all times, and avoid making contact |
|with the tails whenever possible.
Once she's bit the dust, return to Manscorpion Tark to get your reward. Then,

make your way through the door that's over in the corner, then head up the
stairs towards the Doors of Pharros.
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All of the enemies in this region of the game are very difficult to stun, so
stick to single attacks before you go into a blocking or evasive position to
handle their counter-attack. You'll need to use this strategy the moment you
start the Doors of Pharros, so take it nice and slowly until the first pack of
enemies is dead.
Kill the huge elephant enemy, then keep walking towards the stairs until
another enemy pounces. Kill him, take the large pile of Prism Stones from the
corner, but don't touch the chest on the right in the water! If you do try to
open it, it will come to life and attack you.
If you want to take it on, strike it with a heavy attack and then be prepared
for a fight. Similar to the mimics in the first Dark Souls, the chest enemy
has powerful jaws to chomp you with, except this one comes at you in a fast,
scuttling motion - particularly difficult to deal with in water. At the least
you'll want to light the bonfire shortly ahead, and don't try to take it on
while the other two enemies are active nearby as you probably won't be able to
deal with all three of them.
Go through the tiny
then go through the
canine creature who
slightly larger foe
times before taking
absolutely sure the

gap in the water until you come to a bonfire. Light it,

opening that's shaped like a monster's mouth. Kill the
attacks, as well as the enemy just further along. This
swings his weapon slowly, but he can smash it multiple
a break. Don't launch your counter-attack until you're
attacking pattern is over.

Once both of the enemies are dead, you'll be attacked by an Invader called
Bowman Guthry. He packs a pair of meaty crossbows, but at least you don't
need to be too concerned about melee attacks. When he's ready to launch a
ranged attack, he'll telegraph it by raising the crossbow up. Don't let him
get too many shots off without throwing some of your own damage into the
mix. You need to take him down before he can make use of his Estus Flask
to heal up.
When you've killed him, you'll be able to loot a Royal Swordsman Armor. Now
go to the corner of the room on the far right and grab the item to add a pair
of Amber Herbs to your inventory. Now take the door that's over on the far
left to grab the item from the balcony above you. When you do so, you'll be
rewarded with a Torch and a Gyrm Axe.
There are lots of Pharros Lockstone contraptions in this area, but many of
them activate things that won't seem like much use. If you have a surplus of
the stones though, feel free to experiment. There are some doors that open
revealing enemies and the occasional item.
Make your way back down to the previous level, then go across the water and
take the door on the opposite side. You'll be attacked by a pair of rats as

soon as you do so. Kill them, then climb up the ladder over on the far side.
Grab the item on your left to get hold of a Soul of a Proud Knight and a
Twisted Barricade.
Kill the enemy that's just ahead of you, then carry on down this path and
kill the next enemy you come to. Just after you finish this second opponent,
you'll see some nasty spikes spread along the wall on your right. The sneaky
enemy above you will activate this trap, but it doesn't stay active for very
long at all. As soon as the spikes retreat back to their starting position,
run as fast as you can past the danger, then kill the enemy in the alcove on
your right.
You can open up the chest you find here, but be aware that doing so will launch
a blast of poison at you. Assuming you can nullify the effects of this damage,
open up the chest and take the Petrified Dragon Bone and Titanite Chunk hidden
Finding the Royal Rat Authority:
--------------------------------------Carry on down the path, and then make your way around until you come to a set
of stairs ahead of you. Grab the item on the floor here to bag another Pharros'
Lockstone, as well as a Large Soul of a Nameless Solider.
When you go up the stairs, you'll find yourself back in the room you started
off in, albeit on the next level up. Keep walking over to the left, go through
the first door you see on your left, then light up the bonfire.
Don't go through the mist and into the Royal Rat Authority boss fight just
yet. Instead, back out of the room you're in, carry on further along the path,
kill the pack of enemies you encounter, and then go over the pair of rocky
bridges. When you get over the second one, you'll see an item to the left
which will grant you a Large Soul of a Brave Warrior.
Once you've picked it up, turn all the way around, head back the way you
came, and then walk through the patch of mist to start the fight against the
Royal Rat Authority.
|There are a couple of ways to tackle this boss and all ways go to killing all|
|four of the smaller rats immediately.
|Phase 1:
|Halberd - Run up to the rats, just close enough to aggro them, then run back |
|towards the entrance. Turn around and do the sprinting normal attack to spin |
|and kill all 4 of them.
|Sorcery - Sorceries with large areas of effect like Soul Vortex, Soul Spear |
|Barrage and Soul Shower will be useful. Homing Soulmass is useful as a
|secondary line of defense. Aggro them and cast the sorcery when they can all |
|be hit with one cast.
|Pyromancy - The pyromancy to use is Lingering Flame, sold by Straid. Set up |

|the Flames just outside of the little rats' aggro range. Cast as many times |
|as needed. Once the flames are in place, aggro the rats and run back behind |
|the flames. The ratss will trigger the Flames and die. With luck, one can
|deal massive damage on the boss as well. Casting Flame Swathe along with
|Lingering Flame will end the fight rather quickly.
|Miracle - The most essential miracle for the first part of the strategy is |
|Lightning Spear . This is used to target each of the smaller rats from across|
|the arena and take them out before they can harm you or infect you with toxic|
|damage. In order to do this, one must first target the front left one. When |
|the spear is thrown, do not wait to see if it kills the rat. Even with a low |
|Faith stat, the base damage will kill them. If the player does not hesitate |
|between throws, all the rats will be dead before the giant rat has a chance |
|to attack.
|Phase 2:
|Once all of the support enemies are dead, you can turn your attention to the |
|Royal Rat Authority. We recommend running straight through its legs, getting |
|right underneath its belly, and then going to town on the creature's back
|Certainly don't spend any considerable amount of time directly in front of |
|the Royal Rat Authority, otherwise you'll take some meaty horizontal swipes |
|to the face. It's not even worth blocking them either, as you'll lose a
|ridiculous amount of stamina by doing so.
|If you get too far away from the Authority, your opponent will simply lunge |
|straight at you with a head-first dive. Blocking this attack will wipe out |
|your stamina bar entirely, although you should be able to get it charged
|back up before a new attack comes your way.
|Because it's so hard to evade the Authority's attacks, your best bet is to |
|block that lunging dive, then run immediately beneath the creature to get
|your own damage in. Stick around in this position for as long as you can,
|keep thrashing away at those hind legs, then move if the boss leaps out of |
|the way. Be ready for that dive again.
|When you've delivered a certain amount of damage, the Authority will start |
|throwing up some vile, burning liquid. It'll spread very quickly, so get out |
|of the way of it as fast as you can. That'll force the boss to start using |
|its leaping attack again. Now just repeat the earlier strategy until this
|horrible creature finally falls.
When the fight against the Royal Rat Authority is over, you've got a couple of
options to choose from. The bonfire will take you back to Gyrm's Respite in
the Doors of Pharros. Alternatively, you can join the Rat Covenant - just go
through the gap opposite where the Authority was based at the start of the
fight, go to the room on your left, and then talk to the Rat King.
Finding Brightstone Cove Tseldora:
--------------------------------------Once you've zoned back to the first bonfire, take a left and get out in the
open, then go up the nearby stairs. There's an enemy standing in front of the
chest to your left. Kill it, then loot the chest to add a Dragon Charm to your

inventory. Now make your way past the fire until you're in a new room there's a Lifegem waiting for you in the corner.
Go up the ramp, walk through the doorway when you reach the top, then carry on
down the hall until you come to another enemy. Watch out for the axes it throws
as soon as you approach, then get up in his face and kill him.
Keep walking down this corridor - killing the bug on the floor before it can
scuttle off - then make your way down the hall that's on your right. Kill the
enemy here, then go back and down the corridor until you come to another enemy.
Finish that one off too, but just make sure you don't fall while you're
fighting it.
Now go through the door and then head all the way up the stairs. There's some
pottery lying around by the fountain which you should smash up so you can
loot a Radiant Lifegem. Now walk through the door to find yourself in
Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
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| ___ \ '__| |/ _` | '_ \| __/ __| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |
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Start making your way forward and kill the three enemies hiding inside the tent
on your left. Once they're dead, keep heading left, then kill the enemy who's
guarding a tasty pile of items. You'll be able to loot a Large Soul of a Proud
Knight, Peasant Attire, and a few Souls of a Nameless Soldier here.
If you smash the wooden tower just in front of you, you'll also be able to add
15 Lacerating Arrows to your inventory. Even more conveniently, you can use
those arrows to kill the guard who's based in the tower just up ahead.
Turn to your right and then make your way into the middle of the camp with
three tents in it. Should the pigs begin fighting you, kill them all, then
enter the tent that's furthest away from you. Light the bonfire inside, then
smash up the pottery by the tower so you can loot a Soul of a Nameless Soldier.
Grab the item that's by the well and you'll also add a Titanite Shard to your
Now make your way up the mountain path that starts at the other side of the
camp. As soon as you reach the end of it, jump down into the well. (You can
smash the wooden covering if the jump is proving difficult.) At the foot of
the well, you'll be able to pick up a trio of Holy Water Urns before you begin
your journey along the tunnel.
When you come to the end of that passageway, climb all the way up the ladder
and then open the chest at the top to get hold of five - count 'em - Human
Effigies. Climb out of this cramped space using the rocks, then go over to

the opposite of the camp. Head towards the ladder that you should be able to
spot just over on your left.
As soon as you get close to the ladder - and the item nestled at the bottom
of it - an enemy will throw a massive rock down towards your head. Dodge out
of the way of this aerial attack, then pick the item up to stockpile another
Soul of a Nameless Soldier.
Once you've reached the top of the ladder, kill the enemy on your left, then
smash up the wood that's holding the other boulder in position. Have a rummage
around just behind this rock before moving on though, as you'll be able to
get your mitts on another Soul of a Brave Warrior. As soon as you've picked
it up, go back down the ladder, head down the path, and then kill the four
enemies you encounter.
Keep making your way forward and grab the Large Titanite Shard that's on your
left, just as you approach the clearing ahead. Kill the pack of enemies nearby,
then go through the door they were guarding to access some subterranean
Make your way through the tunnel on your left until you come to a new room.
There's a chest here, and when you open it you'll see a red sphere appear.
It'll spawn a huge number of spiders, so back up as quickly as you can and head
back into the tunnel you were in a moment ago.
These spiders can kill you instantly if they manage to pounce on top of you,
so keep backing away from the pack and just kill them one by one. If you have
anything in your inventory that's capable of creating an area-of-effect attack
- such as a Firebomb - now would be an extremely good time to make use of it.
If you've survived the spider attack, go back into the room and have a rummage
around in the chest to pick up 20 Heavy Bolts. Now go through the opening
that's on your left, then go through the door. Once you pass through the mist,
you'll be thrown into a boss fight against the Prowling Magus and his
\ BOSS: Prowling Magus and Congregation /
|The difficulty of this boss does not come from the boss itself but due to the|
|number of enemies. The first thing to do is to kill the Clerics first as they|
|can fling Lightning and can heal surrounding enemies.
|There are two variants between the hollows, standing and crawling. The
|standing ones are faster and can surround you but the crawling hollows will |
|often be hindered by the benches placed around the area.
|Weapons that attack in arcs are recommended as they will hit multiple enemies|
|at once.
|The Magus himself is not a threat, he has very little health and his most
|dangerous attack is an AoE attack, every other attack is easily dodged.
|Benhart of Jugo can be summoned to this fight but his summon sign is near the|
|tents at the first Bonfire of Brightstone Cove Tseldora.

Chapel Threshold:
--------------------------------------As soon as you've finished killing the Prowling Magus, go through the door
that's on the other side of the room, then head through the opening on your
right. Keep going around the very narrow corner here and you'll be able to
light a new Bonfire.
Once you've done so, make your way downstairs, then look beneath the stairs
when you reach the bottom to add a Soul of a Proud Knight to your inventory.
Now carry on through the next door ahead of you.
Smash up all of the pottery you find in the next room to get hold of a pair
of Wilted Dusk Herbs. Now make your way upstairs, but make sure you've got a
ranged weapon equipped if you have one to hand. This makes it much easier to
kill the spider that's just up ahead and on the path below you. Make your
way towards the wooden arch, then slither down the rope. Now take a left and
walk into the room you eventually come to at the end of this path.
Be aware that a spider will attack if you open the door to the side-room. Go
to the other side of the room and smash up everything you can until you've
looted a trio of Charcoal Pine Resin. If you haven't already smashed your way
into exposing a opening on one side of the room, do so, then make your way
through the gap and into a new area.
On your left is a door. Open it to pick up a Torch, then make your way through
the next door along. Kill the enemy you encounter, then grab the Titanite
Chunk from just over on your left. Carry on in the opposite direction and take
out the next monster using your ranged weapon - alternatively, you can jump
down and then kill it up-close with melee attacks. It's better to kill it from
range if possible though, as we'll be coming back to this lower room a little
later on.
Make your way back into the room with ropes, and then carry on walking towards
the end of the path. Slither down the next rope along, then kill the spider and
the mage, before heading right and walking down the corridor.
The room up ahead contains a pair of mages, so kill them both, then eliminate
the threat from the spider on the ceiling using a ranged weapon. Grab the four
Lightning Urns over in the corner, then head out through the door and make
your way down the ladder.
Kill the spider that falls down from the ceiling, as well as its friend who
approaches from the left as soon as you walk into the room. Make sure you
light the new Bonfire you come to, then carry on through the nearby door.
Lower Brightstone Cove:
--------------------------------------There are quite a few spiders and mages to deal with in the next area, so we
recommend luring them back into the bonfire room so you can polish off the
spiders without having to worry about dodging magical missiles at the same
As soon as the spiders are dead, kill the mage who's on the ground floor,

then grab the Petrified Dragon Bone from over on the right. Now head in the
opposite direction and go through the door that's just to the right of the
door that leads to the bonfire. Smash up all of the pottery here to get a
Pharros' Lockstone, then whack the shelves by the entrance to add a Flame
Butterfly to your inventory. If you unlocked her earlier, this is also where
you will locate Weaponsmith Ornifex.
Now make your way back outside and kill the enemy standing on your left
(assuming he hasn't already entered the room). Next, fire a ranged weapon
at the red creature to get its attention. If you don't now kill it quickly,
it will explode and likely kill you, so get ready to take it down when it
scuttles towards you.
There's another mage up ahead of you, but you should be able to make out a door
on your left. Open it, kill the spider and the mage lurking around inside, then
smash up all of the barrels by rolling into them. You'll uncover a tiny room
with a coffer and a spider inside. Once you've killed the spider, loot the
coffer to add a Soul Vortex and a Crescent Axe to your stash.
Go back into the main room now and squeeze through the gap that's over on your
left. You can get a Titanite Chunk by interacting with the nearby item, before
walking through the next door along. Two zombie spiders are waiting for you
in this new room, so kill them quickly.
Before you walk into the next room ahead of you, edge over to your left to
force a new creature and a spider to spawn. Kill them both, then kill the
pair of spiders that spawn next. Only go into the next room when all these
creatures have been killed.
Make your way up the stairs, and then open the door at the top when you
come to it. Grab the Large Titanite Shard from the ledge nearby, then go
back downstairs to the level below you and walk towards the arch. When you
do so, you'll have to deal with a mist-spitting enemy. Wait for it to fire
the mist, then kill it as quickly as possible.
When you pass through the archway,
from the left. Kill it, then carry
at the very end. Watch out for two
you open the door. Kill them, then
the next area.

you'll trigger an Invader who approaches

on down the path and through the doors
zombie spiders who appear from above when
make your way through the door and into

Unfortunately, there are six spiders to contend with in this next room - do
not, under any circumstances, go charging in unless you want to fight all of
them at once. Instead, fire your ranged weapon at the spider that's furthest
to the right, then finish it off on the floor. Move ever-so-slightly further
into the room and the remaining creatures will drop down onto the floor.
Finish off the rest of the spiders, then smash up all of the furniture over
on your right to get four Gold Pine Resins and a Soul of a Hero. You won't
be able to unlock the door here until you've finished the boss fight in this
area, but make a note to come back later. Once you've finished killing the
seven spiders who lie on the other side of that door, you'll be able to loot
a coffer for a Fire Seed, a Great Fireball and a Black Knight Ultra Greatsword.
For now, make your way back into the main room,
up a door on your right, just over on the other
handful of Homeward Bones you find inside, then
the left and kill the zombie. Now make your way

then activate the lever to open

end of the room. Take the
go through the other door on
up the ladder.

Once you've reached the top of it, drop down onto the next area along, then

make your way towards the spider-web bridge. Watch out for the spider that
ambushes you as you walk along this wispy bridge, and don't be too quick to
grab that item ahead of you. There's another enemy that will pounce as soon
as you approach it, so kill the creature before looting the Torch.
Head over to the pots on the far side of this area, and smash them open to get
your hands on a Pharros' Lockstone. Now carry on towards the next bridge on
your left. When you're around halfway over it, jump down onto the webbing on
your right, then carry on in the opposite direction to get onto the platform
just ahead. There's an item to grab from your right, but be ready to fight
the spider who attacks you when you land on the webbing.
When the spider's dead, make your way to the platform and grab the Twilight
Herb. Get back down onto the webbing, but retreat back onto the platform as
soon as you hit the ground. A pack of spiders will ambush you, but if you
back up onto the platform they won't be able to attack you from the rear.
When all five
the room, the
the Corrosive
this area, as

of them are dead, grab the Simpleton's Spice from the centre of
Radiant Lifegem that's on the platform on the other side, and
Urns from the other platform. Don't be too cocky as you prowl
there might be one or two spiders you've not triggered yet.

Once you've grabbed all of the loot in this area, head into the patch of mist
to start the fight against the Duke's Dear Freja.
Two heads are better than one as far as Freja's concerned, but we've got a
few useful tips that make this boss fight just a little less frantic. It's a
fight that can end in disaster within seconds too, so read ahead if you want
to survive long enough to land your very first blow.
\ BOSS: Duke's Dear Freja /
|As soon as this boss fight starts, you'll be attacked by a pack of spiders. |
|In most boss battles, you'll want to prioritise taking down these trash
|targets before fighting the boss, but that most definitely isn't the case
|when it comes to fighting Freja.
|The attacks this boss throws your way come quickly, and they're capable of |
|draining a frightening amount of your health - even one-shot killing you if |
|your stats are weak enough. Kill a couple of the spiders if you can - more |
|if you're particularly zippy about it - but make sure you get stuck into
|Freja as quickly as possible.
|Freja uses both of her heads to throw attacks your way, although only one of |
|them will be active at any given time. The most effective strategy, then, is |
|to get close to one head, then dart over to the opposite side as soon as the |
|first head flinches. If you simply repeat this defensive process, you'll
|avoid the majority of Freja's attacks. The only ones you won't be able to
|avoid are the leaping attacks and the deadly beam of light.
|That beam covers almost 180 degrees directly in front of the head that
|launches the attack. For this reason, it's incredibly important that you dart|
|over to the other head as soon as you see the beam coming. It can't be
|blocked, and it's by no means easy to evade either, so you really want to be |
|right behind Freja when it comes.

|As for Freja's jumping attack, it won't feature as often as the beam, but
|it's almost as tricky to avoid. When you see it coming, get ready to run into|
|position beneath Freja as quickly as possible, then dodge out of the way just|
|as she's preparing to land.
|When it comes to the spiders in this room, by all means take a few down as |
|you're darting between heads - just make sure you do this quickly, and don't |
|hang around too long. As soon as you've killed Freja off, kill any spiders |
|that remain, then make sure you pick up the Great Soul.
Lord's Private Chamber:
--------------------------------------Now make your way through the opening just over on the other side of this area.
When you come to the next room along, sneak quietly up behind the Duke and
kill him with a single critical hit from the rear.
For this decidedly sneaky act of heroism, you'll be rewarded with a Fragrant
Branch of Yore, a Dark Quartz Ring +1, and the Brightstone Key. Now head
through the next door along and into the massive room in front of you. There's
an enemy to fight here, but he moves very slowly so you should have no trouble
landing critical hits from the rear. Remember the decapitated head you could
speak to back in the Shaded Woods? Same guy. His body leaves you with a
Vengarl's armour set, which is excellent.
Once the enemy's dead, light the Bonfire and then use it to get back to Majula.
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\____/_| \__,_| \_/ \___| \___/|_| \____/ \__,_|_|_| |_|\__|___/ [GOF02]

Majula Pit:
--------------------------------------In order to reach the Grave of Saints, you must first talk to laddersmith
Gilligan in Earthen Peak so that he sets shop near the pit in Majula. When
you talk to him in Majula, you'll be given the option to buy ladders from him
which will make your descendance down the pit a bit easier. There are three
ladders which cost 500, 3500 and 12 000 souls. The bigger the price, the lower
they'll lead you. If you decide to use a ladder, buy the one for 3500 souls
and reach the nearest ledge.
If you decide to not spend souls on ladders, be warned that some of the fallS
are long and deadly. Before attempting this method, I suggest you equip the
Silvercat Ring which grants you reduced falling damage. If you haven't bought
the ring already, know that it is expensive because it costs 13 400 souls.
Picking up the loot will be a fun task here. If you have more than 950 HP,
drop down the various ledges and pick up whatever loot you can. Remember,
heal often as you may not know if you'll survive the next fall. Once you see
a rocky ledge below, reach it and head towards the Bonfire. Continue ahead and

you'll reach the Grave Of Saints.

Grave of Saints:
--------------------------------------You'll soon realise how annoying the rats are in this area since they can
petrify you. Move ahead to the circular and pick up the Large Soul of a
Nameless Soldier you find here. If you're tempted to loot the corpse inside
the circle then you'll have to wait. Move towards the corridor and loot three
Small Smooth and Silky Stones from the corpse on the left.
Backtrack a bit. You may notice the several Pharros Contraptions here. Don't
waste your lockstones for them except for one. Return to the ladder you used
earlier and use a lockstone there. Using a lockstone on this specific
contraption will allow you to cross a bridge leading to a room with some loot.
In that room, head to the right to find two Poison Mosses. Continue upstairs to
find a Whisper of Despair and a Torch. Backtrack again to the bridge and climb
up the next ladder.
Once you're on top, you'll be assaulted by an invader and a few giant rats.
Get rid of the rodents first since they can petrify you. When the invader is
dead, move to the other side of the corridor to loot three Homeward Bones
from the coffins. Now make your way towards the opposite end of the corridor
and light the Bonfire. Beyond the misty door awaits a boss encounter.
\ BOSS: Royal Rat Vanguard /
|Upon entering the fog gate to this room, there will be no health bar at the |
|bottom of the screen, nor seemingly any enemies. Shortly after, though, many |
|normal rats will attack the player. They are easy to kill, but can swarm you |
|easily and stunlock you. The indestructible rat statues in this room also
|block movement. It is best to keep moving to avoid being trapped, and only |
|stopping to attack so that each attack can damage multiple enemies. They can |
|cause poison buildup with their attacks, so bringing Poison Moss, Dragon
|Charms, or Common Fruit will help greatly.
|Although the normal rats spawn endlessly, after killing 10 rats, the boss' |
|health gauge will finally appear, and the boss will fall into the room. It |
|looks very similar to the rest of the rats and is difficult to distinguish in|
|a crowd. It does not have much health, though, and is thus easily killed with|
|a powerful weapon. The other rats spawn endlessly but killing multiple rats |
|in one go can give you some momentary breathing room.
|It is a good idea to keep a close eye on the Vanguard once spotted, as this |
|can help with finding it amongst the melee. The actual boss does much more |
|damage and can cause more poison buildup than the rest of the rats.
|If you have access to either Firestorm or another high-damage AoE spell, it |
|is highly recommended that you attune it for use during the fight. A
|long-range weapon can be used to attack the Vanguard from a distance but the |
|player must keep an eye on the positions of the remaining rats at all times. |
|Also, if you possesses the Ring of the Evil Eye (A +1 version is obtained in |
|the deep pit) this fight becomes easier as you can kill the rats and regain |
|health rapidly if you have a high enough damage weapon.

|Once The Vanguard is defeated, the remaining rats exit from the arena.
Heading for the Gutter:
--------------------------------------Ahead you'll meet up with the rat king whom will offer you to join his
covenant. Next, drop down the hole where the big skeleton is and loot a Pharros
Lockstone from the corpse. The next set of drops are risky so be careful.
You're going to use the coffins as platforms so that you can descend. You'll
notice a pathway in the center. Drop to it and loot a Bleed stone from the
Depending on which loot you want, you can do a sprint jump to reach the Disc
Chime on the broken ledge or drop to the hanging bridge to loot the chest in
the other end to get a Ash Knuckle Ring. Drop down but be warned that a couple
of those pesky exploding mummies will attack you. Once you've killed them,
you can head for the Gutter or use a Homeward bone to get the other item.
There are two tunnels in this room which you can take, one leads to a corpse
containing a Great Heal miracle, while the other leads to some wooden
scaffoldings which lead to the Gutter.
On the lower platforms of the scaffoldings, there's a Human Effigy. Even lower
you'll find a corpse which possesses a Radiant Lifegem. Reach the bottom and
loot a Token of Spite from the chest. Continue on and you'll enter the Gutter.
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Eternal Darkness:
--------------------------------------As soon as you enter the Gutter, make your way onto the wooden platform beneath
you, and then head right so that you can drop down onto the next level below
that. When you reach the middle of this new platform, it'll collapse beneath
you, and send you plummeting down towards a new bonfire below you. Light it up,
then light a torch on the bonfire and carry on walking forwards. Light the
pedestal before you break the vase, and you'll be able to safely loot two Dung
It is extremely dark throughout this region, and so I recommend keeping a lit
torch about you at all times. Make your way back towards the bonfire, then take
a left and walk down the path you're on. Kill the enemy that's lurking around
up ahead, then head to the left as the floor collapses from out beneath your
Kill the creatures in this lower section, then make your way onto the next
platform down. There are two enemies you'll need to finish off down here,
before you climb up the ladder just ahead and light the pedestal at the top well worth doing if you want to add some illumination to this dank and gloomy

area. Don't head over to the entrance nearby just yet though, as you won't be
able to open the door that it leads to.
Make your way back down the ladder you just climbed up, and then head towards
your left. Keep an eye out for the white statues that populate this area, as
they spit deadly poison at you whenever you get close to them. Smash any that
you come across to stop this happening.
Now fall down through the hole in the centre of the platform ahead, and make
your way across to the next room along. Kill the trio of enemies hanging
around here, then climb all the way up the next ladder you come to. Make your
way over to the opposite side of the room and take the next ladder up.
Kill the enemy you find when you reach the top, then smash up all of the
vases in this area to get your hands on a Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Now
jump down until you're on the next platform along (do not fall through the
hole), and get ready for an attack from a pack of exploding and non-exploding
Once they're all dead, head across the bridge, kill the canine creature
mooching around here, finish off the next zombie, and then get up the ladder.
When you reach the top, you'll be able to open up a chest that contains a
handful of Black Firebombs.
Go back down the ladder you just climbed up, head over the wooden bridge
again, and then go up the next ladder you come to. There are more of those
poison-spitting statues around here, so make sure you take them all down
before they can dole out their own damage.
Climb up and then over to the right, go over the next bridge along, then
kill the dog-like creature. Next, fall through the gap in the ground and
smash up the pile of vases down here to get your hands on even more Black
Make your way over to the platform with the statues on it - again, watching
out for that projectile poison - then take a right to find another Bonfire.
Light it, then turn all the way around and smash the wall on your right.
Sneak through that new opening and then destroy the vases on the other side
for even more Dung Pies.
Finding the Black Gulch:
--------------------------------------You'll notice a few ladders around here, and most of them lead you into the
next area of the game: the Black Gulch. Before you make your way there though,
go through the mist that's right in front of you, kill the dog you come across,
and then smash up the vase on your right to loot 20 Poison Arrows.
Now carry on over to the opposite side, light the pedestal to brighten things
up a bit, and then kill the mushroom-like monsters in front of you. Enter the
cave very, very cautiously, and use a ranged attack to kill the beast inside.
If you're not able to use a suitably powerful projectile, get up close and
smack it with your melee weapon. Just keep a close eye out for the gas when it
comes, and attack the beast from the side.
Once you've killed this creature, you'll be able to loot a Poison Moss. Now
smash up all of the vases behind the corpse to get another Poison Moss.
Go back through the misty entrance, take the ladder to your right all the way

down, then get onto the wooden plank. Jump down onto the nearby platform and
smash up the vases to get hold of some Rotten Pine Resins. Jump over to the
next platform along, kill the enemy hanging around here, and then climb down
the next ladder you come to.
When you reach the bottom, you'll have to kill a tricky pack of enemies, some
of whom will even try to crawl up the ladder as you try to creep down it.
Once they're all dead, smash the vases just behind the ladder to get a very
tidy stash of Lifegems. Face this ladder as though you were about to climb
back up it, and instead climb up the ladder that's now to your far right, over
in the corner.
Once you get to the top, open the
Club. Before you leave, make sure
opposite side of the room to loot
other vases on your right, you'll
handy Fragrant Branch of Yore.

chest in front of you to get hold of a Great

you destroy all the vases over on the
a Torch and a Dark Fog. If you smash up the
be able to get behind them to loot another

If you're ready to head into the Black Gulch, simply walk through the mist
that's just ahead of you.
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\_/ |_| |_|\___| \____/|_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\ \____/\__,_|_|\___|_| |_| [TBG02]
As soon as you've entered the Black Gulch, make your way over to the cave on
the left-hand side. Once inside, light up the bonfire and then prepare to
tackle a deadly pack of poisonous enemies just up ahead.
Make sure you smash up any of the poisonous statues you see as you head down
the path, so they can't fire their venom at you. Keep in mind that they'll even
try to spit at you while you're killing them, so make use of any Common Fruit
you have on hand to slow the poison down. A dab of Poison Moss (like the stuff
you picked up in the last section) will heal some of that poison damage after
the fight.
Eventually you'll come to a set of black holes. Approach them extremely
carefully, and then chuck a Firebomb into the hole in the centre, then the hole
on the right. This will set fire to them both, and take a chunk of health off
the enemies hiding within. They'll leap out pretty soon after the fire lands,
so get ready to fight them if the Firebombs didn't finish them off.
Now make your way over to the left of this first set of dark holes to find a
cave. Kill the poison-spitting statue by the entrance, then creep inside and
open up the coffer to get a Great Magic Weapon and a Shotel. As you exit the
cave, there's an enemy hiding inside the first hole on your left - kill it. If
you don't have solid ranged weaponry to hand, make your way forward very, very
cautiously, as there are more statues littered around the upper ledge area to
your left.
Once you've made it past this fresh crop of statues, approach the cave on your
left. Inside, you'll have to fight a worm creature that's just a little
different from those that lurked in the holes earlier on. If you get too close
to this beast, it will lunge through the cave entrance. Quickly jump back out
of range of this attack, then dart straight back in and whack the beast when it

fails to connect with you. Keep repeating this cat-and-mouse process until the
creature falls to your sword.
Next, smash up the pottery that's by the cave and you'll be able to loot Scraps
of Life, a Torch and a Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Just be ready to attack
another creature that comes from the darkened hole on the left-hand wall.
After you've passed this threat, you don't have to worry about the hole in the
floor just up ahead, but you do need to think about the trio of holes behind
it. The two on the right contain creatures which need to be Firebombed. If
you're out of bombs, inch your way close to each hole in turn, then dart back
quickly to lure the creature out into the open. When you come to the next row
of black holes, be ready to fight the creature hiding in the central hole.
The next set of pottery you come across is well worth smashing up, as you'll
loot a Radiant Lifegem for doing so. Grab it, kill all of the nearby enemies,
and then enter the cave that's over to your left. Make sure you smash up all
of the statues in here - including the one just behind the chest - then take
the Divine Blessing from the chest.
Leave the cave now and kill the creature that you discover in the dark hole
just over on the other side of this area. That's the last of these sneaky
blighters you need to worry about, but before going through the fog door, face
away from it and follow the left wall right the way into the far corner of
this open patch of Black Gulch, beyond the black holes. If you look carefully
over the edge, you will see a little path leading up the side of the cavern
wall. Follow it and it leads to a bonfire that proves very handy if you die
facing the boss.
*The Forgotten key:
*From the first Bonfire walk downwards, until the first worm attacks you from *
*the wall. At this point walk off the cliff on the right side. You will land *
*on a ledge with a door, which you will be able to open as soon as you have *
*the Forgotten Key. Look for a corpse underneath the ledge and drop down
*towards it. From there you will be able to drop to an even lower ledge with a*
*cave entrance. Inside this cave entrance you will find three Elite Giants. *
*The second one will always drop the key and a Soul of a Giant.
*These giants are tough to kill. Having poison arrows will help and luring
*them away from each other might ease things up.
*The Forgotten key can be used to open the following doors:
*1. In Black Gulch right above where you find the cave entrance to the two
*Great Giant Warriors which drop the key, leads to Darkdiver Grandahl.
*2. In Majula if you drop down the giant hole in front of the Mansion, or
*climb down the 12000 Souls ladder bought from Laddersmith Gilligan, you will *
*find an iron ladder leading up to another door. Through the door is a room *
*with three metal chests which contain the Witchtree Branch and Witchtree
*Bellvine, Soul Vortex, and Great Lightning Spear.
*3. In The Gutter if you take a left from the first bonfire, jump onto a lower*
*building with two hollows (one which wields a torch), and then take the

*ladder up to a room filled with countless Poison Maiden Statues, you will
*find another door. Inside is Havel's Set and Havel's Greatshield.
With that Bonfire lit and the Forgotten key in your grasp (I suppose), drop back
down into the main Black Gulch area, dodge past any respawned enemies and head
on through the nearby mist to take on the might of the Rotten.
BOSS: The Rotten
|You'll have to fight the environment as much as you fight the Rotten itself |
|in this boss fight. For a start, there are more than a few deadly fire pits |
|scattered around the room, and if you touch one of them even a little bit, |
|you'll lose a frightening chunk of your health bar. Stick around on any one |
|of these areas for too long and you'll be toast before you know it.
|You'll spend much of the battle against the Rotten locked onto the boss, and |
|so it can be extremely easy to accidentally wander off into one of these
|pits. To make things a little easier on yourself, try to limit the fight to |
|the centre of the battlefield, and circle-strafe your way around the fire in |
|the middle. Do that, and you shouldn't run too much of a risk of wandering |
|into another pile of fire.
|As for the Rotten's attacks, there are only a few that you need to be aware |
|of, and you'll make life much easier for yourself if you own a shield capable|
|of absorbing 100 percent of the physical damage you block with it. With that |
|said, you do run the risk of losing all of your stamina by spending too much |
|time blocking the incoming damage.
|It's far better to dodge out of the way of these attacks if at all possible, |
|and leave the shield for when you mess up your timing. For each dodge you
|manage to execute successfully, you'll be able to get in at least one whack |
|against the boss - maybe two if your weapon speed is up to the job.
|You can combine dodging and shielding if you find it a more comfortable
|approach - dodge the linear attacks that come your way, and block the big
|sweeping attacks that arc from left to right. The flip-side of this strategy |
|is that'll you have less opportunities to dish out your own damage, and so |
|will extend the length of the fight considerably. It's a balancing act which |
|you'll need to perform for yourself.
|Any time you back up too far from the Rotten, it'll use a variation of its |
|single swipe attack, although the range can be quite deceiving, so be
|careful. The moment you see the Rotten lift its weapon up and over its head, |
|get ready to block or dodge out of the way immediately. If the creature
|starts coughing up a hairball, back up to get out of the way of the deadly |
|dark spit that's about to be thrown your way. Once this spitting attack has |
|finished, get back in and continue the fight as normal.
|When the Rotten's been taken down to around 50%, it'll add two more tricks to|
|its attacking pattern. The first is very similar to that long-range slice, |
|but the attack now includes a dark mist that darts out from the weapon and |
|towards you. It'll come at you in a straight line, and so is quite easy to |
|dodge, but you must be on top of your timing to avoid it. Make sure you dodge|
|to the left or the right as well - if you jump back, it will still reach you.|
|Feeling really feisty? Consider staying right up close to the creature if

|your timing skills can handle the pressure. That way you'll avoid these
|ranged attacks altogether.
|The second new attack takes the form of a dark fog that emanates from the
|creature's body - it'll telegraph this using the same sort of retching
|animation it used in the first phase. There's not much range to this attack |
|thankfully, so just make sure you back up far enough when you see it coming |
|and you'll be absolutely fine.
As soon as your opponent drops to the floor, run through the fire and grab the
item on the other side of the room. You'll be given a Fire Seed. Heal up before
attempting to cross the fire again. Find the other tunnel and when the path
splits, go to the right to find a chest. Open it to get a Sublime Bone Dust.
Head to the next room and light up the primal bonfire. Use that to return to
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\/ \/|_|_| |_|\__\___|_| [SOW02]
After lighting up four primal Bonfires, its time to make your way towards
Drangleic Castle. First off, fast-travel to the Shaded Woods' Ruined Fork Road
Bonfire. Now take the stairs to your left and go through the door on the
left-hand side. There are four enemies up ahead that you'll need to kill as
you make your way down the path. Veer left when you pass beneath the stone
archway, then kill the two enemies ahead of you. Carry on towards your left to
loot a Soul of a Proud Knight and a Ring of Life Protection.
Make your way back down the path again, and kill the enemy when you come to
it - it pays more than a little resemblance to the Flexile Sentry from the
No-Man's Wharf section. Fortunately, this new creature is a good deal easier
to kill, but watch out for the weaker enemy hanging around nearby.
I recommend backing up a little to separate yourself from this smaller
opponent, killing it, then getting back into range to kill the Flexile
Sentry-like enemy. To make life easier on yourself, either fight it from range
as much as possible, or simply block its relatively feeble attacks before
Go to where the enemy was standing and then take the Golden Falcon Shield and
the Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe. Now take the path on your left until you
arrive at the Shrine of Winter. Go up the stairs here and open up the door
in front of you.
Walk through this room and then carry on down the path ahead of you. Now
take a right until you come to a Large Soul of a Lost Undead and a Repair
item. Next, travel in the opposite direction until you've picked up a Divine
Blessing from the left-hand section of the path. Carry on along this path and
kill the white knight on your left to gain a Heide Lance.
Keep travelling down the path and grab a Human Effigy and a Large Soul of a
Nameless Soldier, then enter the tunnel ahead of you. Make your way upstairs
and kill the three enemies hovering around the middle of the stairway. Once

they're dead, go all the way up to the top, and move around the massive
boulder here to get a pair of Holy Water Urns. Keep heading to the top of
the stairs to enter Drangleic Castle itself.
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Walk down the path and kill the crystal bug nice and quickly to get a Titanite
Slab and a handful of Titanite Chunks. Talk to the woman at the bottom of the
stairs, then go up them until you reach the top.
Be ready for the statues up ahead to come to life as you approach them, and
there are four more enemies to deal with just a little further along. I
recommend killing the statues first, then making your way further up the
stairs to engage the larger pack of opponents.
Once inside the castle proper, go up the stairs and have a chat with Chancellor
Wellager to learn a new gesture - This One's Me - and also have a mooch through
the store for any handy items. Go back downstairs now and travel around to the
left. Kill the enemy you come to, then make your way into the next hallway.
Lure back each of the enemies hovering up ahead one by one to make the overall
fight a little more manageable.
Go through the door on your right and kill
next room. Now climb down the ladder, open
room below you, then walk through the next
head out of the room and take a right, but
doors to come alive. Kill them all, two at

the pair of enemies lurking in the

the door at the other end of the
door along to light a bonfire. Now
be ready for the statues by the
a time.

King's Gate:
--------------------------------------Behind each door lurks a mighty Sentinel, just like the ones you faced in the
Lost Bastille. Yes, those guys. The middle room on your left has a Pharros'
Lockstone in it, which is well worth grabbing, but watching out for the final
room on your left as the floor will collapse if you go too far into it. You
can head down there to get a set of Faraam armour if you wish, but you'll
need to be able to return to a bonfire afterwards. Unless you're wearing
truly dreadful gear, you shouldn't really need this hard-to-get set.
In terms of clearing the rooms, the sensible thing to do is lure each Sentinel
out into the much bigger main room one by one, and finish them off with a
little more movement space to hand. Repeat the process of looting and killing
with the right-hand set of rooms, and make sure you loot the coffer in the
centre-right room - there's a Mastodon Greatsword inside it. You can also get
a Royal Soldier's Ring +1 from the final room on the right - it's in a chest.
Go through the first door on the right-hand side of the room, then go around
the corner until you're in a new room altogether. Open up the chest in here
to get 15 Dark Arrows, then make your way upstairs to get a Monastery Charm,
a Soul of a Hero, and a handful of Old Radiant Lifegems. Once you've got all
these items, make your way up the stairs.

Go all the way upstairs until you find yourself in a room with a pool of
acidic liquid inside. Just to the corner of that pool, by the stairs, is
an Elizabeth Mushroom. There's a chest in the corner that contains some
Corrosive Urns, but make sure you take off all your equipment before passing
through the pool. If you don't, your gear will rapidly deteriorate.
When you've finished looting, make your way upstairs, and then go through the
doorway and into the next room. Kill the enemy inside, then go around the
corner and up the stairs. Go through the door that's ahead of you, but watch
out for the faces on the wall of this new room - they fire darts at you.
Inside this room, you'll be able to loot a Twinkling Titanite and a Soul of
a Brave Warrior, so grab 'em all, then go to the door in the corner. Use your
shield to avoid the worst of the dart damage.
Go upstairs and then kill the trio of guards waiting for you in the room
above. Go through the next door along, take a right, then go upstairs and kill
the enemy at the very top. Walk down the next hallway, kill the enemy you find,
then go back to the entrance until you see a ladder. Climb all the way down it,
kill the enemy waiting at the bottom, then walk around the corner and take the
Soul of a Brave Warrior from the ledge.
Go down the next ladder along, and then open up the coffer beneath you to get
20 Iron Arrows and a Hunter's Blackbow. Climb back up both of the ladders you
just came down, then take the stairs to your left.
Turn right when you get to the top, then enter the room on your left and talk
to Nashandra, Queen of Drangleic. Take the passage on your right to leave the
room, then travel down the path and into the misty patch to start a fight with
a pair of Dragonrider bosses.
\ BOSS: Two Dragonriders /
|There aren't too many differences between this new Dragonrider boss fight and|
|the first one you faced - other than the minor fact that this time around
|there's two of the blighters to deal with. Just be aware that one of your
|opponents will use a bow against you, and hides in the corner of the room for|
|most of the fight, while the remaining boss is as good as identical to the |
|original Dragonrider.
|It is advisable to take down the ranged attacker first, although you'll need |
|to lure the other boss to the far side of the room in order to do so.
|Whenever he fails to land an attack against you, race over as fast as you
|can to the ranged enemy, and throw as many whacks at it as you can manage. If|
|you stay very close to the bow-wielding warrior, it won't be able to fire its|
|arrows at you.
|Always keep a close eye on your other opponent, and move out of its attacking|
|range whenever it approaches. Keep this strategy up until the ranged opponent|
|is dead. Now you can turn your attention to the melee boss.
|Just strafe all the way around the boss to avoid the worst of its damage, or |
|you can dodge out of the way to avoid the incoming attacks. When it's
|finished launching its assault, you should be able to get two or three hits |
|in, depending on the speed of your weapon. Keep all this up and you should |
|have no trouble finishing off the last boss.

Central Drangleic:
--------------------------------------When the pair of Dragonriders are dead, go through the door ahead of you and
light the Bonfire. Now carry on down this hall and take a right when you reach
the small round room. Go up the ladder here, then turn around and walk through
the gate.
Watch out for the statues in this next area, as they'll come to life and
attack you. Just make your way through the room very slowly, and you should
never have to deal with too many statues at the same time.
Once you've killed all of the statues, go through the door in front of you and
interact with the coffers in the next room to loot a Caitha's Chime, a Soul
Greatsword, and an Old Knight Hammer. Carry on through the next door along,
then make your way up the big set of stairs.
Turn right when you reach the top of the stairs, then carry on down the hallway
and kill the pair of archers you come to. Keep a close eye out for any incoming
danger from the archers who are over on the other side of the area while you're
do this.
When you reach the end of this hall you'll come to a coffer. Loot it to add a
Firestorm to your inventory, then make your way over to the other side of this
area and kill the pair of archers.
The chest nearby is booby-trapped, and you'll be staring down the barrel of a
volley of heavy bolts when you open it. Dodge or block these shots, then
rummage around in the chest to loot 10 Fire Greatarrows.
Go back downstairs now and kill the trio of enemies lurking around at the other
end of the room. Now go through the doorway, kill the enemy in the next area,
then go downstairs again and walk through the door. You'll be able to loot 10
Flame Butterflies and five Repair Powders from the next room, as well as an
Estus Flask Shard from the nearby chest.
Interact with the lever to open up the gate that's over in the corner, then go
through the door and walk down the stairs to get back to the bonfire. Once
you're at the bonfire, go through the door and keep walking along until you
come to the circular room. Walk onto the plate that's in the middle of the room
to get a lift up to the next floor.
If you go through the doors in front of you you'll come across a prisoner. You
can't do anything with him until you've looted the Key to the Embedded, so just
keep this location in mind for now, and come back later when you have the key you'll loot it from the Demon of Song. When you've got that key, you'll be able
to loot a Ring of the Dead.
For now, simply open up all of the coffers you can see to get a Strong Magic
Shield, a Fire Seed, a Soul Vessel, and the Key to King's Passage. Make your
way back to the lift that brought you up here, activate the lever, and take
the trip back down. Now you can use that key to open up the door in front of
you. Once opened, walk along the hallway and into King's Passage.
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After entering King's Passage, make your way through the first hallway very
slowly, picking off each statue as you head down it. Some will fight back, but
others will simply die straight away. As you walk along, make sure you grab
the Lifegem from over on your left, as well as the Twinkling Titanite and the
Soul of a Proud Knight from your right. Kill the guard at the very end of this
path, then walk through the mist in front of you to take on the mighty
Looking Glass Knight.
\ BOSS: Looking Glass Knight /
|There's nothing about the Looking Glass Knight that you haven't already
|encountered in other boss fights. Begin the battle by circle-strafing around |
|your opponent. Most of its attacking patterns are comprised of two or three |
|whacks, but there may be a pause before the third one lands. In other words, |
|don't be too hasty when it comes to launching your counter-attacks, and wait |
|a little while until you're sure the attacking pattern is over.
|Whenever the Looking Glass Knight holds his sword aloft to charge it up with |
|lightning, back away from him immediately. The incoming lightning damage has |
|a very wide area of effect, and it can be very hard to dodge if you don't get|
|a fair bit of distance between your character and the boss. The good news is |
|that there's enough downtime between the end of the lightning and the next |
|attack for you to dart back in and smash him in the face.
|As soon as the Knight hits half of his life bar, you'll need to start
|watching out for a lightning projectile that accompanies the usual lightning |
|attack. It'll fire straight out from the boss's sword, but if you're
|positioned to the side or the rear of the Knight, you'll have no trouble
|avoiding it.
|Something else to watch out for is when the Knight puts his shield on the
|floor. That telegraphs the imminent arrival of a trash enemy. It's not too |
|hard to kill this newcomer, but the Knight's attacks don't abate during this |
|phase, so kill it as quickly as possible. Carry on dodging the boss's
|attacks, and do everything you can to prevent more than one minion being
|present on the battlefield at any given time.
Once the boss is dead, make your way over to the other side of this area to
loot a Spell Quartz Ring +2, a Soul Bolt, and a trio of Bonfire Ascetics from
the coffer. Now step onto the central round platform to ride a lift to the
next level down.
When you hit the bottom, carry on along the grassy tunnel until you reach a
small clearing. When you get there, slice up the foliage on your right to add
a Green Blossom to your inventory. Now keep walking along the next tunnel
until you come to a bonfire. Light it up, then walk forward into the Shrine

of Amana.
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Walk downstairs and then go through the door ahead of you. Carry on walking
down the path you come to, and smash up the boxes at the end. Now kill the
poisonous enemy that appears and loot the chest to get your hands on a
Skeptic's Spice and a pair of Wilted Dusk Herbs. Travel back the way you came,
go through the door, and then head downstairs.
There's a lizard-like enemy waiting for you at the bottom. Kill it, then take
the Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier from over in the corner. Now go into the
next room along, kill the knight hanging around inside, then take the Elizabeth
Mushroom from the chest on your left. It's quite hard to spot in the water, so
keep your eyes peeled. Prepare to deal with more of those lizards when you
take the Flame Butterfly and the Twinkling Titanite from the right-hand part
of the room.
Carry on towards the end of this room when you're done looting, but make sure
you open up the chest on the side of the structure to get a trio of Crimson
Waters. Now go through the door and talk to Milfanito on the other side of it
to get a Smooth & Silky Stone. Go through the next door and then carry on
down the path.
Again, there are plenty more of those lizard-like creatures in the water
here. Kill them as you make your way along so as to avoid a mass ambush. When
you reach the end of the path, you'll have to kill a knight. Once all enemies
have been defeated, make sure you take the Skeptic's Spice, three Torches, the
Large Soul of a Proud Knight, and two Souls of a Lost Undead from the central
The Dragon Charm:
--------------------------------------Carry on through this area and kill the next two knights you come to, then open
the chest over on your far left to get a Dragon Charm. Make your way into
the tunnel up ahead of you, then veer to the left and kill the lizard enemies
waiting in the room on your left. Now loot the coffer inside for three Smooth
& Silky Stones, and a Twinkling Twilight.
When you've looted everything, carry on making your way down this tunnel, kill
the poisonous enemy up ahead, then walk through the misty door to enter a new
section of the region.
Kill the magician and the lizard enemies up ahead of you, then go into the
structure in the centre of the room. Light the bonfire you find here, then
carry on towards the end of the room until you encounter another pack of
sorcerers and lizards. Kill them all, including the bigger enemy who's hiding
in the water over to your right.
When everything's dead, take the right-hand path. When you get to the end of

it, you'll be able to pick up a Crimson Water from a spot on your right, as
well as an Estus Flask Shard from your left. Just after that Shard is a chest.
Open it to get a Sunlight Blade.
As soon as you've looted all of these items, get back on the main path and go
through the door and into the structure ahead of you. Grab the Old Radiant
Lifegem and the Large Soul of a Proud Knight, then go through the next door
Over on your far left is a knight and a sorcerer. Kill them both, then finish
off the lizard creatures and sorcerers that are guarding the misty door up
ahead. Now go all the way up the ramp on your left to get three Alluring
Skulls. Be sure to hug the wall as you sneak around to the right of the
misty door to get a Divine Blessing and a Soul of a Hero.
Rhoy's Resting Place:
--------------------------------------Now go through that door and into the next tunnel along. You'll come to a pack
of poisonous enemies. Watch out for the clouds of poison they emit as you kill
them, then light the bonfire on your left. Kill the other creatures nearby,
then go through the passage and kill the sorcerer in front of you.
When it's dead, head into this new section, kill the next sorcerer in the
middle of it, then the lizard and the sorcerer to your left. Make your way
into the structure at the end of this area, then go through the next misty
door to begin the boss battle against the Demon of Song.
BOSS: Demon of Song
|The first important thing to do is keep as much range as you can between your|
|character and the boss. That'll keep you away from the dangerous arm attacks.|
|Whenever it's finished one of its two-hit combos, move in and swipe away
|until the boss closes its mouth. Stick close to the enemy until the demon
|shows up again, then put distance between you once again. The reason for
|sticking close while the mouth is closed is to allow you to get out of the |
|way as soon as the falling attack starts.
|When you see the creature get up on its hind legs, run beneath it as quickly |
|as possible to avoid the incoming damage. When it's over, get back around to |
|its head and repeat the previous strategy. Keep this up and it shouldn't be |
|long before the boss goes down - just be patient and play defensively.
|A ranged character will have a much easier time with this fight. The player |
|is able to let loose three shots straight after coming through the fog gate. |
|Then running up to the boss and standing right in front of it will bait it to|
|attack with its hands, allowing for further attacks.
After you've killed the Demon of Song, go into the cave and then make your way
along the path. Keep heading forwards, then head over to the far-left corner
when you see the stairs. You'll be able to grab 20 Magic Arrows from the chest
that's tucked away here.

Now make your way upstairs and enter the next room along to light a new
Bonfire. Now head outside and go through the door over on your right. Ride
the lift all the way down to the ground floor, then walk along the hallway
until you come to the next region of the game, the Undead Crypt.

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Undead Crypt entrance:

--------------------------------------As soon as you reach the Undead Crypt, head over to the far right corner of the
next room along to grab a Radiant Lifegem. Now head back over to the other side
and light the bonfire. Take the stairs that are just outside the bonfire room,
then go through the hall until you come to a door on your left. Go through it,
keep walking along the hallway, kill any enemies you come to, then take the
door on your left.
Kill all of the sorcerers waiting in the next room before killing the weaker
enemies. If you don't kill the sorcerers first, you'll have to deal with a
load of magical missiles which just makes fighting everything else that little
bit harder.
Make your way into the next room, then go all the way upstairs. Talk to Fenito
when you get to the end of the path, and have a browse through his shop to
stock up on anything you might need.
Carry on down the next hallway, then take the stairs when you get to the end
of it. Kill the enemy who attacks you, then go down the left-hand path to kill
yet another soldier. Carry on towards the end of this path and pass through the
misty door that lies at the top of the next stairs along.
Kill all of the enemies inside this area, and make sure you smash up all of the
stones to expose anyone who's hiding. Make sure you grab the pair of Black
Firebombs and the Simpletons' Spice from the corner of this room before you
light the bonfire in the room next door.
Undead ditch:
--------------------------------------After doing so, head into the next room and kill all the enemies and smash up
those stones again. You should be able to find a Bracing Knuckle Ring +2 over
in one corner, and a Soul of a Lost Undead from just underneath the stairs.
Grab the items, make your way up those stairs, and then walk through the next
door along to get a Divine Blessing and a Soul of a Hero.
Once you've grabbed these items, you'll be assaulted by a Nameless Usurper.
Once it's dead, carry on down the hallway and walk through the crypt. Kill any
ghosts inside the tombs here, and make sure you whack the wall in front of
you - it's actually a pair of shield-bearing enemies. Just be very careful when

fighting them, as there's not much breathing space in this narrow area. Head
back into the previous room if you're running out of room.
When they're dead, go into the next room along and then fall down the hole into
the room below. Here you'll be able to fight more stones, zombies and
sorcerers. Just try to avoid letting them gang up on you, and pick them off
In the centre of this room is a Homeward Bone and a Radiant Lifegem. Grab them,
then walk down the corridor over on the far right to get a Large Soul of a
Proud Knight and a Dragon Charm. Just be ready to fight a sorcerer as you make
your way to the end of this path.
Make your way back into the main room, and then carry on down the hallway
towards the end of the room. Take the stairs on your left, then grab the lever
at the top. Now go back downstairs and go through the door that's directly
ahead of you.
Carry on down the small stairway here, then walk down the hallway and kill
the massive pack of enemies waiting at the end. It's best to approach them
very cautiously, and try to engage them in smaller numbers, rather than all
at once. When they're dead, simply go through the misty door in front of you
to begin the fight against Velstadt, the Royal Aegis.
\ BOSS: Velstadt, the Royal Aegis /
|The boss's biggest weakness by far is the downtime between each one of its |
|attacks. Most of those attacks are pretty slow to play out as well, so if
|you're feeling agile it's worth switching over to light armour if you have |
|a decent set on you.
|If you remain close to the boss during the fight, you can expect it to make |
|use of either one big attack or a two-hit assault. These attacks come at you |
|comparatively slowly and will only drain about 40 per cent of your stamina at|
|this point in the game - that's if you want to directly block the damage.
|Alternatively, you can simply evade each whallop. Either way, you should be |
|able to get at least three solid whacks in before going back on the
|Should you choose to maintain distance from the boss, he'll come at you with |
|a relatively faster lunging attack. This is always comprised of one single |
|hit, and it can also be evaded or blocked outright. If you block it, expect |
|to lose more stamina than usual, although you should still be able to survive|
|one more follow-up attack.
|Critically, make sure you rush straight in and deal maximum damage whenever |
|he drops down onto one knee to summon a dark power. If you're following our |
|tactics, don't worry about taking any damage from the summoning circle or the|
|aura. If you've got a full stamina bar, you should be able to remove a good |
|20 percent of his health bar while he's down. Once he's finished summoning, |
|expect the one or two-hit attacking pattern to continue.
Once you've killed Velstadt, make your way downstairs and then go into the next
room along. You'll encounter a giant in this room who is in fact King Vendrick.

He won't be hostile towards you until you don't engage him, which is not a good
idea at this time. For more details regarding this optional boss fight, read
ahead. For now, grab the King's Ring from over by the edge of the battle area.
Go back upstairs and talk to the Herald at the top. You can now open the doors
which required you to show the sign of the king.
*King Vendrick boss fight:
*Before taking on the king, read the introduction of the upcoming strategy in *
*order to decrease the difficulty of this fight.
BOSS: King Vendrick
|Vendrick has very high defense which likely will make this a very lengthy
|fight. His defense can be considerably lowered, however, by collecting up to |
|five Giant Souls found throughout Drangleic. Each Giant Soul halves his
|defense; without any souls, he has 32 times his base defense, and takes
|almost negligible damage per hit. Even with the Giant Souls, Vendrick is not |
|to be taken lightly. His attacks deal heavy damage, have good reach, and can |
|stagger players who roll too early because of the windup for each one.
|Vendrick holds his sword with the blade dragging behind him even as he winds |
|up for the horizontal slash attacks. Staying close to him and strafing to his|
|left will make it very hard for him to hit the player. He will sometimes jump|
|back to put distance between him and the player. If he backs up into a wall, |
|the player may back up in an attempt to get behind him again. Keeping a good |
|shield in your inventory always helps, but not always, as most of Vendrick's |
|attacks have extremely high poise damage.
|NOTE: The locations of the Giant Souls:
|*3 of them can be found inside the memories of the dead giants in the Forest |
| of Fallen Giants. How to access these memories and how to find them is
| described in the memories section of the walkthrough.
|*One can be found in the Black Gulch, in the same area you get the forgotten |
| key. For more details, please reffer to the Black Gulch section of the
| walkthrough.
|*One can be obtained after killing the Ancient Dragon in Dragon's Shrine.
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Return to the Shaded Woods:
--------------------------------------Make your way back to the Ruined Fork Road bonfire in the Shaded Woods. Now
take the middle door, and follow the path until you come across a Red Tearstone
ring in the pond. Carry on down the path and go through the big door at the end
of it using your King's Ring. Just make sure you have it equipped to get this
door to Aldia's Keep open.
Aldia's Keep:
--------------------------------------Grab the Petrified Dragon Bone and the Soul of a Nameless Soldier from the tree
on your left, then take the Alluring Skull and Poison Throwing Knife from just
further along. Kill all of the enemies that attack you, then go into the
building up ahead and light the bonfire. Make your way back outside, then head
towards the left-hand side of the bigger building ahead of you. Give the coffer
here a good whacking to loot a Dark Mask and a Sunset Staff.
Now go and grab the Fire Seed that's just to the right of the stairs over on
the far side from where you are now. Once you've picked it up, go up the first
two sets of stairs and take the Radiant Lifegem from the little pond just in
the middle. Now go up the next set of stairs and head over to the far left-hand
side to get a Twilight Herb.
Make your way through the next passageway, but be ready to kill a new Invader
called Aslatiel of Mirrah. Now go through the door at the end of the hallway
and take the Fading Soul from the middle of this new room - move forward
quickly after grabbing it though, so you avoid the worst of the bone dragon's
Go back towards the entrance to loot a Darknight Stone, then enter the hall
beneath the stairs and go all the way around the corner to your left.
Activate the lever you come to, then go back over to the opposite side and
talk to Royal Sorcerer Navlaan. Take a moment here to browse through the
store and stock up on any essential items.
Make your way back to the main room and go up the stairs on your right. Walk
around the corner to your right and take the Great Magic Barrier from the
coffer you find. Now head back the way you came and kill the trio of enemies
within the mirrors. Walk up to each mirror in turn, and back away as soon as
you've engaged the enemy to make life a little easier on yourself.
Grab the Petrified Dragon Bone and Northern Ritual Band +2 from the end of
the hallway, then go back to the main stairs and head over to the far left
until you come to a new staircase. Go all the way up it and step out into
the new hallway above. If you head all the way over to the right and walk
down the hallway, you'll eventually come to a coffer that contains a pair
of Bonfrie Ascetics.
Head back into the main room, then grab the Crimson Water from next to
the cage. Kill the massive frog held captive inside, then go through the

door at the end and keep walking until you come to a lever on a statue. Pull
it to open up a new door, use a Pharros' Lockstone on the face over in the
corner, and then carry on walking down the hall.
If you attack the painting that's just on your left, you'll expose an enemy.
Kill it, then use a ranged attack to take down the enemy hanging in the cage
above you. Grab the Radiant Lifegem nearby, then keep heading down the hallway
and through the next door along.
After entering the new room, take the stairs all the way down, and use ranged
attacks to kill any caged enemies. If you don't have any ranged weaponry at
this point, take all of your armour off, open the gate, and simply draw the
enemies outside. If you fight in the acidic waters of the pool, you'll only
ruin your armour.
When all of the enemies are dead, head into the poisonous water to get hold
of a Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier, four Corrosive Urns, the Aldia Key, a
Soul Geyser, and a Petrified Dragon Bone. Go back out and head up the stairs
(with your armour back on!), then take the door on your left. Hit the nearby
painting to expose another enemy, kill it, then carry on down the hallway
until you come to a door on your right.
Kill the pair of enemies in this new room, then grab the Soul of a Proud
Knight. Make your way towards the cage over at the other end of the room, kill
the enemy, then grab the Large Soul of a Brave Knight from the far wall. Turn
around and go through the door on your right. Whack the enemy in this new room
to make a hole in the wall, then kill it. Finish off the caged bird ahead of
you, then enter the room on your right.
Turn round and go back through the damaged wall. Pass through the doors ahead
of you, then grab the Twilight Herb and Simpleton's Spice items over on your
left. Be ready to dodge back from the ambushing enemy as soon as you've done
Once the enemy is dead, go through the newly-created hole in the wall to
take on the Invader called Royal Sorcerer Navlaan. Just watch out for this
creature's deadly magical damage which packs a mean punch and can travel
quite some distance. As soon as you've finished the fight, go over the
bridge and then through the misty door to start the fight against the
Guardian Dragon.
BOSS: Guardian Dragon /
|The most important thing to know about the fight against the Guardian Dragon |
|is that you can simplify things considerably by hanging around the creature's|
|rear legs. That'll keep you away from the danger of its fire-breathing
|attack, as well as the swiping attack from its mouth. If you see the beast |
|lift a leg, move away just a little to avoid the stomp, then get straight
|back in to dish out your own damage.
|If you see the dragon lift off into the air and hover above you, make sure |
|you get away from the stomp that's coming your way. If it flies off to
|another side of the battle area, get as much distance as you can between
|the pair of you - the long-range breath of fire will really mess you up

|When you head back in to carry on fighting the creature, just watch out for |
|a couple of close-range attacks that the dragon makes use of. As you try to |
|get back into position, it may breathe fire at you or bite you hard. Dodge |
|to one side to one side to avoid the fire breath, and dodge forwards or
|backwards to avoid the swipe. If you're really close to getting back into
|position at the creature's hind legs, roll forwards. You'll need to use your |
|own judgement about whether to play it safe here or not.
Once you've killed the Guardian Dragon, make your way through the next door
along, then go across the bridge. Head on down the hall, and make sure you grab
the Dragon Scale that's just to the right of the door. Enter the lift to get up
to the next floor above, then go through the door on your right and down the
hall. This will lead you into Dragon Aerie.
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Walk down the path and talk to the Emerald Herald at the end of it to get your
hands on an Aged Feature. Now walk over the bridge to your left and light the
Bonfire when you come to it. Carry on down the path in front of you and start
making your way up the mountain, before crossing the bridge. Kill the enemy
just ahead of you, then enter the nearby cave. Smash up all of the egg-like
items in here to gain access to a Radiant Lifegem.
Carry on towards the end of the cave and into the clearing ahead to start a
fight with a dragon. Use the same tactics I outlined in my guide to the
Guardian Dragon fight. When you've killed the beast, make sure you pick up
the Petrified Something, the Soul of a Brave Warrior, the Dragon Tooth, a
Twinkling Titanite, a Boltstone, and a Darknight Stone.
Now head up the hill over on the opposite side from where you are and kill
the crystal bug to get a Raw Stone, Petrified Dragon Bone, and a pair of
Large Titanite Shards. Grab the Old Radiant Lifegem that's just ahead of
you, then kill the next enemy you come to. When it's dead, carry on along
the path and make your way over a pair of bridges.
Head up the mountain in front of you, then veer over to your right until
you come to another clearing. There's another set of eggs here which you can
smash up to get another Petrified Dragon Bone. Now go into the next area and
fight a new dragon. When it's dead, grab the Large Soul of a Brave Warrior
from one side of the battle area, and a Soul of a Great Hero from the other.
Go down the mountain now, destroy the next batch of dragon eggs you come to,
then kill the next dragon. You'll want to do this nice and quickly, so you
don't end up fighting the dragon and the inbound Invader at the same time.
This newcomer uses a lot of heavy magical damage, so consider equipping
anything you have to counter it. When you've finished off both enemies,
loot the Soul of a Great Hero, Ring of the Evil Eye +1, Petrified Dragon
Bone, Dragon Charm and Firedrake Stone.

Cross the bridge ahead of you, then slide down the rope that's on your
left. Head to the top of the next area along, and climb down the ladder you
come to if you want to access the bonfire. Otherwise, carry on to the next
rope, slide down it, then cross the bridge once you're on the next level
down. When you reach the end of this bridge, you'll enter the Dragon
Shrine - keep walking forwards and light the Bonfire when you reach it.
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Head upstairs and kill the enemy when you reach the top, then make your way
over to the far right-hand corner. Smash up all the objects here, then use a
Pharros' Lockstone by the face on the floor. Just behind the hidden wall here
is a coffer which contains a Mark of Judgement, a Robe of Judgement, Manchettes
of Judgement, Tights of Judgement and a Staff of Wisdom.
Head further upstairs, kill the guard, then carry on up the next set of stairs
you come to. Run down the path and kill the sorcerer in front of you. Make sure
you grab the Faintstone from the railing, then leap across the the next
platform ahead of you. Carry on to your left and loot the coffer you come to
for a Drakekeeper's Greatshield and a Drakekeeper's Greataxe.
Turn all the way around now and make your way up the next flight of stairs,
before heading all the way around to the left. If you drop down here, you'll
gain access to a pair of chests. Give the chest on your right a good whack and
then kill the enemy to get hold of a Petrified Dragon Bone and a Washing Pole.
Now open the chest to your left and take the Titanite Slab.
Make your way through the doorway, and carry on down the hall until you enter
a new room. Kill the enemy inside, then grab the Twilight Herb and the
Skeptic's Spice from over on the far side of the room.
Head through the door into a new room, and open up the coffer to add the Third
Dragon Ring to your stash. Go upstairs and then through the next door along to
start a fight with a new Invader called Dragonfang Villard. When he's dead,
take the Petrified Egg, then open up the coffer over in the corner to get a
Watchdragon Parma. Now turn around, fall down onto the path below you, and
take the Crystal Magic Weapon from the nearby coffer.
Jump down once more, kill the guard here, then walkthrough the door and go
upstairs. Carry on walking through the next door you see and head upstairs.
There are two guards you'll need to kill halfway up, another pair near the
top, and two more at the very top. Be ready to dodge the attacks of these last
two enemies, as they'll break your guard easily.
Acquiring the Ashen Mist Heart:
--------------------------------------Another one
door along.
area. Speak
Mist Heart.

of these very agile guards awaits you when you reach the next
When it's dead, keep walking down the hallway and into the next
to the massive dragon in front of you to get hold of the Ashen
This is your last task in the Dragon Shrine, and you're now ready

to head to the King's Door section in the Forest of Fallen Giants.

*Ancient Dragon boss fight:
*You can engage the Ancient Dragon by attacking it but be warned that fighting*
*him is no easy task. Read the following strategy guide before attempting
*this battle. Defeating the Ancient Dragon will grant you a Giant Soul which *
*is needed for the King Vendrick fight (check out the King Vendrick boss
*battle guide in the Undead Crypt section for more details).
BOSS: Ancient Dragon
|Going hand in hand with its size, the Ancient Dragon has a huge amount of
|health and will most likely one-shot you with every attack unless you have |
|high defense and a very high stability shield. His most dangerous and most |
|common attack is when he flies up and breathes fire on to the floor covering |
|a large area.
|The startup for this attack is obvious however so, once you see the attack |
|coming, run away. When he lands, stand somewhere in front of him so bait his |
|straight forward fire breath which allows you to run towards him and land a |
|few hits.
|Another strategy is staying near its tail, it gives a constant direction to |
|run to and if the flames don't reach the player when they are at the end of |
|it. He does however have a tail slam that does inflict a lot of damage but is|
|easily avoided.
|The Ancient Dragon fight is really a test of endurance and skill as the main |
|failing factor of this fight is making a mistake.
|Summons are more of a liability than a help in this fight: summons cause the |
|dragon's health to increase greatly; in addition, the dragon will do two
|attacks as the player steps in the fog gate, a straight flame or flying up |
|and breathing fire onto the arena; both attacks will target the summons as |
|they enter the fog. So either the summons have to wait a significant time for|
|the host to lead the dragon away.
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The Memories section of Dark Souls 2 carries the player through a number of
familiar environs modified by the memories of great elder beings. Using the
power of the Ashen Mist Heart, a player can explore the ancient past and learn
the secrets of the old world.
To access these worlds, you must first get the Ashen Mist Heart. This is
obtained from the Ancient Dragon at the top of the Dragon Shrine. With that
obtained, head to the Forest of Fallen Giants. Here you will find 3 dead giants
that have become trees. Approach them to get drawn into their memories and
learn about the past.
*When you enter a memory, there is a time limit put upon you. Spend too long *
*exploring, and you will run out of time and be thrown out. So read this
*walkthrough before you start. You CAN come straight back in and start again *
Memory of Orro:
--------------------------------------The first giant is right after The Pursuer boss fight area. This giant will
take you to the Memory of Orro, which is a fairly straight forward area with
some soul items to be collected, including a Soul of a Giant.
Head straight upstairs and deal with the bandits. Use the Pharros Lockstone
contraption to open another room. In here is a trap Chest and another
contraption, do not use this one. To the right of it is an illusion wall,
inside is a chest containing Steel Armour.
Now take the lower path, this next large area has many enemies inside. There is
a regular Giant, and a Warrior Giant who's attacks go right through shields.
They are fighting with some regular npc soliders and will damage each other a
lot, usually with just the Warrior surviving. Bring some Poison Arrows and
these guys are nothing to fear. Right above you as you enter are some archers
on the scaffolding. Explore the area as much as you wish as there are some
minor treasures around. At the far end up the staircase is a fallen giant,
examine him to get the Soul of a Giant, examine him again to leave early.
If you want to obtain the Grand Lance. Head back inside and all the way up to
the roof. There's a Sorcerer Giant and a regular Giant fighting up here. Stay
well back and use Poison arrows to easily best them. At the far end of the
roof are multiple contraptions, hit the one on the left and you can break
something, forcing it to lower a platform. Drop down onto the platform and
jump into the building through the hole. Defeat the giant and help yourself
to two chests.
Memory of Jeigh:
--------------------------------------The second Giant to visit is near the Cardinal Tower bonfire. From there,
go down the ladder, turn right, cross the bridge and go to the area with
the ornate door which requires the King's Ring to open. This opens the way
to the Place Unbeknownst Bonfire, where the Memory of Jeigh stage holds
the Giant Lord boss fight.

In the Memory of Jeigh, Benhart of Jugo can be summoned for the Giant Lord
boss fight. When you come out, watch for the fireballs, they hit near you,
then far away a few seconds later, then near again, and repeat that. Dodge
the fire balls and get up to steps on the left, pick up the treasure and
this should trigger the giant rolling head to kill the giants. Time your
movements forward until you reach the boss.
*Watch out for another Navlaan invasion if you freed him, after you defeat the*
*boss and leave the memory.
BOSS: Giant Lord
|The strategy for the Giant Lord is very similar to the Last Giant, staying |
|between his legs will usually be enough to avoid most of his attacks.
|He does, however, have some nasty tricks: he has a sword slash that covers |
|the right side of his body and his back. This is by far his deadliest
|attack, not to mention the back is usually the safest spot for a large boss, |
|so it can catch someone by surprise. Standing behind him is usually what
|triggers this attack, so attack and quickly roll between his legs.
|As you're approaching, he can do a long range attack. This attack only
|travels in a straight line, however, so it's easy to dodge.
|Pyromancers can have an easier time if they have access to Fire Tempest or |
|Chaos storm as the boss rarely moves and will be hit with all the pillars
|of fire.
|If the player has any magic at their disposal they can remain safe on the
|platform to the left of the Giant Lord as the boss seems incapable of
|climbing stairs and so will be easy to hit. Care must still be taken as the |
|boss can still reach the player with an overhead swing attack, while still |
|easily dodged, it can kill the player instantly if the health stat is too
Memory of Vammar:
--------------------------------------Once the Giant Lord is defeated, there is one more Giant memory to explore.
The Memory of Vammar can be found near the Cardinal Tower bonfire. Go through
the demolished wall and turn left down the stairs. Facing the Turtle Knight, go
right until you see the dead Giant. Before going into this world, make sure you
have a strong weapon or powerful magic to take down Giants in a mere few hits,
because every kind of Giant is in this world. Of course, it is possible to run
past all of the Giants, one must get past them to collect certain items,
particularly the Soul of a Giant in this level.
There is one more Giant to visit, but rather than act as a portal to another

world, this Giant rests in peace and imparts a Seed of a Tree of Giants, an
online item that turns enemies against invades. Look for this Giant near the
Soldier's Rest Bonfire.
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Make your way to the first Drangleic Castle bonfire, then take a left and go
through the door at the end of this section. Now head downstairs to enter the
Throne of Want itself, then walk down the path until you reach a misty door.
Make sure you're prepared to fight before heading through this door, as you're
about to face an epic battle against the Throne Watcher and the Throne
\BOSS: Throne Defender & Watcher/
|Fighting both the Throne Watcher and Defender at the same time is very
|tricky. The Watcher is a pretty agile opponent, while the Defender is slower |
|but packs a meaner punch. Try to keep both of your opponents in view at all |
|times, and attack whichever of the two is nearest to you.
|If you can kill the Watcher first, then by all means do so, but just keep in |
|mind that you need to kill both of them at around the same time. If you don't|
|kill them both within the same tight window, the one you've downed will come |
|back to life while you're finishing off the other one. Do try to kill the
|Watcher as a priority, but just make sure both health bars are being whittled|
|down as evenly as possible.
|You can expect both of these bosses to come at you with a fairly standard two|
|to three-hit combo attack when they're in melee range, and a lunging attack |
|from distance. The general strategy you need to employ is to keep them far |
|enough from each other so you can counter-attack one without worrying about |
|the other getting stuck into you while you're doing it. Use a fast, ranged |
|attack if you can, or make use of a spear-like weapon so you can shield-block|
|while attacking.
|Strafe around the enemies in a big circle, keeping them in view and getting |
|your own damage in whenever possible. Wait for openings to present themselves|
|before doing so - never force the opportunity - and attack once or twice
|depending on the speed of your weapon. Patience is absolutely key to winning |
|this fight, so don't be tempted to take any short-cuts as the battle drags |
Once you've killed both of your opponents, talk to Shanalotte who's right by
the Throne of Want entrance. Now head down the long path ahead of you and go
through the misty door for the final showdown against Nashandra.

BOSS: Nashandra
|The final fight against Nashandra isn't particularly complicated, but you'll |
|want to keep your wits about you nevertheless.
|When the final battle begins, make sure you stick by the entrance and allow |
|Nashandra to approach you. The reason for doing so is pretty simple. She
|summons a trio of dangerous objects that will curse you if you get too close,|
|but if you stick to the entrance you'll be far enough away from this threat |
|to avoid it entirely.
|As for the boss's melee attacks, expect either a pair of horizontal swipes, |
|or a singular slicing attack that's delivered across the vertical plane. Just|
|evade or block these attacks before following up with your counter-attacks - |
|just don't get greedy if your weapon speed isn't up to the job. If you back |
|up away from Nashandra at any point, expect to take a linear Darkness attack |
|to the face.
|When Nashandra reaches around 50% health, Nashandra will engulf her hand in |
|Darkness. Get out of the way immediately when you see this happen, because |
|the damage potential of the imminent attack is pretty brutal. When she
|summons more of those objects, get over to the other side of the room, wait |
|for her to approach once more, and continue your combat strategy as before. |
|Summoning help will make the fight easier, even if it's only the two NPCs
|Vengarl of Forossa and Benhart of Jugo, as they will draw attention, leaving |
|you with a good amount of room to deal damage and heal as needed.
|Pyromancy is effective against Nashandra.
As soon as you've defeated Nashandra, you be able to get stuck into the deadly
perils of Dark Souls 2's New Game Plus mode...
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This section will feature various lists for Dark Souls 2 bosses, items,
covenants and more. Please if you see a list with a false location or other
info, don't hesitate to contact me.
NOTE: These lists are currently incomplete. Expect the full lists once the
complete guide has been uploaded.

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\ \ | | | ___ \/ _ \/ __/ __| | | / __| __|
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Dark Souls is notorious for its challenging and creative bosses. The following
list will feature the bosses found in the game in which order they appear in
the walkthrough. Keep in mind that this section will NOT cover boss strategies
and tips. You'll have use the walkthrough for that purpose.
Boss location:
--------------------------------------He is found in the Forest of Fallen Giants at the bottom of an elevator shaft.
Boss description:

This guy is a tall, lankey, deadly monster tree. You come across a few
presumably dead Giants in your travels through through the Forest of Fallen
Giants, this boss is apparently the last living one.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The fight against the Last Giant is as simple as you make it. It follows a
very basic pattern, and you have plenty of room to run around avoiding its
attacks, but if you get impatient, this fight will be over quickly.
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Pursuer first appears on a plaza in the Forest of Fallen Giants as an
optional encounter, and later appears again as a mandatory boss at the top of
a nearby tower.
After defeating the Smelter Demon miniboss in the Iron Keep he spawns in the
demon's room (In pursuit no doubt) when revisiting the area.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Pursuer is a very fast moving giant knight who hovers above the ground. He
closes very quickly with the player, and his attacks are speedily delivered
despite his bulk. His stabbing attack is especially potent, spitting the player
and delivering a curse. The Pursuer also occasionally launches long-range,
seeking bolts of energy.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The Persuer is a tough opponent if you decide to face him head on, mainly due
to his speed. If your more of a coward and use the balistas located in the
room with the Persuer, the fight will be over before you know it.
*BOSS #3: Dragonrider
Boss location:
--------------------------------------This boss is encountered at the base of Heide's Tower of Flame, located to the
right across the bay from the Majula entrance.
Boss description:

--------------------------------------The Dragonrider is clad in heavy, red armour, matching his crimson-tinged

skintone, giving him an exotic, almost demonic appearance.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The Dragonrider possesses a highly predictable attack pattern, consisting of
mostly mid-ranged attacks, with the biggest threat being falling off the edge
of the circular arena, a threat essentially eliminated if the guarded levers
earlier are used. One of the easier bosses in the game.
*BOSS #4: Old Dragonslayer *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Old Dragonslayer is found in the Cathedral of Blue, a large tower in the
Heides Tower of Flame. He can be fought fairly early and gives players access
to the Blue Sentinel Covenant.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------He is an armored knight wielding a lance that deals primarily physical damage,
although he can use a few dark magic spells.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------This boss is weak against Lightning and Magic, and can also be poisoned. Using
the right strategy, his attacks can be easily blocked or not blocked at all.
*BOSS #5: Flexible Sentry *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Flexile Sentry is the boss in the brig of the ship that arrives in No-Man's
Wharf. The ship is called into dock by ringing the bell at the top of the
cliffside village.
There is also a non-boss variant located in the Shaded Woods.
Boss description:

Appears as two male torsos fused together, facing away from each other, and
attached at the waist with one set of legs. Both sides each dual wield their
own respective weaponry, of either dual spiked clubs or swords.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The rising water will make movement more difficult. If you have a decent
weapon, this fight is not very difficult.
*BOSS #6: Ruin Sentinels: Yahim, Alessia & Ricce*
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Ruin Sentinels can be found in The Lost Bastille past a large group
of Royal Swordsmen. The Ruin Sentinels reappear as standard enemies in
Drangleic Castle behind several doors in a wide open area, with Stone Spear
Wielding Statues guarding each and every door. Within here, there are a
total of five Ruin Sentinels.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Ruin Sentinel, a creation of the jailer. The Ruin Sentinel has no corporeal
form. It is only an empty soul that haunts the armor.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Since you have to fight two sentinels at the same time, (three if you fall off
the platform while fighting the first sentinel) this battle may be difficult
for new players. If you summon a phantom before this fight then the battle
will be much easier.
*BOSS #7: Lost Sinner *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Lost Sinner is located in Sinner's Rise.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------An unnaturally tall undead woman clad in a tattered straight jacket and skirt,
wearing an iron mask and her hands bound in cuffs.

Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------She's very aggressive and packs a punch. Having a shield that absorbs 100% of
the damage she inflicts will greatly reduce the difficulty of this battle.
Also, the room in which you fight her is really dark and you can only lock on
to her in close range. The room can be lightened up by using the Bastille
key to burn the oil before the boss room.
*BOSS #8: Belfry Gargoyles *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Belfry Gargoyles are located in Belfry Luna.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------These gargoyles are similar in appearance to the Bell Gargoyles from Dark Souls
and even share the same battle music. They wield large bidents.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The difficulty of this battle increases once the number of gargoyles increases.
The longer you wait, the more gargoyles will come to life and attack.
*BOSS #9: Skeleton Lords *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Located in the Huntsman's Copse after passing the waterfall and entering the
Boss description:
--------------------------------------During this battle, the player will not fight one enemy, but multiple foes at
once. After one of the lords is dead, he'll spawn skeleton minions which are
easy prey.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------This battle is easy, especially since the lords die after 4-5 hits. Even the

minions they spawn are easy to kill.

*BOSS #10: Executioner's Chariot*
Boss location:
--------------------------------------This boss is encountered in Undead Purgatory.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Executioner Chariot attempts to run over the player when encountered. It
barrels through whatever is in its path, whether friend or foe.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The first part before lowering the gate is difficult, since you have to take
cover from the Chariot before it squashes you. Also, the skeletons are
pesky and are revived by two necromancers which need to die. After the death
of the executioner, the horses are not very difficult to kill but higher
defense and distance is needed.
*BOSS #11: Covetous Demon
Boss location:
--------------------------------------This boss is found shortly after entering Earthen Peak.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Covetous Demon takes the appearance of a grotesque creature whose body
looks somewhat similar to the real-life mole rat. It has slimy skin, large
forelegs, but seemingly no hindlegs, and a tail. It also has a large mouth
with many sharp teeth.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The Covetous Demon's attacks are either easy to avoid, predictable or both.
Most are short ranged, although the jumping attacks can cover a lot of
ground. It also gives the player ample time to counterattack after some
of its attacks are performed, making for a rather easy boss.

*BOSS #12: Mytha, the Baneful Queen*
Boss location:
--------------------------------------This boss is located at the end of Earthen Peak, before entering Iron Keep.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------A decapitated naga, holding a spear in one hand and her severed head in the
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------If you don't burn the windmill in Earthern Peak, the poison in her room
will make this boss very difficult, since it kills you but heals her.
Without the poison present, this fight is a lot easier.
*BOSS #13: Smelter Demon
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Smelter Demon is found on the right side of the open area in the Iron Keep,
past the first two rooms with Alonne Knights.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Smelter Demon is similar to the Iron Golem in Dark Souls in that it is a
construct made of Iron that is given life through some means. Its body is made
entirely of Iron except for a portion of his chest, which is hollow and exposes
a core of flames.
The Smelter Demon was apparently responsible for the fall of the Iron Keep and
the death of its ruler, the Iron King.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The Smelter Demon is one of the tougher bosses in the game. If you don't have
high fire defense, you may find yourself in trouble. The demon has 3 phases,
the first one is rather easy, the second one he emits flame from his chest
and the player takes damage once near him and the third where he puts his
sword on fire. Having a shield that blocks 100% fire is a huge help, since
blocking the Demon's fire sword inflicts major damage even with a 100% damage
absorbing shield.

*BOSS #14: Old Iron King
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Located in Iron Keep, the Old Iron King is the final boss of this area who
possessed one of the four great souls.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------Takes the form of a giant horned and winged demon, with rivulets of iron
pouring from its body.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------A rather easy boss, mainly for ranged characters. The narrow space boarding
with lava is the true enemy here, since you may fall many times by mistake.
Avoiding the King's attacks requires patience, only move before he hits you.
*BOSS #15: Scorpioness Najka
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Located in the Shaded Ruins, Scorpioness Najka guards the path leading to
the Doors of Pharros.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------Having the torso of a human female and lower body of a scorpion.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------In general Regardless of your build you will want to stick close to her to
prevent her firing off her powerful sorceries. They inflict lots of damage.
She's weak to fire which may help in lowering this fights difficulty.
*BOSS #16: Royal Rat Authority *

Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Royal Rat Authority is fought in the Doors of Pharros, just past the second
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The boss is a giant rat which spits out toxic. There are four smaller rats
encountered before him.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Killing the small rats might be difficult for melee charactes since getting
killed by their toxins is not hard. Once the giant rat appears, the
fight becomes even more annoying. The Authority rat itself packs quite a
punch so having a 100% damage absorbing shield could help. Also, sticking
close to the boss is also a good idea.
*BOSS #17: Prowling Magus and Congregation *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------This boss is found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora in a ruined Chapel, before
the Chapel Threshold Bonfire.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------This boss is actually a collection of enemies. The Magus is a Hexer while
the Congregation is made up of hollows and two undead Clerics. The Magus
has his own health bar but the health bar of the Congregation counts for
all of the hollows and Clerics.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------One of the easier bosses in the game. The enemies die pretty fast but you
still better be careful because of their numbers and some of the Magus'
Hexes deal a big amount of damage.
*BOSS #18: Duke's Dear Freja
Boss location:

Normally fought at the end of Brightstone Cove, from NG+ onwards she can be
encountered and fought early at the cliff just outside the cave leading
into the church where the player fights the Prowling Magus. It is possible,
although extremely difficult, to defeat her here, due to her quickly
leaving the area should she not be dispatched in time.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------A gigantic two-headed spider. She guards one of the Primal Bonfires. Unusually,
despite being one of the four main bosses of the first half, she does not
wield a Great Soul, only guards it. Thus it can be said that the true "boss"
is not just her, but the entire Writhing Ruin that contains all her spider
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------This boss is difficult for a few reasons. The large number of spiders around
her, and her devastating beam that comes out of her mouth. Be on your toes
during this battle.
*BOSS #19: Royal Rat Vanguard *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Royal Rat Vanguard is fought in the Grave of Saints, past the second
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Royal Rat Vanguard has a very similar appearance and size to the rest of
the rats fought in the room. However, it has a prominent crest of hair on its
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Depending on your elemental defense and number of items that prevent poisoning,
this fight may not be as hard.
*BOSS #20: The Rotten
Boss location:

The Rotten is located in Black Gulch.

Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Rotten is a huge mass of undead that have fused together, forming a single
creature. After seemingly being unable to put the head of a statue back on
its body, it becomes enraged and proceeds to focus its attention onto the
player. The Rotten's attacks are quite damaging and can send the player flying.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The enviroment is the real enemy here. If you lock on to the Rotten during
the fight, you'll have to pay attention to the area around you since there
are many fire lit areas around the boss. Also, the Rotten's attacks are
quite strong but he himself is slow.
*BOSS #21: Two Dragonriders
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Both of these Dragonriders are encountered in Drangleic Castle.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------Same as before, only this time one of them wields a ranged weapon.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Having to fight more than one enemy at the same time is never a good thing in
Dark Souls. You will not be facing both of them at the start, only once
you drain the others half to the middle. Kill the one using the ranged weapon
first since his health is a lot smaller. Having a ranged weapon in this fight
is an advantage.
*BOSS #22: Looking Glass Knight *
Boss location:
--------------------------------------He can be found in the King's Passage.

Boss description:
--------------------------------------The fight against the Looking Glass Knight takes place at the top of a castle
structure during a lightning storm. This boss will use physical attacks
against the player as well as using his sword as a sort of "lightning rod."
His shield deflects magic, causing blocked spells to fly off in a random
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------While playing offline, the Knight will summon a random invader to help him
instead of a human player (which will make the fight more difficult if the
player is human).
*BOSS #23: Demon of Song
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Demon of Song is found in the Shrine of Amana. It resides in a large and
partially flooded arena.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------A giant, grotesque frog demon with a corpse skull and arms protruding from
its mouth and a long tail. Upon entering the boss area you can find the Demon
of Song sitting and waiting, as if to lure prey in. The face will use its
corpse arms to pull the upper jaw of the frog body down to hide the face
and look more like a frog.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Another easy boss. Keep your distance and once you attack back away.
*BOSS #24: Velstadt, the Royal Aegis*
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Velstadt can be found in the Undead Crypt, guarding King Vendrick's chamber.
Boss description:

He is a large knight wielding a massive hammer, guarding the door to Vendrick.

He is similar to Garl Vinland from Demon's Souls, in that he has similar
armor, a similar weapon and task.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Velstadt uses spells and buffs and is an aggresive opponent.
*BOSS #25: King Vendrick
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Vendrick can be found in a room in Undead Crypt after the Velstadt boss battle.
He is an optional boss.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The once great king of Drangleic, reduced to a large Hollow after becoming
obsessed with finding the essence of the soul in a failed attempt to cure the
Undead Curse. His queen, Nashandra, tricked him into continuing his
experiments. He eventually realised the trickery and exiled himself to prevent
her from obtaining his power or his ring.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------Vendrick has very high defense and is very powerful. If you're planning on
taking him on withouth 5 giant souls (items needed to lower his defense) the
fight will be very long and difficult if you're not careful.
*BOSS #26: Guardian Dragon
Boss location:
--------------------------------------This boss is encountered in a cage at the end of Aldia's Keep. Three are later
encountered as non-respawning enemies in Dragon Aerie.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------A thin red drake trapped in a cage in Aldia's Keep.
Boss difficulty:

--------------------------------------Another not too difficult boss fight. Range characters have an advantage in
this fight since the dragon likes to cling on to the nearby walls and keeping
your distance will make it less likely to get hit by one of his attacks.
*BOSS #27: Ancient Dragon
Boss location:
--------------------------------------The Dragon is found at the very top of the Dragon Shrine in a large, open
arena past the Drakekeepers and Black Dragon Warriors. It is an optional boss.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Ancient Dragon is an extremely large dragon that speaks telepathically to
the player.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------This boss has a huge amount of health and will most likely one hit you. Going
in on this one without a strategy is nearly pointless.
*BOSS #28: Throne Defender & Watcher*
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Both bosses are found in the Throne Of Want, behind the door that can only be
opened with the King's Ring. They share the same arena as Nashandra.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------The Throne Watcher and Defender are fought as a pair. The Defender is a
heavily-armoured warrior while the Watcher is lighter and more agile, both
wield a shield and a greatsword. It is possible to buy both of their armor
sets from Maughlin the Armorer if you defeat them.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------The Watcher is fast while the Defender is slightly slower, but if one of them
is defeated, the other one will rush in to heal his comrade. Keep their health
bars equally drained and kill the watcher first, then when the defender rushes

in to heal the watcher, move in for the kill.

*BOSS #29: Nashandra
Boss location:
--------------------------------------Throne Of Want, after defeating the Throne Watcher and Defender, and having the
Giant's Kinship in your possession.
Boss description:
--------------------------------------A tall humanoid creature wielding a long scythe in her right hand. Her left
hand emanates a purple light that can become an energy beam or cause an
explosion when she puts it near her chest. Her legs are covered by a skirt
made of a black goo filled with bones. She can also summon four black fountains
that curse those who stand near them. She can speak and can change into a more
human, yet still gigantic, form.
Boss difficulty:
--------------------------------------For the final boss fight, she's not very tough to beat. She uses dark magic
orbs which drain your health when you're near them. You can get rid of them
by swinging your sword at them. Summons are a great help in this fight as
Nashandra will most likely be fighting the summons instead of you which
will give you an opening towards her.
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Human Effigies:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Human Effigies are used to reverse Hollowing, a process that will remove any HP
penalties you've acquired as a result of being hollow. If you don't want your
game to be invaded by other players, you can also burn Effigies at a bonfire to
prevent enemy invasions for a limited amount of time.
Where to find Human Effigies:
| Granted as a starting gift. |
Iron Keep
|On the molten rock by the very |
|first Bonfire in the section. |
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora
|By the peasants is a well you |
|can jump into. Open the chest |
|you find.
Seer's Hut
| Inside the chest located
| upstairs.
| Listen to all of Lucatiel of |
| Mirrah's conversations

Where to buy Human Effigies:

--------------------------------------NOTE: For the merchant's locations, please check out the Merchants locations
| Granted as a starting gift. |
Iron Keep
Magerold of Lanafir
| The Forest of Fallen Giants |
Merchant Hag Melentia
Undead Crypt
Grave Warden Agdayne

Where to farm Human Effigies:

--------------------------------------The following locations provide the quickest ways to obtain large quantities
of Human Effigies.
| Burning a Bonfire Ascetic in Majula
| allows you to slay the skeletons below |
| the mansion, each of which have a 100% |
| chance of dropping a Human Effigy. The |
| amount of skeletons is equal to the
| bonfire intensity.
Forest of Fallen Giants
| Burning a Bonfire Ascetic at the first |
| Bonfire in Forest of Fallen Giants allows|
| you to re-open the chest in the cave

| located at the start of the forest,
| collecting 5 Human Effigies.
Undead Crypt
| Near the second Bonfire. The infinite
| amount of hollows that sprawl up from the|
| ground have a low chance to drop Effigy. |
| Using an Old Copper Coin and item
| discovery gear can allow you to collect 1|
| Effigy a minute, on average.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Titanite items are used to reinforce your armour and weapons. Here's a
breakdown of where you can find each flavour of Titanite.
Where to find Titanite Shards:
|One is found in a chest in
|Maughlin the Armourer's attic. |
Huntsman's Copse
|Five can be found inside the |
|cave near the Skeleton Lords |
|boss battle. The first one
|right after the bonfire behind |
|the closed gate next to a curse|
|jar, the other four after the |
|portcullis, near the broken
| Forest of the Fallen Giants |One is found in a chest below |
|the ballistae room, near the |
|Cardinal Tower bonfire.

Where to buy Titanite Shards:




Blacksmith Lenigrast
Harvest Valley
Stone Trader Chloanne

Where to farm Titanite Shards:

Harvest Valley
Skeleton Warrior
Earthen Peak
Undead Steelworker
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora

Large Titanite Shard:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Large Titanite Shards are used to reinforce standard equipment from +4 to +6.
Where to find Large Titanite Shards:
| Forest of Fallen Giants
|In a chest underneath the
|Cardinal Tower Bonfire. Go down|
|to the room with all the
|ballistae (just before Pate) |
|and go down the ladder. There |
|is a door behind you that you |
|cannot open. Hit the door and |
|the hollows on the other side |

|will open it. Kill them. Inside|
|that room is a chest with a
|Large Titanite Shard. This is |
|the earliest one you can find |
|in the game.
No-Man's Wharf
|In a hidden room behind a
|destructible wall on the first |
|floor in the house containing |
|the poison jars and Estus Flask|
|Shard. There is a chest, corpse|
|loot, and lizard in the room. |
|The Large Titanite Shard is
|dropped by the lizard.
No-Man's Wharf
|Also in No Man's Wharf, behind |
|an illusory wall in the
|neighboring house.
Lost Bastille
|From the Tower Apart Bonfire, |
|go left and hug the wall until |
|you come to a corpse. Shard is |
|on the corpse.
Lost Bastille
|On the ledge above Lucatiel of |
Iron Keep
Black Gulch
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora
|At the edge of the cliff just |
|before entering the spider
|caves that lead down to the
Where to buy Large Titanite Shards:

Lost Bastille
Steady Hand McDuff
Harvest Valley
Stone Trader Chloanne
Where to farm Large Titanite Shards:
Iron Keep
Ironclad Knights
Doors of Pharros
Smaller Gyrm
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Undead Mages
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Spider Humans
Black Gulch
Pool Worms

Titanite Chunks:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reinforces standard weapons to +14 and crystal, lightning weapons to +4.
Where to find Titanite Chunks:

Covenant Reward
|Kill an intruder while a member|
|of the Bell Keepers
Forest of Fallen Giants
|Inside a chest near the
|Cardinal Tower Bonfire
Shaded Woods
|Inside a chest beyond the third|
Where to buy Titanite Chunks:
Harvest Valley
Stone Trader Chloanne

Where to farm Titanite Chunks:

Doors of Pharros
Large Gyrm
| Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Undead Peasants
Black Gulch
Coal Tar

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Dark Souls II features lots of rings with different abilites. Here's a list of
all the rings found in the game:
*You can not wear 2 of the same ring regardless of +1 or +2.
*Rings can be repaired but not upgraded, upgraded versions are found throughout
the game.
| Acquired from
| Life Ring
| *+0=0.2
| *Raises maximum HP by 5%| *Forest of
| *+1=0.5
| *+1 = 7.5%
| Fallen Giants |
| *+2=0.8
| *+2 = 12.5%
| *Starter's Gift |
| *+1: Iron Keep |
| *+2: Shrine of |
|Chloranthy Ring| *+0=0.2
| *Increases stamina
| *Forest of
| *+1=0.5
| recovery rate by 3.5% | Fallen Giants |
| *+2=0.8
| *+1 = 5.5%
| *+2 = 8.5%
| *+1: Shaded
| *+2:Executioner's|
(NG+ only) |
|Royal Soldier's| *+0=0.2
| *Increases maximum load | *No-Man's Wharf |
| *+1=0.5
| by 10%
| *+2=0.8
| *+1 = 15%
| *+1: Drangleic |
| *+2 = 20%
| *+2:Velstadt, The|
Royal Aegis |
(NG+ only) |
|First Dragon | *0.5
| *Increases HP by 3%,
| *Company of
| stamina by 5% and
| Champions
| maximum load by 5%
| (Rank 2)

|Second Dragon | *0.8
| *Increases HP by 5%,
| *Manscorpion Tark|
| stamina by 10% and
| (Shaded Woods) |
| maximum load by 10%
|Third Dragon | *1.0
| *Increases HP by 7.5%, | *Dragon Shrine |
| stamina by 12.5% and |
| maximum load by 12.5% |
|Ring of Steel | *+0=1.0
| *Increases physical
| *Crestfallen
| *+1=1.5
| defense by 50
| Saulden (Majula)|
| *+2=2.0
| *+1 = 75
| *+2 = 100
| *+1: Lucatiel of |
| *+2: Looking
Glass Knight|
(NG+ only) |
|Spell Quartz | *+0=0.2
| *Increases magic
| *Carhillion of |
| *+1=0.5
| defense by 50
| the Fold
| *+2=0.8
| *+1 = 80
| *+2 = 100
| *+1: Earthen Peak|
| *+2: King's
|Flame Quartz | *+0=0.2
| *Increases fire
| *Rosabeth of
| *+1=0.5
| defense by 50
| Melfia
| *+2=0.8
| *+1 = 80
| *+2 = 100
| *+1: Forest of |
| Fallen Giants |
| *+2: Guardian
| Dragon
|Thunder Quartz | *+0=0.2
| *Increases lightning
| *Rosabeth of
| *+1=0.5
| defense by 50
| Melfia
| *+2=0.8
| *+1 = 80
| *+2 = 100
| *+1: Iron Keep |
| *+2: Royal
| Sorcerer Navlaan|

|Dark Quartz
| *+0=0.2
| *Increases dark defense | *Rosabeth of
| *+1=0.5
| by 50
| Melfia
| *+2=0.8
| *+1 = 80
| *+2 = 100
| *+1: Tseldoran |
| Settler (Duke |
| Tseldora)
| *+2: Leydia Witch|
| (enemy in Undead|
| Crypt)
|Poisonbite Ring|
| *Increases poison
| *Harvest Valley |
| resistance by 150
| *Earthen Peak
| *Cromwell the
| Pardoner
|Bloodbite Ring |
| *Increases bleeding
| *Cromwell the
| resistance by 150
| Pardoner
| *Way of Blue
|Cursebite Ring |
| *Increases curse
| *Cromwell the
| resistance by 400
| Pardoner
| *Magerold of
| Lanafir
|Bracing Knuckle| *+0=0.5
| *Reduce weapon
| *Lost Bastille |
| *+1=0.8
| degradation by 20%,
| *+2=1.0
| +1 = 35%, +2 = 50%
| *+1: Chancellor |
| *Armor degradation by |
| 20%, +1 = 25%,
| +2 = 45%,
| *+2: Undead Crypt|
| *Ring degradation by
| 20%, +1 = 25%, +2 = 45%|

|Ash Knuckle
| *Increases petrification| *Grave of Saints |
| resistance by 400
|Dispelling Ring|
| *Increases magic,
| *Royal Sorcerer |
| lightning, fire and
| Navlaan
| dark defense by 60
|Ring of
| *Raises poison, bleed, | *Dropped after |
| curse and petrify
| killing Cromwell|
| resist by 120
| the Pardoner
| *Given by
| Cromwell with |
| "Talk", must
| have 35 Faith or|
| higher
|____ | / |
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| ___| | |
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| |__ ___| |_ _ _ ___| |_
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\____/|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|___/

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| | (_)
| |
___ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___
| |
/ _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| |___| (_) | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
\_____/\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
These items are used to increase the amount of uses for your Estus Flask. You
should bring them to the Emerald Herald in Majula. There are 12 Flask Shards
total, but you can only upgrade it 11 times to reach the maximum amount of
12 sips from your flask.

| Shard #1: In a corpse inside the well outside|
| the mansion. You have to strike the stone on |
| the well for the corpse to come up from the |
| well.
| Shard #2: In a corpse behind a wall in the |
| basement of the mansion, after you obtain its|
| key.
| Forest of Fallen Giants
| Shard #3: After gaining the Soldier Key, go |
| up the stairs in the Cardinal Tower and open |
| the door there. In the second room you will |
| find a chest with a Shard and a Small White |
| Sign Soapstone.
Lost Bastille
| Shard #4: From the left side of the first
| courtyard, there will be a corridor leading |
| to a chest, containing the shard.
No-Man's Wharf
| Shard #5: In a chest inside a one story
| building, to the left of the stairs that
| leads down to the side of the docks with the |
| ship. There are two sleeping enemies and
| numerous poison jars. The item is contained |
| in a metal chest at the corner of the room. |
Earthen Peak
| Shard #6: Down a poison filled hallway as you|
| enter the second room.
| *Setting the windmill on fire in the next
| area also drains this hallway of poison.
Shaded Woods
| Shard #7: Start from the Shaded Ruins
| bonfire; head to the hole in the ground near |
| the giant basilisk, behind a locked door
| opened with the Fang Key.
| Shard #8: Found in a room opposite the Old |
| Akerlarre bonfire.

| Brightstone Cove Tseldora | Shard #9: Before the Prowling Magus Boss
| fight, there is an illusionary wall to the |
| left of the boss fog wall with the shard
| inside.
| Shard #10: The second is on a corpse in a
| building opposite the lower brightstone
| Bonfire.
Drangleic Castle
| Shard #11: In the room with a gated door,
| past the large room with 4 Alonne Knight
| snipers, 2 Syan Knights and a Mastadon.
Shrine of Amana
| Shard #12: Between the second and third
| Bonfire down the path blocked by a cyclopse, |
| a water rat, and two sorceresses. The path |
| becomes very narrow, so use caution when
| navigating.

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|/\| |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __|
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\/ \/ \___|\__,_| .__/ \___/|_| |_|___/
| |

There are two NPCs in Dark Souls 2 who are able to provide you with very
special variations on existing weapons in the game. There's a price to pay,
however, and you need to obtain a soul from a particular boss to unlock each
one. Here's who you need to talk to, and what you need to bring them, in order
to get your hands on every single boss weapon in Dark Souls 2.
Straid's boss weapons:
--------------------------------------You'll find Straid just above the bridge
Sinner's Rise. You won't be able to talk
with a Fragrant Branch of Yore, however.
you light the bonfire just behind him so
have a new soul to trade in.

that leads from the Lost Bastille to

to him until you've unpetrified him
When you've revived Straid, make sure
you can dart back easily whenever you


Arced Sword
Flexile Sentry
Barbed Club
Flexile Sentry
Bone Scythe
Covetous Demon
Chariot Lance
Executioner's Chariot
Dragonrider's Bow
Dragonrider's Greatshield |
Dragonrider's Halberd
Dragonrider's Twinblade
Gargoyle Bident
Belfry Gargoyles
Giant Stone Axe
Last Giant
Mytha's Bent Blade
| Mytha, the Baneful Queen
Pursuer's Greatshield

| Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword |
Roaring Halberd
Skeleton Lords
Shield Crossbow
Executioner's Chariot
Smelter Sword
Smelter Demon
Spotted Whip
Demon of Song
Warped Sword
Flexile Sentry
Ornifex's boss weapons:
to get
to get

find Ornifex deep underground in the Shaded Ruins region in Shaded

You'll need to free her first, however, and to do that you'll have
your hands on a Fang key. Simply use a Fragrant Branch of Yore on the
by the bonfire in the Shaded Ruins, then kill the monster that spawns
the key.

Once you've freed Ornifex, keep talking to her until you've worked through all
of her dialogue trees. After that, she'll set up a new home in Brightstone
Cove Tseldora. Make your way to the Lower Brightstone Cove bonfire, then take a
left and walk through the door to find her.
Bow of Want
Butcher's Knife
The Rotten

Chaos Blade
| Lost Sinner (New Game Plus) |
Chime of Want
Crypt Blacksword
| The Rotten (New Game Plus) |
Curved Dragon Greatsword
Ancient Dragon
Defender's Greatsword
Throne Defender
Defender's Shield
Throne Defender
Dragonslayer's Greatbow
| Old Iron King (New Game Plus) |
Dragonslayer's Spear
Old Dragonslayer
| Drakewing Ultra Greatsword
Guardian Dragon
Iron King Hammer
Old Iron King
King's Mirror
Looking Glass Knight
King's Shield
Velstadt (New Game Plus) |

King's Ultra Greatsword
Lost Sinner's Sword
The Lost Sinner
Moonlight Greatsword
Duke's Dear Freja
(New Game Plus)
Ruler's Sword
Velstadt (New Game Plus) |
Sacred Chime Hammer
Scythe of Want
Spider Fang
Duke's Dear Freja
Spider's Silk
Duke's Dear Freja
Spitfire Spear
Guardian Dragon
Thorned Greatsword
Looking Glass Knight
Watcher's Greatsword
Throne Defender
Watcher's Shield
Throne Defender


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/ _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
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\_____/\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
Bonfires act as checkpoint and travel portals. Upon dying, the player will
respawn at the last bonfire they kindled or rested at and lose the souls
they were carrying. Players may also light torches at the bonfire, allowing
them some light in dark areas. Players may teleport to any bonfire in the
game that they have kindled.
Some Bonfires cannot be reached until later in the game.
| Fire Keepers' Dwelling
| Things Betwixt: After you wake up on the
| altar walk straight over the ramp through the|
| gap in the rockface then over the wooden
| bridge and into the house. After the video |
| sequence walk out of the house on the
| opposite side you entered. The bonfire is
| just outside the house.
The Far Fire
| Majula: Once you enter Majula, walk down the |
| path and go through the broken arch. The
| Bonfire is to your far right.
| The Crestfallen's Retreat | Forest of Fallen Giants: At the start of the |
| area, just go straight ahead over the little |
| river and you are at the Bonfire.

Cardinal Tower
| Forest of Fallen Giants: The Cardinal Tower |
| Bonfire can be found by entering the ruined |
| fortress by the Heide Knight, then going
| upstairs until you're out on the roof. Kill |
| the nearby enemies, then go up the ladder and|
| through the massive doors in the tower on
| your right. You should now be able to see the|
| bonfire, as well as Merchant Hag Melentia. |
Soldier's Rest
| Forest of Fallen Giants: Assuming you have |
| the Soldier Key on you, climb down the ladder|
| by the Cardinal Tower Bonfire, then make your|
| way towards where the misty gate was. Go
| inside the room, take a right and then go
| through the door. Walk down the hall, killing|
| any enemies you encounter, then go through |
| the next door. You'll now have to pass
| through a rather decrepit structure, before |
| you arrive at the next bonfire outside.
| The Place Unbeknownst
| Forest of Fallen Giants: At the Cardinal
| Bonfire, go down the ladder in the ground and|
| turn right, go over the bridge and open the |
| door with the Soldiers Key. Turn left and put|
| on the King's Ring. The Bonfire is behind
| that gate.
Heide's Ruin
| Heide's Tower of Flame: After reaching the |
| area, you'll encounter an old knight. To his |
| left are stairs which lead to this Bonfire. |
Tower of Flame
| Heide's Tower of Flame: You'll find the Tower|
| of Flame Bonfire just above the area where |
| you fight the Dragonrider, but you won't be |
| able to make use of it until the boss has
| been defeated.
The Blue Cathedral
| Cathedral of Blue: You'll be able to access |
| The Blue Cathedral bonfire after you've
| killed Old Dragonslayer. You'll find it
| downstairs after the fight, and right next to|
| Blue Sentinel Targray.
Unseen Path to Heide
| No-man's Wharf: There's only one bonfire to |
| track down in No-Man's Wharf, and you'll find|
| it by entering the cave as you leave Heide's |
| Tower of Flame.

Exile Holding Cells
| Lost Bastille: Leave the Servant's Quarter |
| Bonfire room and head over the planks. Now |
| take a right and enter the tower. Go all the |
| way along the battlements and then jump down |
| off the roof. Go through the doorless
| entrance, then smash up the wooden planks
| that are covering a hole in the wall. Go
| through the gap, take the next door on your |
| left, then go up the ladder. When you reach |
| the top, go right until you come to the
| Bonfire room.
McDuff's Workshop
| Lost Bastille: Make your way from the first |
| Bonfire and head over to where Lucatiel of |
| Mirrah is located. Leave the tower from the |
| second exit, passing stray dogs and jailers. |
| When you come to a staircase with a barrel at|
| the top, push the barrel to smash up the wall|
| at the bottom. You can now access the
| Bonfire.
Servant's Quarters
| Lost Bastille: Once you've killed the Ruin |
| Sentinels, head up the nearby stairs. Walk |
| down the corridor, past all the cells, and |
| you'll eventually find this bonfire on the |
| far left.
Straid's Cell
| Lost Bastille: Simply unpetrify Straid with a|
| Fragrant Branch of Yore to gain access to the|
| Bonfire just behind him.
The Tower Apart
| Lost Bastille: You'll find this Bonfire the |
| moment you arrive in the Lost Bastille via |
| Forest of Fallen Giants. It's located in the |
| starting room.
The Saltfort
| Sinner's Rise: There's only one bonfire in |
| Sinner's Rise. To find it, simply make your |
| way through the opening section of this
| region, and keep your eyes peeled for a
| ladder on your right. Head up it to light
| the Bonfire.
Upper Ramparts
| Belfry Luna: Once you've killed the Belfry |
| Gargoyles, go down the stairs in the belfry |
| opposite. You'll find the bonfire right in |
| front of the door when you reach the bottom. |
Undead Refuge
| Huntsman's Copse: When you arrive in
| Huntsman's Copse, you'll find this bonfire |

| in a clearing that's over on your left.
Bridge Approach
| Huntsman's Copse: At one point in this
| region you'll have to clear a pack of enemies|
| from a gloomy, dark structure. Once you've |
| finished fighting them, head towards the
| bridge, pass under it, and then climb down |
| the ladder. You'll find the bonfire in a
| little room down here.
Undead Lockaway
| Huntsman's Copse: Make your way into
| Huntsman's Copse via the Bridge Approach, and|
| keep heading towards the raised bridge.
| You'll find the bonfire on the other side, |
| but you'll need to have the Undead Lockaway |
| Key to unlock the hut that contains it.
Undead Purgatory
| Undead Purgatory: As soon as you've finished |
| the fight with the Executioner's Chariot,
| head up the stairs and go beyond the gate
| lever to find this next Bonfire.
Poison Pool
| Harvest Valley: You'll find this bonfire near|
| the entrance to the Harvest Valley region. |
| Head to the cave that's just on the other
| side of a pool of poisonous liquid.
The Mines
| Harvest Valley: This bonfire is located in a |
| small cave at the end of a tunnel that starts|
| just after a fight against a pack of Undead |
| Laborers and Mounted Overseers.
Central Earthen Peak
| Earthen Peak: As the name suggests, you'll |
| find this Earthen Peak bonfire approximately |
| halfway through your journey through the
| region, just behind a misty door that's being|
| guarded by some Manikins.
Lower Earthen Peak
| Earthen Peak: This very easy to find bonfire |
| is located just after the fight against the |
| Covetous Demon. Simple leave the boss room, |
| keep walking forwards, and you really can't |
| miss it.
Upper Earthen Peak
| Earthen Peak: This final Earthen Peak Bonfire|
| is located behind a hidden wall that's just |
| above the entrance to the Mytha fight. To get|
| to it, head up the stairs nearby, turn right |
| when you reach the top, and then interact
| with the wall that's next to the poisonous |
| urns.

Threshold Bridge
| Iron Keep: As soon as you arrive in Iron Keep|
| via the Earthen Peak lift, go down the stairs|
| to the left of the bridge - the bonfire's at |
| the very bottom.
Ironhearth Hall
| Iron Keep: Once you've killed the Smelter
| Demon, you'll find this next bonfire in a
| small room, just up some stairs on the
| opposite side from the boss area entrance. |
Eygil's Idol
| Iron Keep: Make your way through Iron Keep, |
| towards the location of the Old Iron King. |
| When you reach a room that has spiky walls |
| and a fire device in the middle of it, head |
| up the ladder and you'll eventually come to |
| the Eygil's Idol Bonfire.
Belfry Sol Approach
| Belfry Sol: After killing the Smelter Demon, |
| make your way into the next large room in
| Iron Keep. As soon as you enter, take the
| door over on your left, then climb the ladder|
| inside to get to the Bonfire.

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.___/ /./ /

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/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \ / _` | '_ \| __/ __|
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Covenants are factions within Dark Souls II that players may align themselves
with. You join a covenant by making an oath with an NPC, who is also often the
covenant leader. You are rewarded for following the rules of the covenant and
punished if you break them.
If you break the rules of your covenant, you will become sinned.
Note also that different Covenants have different focuses - some focus on
co-operative play, while others demand you duel against other players to
unlock the greatest rewards. Before we go into detail on the individual
Covenants, here's a quick breakdown of what you'll need to do to advance in
each one.

Note: You may abandon your current covenant at any time by seeking out Sweet
Shalquoir, a cat NPC in a small building near the large hole in Majula.
You may also abandon your covenant by attempting to join a new one. There are
NO kinds of punishment for abandoning a covenant and you're able to rejoin
whenever you want. Even if you kill the leader of a certain covenant, they
will still offer you to join their covenant after reviving them.
Bell Keepers:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------After reaching the Servants' Quarters Bonfire in The Lost Bastille, climb down
the nearby ladder and use a Pharros' Lockstone on the contraption next to the
chest. Attack the glowing wall, then proceed through the wooden door. Speak to
the dwarf on the right to join the covenant.
You can also join this covenant in Belfry Sol. After reaching the Ironhearth
Hall Bonfire in Iron Keep, proceed until you reach a large room with movable
platforms. Next to the lever is an iron door. Open the door and use a Pharros'
Lockstone on the contraption, then attack the glowing wall to reveal a ladder.
Climb up the first ladder, then the second one by the bonfire to reach the top.
Speak to the dwarf found there to join the covenant.
--------------------------------------Upon joining the covenant the player will be given a Bell Keeper's Seal ring,
and five Rusted Coins.
One's objective as a Bell Keeper is to defeat any trespasser that sets foot in
the bell tower. The bell tower one is summoned to will most likely be the
location at which the convenant was joined. However, if there are no viable
hosts to invade in that tower, the player will invade the other tower instead.
The covenant icon of the Bell Keepers will pulse with light when one is placed
in the matchmaking queue. In Belfry Luna, invaders will often spawn near the
top of the tower, next to the door which leads to the Belfry Gargoyles boss
fight. If the world host manages to enter the boss fight during an invasion,
the invader will be returned to their world. Spawn points for Belfry Sol,
are usually near the ballista, near the bell switch, or near the exit.

Upon successfully vanquishing the opponent, the player will be rewarded with a
Titanite Chunk.
Being a member of this covenant will also cause certain enemies to drop
covenant items. The Undead Aberrations in Sinner's Rise will drop the Bell
Keeper Bow and Bell Keeper Shield with high frequency.
|Bell Keeper's Seal,|
|5 Rusted coins
Join the Bell Keepers
| Titanite Slab
Defeat 10 trespassers
| Hidden Weapon
Defeat 30 trespassers
| Bell Keeper Set |
Defeat 100 trespassers
Blue Sentinels:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------Talk to Blue Sentinel Targray in Cathedral of Blue after having obtained a
Token of Fidelity either through helping another player defeat a boss as a
white phantom or by finding the one on the corpse beneath the rope bridge in
Huntsman's Copse.
--------------------------------------The Blue Sentinels protect the weak, by wearing the Guardian's Seal ring that
allows them to be summoned to members of the Way of the Blue when they are
being invaded. Sentinels cannot attack or interact with regular enemies in
the host's world, as their objective is to defeat the invader and punish the
guilty. Sentinels get a red eye indicator that floats above their head upon
being summoned and proceeds to guide them to the invader no matter where they
might be. Upon defeating the host's invader the Sentinel will receive 1 Token o
f Fidelity. Sentinels don't have to wear the ring to invade guilty worlds or
to start a duel match.
You must be human to protect Way of the Blue members. (It seems soul level
plays a role in being summoned, but that could also use confirmation.)(Soul
Memory may play the main role. Been summoned to multiple areas gaining from
2300 - 44000 souls for killing an invader.)

Blue Sentinels is the only covenant that can use Cracked Blue Eye Orbs, which
allow them to invade the worlds of sinners and wretches. They have to be human
to be able to use these orbs. A player becomes a sinner if they have gained 10
points of sin by killing other players online with invasions or by killing
NPCs. They become a wretch after gaining 100 points of sin. When a Blue phantom
defeats a sinner or a wretch, they will lose 1 point of sin. When using the
Cracked Blue Eye Orb, Blue phantoms are unable to use healing items such as
the Estus Flask, but they can heal themselves with Spells.
| Guardian's Seal |
Join the Blue Sentinels
|Spirit Tree Shield |
50 victories
| Wrath of the Gods |
150 victories
|Bountiful Sunlight,|
| Targray's Set |
500 victories
Brotherhood of Blood:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------You'll be able to join the Brotherhood of Blood by speaking with Titchy Gren, a
character you'll find in an area just following the fight with the
Executioner's Chariot in Undead Purgatory near Huntsman's Copse. You'll also
need to have a Token of Spite before you can join. Get one from the chests as
you make your way into the Gutter, or from an invading player, or by invading
another player via a Cracked Red Eye Orb.
--------------------------------------Once you've joined the Brotherhood, you'll be able to take part in arena duels
with other Brotherhood of Blood members. Simply approach one of the statues by
Gren with a Token of Spite in your inventory to commence a bout of battling.
You'll receive a Cracked Red Eye for each one of your victories.


| Crest of Blood |
Join the Brotherhood of Blood
| Curved Twinblade |
50 victories
| Crescent Sickle |
150 victories
|Great Chaos
500 victories
Company of Champions:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------In Majula, take the path along the coast to the right of the doorway leading
to Heide's Tower of Flame to find the Victor's Stone monument. Pray to it and
you will be asked to join the Company of Champions covenant.
--------------------------------------One of the two covenants that are available as soon as you get to Majula. Being
a member of this covenant increases the game's difficulty level by making every
enemy deal more damage and have more HP, similar to playing in NG+ or using
Bonfire Ascetics, while being in NG and without having to use ascetics at
every bonfire. In addition, being in this covenant also disables cooperative
play, removing the player's ability to summon anybody, including NPCs. Other
players are still able to invade your world.
This covenant also increases the range at which enemies will notice you. Upon
joining the covenant, players will also be given the Champion's Tablet. This
item can be used to display a leaderboard showing the names of the players who
have offered the most Awestones to the Victor's Stone. While this covenant is
strongly focused around PvE, it can be PvP focused as well, because defeating
red phantom invaders in your world will drop Awestones, which you will need to
acquire higher ranks.
WARNING: If you join this covenant you cannot be summoned or summon other
players, NOT EVEN NPC like Lucatiel etc... so their symbols will not appear.
--------------------------------------You can increase your rank with the Company of Champions by obtaining
Awestones. You'll receive these by killing invading NPC or black phantoms.
You can loot them from regular enemies, too, but only very rarely, so don't
expect to come across too many of these during regular play.


| Champion's Tablet |
Join the Company of Champions
|Great Magic Weapon |
10 Awestones
| First Dragon Ring |
25 Awestones
| Vanquisher's Seal |
50 Awestones
Dragon Remnants:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------You can join the Dragon Remnants by giving a Petrified Egg to Magerold of
Lanafir of Lanafir in Iron Keep. To get the Egg, go to Dragon Shrine and then
kill the enemy who shoots lightning at you. Head up the nearby steps, kill the
pair of knights, then look for a pair of chests you can jump towards. Open the
chests, kill the knight and black phantom, then take the Petrified Egg from the
altar. Magerold of Lanafir is located in Iron Keep.
--------------------------------------When joining the Dragon Remnants covenant, Magerold will give you a Dragon Eye
and an Ancient Dragon Seal ring. When worn, this ring will increase the amount
of HP you recover by using an Estus Flask by +50 HP. The Dragon Eye works
similar to a Red Sign Soapstone. You use this item to place down a summon
sign to duel the host of a world, who must summon you in. Contrary to Red and
White soapstones, neither you nor the host have to be human for the Dragon Eye
to work.
--------------------------------------In order to improve your rank with the Dragon Remnants, you'll need to get your
hands on Dragon Scales. Put your Ancient Dragon Seal down, and then then win
the duel that either materialised in your world, or in the one you get summoned
|Ancient Dragon Seal|
Join the Dragon Remnants
| Dragon Head Stone |
10 Dragon Scales

|Dragon Torso Stone |
20 Dragon Scales
|Black Dragon
30 Dragon Scales
Heirs to the Sun:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------In Harvest Valley, after the 2nd bonfire (The Mines), take a right after you
leave said bonfire and then another right towards the small area where the
floor is covered with poison gas and you see two Dark Magic Giants. Kill the
Steelworker Undead (the undead with the big hammer) standing across the bridge.
Cross this small bridge and turn left to get into a small cave, but beware the
Sickle Wielder that's standing around the corner. Continue until you reach the
end and you'll find a broken statue similar to Dark Souls 1. Pray to it and
you'll be asked to join the covenant.
--------------------------------------Heirs to the Sun faction boosts co-operative play. Working with other players
to kill the boss of an area while a member of the faction rewards both
participants with a Sunlight Medal - and your friend need not be a member of
the Covenant to get the reward either.
--------------------------------------Heirs to the Sun is a covenant that's solely focused on co-op; Sunlight Medals
are awarded once for defeating a boss while either you or another summoned
player is within Heirs of the Sun. A White Sign Soapstone must be used to earn
the medals. They can also drop from Falconer Knights in Things Betwixt (NG+)
and the Dark Magic Giants in Harvest Valley. These medals are required to rank
up in the covenant.
This covenant will make your white soapstone inscription glow golden, as well
as give your character a brilliant golden look when you are summoned for co-op.
Spending a full session worth of time with a host will revive a player to
human and result in gaining a Sunlight Medal aswell.
Sun Seal
Join the Heirs to the Sun
| Sunlight Parma |
10 Sunlight Medals
Sun Sword
20 Sunlight Medals

| Sunlight Spear |
30 Sunlight Medals
Pilgrims of Dark:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------To join the Pilgrims of Dark, you'll need to speak to Darkdiver Grandahl in
three different locations:
1: In Black
to see a
Kill the

Gulch, jump down between the pair of worms and you should be able
gate. Drop down again and then walk into the cave in front of you.
two giants inside to get your hands on the gate key. Darkdiver
is on the other side of the gate.

2: In the Shaded Ruins, turn right at the big basilisk until you arrive at
a path between two buildings that leads to the boss. Don't go through the
path, instead take a look around until you see some scaffolding. Drop down
into the area below this scaffolding to find Grandahl.
3: In Drangleic Castle, there's a room by the first bonfire that contains
some massive statues. Activate them using souls, deal with the sentinel
enemies that emerge, then go through the final gate on your left to drop
down and find the Covenant leader once more.
Once you've joined forces with the Pilgrims of Dark, you'll be given an Abyssal
Seal Ring, which increase the damage output of all hexes, albeit at the expense
of taking a small amount of hex damage yourself.
The Ring also allows you to enter special Abyss areas called the Dark Chasm of
Old in exchange for Human Effigies.
--------------------------------------This covenant give to the ability to access a new area in the game. Clearing
each section will increase your rank in the covenant.
Abyss Seal
Join the Pilgrims of Dark
| Resonant Soul |Clear one of the three Abyssal Dungeons |
|Clear all three Abyssal Dungeons (Also: |
|Great Resonant Soul|Light up the fire beacons inside each

|Climax, Xanthous |
|Set, Dragon Chime |
Defeat the Darklurker
Rat King Covenant:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------After defeating the boss Royal Rat Vanguard, the Rat King will be accessible
directly after. Speaking to him (he looks like a normal rat on a pile of bones
immediately after the fight) indicates that, although he hates humans, he has
gained respect for you. Seemingly, murdering a large number of his followers
is a good thing in his eyes. He can also be found at the end of the other
dungeon in the Doors of Pharros area after defeating the boss there. You
may also join the covenant just after killing the Royal Rat Authority inside
of the Doors of Pharros.
--------------------------------------The Rat King covenant allows you to take on other players in two specific areas
of the game: the Grave of Saints and the Doors of Pharros. The idea is that
you're protecting the rats' heartland from trespassers. By slipping on the
Crest of the Rat ring and skulking around these areas, other players who enter
these areas in their game have a chance of being automatically summoned into
your world to be taken down. Rat King covenant members can even summon enemies
while hollowed.
Covenant members will not be attacked by the regular rat mob enemies in either
area and the numerous Pharros Lockstone contraptions in the Doors of Pharros
allow you to modify the environment to include more traps to ensnare
trespassers. Take out a trespasser and you receive a Pharros Lockstone and
a Rat Tail, which can be offered to the Rat King as a further sign of your
devotion in exchange for escalating rewards. (If a trespasser survives,
they receive a Pharros Lockstone, but screw those guys, right?) Beware that
there's a 10-minute time limit for taking out trespassers.
| Crest of the Rat |
Join the Rat King
|10 Small Smooth & |
|Silky Stones
10 Rat Tails
|10 x Smooth &
|Silky Stones
20 Rat Tails

|Dragoncrest Ring |
35 Rat Tails
Way of the Blue:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to join:
--------------------------------------As soon as you reach Majula, you can head up the hill past the bonfire, towards
a large monument structure. Crestfallen Saulden is sitting in front of it,
and he will invite you to join the covenant upon exhausting his dialogue.
--------------------------------------One of the first covenants you're able to join. The Way of the Blue, also
referred to as "the covenant of the meek", is a co-op covenant that allows Blue
Sentinels, wearing the Guardian's Seal, to summon themselves to your world
automatically when you are being invaded, in order to protect you. This
covenant is mostly aimed towards players who have trouble beating invaders
or just like to have some added security.
Crestfallen Saulden will give the player a Blue Seal upon joining the
covenant. This ring slightly increases the wearer's HP, so it can also be
useful for people who plan to join a different covenant later. It's NOT
necessary to equip this ring in order to summon Blue Sentinels to aid you.
Blue Seal
Join the Way of the Blue
| Bloodbite Ring |
Kill one invading phantom
Kill 5 invading phantoms
|Blue Tearstone Ring|
Kill 10 invading phantoms

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The following section will list the location of every merchant in the game.
Sparkling Sisters Dyna and Tillo:
--------------------------------------Dyna and Tillo reside in the bird's nest on the cliff just past the Fire
Keeper's Dwelling Bonfire in Things Betwixt. To reach them you must enter
the first Fog Gate on the left and proceed along that path until you exit
through another Fog Gate onto a ledge. The nest is directly to the left,
adjacent to a ladder which can be kicked down to allow an easy return.
To trade an item to Dyna and Tillo, simply drop it in their nest using the
"Leave" option (do not select "Discard" or you will permanently lose the
item without placing it on the ground). If the sisters accept what you have
offered them, the trade will take effect immediately and the item you left
will be instantly replaced with the one you are given in return; there is no
need to quit to the title screen as in previous Souls games. Dyna and Tillo do
not offer fixed rewards for specific items and instead will randomly select a
reward from their list regardless of what they received from you; however
trading them a Petrified Something has the highest chance of yielding more
valuable results such as Titanite Slabs, Petrified Dragon Bones, and the
Demon's Great Hammer.
Also, you can only drop one of the specified items at a time otherwise the
birds will say "No, no not like that" regardless of whether it was a correct
item or not. You don't need to pick up items before dropping a new one, you
just drop multiple stacks of a single item and they all get traded at the
same time.

Merchant Hag Melentia:

--------------------------------------1st encounter: Forest of Fallen Giants, the Cardinal Tower bonfire.
2nd encounter: Majula (after defeating The Last Giant and exhausting her
Gives you Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1 after purchasing 10,000 souls worth
of items.
Sells the armor of killed NPCs.
Drops Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1 if killed
Maughlin the Armourer:
--------------------------------------You will find him sitting in his house in Majula next to The Pit.
He gives new armor sets after spending souls (1,000 and 16,000).
Drops Tseldora Robe, Tseldora Cap, Tseldora Trousers and Tseldora Manchettes
when killed.

You must spend 1,000 souls with him to unlock any extra armour sets. For
example, if you kill the Smelter Demon and go to buy the Smelter Demon
armour, without spending 1,000 souls, it's not there. Once you do, rest
at a bonfire and the set will be there along with the Elite Knight set.
Blacksmith Lenigrast:
--------------------------------------He's seen sitting in front of the house near the Bonfire in Majula. He Moves
inside and becomes a blacksmith and merchant once the door to his house is
unlocked with Lenigrast's Key (purchased from Merchant Hag Malentia) and you
have rested at a bonfire.
He will sell basic weapons and equipment. Also does basic upgrades and repairs
He'll give you the Blacksmith's Hammer after selecting Talk option once he has
moved inside the forge and you have spent 8,000 souls with him.
*Drops Blacksmith's Hammer if killed.
*His Grave is located right next to the door to his house after being killed.
Sweet Shalquoir:
--------------------------------------She's located in a house in Majula near the pit and the humanoid statues.
She sells rings to the player and mainly uses scents to identify and
characterize people.
*Drops nothing.
*Cannot be killed.
Licia of Lindelt:
--------------------------------------She can be found praying atop Heide's Tower of Flame after defeating
Dragonrider near the Bonfire.
She moves to the contraption that does not move between Majula and Heide's
Tower of Flame after exhausting her dialogue.
She will move the contraption, allowing access to Huntsman's Copse for
2000 souls.
If you have the Crushed Eye Orb it will stir close to her in Majula, if you
use the Eye a battle against Licia will start and afterwards she will be
removed from the game. If you win you will gain the Soothing Sunlight miracle,
a full saint's set, an Idol's Chime and the Rotunda Lockstone which let's you

move the contraption. If you die, she will still be there and you can use the
Eye again. (If you manage to die and still kill her, you will respawn at the
bonfire and gain NO items)
If you kill her a tombstone will appear, if you pray at the tombstone and
pay 7000 souls it resurrects her as a ghost above the tombstone and will still
sell you her items and miracles. It is not known if there are any additional
faith or covenant requirements for the tombstone to appear. (With faith of 6
and intelligence of 3, the tombstone still appeared)
Stone Trader Chloanne:
--------------------------------------Can be found past the Poison Pool bonfire in Harvest Valley sitting on a rock.
Sells titanite shards. If you exhaust all her dialogue she will go to Majula,
where she will start selling large titanite shards (limited at first, unlimited
later in the game), and later most (if not all) other upgrade items.
After spending around 20,000 souls, talk to her and you will receive a
Twinkling Titanite for free.
Drops a Pale Stone when killed.
Lonesome Gavlaan:
--------------------------------------1st encounter: He's first encountered in No-Man's Wharf, on the second floor
of the house swarmed by the Dark Stalkers, on the uppermost level of the
wharf, just before the bell.
He Sells a limited number of Consumables. Warning, these enemies will aggro
you all the way into his room and burst the door frame down. Clear them before
talking to him.
2nd encounter: After he is spoken to and subsequently leaves No-Man's Wharf,
Gavlan can be found in a small cave in the first poisoned area of Harvest
Valley just behind the first Dark Magic Giant you encounter.
3rd encounter: Doors of Pharros, up the stairs outside of the Gyrm Respite
Bonfire, in the middle of the spiral staircase, on the way to Brightstone
Cove Tseldora.
*Allows the player to sell their own wares in return for souls.
*If he is killed in No-Man's Wharf a gravestone will be in his place which
costs 3500 souls to talk to him.
*He will gift you Gyrm Greataxe after purchasing 15,000 souls worth of goods
from him and selecting "Talk".
*Drops Gyrm Greataxe if killed.

Carhillion of the Fold:

--------------------------------------He's a sorcery trainer found in No-Man's Wharf on a side platform before the
ship where you fight the Flexible Sentry.
He won't talk to you or sell you anything if your natural intelligence is
below 8, bonuses from equipment and rings will not count.
After the player defeats the Flexile Sentry, and talks to him with 8+
intelligence, he moves to Majula and waits under a tree to the right of
Lenigrast's shop. (If you have already talked to him with 8+ Intelligence
prior to defeating the Flexile Sentry, he will automatically move to Majula
after beating the boss (and sailing to the Lost Bastille.))
If you have 30 intelligence and use all the Talk options he will gift you
a Northern Ritual Band +1 ring. this can also be obtained by killing him.
*After Twin Dragonriders he sells infinite spells. (Sells me earlier, maybe
opening the gates to shrine of winter is a trigger?, Bonfire Ascetic may also
make he sells earlier.)
*After killing him, he can be revived at his gravestone for 3,500 souls.
Rosabeth of Melfia:
--------------------------------------She's found Petrified at Majula before the gate to Shaded Woods. You'll need
to use a fragrant branch of Yore so that you can unpetrify her.
She can sell you Pyromancies, reinforce your Pyromancy Flame and Dark Pyromancy
Flame if you have Fire Seeds (one per level) and you can give her equipment
that she will wear in your game.
*She will ask for clothes before she moves to Majula, anything you give her
will do and you will never be able to get whatever you give her back.
*She gives you a Prism Stone as thanks for rescuing her.
Steady Hand McDuff:
--------------------------------------Located at the Lost Bastille, you have to make an explosive barrel roll down
the stairs and hit a wall or open the door with the Bastille Key.
This blacksmith will infuse your weapons with elemental and auxiliary damage
if you bring him the Dull Ember. For more details see the Upgrades page. Light
the torch by the anvil to get acces to the chest he is sitting on. The Dull
Ember is needed to access the infusion and the shop.
*Drops 1 Titanite Slab when killed

*The chest behind him contains a Craftman's Hammer and 1x Twinkling Titanite.
You can open this chest without killing him. Simply light the brazier at the
other end of his room and rest at the bonfire and come back.
*If you spend enough souls (Should be 12000) by infusing weapons, he will give
you a Titanite Slab.
*Obtaining the Titanite Slab from him earns his Achievement/Trophy.
Straid of Olaphis:
--------------------------------------From the Saltfort Bonfire descend the ladder next to the bonfire and go across
the bridge until you are in the room with two mummies. Kill them, and then go
up the stairs. There will be a swarm of several exploding mummies, one of which
is a petrification mummy. After you kill them go to the cell on the far left
and you will find the petrified Straid.
There is a bonfire right behind Straid, which is accessible once you free him.
If you return to this bonfire at a later time, the mummies will respawn. You'll
need to kill them, and Straid is leaning against the wall just to the right
as you leave the jail cell.
*You can trade boss souls with him for Boss Soul Weapons.
*Teaches you the Mock gesture.
*You MUST have at least 3 Intelligence AND Faith for him to
you. However, he will continue to talk to you and sell you
reallocate your Faith and/or Intelligence below a 3 with a
long as you talked to him with a 3+ Int at least once. May
purchase or other condition.....

sell / trade with

things if you
Soul Vessel, as
require minimum

*Talk to him after trading 4 boss souls and he will give you the Black Robe
Set, which requires at least 16 Int to equip. The hood boosts your spell
casting speed. If Straid is killed, either by the mummies or by the player,
he can be revived with this gravestone next to the cell containing the bonfire
at a cost of 14,000 souls. It'll take several visits for the gravestone to
*Drops Black Hood if killed.
*The staff he wields is Staff of Wisdom.
Felkin the Outcast:
--------------------------------------He can be found on the way from Majula to the first Bonfire in Huntsman's
Copse. He's a Hexes trainer.
Requires 8 Faith and Intelligence to use as a trainer (Ring of Knowledge
and Ring of Faith do not factor into level requirements).
At 20 Faith and Intelligence he gives the Hexer's Set and the Sunset Staff.

*He drops the Sunset Staff when killed.

Laddersmith Gilligan:
--------------------------------------Can be found in the Earthen Peak after the second bonfire. He is located along
the outside of the building (NPC is located behind a gate. Run after the enemy
before he can close it.)
After exhausting his dialogue or defeating Mytha he will move to Majula and can
be found seated on a rock next to the pit in the middle of town.
The player is able to purchase ladders for 500, 3500, and 12,000 souls, which
will allow safe access down the pit in Majula.(The higher the purchase price
the longer the ladder will reach. At this point you most likely will have the
ring enabling you to take a fall, so the ladder would be pointless (Although
it is a quick way down to the locked door)
*If killed, he'll drop 1560 souls, a Melu Scimitar and Ladder Miniature (Even
if either or both are obtained before death).
*After purchasing the most expensive ladder (the other two are not required for
this) use the 'Talk' command and Laddersmith Gilligan will give the player the
Melu Scimitar as a gift. This will also unlock the 'Garrulous Miser'
Magerold of Lanafir:
--------------------------------------He is located in room to the right after killing the first 4 Alonne Knights
and entering Iron Keep.
If you spend 10,000 souls and selects the "talk" option, Magerold will profess
that the character and himself have similar tastes and will reward the
characters with a Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1.
You can offer the Petrified Egg to him in exchange for the ability to join the
Dragon Remnants covenant. It is worth noting that if you are currently carrying
the Petrified Egg, you cannot trade with him. Depositing it into storage will
allow trade again, while allowing the player to keep the egg.
*Allows the player to use incense to reduce the intelligence or faith
requirement of a spell.
*Drops Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1 if killed.
Vengarl of Forossa:
--------------------------------------You can find him in Shaded Woods. From the Shaded Ruins Bonfire walk back into
the foggy forest, keep right and follow the wall until you reach Vengarl.

You can also summon him during the boss battle against Nashandra.
Weaponsmith Ornifex:
--------------------------------------She is a blacksmith who sells boss soul weapons to the player.
1st encounter: Ornifex is found locked behind a door, below the false floor
near the giant Basilisk in Shaded Woods near the Shaded Ruins bonfire. She can
be freed using the Fang Key. To get the key, you must use a Fragrant Branch
of Yore on an enemy who is petrified near the bonfire and defeat him. Be
extremely careful, if you do not kill the basilisks before opening the door
the petrification breath CAN kill her. After speaking with her and exhausting
all dialogue, she will return to her workshop next to the Lower Brightstone
Cove Bonfire in Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
2nd encounter: After you freed her from her prison in The Shaded Ruins, she
returns to her home near the Lower Brightstone Cove Bonfire in Brightstone
Cove Tseldora. She resides in the room right next to the huge quicksand pit,
in the room with the small candle in the center and little, creepy dolls
spread throughout the room.
She is able to perform the same weapon and armor services as Lenigrast as well
as 10 Amber Herbs and 10 Green Blossoms. In honor of her debt to you, Ornifex
will perform your first Boss Soul trade free of charge. Be sure to use this
wisely as you won't see how much Boss Soul weapons cost during the free
*Drops 4200 souls (NG+) if killed in the shop.
*Grave available for 11,000 souls.
Cromwell The Pardoner:
--------------------------------------He is a very tricky to find merchant but well worth considering you can
purchase a lot of magic spells from him.
Although he is in Attic of Brightstone Cove Chapel. Exit the Prowling Magus
Boss room and turn around to face the building, look for semi-circular aisle
with a ladder leading to the top floor.
He can completely absolve of your sins provided you are willing to pay him
his service charges. With your base Faith stat 35 or above, use his expanded
talk option to get Ring of Resistance.
Chancellor Wellagar:
--------------------------------------He's found in Drangleic Castle in front of the throne room. Teaches you the
gesture "This one's me".
Sells various weapons, items, shields and rings.

*He can't be killed.

Grave Warden Agdayne:
--------------------------------------Warning: This NPC becomes hostile if approaching him holding a Torch or with
Cast Light. If the Hollow wielding a torch approaches him he will also
become hostile to you.
You will find him in the antechamber in the Undead Crypt.
If spoken to first, he can be summoned as a white phantom just before Velstadt,
where he'll wield the Crypt Blacksword. Facing the fog wall, his sign is on
your left, between the two final pillars.
*Drops Agdayne's Kilt.
*If spoken to after acquiring the King's Ring he will give you Agdayne's Black

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Gestures are an in-game way to communicate with other players. This section
will list the locations of every gesture you can collect in the game.
The exact location of the NPC that give you these gestures will not be explored
in full detail. If you have trouble finding them, use the walkthrough or the
merchants section.
| Majula: You can learn it from Crestfallen|
| Saulden when you enter Majula. All you |
| need to do is go through all of his

| dialogue options and gain access to his |
| menu.
Duel Bow
| Cathedral of Blue: Talk to Blue Sentinel |
| Targray in Cathedral of Blue after
| acquiring Token of Fidelity. Go through |
| all of his dialogue options and gain
| access to his menu to unlock the gesture.|
First Pump
| Huntsman Copse: Unlock the room
| containing the Undead Lockaway Bonfire in|
| Huntsman s Corpse area to find Creighton |
| the Wanderer. Go through all of his
| dialogue options to unlock the gesture. |
| Shaded Woods: After unpetrifying Rosabeth|
| of Melfia before entering the Shaded
| Woods, go back and talk to Benhart of
| Jugo in Majula. You will need to go
| through his dialogue options until you |
| get an option to learn this gesture.
| Shaded Woods: Purchase the ring of
| Whispers from Sweet Shalquoir in Majula. |
| After equipping the ring, talk to
| Manscorpion Tark in Shaded Woods. Talk to|
| him again after defeating Scorpioness
| Najka to learn this gesture.
| Memory of Vammar: Get Ashen Mist Heart |
| from the Ancient Dragon to gain access to|
| Memory of Vammar in Forest of Fallen
| Giants. Talk to Captain Drummond in the |
| Memory of Vammar and go through all of |
| his dialogue options to learn this
| gesture.
This One s Me
| Castle Drangleic: Look for the Chancellor|
| Wellagar on the stairs of Castle
| Drangleic just inside the main entrance. |
| Talk to him until you get the option to |
| learn the gesture.
Have Mercy!
| Undead Crypt: Without having your torch |
| lit, look for Grave Warden Agdayne in

| Undead Crypt. Talk to him to learn the |
| gesture.
| Earthen Peak or Majula: There are two
| ways you can learn this gesture. You can |
| either learn it by paying 2000 souls to |
| Laddersmith Gilligan at Earthen Peak or |
| by talking to him after he has moved to |
| Majula.
| Shaded Woods: Look for Head of Vengarl in|
| a clearing in the Shaded Woods. Go
| through all his dialogue options to learn|
| the gesture.
| Lost Bastille: Look for the petrified
| Straid of Olaphis in a cell in Lost
| Bastille. Once you have found him, use |
| the Fragrant Branch of Yore to free him. |
| After he is free, talk to him until you |
| get the option to learn this gesture.
Praise the Sun
| Harvest Valley: Go to the Altar of
| Sunlight at Harvest Valley to learn this |
| gesture. You can find it after the 2nd |
| Bonfire (The Mines), take a right after |
| you leave said bonfire and then another |
| right towards the small area where the |
| floor is covered with poison gas and you |
| see two Dark Magic Giants. Kill the
| Steelworker Undead (the undead with the |
| big hammer) standing across the bridge. |
| Cross this small bridge and turn left to |
| get into a small cave, but beware the
| Sickle Wielder that's standing around the|
| corner. Continue until you reach the end |
| and you'll find a broken statue similar |
| to Dark Souls 1. Pray to it and you'll be|
| asked to join the covenant.
_____ __ _____
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The following list will detail the location of every sorcery found in the game.
If you don't know the location of a merchant, please check out the merchants
locations list for more info.
NOTE: NG+ is required if you are aiming to collect all the sorceries and
unlocking the "Master of Sorcery" achievement/trophy.
Soul Arrow
|Bought from Merchant Hag Melentia,
|Carhillion of the Fold or Magerold of
|Lanafir for 1 500 souls.
Great Soul Arrow
|You can either find it in the Forest of |
|Fallen Giants or purchase it from
|Carhillion of the Fold or Magerold of
|Lanafir for 3 000 souls.
Heavy Soul Arrow
|You can purchase this sorcery spell from |
|Carhillion of the Fold or Magerold of
|Lanafir for 2 000 souls.
Great Heavy Soul Arrow
|You can purchase this sorcery spell from |
|Carhillion of the Fold or Magerold of
|Lanafir for 4 500 souls or you can find it|
|in Earthen Peak.
Homing Soul Arrow
|You can purchase this sorcery spell from |
|Straid of Olaphis or Weaponsmith Ornifex |
|for 6 500 souls.
Heavy Homing Soul Arrow
|Give Ruin Sentinel Soul to Straid of
|Olaphis and get this spell in exchange for|
|1 500 souls.

Homing Soulmass
|You will either need to find it in the
|Shaded Woods or purchase it from
|Weaponsmith Ornifex for 6 000 souls.
Homing Crystal Soulmass
|Found in Shrine of Amana after Rhoy's
|Resting Place Bonfire, in the back on a |
|body after the mages.
Soul Spear
|Purchase it from Grave Warden Agdayne for |
|12 000 souls or find it in Huntsman's
Crystal Soul Spear
|Trade Old Paledrake Soul with Straid of |
|Olaphis for 10 000 souls (New Game+)
|Purchase from Carhillion of the Fold for |
|1 800 souls.
Soul Spear Barrage
|Purchase from Carhillion of the Fold for |
|2 500 souls.
Soul Shower
|Trade Scorpioness Najka Soul with Straid |
|of Olaphis for 1 500 souls.
Soul Greatsword
|Drangleic Castle. After reaching the
|central Bonfire, head towards the elevator|
|and climb the ladder on your right.
|Following the room with the stone
|soldiers, it will be located in one of the|
|two chests.
Soul Vortex
|Can be purchased from Grave Warden Agdayne|
|for 10 400 souls or you can look for it in|
|either the Majula Pit or Brightstone Cove |
Soul Bolt
|Can be found in King's Passage.
Soul Geyser
|Found in Aldia's Keep.
Magic Weapon
|Purchased from Carhillion of the Fold for |
|2 000 souls.
Great Magic Weapon
|Can be purchased from Royal Sorcerer
|Navlaan for 6 000 souls, found in the
|Black Gulch or given as a reward for
|reaching Rank 1 in the Company of
|Champions Covenant.

Crystal Magic Weapon
|Chest in Dragon Shrine. Above two Drake |
|Keepers; one with a mace and one with a |
|sword and shield. To get it, run over the |
|small bridge on the right and continue
|through that path. Eventually you will end|
|up above the ledge with the chest. Just |
|drop down and the chest should be on the |
Strong Magic Shield
|Can be purchased from either Straid of
|Olaphis or Royal Sorcerer Navlaan for
|6 300 souls, also found in Drangleic
|Purchased from Carhillion of the Fold for |
|3 000 souls.
|Rewarded for reaching Rank 2 in Way of the|
|Blue Covenant or can be found in the Lost |
|Bastille in the room where you fight the |
|Ruin Sentinels. There are 4 hidden doors |
|at the bottom of the room. Press A near |
|the walls to reveal hidden passages and |
|you'll find the spell in one of them.
Fall Control
|Can be purchased from either Magerold of |
|Lanafir or Weaponsmith Ornifex for 4 800 |
Hidden Weapon
|Rewarded for reaching Rank 2 in the Bell |
|Keeper Covenant.
|Found in Shrine of Winter, go through the |
|Shrine and drop down the path then head |
|right to find a dead end with a corpse. |
|The spell is there.
Cast Light
|Can be purchased from either Straid of
|Olaphis or Darkdiver Grandahl for 3 000 |
|Found in Harvest Valley, on a corpse in |
|the poison mist pit with two Dark Giants |
|just before you enter Earthen Peak.
Unleash Magic
|Received from Royal Sorcerer Navlaan after|
|giving Aged Feather for the fourth
|assassination. You can get the Feather by |
|either killing the Emerald Herald in

|Majula (NOT RECOMMENDED) or she will give |
|it to you when you speak to her after
|reaching the Dragon Aerie.
_____ __ __
|____ |/ | / |
/ /`| | `| |
\ \ | | | |
.___/ /_| |__| |_

___ ____
| \/ (_)
| |
| . . |_ _ __ __ _ ___| | ___ ___
| |\/| | | '__/ _` |/ __| |/ _ \/ __|
| | | | | | | (_| | (__| | __/\__ \
\_| |_/_|_| \__,_|\___|_|\___||___/

_ _
| |
| | (_)
| |
___ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___
| |
/ _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| |___| (_) | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
\_____/\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
Miracles are faith based spells that require a chime to cast.
NOTE: NG++ is required if you are aiming to collect all the miracles and
unlocking the "Master of Miracles" achievement/trophy.
|Bought from Merchant Hag Melentia or
|Licia of Lindelt for 1 500 souls.
Med Heal
|Purchased from Licia of Lindelt for 3 000 |
Great Heal Excerpt
|Purchased from Licia of Lindelt for 4 500 |
Great Heal
|Purchased from Cromwell the Pardoner for |
|8 000 souls or can be found in Grave of |
Soothing Sunlight
|Invade and defeat Licia of Lindelt (you |
|will find a Crushed Orb in the Undead
|Crypt, take this back to where Lydia is |
|standing in Majula and use it to invade |
|and kill her. WARNING: Make sure you have |
|bought everything you want from her as she|
|will be permanently gone until NG+)
|Can be bought from either Licia of Lindelt|
|or Cromwell the Pardoner for 3 000 souls. |

Resplendent Life
|Can be bought from either Licia of Lindelt|
|or Straid of Olaphis for 4 500 souls.
Bountiful Sunlight
|Rewarded for reaching Rank 3 in the Blue |
|Sentinels Covenant or can be bought from |
|Chancellor Wellager (New Game ++) for
|11 000 souls.
Caressing Prayer
|Can be purchased from either Licia of
|Lindelt or Cromwell the Pardoner for 2 000|
|Can be purchased from either Licia of
|Lindelt or Cromwell the Pardoner for 1 800|
Wrath of the Gods
|Rewarded for reaching Rank 2 in the Blue |
|Sentinels Covenant or can be bought from |
|Chancellor Wellager (New Game ++) for
|8 200 souls.
Emit Force
|Can be bought from either Cromwell the
|Pardoner or Blue Sentinel Targray for
|4 200 souls or you can find it in No-man's|
|Wharf on the top ledge as you go to ring |
|the bell, on a corpse.
Heavenly Thunder
|Can be bought from either Cromwell the
|Pardoner or Blue Sentinel Targray for
|3 300 souls.
Lightning Spear
|Purchased from Licia of Lindelt for 6 000 |
|or can be found in Earthen Peak.
Great Lightning Spear
|Can be purchased from Straid of Olaphis |
|(after defeating Velstadt) for 13 000
|souls or can be found in either th Majula |
|Pit or Undead Crypt.
Sunlight Spear
|Reward for reaching Rank 3 in the Heirs of|
|the Sun Covenant.
Soul Appease
|Purchased from either Stone Trader
|Chloanne or Grave Warden Agdayne for
|8 800 souls.
Blinding Bolt
|Trade Old Iron King Soul with Straid of |

|Olaphis (New Game +) for 10 000 souls
Magic Barrier
|Can be purchased from either Head of
|Vengarl or Felkin the Outcast for 2 700 |
Great Magic Barrier
|Purchased from Chancellor Wellager for
|9 300 souls or can be found in Aldia's
|Purchased from Licia of Lindelt for 2 400 |
|Purchased from Licia of Lindelt for 3 700 |
Sacred Oath
|Trade Soul of Velstadt with Straid of
|Olaphis for 3 000 souls
|Purchased from Straid of Olaphis for 2 200|
|Purchased from Cromwell the Pardoner for |
|3 500 souls.
Sunlight Blade
|Purchased from Straid of Olaphis (after |
|defeating Velstadt) for 12 400 souls or |
|can be found in Shrine of Amana.
/ |
/ _ \
| | (_)
| |
/ /| | / /_\ \ ___| |__ _ _____ _____ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_
/ /_| | | _ |/ __| '_ \| |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __|
\___ |_ | | | | (__| | | | | __/\ V / __/ | | | | | __/ | | | |_
|_(_) \_| |_/\___|_| |_|_|\___| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|
_ _____
| | |_ _|
| |
__ _ _ __ __| | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | |__ _ _
/ _` | '_ \ / _` | | | '__/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | |
| (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | (_) | |_) | | | | |_| |
\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/_| \___/| .__/|_| |_|\__, |
| |
__/ |
| __ \
(_) | |
| | \/_ _ _ __| | ___
| | __| | | | |/ _` |/ _ \

| |_\ \ |_| | | (_| | __/

Dark Souls II features 38 achievements/trophies that are worth a total of 1000
_______________________ _____________________________________________________
| Achievement Name
| Achievement description/ Unlock guide
| The Dark Soul
| Description:
| (50G/Platinum)
| ----------------------|
| Earn all Achievements and Trophies.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| This achievement/trophy will unlock when you have |
| unlocked all other achievements/trophies.
| Self Recollection
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Reclaim flesh and set out as an Undead.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| This achievement is unlocked once you've created
| your character.
| Supreme Weapon
| Description:
| (50G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Reinforce a Weapon to its limit.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Location: You can unlock it as soon as you gain

| access to Blacksmith Lenigast and have the relevant |
| materials and Soul.
| Requirements: Be advised that you should upgrade a |
| normal piece of equipment that only requires
| Titanite Shards for the initial upgrade. You only |
| need 6 Titanite Shards, 6 Large Titanite Shards, 6 |
| Titanite Chunks and 1 Titanite Slab with a total of |
| 12,140 Souls needed for a Long Sword +10.
| Gesture Maestro
| Description:
| (50G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Learn all Gestures.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Check out the gesture locations section for exact |
| locations on where to find them.
| Master of Sorcery
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Learn all sorceries.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Check out the sorcery locations section for exact |
| locations on where to find/purchase them.
| Master of Miracles
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|

| Learn all miracles.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Check out the miracles locations section for exact |
| locations on where to find/purchase them.
| Master of Pyromancy | Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Learn all pyromancies.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Check out the pyromancies locations section for
| exact locations on where to find/purchase them.
| Master of Hexes
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Learn all hexes.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Check out the hexes locations section for
| exact locations on where to find/purchase them.

| Selfless Giver
| Description:
| (50G/Gold)
| ----------------------|
| Max-out devotion to covenant.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| You need to reach Rank 3 with ANY Covenant for this |
| to unlock. You need to get two to Rank 3 for other |
| achievements anyway (as you need the requisite
| spells) so aim for those. The two are: Heirs of the |
| Sun (once joined you need 30 Sunlight medals for max|
| rank
gained by helped other players beat bosses or|
| being helped in turn by members of this Covenant) |
| and Pilgrims of the Dark (need to find the Darkdiver|
| in three places and then complete the small dungeon |
| in each of them and light the beacon, then defeat |
| the final boss).
| This is Dark Souls
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Die for the first time.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Don't worry, you'll be doing a lot of that in the |
| game. This achievment is unmissable.
Secret achievements/trophies:
--------------------------------------_______________________ _____________________________________________________
| Achievement Name
| Achievement description/ Unlock guide
| King's Ring
| Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Acquire the King's Ring.

| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| After defeating Velstadt, The Royal Aegis in Undead |
| Crypt, enter the room behind him and you'll
| encounter King Vendrick. He won't be hostile until |
| you attack him so grab the ring first and then
| decide if you want to fight him. This achievement |
| is unmissable.
| Ancient Dragon
| Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Acquire Ashen Mist Heart.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
can t be missed. Once you have |
| Story progression
| the King s Ring head to the Ruined Fork Road Bonfire|
| in the Shaded Woods and then through the middle
| opening to access a gate (need the ring equipped to |
| open). This leads to Aldia s Keep, go through here |
| to the Dragon Aerie and then the Dragon Shrine. At |
| the end of the shrine you will speak to the Ancient |
| Dragon and be given this item and the achievement |
| will unlock. You do NOT have to fight him, but if |
| you do so it will make the Vendrick fight much
| easier - only attack him AFTER you get the Heart. |
| The Heir
| Description:
| (100G/Gold)
| ----------------------|
| See the ending.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| This can be obtained once you defeat Nashandra, the |
| final boss and see the ending. You can then choose |
| to mop up anything you have missed or go into NG+ |
| (if you chose the first option you can then select |
| NG+ from the Majula bonfire).
| Last Giant
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Defeat the Last Giant.

| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| The Last Giant is a boss located in the Forest of |
| Fallen Giants. He will most likely be your first
| real boss encounter. For tips and strategies on
| defeating this guy, check out the walkthrough for |
| more details.
| Sinner's Bonfire
| Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Light the primal bonfire in Sinner's Rise.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Can't be missed. Once you're in Sinner's Rise,
| you'll be facing the Lost Sinner. Once the boss is |
| dead, in the next room you'll find this Bonfire
| which will return you to Majula and get this
| achievement/trophy.
| Iron Keep Bonfire
| Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Light the primal bonfire in Iron Keep.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Story progression
can t be missed. You need to
| defeat the Old Iron King at the end of the Iron Keep|
| to access the Bonfire. Once he dies, go into the
| small building here to activate the Primal Bonfire. |
| Iron Keep Bonfire
| Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Light the primal bonfire in Iron Keep.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|

| Story progression
can t be missed. You need to
| defeat the Old Iron King at the end of the Iron Keep|
| to access the Bonfire. Once he dies, go into the
| small building here to activate the Primal Bonfire. |
| Gulch Bonfire
| Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Light the primal bonfire in the Black Gulch.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Story progression
can t be missed. Once The Rotten|
| dies you can go into the next room and light up this|
| Bonfire.
| Brightstone Bonfire | Description:
| (20G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Light the primal bonfire in Brightstone Cove
| Tseldora.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Story progression
can t be missed. Once you've
| killed the Duke s Dear Freja, follow the passage to |
| kill the weak Duke, then another passage to the
| Primal bonfire. Beware: Vengarl s headless corpse |
| will be waiting for you so kill him before lighting |
| the fire.
| Giant Lord
| Description:
| (20G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Defeat Looking Glass Knight.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Once you're in King's Passage, you'll encounter the |
| Looking Glass Knight (can't be missed). Read the
| walkthrough for tips and strategies on how to beat |
| him.

| Description:
| (50G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Defeat Vendrick.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| You'll find King Vendrick at the end of Undead Crypt|
| after defeating Velstadt, The Royal Aegis. This
| encounter is optional and has a few twists so it is |
| advisable to read the walkthrough before taking him |
| on.
| Brilliant Covenant
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover a most brilliant covenant.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Heirs to the Sun covenant to get this
| achievement/trophy. For their exact location, check |
| out the covenants list.
| Protector Covenant
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover the covenant of the protectors.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Blue Sentinels covenant. For their exact |
| location, check out the covenants list.
| Sanguinary Covenant | Description:

| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover the covenant of the bloodthirsty.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Brotherhood of Blood for this one. For
| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
| Covenant of the Meek | Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover the covenant of the meek.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Way of Blue covenant for this one. For
| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
| Gnawing Covenant
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover the covenant of rodents.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Rat King covenant for this one. For
| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
| Clangorous Covenant | Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover the clangorous covenant.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Bell Keeper covenant for this one. For

| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
| Covenant of Ancients | Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover an ancient covenant.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Dragon Remnants covenant for this one. For |
| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
|Covenant of the Fittest| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discover the covenant of the fittest.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Company of Champions for this one. For
| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
| Abysmal Covenant
| Description:
| (10G/Bronze)
| ----------------------|
| Discovery the abysmal covenant.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find the Pilgrims of Dark covenant for this one. For|
| their exact location, check out the covenants list. |
| Curious Map
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|

| Light all flames on the map in Majula.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| After you find the Cardinal Tower Bonfire, go down |
| the ladder in that room (the following areas have |
| plenty of enemies but this is the route you need). |
| At the bottom head left and through the door at the |
| end, you ll be facing a fallen tree that makes a
| ramp upwards. About halfway up you can drop onto a |
| doorway on the left, do so and then turn around drop|
| to the ground. Run across to the ladder down here |
| and climb up it. At the top cross the wooden ramp |
| on your left and make your way to the roof of the |
| house, from here do a running jump to the wooden
| platform in the corner. Then go right and drop down |
| to the next platform. There is a cave on the left |
| side, so head in slowly, a boulder should roll down |
| so be careful. Once it passes go up the ramp and
| speak to Cale. He will give you the mansion key and |
| you should only leave when he starts to repeat
| himself. Once you have defeated the Last Giant he |
| will be back in Majula, in the mansion by the stone |
| map. You now need to do the following to light the |
| fires (be sure to light all nearby Bonfires):
| Defeat the Last Giant - Forest of Fallen Giants
| Defeat the Lost Sinner - Sinner's Rise
| Defeat the Old Iron King - Iron Keep
| Defeat the Rotten - Black Gulch
| Defeat the Duke's Dear Freja - Brightstone Cove
| Tseldora
| Obtain the King's Ring - Undead Crypt
| Obtain the Ashen Mist Heart from the Ancient Dragon |
| - Dragon Shrine
| Defeat Nashandra - Drangleic Castle
| NOTE: DO NOT CHOOSE NG+ straight away after beating |
| the last boss. Instead head back to Majula and speak|
| to Cale to get his gear and the achievement.
| Change of clothes
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Give Rosabeth of Melfia something to wear.
| Unlock guide:

| ----------------------|
| This Achievement is for giving Rosabeth of Melfia a |
| change of clothes. She's the person who was turned |
| to stone near Majula, the one stuck to the switch |
| at the entrance of the Shaded Woods. You can
| restore her to life by using a Fragrant Branch of |
| Yore. One can be found just after defeating the
| boss in Sinner's Rise, the other is in Black Gulch. |
| Use one of the branches on her, then speak to her |
| a few times. Eventually she'll ask you for some
| clothes and a menu will open up. Choose the option |
| to give her equipment, then give her whatever armor |
| you feel you'll never need again, as you can't get |
| back anything you give to her. The Achievement will |
| pop after the transaction is complete.
| Note that she'll leave the spot where you revive
| her and head back to Majula after a little while. |
| You can still give her some clothes in her new
| position just beneath the obelisk, even if you
| didn't give her anything during your first meeting. |
| Gathering of Exiles | Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Increase the population of Majula.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Check out the merchants location section for a list |
| of NPCs that can settle in Majula.
| After you've gathered them all, speak to Sualden
| for a bonus item.
| Moonlight Greatsword | Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Inherit Benhart of Jugo's equipment.
| Unlock guide:
| -------------------|
| You first find Benhart sat on the path leading to |
| the Shaded Woods, before the door blocked by the
| petrified Rosabeth. Speak to him here until he
| repeats himself and then un-petrify Rosabeth with |
| a Fragrant Branch of Yore. Then head back to Benhart|
| to speak to him again and learn a gesture, make sure|
| he repeats himself.



Once you get to Brightstone Cove you will find his |

summon sign in one of the tents in the Royal Army |
Campsite (same tent that has a suit of armor stood |
in it) but don t call him yet. Instead follow the |
path past the boulders and into the church, kill all|
the peasants and spiders leading up to the fog gate |
in there and THEN head back to summon him. This
means he ll have full health for the boss. Take him |
back there and kill the Prowling Magus and his
FIGHT OR IT WILL NOT COUNT. He needs to survive 3 |
of the 4 available boss fights for you to get his |
equipment. To make things easier you can buy the
Redeye Ring from the cat in Majula for 6,700 souls |
as this will force the enemies to focus on you
rather than the NPC.
After that you will meet him again by the Central |
Castle bonfire in Drangleic Castle (just before the |
platform that takes you up to King s Passage). Speak|
to him until he repeats himself and then continue |
onwards. Once you access Kings Passage clear out all|
of the enemies and find his summon sign to the left |
of the fog gate leading to the Looking Glass Knight,|
it helps to summon a second player if you can as the|
Knight can do severe damage. Ensure he survives the |
fight and continue.
Once you have the Ashen Mist Heart (from the Ancient|
Dragon) go back to the birds nest in the Forest of |
Fallen Giants (just past where The Pursuer fog gate |
fight was) and speak to him there until he repeats |
himself. You can now use the Ashen Mist Heart to
enter the Memory of Jeigh, his summon sign is
straight ahead of you and down some steps (be sure |
to call him rather than Drummond) and have him help |
you defeat the Giant Lord.
Once that is done you can speak to him in the Memory|
of Orro in order to get his equipment and the
achievement. If he died on one of the fights you can|
also summon him at the Throne of Want to assist you |
with the last boss, then head back to the Memory of |
THIS) as he will be there permanently. If you missed|
a fight or he died (if he dies before the boss is |
dead then you can let it kill you and summon him
again, though obviously you need to use an Effigy or|
Life Protection Ring to be human again) you have two|
options. Either try again on NG+ OR use a Bonfire |
Ascetic at the relevant bonfire (Royal Army
Campsite, Central Drangleic Castle, Place
Unbeknownst, Kings Gate) to make the boss respawn |
and attempt the fight again. If you do the latter |
the boss will be tougher and (in some cases) have |
allies. You can theoretically use this method to get|
all three boss wins on ONE fight if you feel like it|
(so defeating the Prowling Magus three times on one |
playthrough via Ascetic use would be fine). But you |
still HAVE TO speak to him in the required places |

| and have the wins before talking to him in the
| Memory of Orro (though he will stay there
| indefinitely so you can use the Ascetic method at |
| your leisure).
| Holder of the Fort
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Inherit Captain Drummond's equipment.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Once you have spoken to the Ancient Dragon and
| acquired the Ashen Mist Heart you can enter the
| Memory of Vammar via the slumbering giant near the |
| ballista room in the Forest of Fallen Giants. This |
| is where Drummond is, you can speak to him now to |
| learn a gesture but to get his equipment you need to|
| kill the Giant Lord in the Memory of Jeigh (through |
| the King s door in the Forest of Fallen Giants). The|
| Giant Lord is similar to the Last Giant and you can |
| adapt almost the same tactics, plus you can summon |
| Benhart in the memory to help you out. Once he is |
| dead return to the Memory of Vammar again and speak |
| to Drummond to get his helmet and the achievement. |
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Inherit equipment from Lucatiel of Mirrah.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| You can talk to her in ANY order, but you need to |
| speak to her at the Bonfire in No Mans Wharf and in |
| the hidden tunnel at the start of Black Gulch to
| make her available for boss fights. Her last spot |
| is ALWAYS Aldia's Keep and she needs to have
| survived three fights BEFORE you speak to her here. |
| This has to be done in ONE playthrough.
| In No Mans Wharf she will be at the Bonfire just
| before that area so speak to her until she repeats. |
| Now you can work through No Man s Wharf, but don t |
| enter the fog gate on the ship at the end. Instead, |
| go back up the stone steps that led down to wharf |
| the ship arrives at and into the wooden door on the |
| left, go up the stairs in this building and you
| should find a summon sign for Lucatiel on the floor |
| in this room (by a door that you can only open from |
| this side). It s better to kill all other enemies |
| before the boss to make your life easier. Now take |



her to the Flexile Sentry boss fight and kill him

DOESN T COUNT, this holds true for every time you
summon her. She needs to survive three fights out
of the four available. To make things easier you
can buy the Redeye Ring from the cat in Majula for
6,700 souls as this will force the enemies to focus
on you rather than the NPC.

After you kill the Last Giant you will get the
Soldiers Key, you can use this to access a door
behind the Ironclad Solder opposite the ballista
room. Up here you will find the fog gate leading to |
The Pursuer. You need to defeat him and then go into|
the room behind him to find a birds nest, examine it|
to be taken to the Lost Bastille. From where you
land you need to head to the tower opposite to find |
Lucatiel. Talk to her until she repeats herself. You|
can also reach her if coming via No Mans Wharf. From|
the Exile Cells come onto the battlements, down the |
ladder near the Heide Knight and then left to a pull|
switch that opens a gate. Through the gate and up |
the stairs will get you to her tower.
Be sure to summon her for the Lost Sinner fight in |
Sinners Rise (her summon sign is in the same room |
that the elevator stops in on your way down, again |
kill the enemies leading to the fog gate before
activating her).
You will find her again in the Bonfire room in
Earthen Peak (just after the Covetous Demon fight |
and assuming you spoke to her in the other two
places). So talk to her until she repeats herself |
You can summon her for the Smelter Demon fight in |
Iron Keep (it s an optional boss just after the
bridge you can lower) and her sign is right outside.|
This is a tough one to get her to survive but it
can be done, I especially recommend summoning
another player to help out to make things easier. |
Next you will find her in the Black Gulch. When you |
enter, go left into the bonfire room and light a
torch. Now go back out and edge along the cliff
right outside until you see a platform you can drop |
down to (near a cluster of three poison spitting
statues). Do so and you will find Lucatiel leaning |
against the wall in this passage, talk to her
repeatedly. Then continue onwards but DO NOT go in |
the fog gate, you need to find the hidden bonfire. |
If you hug the wall to the left (if your back is to |
the fog gate) and follow it until you reach the
cliff edge, you can then go left on a narrow path |
to the Bonfire room and Lucatiel s summon sign. Now |
you can fight The Rotten and make sure she survives.|
Continue with the game until you reach Aldia s Keep |
and she will be in the first little hut by the

| THREE BOSS FIGHTS as she will vanish after your
| conversation is done. If you found her and she
| survived the required number of fights you will get |
| her equipment and the achievements.
| If you missed a fight or she died (if she dies
| before the boss is dead then you can let it kill you|
| and summon her again, though obviously you need to |
| use an Effigy or Life Protection Ring to be human |
| again) you have two options. Either try again on
| NG+ OR use a Bonfire Ascetic at the relevant Bonfire|
| (No Mans Wharf, Threshold Bridge, Sinners Rise,
| Hidden Bonfire
Black Gulch) to make the boss
| respawn and attempt the fight again. If you do the |
| latter the boss will be tougher and (in the case of |
| the Sinner and Flexile Sentry) have allies. You can |
| theoretically use this method to get all three boss |
| wins on ONE fight if you feel like it (so defeating |
| the Flexile Sentry three times on one playthrough |
| via Ascetic use would be fine). But you still HAVE |
| TO speak to her in the required places and have the |
| wins before talking to her in Aldia s Keep.
| Smith for Life
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Inherit Steady Hand McDuff's equipment.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| McDuff can be found in the Lost Bastille (from the |
| tower where Lucatiel is found just go straight ahead|
| down the steps and his cell is at the bottom on the |
| right) either by using the Bastille Key (found in |
| Belfry Luna) to open his cell or by using the
| explosive barrel at the top of the stairs nearby to |
| blow open the wall to get in. Once there speak to |
| him repeatedly and light the torch in here to get |
| him to move off the chest he is sat on. You now
| need the Dull Ember from Iron Keep.
| To get it (no enemies are listed here, so be
| careful) go to the Threshold Bridge bonfire at the |
| Iron Keep and cross over it. Enter the building and |
| go up the small stairs ahead and then the larger
| ones in the right corner. Go through another small |
| room that has three foes in it and out into a large |
| area with lava. Go down the path on the left until |
| you get to some steps going down. Head down and pull|
| the lever here to partially lower the bridge above |
| (don t open the door). Go back up and cross the
| bridge. At the end drop off and go right, jump a
| gap that leads to a chest but look right before
| reaching it. You ll see a corpse with an item that |
| you can jump to. This is the ember.

| Take it back to McDuff and he will then be able to |
| infuse your weapons (if you have the correct
| stones). You then need to spend at least 14k worth |
| of souls with him (I chose to use it all on infusion|
| which some people state is required, but equally
| people have had it unlock by just buying
| items/arrows) and then chose the regular talk
| option. He will give you a Titanite Slab and the
| achievement is yours.
| Garrulous Miser
| Description:
| (30G/Silver)
| ----------------------|
| Inherit Laddersmith Gilligan's equipment.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| Find him first of all located on a ledge in Earthen |
| Peak. From the second bonfire (the one behind a mist|
| door) go up the stairs and smash the wooden railing |
| in front of you. Then go along the left hand ledge |
| to find him. Buy his ladder here for 2,000 souls and|
| make sure to exhaust all conversation. After the
| boss fight at the top of Earthen Peak (Mytha) he
| will then move to Majula. Now be sure to buy all
| three of his ladders down the Pit and then speak to |
| him repeatedly until he gives you his item for the |
| achievement.
| Reflections on
| Description:
| Disembodiment
| ----------------------|
| (30G/Silver)
| Inherit equipment from the head of Vengarl.
| Unlock guide:
| ----------------------|
| You need to access the Shaded Woods, by using a
| Fragrant Branch of Yore to unpetrify Rosabeth near |
| Majula. From the bonfire at the Ruined Fork Road in |
| the Shaded Woods go through the right hand exit (the|
| one shrouded in fog) and hug the wall to your left |
| as you enter. Follow the wall up and around to a
| clearing with some ruins and a pile of bones. Speak |
| to the helmet here to find Vengarl
| talking to him repeatedly to get his helmet and this|
| achievement.
| ___| | |
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This guide has been written by Philip Petrov A.K.A. Punisher_x2. This guide
may not be reproduced or distributed to other sites without the knowledge of
the author. Please, if you would like to use this guide on your site, contact
me first.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this guide are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders. Dark Souls is property of
Namco Bandai Games.
You can find this guide at the following sites:
< Gamefaqs.com
< Gamesave.me
If you are viewing this guide on a website not listed above, please contact
me ASAP!!!
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If you need to ask or tell me something related to this game or guide, inform
me of any spelling mistakes or game errors, report if my guide is used on a
site not listed, please don't hesitate to contact me through the following
You can also use some of the social networks to follow my guide progress:

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Since I first started writing guides back in 2009, I had made a small group
of three individuals called Punishing X Guides. Each of us had a different
role, I, Philip Petrov wrote guides, Mario Petrov was the admin of my site
(which is now offline) and Emil Petrov, financer for the games I write guides
about. I hope that one day I can expand our small community in the future.
Liking our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or recommending this guide
will also mean a lot.
I have written guides for various systems, mostly retro and PSP ones, but I
had to move to bigger projects later on. My goal is to write guides for the
future big releases coming this year.
This is all for now. Keep reading my guides!
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I have noticed that some guide writers, like myself, have put a donation
section in their guide. Since buying new games has become an expensive hobby
for me, writing these guides costs a lot. I live in a poor Eastern European
nation where video games cost half the minimal salary.
Now, you are not obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, it's just if
you feel generous enough to help me out to make more guides so that I can be
of help.
If you have read so far, here is my PayPal ID:
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Thanks goes to:

From Software - For developing this horrid nightmare of a game.

Namco Bandai Games - For publishing this nightmare of a game.
Special thanks goes to:
Gamefaqs - For being the most awesome site for guides.
You - For reading this guide.
Support: If you like this guide, please send me an E-mail saying you want
me to make more guides. Who knows, I might even add you to the credits
Thank you for reading this FAQ/walkthrough
- Philip
Copyright 2014 Punishing X Guides
All rights reserved

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