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DESIGN OF UNDER REAMED PILES Seven oad ts conducted on under eamed ies show Sale migcmpegenpat cpieguenty Berea uplitforcesacingon he ede tohenvelsasoa union 8 oftheacivezone From the above dscussons i iler that he under-eam ‘under-tenmed pls insendy clay sols ilucing ale ‘ction sl. This ble assures hat the crying capac) tnd upitrstnce ot Uplift on Pile Daring riny season, the uote conten ofthe expansive > inthe upuord deco, the ile al moves upuatislong Wit the sl. The upward movement fale place inthe Due iothe suling nature ofthese, some up Force wl bbeacingon heplo(sesection 4.0) Thetabe LofthelS ‘code doss mot indice whether this ut has bawn taken \eluels of signieant magnitude and canbe the aoueing ‘ecocinthe design of the grade beam and ple sein. Suficent anchorage must be provided teow the active ene prevent the upsard movement ofthe ple forse pledesgn. Theenchorage ome mustblaee he upling fore. Tensile reinforcement may ako be proved in the pile to prevent the fake af the ple due tle foes, Safe Load for Cohesive Soils ‘A pe 1S code, the ulate ood camying cpacty of an under reumed pie forclayey sos Gen the flowing enaton Q=9AG + CIA, +aA) 0 hate Qs = ulimte beating capacty of eK) A = erenof the bul (am), (Cp = cohesion of the sol around foe (glen), Gy = average cohesion fkgier?, As = sufoce nr ofthe inde greamecrbing ‘he under reomed bul ler gic of expansion s about 50 tn anf sss with tmatium dagee of exparsion about 25 te 8 Thecoscentof pitbetsen fe plan ess 0.15, ‘Comparison with Test Results ‘Asperhemethcd descbed in ispope tear orn ve foce.San. dia plays abuts came of Tan wl be 2x03) Theuplit fore = x0: ‘Therefore, the one Natethatmthe above friction oftop 1.5m depth isnot considered. the sin freon et! 3 bub (1.75 4) ond 1 dstonce equal to twice the diameter of the tem a becca ‘Simlty the sfe load of 37Sem diameter ile ako has ‘been called and compared withthe expetimnal ‘valuesin Table 1 tissaen fem thistle that these values agree encom ‘Though the above method get reasonable veies as compare othe tse ple values, isachaable odo le tesco th seo confem the pe capac Table 1 Comparison of Safe Load on Pile seco forma, whichis light difeen fem the code fomala act 908 a= § (08-04) 02 (D.— Dyn y Ny FON a DP (2 Dy Nyy dh Na) ‘+ Me x y tend KD (of + dP — dh + ex y eng k! Di (dh — af) a where Qu ~ ulin capacity ofthe il, 1 = unde teamad bub dame em), D = diameter of sem of ie em), n= numberof underseemad bulb, y= seengeuntucight of sliglen? (cubmerged unit weg insti below S281 (pet respecte, 4 = dept ofthe cenre of ifrent ‘under oamed bul blow ground kl <= tal depth of pl below ground lee em) K, = eon pressure coeticint (ken as 1.75 fersandy sl) 2 = endeof wall ction (may be aon equal ‘oie angle o nema fiction) ‘Summary and Conclusions Under reamed ples are designed by using the table ven {eABULLETIN Na 96 soil thalthe ples wel enchored. References 1 CHEN, FH. Foundaton on Fapanuve Sal, kar, ‘eran, 1988 8. RRSHNAMURTH NR ‘AC Sy ofUnder sre ‘BleFourdaton mEspansie Sol, Joumal fa af Engen (dal, Cun Du Val 73, 1992.09

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