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College of Education

Educational Technology & Literacy

ISTC301: Integrating Instructional Technology
Summer, 2015 Hawkins Hall 209.
Face-to-face class on Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00-10:50; May 26-June 25.
Mrs. Deborah Fuller
Office: Hawkins Hall 210D
Email: (the best way to reach me)
Phone: 410-704-2542
Course Description
Materials, devices, techniques and settings are presented in an overview of the field of instructional
technology. Lab experiences are provided in the operation of instructional hardware and software.
Course topics include examining and reflecting upon the impact of integrating technology in teaching
and learning; teaching and learning theories; using digital tools to design interactive multimedia
lessons and presentations; Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and differentiated instruction;
assistive and emerging technologies; and planning for and integrating technology into a practical
teaching experience.
We will use Blackboard and the class Wikispaces site.
(You will receive an invitation to join the wiki via your TU email. Follow the directions.
Then each time go to, log in, and you can access the class wiki.
The purpose of the ISTC 301 course is to introduce teacher candidates to various forms of electronic
and digital technologies and to provide opportunities for engagement and reflection on the role of
these tools can play in the classroom teaching/learning process. This course is designed to use the
Towson University Conceptual Framework as a basis to meet the Maryland State Department of
Education certification and accreditation requirements.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to meet National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T),
Maryland Teacher Technology Standards (MTTS), Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support
Consortium (InTASC), Maryland Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and the Towson University
College of Education Conceptual Tramework (available online at
Students will be able to:
1. Investigate, discuss, and reflect on the roles of electronic/digital teaching in teaching and learning
(MTTS V; ISTE NETS*T 5&5; InTASC 3&4).

2. Participate in meaningful communication within and outside of an electronic learning community

(MTTS VII; NETS*T 5; InTASC 9&10).
3. Develop skills in using a variety of computer software and media resources (MTTS 1, 5, &7;
NETS*T I & II; InTACS 3, 4, 9, 10).
4. Gain experience in planning to integrate technology into the classroom curriculum (MTTS V &
VII; NETS*T II, III, & IV; InTASC 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; CCSS).
5. Design and create multimedia projects to present curriculum information (MTTS III; NETS*T VI;
6. Prepare to use technology independently throughout their education and careers (ISTC-NETS*T,
7. Develop an educational technology portfolio that supports specific academic content (MTTS VI;
8. Demonstrate mastery of the ISTC-NETS*T, MTTS, InTASC, and MD State Common Core
Curriculum Standards).
Required Materials
--Have a computer and Internet access through the TU computer labs or on your own.
--Safely storing and accessing your work from this course is of the utmost importance.
--Save all work to your H: tiger drive and upload items to class wiki and Blackboard as requested.
--Email is the best way to contact the instructor with questions or concerns:
Please type "istc301" in the subject line.
-At home, single files may be uploaded/downloaded to your H drive using the Web Disk ftp in
Help sheets:
--Problems with tiger account: call 410-704-5151.
--Self-help training documents are available for a number of software applications. Office of
Technology Services (OTS).
--Students will use online text for reference about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles.
Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning by David H. Rose &
Anne Meyer, ASCD, 2002.
--Supplementary readings will be posted in the class Wikispaces site.
Students with Special Needs:
If you need an accommodation due to a disability, please contact me privately to discuss your specific
needs. A memo from Towson University Disability Support Services Office (410-704-2638)
authorizing your accommodations will be needed.
Class Policies:
Students are expected to maintain a high standard of academic integrity. Inappropriate classroom
conduct, cheating, and plagiarism are unacceptable and are grounds for a failing grade in this course.
Students are responsible for adhering to the Towson University academic integrity policies described
in the Towson University Undergraduate Catalog.
Students are expected to adhere to the Towson University policies for responsible computing,

Participation is an essential component to this course including attendance, thoughtful participation

and preparation of readings/assignments. Accessing online community sites and email during class
is not considered thoughtful participation. Students are encouraged to share ideas, articles, web sites,
new technologies, and software you think would be relevant for class discussion.
Students are expected to attend all classes and are responsible for content/assignments due to
absence. Submit assignments and projects on time, or get permission to submit late PRIOR to the due
date for full credit. Email instructor if you are unable to attend class.
Class Topics
Refer to class wiki for each topic. There you will find links, readings, and specific assignment
instructions. Focus on experimenting with incorporating new tools in all of your work. (Use the
Promethean Board to present information and create a short activity for your lesson; add a created
image-a collage or word cloud; record sound; locate web sites or web tools to learn and enhance
information, embed a videofrom You Tube; incorporate a social media tool).
1. TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) and Universal Design of Learning
-- Students choose a pedagogy (teaching strategy) and a differentiation component and work in
teams to modify and enhance lesson ideas.
-- Learn the basics of UDL. The main goals are to fix curriculum instead of fixing kids and to help
students become expert learners. View local and national technology standards.
2. Graphic Organizers , Concept Mapping and working with images and text in various formats:
practice using image editing tools.
Class practiceUse PowerPoint to collage and save single jpg and gif images. View and practice
using web based tools,
3. How could you capture screen images (screencasting) and create a movie tutorial to instruct or
present information? (single image screen shots, recording screen action with screen capture
software). Use these techniques to incorporate images in course projects.
4. Working with audio recording voice, locating and editing music/sound; mixing tracks for
projects. Audacity will be one tool presented in class. (UDL Podcast)
5. Technology Tools for Teaching and Learning Web 2.0.
Exploring Web.20 Tools for classroom and student application (literacy, collaboration, concept
mapping, visual and auditory tools). Incorporate at least 5 examples in your work throughout the
course in the final portfolio.
6. Using Interactive Whiteboards for Teaching and Learning.
Each student will have hands-on practice with the Promethean board and creating flipcharts with
ActivInspire. (UDL project).
7. Copyright/Fair Use Issues, Creative Commons licenses and evaluating online information.
(Class exercise and blog post).
8. Social Media Choosing an online presence. -Types and benefits to education.
Social Bookmarking tools --listing and sharing resources. (Blog post, Bookmarking site).
9. Applying UDL in lesson design and teaching. (UDL Lesson and Teach the Class)

Course Grading
Class Participation, Attendance and Peer Review (10%)
A component of this course is your participation including attendance, thoughtful participation and
preparation of readings/assignment, active group engagement and a concern for others in this course.
Each class will introduce ideas for integrating technology in teaching and learning. You will have a
chance to experiment and submit your practice. Team work time will be provided to plan lessons and
Peer Assessment: The UDL Module/Podcast and lesson will be done in groups. You will be asked to
submit ratings for each project, for each group member, including yourself. These responses should
be posted to the private Blackboard learning journal provided.
Technology Integration Projects and Presentations (70%)
A significant portion of this course is based on your participation in learning teams. This includes ontask, one-time thoughtful posts, and interaction with your peers throughout the course.
Some projects are completed individually and others with your learning team.
1. TPACK/UDL Module and Podcast -team
Modify a lesson and analyze it for UDL principles and features and barriers where UDL is not
employed. Rewrite the lesson plan to be more UDL focused, and then create a podcast that explains
what you changed in the lesson and why. You will not need to fix every barrier you identify, but
make a good effort to fix as many as you can. At the very least, try to fix a barrier from each of the
three networks.
2. Digital Storytelling & Screencasting Utilize a variety of the skills we practiced in class to
create a digital story that could be used to inform, instruct, or review a curriculum-based topic and a
screen cast tutorial.
3. Teach the Class and Screencasting (individual)
As we explore Web 2.0 tools, online sites, and educational software, select a topic to further explore
and teach the class. Post on individual wiki page.
4. Electronic Portfolio a collection of artifacts to demonstrate course accomplishments and
reflections for understanding.
Blogging Assignments and Reflections (20%)
During the course you will be asked post to blog prompts in Blackboard. Responses will be evaluated
to ensure you are reflecting on the subject, answering the questions posed thoughtfully and
completely, and able to connect the topic with prior knowledge. Use this space as a journal to store
your thought as the semester progresses. The material will help you to complete the portfolio
assignment. You will not be graded on format or sentence structure. Points will be deducted for lack
of timely participation, content that does not adequately show your engagement with course content
or off-topic responses.
Active Class Participation Attendance and topic contributions in class (10%)
Grading: Note: There are no A+, C-, or D- grades according to Towsons grading policy.
94 -100% =A; 90-93% =A-; 86-89 =B+; 82-85% =B; 78-81% =B-; 74-77 =C+; 69-73% = C; 65-68
=D+; 65% is a failing grade.

----------------------------------------------Blog 1 Tech Bio. In the Message box introduce yourself to the class.
Respond in two or three paragraphs to summarize the positive and negative of your experience with
technology in the classroom. Drawing on your own experience learning with technology, briefly
discuss a classroom situation in which technology was used to help you, the student, learn. Describe
the classroom situation, the subject being taught, the other students, the technology/ies (for example,
computer/computer software, Interactive White Boards, etc.) being used, and how the technology was
integrated within the instruction. Based on your knowledge, interest, access, and experience with
technology, reflect on why and how this classroom situation you describe was effective at helping
you to learn. Relate a specific experience you remember about how technology was used to enhance
your learning or lack of use that may have impeded your learning or desire to accomplish learning a
Finally, after browsing the class wiki and course topics, are there particular items that spark your
interest or that you want to learn during the course?
Blog 2 Social Media
1.How could teachers and students utilize social media tools in K-12 schools? Give 3 specific
examples (refer to readings). Explain one way you could incorporate social media, an online
bookmarking tool or downloadable app in your class.
2. Create a bookmarking site and post the link to the wiki page now. Add at least 20 items (in
categories) by the end of the course.
Blog 3 Safety and Ethics (refer to wiki page for readings)
What are some ethical and safety issues that should be taught to help ensure proper and safe online use
for students? Include at least 3 examples from the Safety and Ethics readings, as well as your own
How do you protect your online devices from malware/spyware?
Blog 4 Copyright and Fair Use (refer to wiki page for readings)
-What are Creative Commons licenses? Explain some of the permissions and restrictions. How are these
licenses a benefit to us as educators?
- What is fair use in reference to educators and students?
-What is the TEACH Act and why is it important for educators?
-Consider two copyright and fair use issues that you were familiar with and two issues that were new to
you. Explain and share any surprises, concerns, past experiences or issues regarding copyright and fair
use. If you can think of a scenario that you know, or wonder if it would be copyright infringement,
describe it and we can all weigh in.
Blog 4 Evaluating Online Information (refer to wiki page for readings)
Guiding questions for reflection.
1. How will you teach students to be critical readers of online information?
2. What are some specific criteria and strategies to help judge online information?
3. Why use one search engine over another? Include a kid friendly search engine.
Name a search engine that does not track your searches and feed back advertising.
4. School pay for subscription databases/services. Why pay for these services when students
have the Internet? (View databases available through Baltimore County Public Schools.)
Blog 6
Final reflection. (This should be incorporated into your portfolio statement).
Technology tools change the ways students learn and teachers teach. Discuss your thoughts
regarding this statement. Evaluate several web-based tools talked about during the course or found

on your own.
How will the tools you have learned about change the way you teach and learn?
Discuss how your beliefs and attitudes pertaining to the use of technology in the classroom are
changing as you shift from learners of tools to teachers of content via these tools.
Describe how you intend to use these skills and tools in your future teaching.
Group Roles for Team Project
Group members will be asked to take one of the following roles: researcher, editor or designer
(over the course of the semester each member should play each role once).
While every group member is asked to complete all of the readings, the researcher is required to
seek out additional technologies or research supporting and surrounding the work completed for the
project, summarize it, share it with peers and make recommendations.
The designer is tasked with organizing, designing and preparing the instructional example or lesson.
In this role you are asked to review and decide upon appropriate technologies and instructional
activities, goals and assessment strategies. All group members will have input, but the designer is
responsible for the initial plan and follow through with the design process.
Lastly, the editor is responsible for preparing the finished work to be shared with the whole class.
Although the activity is a group project and is only successful through shared work and feedback on
the research, instructional example and writing, the editor ensures that the finished work is
representative of the understandings, ideas and discussions held by the group. The editor is also
responsible for posting this finished work by the assigned deadline to the project wiki and to the
groups assignment link under learning team pages.
Peer Assessment: The UDL Module/Podcast and lesson will be done in groups. You will be asked to
submit ratings for each project, for each group member, including yourself. These responses should
be posted to the private Blackboard learning journal provided.

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