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Learning Service



for learning
before helping

A guide to finding a responsible

volunteer placement

l e a r n i n g s e r v i c e. i n f o

Who is this for?

for learning
before helping

These tips are for anyone looking for a volunteer oppor tunity,
whether for one day a week in your local community, or a
full-time commitment in a far-of f land. They were created to
help you during the planning process to generate some of the
questions you might want to ask both yourself and the project
organizers of the placement or voluntary position you are
interested in.
With this checklist, you can f ind a volunteer placement that is
a good f it for both you and the organizations you are
intending to suppor t, so use it to help you do your research!

N o t e : I f y o u a re s i g n e d u p t o g i v e y o u r t i m e o r a re a l re a d y o f f o n a
v o l u n t e e r p ro j e c t , ch e ck o u t t h e L e a r n i n g S e r v i c e C h a r t e r a s i t i s
d e s i g n e d t o h e l p p e o p l e re c o g n i z e w a y s t h ey c a n a d a p t t h e i r e x p e c t at i o n s,
at t i t u d e s, a n d a c t i o n s t o w a rd s c re at i n g t h e m o s t p o s i t i v e i m p a c t .

What is
Learning Service?

for learning
before helping

In many parts of the world, volunteering is now

commonly referred to as Service Learning. This
vocabulary shift marked a change in understanding
about who was benefiting from the service of
volunteers, and acknowledges that the servers
themselves benefit from these projects, often more so
than those they are serving.
Voluntourism is another term spun out of the
growing number of tourism of ferings combining travel
with volunteer components. Both of these terms
identify a server or volunteer who benefits by
learning or having an interesting experience, but who
is also here to help an implied other.
We think the world is ready for a new shift from
Service Learning to Learning Service. This not
only acknowledges the learning component of service
and volunteering, but embraces it as the most positive
input and outcome of the exchange . The trend of
LEARNING has led to many misguided actions and
damaging results. So let s bring LEARNING to the
forefront and embrace the idea that before we can
ef fectively serve or help, first we must learn.
In this way we are not only more likely to avoid having
an inef fective or even harmful impact while
volunteering, but can also become more informed and
responsible change-makers.


for learning
before helping

Before you jump into

the 9 tips for analyzing
overseas volunteering
we hope you will consider
these two things first:

A) Volunteering close to home:

If you give your time in the areas you know well, where you have
the time to support longer-term needs, and where you can
monitor and follow up on the impact of your service, you are
likely to have great results.
B) Taking a learning trip rather than a service one:
Before considering a volunteer vacation, make sure you have
considered a learning one. There are many travel options for
everyone from youth through to senior citizens which are
focused on learning experiences. By learning before we
serve, we are better able to understand the context of our
actions and later pursue oppor tunities which are the best
match for our skills and desired impact on the world.

I f y o u a re at t h e s t a ge o f i d e n t i f y i n g a n d v e t t i n g p a r t n e r o rga n i z at i o n s
w h e re y o u p l a n t o v o l u n t e e r y o u r t i m e, t h e n t h e n e x t p a ge s a re f o r y o u !
H e re a re 9 t i p s f o r a n a l y z i n g i f a n o rga n i z at i o n m i g h t b e a go o d f i t f o r y o u
a n d s o m e q u e s t i o n s t o a s k i n o rd e r t o l e a r n m o re a b o u t t h e o rga n i z at i o n s

The Checklist for

Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

for learning
before helping

One of the first and most important aspects of Learning Service is

researching the organization where you are preparing to give your time.
By doing this you not only make sure you spend your time with an
organization that can benefit from your specific skill set, but also ensure
you are supporting an organization whose projects, operations, and
ethics you trust.

Evaluate the management

and transparency
of the organization

Ensure the direction and

goals of the organization
are locally driven

Question any organization

diverting extensive
resources towards catering
to foreigners

Assess the impact

of the organization

Think about the

sustainability of what
the organization does

Check that the

volunteers are not
taking away local jobs
or creating dependency

Think about the impact

of a foreigner doing
that role

Question organizations that allow volunteers to do anything

that they would not be qualified to do at home

Question organizations
that let unqualified and
un-vetted volunteers work
directly with children.

The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Assess the impact Tips&

of the organization tricks
for learning
before helping

Not all organizations were created equal. One of the most important aspects
of choosing a volunteer placement anywhere in the world is linking up with
an organization that is achieving great things. Dont just look at the
activities they of fer (e.g. training courses for disadvantaged women), look
at the results of these activities (e.g. raised incomes for those women).
There is a misguided belief that we should find service or volunteer
placements with organizations that are struggling because they are
perceived as being more in need. The reality is that volunteers should never
be in the position to make the kinds of changes such organizations need.
If an organization is pointing in the wrong direction to begin with, you also
probably do not want to help it take of f. Watch out for organizations using
the poverty of their beneficiaries to leverage increased support.
Orphanages in tourist areas have been known to keep children in squalor to
attract funding and volunteers. Spend the time to do your research and
choose a great organization!

To evaluate an organizations impact,

you might consider asking these questions:
a) How do you define success for your organization?

Who is this for?

Allowing the organization to define its measure of success will allow you to
better understand its priorities and which impacts it is aiming to achieve.

b) How do you measure success towards these goals?

You should be looking to understand what the organization is tracking and
make sure you feel that those measurements are in line with the goals (i.e.
tracking number of schools built is less in line with the goal of improving
the quality of education than student literacy rates)

c) What failures have you experienced and what parts of your

organization are you working to improve in the future?
An organization that is transparent about failures and willing to engage in a
conversation around areas for improvement is more likely to be moving
towards making said improvements.

The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Evaluate the
and transparency
of the organization
for learning
before helping

The organization might be doing good things, but is it doing so in an

accountable way? Responsible organizations can usually explain where
their money comes from and goes to and can show you their audited
statements. If an organization seems chaotic or unprofessional, appears in
any way to be hiding information, is less than transparent, or has poor
leadership, then you might not really know everything
that you are supporting.
To check the transparency of an organization, you might want to ask:

a) Is it possible to see audited financial

b) Can I get a receipt for my donation?
c) Do you have references, and
information about donors and granting

Who is this for?

d) What is the reputation of the

organization within the local
community? What is their reputation
amongst other local organizations?
(Dont just search on the internet or ask
donors, as these sources are more
removed from the intricacies and
realities of the local impact.)

The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Think about the

sustainability of
what the
organization does.

for learning
before helping

Be cautious of organizations that of fer handouts (in situations outside of

humanitarian emergencies). Often, all such programs create is dependency,
and although it has an instant feel-good factor it does not address the
underlying problems (e.g. feeding street children does not get them of f the
streets). Understanding the long-term impacts of the project will help
evaluate how ef fectively an organization is working towards its goals.
The following questions may guide you when considering sustainability:

a) How are the things they invest in or donate

affecting changes in human behavior?
In other words, when an organization defines its goals in terms
of tangible things (number of wells dug, number of books
handed out) make sure to ask about how it invests in people.
Wells need to be maintained, repaired, and used properly.
Having a book, especially if it is the wrong one or if there is no
one to teach anyone how to read it, does not lead to increased
literacy, academic achievement, or empowerment. Ask about
how beneficiaries are identified and trained, as well as how the
project is monitored.

Who is this for?

b) Is this a band-aid solution, or are underlying

causes being addressed?
Band-aids are sometimes needed in the short- term, but
organizations focusing on systematic long-term change need to
be addressing the root causes of problems. For example, if an
organization is working with orphans, abused children, or
trafficked women, how does it think the number of these groups
will change in the future? Is the organization working to bring
those numbers down through their own activities or through
partnerships? Alternatively, do they at least understand how
other forces are already doing so?

The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Ensure the direction

and goals of the
organization are
locally driven
for learning
before helping

Look at who is defining what need is being addressed and who is defining
what the response to that need should be. Agendas should not be imposed
by organizational leaders unfamiliar with the local community, their specific
needs, and their culture. If an organization operates without active
participation from the areas they are serving then you should ask
questions to understand whose interests are being prioritized.
The following questions may help you to ascertain how the organization is run:

a) Who owns the organization and how is

it registered?
b) What are the decision-making lines
and processes?
c) Can you meet someone with a
management role?
The director is likely to control the
culture, ethics, decision making, and
salaries across the organization.
d) What role do the beneficiaries play in
identifying the need for the project, and
how are they involved in planning

The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Check that the

volunteers are not
taking away local
jobs or creating

for learning
before helping

Consider asking the following questions:

a) Is a volunteer the best person to fill this role?
b) Who will take on these tasks when you leave?
c) Will your input leave the organization with a continuing
dependency on volunteers, or with a greater capacity to solve
similar problems internally in the future?
Volunteers are not free. Despite the fact that volunteers do not get paid,
hidden costs (such as supervising the volunteer or even communicating and
arranging the placement) may be higher than paying a local person to do the
job the volunteer has been assigned to. Even if it does not work out to be
cheaper to pay someone, you need to consider the quality of the work as
well. A poor paint job may have to be re-done.
An institution relying on a series of short-term, sporadic, untrained
volunteer English teachers may get higher quality and consistency from
hiring a local teacher. To avoid this, think about volunteering in a way which
enables long-term staf f to do their jobs more ef fectively.
For example, think about the dif ference in impact between a volunteer
teaching English directly to students and a volunteer teaching English to
local English teachers. One way creates a need that has to be constantly
filled, the other builds the capacity of the existing system.

The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Question any
diverting extensive
resources towards
catering to foreigners

for learning
before helping

Ensure that the presence of volunteers is furthering the mission of the

organization instead of redirecting or draining resources. At worst, you
might unintentionally support the poverty tourism industry or line the
pockets of corrupt businessmen or unethical volunteer placement
companies. Make sure that you are making a donation of your time and
money that is at least as valuable as the resources you are taking from the
Questions you can ask yourself include:

a) Whose needs are being served best in this organization?

b) What are the motives for this organization to take volunteers?
c) Will providing the necessary supervision or support for
volunteers distract staff from
the main mission of their organization?
d) Are paid staff taking time out to instruct the volunteers?
e) Should you compensate the organization for their managerial
time or find a placement where you are able to add value
without as much management support?
f) Is the volunteering opportunity being primarily created for
you to provide profit for a company or wealth for an individual?


The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Think about the

social impact
of a foreigner doing
the role you are
being offered

for learning
before helping

Questions you can ask include:

a) Are volunteers roles designed to reinforce the roles of
local staff?
b) Will the volunteer be managed and supervised by a
permanent member of staff or the other way round?
c) Is the ability to speak English fluently taking precedence
over other, more important, skills?

Organizations may accord high status to a foreign volunteer: prioritizing

their needs over the needs of other staf f, or taking their word over more
experienced local employees. This can cause the wrong decisions to be
made or power structures to be shifted.
Question organizations that seem to let volunteers make too many or too big
decisions about what the organization does. Volunteers should be primarily
contributors and learners, not managers. Ensure that you reinforce the
value and status of permanent staf f rather than undermine them.


The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Question organizations
that let unqualified
and un-vetted
volunteers work
directly with children

for learning
before helping

In countries with strictly enforced child protection policies, you need to

undergo a series of checks and extensive training before you are allowed to
work with children. Why should children in other countries be treated any
dif ferently? Even qualified volunteers should be wary of short-term
care-giver roles, as these can be extremely emotionally disruptive to
vulnerable children.
Coming into an educational institution for a short time to play with children,
or even teach songs or disconnected lessons, is often more of a hindrance
to their learning than a benefit.
Be wary of supporting organizations which allow un-vetted and unqualified
volunteers to interact with children, especially for short periods of time.

Questions to ask include:

a) Would this be allowed in your country?

b) What kinds of background checks does the organization do
on the volunteers?
c) What kinds of qualifications would be necessary to fulfill
this role in your


The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

Question organizations
that allow volunteers
to do anything
that they would not be
qualified to do at home

for learning
before helping

Questions you can ask include:

a) Would you be allowed to do this job at home?
b) Would the organization put a local person with the same
skills in the role they are offering you? If not, why are they
offering it to you?

If you have no background in teaching, building, or conservation, imagine

the challenges of suddenly being put in the role of teacher, builder, or
conservationist, especially in a completely new environment.
Be aware of the dangers of international volunteers using developing
countries as a place to learn and experiment. If you have skills in a
particular area, by all means of fer them! However if you are looking to build
your skills, ensure that you will be volunteering in an assistant role, and not
one where you will be given sole responsibilities for tasks you are not
qualified to complete.
If the sole purpose of your placement is to improve a certain skill, consider
paying for an opportunity explicitly designed for learning. Remember: we
have to learn before we can help!


The Checklist for Placement Organizers and Volunteers:

And finally...

for learning
before helping

The adventure doesnt end when you get home. Your volunteer
experience is just the beginning! Remember what youve learned, be
inspired by the things youve seen, and use this to ensure you are the
change you want to see in the world. Talk about your experiences and
what theyve taught you, seek out opportunities to advocate, educate,
and fundraise, and encourage others to go out into the world and do
some learning of their own!


Learning Service



for learning
before helping

If you do decide to get involved in

a Learning Service opportunity, you might want to also take
a look at the Learning Service Charter by PEPY Tours,
as it provides tips for how you can both get the

Copyright : PEPY Tours 2012 granted to YOU today. Print it, copy it, give it away,
write on it, paste it on walls, give it to friends... use it as you see f it and help us
improve the way we all give our time in the world!
PEPY Tours is a dif ferent kind of travel company. Fueled by the belief that travel
should be fun, educational, and benef icial to local communities, they create travel
experiences that integrate sightseeing and cultural immersion with learning
oppor tunities and of f-the- beaten-track adventures, all the while raising money to
suppor t community development initiatives in the countries in which we travel.
An integral par t of its mission is encouraging par ticipants to live, travel, and give
more responsibly, as well as realize their potential to be the change they want to
see in the world. PEPY Tours believes that before we
can make changes in our communities, countries, or indeed the world, we must f irst
make those changes in ourselves. That is why all PEPY Tours trips blend personal
development with lessons, discussions, and explorations of foreign aid, responsible
travel, and global citizenship.

l e a r n i n g s e r v i c e. i n f o

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