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David Jeffrey

Penske Research Student

Xin Zhang2
Professor in Aerodynamics
School of Engineering Sciences,
University of Southampton,
Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

David W. Hurst
Senior Lecturer
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Glasgow University,
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Some Aspects of the

Aerodynamics of Gurney Flaps
on a Double-Element Wing
Gurney flaps of different heights have been fitted to a generic double-element wing, and
the effects at two typical flap angles have been observed using force and pressure measurements, and by performing flow surveys using Laser Doppler Anemometry. At a low
flap setting angle of 20 deg the suction-surface flow remains attached to the trailing edge
of the flap, and vortex flow features and perturbation velocities are all similar to those
observed when Gurney flaps are fitted to single element wings. At a high flap deflection of
50 deg there is an extensive region of separated flow over the flap, yet the Gurney flap still
alters the flow structure. The measurements suggest that the wake flow behind the Gurney
flap consists of a von Karman vortex street of alternately shed vortices. The effects of the
Gurney flap on the lift, zero-lift drag, and pressure distributions are reported, and the
differences between the trends observed for single-element wings are discussed.
DOI: 10.1115/1.1334376


Description of Experiments

By fitting a short strip perpendicular to the pressure-surface

trailing-edge of a wing it is possible to increase both the C L generated at a given incidence, and the maximum C L , at the expense
of an increase in zero-lift drag. This mechanically simple device is
known as the Gurney flap, and it is used extensively on various
aerodynamic devices, e.g., race car wings. A typical Reynolds
number for race car applications is 1.5106 .
The overall effect of Gurney flaps on the lift and drag of singleand double-element wings has been extensively documented, for
example by Liebeck 1, Papadakis et al. 2,3, and Myose et al.
4. Recent work by the authors Jeffrey 5 and Jeffrey et al. 6
has investigated the effect of Gurney flaps on single-element airfoils, using techniques including force and pressure measurements, and flow surveys performed using Laser Doppler Anemometry LDA. The results indicate that fitting a Gurney flap to
a wing introduces a street of alternately shed vortices directly
downstream of the trailing edge. This enhances the suction acting
on the downstream face of the Gurney flap, and hence at the
trailing-edge of the suction surface of the wing. The upstream face
decelerates the flow on the pressure-surface of the airfoil, resulting in an increase in pressure at the trailing edge on this surface.
In combination, these two effects introduce a pressure difference
across the trailing edge of the airfoil that induces an increase in
circulation around the wing. The increase in zero-lift drag is
largely caused by the pressure drag acting across the upstream and
downstream faces of the Gurney flap.
In some engineering applications, Gurney flaps can be found on
multi-element wings, usually consisting of a main element and
flaps on which the Gurney flaps are attached. The aim of the
research presented in this paper is therefore to investigate the
effect of Gurney flaps as fitted to a generic double-element highlift airfoil, and to compare these effects to those previously reported for single-element wings. The understanding of the aerodynamics of the Gurney flaps on a double-element wing is
augmented by a flow physics study using LDA.

In this paper, results are presented for a generic wing of finite

span that has the double-element airfoil illustrated in Fig. 1. The
flap was attached to the main element using four brackets: one at
each tip and a pair mounted inboard at 275 mm 37 percent semispan either side of the centerline. Further details of this airfoil
can be found in Jeffrey 5. Results are presented here for two flap
angles, f 20 degrees, and f 50 degrees. The overlap and gap
were optimized with no Gurney flap fitted, at a flap angle of 50
degrees, to give the maximum C L possible at a main wing incidence of 0 degree it was found that the Gurney flap had little
effect on this optimum flap position.
The reference chord of the model, c, was taken to be 0.32 m
while the span, b, was 1.6 m. This span and reference chord were
used to provide consistency with earlier single-element wing tests
Jeffrey et al. 6. The coordinates plotted in Fig. 1 have been
nondimensionalized using the reference chord, and hence the positions of the trailing edge of the flap extend beyond x/c1.0.
The model is supported, pressure surface uppermost, by two
vertical supports, located at 57 percent semi-span from the wing
centerline, and by a third strut located on the centerline, downstream of the wing. The model had 26 chordwise tappings on the
main element, and 16 on the flap, located 50 mm from the centerline of the wing ( 0.0625), and a total of 10 spanwise tappings on each surface at quarter reference chord from the leading
Full-span Gurney flaps of h/c0.5 percent, 1 percent, 2 percent, and 4 percent were manufactured. The Gurney flaps were
fitted normal to the local curvature, on the pressure surface of the
LDA surveys around the flap and the trailing-edge of the main
element were performed using the three-component system installed in the University of Southamptons 3.5 m2.5 m wind
tunnel. The spatial resolution of the measurement points was 3
mm in the regions of interest rising to 25 mm in the surrounding
areas. Further details of the tests are provided in Jeffrey 5. The
freestream turbulence intensity for these experiments was of the
order of 0.3 percent. Force and pressure measurements were obtained with the same model in the Universitys 2.1 m1.7 m wind
tunnel, which has a freestream turbulence intensity of the order of
0.2 percent. The blockage produced by the wing was acceptable in
both facilities.
The experiments were performed at a freestream velocity of

Now, Aerodynamicist, British American Racing.

Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division
February 3, 2000; revised manuscript received August 28, 2000. Associate Editor:
D. Williams.

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Fig. 1 Double-element generic airfoil with 4 percent Gurney

fitted at 0 deg, f 20 and 50 deg

U 30 m/s, which gave Reynolds numbers in the range Rc

0.550.69106 . The variation in Reynolds number was
caused by variations in ambient pressure and temperature. For all
of these tests, transition was not forced on either surface.
All the quoted incidences and setting angles the latter measured across the pressure surface of the flap, not including the
Gurney flap are measured relative to the z/c0.0 axis shown in
Fig. 1. The force results, measured from the overhead balance,
have been corrected to free-air wind-axes coefficients. Incidence
corrections derived from the force measurements have also been
applied to the incidences in the surface pressure tests, but no other
corrections have been made to the measured pressures, nor have
any been made to the LDA results.
Uncertainties in force balance readings, data-acquisition system, and incidence settings all contributed to the overall uncertainties in the measurements of C L and C D . An uncertainty analysis gives typical uncertainties of 0.0087 in the lift-coefficient
and 0.00078 in the drag coefficient. The surface pressures were
measured using a Scanivalve system by averaging 20 samples
taken over 0.5 s, and a ZOC system averaging 270 samples taken
over 7 s. An uncertainty analysis gives a typical total uncertainty
of 0.0013 in C p . Uncertainties in the measurements of the mean
velocities are 0.002 in u /U and 0.006 in w
/U . The positional accuracy of the LDA traverse is 0.1 mm, while the width
of the measurement volume is typically 0.3 mm. An inclinometer
with a setting accuracy of 0.1 deg was used to set the incidence
of the wings.
Fig. 2 Forces: C L versus . a f 20 deg, b f 50 deg.

Forces. Figures 2a and 2b present C L versus curves for
the two different flap angles. The Gurney flaps increase C L for a
given incidence-with the smaller devices generating disproportionately large increments in C L but have only a weak effect on
the stalling incidence. These increments in C L reduce as the flap
angle is increased, and are notably lower than those for the two
single-element wings tested earlier in the research program.
Drag polars for the double-element wing at the two flap settings
are presented in Figs. 3a and 3b. The Gurney flaps increase the
drag coefficient across most of the unstalled C L range.
Surface Pressures. Figures 4a and 4b present typical
chordwise loadings at an incidence of 3.0 degrees for a range
of device heights fitted to the flap set at f 20 degrees and 50
degrees, respectively. The most striking feature of these figures is
that the Gurney flaps result in relatively small changes in loading,
which are not as distinct as the larger increases found with singleelement wings.
Fitting a Gurney flap to the flap results in an overall increase in
main-element and flap suctions, with only minor changes in the
overall shape. The increases in suction generated by the Gurney
flaps at the trailing edge of the main element are relatively small,
100 Vol. 123, MARCH 2001

and although the increments in trailing-edge suction on the flap

are more significant, they are still under half those found for the
single-element wings.
At the lower flap setting, the trailing-edge camber of the main
element generates a large downwash onto the flap, causing the
stagnation point for this element to occur on the suction surface.
On the pressure surface, this results in a sudden deceleration of
the flow just downstream of the flap leading-edge, which, at most
incidences and Gurney flap heights, causes the flow to separate.
The Gurney flaps do increase the loadings on the flap pressure
surface, but these increments are less ordered than found for the
suction surface. This is probably caused by the large extent of
separated flow on the pressure surface of the flap at this setting
The chordwise distributions for f 50 degrees indicate that
there is a large region of separated flow on the suction surface of
the flap, even when no Gurney flap is fitted. Despite this, the
Gurney flaps continue to generate small increases in the suctions
acting over this surface. The Gurney flaps also increase the loading on the pressure surface of the flap at this angle. When the 4
percent Gurney flap is fitted, the trailing-edge pressure of the flap
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Fig. 3 Forces: C D versus C L . a f 20 deg, b f 50 deg.

is very close to stagnation across the incidence range. The smaller

device heights also increase the trailing-edge pressure, by an
amount disproportionate to their height.
LDA Measurements. Typical mean-velocity and turbulent
kinetic energy distributions from the LDA surveys are presented
in Figs. 58, which are for the two flap setting angles, both at
5 degrees, with and without a 4 percent Gurney flap fitted.
These LDA measurements were obtained at the same spanwise
station as the surface pressures.
The results have been plotted so that the flap is always in the
same position, so the main element position and the incidences of
the freestream velocity appear different for the two setting angles.
The coordinates have been nondimensionalized such that x/c
1, z/c0 is at the trailing edge of the flap suction surface. Note
that the perturbation velocities were measured in the tunnel axis
system, and do not represent the components in the rotated axis
system used in Figs. 5 and 7.
The streamline data were produced using the TECPLOT software routines.
Journal of Fluids Engineering

Fig. 4 Chordwise pressure at 3 deg. a f 20 deg, b f

50 deg.

20 Degree Flap. Velocity vectors and streamlines near the

trailing edge at the lower flap angle for the wing with and without
a 4 percent Gurney flap fitted are given in Fig. 5. The clean wing
results show that there is no flow separation on the flap upper
surface. The same applies to the case with Gurney. The mean
velocity vectors and the streamlines show two distinct counterrotating vortices directly downstream of the Gurney flap, and an
off-surface stagnation point where the streamlines bounding the
vortex region meet to form the wake. This pattern and the dimensions of this flowfield are very similar to those found for singleelement wings.
In the turbulent kinetic energy TKE distribution the normal
stress distributions are similar to each other and are therefore not
shown, two distinctly high concentrations are observed Fig. 6.
The first high TKE concentration follows the trailing edge of the
main element, which is the result of the turbulent boundary layer
on the main wing. Fitting a 4 percent Gurney flap introduces
another, high TKE concentration downstream of the Gurney flap.
This is formed by the flow separating at the trailing edge and
around the Gurney flap edge. The highest value occurs near the
off-surface stagnation point where the streamlines bounding the
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Fig. 5 Mean velocity vectors and streamlines at f 20 deg

and 5 deg: a clean wing and b 4 percent Gurney

Fig. 7 Mean velocity vectors and streamlines at f 50 deg

and 5 deg: a clean wing and b 4 percent Gurney

vortex region meet to form the turbulent wake flow see Fig.
5b. The distribution is broadly similar to that for single-element
wings, and is consistent with alternate vortex shedding Jeffrey
et al. 6. Reducing the height of the Gurney flap has a relatively
weak effect on the maximum values of the perturbation velocities.

In the contours of vorticity for the f 50 degree setting not

shown, the recirculating flow over the flap results in distinct contours of positive and negative vorticity. Fitting a 4 percent Gurney
flap has a negligible effect on the maximum values, but does
move the concentration of positive contours from the trailing edge
of the flap to the off-surface edge of the Gurney flap.
The turbulent kinetic energy TKE distribution Fig. 8 shows
two distinctly high concentrations from the flow separation on the
flap: one from the suction surface and another from the edge of
the Gurney flap. These two high TKE concentrations merge near
the off-surface stagnation point Fig. 7b to form the trailing
wake flow. The measured maximum normal stresses Table 1 are
smaller than those at f 20 degree setting. This is caused by the
weaker vortex shedding.

50 Degree Flap. In Fig. 7, mean velocity vectors and streamlines are presented for the flap set at f 50 degrees, with and
without a 4 percent Gurney flap fitted. The mean velocity vectors
reveal a large region of flow reversal over the flap, while the
streamlines show that this separated flow forms two counterrotating vortices, with an off-surface stagnation point. The vortices are formed through separations on the suction surface of the
flap and at the edge of the Gurney flap. A similar pattern is also
evident when no Gurney flap is fitted: the location of the separation point on the flap surface is relatively unchanged, but the
Gurney flap displaces the off-surface stagnation point, and the
points of zero velocity in the vortices, and increases the extent of
the vortex shed off the pressure surface. The observed vortex flow
pattern offers an insight to the effectiveness of the Gurney even
with the presence of flow separation on the suction surface. The
existence of the single large vortex behind the Gurney flap would
still enhance the suction acting on the downstream face of the
Gurney flap, and hence at the trailing-edge of the suction surface
of the wing.

Fig. 6 Turbulent kinetic energy TKE distribution at f

20 deg and 5 deg, with 4 percent Gurney

102 Vol. 123, MARCH 2001

Vortex Shedding Frequencies. It has been observed that the

time-dependent flow consists of alternative shedding of vortices
downstream of the Gurney flap Jeffrey et al. 6. The Lomb
periodgram method was used to derive the power spectra, as this
is specifically designed for randomly-spaced data Press et al.
There are no distinct peaks in the power spectra when no device
is fitted. In contrast, the spectra for the wings with Gurney flaps
fitted have clear single peaks, at periodic frequencies, f p , that
remain broadly constant in a region downstream of the trailing

Fig. 8 Turbulent kinetic energy TKE distribution at f

50 deg and 5 deg, with 4 percent Gurney

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Table 1 LDA and spectral data

edge. Table 1 lists f p for the different cases tested, which represents the statistical mode of f p for the measurement points inside
the periodic flow. This table also includes estimates of the Strouhal number, St f p d/U , where d is the base dimension i.e.,
measured normal to the z/c0.0 chordline, and including the
trailing-edge thickness.
At the lower flap angle, fitting a Gurney flap does introduce a
distinct principal frequency, which reduces as the height of the
device is increased. These values of f p yield values of Strouhal
number, which at around St0.16 are broadly consistent with flat
plates, which have Strouhal numbers of the order of St0.135
Roshko 8. They also lie within the range 0.13St0.17 found
for 4 percent and 2 percent Gurney flaps fitted to single-element
airfoil Jeffrey 5.
At the lower flap setting, the region where distinct principal
frequencies were observed was quite large, and fanned downstream from the whole extent of the Gurney flap. In contrast, at
f 50 degrees this region is much shorter and narrower, and is
largely confined to a region downstream of the off surface edge of
the Gurney flap, broadly coincident with the time-averaged
streamlines that bound the pressure-surface edge of the vortical
flow in Fig. 7. The frequency for this region of periodic flow is
between the values for the 2 percent and 4 percent Gurney flaps at
the lower flap angle.

separations mean that the Gurney flaps have only a weak effect on
the trailing-edge suction, and this is reflected in the reduced increments in C L .
Effect on Zero-Lift Drag. When fitted to the flap at the
lower angle, the Gurney flaps do not cause consistently higher
increments in drag than when fitted to the single-element wings,
because of the large region of separated flow on the pressure
surface of the flap.
At the higher flap setting, the flow remains attached on the
pressure surface of the flap. This means that the boundary layer on
this surface is thinner than found in the comparable singleelement experiments. As a result, the increments in zero-lift drag
are greater than those found for the single-element wings.

The overall effects of a Gurney flap are broadly similar whether
it is fitted to a single-element or to the flap of a double-element
wing. The Gurney flap introduces a vortex street and the vortex
shedding enhances the base suction, but the increments in this can
be lower than found for single-element wings, possibly because of
an interaction with the wake of the main element. The vortex
shedding, and increases in trailing-edge suction, pressure, and lift
coefficient, are still observed even after the flow has largely separated from the flap, even though the mean flow patterns are
On the pressure surface, the upstream face of the flap decelerates the flow, in a manner similar to that of a flat plate immersed
in a turbulent boundary layer. On a double-element wing with
attached flow the boundary layer at the very trailing edge will be
thinner than for a single-element wing, and this results in a greater
increase in trailing edge pressure, and in zero-lift drag.
The overall increases in circulation are lower than found for
single-element wings, and reduce with flap angle. These two
trends may partly be caused by the interaction between flap and
main element, and partly by flow separations on the flap.

Discussion of Results


Trailing-Edge Pressure. Results published by Good and

Joubert 9 for flat plates immersed perpendicular to a turbulent
boundary layer show that the maximum pressure measured upstream of a plate increases with the height of the disturbance, with
the smaller plates causing a relatively large increase in pressure. It
has already been hypothesized by the authors Jeffrey et al. 6
that the upstream face of the Gurney flap acts in a similar manner,
with small Gurney flaps giving a disproportionately large increase
in pressure.
This is also evident here, in the results at the higher flap setting,
where the 0.5 percent Gurney flap gives an increase in pressure at
the trailing-edge of the flap from C p 0.3 C p 0.7, while the 4
percent Gurney flap increases the pressure from C p 0.3 to near
C p 1. These increases, however, are higher than were observed
for the single-element wings. It is hypothesized here that this is
because, when attached, the pressure-surface boundary layer on
the flap will be much thinner than for the single-element wings.
This will increase the height of the Gurney flap relative to the
boundary-layer thickness, resulting in increases in trailing-edge

The authors would like to thank Penske Cars Ltd, of Poole,

Dorset, U.K. for funding this research program.

Effect on Lift. The increases in C L due to the Gurney flap

observed for the lower flap setting are typically half those for the
single-element wings. The values of trailing-edge suction show
differences of a similar order, so it seems likely that the lower
increments in C L stem directly from the lower values of trailingedge suction.
The increments in C L are even less at the higher flap angle.
Despite the large increases in trailing-edge pressure, the flow
Journal of Fluids Engineering

b wing span
c reference chord
d base height
C D drag coefficient
C L lift coefficient
C p pressure coefficient
f p vortex shedding frequency
GF Gurney flap
h Gurney flap height
Rc Reynolds number based on c
St Strouhal number, f p d/U
SP pressure surface
SS suction surface
TKE normalized turbulent kinetic energy,
1/2(u u v v w w )/U 2
u, v , w velocity components in x, y, z axes system
U freestream velocity
x, y, z coordinate system: x v e downstream, y v e to
starboard, z v e up
f flap deflection
nondimensional span: 2y/b
vorticity, ( w/ x u/ z)c/U
MARCH 2001, Vol. 123 103

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1 Liebeck, R. H., 1978, Design of subsonic airfoils for high lift, AIAA J.
Aircraft, 15, No. 9, Sept., pp. 547561.
2 Papadakis, M., Myose, R. Y., Heron, I., and Johnson, B. L., 1996, An experimental investigation of Gurney flaps on a GAW-2 airfoil with 25% slotted flap, AIAA Paper 96-2418, June.
3 Papadakis, M., Myose, R. Y., and Matallana, S., 1997, An experimental
investigation of Gurney flaps on a two element general aviation airfoil,
AIAA Paper 97-0728, Jan.
4 Myose, R., Papadakis, M., and Heron, I., 1998, Gurney flap experiments on
airfoils, wings, and reflection plane model, AIAA J. Aircraft, 35, No. 2,
Mar.Apr., pp. 206211.

104 Vol. 123, MARCH 2001

5 Jeffrey, D., 1998, An Investigation Into the Aerodynamics of the Gurney Flap,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Southampton, July.
6 Jeffrey, D., Zhang, X., and Hurst, D. W., 2000, Aerodynamics of Gurney
flaps on a single-element high-lift wing, AIAA J. Aircraft, 37, No. 2, Mar.
Apr., pp. 295301.
7 Press, W., Teukolshy, A. S., Vetterling, W., and Falnnery, B. P., 1992, Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, pp. 569
8 Roshko, A., 1954, On the drag and shedding frequency of two-dimensional
bluff bodies, NACA TN 3169, July.
9 Good, M. C., and Joubert, P. N., 1968, The form drag of two-dimensional
bluff-plates immersed in turbulent boundary layers, J. Fluid Mech., 31, Part
3, Feb., pp. 547582.

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