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International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Sciences Perspectives

Vol. 1, No.1, October - December 2012


C. Rajalakshmi1
The purpose of producing a product is its sale. Each producer explores ways and means of marketing the product and
maximizes sales and in this, advertising plays a major role. Radio is one of the major media for advertising. With the growth
and expansion of media opportunities, radio has to compete with other media for its share of advertisement pie. Although FM
radio is in operation in India since the decade of the nineteen seventies, it was the metro FM by private operators that gave a
distinct niche to FM so much. So that now many analysts take FM radio as a different genre in itself. The style, format,
content and the personality of Radio Jockeys (RJs) positioned it as a medium for the youth. The FM companies pay a large
sum of money to the Government as license fee.
Their operating expenses are also substantial. FM companies have invested money expecting a return on capital which can be
secured only through advertisements. Already, there are several players in the media, including the press, television, cable
television etc. Each FM channel has to establish its popularity with listeners to convince the advertisers that their FM is the
channel for advertising products and services. This need for generation of ad revenue has stepped up the need for marketing.
Thus it is hardly surprising that FM is the channel which is much talked about these days. Many private companies have taken
to commercial broadcasting and there is fierce competition to capture audience with alluring programmes and Marketing holds
great importance in such a competitive scenario. The paper deals about the concept of marketing and how it is applied to
devising marketing strategies of commercial FM radio channels of AIR and private companies.
Commercial, Broadcasting, Marketing, Strategies, FM Radio, Channels, and Companies etc.
Advertising of products and services is the route to rope in more customers and improve a companys image. Radio is an
effective, low-cost medium for advertising a companys products. FM radio has today enabled advertisers to reach out to the
audiences cost-effectively. In July 2005, the union cabinet approved the second phase of FM broadcasting in private sector, in
which more emphasis was given to the growth of services than generating revenue for the government.
The government has allowed foreign companies to venture into setting up of private FM stations within in the present ceiling of
20% foreign capital. Now the Government expects to take a final view in two to three months on the third phase of expansion of
FM radio and about 806 radio licenses are expected to be issued and the Government plans to take FM radio to about 283 towns
(News from business line New Delhi, March 28 by Mr. Rajiv Takru, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Information and
It is identified there is a gap in this potential area, that is conducting a visual reach to understand and learn about when customers
usually tuned into the radio channels and then develop a strategy for launching the advertisements accordingly and also selection
of appropriate time considering the number of listeners during that time of the day, to market their products. The FM radio
medium as a cost effective medium for the advertisers and companies to advertise their products & services and also achieves the
objective of coverage.

To analyze the marketing strategies adopted by FM radio.

To study the practices of marketing management of FM radio operators.
To offer suggestions for improvements in their marketing strategies

Marketing is an activity which should not be looked upon in a vacuum or in isolation. It is, in essence, taking a view of the whole
business organization and its ultimate objectives. Concern for marketing must penetrate all areas of the enterprises. Marketing
emphasizes the belief, handed down for a long time by good marketing people, that the 'customer is king' and his/ her satisfaction
must be the ultimate aim of a business activity, if the business unit desires continued success over a long period of time. It is
because of this that all business thinking in management must start with identification of a 'need' of a group of likely customers or
persons. This leads to identification of the type of 'product' or service to be offered.

Research Scholar, Anna University of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India, vijiguhan@gmail.com

Pezzottaite Journals, Jammu & Kashmir, India.

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