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Name__________________________________________Section_____ Date_______________
A. Read the sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.
_______1. Which object occupies the most space?
A. A table
B. A big book
C. A piece of Grade 1 paper
_______2. Which is NOT a property of solids?
A. It has mass.
B. It can be poured.
C. It can occupy space.
_______3. Which form of matter cant be seen?
A. Gas
B. Solid
C. Liquid
_______4. What similarities do solids and liquids have?
A. They can be held.
B. They can be seen.
C. They can take the shape of their container.
______5. Which form of matter has its own size and shape?
A. Gas
B. Solid
C. Liquid
_______6. What is the mass of an object?
A. The size of an object
B. The color of an object
C. The amount of matter in the object.

B. Classify the objects under the correct heading.












C. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

__________1. The properties of matter are its characteristics.
__________2. Matter occupies space and has no mass.
__________3. We can describe matter using our sense organs.
__________4. Two objects can occupy one space at the same time.
_________5. All objects have mass.
D. Write the correct answer on the blank.
_______1. What is force?
A. The motion of an object
B. A push or pull on an object
C. An acceleration of an object
_______2. What is motion?
A. Change in position
B. Change in direction
C. Change in acceleration
_______3. What force pulls objects to the ground?
A. Wind
B. Gravity
C. Magnetism
_______4. What will happen to a rolling ball if you give it a stronger push?
A. The ball will roll faster.
B. The ball will slow down.
C. The ball will stay in its place.
_______5. Which object will need the strongest force to be moved?
A. A stool
B. A center table
C. A queen-size bed

D. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

_______1. Light travels in a ____________________
A. Wavy line
B. Crooked line
C. Straight line
_______2. When an object block a light source, it forms a __________________
A. Shadow
B. Sunlight
C. Moonlight
_______3. The ________________ gives light through the use of electricity.
A. Candle
B. Campfire
C. Light bulb
_______4. The main source of light on EARTH is the __________________
A. Sun
B. Meralco
C. Electricity
_______5. The ______________________ is an artificial source of light.
A. Stars
B. Fireflies
C. Flashlight
_______6. A _________________________ is a luminous material.
A. Plastic cup
B. Lighted candle
C. Wooden spoon
_______7. The light can pas through a/an __________________ material
A. opaque
B. translucent
C. transparent
E. Write 3 natural sources of light.

1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________

F. Match Column A with B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

Column A
_______1. It describes how high or low a note is

Column B
A. Echo

_______2. It is the back-and-forth movement of an object

B. Noise

_______3. It causes energy to move through matter.

C. Pitch

_______4. It is a name for reflected sound.

D. Sound waves

_______5. It is called an unpleasant sound.

E. Vibration

G. Identify if the sound is pleasant or unpleasant. Write the word on the blank.

____________________1. Chirping of the bird.

____________________2. Noise of some girls in the classroom.
____________________3. Song that is soft and sweet
____________________4. Siren of an ambulance
____________________5. Ticking of the clock.

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