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The eQuate Team


With expertise in both flight operations and quality management, Roger is highly motivated and quick to understand new
technology & market potential. He has a good relationship with the UK CAA for both maintenance and flight operations, is
commercially aware and performance driven.

Roger’s skills and experience encompass:

 Over 25 years experience in aviation, covering both flight and ground operations
 15 years experience in quality management and both internal and external auditing
 Quality Manager for EU-OPS and EASA 145 under Form 4
 Familiar with current EU-OPS requirements (acquired JAR-OPS AOC)
 Registered IQA Quality Auditor
 Training with JAA in JAR-OPS subpart M
 DETR trained aircrew security instructor
 Experienced Technical Author - started six new airlines through to AOC certification
 IATA approved IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) Lead Auditor and Evaluator
 Experienced Technical Author - started six new airlines through to AOC certification Awaiting photo


A well-organized, dedicated and highly motivated former Professional Helicopter

Pilot/Instructor/ Examiner with 36 years aviation experience beginning with the British Army &
now encompassing both fixed and rotary wing operations worldwide.

Adrian’s experience includes:

 Providing Consultancy services to both ‘start up’ and existing operators

 Safety Auditing (IOSA Lead Auditor & Evaluator, Oil & Gas Producer's AMG &c.)
 Form 4 ‘Postholder’ positions (DFO, CTC)
 Designing & implementing Quality & Safety Management Systems
 Training (CRM, Dangerous Goods, Security, 'Train the Trainer', Basic Auditing, IOSA Awareness etc.)


A dedicated, versatile and highly motivated former Airline Captain whose 50 years experience of commercial aviation in
worldwide operations includes:

 Check airman activity, flight instruction, simulator instruction and line operations
 Time as Chief Multi Crew Cooperation Course Instructor Examiner at London
Metropolitan University
 11 years as Pilot Specialist in a Flight Operations Standards & Quality Assurance
 Aircraft purchase & integration (747-400, MD11F & MD90)
 Leading IOSA audits


Having finished his 33 year 16,500 flying hour commercial career with a French operator in 2003, Dick turned his analytical &
problem-solving skills to Consultancy & IOSA auditing. His skills & experience include:

 Bi-lingual in French & English

 Left Hand Seat experience in long haul, short haul , charter & scheduled operations
 Technical Manual Review
 IOSA Auditing

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