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Individual Quiz

1) What is Ethics?
Tools to determine whether or not we should do a certain action and the
extent to which a past action should have been done.
Author: David Cruise Malloy, Ph.D., Professor, 1
Phillosopher: Aristotle (1992) Nichomachean Ethics
2) Case study
The issues are whether the employer & the employee are unethical. On the
employee side which are not unethical is where he/she treats the employee
unfairly by giving him the worst shift, repeatedly giving him job that least
popular and the worst thing the employee being reprimand for minor
blunders in front of the rest of the staff. As a consequence, this situation
would create low productivity and dissatisfaction in the employee. Next is on
the employee side where the employee did the unethical behavior by serving
his good friend first regardless if he has many waiting customer on the line.
Besides that the employee always undercharge or charge for one drinks out
of four drinks to his good friends which this behavior is consider as not honest
and trustworthy. As a consequence, these would create uncomfortable
feelings between the employee and his good friend. For the employer side,
the account would be unbalance if the employee keep undercharging his
good friend and would give a bad impact during the audit. If the employer
found out what the employee done, he might be get terminated and been
accused for his untrustworthy behavior.
3) What is the relationship between ethics & laws
Most of the time any ethical considerations are also legally enforceable
like contract in business when two or more parties agree to something

they should honor the agreement.2

In false representation where someone falsely present a material or
fact to other party with the intention in getting that person to part with

1 David Cruise Malloy, Understanding the Nature of Ethics, Values, and Purposes of
Business, Health Care and Law: Implications and Applications for Community Sport,
retrieved on September 17, 2014
2 WiseGeek,, (retrieved on September 17, 2014)

something valuable. As for example like car salesman sell a used car to
his customer as if the car is brand new, which cause the customer to
pay the price with the new car instead with the price of a used one.

Clearly, such action is unethical as well as legally actionable. 3

Advertising. False advertising is unethical and against the law. If a
product is being advertised, the seller should not switch tactics if they
put lower price they should sell with lower price. 4

4) Characteristic of Business Ethics

Mission and Value-driven5
Stakeholder Balance6
Leadership Effectiveness7
5) Theories
Kantian Theory
The theory explained about respect for people principle where any
business practitioner that put money on a par with people is immoral. 8
Utilitarianism Theory
The theory explained about the rightness or wrongness of an action
should be based on the results produce by actions. 9
3 WiseGeek,, (retrieved on September 17, 2014)
4 John A. Tarantino and Katy A. Hynes, 2012, Truth in Ethics: Law v. Ethics, retrieved
on September 17, 2014
5 Alexandre Ardichvili, James A. Mitchell & Douglas Jondle, 2009, Characteristic of
Ethical Business Cultures, retrieved on September 16, 2014.
6 Alexandre Ardichvili, James A. Mitchell & Douglas Jondle, 2009, Characteristic of
Ethical Business Cultures, retrieved on September 16, 2014.
7 Alexandre Ardichvili, James A. Mitchell & Douglas Jondle, 2009, Characteristic of
Ethical Business Cultures, retrieved on September 16, 2014.
8 Norman E. Bowie, Business Ethics and Normative Theories, retrieved on
September 17, 2014
9 Business Ethics : Utilitarianism,, retrieved on
September 17, 2014

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