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Commerce Lab

1-1 Adding Commerce Attributes

1. Navigate to Quote-level Attribute List.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes page, click List.
d. From the Document List, keep Attributes selected in the Navigation
drop-down menu & click
List for the Quote level.
2. Add a document attribute.
a. Click the Add button at the bottom of the Attributes List page. The
Attribute Editor opens.
b. Enter a unique Name and Variable Name for the first attribute. Use the
following table for guidance:

Variable Name Type

Menu Options

Employee Id>

organization_quote Menu
_<TCS Employee

School, Boy Scout Troop, Girl

Scout Troop, Study Abroad,
Business, None

School/Business/Tro schoolBusinessTroo Text

op Number_<TCS
Employee Id>
TCS Employee Id>


Employee Id>

emailAddress_quot Text
e_<TCS Employee


Delivery Required?
_<TCS Employee

deliveryRequired_q Boolea
Employee Id>


Employee Id>

deliveryDate_quote Date
_<TCS Employee


Employee Id>

deliveryMessage_q Rich
Employee Id>


c. Select the appropriate Attribute Type.

d. Click Add and Apply.
3. Add more document attributes.
a. Complete steps 2a-2d for the remaining five attributes. Use the table
above for guidance.
b. Navigate to Process Quick Links and click Deploy.

2-1 Customizing the Commerce Layout

1. Navigate to Commerce Layout Editor.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes Page, click List.
d. From the Document List, select Layout from the Navigation dropdown menu for the Quote Level. Then click List.
2. Add an Outer Panel.
a. Click Add on the Administration Actions toolbar.
b. Select Layout from the drop-down menu.
c. Select Add a New Panel from the floating panel and drag the panel
to the Layout Editor. A red dotted line represents where the panel will
be placed and the green check mark indicates that it can be dropped
in that space.
d. Enter Fundraiser Info_<TCS Employee Id> as the Label that appears on the
e. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
3. Add a column layout and add attributes to it.
a. Click Add on the Administration Actions toolbar.
b. Select Layout from the drop-down menu.
c. Select Add a New Column Layout from the floating panel and drag
the column layout to directly under the existing column layout in the
Fundraising Panel. A red dotted line represents where the column
layout will be placed, and the green mark indicates that it can be
dropped in that space.
d. Set the number of columns to 2.
e. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
f. To add an attribute to column layout, click Add on the Administration
Actions toolbar.
g. Click Attributes from the floating Attributes panel.
h. Locate the six attributes that you added in Practice 1-1 and drag them
to the column layout.
i. Click Save, and then Deploy Commerce.

3-1 Creating a Commerce Action

1. Navigate to Commerce Action List.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes Page, click List.
d. From the Document List, select Actions from the Navigation dropdown menu for the Quote Level. Then click List.
2. Add a Commerce action.
a. On the Action List page, click Add.
b. Enter Fill Business Defaults as the Name. This field will be used to link back
to edit the action.
c. Enter a unique Variable Name. Do not use special characters in this
d. Select Modify as the action type you want to create.
e. Click Add to save changes and open the Admin Action Editor, or click
Cancel to return to the Action List page without saving changes.
f. Edit the available tabs. Have this action Modify the Attribute fields
that you created.
Set Organization_<TCS Employee Id> Attribute to business.
Set School/Business/Troop Number_<TCS Employee Id>
attribute to Oracle.
Set Email Address_<TCS Employee Id> attribute to
g. Click Apply to save changes, or click Update to save changes and
return to the Document List page. The new action will appear in
alphabetical order on the Actions List page.
h. Add the action to the panel that you created in Practice 2-1 using the
Commerce Layout Editor.
i. Deploy Commerce.
3-2 Creating a Formula in Formula Management

1. Navigate to Formula Management.

a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. Select Formulas from the Navigation drop-down and click List.
2. Create a new formula.
a. In the Attributes filter, locate the attribute that you want to use to
hold your calculated value. In this case , it is
b. Drag the attribute to the green Add Attribute bar under the Attribute
Name. The attribute's variable name appears.
c. Populate the Formula Bar. (Main Doc and Sub Doc attributes can be
used here.)Start with attribute Subtotal
d. You also need Operators such as () + - / * . Enter them directly into the
Formula Bar. Be careful to select the Operator from the pop-up menu,
and not the Literal value. Then add the appropriate operator.
e. Drag the remaining attributes to complete the formula. Use Cost
(totalCost_quote) and Target Margin $(targetMarginDollar_quote).
f. When the formula is complete, click the green plus (+) symbol to add
the formula to the list.
g. Formulas run on a Simple Modify Action. Using the Calculate BL
Discount action, edit its Modify tab, locating the
bottomLineDiscount_quote attribute and setting its Modify to
h. Deploy Commerce and test.

4-1 Modifying the Approval Process

1. Navigate to Submit action's approval sequence.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes page, click List.
d. From the Document List, select Actions from the Navigation dropdown menu for the Quote Level. Then click List.
e. From the Action List, click the Submit action.
f. Click the Edit Approvals button to the right of Approval Sequence on
the General tab.
2. Create an approval reason.
a. Click Add Child (+) on the Submit action to add the reason.
b. Enter a Label and Variable Name for your reason and click SAVE.
c. Click the pencil icon to edit the reason and set the Simple Condition
to Organization not equal to Business.
d. Click SAVE to save your edits.
3. Add an approver to the approval reason.
a. Click the Approvals button.

b. Select your user from the drop-down menu.

c. Click SAVE to return to the Reason Flow.
d. Deploy Commerce.
4-2 Creating an Email Template
1. Navigate to the Email Template Editor List.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Email Templates in the Commerce and Documents section.
2. Create a new email template.
a. Click Add Template.
b. Enter a Name and Variable Name for the Email Template and click
c. Select the Email Template you just created from the Email Template
Editor List.
d. Click in the gray box for the Subject to edit the Subject line of the
email. In the subject area, add the following static text and attributes [
Approval Requested by [current user First Name] [current user Last Name] for
[Quote Number]
e. Click Save.
f. Drag a Text block from the left navigation bar to the Body of the email.
Click the pencil icon on the right side of the text block to edit it.
g. In the Edit Text box, add the following static text and attribute [ ]:
Pending Approval Notification for [current user First Name]
(first_name) [current user Last Name] (last_name)
Quote Number: [Quote Number] (quoteNumber_quote)
Quote Description: [Quote Description] (quoteDescription_quote)
Submit Comment: [Submit Comment] (submitComment)
Reason Name: [Reason Name] (reasonName)
Quote Total: [Total Contract value] (total_quote)
Total Discount: [Total Discount] (totalDiscount_quote)
Total Margin: [Margin $] (totalMarginDollar_quote)
h. Click the Back button after finishing text edits to return to the Email
Template Editor List.
i. Deploy the email template by clicking the green Deploy check
mark on the right side of the list.
3. Associate the new email template with the approval reason that you created
in Practice 4-1.
a. Navigate via Admin to the Submit action and open the approval
sequence manager.
b. Associate the email template with the reason and approver that you
created in Practice 4-1. If you are not currently the approver , make
sure to select your user from the Approver drop-down menu.
c. SAVE the approver , SAVE the approval sequence , and click the

d. Update the Submit action, and then Deploy Commerce from the
quick links.
e. Test the email template by submitting a quote that requires approval
for the reason that you created in Practice- 4-1. If you do not receive
the email notification, make sure to check the junk and spam folders
in your email before going back into Commerce to fix the problem.
5-1 Creating a Commerce Constraint Rule
1. Navigate to the Commerce rule editor.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes page, click List.
d. From the Document List, select Rules from the Navigation drop-down
menu for the Quote Level. Then click List.
2. Add a constraint rule.
a. Click Add to create a new rule and select Constraint.
b. Name the rule School/Business/Troop Requirement_<TCS Employee
Id> and allow the variable name to fill.
c. Select Simple Condition as the Condition Type in the Condition
d. Click Add Row in the condition section, and then populate the row
with the following logic :
If Organization_<TCS Employee Id> = School OR Business OR Boy
Scout Troop OR Girl Scout Troop
e. Select the Action (Values to Constraint) to:
School/Business/Troop Number_<TCS Employee Id> = Blank
f. Enter Schools, Businesses, and Troops require a School/Business/Troop
Number_<TCS Employee Id> as a message to display to the user.
g. Click the Save button. The rule now appears in the left panel under
h. Deploy Commerce.
5-2 Creating Commerce Hiding Rules
1. Navigate to the Commerce rule editor.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes page, click List.
d. From the Document List, select Rules from the Navigation drop-down
menu for the Quote Level. Then click List.
2. Create a hiding rule.
a. Click Add to create a new rule and select Hiding.
b. Enter the basic properties for the rule (Name, Variable Name, and

c. Create your condition using the following logic:

Delivery Required?_<TCS Employee Id> = false
d. Set the Action to hide Delivery Message_<TCS Employee Id> and
Delivery Date_<TCS Employee Id> . Click Add to include more
than one.
e. Click the Save button. The rule now appears in the left panel under
3. Create an additional hiding rule.
a. Repeat steps 1a-2e to create a second hiding rule at the Line level
using the following options:
Condition: Organization_<TCS Employee Id> = Business
Action: maxDiscountPercent_line
b. Deploy Commerce.
6-1 Adjusting Document Views for a Step.
1. Navigate to the Steps administration page.
a. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page.
b. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section.
c. On the Processes page, select Steps from the Navigation drop-down
menu and click List
2. Change the Document Views of the Approved step.
a. From the list of steps, select the Approved step. This expands the list
of Participant Profiles associated with that tabs.
b. Double-click the Admin Participation Profile. This gives you access to
the Document Views and User Access Rights tabs.
c. On the Document Views tab and in the Quote: Main Document
section, click the Attributes tab and locate the six attributes that you
added in Practice 1-1.
d. Set all attributes to Read Only.
e. Click Save
f. Deploy and test.

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