Behaviours - Answers

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1. What is the satisfier concept and how to apply to a brand (he will give the brand)?

Satisfier concept: a consumer buys a product because it allow him/her to get rid of previous
unsatisfied needs (the purchase = satisfaction). THE CONSUMER BUY SATISFACTION/Solution.
2 types of needs to the satisfier concept:
1) TANGIBLE: Solution, Value, Accessibility, Communication (= 4Ps)
Base = functionality, security, quality, honesty, continuity, social conformity = what is needed
to enter into the considerations of the consumer, can lead to reject if not satisfied, changes over time,
establishes the basic norm, relative concept = fundamental
Dynamic = homo economicus(10-15%), internal/external social service(30-40%), prestige(5%),
fashion/aesthetic(10-15%), performance(1%), tradition(5-10%) = what can differentiate your product
from the one of the competition, get you selected by the consumer. Moreover, it can give your product
an added value and be considered as basis for segmentation or positioning = depends on the selected
market segment. Basis for differenciation, selection, added value, basis from segmentation and
Positioning. After the basic need come desire- if your basic needs are satisfied you are controlled by

2. What are the key categories of actors in a market place & how do they take their decisions?

Market is Group of persons/organizations that shares similar needs, that are economically
accessible and that are ready to enter in an exchange.
The marketing concept evolution has 4 stages-production-sales-marketing and finally satisfaction
of needs.
Management to markets seeks for resource optimization, demand analysis. Markets to product
seeks for solution and needs. Product to management innovation, R/D and adaptation.

What is strategic marketing?

Allocates and coordinates marketing resources and activities effectively to accomplish the firms
objectives within a specific product-market. Therefore, the critical issue concerning the scope of a
marketing strategy is specifying the target market(s) for a particular product line). Than firms seek
competitive advantage and synergy through a well-integrated program of marketing mix elements
tailored to the needs & wants of potential customers in that target market.
From 4P to 4C-the 4Cs have been developed from the customer point of view in contrast with the
4Ps developed from the producer point of view. And it means Customer
Customer Value/Price(List Price,Discounts, Allowance, Payment period, Credit terms),
Communication/Promotion(Sales PromotionsAdvertisingPublic RelationsEducationDirect
MarketingSales Force).And how the market looks like in the producers point of viewproduct,price,place,promotion-4Ps

Marketing Means anticipating needs before competitors. There are many different ways customers
can satisfy their needs. In trying to meet those needs, each company is in competition with others
you must offer something different and better. Customers must find your offering preferable to
anyone elses. It is called a Competitive Differential Advantage. There is no marketing without
common sense, coherence and permanent learning.

Strategy and Marketing means that strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position,
involving a set of activities, with a sense of purpose that adequately matches the core resources of
the company with the opportunities of its environment. It is ultimately a conversation, an ongoing
dialogue that identifies the actions crucial to delivering the value our customers want and the
profits our shareholders demand. There are 3 main processes.
Marketing Programs and implementation:
Customer Solution (Product)
Customer Value (Price)
Communication (Promotion)
Convenience (Place)
Organization Change
Strategy Development:
Where to compete
How to compete

Whento compete
Situation Analysis:
Industry analysis
Customer analysis
Company analysis
Competitor analysis

What are the actors of the market?

Government, competitors (direct-indirect), customers, lobbies and private groups other industry
players. In reality there are spies as well- Chine has a lot of spies here in Brussels in order to be
updated with the latest legislation and political mood in advance. At all players decision making is
happening on different level and in most cases the buyer, the user and the payer are different
persons. There are influencers, experts, specialized magazines and sites and etc.Commercial
relationships and strategies differ according to the target. The essence of a commercial relationship
is always to match requirements and/or needs with an adapted service or product offering.
However different type of customers dont have the same definition of value and companies have
to adapt their approach when dealing with kinds of commercial rela onships.
Business to consumer - sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to endusers
(personal individual). B2C marketing is mainly based on advertising in TV ads, Newspapers, Poster
campaigns, online advertising.
The word of mouth method is also very important to broaden the consumer awareness.
Business to business - commercial transactions between businesses. B2B marketing is mainly based
on networking. Successful salespeople in the B2B arena are often the ones that have the best
connections with their peers in the industry.Brand image and recognized capability to offer quality
products are also very important criteria.
Business to Government - Sale of products and services to various government levels -including
federal, state and local. B2G marketing is closed to the B2B marketing. Beyond recognized
capabilities and a good network, B2G marketers must also take care of the perceived company
Examples of industry focused on a single commercial relation are many. Consulting companies are
mainly focused on the B2B business but also play in the B2G arena.
They sell High value added services to their customers that are looking for quality and value before
price. Retailers are the perfect example of B2C pure players. They sell massive amounts of goods to
end consumers with a specific focus on price and customer service. Infrastructure builders have a
strong interest in B2G relationships.

For them, public tenders are huge businesses bringing activity for several years. They are used to
the RFI, RFQ process where every aspect of the product/service offerings are checked. In many
industries business is not B2C, B2B or B2G exclusive The Auto Industry example
Direct car sales to customers repair centers, insurance, financing, parts sales to wholesalers,
commercial vehicle sales to companies needing working tools or vehicle sales for public fleets
public transportation Police departments.

Whatever the commercial relationship, it will always occur between two people. One can then talk
of a universal H2H relationship where B2C principle are relevant.With the emergence of digital
media and the big data phenomenon, B2C as well as B2B marketers are provided with very
powerful tools ( such as CRMs). It allow them to better understand their customer behaviors and
hence to offer always more relevant services/products. More and more companies are trying to
diversify their commercial relationship in order to edge the risk of a specific business downturn.
However, to be able to be competitive and perceived as trustworthy in every arena, these
companies have to set-up complex communication strategies.

Buyer, Payer and User are different in most of the cases. We have to understand their behaviour
and to know the decision making process in order to sell and influence

Definition-Households are the basic unit of buying and consumption in a society. A household is a
consumption unit of one or more persons identified by a common location with an address. Family
household is a group of persons related by blood and/or marriage. Four types are most common:
Married couples alone
Married couples with children
A single parent with children
Extended family, which may include parents, childrens spouses,
and/or grandchildren, and occasionally cousins
There are Nonfamily household:
A household that does not contain a family
A single person living alone in a dwelling unit
Boarding houses
The same family member may not have all roles (advisor, decision maker).A single role may be
jointly held by more than one individual.

Steps in family buying decisions:

1) Initiation of the purchase decision
2) Gathering and sharing of information
3) Evaluating and deciding
4) Shopping and buying
5) Conflict management
Five patterns of relative influence are possible:
Autonomous decision by the husband only
Husband-dominated decision
Syncratic decisions
Wife-dominated decision
Autonomous decision by the wife
It is very important to know that the wife and the husband think different- the price for the wife is
the final consideration, but the first for the man. Factors influencing the choice could be -Genderrole orientation, Wifes employment status, Stage in family life cycle, Time pressure could be very
powerful decision maker, Socioeconomic development of the population. Parents tend to have less
children. Childrens Influence on Family Decision Making on three ways- Children express
individualistic preferences for products paid for and bought by parents. Children in their teen years
begin to have their own money and become their own payers and buyers of items of self-use. They
influence their parents choice of products that are meant for shared consumption. This depends
on whether the family has a social or a concept orientation. Another way of classifying families is by
how authority is exercised in the family- if the authority is high the children influence is low at any
levels either for products for personal or shared use. Kids are usually better informed about
products form internet and they tend to have moderate to high influence.
There a factors like Consumer socialization occurs when one or more of the
following are learned or acquired by children:
Preferences among alternative brands and products
Knowledge about product features and the functioning of the marketplace
Skills in making smart decisions
Other factors could be Intergenerational Influence-the transmission of values, attitudes, and
behaviors from one generation to the other. It could be Forward IGI from parents to children and
Reverse IGI from children to parents (Democratic justice).There are conflicts as well in families for
instance buying a new house or something important. If the purchase is daily consumed - no
conflicts. There might be a persuasion in a case of conflict.


Definition-A business is a licensed entity engaged in the activity of making, buying, or selling
products and services for profit or non-profit objectives.
This behaviour is moderately to very specialized, slightly formal (small businesses) to formal (large
businesses). Strict measures, operational and strategic complexity. Business asks who are you and
are you going to survive the next 5 years-continuity. They want to know about the service that
comes after the purchase. Here we have procurement system
Nature of the purchase
Organizational characteristics
Buying center
Rules and procedures
A decision process
In this case perceived risk refers to the expected probability that the purchase may not produce a
satisfactory outcome. It is a product of 2 factors:
-The degree of uncertainty that a choice may be wrong
-The amount at stake should a wrong choice occur
The importance of purchase is a combination of the amount at stake and the extent to which the
product plays a strategic role in the organization. The higher the amount at stake the more
strategic the products purchase is. Complexity refers to the extensiveness of effort it takes to
comprehend and manage the product during its acquisition. Complexity has two dimensions:
The number of performance dimensions
The technical and specialist knowledge required to understand those dimensions
Time pressure refers to how urgently the item is needed. When the item is needed urgently the
purchase decision will short-circuit the usual process.
Four organizational characteristics of the customer firm affect
buying behavior:
Purchase resources
Purchase orientation
Business buying decisions comprise the following stages:
Need assessment
Developing choice criteria
Request for proposals (RFPs)
Supplier evaluation
Supplier selection

Fulfillment and monitoring

In this process there a lot of influencers and decision makers. Players like USER GATEKEEPER
INFLUENCER ANALYZER DECIDER BUYER. Here we have a lot of details taken into account like price,
paperwork cost, storage cost, training cost, quality control, user labor cost, taxes and insurance,
product longevity, internal handling costs, disposal costs. The decision-making process is primarily
driven by two psychological processes occurring in the decision makers - their expectation and their
perceptual distortions. In general the decision depends on the organization characteristics, nature
of purchase and the information sources.

They take their decisions in function of the buying task (straight rebuy, modified rebuy, new
rebuy), perceived risk (= expected probability that the purchase may not produce a satisfactory
outcome = degree of uncertainty + amount at stake), the importance of the purchase (=amount at
stake + extent to which the PR plays a strategic role in the organization) + the complexity of the
purchase + the time pressure + organizational characteristics (size, structure, purchase resources
& purchase orientation) + the buying centres.

Definition-In every country, the government buys a lot of products and services; sometimes it is
likely to be the biggest single buyer. They are administrators but lowers as well- regulations.
Government buys in two basic ways
Direct purchase
Request for proposal (RFP)
or Competitive procurement
Invitation for bid (IFB)
Request for proposal (RFP)
All government procurement has to comply with FARs
The bid document will refer to particular regulation numbers
The bidder must become aware of what these specific regulations are
A BID-A method of government procurement wherein the government specifies the item being
sought exactly and invites sealed bids. For products and services that are needed repeatedly, the
government has established standard specifications
Federal specifications
Commercial item descriptions (CIDs)
Military specifications

The contracts have special format and form for instance - Solicitation/Contract Form, Supplies or
Services and Price/Costs Description/Specifications/Statement or Work, Packaging and Marking,
Inspection and Acceptance, Deliveries or Performance, Contract Administration Data, Special
Contract Requirements. Other requirements like :
Requires federal contractors to comply with (1) the wage and
hours requirements for its workers on the contract and (2) the
health and safety regulations of the state or labor standards (wages and hours) for labor working
on federal construction projects.
Buy American Act Requires that preference be given to domestic suppliers.

The government sets up an acquisition team, to prepare the bid document. There is a designated
contact person to clarify any queries the bidder may have. The proposal may be Technical proposal
and Price proposal. The vendor awarded is generally, the vendor with the lowest cost whose
product would meet the agencys need is awarded the contract Contracts are awarded in two
Annual purchasing agreements
Maintenance/labor agreements
State governments are responsible for a huge procurement budget. Each state has its own
guidelines for doing business. Many states now have vendor information available on their Internet
web site.The GOV customers differ from the regular business in some cases like:
Size of the average purchase and standardization
Legal restrictions and compliance reviews
Solicitation of sellers
Open-access information
Diffusion of authority
Procedural detail and paperwork
Although there is room for reform in government procurement, there are unique benefits of doing
business with government-Stability, Security, Size, Breakthrough R&D work, Challenge

3. What are the different elements of culture? The Actors and their Behaviors
What is Culture?
Culture is an integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of the members
of any given society. Culture is the total way of life of particular groups of people and it could mean
everything that the group THINKS, SAYS, DOES and MAKES. Culture is learned, not inherited.
Culture is very stable. Culture hides more than what it reveals, and strangely enough, what it
hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants. It consist not just behaviours but beliefs,
customs, values and assumptions. Culture affects: The way we live, we die, we organize, we
perceive, we consume. It is full of symbols, rituals, values and heroes. Problems of Encountering
new cultures:
Ethnocentric judgment/ Stereotypes
Culture shock
Technologies are often not culturally neutral
There are lot of stereotypes for all cultures.This is form of categorization that organizes our experience and
guides our behaviour toward various groups within society. Stereotypes never accurately describe
individual behaviour rather they describe the behavioural norm for members of a particular group.
The communications process from culture to culture is different- starts from
-Words, Symbolics, Form,
-Visual-Written, Shapes, Colours, Movements
And it has to be decoded- to the Right public? Right Understanding? Right action? Because there
are Cross-Cultural Misperception and we can learn to avoid them. We have to be prepared.
Perception is selective
Perceptual patterns are learned
Perception is culturally determined
Perception is consistent
Perception is inaccurate
Culture is complex -National culture system (different attitudes, beliefs, values, behaviors). There
might have Subculture (differential identification with social class ethnic group, or region) like in
India. We have to take into account all PERSONAL DIFFERENCES-Personality (differential
internalization of culture norms).
Misunderstandings vs Disagreements

Cross cultural communication creates more misunderstandings than disagreements. The problem
is that it is easier to identify the disagreements than the misunderstandings. Differences are
Normal-It is normal to be different. Differences and diversity rejuvenate and enrich cultures, Cross
Cultural contacts widen the horizons of humanity and Integration is not mimetism.

1) Relationships (language, hierarchy (=power distance), individualism/collectivism, neutrality/affectivity,

manners, etc) Individualism-People are supposed to look after themselves and their immediate family
(West).Collectivism-People belong to in-groups or collectivities which are supposed to look after them in
exchange for loyalty(China). We have aspects of Neutrality-We have to control the expression of our
emotions in order to consider things in an objective manner (Chinese). Affectivity - to be able to express
openly and freely what we think and what we feel (Westerner).
Manners-Protocol, Greetings, Table manners, Parties (small talk, personal space, leaving,),Gifts giving,
Taboos (forbidden practices).For instance if you going to negotiate in China you should rise your price with
40 %-they will test you straight and power to negotiate. Red in China means luck and age is very important
due to respect the elders. Avoid touching and physical contact.

2) Attitudes toward action (mastery of nature vs subjugation to nature, uncertainty avoidance, ideologism
vs pragmatism, consumption patterns, etc). Uncertainty Avoidance- The extent to which people feel
threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these.
Consumption - Dress and appearance, Food and feeding habits, Lifestyle (leisure, working habits), Material

3) Organization (time, space, social organizations/institutions). Time in America is different than time in
China or Japan. Space Relationship is different and means other things. What is the use & the meaning of
space? What is the private territory and what can be considered as public? Is the distance used as a sign of
power? Social organization is an extension of the form and nature of social groups, constituted to
concretize the individual and social values. Men organize their activities and social links in accordance to
these values.
In groups / Out groups
Social Structure / stratification
Family and clans
Political system
Legislative system

4) Context
Context is the interrelated environmental, social and cultural conditions in which individuals, organizations
and communities exist. Cultures are located on a continuum of high to low context (implicit vs explicit).

Implicit culture high context -Information is expressed by the situation itself, Use of the network to get
information , Information is fluent is fast transmitted , Language used is more informal .
Explicit culture low context - Information is given by messages, in an explicit way, Need for systematic &
detailed information, Segmentation of the information, Language used is specific and formal.
Guanxi Networks are not just commercial, but also social, involving the exchange both of favour and
affection-Chinese people.

5) Values, norms & beliefs

Values-Broad preferences for one state of affairs over others to which strong emotions are attached. (The
good and the bad).Norms-Collective definition of what is suitable and what is not. (The law expresses the
norms). Deals with the notion of the valuable or the good in the widest sense not only morally good but
the beautiful and the true. Norms and values in harmony - source of energy and change.

6) Conceptual framework
Universalism - Apply rules and procedures that insure equity and permanence. Tend to be abstract, rulebased, resist exceptions that might weaken the rule.
Particularism - Favour flexibility by adaptation to local situations. Tend to see people not as citizens but
friends, brothers, close relatives, those with claims on my love or hatred. Tend to focus on the exceptional
nature of present circumstances. Dialogue- oriented, data- oriented cultures-Latin America tend to dialog
and the Swiss/Germans to data.
Cross cultural Effectiveness can be achieved by Learn about others cultural specificities, Allow sufficient
time for relationship building with foreign nations, Listen carefully to the others, Observe non-verbal
communication, Be alert to signals, Try to understand the other, Seek the reasons/patterns behind
things that are strange or different, Do not criticize systematically the other, Give empathetic feedback,
Manage stress and cultural shock. You as a manager need global awareness you need to know history.
Profile of the Effective European Manager is to be Multilingual (4 languages at least),Qualified, Leadership
skills, Internationally minded, Cross cultural communication, High mobility, Vision, Time Management,
Ambition, Good cultural level.

4. What are the key factors to analyse a new market?Focus On emerging markets.

Globalization is entering a new phase, with emerging-market companies now competing strongly
against richer countries. Emerging Markets growth is a fact - Emerging Markets and developing
countries represented in 2010 around 85% of the worlds populationand 50% of the worlds GDP.

Countries/regions that have begun toindustrialize and adopted market capitalism. Economy
transition phase between developing and developed (mature) status. That means:
great promise & good place to invest.
potential for a high return in a relatively short period of time
employees work long hours for low wages initially

Emerging Markets in financial terms are with greater volatility and higher risk than established
Markets, unexpected political and economic upheavals and the value of stocks, bonds, and
currencies can change drastically and suddenly. Where to find the investors of tomorrow? The
answer is China or India.
Emerging Economies and hotspots for trade growth
Page 147.

Emerging Companies in the current global supply chain landscape?

New companies are now competing with the biggest like WalMart - Royal Dutch Shell, Japan Post
Holdings, Saudi Aramco, Sinopec, Vitol. Expanding footprint of emerging companies are changing
supply chain flows- companies from the west established presence in Asia, but companies form
Asia did it as well- Huawai, Samsung, LG.Companies from developed and emerging economies will

face different challenges in this environment. They will have to produce there,to operate there and
to compete as well-different territory.
The implication of this Changing Environment to the way we do business?
Our Industry faces tough balancing act between demand and supply. Customs & administrative
processes are playing catch up to the growing trade demands- in Asia 15 of the supply chain cost
are for administration procedures without duty. For EU between members is just 3 %.This is a
barrier. Supply Chain network need to be constantly realigned with the changes in the global supply
chain flows. Where to have a hub or a satellite? How to optimize costs and inventory handling
costs? Air or Sea? Sustainable Supply Chain is becoming more and more important and the Logistics
industry is the main contributor for CO2 emissions- 14 % of all is form transport.
The market needs Frugal solutions- low cost adopted products for the emerging markets, new
productions capacities and economies of scale. The example is Tata Nano in India- cheap, but not
applicable in EU-no safty. Cheap mobile phones as well.

5. Analyzing the International Market Structures- Analysis of the Market Potential

within an International Perspective.
potential and accessibility (addressable market).
What is the actual market (serviceable market) and what is the accessible Market (real market)?

The new thing here is that people are moving to the cities- Continuous growth of emerging cities
(particularly in China), which exhibit high demand for consumer goods, but with immature logistics
practices.3 of 5 will be living in cities by 2030.You have to realise the market and to have an ideathe Real market experiences. Potential is nothing as long as you can not realize it. Get a clear
picture of the real market before developing a strategy and believe only in words when they tend
to be followed by acts. The general questions are
Who is the real customer?
What are his real needs?
How do we address these needs and create value?
How big is the real market?
How do we capture value?

You have to be familiar with MARKET & COMPANY DYNAMICS and catch the trend and Market
Coverage like:
Geographical Coverage
Channel coverage
How are you going to do Market Penetration
3. Market Effectiveness
Marketing Efficiency = Mkt potential x MKT coverage x Mkt penetration
Market potential analysis is very important-you have to assess the risk before going abroad. You
GROWTH in country A,B,C for instance. You have to be very aware of product lifecycle and that
product will be marketable in one country and in another not-plastic bottles case or frugal
COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT is very vital-the power of supplier, buyer is important. Competitors
landscape is main reason how to act. You need competitive strategy like differentiation, low-cost
lidership or market segmentation (combo of both).What product/solution you will be offering?


6. What is Market Segmentation?

We need it to be able to address the customer and to provide higher satisfaction and value. It
works like DEMAND-SEGMENTATION-DIFFERENT SATISFACTORS. Market segment is a group of
potential buyers with the same needs and expectations. Multi segment marketing approach is
possible as well and very applicable. It means using the segments knowledge to adapt customer
solutions, customer value, customer communication and convenience / channel strategies. It allows
a company to emphasise on a different set of product benefits, services and values to specific
groups of customers.Segmentation-Definition: Segmenting a market means to organise all potential
customers into groups according to how they make their buying decision. Condition: in order to
segment the market, we have to take tangible as well as intangible elements into account. Major
advantage: These groups of customers present similar needs so that selective investment can be
made to achieve competitive advantage.
Segmentation helps you understand:
which customer to pursue
how to find them
what benefits they want
which customers you cannot serve profitably
Why do we adopt a multi segments approach? The major objective is to tend to a one-to-one/
customized approach towards customers in order to improve the customer satisfaction and
Develop & sustain competitive advantages. For instance Differences between regular & luxury
goods. The segmentation process is the first step in approaching a market. We develop market
segmentation for our business by answering three questions, selecting the most helpful descriptors
(form the many which could be included), for each element- Who buys, What do they buy?
(including where? When? How?) or Why do they buy?
Either by analysis of transactions & research data or by the insightful interpretation of
market knowledge, a segmentation framework (step 5) is established which covers the
whole market. Preliminary target segments are then selected & validated. The segmentation could
be based on Demographics, Socio-economic, Industry type, Behavioral or Illustrations of multivariable segmentation schemes.You have the answer of the questions like - Are needs within the
segments homogeneous? Are needs across the segments heterogeneous? Are the segments
identifiable and accessible?


Everybody see it the same way but the prism effect in economy is the difference of the perception,
impression, feelings- people will have in front of the produ: you sell beer in Belgium and want to go in iran
and the Netherlands. In Iran, the popular religion, do not alloid the consumption of beers so peple will be
"afraid" of your product, their reaction will not be so positive and if they are not Muslim they do not drink
many beer so do not know the product well and would be suspicious. on the contrary in The Netherlands if
you re a big brewer some people know you already and their opinion on a beer is likely to be more
positive. The idea people have of beer in the Netherland is very different of the one of the Iranian. So you
have to take into account the perseption of different cultures to your product.You may need to adapt it or
to avoid the particular market. If you want to export your product abroad, you take a consumer solution, a
country of origin and a company and you check if the image of your product in that country is positive,
negative or neutral.

8. Market Selection.
The two powerful tools are required PESTEL analysis and CAGE (Cultural Distance, Administrative
and political distance, Geographic distance, Economic/ wealth). This analyses are used It is mainly
when a company is becoming a player on the international field.
Country attractiveness consist in Benefits-Size of Economy/Likely Economic Growth+ Costs
Corruption/Lack of Infrastructure/Legal Costs+ Risks-Political Risks, Anti-Business Trends
Economic Risks, Legal Risks, Safeguard Property Right

9. International Market Channel Management & Market entry Approaches

Advantages-No need for operational facilities in host country, Economies of scale
Internet facilitates exporting opportunities
Disadvantages-Lost location advantages, Dependence on export intermediaries, Exposure to trade
barriers, Transportation costs

Joint Ventures and Alliances

Advantages- Shared investment risk, Complementary resources, May be required for market entry
Disadvantages-Difficult to find good partner, Relationship management, Loss of competitive
advantage, Difficult to integrate and coordinate

Advantages-Contractual source of income, Limited economic and financial exposure
Disadvantages-Difficult to identify good partner, Loss of competitive advantage, Limited benefits
from host nation

Foreign Direct Investment

Advantages- Full control, Integration and coordination possible, Rapid market entry through
Acquisitions, Greenfield investments
Disadvantages-Substantial investment and commitment, Acquisitions may create integration/
coordination issues, Greenfield investments are time consuming and unpredictable

What is CRM?
CRM is software, system, technology, data storage and analysis, a change in corporate culture from
a transaction focus to a customer centric one. CRM is managing demand, strategy cycle focusing on
customers. To identify and establish, maintain and enhance and, when necessary, terminate relationships
with customers and other stakeholders, at a profit so that the objectives of all parties involved are met;
and this is done by mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises.

10. Explain the Loyalty Ladder

It is about suspects and prospects or disqualified prospects. The chain is First-time customers, repeat
customers, clients, advocates and partners. This is how you build your relationship with customers and
how they stay loyal.

11. Baseline Definition of e-Marketing

is identifying, understanding, collaboratively creating, and meeting a segment of human and social needs,
wants, desires, wishes digitally. Now customer is integrated in the whole process. Marketing plan eMarketing plan. Most organizations have no Marketing strategy, Marketing plan, e-Marketing plan
Good news: The Internet keeps on growing. In 2007, Currently about 1.2 billion and projected to grow to >
2 billionby 2012. We can capture a lot of advantages from this like: Democratization of advertising,
Collapsing barriers of time & space, Lower risk of product / services innovation, Lower cost / higher ROI,
Digitization of all information, Virtual supply chains, Virtual markets, Virtual real-time interaction with

customers & suppliers, Ability to reach increasingly fragmented markets.

Strategic Advantages
Create new sources of competitive advantage,More direct distribution model
Reengineer the supply chain
Invent new business models
Target underserved segments
Lower price barrier
New delivery methods to reduce capital expenditure and
Create more efficient marketplace
Create a virtuous cycle
Benefit of Creating a Virtuous Cycle-Reduce the risk of guessing by letting the community define the
need, want, problem, and value proposition, Speed development cycles, Create precise features / value,
Create brand advocates, Community endorsement.

There is a new big change in supply chain through e-Business. Some players will disappear and other will
capture their margin and speed up the whole process in terms of production, cost and quality as a source
of competitive advantage. Leverage business models or disintermediate to capture sources of competitive
advantage. ASP, On Demand, or B2B relationships to capture cost savings and revenue sharing. Every
step along the way (middleman or channel) is a cost point. Each step that can be optimized means a cost
savings thatcan contribute to more competitive offering. Choose an E-commerce plan.The old 4C paradigm
will be replaced. Almost no feedback loop. Higher risk of innovation and guessing market. Democratization
of 4Ps paradigm-4Cs-5Cs of Marketing
Citizen branding
Collective collaboration
Collective risk sharing
Collective product innovation
Collective IP ownership
New Paradigm - collaborative Open Innovation. Capturing customer interaction creates tremendous value
and reduces risk.
audience uses a search engine to find you. Get used to it. All the banners and 'viral' marketing on earth
won't come close to results produced by a top 5 ranking for a relevant phrase. But, a broad base is better.
Don't rely on just one marketing vehicle. Build a complete internet marketing strategy that includes, at a
minimum, paid search, organic search, e-mail and online PR. Never underestimate the power of an angry

customer or happy customer. Karma exists. Treat customers and prospective customers with respect, and
they'll reciprocate. Spam them, annoy them, and lie to them, and they'll retaliate. A web site does not
equal an internet marketing strategy. Plan, but adapt. Don't be stubborn. Listen to what your customers
tell you in their response.

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