December 2009 Newsletter

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December 2009 1


Communication/Mal McLaren Award
Charles (Chuck) E. Hayes
330.832.5699 MESSAGE
VICE PRESIDENT My first Presidents Message comes at a sad time
Historical/Government & Public Relations
Craig Kachline
for all of us as we mourn the loss of fellow Superintendent Dan Gross. This terrible tragedy
440.785.0870 during the Holiday season should remind us all to
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT put the more important things in life, like family
George (Fred) F. Hanson and friends, first. We will be dedicating one of
our next issue of the newsletter to Dan’s memory,
if any of you have a nice memory or story about Dan please contact Michelle Feher.
CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR On a lighter note, I would like to thank our most recent past president Chuck Hayes for
Newsletter Editor/Benevolent his time served on the Board and as President. I am sure you will all agree that we are
Michelle L. Frazier-Feher, CGCS stronger and better after Chuck’s leadership. I also would like to welcome and thank
216.469.9287 Jason Bennett from Shale Creek Golf Club and Sean McHugh from the Cleveland Metro
Parks to the Board. Jason is new to the Board this year and I am sure he will bring
Social/Government Relations much to the table, Sean has been here before and we are all lucky to have him back.
Scott Brickley Sean will also be serving as our Chapter Delegate again this year. Tim Hughes from Century Equipment and Morgan Timberlake from Advanced Turf Solutions will be
serving as our industrial representatives this year and last but certainly not least Jeff
Membership Austin will serve as our Assistant Liaison. Thanks guys!
Jerry Cox Please mark your calendars now if you haven’t already for our reverse raffle on March
330.758.6337 6th. This is a great event that shouldn’t be missed. Also look for our entire 2010
schedule to be out soon. The 2010 Dues notices have been mailed, please take the
Tyler Good time to look those over and update any of your information that may have changed, especially email addresses. This winter would be a great time to begin your
Biographical Resume as well, look for a shorter version to added to our website soon!
Strategic Planning As our Association grows and tries to weather the storm of tough economic times, it is
Dan Gross
important to remember what makes a strong association. Member participation is at
330.332.9095 the heart of any association, and I urge all of you to make the time to keep us growing
and strong!
Program & Education
Chad Mark Craig Kachline, NOGCSA President

Golf & Tournament

Brent Palich

Golf & Tournament

Dave Peck
Schedule of Events 3
440.248.4646 Superintendent’s Korner 4
Jeff Austin
On the Road with the USGA 9
INDUTRIAL RELATIONS BWC Safety Leaders Discussion 11
Scholarship & Research
Tim Hughes Advertiser Directory 14
Morgan Timberlake

Mission Statement
Promoting the profession of the golf course
superintendent through education, camaraderie and
cooperation among fellow members in Northern
Ohio since 1923


December 8-10, 2009 July/August 2010

OTF Conference & Show Industry Field Day
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Host: TBD
Time: TBD
March 6, 2010 Cost: TBD
Annual Reverse Raffle Points: TBD
Raintree Country Club Vendors contact Morgan Timberlake or
Time: 6:00 P.M. Tim Hughes
Cost: $65/person
September 2010
April 6, 2010
Educational Seminar Host:
Working Smarter With Lean Tools Cost:
Kirtland Country Club Points:
Hosts: CCMA & NOGCSA Speaker:
Time: 8:30 AM
Cost: TBD November 2010
Points: TBD Annual Meeting
May 2010 Cost:
Club Officials Meeting Points:
Signature of Solon Speaker:
Host: Tim Gruber
Time: TBD
Cost: TBD
Points: 0.1 Service Points
Speaker: TBD

June 2010
Family Night at The Aeros

Winter Injury: Preventative Maintenance
Dec 23, 2009

Traveling around this time of the year I have noticed the

winterizing of irrigation systems on many golf courses and
athletic fields. Anyone who has experienced cracked
irrigation pipes in the spring due to water freezing in the
lines knows the importance of this preventative practice.
Along those same lines (no pun intended), preventative
measure may help reduce the potential for winter injury.
Winter injury is an expansive term that includes freezing
injury, desiccation, ice cover (freeze smothering) frost-heaving, traffic (wear), and low temperature
pathogens. Depending on your situation, the preventative practices that you implement depends on
identifying the "winter injury" most important to you. Most of these have been covered in depth in previous
postings. As a reference listed below are a few links to prior postings pertinent to winter injury.

Freeze Injury Freeze Smothering Frost

Hardening Greens in the Fall Snow Molds Winter Play

Posted by Karl Danneberger

Damon’s Stow October 14, 2009
President Hayes called the Board of Trustees of the Program and Education: Trustee Hayes reported for
Northern Ohio Chapter of the Golf Course Trustee Mark that the October meeting was set and that
Superintendents Association of America meeting to order Dr. Silcox would be speaking. Administrator Feher
at 1:20 P.M. reported details were finalized for the Annual meeting at
Firestone C.C. and that the association would be
Roll Call: Austin, Brickley, Feher, Gross, Hanson, Hayes, purchasing a projector.
Hughes, Kachline, Palich, present. Cox, Good, Mark, Peck,
Timberlake absent. Editorial: Editor Feher reported that we have gone
digital. We will print the newsletter quarterly. Any
President Hayes asked Past President Hanson to take over member that does not have e-mail access will receive a
the meeting and President Hayes stepped down to join in printed copy if they request it.
the meeting discussion, debates and voting.
Golf & Tournament: Administrator Feher reported that
The Minutes from the July Board Meeting were presented the turnout is small for Kensington Golf Club on Monday.
to the Board of Trustees. Trustee Palich moved to accept Hayes will send out another e-blast. Games will be
the minutes. Trustee Gross seconded. Motion Passed. simples pin shots. The Ohio Cup was at Catawba Club and
Central Ohio won.
Budget and Finance: Treasurer Feher reported that the
there is currently $5,415.71 in the checking account, Membership & Welcoming: Trustee Hayes reported for
$11,406.15 in the money market, and $20,003.21 in the Trustee Cox that we had eight new members to date this
Scholarship & Research account. The Profit & Loss year. There was discussion on whether we should drop
statement year to date shows a net income of $14,423.86 the duel requirement for assistant superintendents.
to date. Feher also discussed setting up a bounced check
policy, which the board agreed with. The fee will be $30.

Social: Trustee Brickley reported that they would look Mal McLaren Award: No Report – no nominations
at future events. We will need to brainstorm at the have been received.
Strategic Planning meeting. There doesn’t seem to be
the rapport or camaraderie that there was in the past. Scholarship and Research: There was discussion on
Look at scheduling shop tours. the reverse raffle. Need to make a decision on
whether or not we will go elsewhere or continue with
Strategic Planning: Need to schedule January it at the Rusty Nail. Places that will be looked at are
planning meeting. Sheraton in Cuyahoga Falls, Clarion in Hudson,
Raintree C.C. Acacia C.C. and Quail Hollow.
Historical & Benevolent: Tyler Good’s Father passed
away. Member Brett Yesberger passed away. Government Relations: They are looking to take
Methyl Bromide off the market. The Ohio
Public Relations: Trustee Hayes reported for Trustee Department Of Ag is making their rounds again.
Cox that he would like to look into a Shoes for Kids
Program. He will let us know what he finds out. In Website: No report.
addition, there was discussion about a golf ball drive
for the military. Old Business:

Industrial Relations: Industrial Representative Hall of fame Award- This was tabled because we have
Hughes reported that Industry Day was a success and not seen the revised information from Bill Prest
there was a better turn out then last year. He
suggests next year we find a way to shorten up the Affiliate Voting – There was discussion on whether or
time and have scheduled demonstrations for each not the affiliate and assistant representatives on the
company. board should have a vote. A motion was made by
Vice President Kachline and Seconded by Trustee
Assistant Relations: Assistant Liaison Austin reported Hayes. Motion Passed unanimously.
that he is still going to work on putting together an
assistant only meeting and that he will be doing an NOGA Hall of Fame – It was a very nice turn out and
internship at Augusta Country Club John had a lot of support.

Employment Relations: Canterbury C.C was accepting

applications until September 30. Continued on next page
Hanson and Kachline reported that they have been
New Business: unable to find anyone to run for the board. They are
continuing to look for two people.
Chapter Administrator Feher presented the following
Applicants for membership. President Hanson stepped down and President Hayes
Christopher Collier took back the presidency.
Terra Links Specialized Golf Course Soil
AFF Class The next meeting is scheduled at Firestone C.C. on
Ed Gorsky November 1, 2009 at 8:00 A.M.
The Lake Club
C Class President Hayes adjourned the meeting at 3:20 PM.

Motion was made by Trustee Brickley and Seconded

by Trustee Kachline to accept the above applicant for
membership pending payment from Ed Gorsky.
Motion passed

Vice President Kachline discussed our Chapter

Delegate. The decision was made to have Sean
McHugh be the delegate again since he would be able
to attend nationals and mark Jordan would not.
McHugh will give us a report at the next meeting.

By R.A. (Bob) Brame, Director midsummer. A written agreement that clearly spells
December 3, 2009 out responsibilities and compensation is the basis for a
lasting relationship and a more efficient maintenance
Thanksgiving has once again come and gone, as has operation, especially during a tough economy. There
another golf season. If there is one thing we can count are no guarantees and contracts can be broken, but
on it is that nothing stays the same. Change is a reality they offer better assurance that everyone is on the
of golf turf management and life in general – nothing same page. In the final analysis, the golf course is the
stays the same indefinitely. While the tough economy primary asset at most operations and the
continues to pull down the golf industry, there have superintendent is responsible for managing that asset
been a few signs of improvement. Or, is it wishful – put it in writing.
thinking? It is safe to say it will either get better or The conference season continues with an excellent
worse. The best posture for 2010 is to plan/budget for lineup at the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference
an ongoing slump. Just as a budget should not be and Show next week (December 7 – 10) in Columbus,
based on unusually mild weather, it should also not be Ohio (
based on a return to where we were a few years back. foundation-conference-and-show-general-
Hopefully it will happen, but discretion is the better information.php). Our ‘Morning with the USGA’
part of valor. program will once again be part of the program on
Having been in the golf turf maintenance industry for Wednesday morning. This open forum is always
more than 38 years (18 as a golf course interesting and enlightening. Some cost savings tips
superintendent and 20 as a USGA agronomist) I can will also be presented on Thursday morning.
think of no better way to ensure an efficient operation See you in Columbus. Or, as always, call or email
than to subscribe to our Turf Advisory Service (TAS). anytime.
Not because I work for the USGA, but because I’ve Source: Bob Brame, or
seen the value from multiple perspectives. USGA 859.356.3272
agronomists continue to see more courses and
maintenance regimes than any other entity in golf.
Our recommendations are anchored on university
research and field observations. Every maintenance
operation can benefit from a candid and objective
review. Through the process of applying the
recommendations made as part of a TAS visit the
investment will return with interest. Our fee structure
for TAS subscription continues to be held to minimal
levels through USGA underwriting. In addition, there
will be no increase in 2010. Plan/budget for at least
one visit in the season ahead.
Half day visit - $2,300., or $1,800. if paid before May
Full day visit - $3,100., or $2,600. if paid before May
Keep in mind, even with early (before May 15th)
commitment and payment, visits can be scheduled
anytime during the season. The early season discount
accentuates the importance of planning ahead.
In addition to budgeting for at least one TAS visit in
2010, take the time to review and update the written
agreement with your course superintendent, or
superintendent with your course officials. If there is
none, the winter season is a good time to establish
one, although the best time for an annual review is
Safety management systems
By Bruce Loughner
Introduction of making. You should tailor a SMS to meet your
organization’s specific needs. Merely adopting
A SMS is an integrated, documented process someone else’s system invites a poor fit.
that outlines how an organization intends to
develop and meet its safety objectives. A SMS Discussion
should capture the full breadth of your safety Gather a group to discuss the creation of a SMS
efforts. However, it does not contain the details for your organization. First, there must be a
for implementing each safety objective. Instead, consensus decision that a SMS is appropriate.
supporting documents and programs, many of For a SMS to be effective, your organization
which may already exist in your organization must be willing to bring all safety efforts under
maintain those details. one umbrella and use it to drive safety
improvements. One of the primary benefits of a
The value of a SMS is that it provides: documented system is that it keeps everyone
moving in the same direction. If the consensus
O A comprehensive view of the safety effort; has not yet developed, a system approach will
O A linkage among different essential elements; not be effective.
O A means of keeping the organization on track
and moving in the same direction; Second, the self-assessment process should be
O A consistent method of managing and well under way for a clear picture of where the
improving the safety efforts. organization wants to go. The SMS provides the
documented framework of your efforts.
Your SMS is a map for achieving safety However, the vision of your destination comes
excellence. It must be a journey you and your from the self-assessment process. Only when
organization are willing to take and are capable this is clear are you ready to SMS.

Next, you should examine existing policies and opportunities for improved performance.
programs to determine where they fit within the
organization’s essential elements. Use the self- 5. Identify action steps for achieving a
assessment to identify missing or weak functional SMS.
policies, procedures and programs that need
reinforcement or development. Bruce Loughner is a safety project manager
for BWC’s Division of Safety and Hygiene. He
Finally, install a departmental and has 20 years of safety and health experience in
organizational discipline to use the SMS once both general industry and construction safety.
you complete it. You can achieve this by He holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial
implementing an accountability system that safety from Indiana University of Pennsylvania
starts at the top management level and
continues down to the supervisor level. Be sure
this commitment and leadership is in place
before you begin.

Group activity

Have the group consider and discuss the items

below needed for developing and implementing
a SMS.

1. Determine the makeup of a multidisciplinary

team with experience in operations,
engineering, administration, and safety and

2. Develop plans to design and implement

program elements that have been identified as
weaknesses or gaps.

3. Identify measures to track progress toward

total implementation.

4. Determine how to conduct periodic

reassessments of the SMS to identify

2009 Advertiser Directory
Turfgrass Inc.
Advanced Turf Solutions John Deere Golf Tony Cardinale – Gary
Allan Truelson 216.299.0576 Bob Burkett D’Andrea – Bob Figurella -
Morgan Timberlake 440.653.1778 Mark Slavick – Luke Stratton
330.353.0816 Ron Rucinski 330.225.2084
Paul Taliaferro 412.818.9241 440.647.1051
Walker Supply
Arms Trucking Loos Golf Construction Mike Sekula - Bill Walker
Brian Bates Matt Loos 800.792.5537
800.362.1343 330.414.4151

Baker Vehicle Systems Nutramax Agriculture, Inc.

Rick Baker - Gary Guhde - 800.925.5187 * denotes new advertiser
Lenny Marino - Steve McCoy -
Ron Wolf Perk Air
330.467.2250 Bob Doty
BASF Corporation Remember to thank our
Gerald Husemann Precision Golf Construction advertisers for supporting
937.604.5617 Mike O’Donnell, CGCS you!
Century Equipment NOGCSA
Norton Brick - Tim Hughes - Reynolds Golf & Turf
Ryan Miller - Ron Smolik Jim Keller – Steve Green – CONTACT INFORMATION
800.522.8676 Nick Novak - George Reese –
Mike Sterzer
Golf Sense, Inc. 877.723.6675
Brian Huntley
330.699.6409 South East Golf Car Co.
Harrell’s Turf Specialty E-Mail:
Glenn Omori Superior Striping
440.439.1393 Lucas Fowler
H & S Stump Removal
Jack Hopkins Syngenta Website:
330.654.2347 Gary Watschke
Lake Erie Golf Cars
Frank Cisterino Turfcare with Air, Inc. Address:
800.276.0909 Bruce Denning
800.397.2044 1106 Royce St. NW
Uniontown, OH 44685


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