Archer UMC Newsletter

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Newsletter of Archer United Methodist Church

June 2015- Volume 6

As I think back over the years I have been here several memories come to mind, from worship experiences, to
various womens programs, to Lenten Breakfasts/Services, to Lords Acre, and everything in between, baptisms, marriages, funerals. For all of us these last three years have been a time of growing and learning, and having fun together.
I have found that what is known about you, to be true. You truly love people, and the warmth of your love is quite evident to your pastor. I would encourage and expect that you will show your love to the next pastor the same! As my
time of being your pastor comes to an end I wish you well as a congregation, and that you may continue to face the future hopeful of what God can do and will do as long as you continually turn to Him. During times of transition, of receiving a different pastor, it can also be a time of new beginnings. There is a story that I would like to share with you
We were headed to what some might call the Great Cathedral, but it was too difficult to drive all the way
there. As there was too much traffic, it was much easier to take public transportation after all it would just add to the
So, we parked miles away from our destination, walked up the steps to the ticket machines, and didnt know
exactly what we were doing, but have no fear, we saw others who were dressed in the same worshipful colors we were
wearing. We could just follow them. As we neared the ticket machines, there was a greeter there to help us. She was
quick and efficient, helping everyone as they arrived at the machines. Make a mistake-no problem. With a quick swipe
of her fingers, she made the mistake go away. She didnt have time for small talk. Even though there were so many
people she never lost her cool with all the mistakes being made that day.
When we arrived at the Great Cathedral, I imagined this must have been what it was like in Jerusalem during
great feast days in Bible times. Lots and lots of people. Beggars everywhere. People hawking their wares. It was a
sight to see.
We looked for a place to use the restroom outside the Great Cathedral, but to no avail. We would just have to
take our chances at finding our way around inside. So, we approached one of the many entrances. Lo and behold, there
was a greeter just outside the entrance. Seeing one in our midst was having a little bit of mobility trouble, he offered a
wheel chair. It came, with another greeter who took that one everywhere they wanted to go-or at least as far as he could
go with the wheel chair.
The ushers were also prepared. Looking at my ticket (did I forget to say you have to have tickets for this Great
Cathedral,) one usher pointed us to another, telling me he will help you, and he did. He even took me right to my
seat. Throughout the day, the ushers and greeters were very helpful, kind, and patient-even when they had to clear
some seats below us for the people with the right tickets.
Of course, you know Im talking about our recent trip to Wrigley Field in Chicago. Just watching the hospitality was worth the price of admission, but it didnt hurt that the Cubs won that day.
The next day, we went to the Science and Industry Museum, and then to Navy Pier to take a boat trip of Chicago. At the museum they staff were mostly professional, but they just did their job. In their defense though, there were
several hundred children and youth present from different schools. On our boat ride from Navy Pier that gave an architecture tour of Chicago, the greeters and ushers again did their job, but there was nothing exceptional about it. One
of the greeters even insisted on taking our picture, even though we told her we were not going to buy it. We thought
we could save her and us time, but she insisted that everyone who came aboard had to have their picture taken. However, our guide was exceptional; but he had to make up for the rest of the staff.
The one place that had us from the very beginning seemed to work the hardest to make our experience enjoyable. The two places that were extra on this trip, seemed to have too many people who were just going through the
motions. Why am I telling you this? Because it made me think about the experience of church and community. We
can do everything right, even exceptional, during the worship, classes, or meetings; but the thing that many people will
take away from attending our church for the first time will be how they are treated before and after the event for which
they came. How welcoming are we? Do we go out of our way to help those who are visiting? Sometimes it makes all
the difference in the world!
God bless, Pastor Cory

If you are aware of someone in need of a pastoral call, please inform Pastor Cory at the office, 9574960 or her cell 404-788-4997. She would rather hear from multiple sources than from no one at all.
In these times of privacy rights, hospitals and nursing homes may not divulge information relating to
a resident or patient, so it is very important that members and/or their families let the Pastor know of
all needs for pastoral care.

9:00 am UCP
10:30 am Archer UMC




1:30 pm Archer




6 Iowa United

Pastor Cory on Vacation May 28thJune 3rd

9:00 am Joint
Worship Service
at UCP

Farewell for
Pastor Cory &
Allan at UCP


Pastor Corys Day


Iowa United Methodist Conference June 6th9th

Scholarships Due
Flag Day
Warnke Baptism
Archer Time
Capsule Dedication


Pastor Cory




Fathers Day



2:00 pm Faith






Pastor Kris
Mullen arrives



7th Dave & Opal Finley

Dudley McDowell
14th Richar d & Mir iam Ludeke Jane Schwartz
21st Clar ence Rohlfsen
Richard Luedke
28th Dudley & Car ol McDowell Sean Lane

Barry & Linda Nieuwenhuis

Barry & Linda Nieuwenhuis
Vernon & VIone Nieuwenhuis
Mark & Wendy Land
Stan & Jane Schwartz

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