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Agriculture Budget (Kanna Laxminarayana):

o Agriculture dependent - 60% population

o Schemes:
Waive off of electricity bill arrears 1300cr(2004-05)
Pavala vaddi on crop loans 3% interest rate
Waiver of stamp duty up to 3lac on crop loans for marginal
Free electricity for small farmers
11354cr loan waived off benefitting 63lac farmers & cash benefit
scheme of 1633cr @ 5000rs per farmer
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) scheme 100% assistance
of GoI for farmers
Raithu Chaitanya Yatra change mindset, disseminate latest
tech dev to farmer
Crop loans - <1lac (No interest), 1 to 3lac(3% interest)
BT cotton, seed price reduced by 40%
Input Subsidy increased on all crops upto 67% for natural
For paddy increased to 10000 per hectare (Previous
o Reason for separate budget:
Less focus on agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry in prev
Land holding per farmer in state decreased 1.08ha (current)
o 1.31cr farm families 143lac ha agriculture land 75lac ha irrigation
o 2nd largest coastline state, 23% Geographical area Forests (16.86
as per 2011)
o Best state award under National Food Security Mission in southern
region for increasing production of rice and pulses 5.93% growth
o Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (A3P):
o SRI (System of Rice Intensification) Cultivation:
o Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana 100% central assistance
o National Project on management of Soil Health and Fertility Bhuchetana
Technical support from ICRISAT
Average production from target crops should be increased by
25% in 5 years in selected districts
o Farm Mechanization 450cr +100cr(solar pumpsets)
o National Agriculture Insurance Scheme:
Scheme was made compulsory for loanee farmers borrowed
loans for notified crops
Provides financial support if crop failure because of Drought,
cyclone, pest&dis.

Restore credit eligibility of farmer after crop failure for next

Rythu Sri Vaddi leni panta runalu
Interest free crop loans from Rabi 2011-12
Area under Horticulture crop is 25.56lac ha; production 273lac
1st in production of Spices and fruits; 3rd in production of flowers
Andhra Pradesh Ranks 1st in production of Citrus, Papaya, Oil
Palm and Tomato 2nd in the production of Mango, Cashew; 4th
in the production of Banana
Animal Husbandry:
1st in egg and broiler production; 1st in meat production
2nd in Milk production (father of white revolution Verghese
Kurien Operation Flood)
1st in Shrimp(brackish water) and fresh water prawn production
2nd fresh water fish prod; 2nd total fish & prawn prod; 5th
marine fish prod
AP Agricultural Land (Conversion into non Agricultural purposes)
Act, 2006 was exempted from aquatic farms from purview of act.
2nd largest producer of Mulberry and Tasar cocoons country
4 types of silk mulberry, tasar, eri, muga
AP Forest Dev. Corp. took 82,380 ha of degraded reserve forest
for raising Eucalyptus clonal and seed origin plantations over
57,088 ha
Eco-tourism Dev in forest lands in PPP (Private Public
Partnership) mode for developing infra and tourism amenities
CoP 11 to CBD 1to19OCT in Hyderabad
Interest Rebate Scheme 6% return for timely repayment of loan
providing agriculture credit to farmers at affordable rates to farmers
MARKFED(Marketing Federation Hyderabad HQ, 1957) Help farmers
secure better price for their produce taking care of market needs and
providing agri. Inputs
Apex organization for Co-operative Marketing Societies(CMS)
Sale of inputs fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, maintenance of
godowns, procurement of agricultural commodities
2nd in Silk (Sericulture) production
Rythu Bandhu Padakam Restore farmers from distressed sales
Natural Calamity Fund 589cr




AP State Budget
o Rajeev Deevena
Pre-metric scholarship for 3lac eligible SC students 150 for day
and 350 for hostellers per month per student from 2013 -14 FY
o Pilot Districts included in DBT scheme RR, Hyderabad, EG, Chittor,
o Indiramma Amrutha Hastham
Launched on 1st Jan 2013;
Identified 27,906 AWC in 103 ICDS projects to improve
nutritional status in mothers and new born babies
o World Telugu Conference held in Tirupathi during 27-29Dec 2012
o Nine essential Food items in a packaged form from Ugadi of this year
o Mana Biyyam supply of rice for BPL families for Re1 per kg
o Maarpu Coordination action of health, ICDS and Rural dev.
departments to reduce infant and maternal mortality and morbidity
levels and to bring down malnutrition levels
o Mee Seva currently running 76 services. Expected to service 100
activities by 31mar12
o Oct 28 Nov1 Neelam Cyclone
Laila 2010; Khai Muk 2008; Yemyin 2007
Jal 2010 (Maharashtra)

Socio - Economic Survey of AP 2012-13

o Natural, Demographic and Social Features:
Geographical Area 2,75,045sqkm
4th largest by area and 5th largest by population
Total population 8.47cr (2011 census) 7% countrys 11.1%
Growth Rate
Rural Population 66.5%; Urban 33.5%
2nd longest coastline in the country with 974km (1 st Gujarath)
Forest area 63,814sqkm (23.2% of total GA)
Sex Ratio 992(2011); Child Sex Ratio 943(961 2001 census)
Literacy Rate 67.66% (Male 75.56%; Female 59.74%)
Poverty 21.1% (Rural 22.8%; Urban 17.7%) for year 200910
Unemployment Urban(31%); Rural(12%) for year 2009-10
Gross State Domestic Product(GSDP):
11th five year plan 8.18%
12th five year plan (expected) rates 10%:
o Primary(6%); Secondary(10.5); Tertiary(11.5%)
o Public Distribution:
Fair Price Shops 44778 (Urban 7393; rural 37385)
1 shop for every 1965 persons
o Weather based crop insurance schemes:
Launched in Guntur district in 2009 for Red chilly crop
Extended to other crops cotton, tomato, groundnut, sweet lime,
oil palm, banana, cashew, mango etc
o Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme:
MNAIS is launched in 2010-11 rabi in Prakasham, Nellore,
Was continued in EG, WG, Krishna in Kharif
o Primary Agriculture Co-operative Societies (PACS):
PACS is re-organized from 4465 to 2949 societies in State
2859 msme enterprises;
115 sez approved by GoI 76 notified 28 in operational
o Mines and Geology:
Barytes and Limestone 1st
o AP tourism Kohinoor of India
o Rajiv Arogyasri Health Insurance Scheme:
Implemented through Health Care Trust for 233lac poor families
Each BPL is provided with health coverage upto 2lac
Scheme introduced on 1APR2007
o Women Development and Child Welfare:
91,307 Anganwadi centres
o Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan:

Planning, Allocation and Utilization of Financial Resources Act;

Jan 2013
Accelerated dev. of SC, ST with emphasis of achieving equality in
10 years
Integrated Novel Development in Rural Areas and Model
Municipal Areas (India)
Programme ensures pensions for old people, widows, weavers
and disabled persons
Rural Development:
SHGs 10,59,101

Macro-economic aggregates:
o Sectoral composition of GSDP:
Base year Agriculture(25.1); Industry(24.3); services(50.6)
2012-13 Agriculture(18.7); Industry(24); Services(57.7)
Decadal Growth Rate 7.54 (National 7.75)
o Gross Fixed Capital Formation It reveals the potentiality of the
investments in public as well as private sectors and gives net addition
of assets created during the year
GCF = GFCF + changes in Stock
Public Finance:
o As per APFRBM act, 2005 state govt. shall maintain a revenue surplus
in a financial year and ensure that fiscal deficit does not exceed 3% of
o Revenue Expenditure increases(15%) in 2011-12 because
increase in the number of beneficiaries of scholarships and
tuition fees to the SCs / STs / BCs apart from Power Subsidy and
Rice Subsidy
o During 2012-13, tax revenue estimates are 62,572. An increase of
o Non tax revenue grows at a rate of 10% for 2012-13 fiscal
o Revenue Surplus 1686cr; Fiscal deficit 21,219cr (2.46% of GSDP)
o Own tax revenue for 2012-13(RE) is as follows:
Sales tax(2%); Stamps & Registration(8%); Taxes &
motorcycles(6%); Excise(17%); Other taxes and Duties(67%)
o Total Outstanding debt 20.7% of GSDP (Limit 27.6% as per APFRBM
Interest payment gone upto 10,561cr (9.15% more over
previous year)
o Fiscal deficit 2.46% for 2012-13 (2.35% for previous year)
Prices, Wages and Public Distribution:




Essential commodities being monitored Rice, Redgram dal, groundnut

oil, tamarind(without seed), red chillies(dry), onions
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPIIW) base year
2001(100) from 2006
CPIIW increased by 10% for period Apr-Nov2012
CPI Agriculture Labour (CPIAL) with base year 1986-87, increased by
7.57 for 2012dec
CPI(Rural), CPI(Urban) base year 2010
Public distribution:
44,778 Fair price shops (Ration shops) for dec2012
Rationalization of FP shops:
Rural 400-450BPL + 50 Pink cards
Urban 500-550BPL + 250 Pink ration cards
Municipal corp. 600-650 +250 pink cards
Iris based ration cards for eligible farmers to avoid duplicate/ghost
5 districts identified by GoI in state on pilot basis for putting in place
Adhar based service delivery system Rangareddy, Hyderabad,
Chittor, Anantapur, EG
Subsidy management in Kerosene, Pensions, Janani Suraksha
Yojana, Scholarships, Financial inclusion, Kisan Credit Cards and
MGNREGS wage disbursal through Adhaar

Agriculture and Allied activities:

o Top priorities of state in Agriculture sector
Improve farm incomes
Sustainable growth in agriculture and allied activities
o Land Utilization:
Total 275lac ha; Net Area Sown 116lac ha(40.58); Forests
62.3lac ha(22.65); Current fallow lands 8.26%; Non agri usage
10.19%; Barren 7.36%; remaining 10.96%
o Rainfall
NE Monsoon - 269mm (20% more than normal rainfall)
SW Monsoon 632mm (1.3% more than normal rainfall)
o Soil types
Red soils (66%); Black soils (25%); Delta alluvial (5%); coastal &
laterite (3%); saline & alkaline (1%)
o Area and Production The area and production of food grains for year 2012-13 to show
decline to the previous year
Cropping intensity ration of GCA to NCA (1.23 for 2011-12)
Rythu Mitra Farmer organisations for technical and monetary
benefits in agriculture and allied activities
Agricultural Resources Information Systems NET work


Day to day information to farmer on crop production,

input supply, marketing through internet
Portal contains 18 important crops grown in AP, Schemes,
subsidies of department and other important information
on agriculture
Crop diversification A wider choice in production of a variety
of crops in a given area so as to expand production related
National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA)
Rainfed areas constitute about 57% of total 140.3 million ha
NWDPRA was launched based on
Integrated Wateshed Management
Sustainable farming systems
Rythu Chaitanya Yatra - To educate farmers particularly small and
marginal farmers at grass root level
Padi Pantalu monthly magazine printed by Dept. of Agriculture for
WTO News Digest Quarterly magazine distributed to agri and allied
SEEDNET to automate 23 Seed Testing Lab. (includes DNA finger
printing lab at hyd)
Mee Seva launched in November 2011;
Kisan Call Center 1551
National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS, Kharif 2000)
Financial support to farmers in event of crop loss in the yield
Credit eligibility of farmers after a crop failure for next season
and to help stabilize farm incomes
Village as Unit Insurance Scheme:
AP only state to have scheme in all districts (from 2008)
Covers 20crops(Kharif) and 10crops(rabi)
Polambadi programme:
Increase use of pesticides increses cost of cultivation and poor
quality of produce, reducing market prices and returns
Being done from seed to seed so that farmers can observe and
analyze the dynamics of crop ecology across the season
Conducted in paddy, maize, pulses, oil seeds, cotton & coarse
Yeruvaka Purnima
Invoke farmer community for starting agricultural operations on
onset of SW Monsoon
Organized on 4th June 2012 in 7 districts
Demonstration of Seed treatment, farm implements, soil
sampling, precautions reg.handling of pesticides etc are shown
ATMA scheme
Agriculture Tech. Management Agency 1st June 2005
Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms

Integrated Research and Extension activities and decentralizing

day-to-day management of public Agriculture Tech. System
Involves agri. Activities for sustainable agri. development in the
National Food Security Mission
11 districts for Rice (sri, viz, Vizag, kri, gun, nel, med, mah, nlg,
khm, adi)
22 districts for Pulses (except Hyderabad)
A3P (Accelerated Pulses Production Programme)
plant nutrients and plant protection centric improved
technologies and management practices
four pulses gram, urad(blackgram),
arhar(redgram/pigeonpea), moong (greengram)
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Increase production and
productivity of rice with less water
Rural Credit Co-operatives:
A. Vaidyanathan suggested reorganization of credit societies
PACS have been reorganized from 4465 to 2949
Union publishes co-operative monthly magazine for carrying
publicity and propaganda of co-op principles and co-op
movement in state Sahakara Samacharam
Rural Electric Supply Co-operative Societies:
RESC obj purchase electricity in bulk from nearest DISCOM and
distribute it to domestic, industrial and agricultural consumers in
their area of op.
Four RESCs Kuppam, Anakapalle, Cheepurupalle, Siricilla
AP Micro Irrigation Project (APMIP):
APMIP was launched in Nov 2003; enhance crop productivity by
improving water usage efficiency through micro irrigation
Area covered 8.95lac ha
Area under drip/sprinkler irrigation 1.1lac ha
Vegetable Initiatives for Urban Clusters implemented in Medak,
Mahaboobnagar, rangareddy
National Research centre Oilpalm pedavegi center, WG
Livestock cattle, buffalo, goat, pig, sheep, poultry
Livestock contribute 5,3% of GSDP and form 28.5% of
agriculture sector
Pasu Kranthi Pathakam govt. provided high pedigreed milch
animals and heifers from other state with 50% subsidy for
welfare of BPL families
RKVY being implemented to achieve 9% growth rate in animal
Livestock Insurance Scheme
Milch animals will be insured on 50% subsidy basis



Centrally sponsored
Fed. Is to provide basic health services at doorsteps of
shepherds in villages
Sheep Insurance
Since 2006-07; ex-gratia 1lac
Bhed Palak Bhima Yojana Central Wool Dev. Board:
Insurance scheme for woolly sheep (Deccani Sheep)
rearers through LIC
NCDC assistance to dev. of small ruminants(Sheep & Goat) by
AP Sheep Fed. For 3 dists Chittor, Mahaboobnagar, Prakasam
Piggery dev. project Vizag, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam
Jeeva Kranthi Pathakam
GoAP; 2007-08; 50% subsidy
To support BPL families by supplying Breeding Rams, Ram
Lamb Units, Sheep and Goat Units, under CM package
It contributes 2.9% of GSDP; Annual growth rate 11.5%
Four fish landing centres under Assistance to State for
Developing Export Infra and Allied activities (ASIDE) in
Vodalarevu, Laxmipurampalle, Gundaipalem, Uppalanka
2nd largest state in forest area in India
Silviculture practice of controlling establishment, growth,
consumption, health and quality of forests to meet diverse
needs and values
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
Large number of nurseries are being raised under the
Mahatma Gandhi Vana Nursery (MGVN) under MGNREGS
Wildlife Conservation:
Endemic species in AP state
o Cycas beddomi, Red sanders, shorea talura,
Jerdons courser, Golden gecko, slender loris
Insitu conservation:
o Conservation of natural habitats, maintenance,
recovery of endangered species in their natural
o 6 National Parks, 21 wildlife sanctuaries 4.72% GI
or 20.38% forest area
Exsitu conservation:
o Conservation of some endangered species in some
man made habitat that imitates their natural

o 4 Zoological Parks, 6 deer parks

Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats:
Project Tiger
o Nagarjuna Srisailam Tiger Reserve (Rajiv Gandhi
Wildlife Sanctuary)1979 attained Tiger Reserve
status in 1983
o Spread area 3568km, GBWS 1194; Buffer
o Gundla Brahmeswaram Wildlife sanctuary is
regarded as extended core for NSTR
o Tiger with its co-predators like Panther, sloth bear,
wild dog are present here
o Prey base - spotted deer, sambar, four horned
antelope, chinkara, wild boar
o Rare and Endangered species - Mouse Deer,
Honey Badger, Giant Squirrel
o Chenchus Native tribe of Nallamallai Region
Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary or Kawal Tiger Reserve (2 nd TR in
o Present in Jannaram Mandal of Adilabad district
o Spread area - 893kms; buffer area 1123km
o Estimated around 150 cheetals in the sanctuary
Project Elephant
o Rayala Elephant Reserve including Koundinya
Wildlife sanctuary are being developed under
project elephant
Restoration of Mangrove Forests until now 3042km of area
Palapitta Periodic Newsletter on Environmental education
creation of spatial (geographic) database on various
vegetation cover mapping and monitoring, survey and
verification of notified forest boundary using DGPS
enumeration of trees outside the forests and developing
web-enabled forest management information system
CSI Nihilent egovernance award for AP Project Tribal Welfare
Dept IC & T initiative
First Exsitu Biodiversity Park by Dolphin conservation society in
Bio piracy Red sand boa, star tortoise, Tarantula (spider), Red
22nd May International Biodiversity Day
Proddutur(Kadapa), Hindupur(Anantapur) famous for raw silk

Bivoltine sericulture producing 2 broods or generations in a

1% Ad-Valorem (to the value of) tax on the sale or purchase of
Rythu Bazars 107 in number at an average 45,000 farmers every

o Single Window Act
Industrial Single Window Clearance Act in 2002


For speedy processing and issue of various

approvals/clearances/permissions required for setting up of
Industrial undertakings and also to create an investment friendly
environment in the State

Mega Projects
Projects with investment more than 250cr is a mega project as
per New Industrial Promotion Policy 2010-15
Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme(PMEGP) central
scheme funded by Ministry of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises
Industrial Investment Promotion Policy (2010-15):
Incentives for MSME and Large Industries in all districts except
Vijayawada, GVMC and GHMC and excluding existing Industrial
Estates/Parks, Industrial Estates notified / to be notified
Incentives given for micro and small enterprises:
15% investment subsidy on fixed investment capital to a
max of 20lacs
100% reimbursement of stamp duty paid on land
purchase for ind. Use
25% rebate of land cost limited to 10lac in Industrial
estates and parks
Fixed power cost @ Rs.0.75 per unit (upper ceiling) on the
proposed revised rates (2010-11) for a period of 5 years
from the date of commencement of commercial
Reimbursement of 100% and 50% VAT/CST or SGST for
micro and medium enterprises respectively
50% Reimbursement of cost involved in skill up-gradation
and training of local manpower limited to Rs.2000 per
50% subsidy on expenses incurred for quality certification
/ patent registration limited to Rs.2.00 Lakh for MSEs.

25% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures

limited to Rs.5.00 Lakh.
To extend investment subsidy to identified service
activities related to industries setup in all Municipal
Corporation limits in the State
o Index of Industrial Production(IIP):
Yardstick for measuring the Industrial growth of state
It includes the relative change of physical production in the field
of Industry during specific period as compared to the previous
IIP for mining & quarrying, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors
registered growth rate of 3.1%, -11.5%, -5.5% respectively
o State level Public Enterprises(SLPE):
Top 5 Housing corp., AP Genco, APCPDCL, APSPDCL, TRANSCO
o Mines and Geology:
AP known as Ratna Garbha
Limestone(34%), Coal(10%), Mica(86%), Dolomites(11%),
Bauxite(40%), Barytes(96%), Clays(30%), Heavy mineral beach
sands(40%), Manganese(10%), Feldspar(11%), Quartz, Silica
sand Soapstone(16%), Gold, Diamonds(16%), Uranium, Oil &
Natural gas, Iron ore, Semi-precious stones, Granite(40%),
Slates, Limestone slabs, Marbles, Dimensional & Building
The State occupies first position in Barytes, Limestone and
Beach sand heavy mineral deposits in the country
There are huge deposits of Bauxite in East Godavari and
Visakhapatnam districts.
Krishna- Godavari on shore and off shore basins contain huge
reserves of oil and natural gas.
The State also has huge uranium deposits in Kadapa and
Nalgonda districts
AP is 2nd largest Cement producer
percentage growth compared to last year during the same
period was 27%
Rare earth elements or Rare earth metals
set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table,
specifically the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and
Poverty and Unemployment:
o Poverty Ratios
State - 22.8(Rural); 17.7(Urban); 21.1(Total)
Centre 33.8(Rural); 20.9(Urban);29.8 (Total)
o Quinquennial (recurring every 5yrs) survey on Employment and
Unemployment is conducted by NSSO(National Sample Survey Office)

Work Force Participation Rate(WFPR) Number of persons

employed per 1000 persons
A person is considered working if he worked more than 4hrs or
more during day
WFPR in AP males in rural areas is increased, where as that of
females decreased in 2009-10 when compared to 2004-05, while
it has decreased for both males and females in urban areas
Vocational Training Improvement Projects:
ITI Thambalpally, Chittoor dist. Awarded Best performing
Southern region ITI for 2012
ITI Bhimavaram Best consolidation prize for 2012
AP declared as best practicing state under PPP at the first
national conference on skill development held at Mumbai
Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu
GoAP to provide placement linked skills to unemployed youth in
private establishment
Mission proposes to employ 15 lakh youth in jobs in the private
industry by 2014
All Government offices which have computer hardware and
internet facility have been declared as registration centres so
that unemployed can register themselves in RYK portal

Social Infrastructure:
o Population growth rate = 11.1%;
Most populous district Rangareddy (Former EG); least
Sex ratio = 992
Density of population 308
Pc of urban population to total population is 33.49
World Population Day 11th July
o Literacy Rate = 67.66 pc (national=74.04pc); male 75.56pc; Female
First Hyderabad(80.96pc); last Mahabubnagar 56.06pc
o Education:
86th amendment enhance the compulsory education for
children of age group 6-14
21A Fundamental right
45 Directive principle of state policy
51A Fundamental duty of parent/guardian
93 Amendment Reservation in educational institutions(incl.
private institutions) for OBC students
Pass percentage of students in SSC examination is 87.85 pc for
year 2012-13
Mid-day meal scheme 75% central & 25% state

Rajiv Vidhya Mission SSA, NPEGEL(National Programme for

Education of Girls at Elementary Level), KGBV(Kasturba Gandhi
Balika Vidhyalayas)
Balika Chetana Programme implemented in partnership with
UNICEF to empower girls to overcome problems
Snehabala programme Self Learning Interactive
Materials(SLIM) for I and II class students
QUEST A programme organized in ITDA(Integrated Tribal
Development Agency) schools to provide quality education for
ST students
Chinnari Choopu conducted to screen and provide
spectacles and perform surgical corrections to school children
Mana TV Tele-lessons on important subjects for Intermediate
Teleconferences, Telecounselling and Panel discussions
were organized through MANA TV
live training programme for competitive examinations like
BSRB, RRB, SSC are also arranged
NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council accredits
institutions of Higher education in India. Autonomous body
funded by UGC
Family Welfare
Estimated Birth rate, Death rate, IMR of AP are 17.5, 7.5, 43
(National 21.8, 7.1, 44)
ASHA(Accredited Social Health Activity):
health resource person of first resort to provide all
Maternal & Child Health services to the community in
rural areas
Started in 2005-06; 70,700 ASHAs in AP;
CEMONC (Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal
Care Services):
Promote institutional deliveries, attend emergency
pregnancy, delivery and child birth cases being reported
within a range of 35 to 40 kms
156 CEMONC centres
Janani Suraksha Yojana:
Cash incentive of 700 given to pregnant woman to
promote deliveries in public institutions in rural areas
Sukhibhava scheme which provides Rs300 to BPL rural
pregnant apart from above
Extended to provide Rs. 600/- to under BPL urban
pregnant woman who deliver in government institutions
Home deliveries were provided an amount of Rs.500
Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram:

free cashless deliveries and care to sick new born till 30

days after birth at public health institutions; started
October 2011
bringing behavior change in community through
convergence for effectively reducing MMR, IMR and to
improve health and nutritional status of women & children
JBAR (Jawahar Bala Aarogya Raksha):
Aimed to to improve the health of school going children
studying classes 1st to 10th standard in government and
government aided schools
immunisation, vitamin-A supplementation, biannual deworming and referral services to higher medical
institutions for better treatment
Child Immunization:
Infants under one year are vaccinated against VPDs
through BCG, DPT, OPV, measles, hepatitis B vaccines
o BCG(Bacille Calmette Guerin) Tuberculous
o DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis(Whooping cough),
o OPV Oral Polio Vaccine
Urban Slum Health Services:
Started in 2000; provides preventive, promotive and
curative services to people living in urban slum areas
Birth Waiting Homes:
provide complete nutrition and wage loss compensation
to pregnant women and their attendants who use birth
waiting home
Rajiv Arogyasri Health Insurance Scheme:
Implemented through Aarogyasri Health Care Trust;
started - 1Apr2007
each BPL family is provided health coverage to the extent
of Rs.2.00 Lakh
The scheme was implemented online through an efficient
IT portal
Aarogyamithra(Health Worker) helps illiterate patients
No enrollment process, need a BPL card to claim the
CMCO Peripheral Center Patients without white card
need to physically approach the CMCO centre with proof
of residence for issuing of a temporary referral card for
cashless treatment
APVVP(AP Vaidya Vidhana Parishad):

Manages secondary level hospitals; 234 hospitals under

APVVP control
Drugs are provided to all hospitals by the central drug
stores under APHMHIDC as per the requirements specified
National Programme for prevention of CVD, NCD diseases:
National Cancer Awareness Day - 7th Nov 2012
World Diabetic Day - 14th Nov 2012
World Habitat Day First Monday of every October
International Day for Older persons (IDOP) 1st October
National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme:
Every year 17million cases 0.8 million deaths before
NVBDCP deals with Malaria, Japanese Encephalities,
Suspected Viral Encephalitis, Dengue, Chikungunya,
Filaria and Kala Azar diseases
SHUBHAM campaign
unique and pioneering initiative of APSACSs and aims to
improve HIV testing and hence converting them from
unknown to known HIV status
CABA - Children affected By AIDS implemented in 2
districts to address the care, support and treatment
aspects and hundreds of CABA are linked to services like
Education, Health and Nutrition
SAHARA - identity cards for patients receiving the AntiRetroviral Therapy (ART) medicines
o to access benefits provided by the Government like
concessions for travel, priority in housing schemes
and pensions etc
Women Development and Child Welfare:
Ujjwala Scheme - for prevention of trafficking, rescue,
rehabilitation and re-integration of victims of trafficking and
commercial sexual exploitation
scheme provides food, shelter, clothing, counseling, legal
aid to the inmates in rehabilitation
Single largest centrally sponsored scheme
There are 300 ICDS projects with 91,307 anganwadi
Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls
cover Adolescent Girls in the age group 11 to 18 years in
all ICDS projects in select 200 Districts across India
In AP Vizag, WG, Chittor, Anantapur, Adilabad,

IGMSY(Indira Gandhi Matriva Sahyog Yojana):

conditional cash transfer scheme to be piloted initially in
52 districts across the country
In AP it is implemented in WG and Nalgonda districts
Pregnant Women of 19 years and above are entitled for
benefits under the scheme for the first two live births
The beneficiaries are paid Rs.4000/- in three installments
AWW and AWH get an incentive of Rs200 and Rs100
Kishori Shakti Yojana:
100% centrally sponsored scheme
empowerment of adolescent girls by breaking the intercycle of nutritional and gender disadvantages in 2000
Indira Darsini monthly magazine to create awareness among
people about different services rendered by Women Dev & Child
Welfare (WD&CW) dept.
Juvenile Welfare:
Departments(Juvenile Justice Dept) project in
collaboration with Kusuma Trust, UNICEF, Sadhana
It is training manual for frontline workers in child welfare
and development agencies
It equips with counseling knowledge and legal skills to
enable early intervention with vulnerable children
Disabled Welfare:
The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1996
Deals with prevention and promotional aspects of
rehabilitation of education, employment and vocational

Kishori Samooh
o Girls in each group select three leaders of their
choice for a year
o These girls will be called Sakhi and Saheli
o Sakhi and Sahelis, will be given training as per
prescribed module at the project/circle level to
serve as peer-monitors for Kishori Samooh
Kishori Sadassu - celebrated once in three months.
Supplementary nutrition, IFA supplementation, health
check-up and referral, Nutrition and health
education,Counselling/guidance on family welfare, ARSH,
childcare practices and home management, life skills
education and accessing public services and vocational
training for adolescent girls

training, creation of barrier-free environment, provision of

rehabilitation service for persons with disabilities
5 Residential Schools for visually impaired, 6 Residential Schools
for hearing impaired; 1 residential Jr. College for hearing
impaired in Bapatla and 1 residential Jr. College for visually
impaired in Mahabubnagar dists.
1.79% of the total population of A.P are disabled as per 2001
A subsidy of Rs.3000/- was sanctioned to disabled persons
under economic rehabilitation scheme during 2011-12
Incentive award for marriage b/w disabled and normal
person was increased to Rs50000
50 % subsidy on petrol to disabled persons having
motorized own vehicles for self-transportation with annual
income up to Rs.24,000
3% reservation in promotions to disabled employees. 3%
seats in coaching and training facilities for disabled in all
Welfare departments irrespective of caste/religion
BC Welfare:
BC 138 communities;
Reimbursement of tuition fees for EBCs on saturation basis on
par with BCs from the year 2009-10
AP BC Co-operative Finance Co-operation Limited:
Margin Money:
o provide financial assistance to B.C. beneficiaries in
agriculture and allied sectors, small business and
industry, service and transport sector activities
o The beneficiaries are covered from rural area:
o Subsidy of 50% unit cost not exceeding
Rs.30,000/- per beneficiary
o 40% or balance of unit cost as bank loan.
o 10% of the unit cost as beneficiary contribution
o For unit cost that is more than Rs.60,000/ subsidy
of Rs.30,000 is provided, 10% beneficiary
contribution and the balance is loan from Banks
Rajiv Abhyudaya Yojana:
o Similar to that of Marginal Money but implemented
in Urban areas
Social Welfare:
SC people 123.39lac; 16.19% of total population; 4 th
largest SC pop
82% of the Scheduled Caste people are living in rural

Sex Ratio among the Scheduled Castes is 981

The literacy rate among SCs was 53.52 in 2001
Social Welfare department is to look after the educational
advancement, socio-economic development, welfare and
protection of Scheduled Castes
Rajiv Vidhya Deewena - pre-matric scholarships to
Scheduled Caste students studying in Government
schools, APSW Residential Schools from 2012-13 onwards
Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan (Planning,
Allocation, and Utilization of Financial Resources) Act, 2013:
First pioneer state in the country that has initiated such
Legislative intervention
Accelerated dev. of SCs & STs in the coming 10years in
the areas of economic, educational and human
development along with ensuring security, social dignity
and promoting equity
Social Welfare Department is designated as the Nodal
Department for Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan (SCSP)
The Nodal Agency for implementation of the Tribal SubPlan (TSP) is constituted under the Chairmanship of
Minister Tribal Welfare
Tribal Welfare:
Tribal welfare department was established in 1962
tribal population of Andhra Pradesh according to 2001 Census is
50.24 Lakh constituting about 6.59%
Punadi - introduced in all tribal welfare schools covering
250000 students in class 3rd to 9th for strengthening the
academic foundation of ST students
QuEST - a unique initiative that aims to attain subject specific,
class specific competencies
Bhavita - a mass contact initiative aimed at counseling,
assessingt and prepararing individual employment plans for ST
The subsidy was increased from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.30,000/- from
Vetamamidi (EG dist) has a mini hydel project which is
commissioned and maintained by local tribals
Minorities Welfare:
As per 2001 census, the population of Minorities in our State was
around 82.00 Lakh, which constitutes over 11% of the total
The Andhra Pradesh State Minorities Commission was
constituted in 1979
Subsequently, it was enacted as the A.P. State Minorities
Commission Act, 1998


Rajiv Yuvasakthi Programme :

provide financial assistance, create self-employment
opportunities for eligible unemployed youth, and establish
self-employment units in Industry, Service and Business
Yuva Chaitanya Sadassulu - hrough coordination of Nehru Yuva
APSHCL(AP State Housing Corporation Limited) motivated and
educated beneficiaries to eliminate exploitation by middlemen,
reduced cost of construction by encoraging adoption of costeffective and eco-friendly technologies, and helped in capacity
building and utilization of human resources from rural and urban
Rajiv Swagruha launched in 2007;
affordable housing to moderate income group in all
municipalities and municipal corporations in the State
Objective - make available houses / flats to moderate
income group at 25% less cost than the prevailing market

looks into specific issues in the area of social equity and

addressing complaints of discrimination faced by Minority
Chamak Scheme - Free coaching to minorities for job oriented
competitive examinations
Provides free coaching to job-oriented competitive
Provides free coaching in Language Communication and
Key Skills
Provides free books and study materials to candidates
availing coaching
AP State Haj Committee:
Haj Committee is constituted for making arrangements for
the Haj.pilgrimage of Muslims
Youth welfare schemes are categorized as following:
Providing self-employment to unemployed youth
Training to provide employment
Other participatory programmes

Multi-storied constructions are taken up in municipal

corporations and independent houses in other
Rural Water Supply:
World Bank Assistance Programme:
864cr sanctioned for 5years in 6 districts
proposed to provide drinking water facilities in quality
affected, not covered and partially covered habitations
with IBRD Assistance
Visakhapatnam, Prakasam, Kadapa, Mahabubnagar,
Karimnagar and Adilabad
Total Sanitation Campaign/ Nirmal Bharat
It emphasizes Information, Education and Communication
(IEC), human resources development, and capacity
development activities to increase awareness and
demand generation for sanitation facilities
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation:
JN National Urban Renewal Mission
Launched in 2005-06; budgetary provision 50000Cr for
mission aims to encourage reform and fast track infra
Urban Infra Dev. Scheme for Small and Medium Towns:
o Provide urban infra in Water Supply, Under Ground
Drainage, Storm Water Drains, Solid Waste
Management and Transportation in Non-mission
Urban local bodies (ULBs)
o Scheme applies to ULBs except Hyd, Vizag,
Vijayawada, Tirupati
o funding pattern is in the ratio of 80:10:10 between
Government of India, Government of Andhra
Pradesh and ULB
Integrated Housing Slum Development Program:
o To improve infrastructure facilities in slum areas
o The funding pattern is 80:10:10 between Central
Government, State Government and ULB
Urban Infrastructure Development in Satellite Towns
o Selected satellite town of AP Vikarabad Town for
CSSUIDST(Centrally Sponsored Scheme for UIDST)
Muncipal Administration:
Urban sanitation door to door garbage collection

Muncipal Solid Waste Management Waste to Energy Projects

All ULBs grouped in to 19 clusters for management of
5 projects have been permitted to utilize waste generated
in 67 ULBs and 1 is operational at present
Rajiv Nagara Bata Programme:
Jan2005; all ULBs
Provision of adequate water, drainage system, street
lighting, roads etc., with an emphasis on basic infra
Provide minimum infra in community and religious
institutions like temples mosques, churches
Integrated Novel Development in Rural Areas and Model
Municipal Areas
all wards in the Municipal Area over a period of three
years for basic infra facilities and welfare measures
Old people, widows, weavers and disabled persons are
given pensions
Indira Kranthi Patham:
Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal
organize poor women into SHGs by covering all families
living in slums and enable them to become self-reliant
o 3.02lac Women SHGs 30lac women
o 10.59lac SHG 115.48 members (Total)
Urban Self Employment Programme:
Urban poor to set up self-employment ventures and micro
enterprises with 25% subsidy with an upper limit of Rs
2.00 Lakh cost per unit
Abhaya Hastham(Pension cum Insurance Scheme):
co-contributory pension cum insurance for the benefit of
SHG women over and above the age of 18 years in urban
areas to provide social security after the age of 60 years
Janasri Bhima Yojana:
Oct2010; for uncovered SHG members in YSR
Rajiv Awas Yojana:
for the slum dwellers and urban poor
central support to State if assign property rights to
slum dwellers
MEPMA nodal agency to make slum free AP through
Hussainsagar Lake and Catchment Area Improvement Project
with ODA loan from JICA(Japan Intl. Co-op Agency)

Hyderabad Metro Rail Project(HRMP) is the worlds largest Metro

Rail project being executed in public private partnership (PPP)
mode (L&T and GoI)
72 km Hyderabad Metro Rail project is the worlds largest
mass transit project being built in PPP mode
The financial model envisages generation of about 50% of
the revenue from passenger fares, 45% from property
development and 5% from advertisements
GoAP set up Special Tax Force(STF) headed by Chief
Secretary(Minnie Mathews) for regular monitoring of the
Rural Development:
Watershed Development Programmes to the drought related
Rainfed areas DPAP, DDP, IWDP, IWMP, Indira Prabha,
o Drought Prone Area Programme/Desert Dev.
o Funding 75:25; from 2000;
o drought proofing by taking up soil and moisture
conservation, water harvesting structures,
afforestation and horticulture
o Integrated Wasteland Dev. Programme
o 1992; 100%;
o Impl. In non-DPAP blocks of DPAP dist. And non
DPAP dists.
o area is treated with soil and moisture conservation
works, water harvesting structures, afforestation
o Integrated Watershed Management Programme
o 90:10;
o Restore ecological bal. by harnessing, conserving
and developing degraded natural resource such as
soil, vegetative cover and water
o Prevent soil run-off, regeneration of natural
vegetation, rain water harvesting and recharging of
ground water table

Indira Prabha:
o Nov2004;
o Provide an Integrated and Comprehensive
Livelihood options and development of compact

blocks of assigned land owned by poor SC, ST, BC

and other communities
o February 2, 2006
o legal guarantee of providing at least 100 days of
wage employment to rural households whose adult
members are willing to do unskilled manual labour
o Chenchu Tribe Group Special Strategy:
Eevery Chenchu laborer is provided with
continuous wage employment through-out
the year
Every Chenchu labor is assured of Rs 1000
every month
4 special offices opened under NREGS
Chenchu project
Unnati(Nirupedala Samagrabhivriddhi):
o improving the standard of living, enable social
inclusion and assist the disadvantaged and
vulnerable groups come out of poverty through
intensive handholding
o Obj all target households earn a minimum of Rs.
1.20 lakh income per annum from multiple
livelihood sources in 3 yrs
o Obj - significant improvement is affected in human
development indicators
Social and Human Development:
o gender equity, recognizing people with disabilities
among the poorest of the poor, health and nutrition
intervention, quality education, poverty alleviation
(Millenium Goals)
Millenium goals will be set by UN
o Indias HDI (Mahabub ul Haq, Amartya Sen) rank
136(0.554) former rank 134
States Rank(2011)
Kerala, Delhi (high HD)
AP 15th (0.437, low HD)
Chattisgarh last (0.358)
Aam Admi Jeevitha Bhima Yojana:
o March2008; To benefit Rural agriculture landless
o LIC provides insurance cover of 30000 for natural
deaths and 75000 for accidental for a premium of
o premium is shared by the Central and State on
50:50 basis

Swaranjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana(SGSY):

o 75:25; 1Apr1999
o to uplift poor families above poverty line by
providing them income generating assets through a
mix of bank credit and Government subsidy

National Rural Livelihood Mission(NRLM):

o NRLM replaced SGSY from June2011
o Cover BPL households in villages through selfmanaged SHGs
o Aided in part through investment support by the
World Bank
National Family Benefit Scheme:
o NFBS is part of NSAP(National Social Assistance
o Provide lump sum amount to family BPL on the
death of primary breadwinner. A one-time grant of
Rs5000 is given
Rural Infra Dev Fund:
o With assistance of NABARD
NAtional Bank for Agri & Rural Dev. Prakash
o connectivity, and construction of school building
Rajiv Palle Bata:
o People get an opportunity to represent their
problems directly to their leaders. The leadership,
in turn, benefits from public feed-back about
governmental polices
o Intended to motivate and instill confidence in public
by redressing their grievances on the spot and to
take administration to the door steps of the people
o An interaction programme between the public, their
elected representatives and a team of public
servants in their own territory
Indiramma Bata:
o 14thJul2012
o Assess the status and outreach of developmental
and welfare programmes being implemented in the

Economic Infrastructure:

At present, 86 projects (44 Major + 30 Medium + 4 Flood Banks
+ 8 Modernisation) are being considered under Jalayagnam
Some Lift Irrigation Projects:
BR Ambedkar Pranahita Chevella Sujala Sravanti project on Godavari
Mahatma Jyothi Rao Pule Dummugudem Nagarjuna Sagar
Tail Pond
Chinthalapudi Lift Irrigation scheme WG, Krishna
Babu Jagjeevan Ram Uttarandhra Sujala Sravanthi Project
Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram, Vizag
P.V. Narasimha Rao Kanthanapally Sujala Sravanthi
Warangal, Khammam, Nalgonda
World bank assisted project Hydrology project phase II
building and expanding development of a comprehensive
Hydrological Information System (HIS)
proposed to intensify HIS and lead to effective and
efficient water resources planning and management
APSEB(AP State Electricity Board) 1959; divided into APGENCO,
DISCOM DIStribution COMpanies
E-Vaaradhi - an electronic method of reaching electricity
consumers was introduced in EPDCL for passing messages
relating to billing information, power shut down information
through SMS
Road Transport Sector was under the department of Hyderabad
State from 1st Nov.1951
APSRTC was formed as a separate corporation from 11january,
APSRTC is the largest State Road Transport undertaking in the
country was acknowledged both by Limca book of records
(2000), and the Guinness Book of World Records (31st October,
corporation has 7 Zones, 23 Regions and 211 Depots with a total
fleet strength of 22,604 buses and 1.23 Lakh employees

Kakinada Anchorage Port - Anchorage Port is a sheltered Port
in 17 Kms length of Hope Island.
Rawa port is located in East Godavari District and has an off
shore single buoy mooring system for collecting off shore oil

Gangavaram Port This Port is located in Visakhapatnam

district. It is being developed with private participation as a
Multipurpose all weather port to become the deepest port
Krishnapatnam Port - is in Nellore District and is the first
Greenfield port
Vodarevu, Nizampatnam Port and Industrial Corridor- VANPIC
Project - Vodarevu port in Prakasam district and Nizampatnam
Port in Guntur district under Public Private Participation Mode
Machilipatnam Port GoAP is developing the Machilipatnam port
in Krishna District under PPP
IT and Communications:
ITAll India growth rate is 15.7%, AP recorded a growth rate of
16% in 2011-12
The State of Andhra Pradesh contributes 12.4% to national IT
exports and ranks 4th in IT performance in the country
SEZ is a specifically delineated enclave treated as foreign
territory for the purpose of industrial, service and trade
operations, with relaxation in customs duties and more liberal
regime regarding other levies, foreign investments and other
Organising the ICT Promotion event Advantage A.P. 2013 - to
project the State as the most preferred IT destination

11th Plan Review:

o GSDP grew at 8.18% during 11th plan period (2007-12) National
Agriculture sector 5.28%
Industrial Sector 7.26%
Service sector 9.81%
o Agriculture Sector:
Record Food grain generation in 2008-09 period 205lac tons
State accounts for more than 10% of the countrys livestock and
ranks 1st in Egg and Meat production and 2nd in milk production
Livestock sector 26% of agri-GSDP; 5.4% of overall
GSDP; GR 7.1%
State ranks second in the country in fish production
12.1% of the Agri-GSDP and 2.6% of the overall GSDP
grew at over 10%
Forestry & Logging sub-sector which on average contributes
5.57% of the Agri-GSDP and 1.2% of the overall GSDP has grown
at 1.9%
o Industry Sector
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply sub sector grew with an
impressive growth rate of 10.07%

Construction subsector with a growth rate of 8.24%

Mining & Quarrying subsector, showing a volatile trend, grew at
manufacturing sub-sector which on average accounts for more
than 48% of the Industrial GSDP and over 12% of the GSDP,
grew at 7.63%
Service Sector
Service sector contributes 53% of GSDP
Sub-sectors of Service sector Communications, Banking &
Insurance, Real estate & Business services and Transport (other
than Railways) & Storage
11th plan Economic services(64%), Social service(35%), General
Jalayagnam - aim to complete ongoing and other new projects to
provide immediate irrigation to water-starving segments
Rajiv Aarogya Sree Community Health Insurance Under PPP, to
improve access of BPL families to quality medical treatment of
diseases involving hospitalization and surgery
Various Flagship programmes and their performance
RKVY central(100%); increase investment in agriculture and
allied sectors to achieve annual growth of 4%
SHM launched on 3rd Nov 2005; holistic growth of Horticulture
focus crops under SHM are: 1.Mango 2. Sweet Orange 3.
Sapota 4. Pomegranate 5.Banana 6.Papaya and 7.Cashew
8. Flowers 9. Spices


MGNREGA provide 100 days of wage employment to
rural households whose adult members are willing to do
unskilled manual labour
Government has enhanced the number of work days per
year 150 and the wage rate Rs. 137 per day
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme GoI initiated
assistance to complete ongoing major and medium irrigation
projects taken up with CWC and Planning Commission
RGGVY twin objectives of electrification of villages and to
provide access to electricity to BPL households in the country
Central : state = 90:10
NRDWP - intends to provide safe and adequate drinking water
facilities to quality affected habitations, not covered habitations
and partially covered habitations in rural areas

TSC/NBA - accelerate further the sanitation coverage in the rural

areas so as to comprehensively cover the rural community with
renewed strategies
Vision - Nirmal Bharat by 2022 with all gram Panchayats
in the country attaining Nirmal status
IAY - intends to provide Houses to BPL families
(SC/ST/Minorities/others) living in rural areas
JNNURM - improve efficiency in urban infrastructure/services
delivery mechanism, community participation and accountability
of Urban Local Bodies/ Parastatals towards citizens
Obj - Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG), Basic
Services for the Poor (BSUP), Urban Infrastructure and
Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns
(UIDSSMT) and Integrated Housing and Slum
Development Programme: (IHSDP)
PMGSY All season access to remotest and unconnected
Mid-day meal - improve the nutritional status of children
NRHM reduction of IMR, MMR. Universal access to public health
NSAP (National Social Assistance Programme) Flagship
programme of GoI which aims to provide human security to poor
and destitute; 100%central;
NSAP has three components - NOAPS, NFBS and
Annapurna Scheme
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM):
It replaced Swaranjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana(SGSY);
Central and state at 75:25 ratio
It is aided in part through investment support by the
World Bank
Backward Regions Grant Fund(BRGF):
Formerly known as Rastriya Sam Vikas Yojana(RSVY)
low agricultural productivity, Unemployment, and to fill
the critical gaps in physical and social infrastructure so as
to redress regional imbalances in development
Indira Jal Prabha:
Nov 2011;
to convert 10 lakh acres of uncultivated lands belonging
to the poorest of poor SC/ST households to cultivable
irrigated lands during 12th FYP
Indiramma Amrutha Hastham:
One nutritious meal a day to pregnant woman and
lactating mothers is being provided at Anganwadis
12th Five Year Plan period(2012-17):



Growth Rate in state is better than National average during 10 th and

11th plans (particularly in agriculture and industry sectors)
High GSDP + decline in growth of Population = 10% higher PCI than
National avg.
Estimated Growth Rate for 12th FY period
8.2%(national) agriculture(4%); Industry(8.2%); Service(9.1%)
10%(state) agriculture(6%), Industry(10.5%); Services(11.5%)
Largest projected outlay of all states in 12th plan 3,42,842cr (9.2% of
all states)
Priorities and strategies of 12th plan
Poverty reduction from 29.6% in 2004-05 to 21.1% in 2009-10
Agriculture and allied
Agriculture Technology Mission(ATM) - agriculture,
horticulture, fisheries, food processing, storage and
Thrust areas SRI, seed replacement, oil palm
development, cluster development, avoidance of handling
Food grain prod. To reach a new peak of 300lac MT
Micronutrient deficiency in Andhra Pradesh soils is
identified as one of the major constraints to crop
o Macro nutrients N, K, S, Ca, Pm Mg
o Micro nutrients Cl, Fe, Zn, Mn, B, Cu, Ni, Mo
Construction of scientific storage space aimed to reduce
post-harvest losses from 35% to less than 25%
During 12th FYP, it is planned to create 78.9 lakh acres of
Irrigation Potential
Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Policy, 2012 - state has
planned for purchase of 1000 MW of solar power through
Population annual growth rate stands at 1.11%
Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan and Tribal SubPlan(Planning Allocation and Utilisation of Financial Resources), 2013
ensure accelerated development of Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes with emphasis on achieving equality in the
next ten years focusing on economic, educational and human
ensuring the security and social dignity and promoting equity
among the SCs and STs
Aadhar Governance Award by the UIDAI East Godavari

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