Indian IrishI

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Derek Coln

World Music Final Essay

May 2, 2015
Indian Potato Famine
The Irish Potato Famine, also called The Great Potato Famine, or Great Irish
Famine, occurred in Ireland in 1845 - 1849 when the potato crop failed miserably. The
crop failures were caused by late blight, a disease that destroys both the leaves and the
edible roots, of the potato plant. The cause of late blight is the water mold, Phytophthora
infestans. The Irish Potato Famine was the worst famine to occur in Europe in the 19th
century (Encyclopedia Britannica). The potato famine had an enormous impact on
Ireland and the world. What would have happened if the Irish Potato Famine occurred in
India? That is the question.
The potato famine influenced Ireland in several different ways. Before the famine
began, Ireland was already a desperately poor country. It was the only European country
controlled by another country, it had been ruled by Great Britain for many centuries.
Most of the Irish were farmers who worked tiny plots of land, paying stiff rents to British
landlords and living in primitive mud and stone huts.
By 1844, Irelands population had swelled to 8.4 million, most of whom had lives
built around potatoes. In 1845, the Phytophthora fungus (mentioned earlier), believed to
have arrived from America, infected Irelands potato crops and quickly spread throughout
the country. Great Britains response was minimal, but as the fungus killed the crops
every year, successive British governments determined that providing aid to the Irish
would only create greater dependency. By 1851, 1.1 million people died from starvation

or from famine-related diseases. Meanwhile, another 1.5 million Irish people were
immigrating to North America and England. About 650,000 Irish immigrants arrived in
New York alone. Because of their outdated clothing and distinctive accents, they were
easily identified and made victims of abuse. Landlords promised comfortable rooms but
left them in overcrowded, vermin-infested housings. The Irish potato famine had
impacted the people of Ireland so much that their music began to evolve.
India is nothing like Ireland whatsoever. India is an enormous country. India has a
diverse population with more than 200 languages and 1600 dialects. Hindi and English
are recognized as national languages. The dialects of the north belong to different
linguistic groups from the dialects in the south. There are several kinds of music in India.
Bahjan, Qawawli, Filmi Git, Bhangra are all different genres and they each play an
important role in India culture. The instruments used in Indias music are very specific
and they are responsible for the way we identify Indian music. When a sitar is heard, it is
most commonly associated with Indian music.
If the Irish potato famine had occurred in India, Indias music would be nothing
like the way it is today. The potato famine was so devastating that it made Irish music
turn to the more emotional side. The Irish began to express the sadness through their
music. They used instruments such as the uilleann pipes, flutes, and fiddles to create
beautiful soulful music. India used their music to express religion and joy. The music of
India is very sacred and serene. If the famine had occurred in India the music in India
would be more sentimental. The instruments used in Indian music may also have
changed. The famine may have also influenced immigration from India, which would
have spread Indian music more quickly throughout the rest of the world. The famine led

the Irish to immigrate to around the world. If the famine occurred in India, it would have
led to a similar effect. Indian music would have been able to travel with its people around
the world.
Ireland and India are two very different countries. Irish music developed and
evolved as the Potato famine occurred. Indian music developed on its own, but had the
famine occurred in India, Indian music would not be the same. This YouTube link
provides an awesome example of an Irish-Indian hybrid song ( Who knows, if the potato famine occurred in India maybe they would have
adopted the Uilleaen pipes. That would be something.

Works Cited
"Irish Potato Famine." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Online Academic Edition. Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 06 May. 2015.
-In class notes

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