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Brief 2


Module Code:

Module Title:
Extended Practice

Learning Outcomes:

BRIEF TITLE: Groove City / Logo / Website Concept

To design a logo and website concept for the band Groove City.

Groove City is a 5/6 piece, live retro 70s funk band based in the midlands UK. There are available for events
such as weddings, functions, festivals, and private parties.

-The navigation and usability needs to be functional and simple.
-Images, sound and video will need to be considered, this could affect the usability of the site if not properly
thought out.
-The colour scheme is important in order to reflect the genre of music.
-Appropriate language needs to be considered for linking pages.
-Important information such as contact details needs to easily accessible from any section of the site.
-Links to social media will be beneficial.

Mandatory Requirements:
Design material in the following areas:
-Branding / Identity
-Digital / Web

Target Audience:
Considering the nature of the band and music, the target audience will be of a mature generation that will be
organising the events rather than spectating. However the website has to appeal to both in order to generate
cliental and increase the fan-base.

Tone of Voice:
The tone of voice will vary from professional to down to earth and friendly depending on the sections of the
website e.g. information about services needs to be professional, where as information about the band needs
to be friendly to form a relationship with the fan-base.

-Website concept

I hadnt done much web design before so I thought this brief was a good opportunity for me
to have a go as it is an interest. The research I conducted by interacting with current
websites made me think more about how the site works rather than how it looks. This
definitely informed the design designs that were made regarding layout and points of
I didnt have a lot of content to work with which made things difficult and it would have been
nice to make the site go live. I also struggled to visual display the details of the site when
presenting it so I would like to have had a go at animating.
What I would do differently next time?
I would of collected some better context to display and I would re-thing the navigation bar as
I now think it could be improved to make the site more streamline.
Ratings (Very Bad) 1- (Very good) 5:
/Quality of work____3
/Quantity of work____3

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