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Brief 11

Module Code:

Module Title:
Extended Practice

Learning Outcomes:

BRIEF TITLE: Tasty Beverages

To brand a soft drinks company that specialises in crme soda. The branding and identity will need to work
across a range of media. To launch the brand and product, you will need to create a campaign that
communicates the mouth-watering flavours in the product range.

Tasty Beverages puts a smile on the faces of many who remember drinking tasty soda from their youth, as
well as those now discovering the brand through its unique bottles and flavour choices.


The choice of colour scheme will be vital creating an instantly recognisable identity and act as a
means of co-ordination for the product range.

Flavours of the drinks will need to be carefully considered in order to appeal to the target audience.

The branding will need to be applied to a medium such as glass bottles or cans. Choosing the right
medium is beneficial to best suit the needs of the drink and to communicate the quality of the brand.

The campaign will need to catch the attention of the consumer.

What methods of promotion are best suited in targeting the audience?

Mock-ups: What methods can be used in order to illustrate some aspects of the campaign?

Online Presence

Mandatory Requirements:

Target Audience:
The target audience are young and dynamic and are not afraid to try new things and experience new flavours.
With the nature of the drink, the audience must like alcohol and have a taste for sweet things with lots of

Tone of Voice:
In order to appeal to a young but mature generation the language needs to be informal. A friendly approach
that talks to the consumer on a social level is vital to make a connection with the audience and past
connotations of child hood memories or experiences.

-Packaging: Bottle design
-Campaign: Poster/ Billboard
-Website/ App

The bottle designs were really successful and worked well with the glass bottles. It was
really difficult to stick the vinyl on because of the detail and size but it went ok in the end. I
was really pleased with the photographs I took for this brief and I managed to get the
lighting right, so I am definitely improving in that sense.
I would of liked to include some props in the photo shoot so I could of used them in the
What I would do differently next time?
To push the brand further I should of created some multi packaging and point of sale to
extent the brief. However I am please with the outcome and will use this brief in my portfolio.
Ratings (Very Bad) 1- (Very good) 5:
/Quality of work____4
/Quantity of work____3

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