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1. Dynamically set an integration interface source set name at run time

2. The SQL as Source IKM



Lookup transformation using ODI
The use of odi variables to set values to procedure or knowledge module option

Dynamically set an integration interface source set name at run time

Today let me share very important concept of ODI called using Variable as Resource name.
Suppose if we have multiple files of same structure to be loaded into a single target table, then
we need not to use multiple interfaces.
Instead we can use a single interface to load all the flat files of same structure into the single
target table.
I am going to try to explain the procedure with following steps
Suppose if we have three Flat files namely EMP1.txt, EMP2.txt and EMP3.txt to be loaded into
TRG_EMP table of ORACLE database.
Before going to do this, you need to learn first how to load a single source flat file to a target
table of oracle database.
To do the above please go through the following link provided by oracle by examples
ODI11g: Creating an ODI Project and Interface: Exporting a Flat File to a RDBMS Table
Using the above procedure load the EMP.txt file to
EMP table .
you can download the required files from the following link
Download source files

Now follow the following steps.

First we need to create a table using the following query
Then load the required file names into this table.
INSERT INTO src_file_details values 'EMP1'
INSERT INTO src_file_details values 'EMP2'
INSERT INTO src_file_details values 'EMP3'

Now create three variables with the following deatails

1) Name: count
Data type: Numeric
Action : latest Value
2) Name: Files_Count
Datatype: Numeric
Action: latest Value
Refreshing: select count(*) from src_file_details
3) Name: FILE_NAME
Datatype: Alphanumeric
Action: Latest value
SRC_FILE_DETAILS) WHERE RN=#Project_Name.count
Note: Please replace Project_Name with your project name
Now open the source data store which is participating in the interface for populating target and
replace the resource name with #Project_Name.FILE_NAME.txt

Now we are going to design a package looks like below:

Drag and drop the count variable on to the diagram tab of package.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following

Step2: Drag and drop the FILE_NAME variable on to the diagram tab of package.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following
Step name: GetTheFileName
Type: Refresh variable
Just drag and drop the interface and change the step name to PopTrgWithThisFileName
Drag and drop the count variable.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following

Drag and drop the Files_Count variable.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following
Step type : Refresh Variable
Drag and drop the count variable on to the diagram tab of package.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following
Drag and drop the Files_Count variable.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following
Step type : Refresh Variable
Drag and drop the count variable on to the diagram tab of package.
Click on it. Change the properties as shown in the following

Please replace Proj_Name with your project name

Save all
Run the package

ODI 11g Simple, Flexible, Powerful

By David Allan-Oracle on Nov 16, 2010

SQL as a source, inline SQL, SQL override...want to know more ....? A couple of specific
enhancements in the code generation capabilities of ODI 11g, opens the door to an area of code
generation which provides great benefit from the ability to have SQL as a source to the
construction of even better performing code to better interface designs and accelerators.
So what are they? The two key changes are;

support for sub-select to chain, when possible, multiple interfaces into one.
With ODI 11g the code generation capabilities of ODI were extended in order
to build larger more complex interface designs without the necessity of
staging via temporary interfaces. There have already been blog posts on this
subject, for example see Uli Bethke's post here.

a property in the KM definition to define current command for sub-select. A

new property defined on a command in a KM to indicate to the ODI code
generator that this command should be used for generating the SQL
statement for a sub-select. This one is the key change in addition to the
support for sub-select that opens the door. Is the penny dropping yet?

These two together open the door to building operator(or transformation)-like KMs within the
bounds of the information that can be defined by a temporary interface and the options on the
Let's see...
Simple Example - The SQL as Source IKM
Let's build a very simple example that is similar to Informatica's SQL override capability or
inline views - SQL as source. So to the new breed of code template an IKM with the SQL code
generator to be used for sub-query. We define an IKM and have the target technology just now
set to Oracle;

Now comes the interesting part, we can define a command to fulfill the SQL generation. This can
be as simple as actually just being the SQL code (SQL as source) or something a little more
complex such as fulfilling a transformation such as a pivot or table function.
Let's check out the command definition, its very simple - the SQL representing the subquery will
be an option on the IKM. Don't worry you won't have to build this KM its on the code samples
already, you can download the KM here. (I built it with Oracle as a target technology at first then
changed for all using undefined technology). Also it will become blatantly obvious how its used
when you see a simple example.

From the above you see 2 things; 'Use current command for Derived-Table sub-select statement'
is checked, a bit of a mouthful, basically ODI will use THIS command in the IKM for generating
the SQL when a temporary interface is used in an interface and the sub-select check box is
The IKM has an option VIEWQUERY. When the IKM is used in an interface design this is
where you will define the SQL as a source.

That's a peek inside the IKM, we can now build temporary interfaces that are essentially inline
view designs that will define the view columns (the target datastore columns in the temporary
interface) and the SQL query which is to be used to realize the interface. With ODI we can go the
extra mile and use the ODI reference APIs to ensure the SQL is portable also across systems so
that we don't hard-wire access, schemas etc.
Building the inline view definition
Like any view (in database terms) we define a signature - the columns to be projected are defined
on the temporary target datastore on an ODI temporary interface, below you see I have defined a
comment (--) for the mapping expression and the indicator is for the target;

The execution unit is assigned the SQL_as_Source IKM, where the SQL query is then defined on
the VIEWQUERY option.

Above I have hard-wired the query, as mentioned we can use ODI reference APIs to get the
physical name from the datastore in a flexible manner. So the query could be defined using the
odiRef.getObjectName which makes the statement much more flexible and provides flexibility
via the context to use different physical schemas for example.

That is the SQL as a source or inline view defined. We can reuse this definition many times in
different interfaces. Let's see how it is used.
Using the inline view in an interface

The temporary interface (our inline view definition) can be dropped into other interfaces and
used like any other interface in ODI, now in 11g as we have seen from other posts we can
include the interface as a sub-select. The INLINE_VIEW can be joined with other tables etc and
used like any other interface artifact.

Above I am using the INLINE_VIEW temporary interface and have selected the Use Temporary
Interface as Derived Table (Sub-Select), since the tables used by the view are from the same
server as the BONUS table.
So what code gets generated?
Simulating the code in ODI 11g we see the SQL statement we defined in our temporary interface
nested inside the overall code (this was using the had-wired SQL rather than the odiRef'd

This KM lets you then use a temporary interface as your SQL Query or inline view and provides
a great mechanism to balance fully fledged design using interfaces and integrating custom
arbitrary SQL.
You can download the SQL as Source KM from the code samples here on OTN. The example
illustrates a capability that we can exploit for other cases - more to come!

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