Month 12 Lessons 51 - 53 B

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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Lesson 51. y[!siNx> ,

We have been dealing with the / so far. The rest of the swaras can't
wait to be discussed as well.
These are the rules to follow:
First word
ending in




#/ $

%/ ^

\/ \&



Next word
beginning with
any other swara but for

Results in

#/ $


any other swara but for


any other swara but for


any other swara but for


%/ ^

%/ ^ changing to

\/ \&


#/ $ changing to

\/ \& changing
to r!



to l!

Then the changed swara of the first word gets added to the swara of the
next word AGAIN to form a new letter.
Here are examples for each of them:

1. it + @km!
t! + y! + @km! = Tyekm! ,
2. mnu + AnNtrm!
mn! + v! + AnNtrm! = mNvNtrm!! ,
3. ipt& + #CDa
ipt! + r! + #CDa = ipiCDa ,
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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

4. "Sl& + Aadez>
"s! + l! + Aadez> = "Sladez> ,
The exercises with the y[!siNx>

are in Lesson 51 A.

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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Lesson 51 A. Exercises with the y[!siNx> ,

1. + =
2. + : =
3. + =
4. + : =
5. + =
6. + : =
7. + =
8. + =
9. + =
10. + =
11. + =
12. + : =

siNxivCDed> ,
1. y*ip
2. ip<z>
3. saiXvdm!
4. SmraMyhm!
5. vSa{yuTpadyit
6. #Tyip
7. xa<z>
8. mXvir>
9. ATyuTtm>
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10. pavRTyxuna
11. #Tyai]Pt>
12. _avTvxuna

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Lesson 51 B. Answers to Lesson 51 A.

1. + = Tyah> ,
2. + : = ANvy> ,
3. + = #Tyaid ,
4. + : = maarit> ,
5. + = ipa}a ,
6. + : = mXvir> ,
7. + = TvwaeR ,
8. + = AhNyhin
9. + = Svagtm! ,
10. + = ka:QaNyanetum! ,
11. + = APyiSt ,
12. + : = lak&it> ,

siNxivCDed> ,
1. y*ip = yid + Aip ,
2. ip<z> = ipt& + A<z> ,
3. saiXvdm! = saxu + #dm! ,
4. SmraMyhm! = Smraim + Ahm! ,
5. vSa{yuTpadyit = vSai[ + %Tpadyit ,
6. #Tyip = #it + Aip ,
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7. xa<z> = xat& + A<z> ,

8. mXvir> = mxu + Air> ,
9. ATyuTtm> = Ait + %Ttm> ,
10. pavRTyxuna = pavRtI + Axuna ,
11. #Tyai]Pt> = #it + Aai]Pt> ,
12. _avTvxuna = _avtu + Axuna ,

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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Lesson 52. Yaantavaantaadesha-sandhi.

yaNtvaNtadezsiNx> ,
First word
ending in








Next word
beginning with
any swara

Results in

@ changing to


any swara


any swara


any swara

@e changing to

Aae changing to

AaE changing to

Then the changed swara of the first word gets added to the swara of the
next word AGAIN to form a new letter.
Here are examples for each of them:

1. hre + @tt!
hr! + Ay! + @tt! = hryett!
2. nE + Ak>
n! + Aay! + Ak> = nayk>
3. iv:[ae + @tt!
iv:[! + Av! + @tt! = iv:[vett!
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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

4. paE + Ak>
p! + Aav! + Ak> = pavk>

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Lesson 52 A. Exercises with the yaNtvaNtadezsiNx> ,
Do the sandhi for the following:
1. hre @
2. tSmE #dm!
3. gurae Aaidz
4. balkaE AagtaE
5. vE #h
6. kqe %pveznm!
7. )le #CDa
8. izavhE AaitRm!
9. kraE @taE
10. _aanae #h
11. nraE %daraE
12. taE @kda

1. gurvuTsah>
2. balavaejiSvnaE
3. jnyuTk{Qa
4. )liyCDa
5. DaavvgtvNtaE
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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Lesson 52 B. Answers to lesson 52 A.
1. hre + @ = hrye
2. tSmE + #dm! = tSmaiydm!
3. gurae + Aaidz = guravaidz
4. balkaE + AagtaE = balkavagtaE
5. vE + #h = vaiyh
6. kqe + %pveznm! = kqyupveznm!
7. )le + #CDa = )liyCDa
8. i;avhE + AaitRm! = i;avhayaitRm!
9. kraE + @taE = kravetaE
10. _aanae + #h = _aanivh
11. nraE + %daraE = nravudaraE
12. taE + @kda = tavekda

1. gurvuTsah> = gu + %Tsah>
2. balavaejiSvnaE = balaE + AaejiSvnaE
3. jnyuTk{Qa = jne + %Tk{Qa
4. )liyCDa = )le + #CDa
5. DaavvgtvNtaE = DaaE + AvgtvNtaE

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Lesson 53. A Glimpse of Vyanjan Sandhi.
When consonants join the joining bandwagon, we get, what you call, Vyanjan
Sandhi..... Vyn siNx> , One of the most frequently used sandhi is the

, We can do the rest of the Vyn siNx> at a later date.

(1 ) Go by these rules:
If a word ends with the first of the five s ( that is : either , ,
, or ) and is the followed by a word beginning with any swara then that
of the first word gets transformed into the third of the same
That is :

+ any swara becomes

+ any swara becomes
+ any swara becomes
+ any swara becomes
+ any swara becomes
Then it gets added to the swara of the next word again to form a new letter.
Try the exercises in 53 A.

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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Lesson 53 A. Further exercises with Sandhi.
1. Do the sandhi of the following:
1. + : =
2. + : =
3. + : =
4. + : =
5. + : =
6. + =
7. + Ae =
8. + : =
2. Write the present and the past tense forms of these

xatu s + the upasargas.

A good idea would be to go through the upasarga lesson again before you
attempt to do this exercise.
This exercise will help you figure out how the sandhi rules are applied with
the past tense of a dhatu with an upasarga .
Do remember, the A is added to the root dhatu. That means that you will
be adding upasarga + A + dhatu for the past tense. One has been done for
( Try and repeat the entire table to yourself just to hear what the
words sound like....that will help you identify the words whenever you next
hear them.)
The list is long, but for those of you who would like to improve your
vocabulary, it is a treasure trove!
1. + ( to reply) itvdit , Tyvdt! (it +A +vd! )
2. + ( to imitate)
3. + ( to repent)
4. + ( to wander)
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5. + ( to kill)
6. + ( to cajole)
7. + ( to wear the sacred thread)
8. + ( to bring)
9. + (use it as decide)
10. + ( to act)
11. + ( use it as to wed.)
12. + (to wander)
13. + + (to salute)
14. + ( ) to experience.
15. + to rise
16. + to defeat
17. + to make a journey.
18. + to be in a fix.
19. + to live.
20. + to marry
21. + to massage.
22. + ( = sit ) to be pleased.
23. + ( ) to recall carefully.
24. + to forget.
25. + ( ) to imitate.
26. + to take possession.
27. + to act against someone.
28. + to help
29. + to decorate.
30. + + to remove.
31. + ( to understand)
32. + to rise.
33. + to come
34. + to approach
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35. + to follow
36. + + to come together.
37. + to go away.
38. + to go towards.
39. + + to return.

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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Lesson 53 B Answers to Lesson 53 A.
1. Do the sandhi of the following:
1. + : = vagIz>,
2. + : = idgMbr> ,
3. + : = AjNt> ,
4. + : = sdacar>,
5. + : = jgdIz> ,
6. + = tdany ,
7. + Ae = mde
8. + : = subNt> ,
2. The present and the past tense forms of these

Ol s + the upasargas.
1. + ( to reply) itvdit , Tyvdt! (it +A +vd! )
2. + ( to imitate) Anucrit , ANvcrt! ,
3. + ( to repent) Anutpit , ANvtpt! ,
4. + ( to wander) ivhrit , Vyhrt! ,
5. + ( to kill) s<hrit , smhrt! ,
6. + ( to cajole) Anunyit , ANvnyt! ,
7. + ( to wear the sacred thread) %pnyit , %panyt! ,
8. + ( to bring) Aanyit , Aanyt! ,
9. + (use it as decide) pir[yit , pyRnyt! ,
10. + ( to act) Ai_anyit , A_ynyt!,
11. + ( use it as to wed.) pir[yit , pyRnyt! ,
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12. + (to wander) pirptit , pyRptt! ,
13. + + (to salute) i[ptit , {yptt! ,
14. + ( ) to experience. Anu_avit , ANv_avt! ,
15. + to rise %vit , %d_avt! ,
16. + to defeat pra_avit , pra_avt! ,
17. + to make a journey. pirmit , pyRmt! ,
18. + to be in a fix. sMmit , smmt! ,
19. + to live. Aixvsit , AXyvst! ,
20. + to marry ivvhit , Vyvht! ,
21. sm! + to massage. s<vhit , smvht! ,
22. + ( = sit ) to be pleased. sIdit , asIdt! ,
23. + ( ) to recall carefully. s<Smrit , smSmrt! ,
24. + to forget. ivSmrit , VySmrt! ,
25. + ( ) to imitate. Anukraeit , ANvkraet! ,
26. + to take possession. Aixkraeit , AXykraet! ,
27. + to act against someone. Apkraeit , Apakraet! ,
28. + to help %pkraeit , %pakraet! ,
29. + to decorate. itkraeit , Tykraet! ,
30. + + to remove. inrakraeit , inrakraet! ,
31. + ( to understand) AvgCDit , AvagCDt! ,
32. + to rise. %d!gCDit , %dgCDt! ,

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33. + to come AagCDit , AagCDt! ,
34. + to approach %pgCDit , %pagCDt! ,
35. + to follow AnugCDit , ANvgCDt! ,
36. + + to come together. smagCDit , smagCDt! ,
37. + to go away. ingRCDit , inrgCDt! ,
38. + to go towards. itgCDit , TygCDt! ,

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Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 12

Summing Up Month 12.
Who said Month 11 had the shortest Summing Up? Month 12 does.
1. Some more Sandhis. Easy too. The difficult ones for much later.

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