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A note about time

Unfortunately, because of time constraints Im simply not able to provide a customized

version of Working with the Moon for each time zone. The New Moon report is
calculated for the United States Pacific Time Zone (PDT). The time of the New, Quarter,
and Full Moons are also given for Eastern Time (EDT), for London, England (BST), and
for Sydney, Australia (AEST).
Fortunately, if you live in a different time zone, theres a great tool for converting the
times given in this report to your location.
1. Go to
2. Select time and place to convert from:
Use any of the dates given in the report. For instance, for the New Moon, you could
enter April 28, 2014, at 11:14 p.m. in Los Angeles, California, USA
3. Select place to convert to:
Select your location from the dropdown menu. If its not shown, click on Other
locations. If you still dont find it, use the largest city near you in your time zone.
4. Click the Convert time button.
You dont have to do this for every date/time in the report. Just notice how many hours
difference there are between the time zones youre comparing, and add or subtract that
number of hours everywhere.

Working with the Moon, pg. 1

April Elliott Kent

The Moon:
Your Natural Day Planner
As the heavenly body that moves most
quickly, the Moon has always acted as a
sort of calendar and natural day planner.
Farmers rely on her phases and her
movement through each sign of the
zodiac in planting and harvesting their
crops. Sailors note her position and her
effect on the tides. Astrologers connect
the movements of the Moon to the most
mundane, domestic, habitual patterns of
daily life the warp and woof of daily
existence. The Moon, then, is your
natural guide for living in rhythm with the
forces of nature.

The Taurus New Moon Cycle

The New Moon is on

Monday, April 28, 2014
at 11:14 p.m. PDT / 2:14 a.m. EDT (4/ 29)
7:14 a.m. BST (4/29) / 4:14 p.m. AEST (4/29)

The Moon by Phase

The Moon moves through eight phases
each month in her journey through the
zodiac. This planner simplifies the
Moons journey by focusing on four of
these phases: The New Moon, First
Quarter Moon, Full Moon, and Last
Quarter Moon. The energy of the
waxing Moon (between the New and
Full Moons, when the Moon is
increasing in light) is one of initiation,
action, and forward motion. This is
the best half of the month for putting
plans into action. During the waning
Moon (between the Full and New
Moons, when the Moon is decreasing in
light), it is more natural to fulfill the
intentions of the waxing Moon phases
by carrying out those plans and
examining their results.

The Moon by Sign

The Moon makes a complete tour of the
Zodiac in about 28-29 days, spending
about 2.5 days in each of the twelve
signs. Each sign describes a particular
quality of emotion and temperament, an
innate to approach to getting things
done and relating to others. Signs lend
themselves naturally to particular types
of activities; knowing what these
activities are can give you an enormous
advantage as you plan your activities for
the month.

Working with the Moon, pg. 2

April Elliott Kent

The Sun and Moon are joined at 8.52 Taurus

Taurus is a fixed earth sign, symbolizing stability and
consolidation (fixed) combined with practicality and tangible
resources (earth). The spirit of Taurus is present in the
happy cow, standing placidly in the middle of a beautiful
meadow, chewing grass - and in the contented farmer,
humming a tune under his breath as he rides his tractor.
Taurus job is to enjoy the present, and to build solid
foundations for future success. As the Sun moves from
rash, impatient Aries and into Taurus, it throws itself,
exhausted, on the cool spring grass to rest and have a cool
drink. This cycle lends itself perfectly to the relaxation,
contentment, and practical stewardship of the physical
world. Pay attention to your feelings and interactions about
money, property, your body; they are reminding you of the
need to enjoy, reuse, and take care of the things you own. If
you find yourself feeling fearful about money matters,
remind yourself of how rich you are as long as you draw
breath, you have something immeasurably valuable: life.
You need to slow down just now and take stock of where
youre at. Things have been moving fast, and you've
probably been racing to keep pace. If the people closest to
you, people you trust, imply that you should slow down and
stop running around like a chicken with your head cut off,
heed their advice. Remember that enjoying where you are
right now is as important as finishing all the items on your
"to do" list.

Void of course moon

Between the time when the Moon
makes its last aspect in a sign and the
time it enters the next sign, it is
considered to be void of course. This
period may last anywhere from a few
seconds to a couple of days, depending
on where the Sun and planets are in
relation to the Moon. Traditional
astrological wisdom holds that nothing
will come of the matter that is begun
with the Moon is void of course.
Sometimes this is an undesirable
outcome, but it can also work to your
advantage. To find out when the Moon
will be going void of course, consult an
ephemeris or an astrological calendar.

Using the Void-of-Course Moon

The void-of-course Moon is considered
the ideal time to set in motion anything
that you want to keep going just as it is,
or from which you dont want any further
result. It is a good time to:
begin a diet or an exercise routine
sign contracts that you dont want to
be changed
On the other hand, you should avoid
taking action during a voidof-course
Moon period when you seek a particular
outcome or hope for a change in your
situation. For that reason, it is
considered a poor time to:
begin something you hope to grow
and prosper, like a marriage or a
ask for a loan or a favor

Working with the Moon, pg. 3

April Elliott Kent

What You Need this Cycle

Simply: pleasure. A relaxed pace. A measure approach.
Calm and beauty, fragrance and touch, structure and
stability. Enjoy delicious meals together. Sleep late on
Sunday, and wake up slowly over the best coffee you can
find. Things have been moving quickly; during the Taurus
cycle, slow them down a bit. You got a lot accomplished last
month, during the Aries cycle. Now, you can afford to relax
a little.

What to Initiate
The waxing phases of the Taurus New Moon (up to the Full
Moon) cycle are a good time to launch projects or set
intentions related to:

Financial security

Taking care of what you own

Enjoying your life more

What to Finish
The waning phases of the Taurus New Moon (between
the Full Moon and the Gemini New Moon) are best for
revising or releasing:




This New Moon Cycles

Solar Eclipse
8.52 Taurus
Monday, April 28, 2014
11:14 p.m. PDT / 2:14 a.m. EDT (4/29)
7:14 a.m. BST (4/29) / 4:14 p.m. AEST (4/29)

This New Moon is a Solar Eclipse. Solar

Recent years when eclipses closely

aspected 8.52 Taurus:

Eclipses happen at least twice each year,

October 28, 1985

Lunar Eclipse 5.14 Taurus

the transiting Lunar Nodes. Solar Eclipses

April 29, 1995

Solar Eclipse 8.56 Taurus

by a Lunar Eclipse.

October 28, 2004

Lunar Eclipse 502 Taurus

Astrologically, eclipses are associated with

when the New Moon is within 13 degrees of

may be preceded or followed within two weeks

change usually unexpected, but often related

to similar events in your past. Look to past


Visit my website:

years when eclipses made aspects to the

same point for clues to what the eclipse will
mean for you personally.
Eclipses are usually experienced most
strongly when they fall within no more than 4
degrees of a conjunction, square, or
opposition aspect to a planet or angle
(Ascendant/Descendant, Midheaven/IC) of
your birth chart.

Working with the Moon, pg. 4

April Elliott Kent

The New Moon in the Houses

of Your Birth Chart
Look for the house in your chart where 8.52 Taurus falls. Not sure how to find it? Try this blog post:

The 1st house is the house of Self, the place where you carve out an individual identity
that you project in your own, distinct personality. The New Moon in this house symbolizes
a month that invites you to assert yourself and to go after what you want without apology.
If you often have a hard time carving out time for yourself or putting yourself first, this New Moon
is a good time to set intentions to change that.

The month when the New Moon falls in the 2nd house of your birth chart is a great time
for setting intentions about improving your financial and emotional security. The
2nd house is the house of Values, the place where you determine what is important to
you and what is the price you are willing to pay in order to have it. Get your financial house in
order, and set intentions that help you better align your money making or spending with your
core values.

The 3rd house is the house of brothers and sisters, peers, and neighbors, as well as
skills-based education, short trips, and communication. I think of the 3rd house as a
quilting bee sharing the project of making a quilt is in many ways an excuse for the
social aspect of sharing ideas with others in your community. Youll likely be especially sociable
during the month after the New Moon falls in this house of your chart. You crave fresh input
now, and you need to share ideas! Set intentions to make helpful connections with others and to
improve communications.

In traditional astrology, the 4th house was known as the house of Home and Family. A
more modern interpretation reads it as the house of Roots. This is a cycle in which
you'll be inclined to withdraw from the world a bit, to spend a little time letting your
internal self catch up with last months dizzying swirl of events. Dig deep within and reconnect
with the fixed, unchanging core of who you are... identifying those unique characteristics that
make you who you are, and which will be carried with you throughout your life. Set intentions
related to finding, getting, selling, or improving your home, or improving relations with your

In traditional astrology, the 5th house was known as the house of Children. A more
modern interpretation reads it as the house of Creative Self-Expression. This is a cycle
in which youll feel moved to put your own individual stamp on your everything you do;
your joy and excitement is infectious, and you easily attract new friends into your circle. Some
may become important friends of the heart, but some are arriving on the scene in order to play
an important, but ultimately transitory role in your life. Set intentions about creative projects, love
affairs, and the children in your life.

The 6th house was traditionally known as the House of Work. And while this is still
apt, the challenge of the New Moon in the 6th house is to find new inspiration in all
areas of your daily routine not just work. Especially as you engage in the fastidious,
detail-oriented, perfectionistic work of the 6th house it is essential this cycle to heed the lessons
of the 6ths opposite house: the imaginative, artistic, spiritually rich 12th house. This is a good
New Moon to set intentions about finding work or creating positive habits in your life.

Working with the Moon, pg. 5

April Elliott Kent

The 7th house was traditionally known as the house of Marriage. A more modern
interpretation reads it as the house of Important Others. The others we find in the 7th
house are both kindred spirits and worthy opponents. They are our equals, our best
friends, our other half, and on occasion, our open enemies. All your important relationships are
subject to reappraisal during the month after the New Moon falls in this house of your chart. You
see yourself reflected in others eyes and sometimes, you wont like what you see! Its
important at this New Moon to make an effort to see things from other peoples point of view; set
intentions related to about finding, improving, and learning from important relationships.

Shared Resources are the traditional landscape of the 8th house; a more modern
interpretation reads it as the house of intimacy. The shared resources of the 8th house
are both financial (joint bank accounts, investments) and physical (sexuality) - and no
aspects of a relationship make us feel more vulnerable than money and sexuality! Ideally, these
are the parts of life that we share only with those whom we completely trust. During this New
Moon cycle, you are building a new level of trust with your closest companions including the
willingness to show each other your less desirable selves. Its a good New Moon to set
intentions related to attracting emotional and financial support.

Traditionally, the 9th house was called the house of Long Journeys Over Water. A more
modern interpretation reads it as the house of education and beliefs. The long
journeys represented by the 9th house can be literal ones you might travel this month
but are also journeys of the mind and spirit. Education both formal schooling and the kind of
learning born of exposure to different cultures and belief systems are 9th house territory.
During the month after the New Moon falls in this house of your chart, set intentions related to
education, travel, and adventures of the mind.


In traditional astrology, the 10th house was known as the house of reputation and
career. The month after the New Moon falls in the 10th house of your chart, you
will find a lot of people in your lives projecting qualities and motivations on you
much as children project qualities onto their parents, or employees onto their boss. The key
lies in making peace with these projections and expectations, without letting yourself be trapped
by them! Its also an excellent month to set intentions for your career not just the career in
which you earn your living, but what you might think of as your true calling.


The 11th house was known in traditional astrology as the house of friends,
associates, and the future. Making long-term decisions about your future is
hallmarks of this new Moon cycle. Your patience with emotional drama,
possessiveness, or envy on the part of your friends is very low during the month when the New
Moon falls in this house of your chart; you feel the need to assert your independence and your
freedom to enlarge your social circle. Set intentions related to public acceptance for your
creative ideas and for attracting a supportive group of friends.


In traditional astrology, the 12th house was called the house of Troubles. Modern
astrologers think of it as the house of spirituality, dreams, illness, and hidden
forces that are undermining you. You are apt to absorb a good deal of other
peoples stress during the month when the New Moon falls in this house of your chart, so be
sure to take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest. Meditation can also be a useful tool in
coping with this months challenges. Often, you find that unresolved stress from the previous
eleven months now comes to a head and asks to be dealt with. Resolving to do this consciously
can help you avoid a tendency to poor health during this cycle. Set intentions related to solving
problems and releasing the past.
Working with the Moon, pg. 6
April Elliott Kent

The Moons signs

during this phase:
Moon in Taurus
Monday Apr. 28, 7:23 a.m. through
Wednesday Apr. 30, 1:55 p.m.
Moon in Gemini
Wednesday Apr. 30, 1:55 p.m. through
Friday May 2, 11:13 p.m.
Moon in Cancer
Friday May 2, 11:13 p.m. through
Monday May 5, 10:55 a.m.

The New Moon phase

Start fresh: The week following the
New Moon is always the best time of the
month to start new things. Initiate your
vision for the month ahead. Make a list
of your goals for this month (you can
use the worksheet at the end of this

Moon in Leo
Monday May 5, 10:55 a.m. through
Wednesday May 7, 11:24 p.m.

report). Then create a second list of

somewhat longer-term goals that youll
review six months from now.

The moons void of course periods

during this phase:
Wednesday April 30, 8:53 a.m. through
Wednesday April 30, 1:55 p.m.

If youre a visual person, you might

enjoy creating a vision board or soul
collage to help you focus on your goals:

Thursday May 1, 4:32 p.m. through

Friday May 2, 11:13 p.m.
Monday May 5, 1:46 a.m. through
Monday May 5, 10:55 a.m.

* Times and dates given are

calculated for the
Pacific Time Zone.
Hawaii: subtract two hours
Alaska: subtract one hour
Mountain Time: add one hour
Central Time: add two hours
Eastern Time: add three hours
Handy calculator at

Working with the Moon, pg. 7

April Elliott Kent

Soul Collage:

At the New Moon, the world seems

filled with infinite possibilities, all of
them exciting, and it can be a little hard
to get focused in a particular direction.
Keep plenty of notes, and practice some
form of meditation each day to help still
your mind.

The Moons signs

during this phase:

First Quarter Moon

Moon in Leo
Monday May 5, 10:55 a.m. through
Wednesday May 7, 11:24 p.m.
Moon in Virgo
Wednesday May 7, 11:24 p.m. through
Saturday May 10, 10:19 a.m.

at 16.30 Leo
Tuesday May 6, 2014
8:15 p.m. PDT / 11:15 p.m. EDT
4:15 a.m. BST (5/7) / 1:15 p.m. AEST (5/7)

At the First Quarter Moon, the impulses of the New

Moon become visible to the world. It is one of the

Moon in Libra
Saturday May 10, 10:19 a.m. through
Monday May 12, 6:07 p.m.
Moon in Scorpio
Monday May 12, 6:07 p.m. through
Wednesday May 14, 10:43 p.m.

best times this month in which to act. If, at the New

Moon, you collected ideas and made intentions,
now is the time to act on those ideas and intentions
with phone calls, emails, and visits. If you took
action at the New Moon, you might find that, only a
week later, you have new information that might

The moons void of course periods

during this phase:
Wednesday May 7, 3:50 a.m. through
Wednesday May 7, 11:24 p.m.
Friday May 9, 3:08 p.m. through
Saturday May 10, 10:19 a.m.

lead you to alter those plans.

The Leo First Quarter Moon presents a critical
moment in personal expression. Even if you began
this lunar cycle in a laconic frame of mind, you now
seek creative ways to punch up ordinary,

Sunday May 11, 5:51 p.m. through

Monday May 12, 6:07 p.m.

mundane, and practical plans.

* Times and dates given are

calculated for the
Pacific Time Zone.

During this cycle you may be tempted to downplay

Hawaii: subtract two hours

Alaska: subtract one hour
Mountain Time: add one hour
Central Time: add two hours
Eastern Time: add three hours

telling you to get over yourself, implying that

your excitement and expectations for your future

plans. You may find that you're sensitive to voices
you're self-involved, even conceited. Dont listen to
them! Your job at this First Quarter Moon in Leo is
to boldly impose your personality and creative zeal

Handy calculator at

on whatever part of your life takes your fancy. Now

is not the time to defend your fondest dreams to
other people; its the time to celebrate the fact that
you only get one lifetime in which to be you, and to
make the very most of it!

Working with the Moon, pg. 8

April Elliott Kent

The Moons signs

during this phase:
Moon in Scorpio
Monday May 12, 6:07 p.m. through
Wednesday May 14, 10:43 p.m.
Moon in Sagittarius
Wednesday May 14, 10:43 p.m. through
Saturday May 17, 1:12 a.m.
Moon in Capricorn
Saturday May 17, 1:12 a.m. through
Monday May 19, 2:58 a.m.
Moon in Aquarius
Monday May 19, 2:58 a.m. through
Wednesday May 21, 5:18 a.m.
Moon in Pisces
Wednesday May 21, 5:18 a.m. through
Friday May 23, 9:01 a.m.

The moons void of course periods

during this phase:
Wednesday May 14, 12:16 p.m. through
Wednesday May 14, 10:43 p.m.
Friday May 16, 12:43 a.m. through
Saturday May 17, 1:12 a.m.
Monday May 19, 12:02 a.m. through
Monday May 19, 2:58 a.m.
Tuesday May 20, 3:21 p.m. through
Wednesday May 21, 5:18 a.m.
* Times and dates given are
calculated for the
Pacific Time Zone.
Hawaii: subtract two hours
Alaska: subtract one hour
Mountain Time: add one hour
Central Time: add two hours
Eastern Time: add three hours
Handy calculator at

Working with the Moon, pg. 9

April Elliott Kent

Full Moon
at 23.55 Scorpio
Wednesday May 14, 2014
12:16 p.m. PDT / 3:16 p.m. EDT
8:16 p.m. BST / 5:16 a.m. AEST (5/15)

This is the moment each month when you should

pause and take stock of your progress so far this
month. What were the strengths and flaws of
your New Moon plans and intentions? The Full
Moon holds a light and a mirror to show you how to
capitalize on the virtues of those plans, and how to
correct your course to steer away from missteps
and obstacles. So review your plans - but more
importantly, review the state of your heart. Are you
falling into difficult patterns with the people
you care about? It's not too late to change course.
If you find yourself becoming too wrapped up in
your own plans, too edgy to be kind to the people
around you, take a step back and learn to accept
help when its offered.
The Full Moon in Scorpio asks you to examine
your New Moon plans and ask, Is there more
going on here than meets the eye? If the
behavior of those around you seems inexplicable,
there may be motives or agendas at work that you
have previously overlooked. Even those closest to
you can have your best interests at heart while still
struggling with their own reactions to your choices,
decisions, even your successes.
At the Scorpio Full Moon, all is revealed for what it
truly is; try to keep your heart open and filled with
compassion, and cultivate an environment in which
everyone feels safe to speak their minds and clear
the air.

The Moons signs

during this phase:
Moon in Pisces
Wednesday May 21, 5:18 a.m. through
Friday May 23, 9:01 a.m.
Moon in Aries
Friday May 23, 9:01 a.m. through
Sunday May 25, 2:27 p.m.

Last Quarter Moon

at 0.24 Pisces
Wednesday May 21, 2014
5:59 a.m. PDT / 8:59 a.m. EDT
1:59 p.m. BST / 10:59 p.m. AEST

At the Last Quarter Moon, its time to take stock

Moon in Taurus
Sunday May 25, 2:27 p.m. through
Tuesday May 27, 9:47 p.m.
Moon in Gemini
Tuesday May 27, 9:47 p.m. through
Friday May 30, 7:13 a.m.

of your progress during this cycle. If youve veered

too far off course from your New Moon goals,
perhaps you can gently correct your trajectory
now. Its also possible that you now have a better
perspective on what those goals should have

The moons void of course periods

during this phase:
Thursday May 22, 11:25 p.m. through
Friday May 23, 9:01 a.m.
Sunday May 25, 8:57 a.m. through
Sunday May 25, 2:27 p.m.
Tuesday May 27, 2:10 a.m. through
Tuesday May 27, 9:47 p.m.

* Times and dates given are

calculated for the
Pacific Time Zone.
Hawaii: subtract two hours
Alaska: subtract one hour
Mountain Time: add one hour
Central Time: add two hours
Eastern Time: add three hours
Handy calculator at

Working with the Moon, pg. 10

April Elliott Kent

been! Begin now to think about the goals you

wish to set for the next New Moon cycle,
beginning about a week from now. The Last
Quarter Moon is a time of increased tension, so
be gentle with yourself and with others.
Misunderstandings are more likely than usual.
The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces is your chance
to retreat, rest, and contemplate. Daily life
threatens to overwhelm us with information and
ideas; it can be overwhelming to sort through it all
and choose the precious, sparkling pieces that
really speak to you. But you cant go wrong if you
let your final decisions be guided by a sense of
what is really meaningful, and what has a
connection with your unchanging spirit.

Intentions for this month:

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________

Intentions for the next 6 months:

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
2014 April Elliott Kent

Working with the Moon, pg. 11

April Elliott Kent

The Next New Moon cycle begins on

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 (U.S., U.K.)

Thursday, May 29, 2014 (Australia)
Check your email for my
New Moon mailing for
Instructions on downloading
Your GEMINI New Moon report!

Working with the Moon, pg. 12

April Elliott Kent

Other Reports available

from Big Sky Astrology!
Marketing Yourself with Astrology. Whether youre applying for a job, launching a
business of your own, or looking for a partner, the symbolism of your birth chart can
help you figure out what you have to offer that's special, and how to attract people who
are in tune with you. Youll learn: * How the Sun in your chart defines your personal
brand. * How your Moon describes your ideal customer, how to turn client nightmares
into dreams. * How your Midheaven can help you turn negative perceptions into
positive ones; * How to use the strengths of your Ascendant to advertise yourself. 60
minute lecture with 40+ page workbook, $21.95 (delivered by email).
The Sky Within Natal Report. Approximately 15 pages of insightful analysis of your
birth chart by astrologer and author Steven Forrest. $10.00 (delivered by email)
Steven Forrest Sky Bundle: Get the SKY WITHIN natal report PLUS Sky Log
Transits and Progressions Report, a 1-year report based on upcoming planetary
trends in your chart, based on your transits and secondary progressions. The text of
the report is written by astrologer Steven Forrest, one of my very favorite astrology
writers. I use many of his methods in preparing my personal consultations for clients.
I'm confident you will love this extensive, detailed, and accessible report! $14.95
(delivered by email)
Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report. Approximately 40 pages long, this
unique report by astrologer April Elliott Kent examines eclipse cycles of change and
transformation through your birth chart. $35.00 (delivered by email)
Your Solar Return. Approximately 40 pages long, this report with text by Mary Shea
looks at your Solar Return, or birthday chart, for clues to the year ahead. $14.95
(delivered by email)
Simpticos: A New Look at Relationships. Your relationship has a unique
personality all its own, with characteristics as distinctive as those of you and your
partner. This brilliant report is like getting a birth chart reading for your relationship!
Great for non-romantic relationships, too. Only $14.95 (email delivery)
NOW AVAILABLE from Alpha/Penguin:
Aprils new book, The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology
The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology offers readers a clear, easyto-understand exploration that goes way beyond daily horoscopes and
zodiac. With it, theyll learn how to calculate and read their own and
others birth charts; tell signs and planets from houses; create daily,
weekly, monthly, and yearly planners even make predictions for the
future. Available for preorder from

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