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Operator User Guide


Release International 3.32

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SARMaster Operator User Guide

September 2012
External and Internal
SARMaster; Release 3.32; Operator User Guide; Rev D00

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Copyright 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
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SARMaster Operator User Guide

1.0 About This Guide .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Product Version................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Product Features Available at Your Site............................................................................. 1
1.4 How this Guide is Organized .............................................................................................. 1
1.5 Related Documentation....................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Installing SARMaster.......................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Contacting Honeywell Global Tracking Support................................................................ 2
2.0 Overview .................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 SARMaster User Levels (Roles)......................................................................................... 3
2.2 SARMaster Components .................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Incident Management Module (IMM) ................................................................................ 3
2.4 Geographic Information System (GIS) ............................................................................... 4
2.5 Navigating the SARMaster User Interface ......................................................................... 4
2.5.1 Navigating the IMM and Resource Data Model (RDM) Text................................... 4
2.5.2 Navigating the GIS Maps........................................................................................... 5
3.0 Getting Started ........................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Logging on to SARMaster .................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Logging off SARMaster...................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Accessing SARMaster Components and Features.............................................................. 7
3.3.1 Opening the RDM...................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Opening the GIS ........................................................................................................ 7
3.3.3 Opening the Utilities .................................................................................................. 8
3.3.4 Opening the Resource Tracker................................................................................... 8
3.4 Viewing the Incident List.................................................................................................... 8
3.4.1 Opening the View ...................................................................................................... 8
3.4.2 Changing the View .................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Opening an Incident in the Incident List............................................................................. 8
3.6 Changing the Display Status of the Incident List View...................................................... 8
3.7 Filtering the Incidents Displayed on the Incident List View .............................................. 9
3.8 Editing Text in SARMaster .............................................................................................. 10
3.9 Spell Checking Text in SARMaster.................................................................................. 10

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3.10 Entering the Date and Time ............................................................................................ 10

3.11 Entering Latitude and Longitude Coordinates ................................................................ 11
3.11.1 Latitude Values ...................................................................................................... 11
3.11.2 Longitude Values ................................................................................................... 11
3.12 Coordinate Conversion ................................................................................................... 11
3.13 Monitoring the Service Status......................................................................................... 12
3.13.1 Using the Service Status Monitoring Icon ............................................................. 12
3.13.2 Monitoring the Services ........................................................................................ 13
3.14 Using Two Monitors ....................................................................................................... 13
3.15 Using the Help Menu ...................................................................................................... 14
3.15.1 Accessing the Online User Guide .......................................................................... 14
3.15.2 Identifying Your SARMaster Version ................................................................... 14
4.0 Entering Preliminary Information ........................................................................ 15
4.1 Using the Site Dictionary to Reduce Your Log Entry Typing.......................................... 15
4.2 Using Quick Log to Enter Information ............................................................................. 15
4.3 Log Entry Permissions for the RCC Log or Incident Log Data Form.............................. 15
4.4 Displaying Log Information in the RCC Log ................................................................... 16
4.4.1 Accessing the RCC Log........................................................................................... 16
4.4.2 Navigating the RCC Log and Changing the View................................................... 16
4.5 Creating and Deleting Log Entries.................................................................................... 16
4.6 Filtering and Sorting Log Entries ..................................................................................... 17
4.7 Searching for Text in Log Entries..................................................................................... 18
4.7.1 Filtering Log Entries ................................................................................................ 18
4.8 Using the Automatic New Narratives Message Alert Window .................................... 18
4.9 Working with Air and Marine Charts ............................................................................... 18
4.9.1 Using Air Charts ...................................................................................................... 19
4.9.2 Using Marine Charts ................................................................................................ 19
4.9.3 Adjusting the Chart Map Brightness........................................................................ 19
4.10 Working with Airport Weather Layers ........................................................................... 20
4.10.1 Adding and Modifying Map Airport Weather Layers ........................................... 20
4.11 Downloading and Synchronizing GIS Information ........................................................ 21
4.11.1 Downloading Information...................................................................................... 21
4.11.2 Synchronizing Information .................................................................................... 21
4.12 Viewing Other Operator Log Entries.............................................................................. 22
4.13 Using Utilities to Record Preliminary Information......................................................... 22

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4.13.1 Managing Cospas-Sarsat Beacon Alerts ................................................................ 22

4.13.2 Sorting Composites ................................................................................................ 22
4.13.3 Filtering Composites .............................................................................................. 23
4.13.4 Sorting and Filtering Elementals ........................................................................... 24
4.13.5 Beacon Narratives Display, Alert Sounds, and Messages ..................................... 25
4.13.6 Viewing and Managing the Beacon Registry ........................................................ 25
4.13.7 Understanding Satellite ID Values......................................................................... 26
4.13.8 Potential Incident Sightings ................................................................................... 27
4.13.9 Default Trails ......................................................................................................... 28
4.13.10 Default Search Areas ........................................................................................... 28
4.13.11 Recording and Viewing Airborne Reports........................................................... 29
4.14 Using the Utilities Databases to Search for Additional Information .............................. 30
4.14.1 Searching for Geographic Locations using the World Gazetteer .......................... 30
4.14.2 Searching for Aircraft using the Aircraft Registry................................................. 31
4.14.3 Searching for Maritime Vessels using the Ship Registry ...................................... 31
4.14.4 Searching for Navigation Aids Information using Nav Aids................................. 32
4.14.5 Calculating the Radial/DME for Nav Aids Search Results ................................... 32
5.0 Creating and Modifying an Incident .................................................................... 35
5.1 Creating a New Incident ................................................................................................... 35
5.1.1 Incident Numbering Description.............................................................................. 35
5.2 Opening an Active, Suspended, or Closed Incident.......................................................... 36
5.3 Entering Incident Header Information .............................................................................. 36
5.4 Assigning Preliminary Information to an Incident ........................................................... 36
5.4.1 Assigning Log Entries.............................................................................................. 37
5.4.2 Assigning (Attaching) Beacon Information............................................................. 37
5.4.3 Removing (Detaching) Beacon Information............................................................ 38
5.4.4 Assigning Sightings ................................................................................................. 38
5.4.5 Adding Flare Sightings to an Incident ..................................................................... 38
5.5 Recording Incident Information Using Data Forms ......................................................... 39
5.5.1 Entering Log Entries ................................................................................................ 39
5.5.2 Editing and Filtering Log Entries ............................................................................ 39
5.5.3 Entering Information for a Marine Incident............................................................. 40
5.5.4 Entering Information for an Air Incident................................................................. 41
5.5.5 Entering Information for a Humanitarian Incident .................................................. 42
5.5.6 Viewing Beacon Information................................................................................... 42
5.5.7 Entering Sightings Information................................................................................ 43
5.5.8 Contacts Information ............................................................................................... 44

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5.5.9 Entering Persons On Board (POB) Information ...................................................... 45

5.5.10 Recording Medevac Information for POBs ........................................................... 46
5.5.11 Recording Waypoints to Create or Re-construct a Route ...................................... 46
5.5.12 Calculating Radial/DME Coordinates for Use with Routing Information ............ 47
5.5.13 Adding Flight Plan Information to Routes............................................................. 48
5.5.14 Estimating Survivor Location Using IAMSAR Worksheets ................................. 48
5.5.15 Estimating the Search Object Position based on the Last Known Position ........... 50
5.5.16 Marking Incident View .......................................................................................... 50
5.5.17 SAR Briefing Reports ............................................................................................ 50
5.5.18 Tracking Search and Rescue Units (SRUs) ........................................................... 51
5.5.19 SRU Communication Plan ..................................................................................... 51
5.5.20 Selecting Agency SRU Resources and SRU Names ............................................. 52
5.5.21 Recording Weather Conditions for an Incident ..................................................... 52
5.5.22 Using Checklists to Plan and Manage an Incident................................................. 53
5.6 Recording Statistics for an Incident .................................................................................. 54
5.7 Closing an Incident ........................................................................................................... 54
5.8 Adding Attachments (Files) to an Incident ....................................................................... 54
5.9 Looking Up and Modifying Resource Contact and Asset Information ............................ 55
5.9.1 Accessing the RDM ................................................................................................. 56
5.9.2 Searching and Filtering Resource Information ........................................................ 57
5.10 Using the Resource Tracker............................................................................................ 59
5.11 Working with Incidents in the GIS ................................................................................. 60
5.12 Mapping Incident Information in the GIS....................................................................... 60
5.12.1 Adding Days to an Incident ................................................................................... 60
5.12.2 Creating Search Areas............................................................................................ 61
5.12.3 Creating Irregular (Polygon) Search Areas............................................................ 61
5.12.4 Creating Circular Search Areas.............................................................................. 61
5.12.5 Creating Square Search Areas................................................................................ 62
5.12.6 Creating Rectangle Search Areas ........................................................................ 63
5.12.7 Creating Rectangle (Latitude/Longitude) Search Areas ..................................... 63
5.12.8 Creating a Search Area Based on a Previously Defined Route ............................. 64
5.13 Modifying, Regenerating, and Deleting Search Areas ................................................... 65
5.13.1 Modifying and Renaming Search Areas ................................................................ 65
5.13.2 Regenerating Buffered Search Areas..................................................................... 65
5.13.3 Deleting Search Areas ......................................................................................... 65
5.14 Creating Tasking Areas................................................................................................... 65
5.14.1 Irregular (Polygon) Tasking Areas ..................................................................... 66

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5.14.2 Circular Tasking Areas ....................................................................................... 66

5.14.3 Square Tasking Areas ......................................................................................... 67
5.14.4 Rectangle Tasking Areas .................................................................................... 67
5.14.5 Rectangle (Latitude/Longitude) Tasking Areas .................................................. 68
5.14.6 Creating a Tasking Area Based on a Previously Defined Route ........................... 69
5.14.7 Creating a Tasking Area Based on a Search Area ................................................. 69
5.15 Modifying, Regenerating, and Deleting Tasking Areas ................................................. 70
5.15.1 Modifying and Renaming Tasking Areas ........................................................... 70
5.15.2 Regenerating Buffered Tasking Areas ................................................................ 70
5.15.3 Deleting Tasking Areas ....................................................................................... 70
5.16 Creating Search Patterns ................................................................................................. 70
5.16.1 Creating Expanding Square Search Patterns ....................................................... 71
5.16.2 Creating Sector Search Patterns .......................................................................... 72
5.16.3 Creating Creeping Line Ahead Search Patterns .................................................. 72
5.16.4 Creating Parallel Track Search Patterns .............................................................. 73
5.16.5 Creating Track Line Return or Track Line Non-Return Search Patterns ........... 74
5.16.6 Creating Irregular Search Patterns ......................................................................... 74
5.16.7 Adjusting the CSP.................................................................................................. 75
5.16.8 Changing the Search Pattern Great Circle/Rhumbline Setting .............................. 76
5.16.9 Viewing Search Pattern Navigation Points............................................................ 76
5.17 Zooming In and Out on a Map and Map Layers............................................................. 76
5.18 Working with Routes on Maps in the GIS...................................................................... 77
5.18.1 Creating (Drawing) a New Route .......................................................................... 78
5.18.2 Creating an Incident from a Route......................................................................... 78
5.18.3 Editing Route Coordinates in the GIS ................................................................... 79
5.18.4 Renaming a Route in the GIS ................................................................................ 79
5.18.5 Deleting a Route in the GIS ................................................................................... 80
5.18.6 Reversing the direction of a Route in the GIS ....................................................... 80
5.18.7 Changing the Great Circle/Rhumbline Setting for a Route in the GIS.................. 80
5.19 Zooming to Search Areas, Tasking Areas, Search Patterns, and Routes........................ 80
5.20 Great Circle and Rhumbline ........................................................................................... 81
5.21 Measuring Map Distances............................................................................................... 81
5.21.1 Measuring Map Distances to a Closest Point ........................................................ 82
5.22 Changing the Map Scale ................................................................................................. 82
5.23 Querying Map Layers ..................................................................................................... 82
5.23.1 Querying a Map Based on a Circular Search Radius .......................................... 83
5.23.2 Querying a Map Based on a Polygon Shaped Search Area ................................ 84

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5.24 Viewing a Map Layer Attribute Table and Locating Map Layer Features..................... 84
5.24.1 Searching for Text in Layer Attributes .................................................................. 85
6.0 Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics ............................................... 87
6.1 Setting or Refreshing the View in the GIS .................................................................... 87
6.2 Creating and Modifying Map Labels ................................................................................ 87
6.2.1 Labelling a Rectangular Area ............................................................................... 87
6.2.2 Labelling a Circular Area ...................................................................................... 88
6.2.3 Labelling an Irregular (Polygon) Area .................................................................. 88
6.2.4 Labelling a Rectangular Area with Extended Lines ............................................... 88
6.2.5 Creating Map Labels................................................................................................ 89
6.2.6 Hiding Map Labels .................................................................................................. 89
6.3 Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics ............................................................. 89
6.3.1 Adding Text on a Map ............................................................................................. 90
6.3.2 Drawing Graphics on a Map .................................................................................... 90
6.3.3 Creating a Circle Graphic ........................................................................................ 90
6.3.4 Creating a Point Graphic.......................................................................................... 90
6.3.5 Creating a Map Line ............................................................................................. 91
6.3.6 Creating a Map Polygon ....................................................................................... 91
6.3.7 Creating a Map Square .......................................................................................... 91
6.3.8 Creating a Map Rectangle ..................................................................................... 92
6.3.9 Rotating Graphics ................................................................................................. 92
6.3.10 Resizing Graphics ............................................................................................... 92
6.3.11 Moving Graphics ................................................................................................ 93
6.3.12 Moving Graphic Vertices .................................................................................... 93
6.3.13 Adding Graphic Vertices .................................................................................... 94
6.3.14 Deleting Graphic Vertices ................................................................................... 94
6.3.15 Forcing Graphic Vertices to Snap to the Closest Layer Point ............................ 94
7.0 Printing, Exporting, and Importing Information................................................. 97
7.1 Selecting a Default Printer for Printing Reports ............................................................... 97
7.2 Printing Selected Log Entries Based on Date and Time................................................... 97
7.3 Printing a Specific Log Entry............................................................................................ 97
7.4 Printing and Exporting Data Forms as Reports ................................................................ 98
7.4.1 Printing a Data Form as a Report............................................................................. 98
7.4.2 Printing Incident Reports into a Single PDF............................................................ 98
7.4.3 Exporting a Report ................................................................................................... 99
7.4.4 Printing Incident Reports ....................................................................................... 100

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7.5 Printing Attachments ...................................................................................................... 100

7.6 Printing the Resource Agency List ................................................................................. 101
7.7 Printing the Current Resource Tracker List .................................................................... 101
7.8 Exporting Maps as Images and Using Layouts for Printing Maps ................................. 102
7.8.1 Selecting a Printer for Printing Maps..................................................................... 102
7.8.2 Creating Printing Objects for a Map Layout.......................................................... 102
7.8.3 Printing a Map........................................................................................................ 104
7.8.4 Exporting a Map .................................................................................................... 104
7.8.5 Importing a CSV File............................................................................................. 105
7.9 Printing GIS Search Patterns........................................................................................... 105
7.10 Exporting and Importing Incidents to and from a File.................................................. 105
7.10.1 Exporting an Incident to a File............................................................................. 106
7.10.2 Importing an Incident from a File ........................................................................ 106
8.0 Closing an Incident............................................................................................. 107
8.1 Recording Statistics for an Incident ................................................................................ 107
8.2 Changing the Incident Status to Closed .......................................................................... 107
9.0 Changing Settings .............................................................................................. 109
9.1 Selecting and Resetting Columns for the Incident List................................................... 109
9.1.1 Selecting Columns Headings to Display................................................................ 109
9.1.2 Resetting the Columns ........................................................................................... 109
9.2 Setting User Options ....................................................................................................... 109
9.3 Setting the Beacons Automatic Narrative Display and Alert Sounds............................. 110
9.3.1 Setting the Automatic Narrative Message Detections Options ............................. 110
9.4 Selecting and Resetting Columns for the Composites List............................................. 111
9.4.1 Selecting the Columns Headings to be Displayed ................................................. 111
9.4.2 Resetting the Columns ........................................................................................... 111
9.5 Selecting and Resetting Columns for the Elementals List.............................................. 111
9.5.1 Selecting the Columns Headings to be Displayed ................................................. 111
9.5.2 Resetting the Columns ........................................................................................... 111
10.0 Glossary............................................................................................................. 113

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SARMaster Operator User Guide


The SARMaster Operator User Guide is intended for individuals who use the SARMaster
product in a Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) environment.

Intended Audience
The user should:
Have received SARMaster product training or be familiar with the product
Be familiar with the Search and Rescue (SAR) operational environment and
Have a working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system environment,
including navigating with a mouse and keyboard


Product Version
This guide is intended for use with the SARMaster Release International 3.32.


Product Features Available at Your Site

The installation and configuration of the SARMaster version installed for your site may
not have all of the features and functionality described in this user guide. For additional
information on how your SARMaster version has been installed and configured, contact
your System Manager.


How this Guide is Organized

The SARMaster Operator User Guide is structured to reflect the general stages used in the
planning and managing of SAR incidents. The guide is organized into the following
Overview a brief description of the product and how to navigate SARMaster.
Getting Started Describes the basic functionality needed to log on and navigate through
the SARMaster components and features.
Entering Preliminary Information Describes how to enter information during the
preliminary awareness and notification stage of an incident either potential or actual
and how to obtain additional information using the SARMaster databases.
Creating or Modifying an Incident Describes how to create a new incident or how to
modify an existing incident to add new or updated information. The information allows an
Operator to enter, modify, and delete information for: alerting SAR facilities; planning the
SAR mission; and monitoring the SAR operations.
Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics Describes how to create and modify
text and graphics for maps to supplement incident information that is used in the planning
and monitoring of SAR operations.

About This Guide - 1

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Printing, Exporting, and Importing Information Describes how to print reports and
maps, export information, import files, and export or import incidents to supplement
incident records.
Closing an Incident Describes how to complete reports and close a SARMaster
incident file upon the conclusion of the incident.
Changing Settings Describes how to change the display and set user options.
Glossary Abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and terminology used throughout
SARMaster are alphabetically listed and described in the glossary.

Related Documentation
The following documentation supplements the SARMaster Operator User Guide:
SARMaster System Manager User Guide


Installing SARMaster
The SARMaster product is installed and configured by Honeywell Global Tracking
personnel. If you require installation information, please contact Honeywell Global
Tracking support.


Contacting Honeywell Global Tracking Support

To contact Honeywell Global Tracking support:
E-mail address:
Web site address:

2 - About This Guide

SARMaster Operator User Guide

SARMaster is designed to meet the specialized needs of SAR Operators and RCCs located
around the world. Using the latest in Geographic Information System (GIS), Graphical
User Interface (GUI), and relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
technologies, SARMaster provides the SAR Operator with a single desktop platform to
plan and manage SAR operations, from the start of an incident to the conclusion.
Note: The terms Incident and Case are used interchangeably throughout this document.

SARMaster User Levels (Roles)

User roles define the tasks users can perform, for example viewing, adding, modifying, or
deleting information. The user levels are:
Administrator can change the SARMaster system configuration
Operator can create and manage incidents
Observer restricted to read-only privileges to view incident information (data), but
also can operate tools or reference databases such as CESM, Aircraft Registry, and
Utilities Weather
Logkeeper has the same privileges as an Observer, but also has Operator privileges for
Log and Contact entries, Sighting reports, Attachments, and can enter ResTracker SITREPs
For detailed information on the privileges that are set for each user level (role), contact
your SARMaster System Manager.


SARMaster Components
SARMaster has two components:
SARMaster Geographical Information System (GIS) which provides spatial data
RDBMS-based SARMaster Incident Management Module (IMM) which provides
textual data management


Incident Management Module (IMM)

The IMM is an incident logging and reporting application. You can use the IMM in a
networked environment to provide multi-incident and multi-user access. Or you can
configure the IMM for stand-alone operations (for example, for use in the field). The
complete IMM system includes a GUI that allows you to add and view information, and
utility applications in SARMaster Utilities that support its operation.
The IMM GUI has several forms that guide and assist you through SAR operations.
Information is managed through a series of tabs within a single window, that allow you to
quickly access various data input forms under each tab, or to view information that has
already been entered. Data fields between the various forms are linked, so you only need
to enter information once and it populates other fields where applicable. These forms

Overview - 3

SARMaster Operator User Guide

provide a fast and efficient method for entering and organizing all information related to
each SAR operation.
You can use these applications to look up or access information, and enter or link the
information to an incident within the IMM.
SARMaster is network aware, allowing each Operator to access and view the data for any
incident, and to enter the information received for any one of these incidents. The IMM is
tightly integrated with the GIS, with information being exchanged and displayed between
the two components.

Geographic Information System (GIS)

The GIS provides SAR Operators with a set of spatial tools to aid in their planning and
management of SAR incidents. You can view charts, pan and zoom, use latitude and
longitude coordinates to find locations, measure and plot distances, bearings and
waypoints. You can also perform a number of SAR planning and management tasks to
supplement information entered in the IMM component of the incident. The GIS provides
a graphical complement that visually enhances the IMM text information and helps you to
make informed decisions.


Navigating the SARMaster User Interface

SARMaster is a windows-based application that uses the standard windows-operating
system navigation tools. Use the mouse and keyboard to navigate between the IMM and
GIS components. You can:
Create new incidents
Plan and manage existing incidents
Add, modify, and delete information
Access databases to perform searches and retrieve information
Print, export, and import text data and graphical information (maps)
Manage multiple incidents that are active and at different SAR stages
Perform calculations to estimate survival rates, search locations, and drift models
Use maps to show available resources, airborne reports, search and tasking areas,
coordinates of incident locations and SAR resources, and other incident information
Record, chronologically, a complete SAR incident from the initial awareness stage
through to the final conclusion stage, and have a complete audit trail of all actions
taken in the planning and managing of the incident


Navigating the IMM and Resource Data Model (RDM) Text

Use the mouse or keyboard to navigate around the IMM and RDM text, and to enter and
modify information.

4 - Overview

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Navigating the GIS Maps

Use the mouse or keyboard to navigate the GIS maps.
Note: To enlarge the display area for a map, remove the GIS Layer Legend, menu bar,
toolbar, scale bar, and status bar using the toolbar View option.

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6 - Overview

SARMaster Operator User Guide



Logging on to SARMaster
To log on to SARMaster:
1. On the desktop, double-click the SARMaster icon. The SARMaster application
2. If a dialog box appears asking Are you coming on duty and do you wish to make a
General Log entry recording this?, click Yes to create a general log entry noting the
time at which you logged on. The SARMaster application displays the Incidents/Cases
window, listing the incidents.
3. You can now browse the log entries, work on an existing incident, or create a new


Logging off SARMaster

To log off SARMaster:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Exit. The Exit SARMaster dialog
box appears.
2. Click Yes to confirm the exit request.
3. If a dialog box appears asking Are you going off duty and do you wish to make a
General Log entry recording this?, click Yes to create a general log entry noting the
time at which you logged off.
4. The SARMaster application closes.


Accessing SARMaster Components and Features


Opening the RDM

To open the RDM to view resources:
On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click RDM. The RDM Resource
Data Model window appears.


Opening the GIS

To open the GIS to view maps:
On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window for the GIS appears.
To view a specific incident, on the GIS menu bar, click Window, and then click the
incident. The selected incident map and layers appear.

Getting Started - 7

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Opening the Utilities

To open the Utilities to enter, view, or modify preliminary information:
On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.


Opening the Resource Tracker

To open the Resource Tracker to view and record resources within a region:
On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click Resource Tracker. The
Resource Tracker window appears.


Viewing the Incident List


Opening the View

To open the incident list view:
On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.


Changing the View

To change the incident list view:
At the bottom of the Incident/Cases window, click Tree or List to change the current


Opening an Incident in the Incident List

To select and open the GIS, Log, or IMM information for the selected incident:
Note: The following procedure can be used for either the Tree or List view.
1. On the tree or list, locate and select an incident.
2. Right-click the incident. A menu appears with the available display options.
3. Select the display option. The selected incident opens in the GIS, Log, or IMM.


Changing the Display Status of the Incident List View

To change the types of incidents displayed in the incident view:
On the Incident/Cases window in the upper left corner, under Status, select the
incident types that you want to display. For example, to view all of the incidents click

8 - Getting Started

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Filtering the Incidents Displayed on the Incident List View

You can filter incidents a number of ways.
To filter the incidents displayed in the incident view:
1. On the window in the upper left-corner, under RCC Alerted at, on the From and To
lists, select the From (start) and To (end) dates for the incident types selected under
Status that you want to display. The filter selection appears in Current Filter.
2. To filter by Status, select one of the following options:
All - to include all incidents in the search
Active - to include only active incidents in the search
Closed - to include only closed incidents in the search
Training - to include only training incidents in the search
3. In the Filter On Text field, enter the criteria you want to search on.
4. In the Filter On Field field, select a value from the list:
Incident Number
Case Number
SAR Name
Incident Type
Owner Site
Vessel Name
Marine Call Sign
Air Call Sign
SAR Area
5. The search criteria appears in the Current Filter field. To reset the filter, click Reset
The site filter in the SARMaster Incidents/Cases window provides control over which
Incidents are visible in the RCC Log window, the GIS, and the IMM. By default, when
SARMaster is started, the filter is set to display only Incidents created at the local site.
To view Incidents from another site:
1. In the IMM Incident header, under the Site ID, select the required site. The selected
site filer displayed Incidents associated with the selected Site ID.
Note: If the Site ID does not appear, there are no incidents available from that site.

Getting Started - 9

SARMaster Operator User Guide

2. In the RCC Log and GIS, click Refresh to display the selected sites incidents.

Editing Text in SARMaster

You can enter, copy, and paste text.
To edit text:
Note: The Cut, Copy, and Paste editing options are also available as toolbar buttons.
1. Select the text that you want to edit.
2. Right-click. A menu appears with the available editing options.
3. Select the editing option.


Spell Checking Text in SARMaster

Use the Microsoft (MS) Word Spellchecker feature to check spelling in SARMaster.
Note: To use the spellchecker, MS Word must have been run at least once. MS Word
2003 or later is required. Text must exist in the text box that you want the
spellchecker to check.
To check spelling
1. Select the text box that you want to spell check.
2. Press F7.
Note: If the spellchecker does not detect any spelling errors, the Spelling window
does not appear.
3. The Spelling window appears with the spelling error displayed.


Entering the Date and Time

You can either enter dates and times, or select the current date and time in the Date Time
Group (DTG) box. The SARMaster uses a 24-hour clock, and all times are UTC, followed
by a Z to distinguish them from local time.
Note: If you type an incorrect date, for example 2007 instead of 2008, the date is not
checked to verify that the entered date is a valid date.
The DTG boxes only accept the following format:
10JAN2008 0951Z
where 10JAN2008 is January 10, 2008 and 0951Z is 9:51 a.m.

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To automatically enter the date and time in a DTG box:

Double-click in the DTG box, or click in the DTG box and then press F4. The date and
time are automatically inserted.
To manually enter the date and time in a DTG box:
Click in the DTG box, and enter the date and time.

Entering Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

The Latitude/Longitude (Lat/Long) boxes automatically insert trailing zeros and direction.
The direction defaults to the North and West Hemisphere.
In the GIS, the System Manager configures the format. The Lat/Lon Grid layer, located in
the Layer Manger, is a special layer that displays the latitude and longitude coordinates
over the map view. The layer automatically recalculates and redraws coordinates each
time the map view changes.

3.11.1 Latitude Values

Typing in latitude values requires that Operators enter two (2) digits for the degree
portion. If the entered value for latitude is less than two digits, the value must be preceded
with the appropriate number of zeros.
For example, to enter a latitude value of 28o 20.00N:
In the LAT box, type 282 and then on the keyboard press Enter. The latitude value is
automatically entered and appears as 28o 20.00N.
3.11.2 Longitude Values
Typing in longitude values requires that Operators enter three (3) values for the degree
portion. If the entered value for latitude is less than three digits, the value must be
preceded with the appropriate number of zeros.
For example, to enter a longitude value of 77o 20.00W:
In the LONG box, type 0772 and then on the keyboard press Enter. The latitude value
is automatically entered and appears as 077o 20.00W.

Coordinate Conversion
The Coordinate Conversion tool converts coordinates between the Military Grid
Reference System (MGRS), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), and Geographic
(Latitude/Longitude) coordinate systems.

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To convert a coordinate:
1. On the IMM toolbar, click the Coordinate Conversion icon. The Coordinate
Conversion dialog box opens.

2. Click the option button next to the coordinate type (Latitude/Longitude, UTM, or
MGRS) to be entered.
Note: The coordinate conversion tool does not support UTM or MGRS coordinates
in the North or South Polar zones. Only points from latitude 80 degrees south
to 84 degrees north are supported.
3. To convert the Latitude/Longitude values, click the appropriate units option (Decimal
Degrees, Degrees, Decimal Minutes, or Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) for the values.
4. Type the coordinates to convert in the appropriate field.
5. Click Calculate. The converted coordinate values appear.
6. Click Copy to copy the coordinates to the clipboard.
7. To display the entered coordinates on the GIS (current incident map or overview) click
Show Map.

Monitoring the Service Status

3.13.1 Using the Service Status Monitoring Icon

The Service Status Monitor icon
that appears in the taskbar provides an ongoing
status of the services that are installed at your site. The icon displays three colours:
Green All of the services are running correctly
Yellow A warning that one or more of the services are experiencing problems, (for
example, no data has been received for a pre-defined time)
Red An alert that one or more of the services have experienced an error (for
example, a service has stopped). A SARMaster system administrator should be
informed in order to correct the issue

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3.13.2 Monitoring the Services

Note: The Service Status Monitor should only be used by operators to identify the status
of the services. The configuration of each service must be performed by the system
manager or designated administrator.
To view the status of the services:
1. On the task bar, located in the lower right-hand side of the monitor, click . The
Service Status Monitor window appears with the services listed and their current
Note: If the Service Status Monitor task bar icon displays a yellow or red color,
contact your system manager.
2. To close the Service Status Monitor window, click OK.

Using Two Monitors

If multiple monitors are being used at a workstation to display SARMaster, if the monitors
are not configured correctly the Operator may experience drag and drop problems with
It is recommended that when a SARMaster workstation has two monitors, the physical
location of the primary monitor (monitor number 1) should be on the left and the
secondary monitor (monitor number 2) should be on the right.
If using 3 screens, set screen 1 to the left (primary), screen 2 at the center, and screen 3 on
the right. If using 4 screens, configure the screens as an inverted T - set screen 1 to the
bottom left, screen 2 to the bottom middle, screen 3 to the top, and screen 4 to the bottom

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For more information, contact your site Windows administrator or Honeywell Global
Tracking Support.

Using the Help Menu

3.15.1 Accessing the Online User Guide

To access and display the online SARMaster Operator User Guide:
On the IMM menu bar, click Help, and then click Help Contents. The SARMaster
Operator User Guide, in PDF format, opens Adobe Acrobat Reader and appears.
3.15.2 Identifying Your SARMaster Version
To identify the SARMaster version and site information:
On the IMM menu bar, click Help, and then click About. The About SARMaster
dialog box appears, listing the product information for your site.

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Using the Site Dictionary to Reduce Your Log Entry Typing

The System Manager can create a site dictionary that you can use to enter a typing
shortcut that expands into defined text. This reduces the amount of typing you have to do,
and reduces the frequency of spelling errors for terms or words frequently used in the log
For example, the site dictionary contains the shortcut DoD. The expanded text for the
shortcut is Department of Defense. When you type DoD (in lowercase, uppercase, or a
combination of lowercase and uppercase letters) and press the spacebar, shortcut expands
to Department of Defense.
To view the shortcuts in the site dictionary:
On the IMM menu bar, click Reports, and then click Site Dictionary. The Site
Dictionary is printed to the current default printer.


Using Quick Log to Enter Information

To quickly enter information:
Note: If you attempt to close SARMaster and a Quick Log window has not been closed,
a message appears informing you that a Quick Log window is open and must be
closed before SARMaster can be closed. In addition, Quick Log windows are
always displayed on top of all other windows. If an IMM dialog box is also
displayed, the IMM dialog box may be hidden behind the Quick Log window. The
Quick Log window can be moved to allow access to the IMM dialog box.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click Quick Log. The Quick Log
dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box fields, type in the information.
3. To assign the log, in the Assign To list, select the assignment. Note that when a new
incident is created from the Quick Log, the Contact Details are automatically added to
the Incident Header under Alerted.
4. To save the log information, click Save.


Log Entry Permissions for the RCC Log or Incident Log Data Form
The System Manager uses permissions to manage who can enter and edit log entries in the
RCC log, or the log data form. These permissions are defined by the System Manager.

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Displaying Log Information in the RCC Log


Accessing the RCC Log

To access the RCC Log and display all of the log entry types and information:
On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open RCC Log. The RCC Log
window appears.


Navigating the RCC Log and Changing the View

To navigate the RCC Log and change how the information appears:
1. To display the log entry folders, on the Navigation pane located to the left of the
window, expand and collapse the log entries outline to display the log entry folders.
For example, to view all of the log entries click the All Log Entries folder.
2. To view a log entry text, select a log entry in the Navigation pane. The text is
displayed in the Log List pane.
3. To modify a log entry using the Edit pane located at the upper right of the window,
select the log entry text that appears in the Log List pane. You can edit the entries
when a white background appears.
4. To toggle the Edit pane and Log List pane so that their position in the window
changes, click Options, and then click Bottoms-Up View. The position of the panes
changes. For example, if the Edit pane is at the top and the Log List pane is at the
bottom, toggling the panes changes the Edit pane to the bottom and the Log List to the


Creating and Deleting Log Entries

To create a new log entry:
1. On the RCC Log Navigation pane, select the folder or incident.
2. On the menu bar, click File, and then click New Log Entry. In the Editing pane a
blank entry appears.
3. In the appropriate fields, type in your entry.
4. To change the log assignment, in the Assign To list, select the assignment.
5. To save the log information, click Save.
To edit a log entry:
Note: Depending upon your system configuration, you may, or may not, be able to edit
log entries and folders.
1. On the RCC Log Navigation pane, select the entry to edit.

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Note: The edited log entry remains in the database. You can look at the edits by
selecting the Show Edits & Deletes check box.
2. The selected entry appears in the Edit pane with a white background. Edit the text, and
click Save.
To delete a log entry:
Note: Depending upon your system configuration, you may, or may not be able to delete
log entries and folders.
1. On the RCC Log Navigation pane, select the entry to delete.
Note: The deleted log entry remains in the database. You can look at the deleted
entries by selecting the Show Edits & Deletes check box.
2. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Delete Log Entry.
To display edited and deleted log entries:
1. On the RCC Log Navigation pane, select the entry you want to see.
2. On the Edit pane, select the Show Edits & Deletes check box. All edits and deletions
for the selected log entry appear.
3. To hide the edits and deletions from the view, clear the Show Edits & Deletes check

Filtering and Sorting Log Entries

To filter the number of log entries to display:
On the RCC Log toolbar, in the Date Filter list, select the pre-defined dates listed in
hours, or select Custom to type in the date range. The log entries are appear based on
the selected filter. To have no date filter applied, in the Date Filter list, select None.
To change the order of the log entries that are displayed:
On the RCC Log toolbar, select either Sort by Date or Sort by Controller. The log
entries are displayed based on the selected sort option.

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Searching for Text in Log Entries


Filtering Log Entries

To search for text in log entries in the RCC Log:
1. On the RCC Log Navigation pane, select the level that the search will take place in.
For example, if you want to search on active incidents, select Active Incidents. The
search restricted to only the incidents listed under the Active Incidents folder.
2. On the menu, click Search, and then click Find in Current Log. The Find Log Entry
dialog box appears.
3. In the dialog box, in the Find box, type in the text for which you are searching, and
then click Find. If the text is located during the search, the first log entry with the text
is displayed. To display additional log entries that contain the text, on the Find Log
Entry dialog box, click Find Next. When the search displays the last log entry that it
has found, the Find in Log dialog box displays an End of Log message. To close the
dialog box, click OK.


Using the Automatic New Narratives Message Alert Window

In the automatically generated New Narratives Message popup window:
1. To enter a note, under Note type in the text.
2. To automatically log the narrative, click Autolog.
3. To print the narrative, click Print.
Note: If Acknowledge/Delete all Narratives of this Type is selected and the
Acknowledge or Delete button is clicked, all pending narratives of the current
type are automatically acknowledged or deleted.
4. To acknowledge and delete all narratives of the type displayed in the Narrative Type
box, select Acknowledge/Delete all Narratives of this Type.
5. To ignore the narrative for the current session (while the Utilities window is open),
select Ignore for rest of session. The narrative ignored and not displayed again until
the SARMaster Utilities window is closed and then reopened. If Ignore for rest of
session is not selected, and the Ignore button is clicked, the narrative is displayed
again the next time the system checks for new narratives.
6. To save the changes and close the window, click


Working with Air and Marine Charts

Air and Marine Charts are digital maps (also called raster maps) that display highly
detailed geographic information as a backdrop, or background for other map layers. To use

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the air and marine charts, there are a few unique features to remember when using the

Using Air Charts

Air Charts is a layer group visible in the GIS Layer Manager.
When the layer group is expanded, several layers are displayed and each layer provides
continuous coverage at a given scale. The scale range for each layer is set so that when
you zoom in and out, with Air Charts selected, the appropriate layer for the current map is


Using Marine Charts

Marine Charts display scanned marine charts wherever coverage exists at an appropriate
Multiple, overlapping Marine Charts of various scales may be available for the current
map extent. By default, an appropriate chart is selected for the current scale. A specific
chart can be selected instead of using the default chart.
To view available charts:

With Marine Charts selected, right-click the map.

2. Click Select Charts. The Selected Charts window appears listing the charts that cover
the area the Operator clicked.
3. Select a chart to view the chart details (datum, projection, scale, and file name).
4. Click Select All to select all of the charts.
5. To display only the selected charts on the map, click OK.
To enable default (automatic) chart selection:
1. With Marine Charts selected, right-click the map.
2. Click Select Charts. The Selected Charts window appears.
3. Click Clear All, and then click OK.

Adjusting the Chart Map Brightness

The brightness of the chart maps can be adjusted and saved to meet each Operator
requirement or preferences.
To adjust the brightness of the chart maps:
1. On the GIS toolbar, click

. The Image Brightness dialog box appears.

2. Darken the map by clicking and dragging the slider control to the left or brighten the
map by dragging the slider control to the right.

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3. View the image changes without closing the dialog box, by clicking Apply.
4. Click Save Default to save the changes so that the image brightness is applied when
using the GIS.
Note: The Default Setting is saved for the current Operator only.
5. Click Normal to restore the maps to their original brightness.
6. Click OK to save the changes.

Working with Airport Weather Layers

You can add and modify Airport weather layers in the GIS to display subscribed (filtered)
weather information for specific airports or you can display all the airports in the database
on the GIS.
Flight conditions are indicated by an airplane symbol with three types of flight rules,
indicated by three circles located under the airplane symbol. The location and color of the
circle determines the flight rule being applied and what the state of the flight rule is.
Refer to the following table for a description of the flight rules.
Note: The System Administrator can modify this default configuration.
Circle Location



IFR (Instrument Flight Rules)


VFR (Visual Flight Rules)


MVFR (Mountain/Marginal Visual Flight Rules)

Circle Colour



No information available


Not in state Not operating under the flight rules


In state Operating under the flight rules

The color of the airplane symbol indicates if the indicated flight rule (identified by the
circle location under the airplane symbol) is in effect at the airport. Green indicates the
flight rule is in effect, red indicates the flight rule is not in effect.
4.10.1 Adding and Modifying Map Airport Weather Layers
The Subscribed Airport Weather layer shows filtered (defined) weather for specific
airports. The Airport Weather layer shows the weather for all of the airports.
To change the airports displayed for the Subscribed Airport Weather layer:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The GIS window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select Subscribed Airport Weather. The layer appears on the

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3. On the Subscribed Airport Weather layer, right-click, and then click Manage
Subscriptions. The Subscribe to Reporting Stations window appears.
4. In sort the available stations, click Sort By Country or Sort By ICAO. The stations
listed in the left-hand window are sorted according to the selection.
Note: You can use the From Map feature to capture the stations in a specific area of
a map. You can use three shapes to capture the information Circle, Rect
(rectangle), or Polygon. For example, clicking on Circle and then moving the
pointer over the map allows the Operator to draw a circle. All of the stations
within the circle appear in the Subscribed Stations window.
5. To save the changes and close the window, click OK.

Downloading and Synchronizing GIS Information

You can download and synchronize the GIS information. Downloading retrieves the latest
information from the database. Synchronizing merges the database and the local
information on your computer to make the information identical.

4.11.1 Downloading Information

To download information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
Note: If you download information from the database, changes made to the Overview
or selected incident are lost.
2. To download information, on the GIS toolbar, click
that you want to download the information.

. A message appears to confirm

3. To download the information, click Yes or to cancel the download, click No.
4.11.2 Synchronizing Information
To synchronize information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. To synchronize information, on the GIS toolbar, click

. The GIS information is

Note: If you make changes to information in the GIS, when you exit the GIS the
Changes Detected Confirm Close message appears, informing you that the

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system has detected changes and ask if you want to synchronize (save) the
changes. To synchronize the changes, click either Yes or Yes to All.

Viewing Other Operator Log Entries

To see recent changes made by other Operators:
On the RCC Log menu bar, click File, and then click Refresh Tree. The Navigation
pane outline displays any recent changes that have been made by other Operators.


Using Utilities to Record Preliminary Information

4.13.1 Managing Cospas-Sarsat Beacon Alerts

To display beacon alert information and modify the status:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab. The Beacon data form appears.
Composites, elementals, narratives and messages are displayed.
3. To flash (show) the information on a map, select the composite or elemental, and then

. The selected composite or elemental flashes on the map.

4. To change the viewed status, for example all red unviewed coloured composites or
elementals to being black viewed coloured, click
elementals are marked as viewed.

. The composites or

To change the status to closed, select the composite or elemental, and then click

6. To select the mirror elemental of the currently selected elemental, click


4.13.2 Sorting Composites

To sort composites:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab, and then click the C/S Composites
tab. The Cospas-Sarsat Beacon Composite data form appears.
3. To sort the data, double-click the column header.

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4.13.3 Filtering Composites

To filter composites by date:
Note: When filtering is based on time, the filter uses Last Msg Dtg.

From the Date Filter list select one of the pre-defined intervals, Prev n hrs, or
Custom. For Custom hours, type in the duration of time in the From (start) and To
(end) boxes, and then click Apply.

To filter composites by the Mission Control Centre (MCC) beacon ID:

Type in the Mission Control Centre (MCC) site ID in the Composite ID Filter box
and then on the keyboard press Enter. To remove the filter, clear the contents of the
Composite ID Filter box and on the keyboard press Enter.
To filter composites by a Search and Rescue Region (SRR):
In the SRR Filter list, click the SRR. Note the *List option shows the list of SRRs.
For example, if the ELT Service is configured with SRRs MCC_ABC and
MCC_DEF, the option is *LIST(MCC_ABC,MCC_DEF).
To filter composites by the 406 Country Code:
In the 406 Country Code list, click the code.
To filter composites using the Freq. Filter and only display 406 MHz composites:
Note: With the 406 Only filter box selected, 121.5 and 243.0 MHz beacon activity is
not displayed in your SRR.

Under Freq. Filter select 406 Only.

To display beacons in the beacon registry database only:

Add a check to enable In Reg DB Only check box.
To display both closed and active Composites:
Select Show Closed. Both the closed and active Composites are displayed.
To view only the active Composites:
Clear Show Closed. The closed Composites are hidden from the view.
To include the Composites outside of the SRR:
Select Show Outside SRR. Composites from outside the SRR are displayed.

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4.13.4 Sorting and Filtering Elementals

To sort elementals:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab, and then click the C/S Elementals tab.
The Cospas-Sarsat Beacon Elementals data form appears.
3. To sort the data, double-click the column header.
To filter elementals by date:
Note: When filtering is based on time, the filter uses the Last Msg Dtg.

From the Date Filter list select one of the pre-defined intervals, Prev n hrs, or
Custom. For Custom hours, type in the duration of time in the From (start) and To
(end) boxes, and then click Apply.

To filter elementals by the Mission Control Centre (MCC) site ID:

Type in the Mission Control Centre (MCC) site ID in the Composite ID Filter box
and then on the keyboard press Enter. To remove the filter, clear the contents of the
Composite ID Filter box and on the keyboard press Enter.
To filter elementals by a Search and Rescue Region (SRR):
In the SRR Filter list and click the SRR. Note the *List option shows the list of SRRs.
For example, if the ELT Service is configured with SRRs TRMCC and TUMCC, the
option is *LIST(TRMCC,TUMCC).
To filter elementals using the 1st Alert Filter:

Under 1st Alert Filter select 1st Alerts Only.

To filter elementals using the Freq. Filter and only display 406 MHz elementals:
Note: With the 406 Only filter box selected, 121.5 and 243.0 MHz beacon activity will
not be displayed in your SRR.

Under Freq. Filter select 406 Only.

To display beacons in the local 406 beacon registry database only:

Add a check to enable In Reg DB Only check box.
To display both closed and active Elementals:
Select Show Closed. Both the closed and active Elementals are displayed.

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To view only the active Composites:

Clear Show Closed. The closed Elementals are hidden from the view.
To include the Elementals outside of the SRR:
Select Show Outside SRR. Elementals from outside the SRR are displayed.
4.13.5 Beacon Narratives Display, Alert Sounds, and Messages
To display beacon alert information and modify the status:
Note: The Utilities window must be open to receive popup alerts and audio sounds.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities toolbar, click Tools, and then click Options.
The Options SARMaster Utilities window appears.
3. Select the alert and display options.
4. To save the changes and close the window, click OK.
To view beacon alert narratives:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. To view beacon alert narratives, on the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab, and
then click the Narratives tab.
The Beacon narratives appear, displaying all of the recent narrative messages currently
stored in the database. To view a specific narrative, in the master list located on the
left-hand side of the tab, select the narrative. The selected narrative text is displayed
on the right-hand side.
To view beacon messages:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. To view beacon alert messages, on the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab, and
then click the Messages tab.
The Beacon messages appear, displaying all of the narrative messages received
recently. To view a specific message, in the master list located on the left-hand side of
the tab, select the message. The selected message text appears on the right-hand side.
To show messages for a different time period, in Show, select the time period from the
4.13.6 Viewing and Managing the Beacon Registry
Beacon registry information can be viewed to quickly find contact and other information
for a given beacon ID (the unique 15 character Hex number that is assigned to each 406

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beacon). The Beacon Registry tab does not display any beacons until a search is
To view and manage beacon registry information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. To view beacon registry, on the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab, and then click
the Beacon Registry tab. The Beacon Registry data form appears.
3. To search for a beacon, type all or part of the 15 hex character beacon ID in the Search
for box, then click Search, (note that * may be used as a wild card). A list of matching
beacons appear. Select a beacon in the list to view its details.
4. To add a beacon to the registry, click Add Beacon. Enter the 15 hex character beacon
ID in the dialog that pops up, then click OK. The new beacon appears and the list, with
its details in edit mode in the Detail form below. Enter the beacon details and contact
information. You may also add Aircraft or Vessel information for the beacon, using
the Attach Aircraft Record or Attach Vessel Record buttons. The beacon details are
automatically saved.
5. To edit a beacon, select the beacon in the list, and then click Edit Beacon. The beacon
information appears at the bottom of the Beacon Registry data form.
Note: The Beacon ID cannot be changed by clicking Edit Beacon.
6. To change the Beacon ID, select the beacon in the list, and then click Delete Beacon.
The selected beacon is removed from the list. Then click Add Beacon, enter the
correct Beacon ID, and then click Save. The new beacon is added to the list.
7. To close the window, on the SARMaster Utilities menu bar, click File, and then click
4.13.7 Understanding Satellite ID Values
The Satellite ID values displayed in SARMaster Utilities match the values used in OCC.
To view Satellite IDs:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab, and then click the C/S Elementals tab.
The Cospas-Sarsat Beacon Elementals data form appears.
3. Satellite IDs are displayed in the Sat column. Table 1 describes the Satellite ID
mappings. Satellite IDs that are outside of the known ranges are displayed as UNK.

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Table 1: Satellite ID Mappings

Satellite ID

Satellite Name

Value Displayed in Sat Column



Sxx (ie. S10, S11)



Cxx (ie. C04, C10)



Gxx (ie. G13, G14)



Dxx (ie. D18, D21)


Galileo (European)

Exx (ie. E01, E03)


GLONASS (Russian)

Rxx (ie. R02, R04)

4.13.8 Potential Incident Sightings

To display and filter Sighting information that may relate to a potential incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the Sightings tab. The selected Sightings
data form appears.
3. To change the columns that are displayed, right-click any of the column headings, and
then click Select Columns. The Select Columns dialog box appears.
4. Select the column headings to be displayed, and then click OK. The selected column
headings are displayed.
Note: To quickly sort the column list alphabetically, double-click the column. To
reverse the sort order, double-click the column again.
5. To filter the information that is displayed, for Filter Sightings, select Date, Type, or
Incident, and then click Apply Filter. The filtered Sightings appear.
To add Sightings information that may relate to a potential incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the Sightings tab. The selected Sightings
data form appears.
3. Click Add Sighting.
To show the Sighting on a map:
1. Select the Sighting.

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2. Click Show on Map. The map appears and a flashing icon identifies the location of
the selected Sighting.
To delete a Sighting:
1. Select the Sighting:
2. Click Delete Sighting.
To close a Sighting:
Click Close Sighting.
Note: Closing a Sighting identifies the Sighting as closed, and no further action is
being taken for the Sighting.
4.13.9 Default Trails
Default trails are routes that can be copied to an active incident. Once copied to an
incident, a route can be modified without affecting the original default trail.
To display the available Default Trails:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the Trails/ Areas tab.

Click the Default Trails subtab.

To create a Default Trail:

Note: When you create a trail, you can specify if the route should be created based on
Great Circle or Rhumbline measurements.
1. On the Default Trails subtab, click Add Trail.
2. Use the Insert point buttons and Delete point button to edit the new trail.
To delete a Default Trail:
1. On the Default Trails subtab, click Delete Trail.
2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
To show a Default Trail on a map
On the Default Trails subtab, click Show on Map.
4.13.10 Default Search Areas
Default search areas are areas that can be copied to an active incident. Once copied to an
incident, a area can be modified without affecting the original default search area.

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To display the available Default Search Areas:

1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the Trails/ Areas tab.
3. Click the Default Search Areas subtab.
To create a Default Search Area:
1. On the Default Search Areas subtab, click Add Search Area.
2. Use the Insert point buttons and Delete point button to edit the new area.
To delete a Default Search Area:
1. On the Default Search Areas subtab, click Delete Search Area.
2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
4.13.11 Recording and Viewing Airborne Reports
To record and view airborne reports:
Note: Airborne reports from other sites only appear in Utilities and the GIS airborne
reports layer if the site ID for the site that originally created the report has been
selected in the incident list.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Airborne Reports tab. The Airborne Reports data
form appears and displays the airborne reports that have been recorded.
Note: After the Altitude information has been entered, the Radius is automatically
3. To add an airborne report, click Add Report. Type in the information.
4. To show the airborne report location details on a map, select the airborne report, and
then click Show on Map. Based on the latitude and longitude coordinates that are
typed in for the report, the Airborne Reports map layer displays an icon with a circular
potential search radius based on the coordinates and the altitude. Showing several
airborne reports from similar coordinate locations produces several potential search
areas, with the overlapped portion of the circles being the location that may have the
highest probability of detection for the search object.
Note: The report, if attached to an incident, will also be deleted in the attached
incident Beacons data form under the Airborne Reports data form.
5. To delete an airborne report, select the report to be deleted, and then click Delete.

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6. To save the information and close the window, on the menu bar click File, and then
click Exit.

Using the Utilities Databases to Search for Additional Information

The databases that can be accessed through SARMaster are dependent upon the version
and configuration for your site. Some of the databases may not be available if they are not
part of your site configuration.

4.14.1 Searching for Geographic Locations using the World Gazetteer

To search for and locate geographic locations:
Note: The items available in the database are dependent upon your SARMaster version.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the World Gazetteer tab. The Gazetteer
data form appears.
3. On the data form, select a location (country) and feature type from the drop-down
Note: The character * can be used as a wildcard in the Place Name field.
4. In the Place Name text box, type the name of the place for which you are searching.
5. Click Search. If the place name exists in the database, the information is retrieved and
displayed, including the latitude and longitude coordinates.
Note: Local entries are intended to be additional information that is not in the
6. To add a place name that is not in the database, click Add and type in the place name.
The next time you search for the place, the information appears in the local entry
window area.
7. To show a location on a map, select the place name row, and then click MAP. The
map appears and shows the location of the selected place name.
8. To copy the information so that it can be pasted elsewhere in SARMaster, select the
place name, and then click Copy to Clipboard. The selected information is copied to
the clipboard and can be pasted elsewhere in SARMaster by right-clicking on a
latitude or longitude text box.
9. To delete the local entries place name, select the place name to be deleted, and then
click Delete. The place name is deleted from the local entries database.
10. To close the Utilities window, on the menu bar, click File, and then click Exit.

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4.14.2 Searching for Aircraft using the Aircraft Registry

To search for information about aircraft:
Note: The items available in the database are dependent upon your SARMaster version.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the Aircraft Registry tab. The Aircraft
Registry data form appears.
Note: You can also query the Aircraft Registry database in the IMM using the Air
data form for an incident. In the Registration/Tail Number box, type the
aircraft registration/tail number and then on the keyboard press Enter. If the
aircraft registration/tail number exists in the database, the information is
retrieved and inserted into the appropriate data form boxes.
3. In Tail Number, type in the registration or tail number of the aircraft you are
searching for and on the keyboard press Enter. If the aircraft tail number exists in the
database, the information appears.
4. To add an aircraft to the registry, click New above the DETAILS section. Fill in the
registration details, then click Save at the bottom-right of the DETAILS section to
save the information. For Aircraft and Engine, you may select an Aircraft/Engine that
is already in the database from the drop-down list, or you may add a new Aircraft
and/or Engine using the respective New and Save buttons below.
5. To close the Utilities window, on the menu bar click File, and then click Exit.
4.14.3 Searching for Maritime Vessels using the Ship Registry
To search for information about ships:
Note: The items available in the database are dependent upon your SARMaster
version. The information that is imported from the database also automatically
fills in corresponding fields in the Marine data form.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click the Ship Registry tab. The Ship Registry
data form appears.
Note: Depending upon the options available at your site, there are several types of
information that can be used to search for information on a specific ship: LOS
#, Callsign, IMO #, ship (vessel) name, MMSI, EPIRB, former name, owner
name, or builder name. To perform a search on the database using a wildcard,
the % or _ wildcard can be used. For example, to perform a wildcard search for
the ship name Bean, in the ship name box, type either %Bean or _Bean and

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then on the keyboard press Enter. If the ship name exists in the database, the
information will be retrieved and inserted into the appropriate data form boxes.
3. In the appropriate box type in the required information for the ship you are searching
for and then on the keyboard press Enter. If the ship information exists in the
database, the information appears.
4. To copy a ships information to an incident, right-click the ship and select Copy for
Incident Manager. The IMM comes to the foreground. On the IMM Marine tab, with
the desired marine unit displayed, click Paste from Ship Registry. The Marine tab
fields are filled in with the available information form the ship registry.
5. To add new ships to the registry, click New Entry. A blank record appears at the top
of the list. Enter the required information.
6. To close the Utilities window, on the menu bar click File, and then click Exit.
4.14.4 Searching for Navigation Aids Information using Nav Aids
To search for and locate navigation aids (nav aids) information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click Nav Aids. The Navigation Aids
window appears.
2. To search for information, under Search For Point By, select Identifier,
Description, or ICAO.
3. In Search String, type in the information, and then click Search Now. All of the
matching results are displayed.
4. To view the results on a map, select the information, and then click Map. The
information appears on a map with the latitude and longitude coordinates highlighted,
and places an icon on the map at that location.
5. To copy the information elsewhere in SARMaster, select the information, and then
click Copy Location. The selected information is copied to the clipboard and can be
pasted elsewhere in SARMaster.
4.14.5 Calculating the Radial/DME for Nav Aids Search Results
To calculate a position based on a bearing and distance from a known position:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click Nav Aids. The Navigation Aids
window appears.
2. Select the search results row to be calculated. The selected item is highlighted in blue.
3. The coordinates of the selected search result (highlighted in blue) are automatically
4. Manually enter the reported bearing (in degrees from magnetic north) and distance (in
nautical miles).

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5. To view the reference location on the map, click Map Reference Location. A map
appears with the highlighted coordinates and places an icon on the map at that
6. Click Calculate Radial/DME. The resulting R/DME Point Lat/Long coordinates are
displayed at the bottom of the Navigation Aids Lookup window.
7. To copy the calculation results, click Copy Calculated Location. The information
(coordinates) is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted elsewhere in SARMaster.
8. To view the calculated coordinates on a map, click Map Calculated Location. A map
appears with the highlighted coordinates, and places an icon on the map at that

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Blank Page

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Creating a New Incident

Note: There are several methods that can be used to create an incident. The following
instructions describe the standard method. In addition, incidents can be created:

In Utilities, using the Sightings or Airborne Reports data forms, and assigning the
sighting or report to a new or existing incident
In either the RCC Log or Quick Log, by assigning the log entry to a new or existing

To create a new incident:

1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click New Incident/Mission. The New
Incident dialog box appears.
2. On the New Incident dialog box, click OK. Either new incident number is displayed or
you are asked to enter a SAR Name.
Note: Normally, when a new incident is created, the new incident automatically
opens. If you enter a Name, note that a maximum of 30 characters, including
spaces, is allowed.
3. Click OK. The new incident is listed at the end (bottom) of the Incidents/Cases
window list.
4. To open the new incident and begin entering information, double-click the incident
row. The new incident window appears, with the incident number automatically
entered in the Incident # field.
5. The incident can now be used for entering information in the incident header and the
related incident data forms that appear as tabs below the incident header.

Incident Numbering Description

SARMaster automatically assigns a unique number for each incident. The incident
number format provides the following information:
MO is the first two characters of the site where the incident was created. All sites that
share information must have a site ID in which the first two characters are unique.
2012 is the year the incident occurs. On January 1, 2013, this number changes to 2013
for any incidents created in that year.
00001 is the incident number (a maximum of 99,999 incidents can be recorded each

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Opening an Active, Suspended, or Closed Incident

To open an active, suspended, or closed incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
Note: To display the active incidents, the Status must be set to either All or Active.
To display the suspended incidents, the Status must be set All or Suspended.
To display the closed incidents, the Status must be set to All or Closed.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, select the incident you want to open and either click
View or double-click the incident that you want to open. The selected incident header
and associated data forms appear.


Entering Incident Header Information

The incident header is always displayed and information can be entered as it becomes
To enter information in the incident header:
Note: It is recommended that a SAR Name be assigned to the incident to allow you to
quickly identify incidents. A maximum of 30 characters, including spaces, is
allowed for a Name.
1. In the text boxes, type in the incident information.
2. Using the drop-down menus, select from the list the information.
Note: If the LAT and LONG coordinates are not known, right-click either of the LAT
or LONG boxes, and then click Get Lat/Long. A map appears and you can
navigate the map to identify the location on the map, and then click in the map.
The Lat/Long coordinates will automatically be pasted into the incident header
LAT and LONG boxes.
3. To display the information on a map, click Map. A map appears with an icon
identifying the incident location that was typed in the LAT and LONG boxes.
4. The information is saved automatically, and you can change it.


Assigning Preliminary Information to an Incident

Preliminary information that was entered in unassigned logs or in utilities can be assigned
to an incident. Some of the information can also be reassigned to another incident.
Information that is received and should be assigned to an existing incident or new
incident, can be entered and recorded using the data forms for each incident. The data

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form information can supplement the preliminary information that has been assigned to an

Assigning Log Entries

To assign a log entry to an incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open RCC Log. The RCC Log
window appears.
2. In the RCC Log window, select the log entry to assign. The selected log entry appears
in the Edit pane with a white background.
3. On the Edit pane, in the Assign To list, select the existing incident number or Create
New Incident to assign the log entry.
4. Alternatively, in the RCC Log window, open the expand the Active Incident folder
and the Unassigned folder.
5. Select the incident you want to assign and drag the unassigned entry to the incident in
the Active Incident folder.
6. To save the changes, click Save.
7. To close the window, on the RCC Log menu bar, click File, and then click Exit.


Assigning (Attaching) Beacon Information

The Beacons tab that appears in an incident only displays beacon information for beacons
that have been attached to that incident.
To assign (attach) beacon information to an incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab. The Beacon data form appears.
3. To assign a composite to an existing or new incident, on the C/S Composites data
form, select the Details tab. Under Attached to Incidents, in the Add list select an
existing incident number or Create New Incident, and then click Add. Any new
updated composite information is automatically assigned to the incident and displayed
in the incident Beacons data form.
4. To assign an elemental to an existing or new incident, on the C/S Elementals data
form, select the Details tab and then under Attached to Incidents, in the Add list
select one or more existing incident numbers or Create New Incident, and then click
5. To assign a narrative message to an existing or new incident, on the Narratives data
form under Attached to Incidents, in the drop-down list select an existing incident
number or Create New Incident.

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6. To close the window, on the SARMaster Utilities menu bar, click File, and then click

Removing (Detaching) Beacon Information

To remove (detach) beacon information from an incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Beacons tab. The Beacon data form appears.
3. To detach a composite from an incident, on the C/S Composites data form, select the
Details tab. Under Attached to Incidents, in the list, select the incident number. Click
Remove Selected.
4. To detach an elemental from an incident, on the C/S Elementals data form, select the
Details tab. Under Attached to Incidents, in the list, select the incident number. Click
Remove Selected.


Assigning Sightings
To assign Sighting information to an incident:
Note: When Sightings are added, they are numbered in the order that each sighting is
added. The first sighting is listed as Number 1, the second sighting as Number 2,
and so on. If a sighting is deleted, the remaining Sightings are not renumbered. For
example, if sighting Number 1 is deleted, the first sighting listed is Number 2. Log
entries for deleted Sightings record the sighting number.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the Utilities window, click the Sightings tab. The selected Sightings data form
3. On the data form, under General Details, in the Incident Number list, click the
incident number. The information is added to the selected incident Sightings data
form. You can also add additional sighting information.


Adding Flare Sightings to an Incident

Mapping flare sightings provide Operators with estimated areas of search if the flare
sighting is identified as an incident. When two or more flare sightings, in the same area,
are reported, the overlapping flare symbols provide an area that has a higher probability of
where the flare originated from and also refines the potential search area if SAR resources
are assigned to investigate the sighting.

38 - Creating and Modifying an Incident

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To assign flare sighting information to an incident:

1. On the GIS toolbar, click
or right-click the map. A menu appears. Click Insert,
and then click Flare Sighting.
2. The Flare Sightings Query / Edit window appears.
Note: When there is sufficient information entered on the Flare Sightings Query /
Edit window, the calculated values will be displayed. The values provide the
required data needed to create the flare symbol on the map that visually
represents the information that has been entered by the Operator.
3. Enter the required information.
4. To save the information and close the window, click OK.

Recording Incident Information Using Data Forms

Information that is received and should be assigned to an incident, either an existing
incident or a new incident, can be entered and recorded using the data forms for each
incident. This information can supplement the preliminary information that has been
assigned to an incident.


Entering Log Entries

To enter log entries for a specific incident:
Note: Information entered under Contact Details in the Name and Telephone boxes is
automatically entered in the Contacts data form for the incident.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have logs entered.
3. To view the Log data form, click the Log tab. The Log data form appears and all of the
log entries assigned to the incident are displayed.
4. To create a new log entry, on the Log data form toolbar click

5. Type in the new log entry information.

6. To save the new log entry information, click Save.

Editing and Filtering Log Entries

To edit log entries for a specific incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.

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2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident. The selected incident

appears, with the incident header displayed at the top of the window and the data form
tabs displayed below the incident header.
3. To open the Log data form, click the Log tab. The Log data form appears and all of the
log entries assigned to the incident are displayed.
4. To edit a log entry, select the log entry, and then click Edit Entry.
5. Edit the log entry.
6. To save the log entry changes, click Save.
To sort and filter log entries for a specific incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident. The selected incident
appears, with the incident header displayed at the top of the window and the data form
tabs displayed below the incident header.
3. To open the Log data form, click the Log tab. The Log data form appears and all of the
log entries assigned to the incident appear.
4. To sort the log entries, select Sort By and the select either Date or Controller. The
log entries are rearranged according to the selection.
5. To filter the log entries, select Filter System Entries and/or Show Edits & Deletes.
The log entries are rearranged according to the selection.

Entering Information for a Marine Incident

To enter information for a marine incident, the Marine data form is used.
To enter Information for a Marine Incident:
Note: The information that is imported from the Ship Registry database also
automatically fills in corresponding fields in the Marine data form. The items
available in the database are dependent upon your SARMaster version.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Marine
information added.
3. To open the Marine data form, click the Marine tab. The Marine data form appears,
with two subtabs, Quick and Detailed.
Note: To query the Ship Registry database, on the Details data form, in the Reg box
type in the ship registration and then on the keyboard press Enter. If the ship
registration exists in the database, the information will be retrieved and

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inserted into the appropriate Details data form boxes. Information for two or
more ships can be entered by clicking the Unit-Assisted buttons to add or
delete ship information for each ship.
4. To quickly add marine incident information, click the Quick tab. The Quick data form
appears. Enter the required information.
5. To add a Search and Rescue Unit (SRU), click Add SRU. The information that is
entered will also appear on the SRU data form for the incident.
6. To add a weather report, click Add Weather Report. The information that is entered
will also appear on the Weather or Wx data form for the incident.
7. To add detailed marine incident information, click the Detailed tab. The Detailed data
form appears. Enter the required information. To add contact information for the
incident, under Incident Contacts, click

. A blank row appears. Enter the contact

information in the blank row. To insert additional contacts, click



Entering Information for an Air Incident

To enter aircraft and radar information for an air incident, the Air data form is used.
To enter Information for an Air Incident:
Note: The data form subtabs that are available are dependent upon the SARMaster
version installed at your site.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Air
information added.
3. To open the Air data form, click the Air tab. The Air data form appears, with the
subtabs displayed.
Note: To query the Aircraft Registry database, on the Details data form, in the
Registration/Tail box type in the aircraft registration/tail number and then on
the keyboard press Enter. If the aircraft registration/tail number exists in the
database, the information is retrieved and inserted into the appropriate Details
data form boxes. For example, note that the N or C does not need to be
typed in the box. For example, for the registration/tail number N12345 or
C12345, type in 12345 and then on the keyboard press Enter. Information for
two or more aircraft can be entered by clicking the Unit-Assisted buttons to
add or delete aircraft information for each aircraft.
4. To quickly add air incident information, click the Quick tab. The Quick data form
appears. Enter the required information.

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5. To add an SRU, click Add SRU. The information that is entered will also appear on
the SRU data form for the incident.
6. To add a weather report, click Add Weather Report. The information that is entered
will also appear on the Weather or Wx data form for the incident.
7. To add contact information for the incident, under Incident Contacts, click . A
blank row appears. Enter the contact information in the blank row. To insert additional
contacts, click


8. On the Detailed data form, enter the descriptive information about the aircraft for the
air incident.

Entering Information for a Humanitarian Incident

To enter information for a humanitarian incident, the Humanitarian data form is used.
To enter Information for a Humanitarian Incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Humanitarian
information added.
3. To open the Humanitarian data form, click the Humanitarian tab. The Humanitarian
data form appears.
4. Under Details, enter the required information.
5. To add contact information for the incident, under Incident Contacts, click . A
blank row appears. Enter the contact information in the blank row. To insert additional
contacts, click


6. To add an SRU, click Add SRU. The information that is entered will also appear on
the SRU data for the incident.
7. To add a weather report, click Add Weather Report. The information that is entered
will also appear on the Weather or Wx data form for the incident.

Viewing Beacon Information

To display current and archived alert data and airborne reports for an incident, the Beacons
data form is used.
To display beacon information:
Note: Once a Composite is associated with an incident, the Composite details are
constantly updated in the assigned incident Beacons data form. To refresh the

42 - Creating and Modifying an Incident

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information, changing tabs automatically updates each of the data form

1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. To open the Beacons data form, click the Beacons tab. The Beacons data form
appears, with subtabs for current and archived composites, elementals, and narratives.
In addition, airborne reports assigned to the incident are listed in the Airborne Reports
4. To view the current composites and elementals that form the composites, click the
Current tab, and then click the subtabs for additional information.
5. To view the current assigned elementals, click the Current tab, the C/S Elementals
tab, and then click the subtabs for additional information.
6. To view the current narratives, click the Current tab, the Narratives tab.
7. To view the archived composites and elementals that form the composites, click the
Archived tab, and then click the subtabs for additional information.
8. To view the archived elementals, click the Archived tab, the C/S Elementals tab, and
then click the subtabs for additional information.
9. To view the archived narratives, click the Archived tab and then the Narratives tab.
Note: Adding or deleting an airborne report on the Beacons data form automatically
adds or deletes the selected report in the Utilities Airborne Reports and the
Airborne Reports map layer.
10. To view the airborne reports, click the Airborne Reports tab. The Airborne Reports
data form appears and reports can be viewed, added, or deleted.

Entering Sightings Information

To display Sightings for an incident, the Sightings data forms are used.
To display Sightings information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Sightings
information added.
3. To open the Sightings data form, click the Sightings tab. The selected data form
appears with the Sightings displayed.
4. To view a current Sighting, double-click the Sighting in the list. The information for
the selected Sighting appears.

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5. To show the Sighting location on a map, click Show on Map. The map appears, with
the object type icon showing the location of the latitude and longitude coordinates on
the map. For example, for an aircraft object type, an aircraft icon identifies the location
based on the coordinates.
Note: Adding or deleting a Sighting on the Sightings data forms automatically adds
or deletes the selected Sighting in the Utilities Sightings and the Sightings map
6. To add a new Sighting, click Add Sighting. A new row appears in the list. Type the
7. To close a Sighting, select the Sighting to be closed, and then click Close Sighting.
The Resolved DTG box has the current DTG inserted to show the date and time the
Sighting was closed.
8. To delete a Sighting, select the Sighting to be deleted, and then click Delete Sighting.
The selected Sighting is deleted and removed from the list.
9. To view sightings that have been deleted, enable Show Deleted. Previously deleted
sightings will be shown in the list, but will be crossed out. To undelete a deleted
sightings, select it from the list and click Undelete Sighting.
10. To add a new Sighting, click Add Sighting. A new row appears in the list. Type the
information in the details area.

Contacts Information
The Contacts data form is used to enter and display general information that lists the
names and telephone numbers of persons who are involved in the incident operation, and
owner/Operator contact information for the aircraft or vessel that is the object of the
To display incident Contact information:
Note: The Contacts data form can be used to record contact information for persons
or organizations that are involved in the incident. The persons or organizations
may be emergency personnel, such as SAR agencies, or they may be relatives
of the missing persons or owners of the missing aircraft or vessel.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List.
The Incidents/Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. Click the Contacts tab.
The Contacts data form appears with the contact information displayed in the General
and Owner/Operator tabs.
4. The upper half of the General tab displays the Incident Contacts and the lower half
shows the SRU Contacts that have been designated for use with this incident.

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To add a new contact:

1. With Contacts tab selected, click the General subtab.
2. Click Insert Contact and type in the information for the new contact.
3. To modify an alert contact, or contact, click the General tab and then select the alert
contact or contact you want to modify. Type in the changes.
4. To sort an alert contact, click the General tab. To sort the Alert Contact list by
organization or alert name, click either the Organization or Alert Name column
Note: To quickly sort a column alphabetically, double-click the column heading.
5. To sort contacts, click the General tab. To sort the Contact list by agency or person,
click either the Agency or Person column header.
6. To delete a contact, click the General tab and then select the contact to be deleted.
Click Delete Contact. The contact is removed from the list.
Note: The Owner/Operator data form displays details about the aircraft or vessel that
is the object of the incident and may have information already displayed. For
example, if the Aircraft Registry database was searched using the Air data
form Registration/Tail box, the relevant information retrieved from the search
will also be inserted into the Owner/Operator data form.
7. To view and add owner/Operator information, click the Owner/Operator tab. The
data form appears and if any database information has been retrieved, it appears in the
relevant boxes. To add or modify the details, type the information.
8. To add additional owner/Operator information for other units, click the Unit-Assisted

Entering Persons On Board (POB) Information

To enter and display information that records and tracks all persons that are the subject of
an incident, the Persons On Board (POB) data form is used.
To enter and display POB information:
Note: The POB data form initially displays the current list of persons in decreasing
order of priority by the Tracking Status that has been assigned to each person:
Missing, In Transit, and Released. The total number of persons who have been
rescued identified in the Tracking Status column as either In Transit or
Released is the fraction of the total number of persons.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.

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2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.

3. To open the POB data form, click the POB tab. The POB data form appears with
information displayed in the Details, Survival Model, and Medevac tabs.
4. To add a new person, click Add POB. A blank row appears. In the Name, Age, and
Note columns, type in the information. In the Gender and Tracking Status columns,
click in the column box and from the drop-down menu select the option. Use the Final
Status column for entering the final known status of the person.
5. To delete a person, select the person to be deleted from the list, and then click Delete
POB. A message appears asking you to confirm that the selected POB should be
6. To delete the POB, click OK.The selected person is removed from the list.
Note: The Details data form can be used to record the SRU that has been assigned to
each person (POB). This can be beneficial in incidents where multiple POBs
and SRUs are involved. If no SRUs have been entered in the SRU data form
for the incident, the SRU listing is blank.
7. To associate an SRU with a person, select the person, and then click the Details tab.
Select the SRU to be associated with the selected POB, and then click Associate SRU
with this POB. Remarks can be typed in.
8. Enter the information in the Survival Model, and Medevac data forms as needed.
5.5.10 Recording Medevac Information for POBs
To record Medevac information for POBs:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Medevac
information added.
3. Click the POB tab and then select the person that is to be associated with the Medevac
4. Click the Medevac tab. The Medevac data form appears.
5. Enter the Diagnosis, Medevac Vessel Information, and Destination Details as
5.5.11 Recording Waypoints to Create or Re-construct a Route
To record waypoints to create or re-construct a route associated with an incident, the
Routing data form is used.

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To enter Waypoints information and create or re-construct a route:

Note: Once a route has been created, the route is automatically displayed on the
incident map view to assist with subsequent search planning and management
operations. When the Routing data form is first accessed, the form is blank.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Waypoints
information added.
3. To enter or view information for waypoints, click the Routing tab. The Routing data
form appears with the current waypoint information.
4. To enter a new route, under Routes for this Incident, click Add. In the highlighted
boxes, type in the information.
5. Select Great Circle or Rhumbline to specify how to draw the route.
6. Once the first waypoint is entered, the subsequent waypoints can be inserted in
sequence before or after the first waypoint. To insert a new waypoint after the selected
waypoint, click Insert Waypoint After Selected. To insert a new waypoint before the
selected waypoint, click Insert Waypoint Before Selected.
Note: Only one waypoint can be set as the Last Known Position (LKP). The
Estimated Position default data uses the data entered on the Marine Detailed
data form for the Course, Speed, and DTG fields.
7. To set a waypoint as the LKP, select the waypoint, and then click Set LKP. A check
mark appears beside
to indicate that the selected waypoint is the LKP.
The incident Lat/Long in the header is updated.
8. To delete a waypoint, select the waypoint to be deleted, and then click Delete
5.5.12 Calculating Radial/DME Coordinates for Use with Routing Information
To calculate Radial and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) coordinates of a
navigational aid, the Navigation Aids window is used. The calculated results provide
coordinates that the Operator can then copy and paste into the Routing data form to
provide additional information for creating or re-constructing a route.
To perform the Radial/DME Coordinates calculation:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.

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3. To enter or view information for waypoints, click the Routing tab. The Routing data
form appears with the current waypoint information.
4. To calculate radial/DME coordinates, click Launch NAV Aids Window. The
Navigation Aids window appears.
5. Under Search For Point By, select the search option, enter the search string, and click
Search. The search results are displayed.
6. To show the search results on the incident map, select the results you want to display,
and then click Map. The incident map appears with the selected point identified.
7. To copy the search results, select the results you want to copy, and then click Copy
Location. The results are copied to the clipboard and can be pasted.
8. To calculate the radial/DME, on the search results select the item that is the reference
location, type in the Radial and the DME, and then click Calculate Radial/DME.
9. To show the selected reference location on the incident map, click Map Reference
Location. The incident map appears with the reference point indicated.
10. To show the calculated location on the incident map, click Map Calculated Location.
The incident map appears with the calculated point indicated.
11. To copy the calculated location to the Routing data form, click Copy Calculated
Location. The calculated location is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into the
Routing data form.
12. To close the Navigation Aids window, click

13. To paste the coordinates into the Routing data form, on the Routing data form select
the coordinate boxes and right-click and then select Paste Lat/Long. The coordinates
appear in the Latitude and Longitude boxes.
5.5.13 Adding Flight Plan Information to Routes
To add flight plan information to a route:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have Flight Plan
information added.
3. To enter or view flight plan information, click the Routing tab. The Routing data form
appears with the current flight plan information.
4. To add or modify flight plan information, enter the information in the flight plan
5.5.14 Estimating Survivor Location Using IAMSAR Worksheets
The IAMSAR aeronautical and marine environment drift worksheets are used to estimate
the survivor location.

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Note: To use IAMSAR worksheets requires a working knowledge and comprehension of

the information that must be entered into the worksheets to properly estimate the
survivor location. The worksheets used are Aeronautical Drift Worksheet; Datum
Worksheet (Marine Environment); Average Wind Aloft (AWA); Average Wind
Surface (ASW); Total Water Current (TWC); and Error.
To estimate a survivor location:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, select the appropriate incident.
3. Click the IAMSAR tab.
4. To create a worksheet for determining datum, click New Worksheet.
The Worksheets for Determining Datum appear.
5. For determining aeronautical drift, click the Aeronautical Drift Worksheet tab. The
Aeronautical Drift Worksheet appears. To calculate the aeronautical drift, use the
AWA Worksheet, entering the required information.
6. For determining marine environment drift, click the Datum Worksheet tab. The
Datum Worksheet appears. To calculate the marine environment drift, use the ASW,
TWC, and Error Worksheets, entering the required information.
Note: For the Aero drift, Step 7 is optional. For Marine drift, Step 7 is required.
7. After entering the required aeronautical or marine environment drift information in the
worksheets and performing the required calculation based on the information entered,
close the Worksheets for Determining Datum window.
Note: All SRUs for an incident should be entered before running the Effort
Allocation and Mapping Module.
8. On the IAMSAR data form, under Effort Allocation & Mapping Worksheets, click
New Worksheet. The Effort Allocation & Mapping Worksheet appears.
9. On Effort Allocation & Mapping Worksheets, enter the required information, and
then click Next. The Assigned Search Facilities worksheet appears.
10. On Assigned Search Facilities, enter the required information and perform the
required calculations using the Estimate buttons. To accept the information, click
Next. The Effort Allocation & Mapping Worksheets window appears with the
calculated estimated information. Click Next. To show the information on a map, click
Map Search Areas. A map appears, identifying the search area, tasking areas, starting
points, and the datum point.
11. On the TOC (map legend) that appears on the left of the map, right-click the required
Tasking area to select the search pattern type for the selected Tasking area. To map
the search pattern, click OK.

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12. In the Effort Allocation & Mapping Worksheets window, to view the probability
map, click Map Probability. A map appears with the probability map identified. To
view the legend for the probability map, on the map legend that appears on the left of
the map double-click the Probability Mapping item. The Legend window appears for
the selected Probability Mapping item.
5.5.15 Estimating the Search Object Position based on the Last Known Position
Based on the search objects course, speed, and time/date of the last known position
(LKP), an estimated position can be calculated to provide additional information in
locating the search object.
To estimate the Search Object Position position:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. Click the Routing tab. The Routing data form appears with the Estimated Position
Note: If the LKP is already known, you do not need to do Step 4.
4. To estimate a position, locate the LKP coordinates to use in the calculation and click
Set LKP. A check mark appears beside
waypoint is the LKP being used in the calculation.

to indicate that the selected

5. Under Estimate Position from LKP, enter the Course, Speed, Date/Time at LKP,
and Target Date/Time.
6. To calculate the estimate position from the selected LKP, click Estimate Position
from LKP. The estimated position coordinates appear in the two boxes below the
Estimate Position from LKP button and the incident map appears.
7. To mark the estimated position on the map overview, click Mark Overview. The
overview map appears and the estimated position is identified.
5.5.16 Marking Incident View
To mark the estimated position on the incident map view, click Mark Incident View. The
incident map appears and the estimated position is identified.
5.5.17 SAR Briefing Reports
The SAR Briefing Report is specific to a Sortie and includes a list of all navigation
waypoints for the assigned tasking areas search pattern and contact and communication
plan information for the SRU.

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To generate a SAR Briefing Report:

Note: To generate a SAR Briefing Report, Microsoft Word 2003 or later is required.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident
3. On the Sorties subtab of the SRU tab, select a Sortie from the list.
Sorties can be sorted on any column by double-clicking the column label.
4. On the Briefing subtab, click SAR Briefing Report.
5.5.18 Tracking Search and Rescue Units (SRUs)
Search and Rescue Units (SRUs) that are assigned to an incident can be identified and
tracked as the incident progresses through the different stages. In addition, a SAR Briefing
Report can be generated to provide SAR information to SAR personnel.
To view an SRU:
1. On the SARMaster Incident Manager toolbar, click File, and then click Open
Incident. The Incidents/Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, select an incident.
3. Click the SRU tab. The SRU data form appears with the three subtabs: Details,
Sorties, and Contacts.
To add an SRU:
1. On the SRU tab, click the Details subtab, and then click ADD.
2. Enter the SRU information in the appropriate fields.
To delete an SRU:
1. On the SRU tab, click the Details subtab.
2. Select the SRU to be deleted.
3. Above the subtabs, click DELETE.
4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
5.5.19 SRU Communication Plan
The SRU Communication Plan provides a location for a description or additional notes for
a particular SRU.
To view/edit the SRU Communication Plan:
1. In the SRU subtab, select an SRU.
2. Click the SRU Contacts subtab.

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3. The editable Communication Plan text box is located at the bottom of the tab.
5.5.20 Selecting Agency SRU Resources and SRU Names
If Resources and their Assets have been assigned to Agencies in the RDM, they appear in
the SRU Name lists on the IMM SRU tab.
To select pre-defined Agencies, Resources, and SRU names:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. Click the SRU tab. The SRU data form appears.
4. To add an SRU, click Add. A blank row appears.
5. To select an Agency, click on the Agency drop-down list. Select the agency.
6. For the selected Agency, to select a Resource, click on the Resource drop-down list.
Select the Resource.
7. For the selected Resource, to select an SRU Name, click on the SRU Name dropdown list. Select the Name.
5.5.21 Recording Weather Conditions for an Incident
Weather conditions that affect an incident, such as hose at the actual site of the emergency
or other locations relevant to the incident operation, can be recorded and updated as
To record the weather information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have weather
information added.
3. Click the Weather tab.
Note: Entering information in either of the Visibility boxes automatically displays
the equivalent. For example, if the information is entered in nautical miles, the
equivalent statute miles are displayed. Entering information in either of the
Wave Swell Height boxes automatically displays the equivalent. For example,
if the information is entered in metres, the equivalent feet are displayed.
4. To add a new weather observation, click the Insert button ( >* ). Enter the new
weather information.

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5. To navigate between two or more weather observations for an incident, click

to move forward and backwards.
6. To remove a weather observation, click the Delete button (x). The selected weather
report is removed.
5.5.22 Using Checklists to Plan and Manage an Incident
Checklists can be created and used to assist with the planning and management of an
To use Checklists to Plan and Manage an Incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. Click the Checklist(s) tab. The Checklist data form appears with the checklists listed
in alphabetical order.
Note: Checklists and Fact Sheets must be created by the System Manager.
4. To open and view a checklist, locate the checklist and click Start. The selected
checklist tab name appears beside the List of Checklists tab and the Used box is
selected to indicate that the checklist has been recorded as used.
5. To automatically log the information entered in the checklist, select Autolog All. The
Log data form will automatically be updated with the information.
6. If a fact sheet is available for the checklist, click VIEW SUPPORTING
DOCUMENT to open and view the fact sheet.
7. To enter information in a checklist, go to the checklist tab for the specific checklist.
Double-click on the checklist item to be updated. A window opens where information
for that item can be entered. Click OK to save the changes.
To preview or print a checklist:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File and then click Open Incident List.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. Click the Checklists tab.
4. Under Checklist Name, select the checklist to be previewed.The selected checklist
appears in the Preview pane.
5. To print the selected checklist, click Print.

If a checklist has already been started, no preview is available. To print a checklist

that has been started, switch to the tab for that checklist and click Print on the
checklist tab.

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Recording Statistics for an Incident

Statistics can be recorded to collect information that can be used to evaluate the
performance of SAR operations. The information recorded on the form can be used to
generate reports about the types of operations performed and in evaluating the effects of
changes in processes, checklists, or operations procedures made to improve the
performance of SAR operations.
To record statistics about an incident:
Note: The POB totals are added using the POB Outcome totals from the Air, Marine,
and Humanitarian data forms. The POB Outcome on the Statistics data form
cannot be changed.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have statistical
information added.
3. Click the Statistics tab. The Statistics data form appears with two subtabs, Details and
Critical Factors.
4. Enter the required information as needed.


Closing an Incident
To close an incident, set its status to Closed using the Status drop-down in the incident
If an incident has already been closed, a message appears asking if the original closure
time should be overwritten with the current closure time.


Adding Attachments (Files) to an Incident

Attachments can be added to an incident to provide additional information about the
incident. The attachments can be, for example, images of the aircraft, vessel, or person in
distress, text documents that supplement existing information, or maps.
Note: When attachments are added, they are numbered in the order that each attachment
is added. The first attachment is listed as Number 1, the second attachment as
Number 2, and so on. If an attachment is deleted, the remaining attachments are
not renumbered. For example, if attachment Number 1 is deleted, the first
attachment listed is Number 2. Log entries for deleted attachments record the
attachment number.
E-mail files that are received and/or sent using Microsoft Outlook 2000 or 2003 can be
dragged and dropped into the Attachments data form.

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To add attachments to an incident:

Note: Attachments (files) can be added to active suspended, or closed incidents as
needed. For example, a closed incident can have a report from a medical
examiner attached after the incident has been closed in SARMaster.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have attachments
3. Click the Attachments tab. The Attachments data form appears.
Note: A copy of the attachment is stored in the database. The original attachment can
be deleted. Attaching large files is not recommended.
4. To add an attachment, click Add Attachment. The Select the file to attach dialog box
appears. Locate (browse) and select the file that is to be attached to the incident.
5. Click Open. A dialog box appears asking Who is this file from?
6. Enter the name of the person or organization from whom the came, and then click OK.
7. The file name and information appears in the Attachments data form list.
8. To open the file, under the Filename column, select the file, and then click Open
Attachment. The file appears.
9. To delete the file, under the Filename column, select the file, and then click Delete
Attachment. The select file is removed from the list.
10. To display previously deleted attachments that were deleted within the previous hold
period (default of 90 days), enable the Show Deleted check box.
11. To reactivate an attachment that was deleted, click the Undelete button for that

Looking Up and Modifying Resource Contact and Asset Information

Resource contact and asset information can be quickly retrieved using the RDM. Initially
set up by the System Manager based on agency types and listings, countries and regions,
and contact types, the RDM provides the Operator with an online reference that can be
used to quickly locate resource information. Resource contact names and contact
information, such as telephone or e-mail addresses, can be displayed. The associated
assets, such as aircraft or vessels, that are available for use in planning and managing SAR
incidents, can also be retrieved and displayed.
In addition, the Operator can add or modify the current information for resources,
contacts, assets, and functions. The function allows for sorting and filtering the
information based on the function type description. Multiple contacts and functions can be
added to each asset.

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Accessing the RDM

Note: The System Manager is responsible for creating the agency type, agency
listing, defined countries and regions, contacts types, and function types. The
Operator can only add, modify, or delete resources, contacts, assets, and
To view a resource:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click RDM. The RDM Resource
Data Model window appears. The agencies are listed in alphabetical order.
2. On the RDM Resource Data Model window, select the agency type and the agency
name for that type.
3. Expand and collapse the agency list to view the resource contact, asset, or function
Note: If there are a large number of agency resources, a message appears warning
that displaying all the items can take several minutes to complete. Click Yes to
continue or No to cancel.
4. Right-click the agency, and then click View Agency Description to view a brief
description of the agency.
Note: When adding a new resource for an agency or an asset to the resource, the
dialog boxes provide a Flash on Map button that can be used to show the
resource location on the map. The location is based on the latitude and
longitude coordinates entered in the dialog box.
To add a new resource item to the agency:
1. Right-click the agency, and then click Add New Resource to Agency. The Edit
Resource Information dialog box appears.
2. Enter the information and any optional information in the comments field.
3. Click Save to create the new agency resource.
4. Click Cancel to close the Edit Resource Information dialog box.
To add a resource contact:
1. Right-click the resource, and click Add Contact. The Edit Contact Information dialog
box appears.
2. Enter the contact information and skills the contact possesses.
3. Enter any optional information in the Note field.
4. Click Save to create the new resource contact.

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5. Click Cancel to close the Edit Contact Information dialog box.

To add a resource asset:
1. Right-click the resource, and then click Add Asset. The Edit Asset Information dialog
box appears.
2. In the Edit Asset Information dialog box, enter the information.
3. To Save the asset information, click Save.
4. Click Cancel to close the Edit Asset Information dialog box.
To add a resource function:
1. Right-click the resource, and then click Add Function. The Edit Function Information
dialog box appears.
2. Enter the information and any optional information in the comments field.
3. Click Save to create the new resource function.
4. Click Cancel to close the Edit Function Information dialog box.
To edit an existing resource item:
1. Under the resource, right-click the contact, asset, or function name and then click
2. After the edits are complete, click Save to update the resource information and then
click Cancel to close the dialog box.
To delete a resource item:
1. Under the resource, right-click the contact, asset, or function name and then click
2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Searching and Filtering Resource Information

Note: The System Manager is responsible for creating the agency type, agency
listing, defined countries and regions, contacts, and function types. The
Operator can only add, modify, or delete the resource contact, asset, or
function. The search results are dependent upon the RDM setup that was
created by the System Manager.
To filter and search for agency resource information:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click RDM. The RDM Resource
Data Model window appears. The agencies are listed in alphabetical order.

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2. To search for a specific resource, contact, asset, location, or skill by name, click
Toggle Search. The Search Results window appears.
3. Under Filters, in the Search Type list, select a search type.
4. In Search for, either:
Type in the resource, contact, asset, or location name and press Enter.
5. To view the associated resource in the RDM window, double-click the item in the
search results window. The item appears in the agency tree list.
Note: The resource contact and address information have expiry dates. The expiry
date is automatically set to 365 days (one calendar year) from the time the data
is first entered. The expiry date can be changed at any time or the date can be
renewed (the new expiry date is 365 days from the renewed date). Resource
information that has expired appears in red text in the dialog boxes and when
displayed in the Agency List, the Current column displays a red symbol
expired information and a green symbol


for current information.

6. To filter by agency, on the RDM Resource Data Model window, under Tree Type,
click Agency.
7. Under Filters, in the Function list, select a function type to filter by. The results
appear based on the Function list selection.
8. To filter by function, on the RDM Resource Data Model window, under Tree Type,
click Function.
9. Under Filters, in the Agency list, select an agency type to filter by. The results appear
based on the Agency list selection.
Note: The RDM can be filtered to only display resources that are located in the
specified area. If an agency or function filter is already applied, the GIS filter
applies an additional filter to that data.
10. To filter the RDM to only display the resources in a specified region on a map, on the
RDM Resource Data Model window, on the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then
click GIS. The SARMaster - Overview window appears, showing the map.
11. On the map layer legend, select the RDM map layer and expand the layer to ensure the
Resources are selected (visible).
12. On the SARMaster Overview toolbar, select the Query tool
and then select
one of the query tool options. Using the appropriate tool option, select the area on the
map where you want to do the resource search.
13. To view the available resources, click the map. The RDM Resource Data Model
window appears, listing the resource or resources for the selected location or area.
14. To close the RDM Resource Data Model window, click

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Using the Resource Tracker

The Resource Tracker records the disposition of SRUs within a region and provides a
quick status summary of available resources.
Note: The information shown in the Resource Tracker will appear in the Tracked
Resources layer of the GIS.
To use the Resource Tracker:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click Resource Tracker. The
Resource Tracker window appears.
2. Enable one or more check boxes for the applicable site(s) under Site ID.
3. Click one or more items in the Tracking Category list.
4. To set the list to show SRUs from a specific time period, click one of the options in the
Date Filter list.
Note: The alarm setting enables pop-up alarms for overdue resources. Clicking OK
on the alarm pop-up acknowledges the alarm, and clicking Cancel on the alarm
pop-up enables the alarm pop-up to appear again.
5. To temporarily disable any alarms that the ResTracker will generate, such as for an
overdue SAR time, enable the Suppress Alarms check box.
6. To refresh the Resource Tracker, click Refresh.
7. To enter update information on an SRU, click Enter SITREP. The Enter SITREP
dialog box appears.
8. Enter the necessary updated information in the SRU Name, Tracking Status,
Position DTG, Latitude, Longitude, Location, Track, Speed, Altitude, Bingo
DTG, SAR DTG, Log Assignment, and Comments fields. Mandatory fields are
shown highlighted in blue.
9. Click Save to save the updates for this SRU, or click Save and Log to save the updates
and create a new log entry noting that you updated the SRU information in the
Resource Tracker.
Note: The Remove SRU button is only available the Date Filter setting is None.
Note: You can only remove an SRU if your RCC created that SRU.
10. To remove an SRU from the Resource Tracker window, click Remove SRU. A dialog
box appears asking Are you sure you wish to remove this asset from active
tracking in the ResTracker?
11. Click Yes to indicate that you want to remove this SRU.

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12. To close the Resource Tracker window, click


Working with Incidents in the GIS

The Incident View is a separate window view that is customized for a particular Incident
and provides special functions for working with that Incident. You can add Search Areas,
Tasking Areas, and Search Patterns to the Incident View. You can also customize the
Incident View by adding graphics or text.
An Incident View is initially created for an Incident by double-clicking on the Incidents
layer or by clicking the Incidents Maps button in the IMM. The new Incident View that is
created is centered on the Incident location. Also, in the Incident View several tools are
available that are not available in the Overview.
As with other data in GIS, all Operators on the local network share Incident Views
changes made to an Incident View by one Operator are visible to all other users
Note: If graphics are added, the changes must be saved using the Synchronize Case
button to make it available to other Operators.
Changes to Search Areas are not visible until the Operator manually refreshes the screen.
For example, if an incident is open, any changes to the database by another Operator are
not automatically displayed.
To refresh the screen:


Click Refresh Map

Mapping Incident Information in the GIS

The GIS component can be used to visually display incident information on a map to
quickly show distances between points, resource allocation, search and tasking areas, and
other information that can be used for the planning and management of the incident.

5.12.1 Adding Days to an Incident

When an Incident View is first created, it includes an Incident layer with a name based
on its Incident number. If a SAR Name has been added, the name will also appear. An
Incident layer supports sub-layers such as layers for each Day of the search. Each Day
may have one or more Search Area layers.
In addition, each Search Area can contain one or more Tasking Areas; and each Tasking
Area may contain a unique search pattern, such as an expanding or sector search pattern.
To add additional days to an incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.

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2. On the Layer Manager, right-click Day 1, and then click Add New Day. The Enter
new day number dialog box appears.
Note: If the day number already exists, or the entry is not numeric, the new day is not
3. Type in the new day number, and then click OK. The new day layer appears in the
Layer Manager.
5.12.2 Creating Search Areas
Search areas can be defined to create square, circular, rectangular, or irregular (polygon)
shaped search areas.
5.12.3 Creating Irregular (Polygon) Search Areas
To create an irregular (polygon) search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a polygon (irregular) search area, on the GIS toolbar, click

. The pointer icon changes to the Polygon Search tool symbol

, and then

4. On the map, click a series of point to create vertices.

5. To finish creating the polygon, double-click. The Search Area dialog box appears.
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new search area and
select the colour, terrain factor, and symbology.
7. To view information about the search area, click the Polygon tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.12.4 Creating Circular Search Areas
To create a circular search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If more than one day exists for the incident, select the day to create the search

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3. To create a circular search area, on the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

The pointer icon changes to the Circular Search tool symbol

Note: The circle radius is recorded and displayed in the bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click the centre point of the search area, hold down the mouse button,
and then drag the mouse until the circular diameter is created.
5. To finish creating the circle, release the mouse button. The Search Area dialog box
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new search area and
select the colour, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the search area, click the Circle tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.12.5 Creating Square Search Areas
To create a square search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If more than one day exists for the incident, select the day to create the search
3. To create a square search area, on the GIS toolbar, click
The pointer icon changes to the Square Search tool symbol

, and then click

Note: The dimensions and area of the square are recorded and displayed in the
bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click the centre point of the search area, hold down the mouse button,
and then drag the mouse until the square is created.
5. To finish creating the square, release the mouse button. The Search Area dialog box
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new search area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the search area, click the Square tab.

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8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.12.6 Creating Rectangle Search Areas
To create a rectangle search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If more than one day exists for the incident, select the day for the search area to
be created for.
3. To create a rectangle search area, on the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

. The pointer icon changes to the Rectangle Search tool symbol

Note: The dimensions and area of the rectangle search area are recorded and
displayed in the bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click one corner of the search area, hold down the mouse button, and
then drag the mouse until the rectangle is created.
5. To finish creating the rectangle, release the mouse button. The Search Area dialog box
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new search area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the search area, click the Rectangle tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.12.7 Creating Rectangle (Latitude/Longitude) Search Areas
To create a rectangle search area defined by latitude and longitude coordinates:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If more than one day exists for the incident, select the day for the search area to
be created for.

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3. To create a rectangle search area, on the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

. The pointer icon changes to the Lat/Long Rectangle Search tool symbol

Note: The dimensions and area of the lat/long rectangle search area is recorded and
displayed in the bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click one corner of the search area, hold down the mouse button, and
then drag the mouse until the rectangle is created.
5. To finish creating the rectangle, release the mouse button. The Search Area dialog box
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new search area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the search area, click the Lat Long Rectangle tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.12.8 Creating a Search Area Based on a Previously Defined Route
Search areas can be defined based on information from a previously defined route.
To create a search area based on a route:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the route to be searched.
Note: If more than one day exists for the incident, select the day for the search area to
be created for.
4. To create a buffer for a route, on the GIS toolbar, click
, and then click
The pointer icon changes to the Buffer Route Search tool symbol and the Buffer Area
Creation dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box, enter the information.
6. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click OK. The buffer area appears and
the search area is added to Layer Manager, appearing as part of the incidents first

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Modifying, Regenerating, and Deleting Search Areas

5.13.1 Modifying and Renaming Search Areas

To modify or rename a search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, double-click the search area. The Search Area dialog box
4. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Modify the information.
5. To view information about the search area, click the appropriate search tab that
appears beside the General tab.
6. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.13.2 Regenerating Buffered Search Areas
To regenerate a buffered search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, right-click the search area, and then click Regenerate. The
selected buffered search area is regenerated.
5.13.3 Deleting Search Areas
To delete a search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, right-click the search area, and then click Delete Search Area.
The selected search area is removed from the Layer Manager and map.

Creating Tasking Areas

Tasking areas, sub-areas of a search area, can be searched by individual SRU. If a search
area is not selected, an appropriate area is created. Tasking areas can be defined to create
square, circular, rectangular, or irregular (polygon) shaped search areas.

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5.14.1 Irregular (Polygon) Tasking Areas

To create an irregular (polygon) tasking area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If you do not select an existing search area, a new search area is created.
3. To create a polygon (irregular) tasking area, on the GIS toolbar, click
then click

, and

. The pointer icon changes to the Polygon Tasking Area tool symbol

4. On the map, click a series of point to create vertices.
5. To finish creating the polygon, double-click. The Tasking Area dialog box appears.
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new tasking area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the tasking area, click the Polygon tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.14.2 Circular Tasking Areas
To create a circular tasking area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If you do not select an existing search area, a new search area is created.
3. To create a circular tasking area, on the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

The pointer icon changes to the Circular Tasking Pattern tool symbol

Note: The circle radius is recorded and displayed in the bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click the centre point of the tasking area, hold down the mouse
button, and then drag the mouse until the circular diameter is created.
5. To finish creating the circle, release the mouse button. The Tasking Area dialog box

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6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new tasking area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the tasking area, click the Circle tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.14.3 Square Tasking Areas
To create a square tasking area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If you do not select an existing search area, a new search area is created.
3. To create a square tasking area, on the GIS toolbar, click
The pointer icon changes to the Square Tasking tool symbol

, and then click

Note: The dimensions and area of the square are recorded and displayed in the
bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click the centre point of the tasking area, hold down the mouse
button, and then drag the mouse until the square is created.
5. To finish creating the square, release the mouse button. The Tasking Area dialog box
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new tasking area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the tasking area, click the Square tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.14.4 Rectangle Tasking Areas
To create a rectangle tasking area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If you do not select an existing search area, a new search area is created.

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3. To create a rectangle tasking area, on the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

. The pointer icon changes to the Rectangle Tasking tool symbol

Note: The dimensions and area of the rectangle are recorded and displayed in the
bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click one corner of the tasking area, hold down the mouse button, and
then drag the mouse until the rectangle is created.
5. To finish creating the rectangle, release the mouse button. The Tasking Area dialog
box appears.
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new tasking area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the tasking area, click the Rectangle tab.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.14.5 Rectangle (Latitude/Longitude) Tasking Areas
To create a rectangle tasking area defined by latitude and longitude coordinates:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: If you do not select an existing search area, a new search area is created.
3. To create a rectangle tasking area, on the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

. The pointer icon changes to the Lat/Long Rectangle Tasking tool symbol

Note: The dimensions and area of the lat/long rectangle are recorded and displayed in
the bottom of the map.
4. On the map, left-click one corner of the tasking area, hold down the mouse button, and
then drag the mouse until the rectangle is created.
5. To finish creating the rectangle, release the mouse button. The Tasking Area dialog
box appears.
6. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Type in a name for the new tasking area and
select the color, format, and symbology.
7. To view information about the tasking area, click the Lat Long Rectangle tab.

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8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.14.6 Creating a Tasking Area Based on a Previously Defined Route
Tasking areas can be defined based on information from a previously defined route.
To create a tasking area based on a route:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the route to be searched.
4. To create a buffer for a route, on the GIS toolbar, click
, and then click . The
pointer icon changes to the Buffer Route Tasking tool symbol and the Buffer Area
Creation dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box, enter the information.
6. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click OK. The buffer area appears and
the tasking area is added to Layer Manager, appearing as part of the incidents first
5.14.7 Creating a Tasking Area Based on a Search Area
Tasking areas can be defined based on information from a previously search area.
To create a tasking area based on a search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the search area that the tasking area is assigned to.
Note: If more than one day exists for the incident, select the day for the search area to
be created for.
4. On the selected search area, right-click, and then click Copy Search Area to Tasking.
The Tasking Area dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box, enter the information. To view information about the tasking area,
click the appropriate tasking tab that appears beside the General tab.
6. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click OK. The new tasking area appears
under the search area in the Layer Manager.

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Modifying, Regenerating, and Deleting Tasking Areas

5.15.1 Modifying and Renaming Tasking Areas

To modify or rename a search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, double-click the tasking area. The Tasking Area dialog box
4. On the dialog box, click the General tab. Modify the information.
5. To view information about the tasking area, click the appropriate tasking tab that
appears beside the General tab.
6. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.15.2 Regenerating Buffered Tasking Areas
To regenerate a buffered tasking area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, right-click the tasking area, and then click Regenerate from
Search Area. The selected buffered tasking area is regenerated.
5.15.3 Deleting Tasking Areas
To delete a search area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, right-click the tasking area, and then click Delete Tasking
Area. The selected tasking area is removed from the Layer Manager and map.

Creating Search Patterns

You can add Search patterns to tasking areas to provide a trackline, or procedure that is
assigned to an SRU for searching a specified area. The availability of search patterns is
dependent upon the type of tasking area that has been selected.

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Creeping Line Ahead, Parallel Track, and Irregular search patterns are created as Great
Circle or Rhumbline, depending on the measurement setting that is selected in the GIS
toolbar. You can change toggle the search pattern between Great Circle and Rhumbline in
the search pattern Properties.
Refer to the following table for the search patterns that are available for each tasking area
Search Pattern
Area Type



Line Ahead*


Track Line

Line NonReturn


































Buffer SubArea








Note: Creeping Line Ahead, in all search patterns, is meant to be an estimated distance the
SRU travels. It is not intended to be an actual physical flight plan that should be
precisely followed.
5.16.1 Creating Expanding Square Search Patterns
To add an expanding square search pattern to a tasking area:
Note: The Expanding Square search pattern can be added to any of the available tasking
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the tasking area for the search pattern to be added to.
4. On the selected tasking area, right-click, and then click Create Expanding Square
Pattern. A dialog box appears.
Note: On the General tab, changing the line symbol also changes the track spacing in
the search pattern.
5. On the dialog box, click the General tab to name the pattern, select a style and
symbology, and create a Commence Start Point (CSP).
6. On the dialog box, click the Points tab to view the coordinates of the patterns turning
points and the lengths of each segment of the pattern.

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7. On the dialog box, click the Expanding Square tab to view the latitude and longitude
coordinates, change the pattern values such as track spacing, rotation angle, or total
width, and move the map location using the Get From Map button.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.16.2 Creating Sector Search Patterns
To add a sector search pattern to a tasking area:
Note: The Sector search pattern can only be added to a Circular Tasking Area.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the circular tasking area for the search pattern to be
added to.
4. On the selected tasking area, right-click, and then click Create Sector Square
Pattern. A dialog box appears.
Note: On the General tab, changing the line symbol also changes the track spacing in
the search pattern.
5. On the dialog box, click the General tab to name the pattern, select a style and
symbology, and create a Commence Start Point (CSP).
6. On the dialog box, click the Points tab to view the coordinates of the patterns turning
points and the lengths of each segment of the pattern.
7. On the dialog box, click the Sector tab to view the latitude and longitude coordinates,
change the entry angle or search radius, specify the number of sectors, and move the
map location using the Get From Map button.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.16.3 Creating Creeping Line Ahead Search Patterns
To add a creeping line ahead search pattern to a tasking area:
Note: The Creeping Line Ahead search pattern cannot be added to a Circular Tasking
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.

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2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the tasking area for the search pattern to be added to.
4. On the selected tasking area, right-click, and then click Create Creeping Line Ahead
Pattern. A dialog box appears.
Note: On the General tab, changing the line symbol also changes the track spacing in
the search pattern.
5. On the dialog box, click the General tab to name the pattern, select a style and
symbology, and create a Commence Start Point (CSP).
6. On the dialog box, click the Points tab to view the coordinates of the patterns turning
points and the lengths of each segment of the pattern.
7. On the dialog box, click the Creeping Line Ahead tab to view the track spacing.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.16.4 Creating Parallel Track Search Patterns
To add a parallel track search pattern to a tasking area:
Note: The Parallel Track search pattern cannot be added to a Polygonal or Circular
Tasking Area.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the tasking area for the search pattern to be added to.
4. On the selected tasking area, right-click, and then click Create Parallel Track
Pattern. A dialog box appears.
Note: On the General tab, changing the line symbol also changes the track spacing in
the search pattern.
5. On the dialog box, click the General tab to name the pattern, select a style and
symbology, and create a Commence Start Point (CSP).
6. On the dialog box, click the Points tab to view the coordinates of the patterns turning
points and the lengths of each segment of the pattern.
7. On the dialog box, click the Parallel Track tab to view the track spacing.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.

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5.16.5 Creating Track Line Return or Track Line Non-Return Search Patterns
To add a track line return or non-return search pattern to a tasking area:
Note: The Track Line Return and Track Line Non-Return search patterns can only be
added to a Buffer Sub-Area for a Tasking Area.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the buffer-sub area tasking area for the search pattern to
be added to.
4. On the selected tasking area, right-click, and then click Create Track Line Return
Pattern or Create Track Line Non-Return Pattern. A dialog box appears.
Note: On the General tab, changing the line symbol also changes the track spacing in
the search pattern.
5. On the dialog box, click the General tab to name the pattern, select a style and
symbology, and create a Commence Start Point (CSP).
6. On the dialog box, click the Points tab to view the coordinates of the patterns turning
points and the lengths of each segment of the pattern.
7. On the dialog box, click the Track Crawl tab to view the track spacing and pattern
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.16.6 Creating Irregular Search Patterns
To add an irregular search pattern to a tasking area:
Note: The Irregular search pattern can only be added to a Polygonal Tasking Area.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the polygonal tasking area for the search pattern to be
added to.
4. On the selected tasking area, right-click, and then click Create Track Line Return
Pattern or Create Track Line Non-Return Pattern. A dialog box appears.

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Note: On the General tab, changing the line symbol also changes the track spacing in
the search pattern.
5. On the dialog box, click the General tab to name the pattern, select a style and
symbology, and create a Commence Start Point (CSP).
6. On the dialog box, click the Points tab to view the coordinates of the patterns turning
points and the lengths of each segment of the pattern.
7. On the dialog box, click the Irregular Pattern tab to view the latitude and longitude
coordinates, change the track spacing or rotation angle, and move the map location
using the Get From Map button.
8. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click Apply or click OK. The changes
are applied to the map and the dialog box closes.
5.16.7 Adjusting the CSP
Note: CSP can only be adjusted in creeping line, parallel track, track line return, track
line non-return, and irregular search patterns.
To adjust the CSP (creeping line, parallel track, track line return & non-return):
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. Right-click the search pattern layer in the Layer Manager, and then click Adjust CSP.
4. Click in a corner of the search area where the new location of the CSP should be, and
drag your cursor in the direction that you want the search pattern to start in.
5. Click to set the CSP and search direction.
To adjust the CSP for an irregular search pattern:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. Right-click the search pattern layer in the Layer Manager, and then click Adjust CSP.
4. Click the mouse button down where you want to set the new CSP.
5. Drag your cursor in the direction in which you want the search pattern to go. The new
CSP and search pattern appear.
6. Click to accept the new search pattern direction.

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5.16.8 Changing the Search Pattern Great Circle/Rhumbline Setting

Search patterns can be drawn in a tasking area according to Great Circle or Rhumbline.
The default setting is determined by the Great Circle/Rhumbline tool in the GIS toolbar.
To change the great circle/rhumbline setting for a search pattern:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, double-click on an incident. The selected incident map
3. On the Layer Manager, right-click on the search pattern you want to modify. The
Properties window opens.
4. On the tab named after the search pattern, select either Great Circle or Rhumbline.
5. Click OK.
The search pattern is redrawn with the new measurement setting.
5.16.9 Viewing Search Pattern Navigation Points
To view the CSP for a search pattern:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, double-click on an incident. The selected incident map
3. On the Layer Manager, right-click on the search pattern for which you want to view
the CSP. The Properties window opens.
4. Click on the Navigation Points tab. The details of the CSP location are displayed.

Zooming In and Out on a Map and Map Layers

Several menu bar and toolbar options are available for zooming in and out of a map.
To use the zoom features:
Note: The mouse wheel can be used to quickly zoom in and out of a map. Position
the pointer over the map and roll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the
displayed map.
1. Map layers are active (displayed) when a checkmark appears in the checkbox located
beside the layer name in the Layer Manager. A blank checkbox indicates that the layer
is invisible (not displayed). A red X indicates that the layer is active, but not visible
at the current map scale that is selected. Zooming in or out will display the layer and
the red X changes to a checkmark.

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2. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
Note: When using the zoom tool to zoom out on a map, the smaller the rectangle is
defined, the greater the magnitude of the zoom.
4. To use the zoom tool, on the GIS toolbar, click

. The pointer icon changes to the

zoom tool symbol

. To zoom in on a map area, position the pointer on the map,
hold down the left mouse button, drag the pointer to create a rectangle of the map area
that you want to zoom in on, and then release the mouse button. The map zooms in on
the rectangle area. To zoom out on a map area, position the pointer on the map, hold
down the right mouse button, drag the pointer to create a rectangle of the map area that
you want to zoom out on, and then release the mouse button. The map zooms out on
the rectangle area.
5. To use the zoom buttons to zoom in and out of the centre of the map, on the GIS
toolbar, to zoom in, click

or to zoom out, click

Note: The zoom previous tool allows the Operator to view up to a maximum of 15
previously zoomed views. The zoom next tool is available after the zoom
previous tool is clicked.

To display previous zoomed or panned views, on the GIS toolbar, to display a

previously zoomed view click

or to move to the next previously zoomed view,

7. To zoom to a map layer, select the map layer and then on the GIS toolbar, to display
the selected layer click

. The map changes to show the contents of the selected map

Working with Routes on Maps in the GIS

A route in SARMaster is identified as an ordered series of points, normally used to
represent the path, flight plan, or marine direction of a person, aircraft, vessel, or other
search object. Each point is stored as a latitude/longitude pair.
In addition to being assigned a sequence within the route, each point in the route may also
be assigned a date and time to represent the actual, estimated, or planned time when the
search object occupied that specific point.

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5.18.1 Creating (Drawing) a New Route

Routes are drawn based on the Great Circle/Rhumbline setting in the GIS toolbar.
To draw a new route
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a new route, on the GIS toolbar, click
Draw New Route tool symbol

. The pointer icon changes to the

4. On the map, click a series of points to create the new route.

5. To finish creating the new route, double-click the last point. The completed route
appears as a line, with red dots showing a change in direction points, and the Route
Name dialog box appears.
6. In the dialog box, type in the route name and click OK. The new route appears in the
Layer Manager Routes Layer.
Note: To have the route name appear on the map, in the Layer Manager, right-click
the route, and then click Label Visible. To hide the route name, click Clear
5.18.2 Creating an Incident from a Route
To create an Incident from a Route
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the route to be copied to an incident.
4. On the selected route, right-click, and then click Copy to Incident. The Copy Route to
Incident dialog box appears.
5. In the dialog box, from the Incident list, select an existing incident or create a new
incident, and then click OK.
6. If an existing incident is selected, the route is copied to the incident map and the route
appears on the incident map. If a new incident is created, a new incident number is
created and the route appears on the new incident map.

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5.18.3 Editing Route Coordinates in the GIS

To edit a route using the GIS:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the route to be renamed.
4. On the selected route, right-click, and then click Edit. The selected route is placed in
an edit mode and the route name is displayed in italics in the Layer Manager.
5. On the map, double-click the route that is to be changed. The Graphics Object dialog
box appears.
6. On the dialog box, select the PolyLine tab.
7. To modify the selected route point, select the point and change the coordinates.
8. To perform other edits, right-click the required route point. A menu appears.
9. On the menu, select the required edit option.
10. To add the new point coordinates, click Add Point, click Apply, and the click OK.
The new route coordinates are displayed on the map and the route line is adjusted to
reflect the new coordinates for that point.
11. To stop editing, on the route name that appears in italics, right-click, and then click
Stop Editing. The route name appears as plain text in the Layer Manager Route
5.18.4 Renaming a Route in the GIS
To rename a route using the GIS:
Note: To have the route name appear on the map, in the Layer Manager right-click
the route, and then click Label Visible. To hide the route name, click Clear
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the route to rename.
4. On the selected route, right-click, and then click Rename Route. The Route Name
dialog box appears.
5. Type in the new name, and then click OK. The new route name appears in the Layer
Manager Route Layer.

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5.18.5 Deleting a Route in the GIS

To delete a route using the GIS:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the route to delete.
4. On the selected route, right-click, and then click Delete Path. The Confirm Delete
dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the route.
5. To delete the route, click Yes. The route is removed from the Layer Manager and the
5.18.6 Reversing the direction of a Route in the GIS
To change the direction of a route using the GIS:
1. On the Layer Manager in the GIS, select the route to reverse.
2. On the selected route, right click, and then click Reverse Path Direction.
The route now draws in the opposite direction from previously.
5.18.7 Changing the Great Circle/Rhumbline Setting for a Route in the GIS
To change the Great Circle/Rhumbline setting of a route using the GIS:
1. On the Layer Manager in the GIS, double-click on the route to change. The Properties
window opens.
2. On the Object tab, select Great Circle or Rhumbline.
3. Click OK.

Zooming to Search Areas, Tasking Areas, Search Patterns, and Routes

Several options are available for zooming to search and tasking areas, search patterns, and
routes on a map.
To zoom to a Route:
1. Right click on the route to zoom to in the GIS legend (Layer Manager).
2. Select Zoom To Path in the popup menu. The map extents change to show all the
points on the route.
To zoom to a search area or Tasking Area:
1. Right click on the Search Area or Tasking Area to zoom to in the GIS legend (Layer

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2. Select Zoom To Search Area or Zoom to Tasking Area in the popup menu. The map
extents change to show all the points of the selected area.
To zoom to a Search Pattern:
1. Right click on the search pattern to zoom to in the GIS legend (Layer Manager).
2. Select Zoom To Pattern in the popup menu. The map extents change to show all the
points of the selected pattern.

Great Circle and Rhumbline

The GIS toolbar contains a tool used to toggle the default measurement setting between
Great Circle
and Rhumbline
. This is the measurement setting that is applied
when you use the measurement tool, or when you draw lines or routes. For example, if the
measurement setting is set to Great Circle and you use the measuring tool to measure a
distance on the map, the distance is measured as Great Circle.
To change the default measurement setting, click on the icon on the toolbar.


Measuring Map Distances

To measure the distance between two or more points:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the GIS toolbar, click

. The pointer icon changes to the measuring tool symbol

4. On the map, click once on the starting point for the measurement.
Note: As the pointer moves, the total length of the line in nautical miles, the length of
the current segment in nautical miles, and the bearing coordinates of the
current segment are displayed on the bottom of the map. The T indicates a True
bearing and the M indicates a magnetic bearing.
5. Move the pointer to the end point.
6. To finish, double-click.

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5.21.1 Measuring Map Distances to a Closest Point

To measure the distance between two points:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manger, select the map layer to measure the distance to a closest point.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

. The pointer icon changes to the measuring tool symbol

5. On the map, click a point to get the distance from the point clicked to the closed point
on the selected layer. The distance, in nautical miles, is displayed on the bottom of the

Changing the Map Scale

To change the map scale to a pre-set value:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the GIS toolbar, click Scale. The Scale menu options appear.
3. Select the scale option. The selected scale value appears in the Scale 1: box and the
map resizes to the new selected scale.
To change the map scale to a specific value:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the GIS toolbar, click in the Scale 1: box, highlight the current scale and then type
in the new scale value.
3. On the keyboard, press Enter. The map is resized to match the entered scale.


Querying Map Layers

To query a map feature and display the attribute values of the feature:
Note: For beacon layers (composites or elementals) and Sightings, SARMaster
Utilities is activated and the related data form appears with the selected
features highlighted. For Resources, the RDM Resource Data Model window
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.

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2. On the GIS toolbar, click

, and then click

Query by Rectangle/Point tool symbol

. The pointer icon changes to the

3. In the GIS layer manager, select (highlight) the layer you want to query by clicking on
its name (note: not on its checkbox).
4. On the map, click a point to get the attribute value for and then either click the point or
draw a rectangle for the area. The Query Results window appears. Under Clear, the
features are listed and under Field and Value, the attributes for the selected feature are
5. To close the Query Results window, click

6. In addition, if the feature is available for the layer and the System Manager has set the
feature to be active, a query popup window appears when the query tools are active
and the mouse pointer moves over a map feature belonging to one of the currently
selected layers. The information that is displayed identifies or describes the feature at
the location of the mouse pointer. If additional information for the feature exists, but
cannot be displayed, the bottom line will display the number of additional features that
exist, but cannot be displayed.
5.23.1 Querying a Map Based on a Circular Search Radius
To query a map layer based on a circular search radius:
Note: The Query by Circle tool results are dependent upon what type of layer is be
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.

On the GIS toolbar, click

Query by Circle tool symbol

, and then click

. The pointer icon changes to the

4. On the map, click a starting point to be the centre of an area to be queried, hold down
the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse outward until the radius is selected.
The radius of the circle is displayed at the bottom of the map as the circle is drawn.
The Query Results window appears. Under Clear, the features are listed and under
Field and Value, the attributes for the selected feature are listed.
5. To close the Query Results window, click

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5.23.2 Querying a Map Based on a Polygon Shaped Search Area

To query a map layer based on a polygon shaped search area:
Note: The Query by Polygon tool results are dependent upon what type of layer that
is being queried.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the GIS toolbar, click
Query by Polygon tool symbol

, and then click

. The pointer icon changes to the

4. On the map, click a starting point to be the start of the polygon and continue to click
the map to create the polygon vertices. To finish, double-click. The Query Results
window appears. Under Clear, the features are listed and under Field and Value, the
attributes for the selected feature are listed.
5. To close the Query Results window, click

Viewing a Map Layer Attribute Table and Locating Map Layer Features
Most map layers have a corresponding attribute table that contains a record (row) of
information for each feature, such as the name and contact information for an airport,
allowing the Operator to open the table and browse through the records to locate
To open a layers attribute table:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. In the Layer Manger, select the layer.
3. On the GIS toolbar, click
. The Layer Attributes window appears, displaying the
selected layer title and table records.
Note: Double-clicking on one of the table rows identifies the location of the feature
item by briefly flashing the location on the map. The map view is adjusted to
show the location.
4. To close the Layer Attributes window, click Exit.

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5.24.1 Searching for Text in Layer Attributes

To search for text in layer attributes:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. Select the layer.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

. The Find in Layer dialog box appears.

Note: The search is case sensitive.

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Blank Page

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Setting or Refreshing the View in the GIS

The GIS view can be set to limit the number of items tools, buttons, or bars that are
displayed at the top of the view.
To set the GIS display:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the toolbar, click View. A menu appears with the selected options.
3. Select the options that should be displayed (a checkmark appears beside the option) or
hidden (no checkmark is visible).
4. To refresh the GIS view, on the toolbar click View, and then click Refresh. The view
is refreshed.


Creating and Modifying Map Labels

You can display Labels that appear in the Layer Manager on the map using map labeling
tools. These tools allow you to quickly create an area based on a rectangular, circular,
irregular (polygon), and rectangle with extended lines (callouts) to identify a specific area
on a map where you can see labels.
You can also hide or reveal labels for each layer.


Labelling a Rectangular Area

To label a rectangular area on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to be labelled. The selected map layer appears.
Note: Features that are within the label area and features that are partially within the
label area that is created are labelled.
3. To define a rectangular label area, on the GIS toolbar, click
. The pointer icon changes to the Label tool symbol

and then select


4. On the map, left-click and then hold and drag the pointer. To complete the label area,
release the mouse button. All features within the label area appear.

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Labelling a Circular Area

To label a circular area on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to label. The selected map layer appears.
Note: Features that are within the label area and features that are partially within the
label area that is created are labelled.
3. To define a circular label area, on the GIS toolbar, click
The pointer icon changes to the Label tool symbol

and then select

4. On the map, define the circle centre, left-click and then hold and drag the pointer. To
complete the label area, release the mouse button. All features within the label area

Labelling an Irregular (Polygon) Area

To label an irregular (polygon) area on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to label. The selected map layer appears.
Note: Features that are within the label area and features that are partially within the
label area that is created are labelled.
3. To define an irregular (polygon) label area, on the GIS toolbar, click

. The pointer icon changes to the Label tool symbol

and then

4. On the map, click a starting point to be the start of the polygon and continue to click
the map to create the polygon vertices. To finish, double-click. All features within the
label area appear.

Labelling a Rectangular Area with Extended Lines

To label a rectangular area on a map with extended lines (callouts):
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to label. The selected map layer appears.

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Note: Features that are within the label area and features that are partially within the
label area that is created are labelled.
3. To define a rectangular label area, on the GIS toolbar, click
. The pointer icon changes to the Label tool symbol

and then select


4. On the map, left-click and then hold and drag the pointer. To complete the label area,
release the mouse button. All features within the label area appear as extended lines

Creating Map Labels

You can create map labels for all items in the visible area that is currently selected.
To create map labels for the current visible area:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer. The selected map layer appears.
4. In the Layer Manager, on the selected layer, right-click, and then click Label Visible.
The labels appear on the map.


Hiding Map Labels

To hide the map labels:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer. The selected map layer appears.
4. In the Layer Manager, on the selected layer, right-click, and then click Clear Labels.
The labels are removed from the map.


Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics

Graphics and text can be added to a map. Text (labels) can be added to help identify map
features and graphics can be added to supplement graphical information. Points, lines,
polygons, circles, squares, rectangles, and text can be drawn as needed on a layer.
A number of map layers can be edited. If the map layer graphic can be edited,
right-clicking on the layer in the Layer Manager displays the Edit option on the menu.
When Edit is selected, the layer name appears in bold and italicized letters to identify that
the layer is now in an edit mode.

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Objects on the Graphics layer can always be edited, but you may need to select the layer
before you can edit it.

Adding Text on a Map

To add text as a label on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click
icon changes to the Text tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, click at the point where you want to put the text. The Text Graphic dialog
box appears.
5. On the dialog box, in Text type the text that will appear on the map. Select the font,
colors, anchor points (graphic symbol), and offset values. To save the changes and
close the dialog box, click OK. The text appears on the map.

Drawing Graphics on a Map


Creating a Circle Graphic

To create a circle on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click
icon changes to the Circle tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, click on the map where you want to put the centre of the circle and then
drag the pointer until the circle size is obtained. To complete the circle, release the
mouse button. The circle appears on the map.

Creating a Point Graphic

To create a point on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.

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3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click

icon changes to the Point tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, create the point or points. The point(s) appear(s) on the map.

Creating a Map Line

To create a line on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click
icon changes to the Line tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, click the first point where the line is to start, and then click at each point
where the line changes direction. To complete the line, double-click. The line appears
on the map where the points were created.

Creating a Map Polygon

To create a polygon on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click
icon changes to the Polygon tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, click the first point where the polygon is to start, and then click at each
point where the line changes direction. To complete the polygon, double-click. The
polygon appears on the map where the points were created.

Creating a Map Square

To create a square on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.

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3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click

icon changes to the Square tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, click on the map where you want the centre of the square, and then drag
the pointer until the square size is obtained. To complete the square, release the mouse
button. The square appears on the map.

Creating a Map Rectangle

To create a rectangle on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. To create a point, on the GIS toolbar, click
icon changes to the Rectangle tool symbol

and then select

. The pointer

4. On the map, click the first point where the corner of the rectangle is to start and drag
the pointer until the rectangle size is obtained. To complete the rectangle, release the
mouse button. The rectangle appears on the map.

Rotating Graphics
To rotate a graphic on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer you want to edit. The selected map layer
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

5. On the map, move the pointer to the graphic that you want to rotate, and click on it to
select it. A set of selection boxes and rotation controls appear around the graphic.
Click one of the rotation points for the graphic (indicated as curved arrows) and hold
down the left mouse button, and then drag the pointer to rotate the graphic. To
complete the rotation, release the mouse button.
6.3.10 Resizing Graphics
You can resize graphics on a map proportionally, or stretch them vertically or horizontally.

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To resize a graphic on a map:

Note: Resizing a graphic by stretching the graphic vertically or horizontally can only
be done on polygon and rectangular graphics.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to edit. The selected map layer appears.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

5. On the map, move the pointer to the graphic you want to resize and click on it to select
it. A set of resizing boxes and rotation controls will appear around the graphic. Click
one of the anchor points for the graphic (indicated as a black square) and hold down
the left mouse button, and then drag the pointer to resize the graphic. To complete the
resizing, release the mouse button.
6.3.11 Moving Graphics
You can move graphics on a map to another location on the map.
To move a graphic on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to edit. The selected map layer appears.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

5. On the map, move the pointer to the graphic you want to move and click on it. The
graphic will become selected. Click the graphic using the pointer (indicated as a hand)
and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the pointer to move the graphic to
the new location on the map. To complete the move, release the mouse button.
6.3.12 Moving Graphic Vertices
You can move graphic vertices on a map to another location on the map.
To move a graphic vertex on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to edit. The selected map layer appears.

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4. On the GIS toolbar, click

5. On the map, move the pointer to the graphic whose vertex you want to move and click
on it to select it. Click one of the anchor points for the graphic (indicated as a black
square with a white centre) and hold down the left mouse button and then drag the
pointer to move the vertex to the new location on the map. To complete the move,
release the mouse button.
6.3.13 Adding Graphic Vertices
You can add graphic vertices to a graphic on a map.
To add a vertex on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to edit. The selected map layer appears.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

5. On the map, move the pointer to the graphic where you want to add the vertex, and
click on it to select it. Right-click the location where you want the vertex to be and
click Add Node. The new vertex appears on the map at the selected location.
6.3.14 Deleting Graphic Vertices
You can delete graphic vertices from a graphic on a map.
To delete a vertex on a map:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to edit. The selected map layer appears.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click

5. On the map, select the graphic by clicking on it. Move the pointer to the vertex to
delete and right-click, and click Delete Node. The selected vertex is removed from the
6.3.15 Forcing Graphic Vertices to Snap to the Closest Layer Point
While editing or drawing a graphic, the vertices can be forced to snap to the closest point
on a layer.

94 - Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics

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To force the vertices to snap to a point on a map:

Note: The Snap-To feature only works if it is within the systems tolerance distance
to an object on that layer.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click GIS. The SARMaster Overview
window appears.
2. On the Layer Manager, select the incident. The selected incident map appears.
3. On the Layer Manager, select the layer to edit. The selected map layer appears.
4. On the GIS toolbar, click
. The pointer icon changes to the Snap tool symbol
Any drawing action now snaps the vertices to the closest point on the layer that is

5. To pause (disable) the Snap-To feature, on the keyboard press and hold the CTRL
6. To turn off (stop) the Snap-To feature, on the GIS toolbar, click

Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics - 95

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Blank Page

96 - Creating and Modifying Map Text and Graphics

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You can print or export Incident information from SARMaster. In addition, information
from external sources, for example a digital image of a person, aircraft, or vessel, can be
imported and included as part of the incident record. Incident records may also be
imported that have been exported from another SARMaster database.

Selecting a Default Printer for Printing Reports

To select a printer for SARMaster:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Printer Setup. The Printer Setup
dialog box appears.
2. On the Printer Setup dialog box, in the Printer list, select the printer, and then click
OK. The selected printer used as the default when printing most of the IMM reports.


Printing Selected Log Entries Based on Date and Time

Printing log entries from a point (date and time) going forward on the RCC Log
Navigation pane, first requires selection of the level or incident that you want to print. For
example, if you want to print all of the unassigned log entries for a date and have all of the
log entries entered after that date also printed then locate and select the log entry as the
starting point.
To print log entries based on time:
1. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Print from Selected Entry. The
SARMaster Print Preview window appears, displaying the selected log entry and all of
the log entries entered after that date and time.
2. To print the log entries, on the SARMaster Print Preview window menu bar, click File,
and then click Print All.
3. To close the window, on the menu bar, click File, and then click Close.


Printing a Specific Log Entry

To print a specific log entry:
1. On the RCC Log Navigation pane, select the level or incident that you want to print.
Then select the log entry you want to print.
2. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Print. The SARMaster Print Preview
window appears, displaying the selected log entry.
3. To print the log entry, on the SARMaster Print Preview window menu bar, click File,
and then click Print All.

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4. To close the window, on the menu bar, click File, and then click Close.

Printing and Exporting Data Forms as Reports


Printing a Data Form as a Report

To print incident data forms as reports:
Note: Before you can print information on data forms, you must have the incident
open. If an incident is not open when you attempt to print a data form, a Print
Error message appears. If a printable report is not available for a selected data
form, a message appears informing you that the data form cannot be printed.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. Click the tab of the data form that you want to print.
4. To print the selected incident data form, on the IMM toolbar, click Print, and then
click Print Tab. The SARMaster Print Preview window appears with the selected data
form name and incident number appearing as a tab.
5. To select the printer setup options, click Printer Setup.
Note: If the SARMaster Print Preview window toolbar buttons are not visible, rightclick the Preview and select the Toolbar option. The toolbar appears below the
data form tab.
6. To print the displayed data form, on the SARMaster Print Preview window, click
The Print dialog box appears. Click OK.

Note: Several tabs can be displayed on the SARMaster Print Preview window,
showing different reports from two or more different incidents. To add reports
from other incidents, leave the Print Preview window open and then open
another incident to add a report. To print all of the reports, on the SARMaster
Print Preview menu bar, click File, and then click Print All.
7. To close the SARMaster Print Preview window, on the menu bar click File, and then
click Close.

Printing Incident Reports into a Single PDF

Incident records can be stored (archived) as a single portable document format (PDF) file.
The PDF file can be retrieved on an as-need basis, viewed online, and if required, printed
or exported.

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Note: To view the PDF file, Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.

If an incident folder has been created, the PDF file is saved in the incident folder. If there
is no incident folder, the file is saved to the last location used in the Print to PDF operation
for the workstation if that location is still available.
If a file already exists, a message is displayed asking the Operator if the file should be
overwritten (replaced).
To print the incident report as a single PDF:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that contains the data form
or forms that you want to print.
3. On the menu bar, click Print, and then click Incident Reports. The Incident Reports
window appears.
4. On the window, select the reports to be saved to PDF, and then click Print to PDF.
The Save PDF File window appears.
Note: On the Save PDF File window, the location of where the file will be saved is
displayed in the Save in: field. Normally this is the incident folder. The File
Name: field can be changed if the file name already exists.
5. To save the file, click Save.

Exporting a Report
To export incident data forms reports:
Note: Before you can export information on data forms, the incident must be open. If
an incident is not open when you attempt to export a data form, an error
message appears. If a printable report is not available for a selected data form,
a message appears informing you that the data form cannot be exported.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that contains the data form
or forms that you want to export.
3. Click the tab of the data form you want to export.
4. To export the selected incident data form, on the IMM toolbar, click Print, and then
click Print Tab. The SARMaster Print Preview window appears with the selected data
form name and incident number appearing as a tab.

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Note: If the SARMaster Print Preview window toolbar buttons are not visible, rightclick the data form window and select the Toolbar option. The toolbar appears
below the data form tab.

5. To export the data form, on the SARMaster Print Preview window, click
. The
Export dialog box appears. Select the Format and Destination, and then click OK.
6. To close the SARMaster Print Preview window, on the menu bar click File, and then
click Close.

Printing Incident Reports

To select and print reports for an incident:
1. On the IMM toolbar, click Print, and then click Incident Reports. The Incident
Reports dialog box appears.
2. On the Incident Reports dialog box, under Tabs, select the tabs (data forms) to be
3. Under Other, select the available options for printing.
4. Click the required tab of the data form that is to be exported.
5. To preview the selections before printing, click Print Preview. The SARMaster Print
Preview window appears, displaying the selected tabs print items.
6. To print from the SARMaster Print Preview window, click File, and then click Print
7. To close the SARMaster Print Preview window, click File, and then click Close.
8. To view or modify the printer setup, on the SARMaster Print Preview window, click
Print Setup. The Print Setup dialog box appears. Change the settings as required and
to save the changes and close the dialog box, click OK.
9. To print the selected items from the Incidents Reports window, click Print. The
SARMaster Print Preview window appears with the selected data form name and
incident number appearing as a tab.
10. To close the SARMaster Print Preview window, on the menu bar click File, and then
click Close.


Printing Attachments
To print incident attachments:
Note: To print attachments that have been added to an incident, the application must
be open and displaying the attachment file. For example, to open and display a

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Microsoft (MS) Word document that has been added to an incident in the
Attachments data form, MS Word must be available.
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that contains the
Attachments data form that contains the attachment to print or export.
3. Click the Attachments tab. The Attachments data form appears, listing the
attachments that have been added.
4. Double-click the attachment you want to print or export.
5. The attachment opens the application (for example, an MS Word attachment file opens
MS Word) and displays the file.
6. To print or export the attachment, use the application print or export features.
7. To return to SARMaster, close the application.

Printing the Resource Agency List

To print the resource agency list:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click RDM. The RDM Resource
Data Model window appears. The agencies are listed in alphabetical order.
2. On the RDM Resource Data Model window, select the agency type and the agency
name for that type.
3. To print the agency list as it appears, from the RDM Resource Data Model toolbar
click Print, and then click Current Tree. The Print dialog box appears.
4. On the Print dialog box, click OK.
5. To print the agency list as an expanded list so that all of the items are visible, from the
RDM Resource Data Model toolbar click Print, and then click Current Tree
(expanded). The Print dialog box appears.
6. On the Print dialog box, click OK.
7. To close the RDM Resource Data Model window, click


Printing the Current Resource Tracker List

To print the current Resource Tracker list:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click Resource Tracker. The
Resource Tracker window appears.
2. Click the Print icon. A Print Preview appears.
3. On the Print Preview, click Print.

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4. To close the Resource Tracker window, click


Exporting Maps as Images and Using Layouts for Printing Maps

Printing a map allows the Operator to use customized layouts for the graphical image
(map) and the printing regions that are included as part of printed image. The printing
regions can include a map, legend, scale, and text box. The design of each layout, with the
appropriate printing regions already pre-defined by the System Manager, are located in the
SARMaster database and made available to each Operator.
A map can be printed either to Visible or To Scale. Selecting Visible prints the view
displayed on the screen. For example, if you are intending to give the printout to an
individual as a search guide, the scale is not usable, and is intended only to provide
general reference points that can be identified.
Selecting To Scale prints a map at a given scale and accurate when printed. For example,
if you are intending to give the printout to an individual as a search guide, and they are
dependent upon the scale accuracy (for example, they will use a ruler to measure distances
on the map) the scale is usable, and is intended only for defined reference points that can
be identified.
Maps can be exported as images, either as bitmaps (bmp) or as Joint Photographic Experts
Group (JPG) image files.


Selecting a Printer for Printing Maps

To select a printer for printing maps:
1. On the GIS Layer Manager, locate the incident or map view you want to print.
2. On the selected incident or map view, adjust the map to the view for printing. For
example, zooming in or out as needed to show more detail of a specific area on the
3. On the GIS menu bar, click File, click Print Layout, and then click either Visible or
To Scale. The SARMaster print layout window appears, with the layout name and
incident number displayed in the window title.
4. Select the layout.
5. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Printer Setup. The Print dialog box
6. On the Print dialog box, select the printer and properties.
7. To save the printer setup changes and close the dialog box, click OK.


Creating Printing Objects for a Map Layout

There are four different objects that can be created for printing a map layout. The printing
object that is printed will correspond to what is currently visible on the map screen, but

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may show more area than is shown on the screen. Use the Preview Mode to confirm that
the area you want to have shown will fit on the printed copy.
Layouts can be stored in the database for later retrieval after they have been setup. The
stored layouts only contain the organization of the objects. They do not contain the actual
lat/long region of the map to be drawn. The area printed is dynamically linked to the view
(selected when the layout is opened). Changes in the GIS map view reflected in the
Preview Mode.
To create a new layout or modify an existing layout:
1. On the GIS Layer Manager, locate the incident or map view you want to print.
2. On the selected incident or map view, adjust the map to the view for printing. For
example, zooming in or out as needed to show more detail of a specific area on the
3. On the GIS menu bar, click File, click Print Layout, and then click either Visible or
To Scale. The SARMaster print layout window appears, with the layout name and
incident number displayed in the window title.
4. On the menu bar, click File, and then click New Layout to create a new layout, or
click Open Layout to open an existing layout, or click Manage Layouts Database to
select a pre-defined layout that exists in the database administered by the System
Note: %INC can be used to automatically insert the incident number;
%SARNAME automatically inserts the assigned SAR Name for the incident;
and %DTG automatically inserts the Data and Time that the layout is
5. To add or modify a text printing object, on the toolbar, click
. Create or modify
the text printing object. To add or modify text, double-click the text object. The Text
Box Layout Object dialog box appears. Enter or modify the text.
6. To add or modify a map printing object, on the toolbar, click
the map printing object.

. Create or modify

7. To add or modify a legend printing object, on the toolbar, click . Create or modify
the legend printing object. To verify if the legend the short or long (complete) version
when printed, double-click the legend object. The Legend dialog box appears. Select
the legend type, and then click OK.
Note: The scale printing object displays the current scale setting of the selected map
8. To add or modify a scale bar printing object, on the toolbar, click
modify the scale bar printing object.

. Create or

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9. To save the layout, on the menu bar click File, and then click either Save Layout or
Save Layout As. The Save As dialog box appears. Browse to the location where you
want to save the file, type in the layout name, and then click Save.

Printing a Map
To print a map:
1. On the GIS Layer Manager, locate the incident or map view you want to print.
2. On the selected incident or map view, adjust the map to the view for printing. For
example, zooming in or out as needed to show more detail of a specific area on the
3. On the GIS menu bar, click File, click Print Layout, and then click either Visible or
To Scale. The SARMaster print layout window appears, with the layout name and
incident number displayed in the window title.
4. On the menu bar, click File, and then click New Layout to create a new layout, or
click Open Layout to open an existing layout, or click Manage Layouts Database to
select a pre-defined layout that exists in the database administered by the System
Note: Step 5 is optional.
5. After the layout has been created or selected, on the toolbar, click View, and then click
Preview Mode. The map view created in Step 2 appears in the layout, with the
selected print regions displaying the appropriate information. To cancel the print
preview mode, click Preview Mode. The layout, without the map information,
6. To print the displayed layout, on the menu bar click File, and then click Print. The
Print dialog box appears.
7. To print the displayed layout, click OK.


Exporting a Map
To export a map:
1. On the GIS Layer Manager, locate the incident or map view you want to export.
2. On the selected incident or map view, adjust the map to the view for exporting. For
example, zooming in or out as needed to show more detail of a specific area on the
3. On the GIS menu bar, click File, click Export, and then click either BMP or JPG.
The Save As dialog box appears.
4. Browse to the location where you want to save the file, type in the layout name, and
then click Save. The Image Size dialog box appears.

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5. Type in the Width and Height requirements, and then click OK.

Importing a CSV File

Comma Separated Value (CSV) data can be imported from comma delimited text files as a
route for an incident. The following table describes the fields used during the import
File Name



The numeric value representing the latitude.


The numeric value representing the longitude.


The identification (ID) of the trak.


The date of the trak. Note that the format must be: dd-mmm-yy.
For example: 31-Dec-00, 10-Jan-53, 14-Oct-06


The time of the trak. Note that the format must be:


An additional field used with Id to identify individual traks.

To import a CSV file:

Note: The format for the file is a plain text file with comma-separated fields. The first
row of the file should contain comma separated field names. The files are case
1. On the GIS Layer Manager, locate the Route layer.
2. On the Route layer, right-click, and then click Import CSV Route. The Open dialog
box appears.
3. Browse to the location of the file, select the file, and then click Open. The file is
imported into the selected incident.

Printing GIS Search Patterns

To print GIS search patterns:
1. Right-click the GIS search pattern layer that you want to print in the Layer Manager.
2. Click Print Points. The list of GIS search pattern points opens in a preview window.
Note: You can also print a list of GIS search pattern points from the search pattern
Properties dialog box using the Print Points button on the Points tab.
3. Click Print. The list prints.


Exporting and Importing Incidents to and from a File

You can export Incidents to a file or import Incidents from a file.

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Exporting an incident to a file allows for the incident to be sent to another site. For
example, the file can be an attachment to an e-mail or other options available for your site.
Importing an incident from a file allows for the incident to be received from another site
and added to your site as an incident that can be planned and managed.
7.10.1 Exporting an Incident to a File
To export an incident:
1. In the IMM, open the Incidents/Cases window and display the list view of the
2. Select the incident.
3. From the menu bar, click File, and then click Export Incident. The Save Incident
Export File dialog box appears.
4. In the File name box, either accept the displayed incident number as the file name or
type the file name and then select the folder to save the incident to.
5. To save the file, click Save.
7.10.2 Importing an Incident from a File
To import an incident:
1. From the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Import Incident. The Select the
Incident file to import dialog box appears.
2. In the File name box, enter the file name and then select the folder to save the incident
Note: If the incident already exists in the local database, a message will appear
informing you that the incident already exists and provide you with the option
to cancel the import process.
3. Click Open. The incident is imported to the local SARMaster database.
4. To view the incident that has been imported from another site, in the Incidents/Cases
window, the check box for the imported incident site identification (ID) must be
selected. To ensure that the Site ID is selected, navigate to the Incidents/Cases window
and verify that the Site ID box in the upper right-hand corner of the window is

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Recording Statistics for an Incident

Statistics can be recorded to collect information that can be used to evaluate the
performance of SAR operations. The information recorded on the form can be used to
generate reports about the types of operations performed and in evaluating the effects of
changes in processes, checklists, or operations procedures made to improve the
performance of SAR operations.
To record statistics about an incident:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the incident that will have statistical
information added.
3. Click the Statistics tab. The Statistics data form appears.
4. Enter the information.


Changing the Incident Status to Closed

Once an incident has completed the conclusion stage, the incident status can be changed to
indicate that the incident is no longer active.
To change the incident status:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Open Incident List. The Incidents/
Cases window appears.
2. On the Incidents/Cases window, double-click the appropriate incident.
3. In the incident header, in the Status list, select the new status.
To close the incident window, on the IMM menu bar, click File, and then click Close. The
Incidents/Cases window displays the incidents. If you have closed an incident, the
incident will only be displayed in the list when the Status is set to view either All or
Closed incidents. If you have suspended an incident, the incident will only be displayed in
the list when the Status is set to view either All or Suspended incidents.

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Blank Page

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Selecting and Resetting Columns for the Incident List


Selecting Columns Headings to Display

You can rearrange the order of Columns in a list by clicking once on a column header and
then dragging the selected column to the new location in the list.
To select the columns headings to be displayed for the incident list:
1. Right-click the column header, and then click Select Columns. The Select Columns
options list appears.
2. Select the columns that you want to appear in the incident list window.


Resetting the Columns

To reset the columns to be displayed for the incident list:
Right-click the column header, and then click Reset Columns. The columns are reset
to display all of the available columns.


Setting User Options

You can select and modify options that are active when they are logged into SARMaster.
To set the user options:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click User Options. The User Options
dialog box appears.
Note: The language setting will not be displayed until you close and the re-open
2. To set the language that will be displayed, click Language, and then select the
required language from the drop-down list.
3. To set the default date filter for listing Closed, Suspended, and All incidents, in List
incidents for previous__days, type in the number of days. Incidents that are older
than the entered number will not be displayed in the list.
4. To have the incident's map activated in the GIS when the incident's window is
activated in the IMM, click Link Active GIS/IMM. Note that the incident map must
already be open in the GIS.
5. To have the incident open in the IMM when a log entry is saved to it in the RCC Log
or Quick Log, click Link Log Entry/IMM.

Changing Settings - 109

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Note: If the option in the following step is selected, the Operator will be asked to
enter the DTG of the LKP, the Statistics data form LKP will be automatically
updated, a confirmation of the existing incident header incident position will
be displayed, and a Quick Log window will be displayed for the Operator to
enter information about the LKP. The LKP position on the new route will be
identified with an X or other symbol that is set by the System Manager.
6. To have a message displayed that prompts you for a Last Known Position (LKP) on a
new route, click Prompt for LKP on New Route.
7. To enable pop-up alerts to appear on your desktop when the time for a tracked asset
has elapsed, enable the Enable ResTracker popup alerts check box.
8. To enable sound alerts to play when the time for a tracked asset has elapsed, enable the
Enable ResTracker audible alerts check box.
9. To refresh windows every time they are activated in order to show any changes by
other users, select Refresh Windows on activate.
10. If the Incident Forwarding System is installed, some additional options are available.
Select Check for Received Incidents and RDM data in order to receive notification
when information is received by the system. To play a sound when an incident is
received via IFS, click Play sound when incident is received. Specify the sound file
in the Sound file box.
11. To save the changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

Setting the Beacons Automatic Narrative Display and Alert Sounds


Setting the Automatic Narrative Message Detections Options

You can configure Utilities to automatically display a message or play a sound when
various types of narrative messages are detected.
To setup automatic message notification:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the SARMaster Utilities window, click Tools, and then click Options. The
Options SARMaster Utilities window appears.
3. On the General tab and Beacon Msg. Handling tab, select the alert and display
4. To save the changes and close the window, click OK.

110 - Changing Settings

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Selecting and Resetting Columns for the Composites List


Selecting the Columns Headings to be Displayed

The column order in the list can be re-arranged by clicking once on a column header and
then dragging the selected column to the new location in the list.
To select the columns headings to be displayed for the composites list:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the C/S Composites tab, right-click the column header, then click Select
Columns, and then click the column to be displayed. Repeat this step to display or
hide other columns. The composites list changes to display the columns that were


Resetting the Columns

To reset the columns to be displayed for the composites list:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the C/S Composites tab, right-click the column header, and then click Reset
Columns. The columns are reset to display all of the available columns.


Selecting and Resetting Columns for the Elementals List


Selecting the Columns Headings to be Displayed

The column order in the list can be re-arranged by clicking once on a column header and
then dragging the selected column to the new location in the list.
To select the columns headings to be displayed for the elementals list:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.
2. On the C/S Elementals tab, right-click the column header, then click Select Columns,
and then click the column to be displayed. Repeat this step to display or hide other
columns. The composites list changes to display the columns that were selected.


Resetting the Columns

To reset the columns to be displayed for the elementals list:
1. On the IMM menu bar, click Utilities, and then click SARMaster Utilities. The
SARMaster Utilities window appears.

Changing Settings - 111

SARMaster Operator User Guide

2. On the C/S Elementals tab, right-click the column header, and then click Reset
Columns. The columns are reset to display all of the available columns.

112 - Changing Settings

SARMaster Operator User Guide

The following abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and terminology are used throughout
SARMaster and listed to provide assistance to Operators.
Note: Some of the items listed may not be available in your SARMaster version.



Degrees Celsius

True North


The file name extension that identifies graphic images encoded in

the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file interchange


The file name extension that identifies documents encoded in the

Portable Document Format developed by Adobe Systems. To
display or print a .pdf file, you must have Adobe Acrobat reader




In SARMaster, this term is used to describe a property of a buffer

sub-area for a tasking area. The acrosstrack is the area height that
crosses the intended track to be searched. The height is measured
on the left and right of the centre of the track to be searched. See
also Alongtrack and Calculated From Area.


A single address for a contact. The address is any method of

communication. For example, a telephone number, fax number, email address, or Web site.


Automatic Direction Finder

Aeronautical Incident

A SAR incident (not humanitarian or maritime) involving an



Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (United States)


In SARMaster, this term is used to describe a property of a buffer

sub-area for a tasking area. The alongtrack is the start and stop
points parallel to the intended track to be searched. The values are

Glossary - 113

SARMaster Operator User Guide

measured from the start of the track. See also Acrosstrack and
Calculated From Area.

Air Operations Centre (Canada)


Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere


An individual facility that can be used in an emergency

management incident. In the SARMaster Resource Data Model,
an agency can have one or more resources assigned to it, with
each resource having assets.

ASW Worksheet

Average Surface Wind worksheet. Used in the SARMaster

IAMSAR worksheets to estimate the survivor location. Used for
marine environment drift. Two types of forces cause survival craft
on the ocean to move (drift): current and wind. The worksheet
allows for the computation of where survivors may be located by
estimating the rate and direction of the drift.


In SARMaster, when autolog is selected, the information is

automatically recorded as a log entry. If the information is part of
an incident, the information is recorded as a log entry for that


In the GIS, the autopan feature is automatically displayed when

the user places the mouse pointer near the edge of a map. When
the user holds down the right-mouse button, the autopan is
activated and the map automatically begins to pan (move) in the
direction that is indicated by the arrow.

Awareness Stage

A period during which the SAR system becomes aware of a

potential or actual incident.

AWA Worksheet

Average Winds Aloft worksheet. Used in the SARMaster

IAMSAR worksheets to estimate the survivor location. Used for
aeronautical drift, since a pilot will normally attempt to maintain
altitude as long as possible and if the pilot is forced to descend,
this action is performed either by gliding the aircraft or, if a
parachute is available, using the parachute to glide to safety.


The direction from where you are (start or departure point) to

where you want to go (end point or destination).


Bit Map. An image format that is used to identify raster graphics

that stored in a bit map format. It is one of two formats that can be
used in the GIS to export a map. The file name extension is.bmp.

114 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Calculated From Area In SARMaster, this term is used to describe a property of a buffer
sub-area for a tasking area. The calculated from area is a option
that the user can use to determine the along track end point based
on a desired coverage area, which is calculated by multiplying the
Acrosstrack times the Alongtrack. See also Acrosstrack and

Civil Air Patrol (United States)

CAP Grid

The Civil Air Patrol map grid used by CAP personnel for
performing search patterns during SAR operations. Using
sectional charts produced by the United States Geological Survey
(USGS), CAP delineates a standard grid system based on 15
minute USGS quads. The quarter grids are labeled as A, B, C, and
D, corresponding with NW, NE, SW, and SE.


Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (Canada)


The term Case is used interchangeably with the terms

Incident or Mission.


Citizens Band


Compact Disk Read Only Memory


Cold Exposure Survival Model. Used on the data form Survival

Model tab, the model can be run to predict the survival rate of a
person at risk of hypothermia.


A composite signal received by SARMaster as part of the beacon

alert information transmitted from the MCC.

Conclusion Stage

A period during a SAR incident when SAR facilities return to

their regular location or base and prepare for another mission.


A point of contact for a resource. A resource can have multiple

contacts. A contact can have a primary address and additional
addresses. For example, telephone land line number, telephone
cell number, Web site, fax number, and e-mail address. In the
SARMaster Resource Data Model, an agency can have two or
more resources, with each resource having a contact.


The term Controller is used interchangeably with the terms

Operator or User

Glossary - 115

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Coordinate. For SARMaster, coordinates are usually the latitude

and longitude.

Coordinate System

In the GIS, a reference system that is used to locate geographic

features on maps.


Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking (Sarsat). Cospas is

the Russian equivalent in the Cyrillic alphabet. A constellation of
low- and high-earth orbit satellites that listen for radio distress
signals on 121.5, 243.0, and 406.025 MHz from ELTs, EPIRBs,
and PLBs.


See also Cospas and Sarsat. For information on the terminology

used on the SARMaster Cospas-Sarsat Beacon data forms, refer
to the Cospas-Sarsat Web site


Canadian Search Area Definition


Combat Search and Rescue


Commence Search Point. The point normally specified as the

point where a SAR facility is to begin their search pattern.


Comma Separated Value

Cumulative PODs

The accumulated probability of detection for finding the search

object based on the current information entered in SARMaster.


Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File


In IAMSAR, Datum refers to the predicted location after drift.

Datum Area

An area in where it is estimated that the search object is mot

likely to be located.

Datum Line

A line, for example the distressed aircraft or vessels intended

track line or a line of bearing, which defines the centre of the area
where it is estimated that the search object is most likely to be

Datum Point

A point, for example a reported or estimated position, at the

centre of the area where it is estimated that the search object is
most likely to be located.

Datum Worksheet

Used in the SARMaster IAMSAR worksheets to estimate the

survivor location. Used for marine environment drift. Two types

116 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide

of forces cause survival craft on the ocean to move (drift): current

and wind. The worksheet allows for the computation of where
survivors may be located by estimating the rate and direction of
the drift.

Database Management System


Defence and Civil Institute for Environmental Medicine (Canada)


Day Month Year box label. For example, for the date October 14,
2004 enter 14 Octo 2004.






Distance Measuring Equipment. A combination of ground and

airborne equipment which gives a continuous slant range
distance-from-station readout by measuring time-lapse of a signal
transmitted by the aircraft to the station and responded back.
DMEs can also provide groundspeed and time-to-station readouts
by differentiation.


Department of National Defence (Canada)


Date Of Birth


The file name extension for a Microsoft Word file (.doc).


Department Of Defense (United States)


Data Source Name. In a Web page that is linked to a database, or

several databases, a name that is used to refer to data queries, or
entered data, from the Web page to the desired database.


Date Time Group


Emergency Location Beacon Aircraft


An elemental signal received by SARMaster as part of the beacon

alert information transmitted from the MCC. Similar to raw
beacon information, normally used in the USMCC to AFRCC
transmission of beacon alert information that includes both
elementals and composites.

Glossary - 117

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Emergency Locator Transmitter. An aircraft radio that is designed

to automatically transmit a radio distress signal on 121.5 or in the
406 MHz band in the event of a crash. Military ELTs transmit on
243.0 MHz. The signals can then be picked up by aircraft and


Emergency Management Organization (Canada)


Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. A radio beacon,

carried by boats and ships, that is designed to float and transmit a
radio distress signal in the 406 MHz band in the event of an
emergency. The signal is coded to identify the transmitter and its
current GPS-derived location. The signals can then be picked up
by aircraft and satellites.

Error Worksheet

Average Surface Wind worksheet. Used in the SARMaster

IAMSAR worksheets to estimate the survivor location. Used for
land and marine environment drift. The worksheet allows for the
computation of where survivors may be located by estimating the
rate and direction of the drift and calculating the total probable
error of the position.


Refers to the geographic limits of a map view. Used in the GIS

component In SARMaster, an extent is similar to a favorite that
is saved when you are using a Web browser, such as Internet
Explorer (IE). The extent saves the coordinates of the selected
map area that is currently being viewed, but does not save the
objects that have been placed on the view. The extent can be
saved, printed, and exported.


Federal Aviation Administration (United States)




feet per minute


File Transfer Protocol

Freq. Filter

Frequency Filter

Gear Config.

Gear Configuration


Geographic Information System


Greenwich Mean Time

118 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Global Positioning System. A constellation of satellites owned

and operated by the United States military that transmit signals
that a receiver can decode to provide a location. Civilian units are
generally accurate to about 10 metres (30 feet).

Greenwich Mean Time The mean solar time on the 0-degree meridian at The Royal
Observatory in Greenwich, England, reckoned from midnight.
The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the basis for standard time
Greenwich Meridian

The meridian adopted by an international agreement in 1884

as the prime median. The 0-degree meridian is from which all
other longitudes are calculated.


Graphical User Interface


High Frequency. Radio frequencies in the 3 to 30 MHz band,

proving relatively reliable propagation over long distances.


Hours and Minutes




Hypertext Markup Language

Humanitarian Incident A SAR incident (not aeronautical or maritime) which requires a

response by the SAR system to preserve human life or relieve
human suffering.

Abnormal lowering of the internal body temperature heat lossfrom exposure to the elements (cold air, wind, or water).


International Civil Aviation Organization


Incident Command System. A method of running an incident, that

is scalable and expandable to handle an incident that can range in
size from small to large events.


Identification or Identifier


Incident Forwarding Service a SARMaster application feature

that allows incidents to be forwarded from one site to another site


Instrument Flight Rules. Defined as a ceiling 500 to below 1000

feet AGL and/or a visibility of one (1) mile to less than three (3)

Glossary - 119

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Instrument Landing System. A precision instrument approach

system which normally consists of several electronic components
and visual aids.


International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue



Incident Management Module


International Maritime Organization number


International Maritime Organization: Formerly known as the

Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
(IMCO), was established in 1958 through the United Nations to
coordinate international maritime safety and related practices. For
information on the terminology used on the SARMaster
IAMSAR data form and worksheets, refer to the IMO Web site

Inc/Msn Closed

Incident/Mission Closed


An occurrence or event, either human caused or natural

phenomena, that requires action by emergency personnel to
prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and or
natural resources. The term Incident is used interchangeably
with the terms Case and Mission in SARMaster.


The term Incident is used interchangeably with the terms

Case or Mission

Incident Commander

The overall person in charge of a search. The person oversees

operations while the search manager deals with the details of the
search. In addition, the person provides the authority to requests
for resources.

Incident Map

In the GIS, a specific map for an incident, that shows the

information that is related to that incident for example, airborne
reports, Composites, or Resources.

Incident Number

Used in SARMaster, the incident number is a unique identifier for

each incident that is created. For example, MT04I00017 is
defined as: MT = Site ID (in this example the State of Montana);
04 = the year 2004; I = Incident (if this is a T, then it is a Training
Incident); 00017 = identifies this as the 17th incident created in
the year 2004 by the State of Montana site. The incident number
year is automatically updated at the start of each new calendar

120 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide

year and restarts the numbering at 00001 for the first incident
created in that year. For example, for the year 2006, at the State of
Montana site, the first incident number would be MT06I00001.

A system of geostationary satellites for world-wide mobile

communications services, which support the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and other emergency


Inertial Navigation System. An RNAV (Area Navigation) system

which is a form of a self-contained navigation.

International Date Line A meridian of longitude lying 180 degrees east and west of the
Greenwich meridian. It divides the worlds time zones into those
that are 12 hours ahead or 12 hours behind the Greenwich
standard time. A person travelling west across the date line adds
one day, while a person travelling east across the date line
subtracts one day.

Joint Photographic Experts Group. An image format that is

commonly used on the Internet and is preferred when images
have graduated colors. It is one of two formats that can be used in
the GIS to export a map. The file name extension is .jpg.


Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (Canada). One of three

locations staffed jointly by Canadian Forces and Canadian Coast
Guard personnel responsible for planning and managing
aeronautical and marine searches.


Joint Search and Rescue Coordination Center (United States)



km/h or km/hr

kilometres per hours


Kilometres Per Hour


Knot. Standard unit of speed in aviation and marine

transportation, equivalent to one nautical mile per hour. One knot
equals 1.1515 mph, and one nautical mile equals 6,080 feet.




The angular distance, expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds

of a point on a GIS map north or south of the equator.

Glossary - 121

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Local Area Network

Laser Refl. Matl

Laser Reflective Material

Last Msg Dtg

Last Message Date Time Group


Used in the GIS, a line is a shape having both length and

direction, but no area, and connecting at least two x, y


Last Known Position. The last confirmed location of a missing

aircraft, boat, ship, or person. This is similar to PLS (Point or
Place Last Seen) used as the starting point for missing persons.




The angular distance, expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds

of a point on a GIS map east or west of an arbitrarily defined
median usually the Greenwich prime meridian.


Long Range Navigation


Loss Of Signal


List of Ships Number. Used for maritime vessels.



In the GIS, a graphic image on a flat surface of the physical

features of the whole, or a part of, the earth. The mp uses shapes
to represent objects and symbols to describe their nature. The
scale is normally less than 1:1, uses a specified projection, and
indicates the direction of orientation

Map Layers

In the GIS, map layers are a collection of features that represent a

distinct type or category of information. For example, airports,
roads, or rivers are different layers. Most of the map layers have a
corresponding attribute table that contains a record (row) of
information for each feature. For example, the information can be
the contact name and contact information for an airport.

Map Layer Types

In the GIS, several map layer types are available, depending upon
the installed SARMaster version. The layer types include:
database layers; graphics map layers; special map layers; raster
map layers; and vector map layers.

122 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Magnetic North

The direction, from a point on the earths surface, of North shown

by a compass. See also True North and Grid North.




Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic. A military program to

assist in serious civilian medical emergencies by providing

Maritime Incident

A SAR incident (not aeronautical or humanitarian) involving a

vessel or person, including the medical evacuation of person(s)
from a vessel.


The evacuation of a person or persons for medical reasons.


Meteorological Aerodome Report. The primary observation code

used in the United States to satisfy requirements for reporting
meteorological data. The minimum requirements include wind,
visibility, runway visual range, present weather, sky condition,
temperature, dew point, and altimeter setting.

Meteorological visibilityThe maximum range at which a large object, such as land masses
or mountains, can be seen. Also referred to as meteorological

Mission Control Centre. Part of the COSPAS-SARSAT system

that accepts alert messes from the local user terminals (LUTs) and
other mission centres to distribute to the appropriate rescue
coordination or other SAR points of contact.






The term Mission is used interchangeably with the terms

Incident or Case.


Mega Hertz


Maritime Mobile Service Identity. Maritime Mobile Service

Identities are formed of a series of nine digits which are
transmitted over the radio path in order to uniquely identify ship
stations, ship earth stations, coast stations, coast earth stations,
and group calls. These identities are formed in such a way that the
identity or part thereof can be used by telephone and telex

Glossary - 123

SARMaster Operator User Guide

subscribers connected to the general telecommunications network

principally to call ships automatically.

A common pointing device used with a personal computer (PC)

to navigate the installed software application, such as


Miles Per Hour




Mountain or Marginal Visual Flight Rules. Defined as a ceiling

1,000 to 3,000 feet AGL and/or a visibility of three (3) to five (5)


Navigation Aids

Nav Aids

Navigation Aids


National Imagery and Mapping Agency (United States) Now

called National Geospatial Intelligence Agency


Nautical Mile




Next Of Kin


No Radio. The loss of the ability to communicate by radio.


North American Air Defence Command


Notice To Airmen. A publication issued periodically to aircraft

pilots to advise them of changes to the national airspace system.
The equivalent for maritime vessels is the NTM.


Notices To Airmen Publications. A publication issued on a

regular basis and designed primarily for the pilot. The publication
contains NOTAM (Notice To Airmen) information considered
essential to the safety of flight, to inform pilots of new or changed
aeronautical facilities, services, procedures, or hazards,
temporary or permanent.


Notice To Mariners. A publication issued periodically to maritime

vessels to advise them of changes to existing nautical charts. The
equivalent for aircraft is the NOTAM.

124 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Open Database Connectivity. An interface that makes it possible

to access different database systems with a common language.


Officer In Charge


Operational Navigation Charts


The term Operator is used interchangeably with the terms

Controller or User. The term Operator is used in
SARMaster to identify the individual who operates the
SARMaster application and does not have administrative (System
Manager) privileges. This individual, depending upon the
location of the SARMaster installation, is also referred to as a
user, end-user, coordinator or controller.


A situation where an aircraft or vessel has failed to arrive at its

intended destination when expected and remains missing.


Used in the GIS, this is the superimposing of two or more maps

for a common coordinate system, showing the relationships
between features that occupy the same geographic area.

Overview Map

In the GIS, a general map, that shows a summarized view of all

current RCC activity.


Quality Control. A Statistics data form function that allows user

to perform a quality control check on the incident data forms and
verifies that the fields that are missing information.


A request that selects information (records) from a database.


Portable Document Format. A format used to allow for the

display and printing of SARMaster documentation. You need
Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the PDF.

Place Name

The geographic location of a place name for example a city,

town, village, lake, park, dam, bridge, canyon, forest, woods, or
other geographic landmark that can be searched for using the
Gazetteer to produce the place name latitude and longitude and
allow the location to be viewed on a map.


Used in the GIS, the pan tool allows a user to move (pan) a
window up, down, diagonally, across a displayed map without
changing the viewing scale.

Glossary - 125

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Planning Stage

A period during a SAR incident when an effective plan of

operations is developed.


Personal Locator Beacon. A radio that is designed to transmit a

distress signal, usually on 121.5 or 406.025 MHz. The small radio
size allows for individuals to carry it with them. For example,
when hiking or hunting.


Point or Place Last Seen. Used as the starting point for missing
persons. Similar to LKP (Last Known Position) used in air SAR
to indicate the last confirmed location of a missing aircraft, boat,
ship, or person.


Probability Of Area. The chances that the search object, or clues

related to that search object, are in a specific area.


Person On Board


Probability Of Detection. The chances of finding the search

object, based on the terrain, critical spacing, and available
resources. An assumption is made that the object is in that search


An area bounded by a closed loop of straight-line arc segments.


Probability Of Success. The chances of finding the search object,

based on the POA and POD.


A method that transforms the three-dimensional surface of the

earth to a two-dimensional plane. Basically, the curved surface of
the earth is portrayed on a flat surface.


In cartography (maps), the method of distorting the curved shape

of the earth onto the flat surface of a map. The project affects how
one measures distance and bearings. Two examples of projection
are the use of Transverse Mercator projection (used in Canadian
topographic maps) and Lambert Conformal projection.




Quality Check. Used in SARMaster for the Statistics data form,

the features allows the Operator to perform a quality check that
identifies and displays the incident data forms and fields that are
missing information.

126 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide


Raster images are made up of individual dots. Each dot has a

defined value that precisely identifies its specific colour, size, and
location within the image. Also known as bitmapped images.
SARMaster uses raster images for air and marine charts, and are
digital maps created by scanning and geo-referencing paper
maps. The maps provide a means of quickly displaying highly
detailed geographic information as a backdrop or background for
other map layers.


Rescue Coordination Centre


Resource Data Model

RDM Layer

The map layer in the GIS that is used to show on a map the
locations of resources that have been recorded in the RDM
agency list,


Relational Database Management System


Registration. Used in the Marine data form to record a ship

registration or LOS #.


An organization that has personnel and assets (for example,

equipment) that is available and can be used for emergency
management purposes. In the SARMaster Resource Data Model,
an agency can have two or more resources, with each resource
having contacts, assets, and functions assigned to it.


Relative Humidity


Receive Only. The capability to receive radio communications,

owing to the absence or failure of the transmitter.


In SARMaster, the route of the search object aircraft, vessel, or

hiker can be determined if information is available (for
example, a flight plan) and mapped, with potential search and
tasking areas assigned to the route information.


Regional Supervisor, Maritime Search and Rescue


Search and Rescue. This comprises the search for, and provision
of aid to persons, ships, aircraft, or other craft which are, or are
feared to be, in distress or imminent danger.

SAR Stage

The five typical steps in the orderly progression of SAR missions.

The stages are normally considered to be: Awareness; Initial

Glossary - 127

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Action; Planning, Operations, and Mission Conclusion.

SARMaster provides features and functionality that allows for the
recording and management of the information related to each of
the stages.

Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking. COSPAS is the

Russian equivalent in the Cyrillic alphabet. A constellation of
low- and high-earth orbit satellites that listen for radio distress
signals on 121.5, 243.0, and 406.025 MHz from ELTs, EPIRBs,
and PLBs.


In cartography (maps), the difference between a distance on the

map compared to its representation of the actual (real) ground.
For example, on a1:50,000 map, one centimeter, inch, metre, or
foot on the map represents 50,000 centimeters, inches, metres, or
feet on the ground. Converting 50,000 centimetres to 500 metres,
therefore 1 centimetre on the map is 500 metres or 0.5 kilometres
on the ground. Small scale maps, for example 1:50,000 scale or
less, show smaller areas in greater detail. Large scale maps, for
example 1:100,000 scale or greater, show larger areas with less

Search Area

The area, that is determined by the search planner or equivalent

individual, which is to be searched. The area may be sub-divided
into search sub-areas for the purpose of assigning specific
responsibilities to the available search facilities.

Search Pattern

In the GIS, search areas, a track line or procedure assigned to an

SRU for searching a specified area can be defined and visually
displayed on incident maps. Examples of search patterns are
Creeping Line Ahead, Parallel Track, Crawl Track, and others.


A GIS file format used by the Environmental Systems Research

Institute (ESRI) ArcView software product that creates maps. The
shapefile is a vector data storage format for storing the attributes,
location, and shape of geographic features.


SAR incident data. Developed by the Canadian Coast Guard, the

GIS-model enables managers to compare accident statistics and
risk by various criteria and provide additional information in SAR
strategic planning.


Situation Report. A report giving the situation in the area of a

reporting unit or formation.SLDMBsSelf Locating Data Marker

128 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide

Buoys. A datum marker buoy that determines its own position

and includes the position information in the transmission of the
beacon signal. He beacons usually transmit through satellite

SAR Point Of Contact. Rescue coordination centres and other

established and recognized points of contact which can accept
responsibility to receive COSPAS-SARSAT alert data to enable
the rescue of persons in distress.


Search and Rescue Region. An area of defined dimensions,

associated with an RCC, within which SAR services are


Search and Rescue Sub-region. A specified area within a SAR

region associated with a rescue sub-section.


Search and Rescue Unit. A unit composed of trained personnel

and provided with equipment suitable for the expeditious conduct
of SAR operations.

Survival Equip.

Survival Equipment


A graphic used to represent a geographic feature or type of

features. Fro example, in the GIS, an airplane enclosed in a circle
and coloured red is the default symbol for quickly identifying a
resource on a map.


The set of conventions or rules that define how geographic

features are represented with symbols on a map in the GIS.


In the GIS, the action a user performs when requested to

automatically update changes that have been implemented in the

System Manager

The term System Manager is used in SARMaster to identify the

individual who manages (administers) the SARMaster
application and has administrative (System Manager) privileges.
This individual, depending upon the location of the SARMaster
installation, is also referred to as a system administrator,
admin, or application administrator.

T air

Air temperature


Tactical Air Navigation. A UHF electronic rho-theta air

navigation aid which provides aircraft, with the appropriate

Glossary - 129

SARMaster Operator User Guide

equipment installed, a continuous indication of bearing and

distance to the TACAN station.
Tasking Area

In the GIS, tasking areas can be defined and visually displayed on

incident maps to show the tasking area for SAR facilities.
Examples of tasking areas are Across Track, Along Track, and

Text Label

In the GIS, the text that is placed next to a map feature and used
to label the map and the map geographic features. The label
identifies and/or describes the feature.


Table Of Contents. Used in the GIS, the TOC is located on the left
side of the GIS window, displaying a list of map layers and the
symbology used for the current displayed map.

Track Spacing

The distance between adjacent parallel search tracks.

True North

The direction, from any point on the earths surface, to the

geographic North Pole, located at 90 degrees north latitude. See
also Magnetic North and Grid North.

TWC Worksheet

Total Water Current worksheet. Used in the SARMaster

IAMSAR worksheets to estimate the survivor location. Used for
marine environment drift. Two types of forces cause survival craft
on the ocean to move drift: current and wind. The worksheet
allows for the computation of where survivors may be located by
estimating the rate and direction of the drift. The TWC
worksheets can have several components, including sea current;
tidal or rotary currents; river current; and local wind current.


Vector images are images that are represented by collections of

independent line and shape objects which are typically defined by
mathematical formulas.


Vessel Tracking System


Visual Flight Rules. Defined as a ceiling greater than 3,000 feet

AGL and/or a visibility of greater than five (5) miles.


Very High Frequency. Radio frequencies in the 30 to 300 MHz

band, used for most civil air-to-ground communication.




Vessel Management System

130 - Glossary

SARMaster Operator User Guide


A ground-based electronic navigation aid transmitting VHF

navigation signals, 360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from
magnetic north.


Ultra-High Frequency. Radio frequencies in the 300 to 3,000

MHz band.


Uniform Resource Locator. An address for a resource (Web site)

on the Internet.


The term User is used interchangeably with the terms

Controller or Operator.


United States Mission Control Center


A maritime craft.


The file name extension for a Microsoft audio Wave file (.wav).


Used in the incident Routing data form, the waypoint can be a

named location or reported navigational fix for example, from
an aircraft transponder anything that assists in identifying the
waypoint. Waypoints can be used to re-construct a flight plan,
sailing route, a hikers intended route, or any other type of route.


What You See Is What You Get. Used in the SARMaster dropdown menus that can be modified by the SARMaster System
Manager, allows the system manger to type in text that viewed by
the user (Operator) in exactly the same format as the text is




Used in the GIS, an action that enlarges and provides greater

detail of a portion of a map. Zooming in provides a smaller, more
detailed view while zooming out provides a larger, less detailed

Zulu. Used worldwide for times of flight operations, formerly

Greenwich Mean Time, now Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
For example, 1500Z, used in the Date Time Group (DTG) in

Glossary - 131

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